Minister Liow, photos and videos don’t lie

Malaysiakini Your Say | Jul 14, 11

‘Fearing the consequences of being called a liar, he flipped and has pointed the finger squarely now at the Tung Shin hospital’s board.’

Liow takes tear gas explanation to Twitter

Karma: How about MCA chief Dr Chua Soi Lek who said that despite video or photo evidence, it is an optical illusion that caused people to believe that tear gas could have been fired into the hospital?

Admit it. Police, except the good ones, were too focused on firing the rounds at the people and forgot their purpose was to maintain peace. No one was violent that day and no one was throwing any stones at the police, so there was no need to attack.

I shed tears when our police attacked their fellow citizens, the majority of whom paid taxes that paid their salary.

Ferdtan: See what happens when you deal with MCA politicians? When the blatant lie that Tung Shin Hospital was not hit by tear gas had become a political hot potato, Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai quickly put the blame on the board of directors of the hospital.

We don’t expect a politician like Liow to play fair (or expect him to resign); but what we are most disappointed is the ‘respectable’ men from the hospital’s board of directors, especially its head, Ng Beh Tong.

He, on behalf of the board, has become an accomplice in the ‘lie’. The ball is now being kicked back to the board – will they have the guts to admit their fault? The head of the board, Ng, must resign for bringing disrepute to the good name of the hospital.

FellowMalaysian: Liow said he is ‘concerned if there is any disruption in hospital services’. I think what he meant to say was he was concerned if the Bersih incidence has caused any disruption to the hospital’s revenue.

Fearing the consequences of being called a liar as there were tonnes of evidences that proved him wrong, he flipped and has pointed the finger squarely now at the hospital’s board. Why then was he so cockily arrogant earlier in defending the board without first checking the credibility of the board member’s statement?

LTL (Liow Tiong Lai) has no spine and no guts. Now that he realised the odds are against him and he is caught in the act, he becomes defensive. But instead of the hospital’s board, he failed to point his barrel at the causal source – the police and FRU.

Little wonder Chua Jui Meng called him Umno’s stooge.

Malaysians Are Not Stupid: Now he is saying the board of Tung Shin Hospital is lying. What kind of leader is this? Can’t even take responsibility for the statement that no one forced him to make in the first place. Anyway as a minister, isn’t incumbent upon you to verify your facts before making a statement?

James Dean: Liow Tiong Lai, the more you talk, the more stupid you sound. Police investigation? You think we are so stupid as you, we all already know what the answer going to be. You are not only blind, you are also deaf.

The IGP (inspector-general of police) and KL CPO (chief police officer) already lied in public that no tear gas and chemical-laced water was shot into Tung Shin Hospital. You expect a fair investigation from the police? There are many photos and vidoes recordings in the Internet for you to see.

Lin Wenquan: Too little, too late, Mr Health Minister. No one is spinning the barbaric scene at Tung Shin Hospital other then your Umno-bootlicking newspapers. You are a political being, so expect your arrogance and denial and lies, even when with a trove of ‘undoctored’ photographic evidence exist to be politically exploited.

Do you mean MCA is so gentlemanly as not to exploit real or concocted mistakes of the opposition? When you gleefully torment the other camp, do expect any special treatment in return?

Your bravado at the news conference at Tung Shin with the sycophant administrator in tow has been imprinted in our minds and we shall not forget and forgive your shameful public display. The people will repay MCA come the next GE, this we can assure you.

Wong Sau Bing: There is one thing I don’t understand about our government. Whatever mistakes they have done, they will deny first, warn the media not to twist reports.

But then in actual facts, the photos and videos can prove it. Why can’t the health minister just admit the mistakes done by the police? Photos and videos don’t lie.

AnakBangsaMalaysia: Liow Tiong Lai, I am not an ‘opposition leader’. I am not even a member of any political party. But I was there at Jalan Pudu when the FRU thugs shelled us, and I was at Tung Shin Hospital when the FRU thugs shelled the hospital.

And I am calling you a bare-face liar and a groveling lackey of Umno. Now that your lie of there being no police attack on Tung Shin Hospital has been buried by the mountains of video and photographic evidence, you try to squirm out of it and cry that ‘opposition leaders’ are ‘making personal attacks’ on you.

What an utterly pathetic and wretched creature you are to continue peddling lies for your Umno masters even in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, but I must thank you.

Between you and the equally despicable Chua Soi Lek, you have helped to ensure that MCA will be well and truly extinguished in the next general election. Give yourself a pat on the back – preferably with a police baton.

15 Replies to “Minister Liow, photos and videos don’t lie”

  1. Liow.If tear gas really fired at Tung Shin and you apologise, I respect you.If you keep quiet I think you are forced into. Now picture showed and you lied.You ought to resign to show bravery.If you dont I pity your future and also your family’s future.
    As for Viagra Chua explanation.He has a valid point depending on which angle of the camera.
    His angle is always in front of the bed.

  2. Liow TL has been carrying and licking bolas for so long to have the decency to resign.He even backstabbed and betrayed OTK to get where he is today.He is a traitor to OTK and now to the people.He will forever be Umno’s lapdog,Saiful’s type of lapdog.He will forever be shunned by his community.He is history come the next GE.

  3. The Police were ‘provoked’ so everything they did was justified. Besides, they used only ‘minimal force’ and were following SOP at that time and did not have any evil intentions. Trust the Police.

    Did they arrest any DAP member or any of its leaders?

    So why all the fuss?

  4. Liow TL should have been the one wearing yellow on July 9th, 2011.Afterall he is yellow from top down to bottom.I really sympathised for him.How can a yellow chicken livered guy face his family whenever he see’s them.How can he ever face his friends and his community.He will forever lived the life of an outcast.

  5. Liow was not in Tung Shin Hospital compound on 9 July so his statement cannot be taken as direct evidence. Does he think that just because he was UMNO-stooge Minister, his words carry weight?

    If Liow had been a respectable person like almost all other ordinary citizens, one might give him the benefit that he might have evaluated eye-witness accounts and put his head to work, and tell the truth. But to Liow, whatever benefits him would be his ‘truth’.

  6. Liow TL, althought you have let the people down very badly you still have a good career ahead of you when you get fired by the people soon.You can joined your boss CSL and starred in his wagging tonque movies.Mana macham Liow,sudah jatoh standard kah.Banyak terouk lah lu.Hahaha.

  7. CSL/LTL, come GE 13 when the rakyat, especially the Chinese, throw you and sadly, the MCA out completely, you might want to know it is nothing against the MCA. They are simply voting against disgusting asslickers like you who are prepared to lie to please your UMNO masters. For the larger MCA members, if you want to remain relevant and have support not only of the Chinese but the Malaysian voters, you might want to find a way to quickly get rid of these two liabilities or you will end as collateral damage and pay the price for the the disgusting, mindless and blind acts of “bodekism” practised by these two eunuchs.

  8. ‘Fearing the consequences of being called a liar, he flipped and has pointed the finger squarely now at the Tung Shin hospital’s board.’

    Next the Rakyat will see the Tung Shin Board leader making a statement that the truth of the matter, the hospital’s licence is at the mercy of the hell ministry (LTL), so if you have your marbles squeezed, you have no choice but to answer woof, woof.

    So the truth of the matter is this is how BN works to arm-twist innocent interested parties to main wayang kulit with this scumbag party to lie, fabricate, twist and turn facts to change black to white and white into black. Best solution for Malaysia is to kick UMNO and BN out of Putrajaya for good. Otherwise our beloved country will sink for sure.

  9. His name already says it all. Liow Tiong LIE. and those in blues are just anjing following blind orders. makan duit goyang kaki pandailah itu polis. This is the only police force after zimbabwe that doesn’t know law and order.

  10. Oh well that is all so umno. Contradictions and stupidities. Now jib said bersih rally is illegal so cannot be held but ok if it is outside the city. Jib also said rally can be held in a stadium and then backtracked.

    Soilek said videos and photos do not tell the truths. But his second man said photos and videos dont lie.

    Or Pek e lang kong ka liao. Kaniah eh.

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