Racist Ahmad Ismail provocation – will 13 Penang Umno division leaders be disciplined too?

What action will the Umno Supreme Council take at its emergency meeting today to end the15-day national furore over Ahmad Ismail’s provocative, inflammatory and acist “penumpang” reference to Malaysian Chinese – a simple and straightforward issue which should have been nipped in the bud when it surfaced publicly on August 26 instead of being allowed to snowball into a “no-holds-barred” political and nation-building crisis escalating into the Bukit Bendera Umno divison chairman:

• Warning the Chinese in Malaysia not to mimic American Jews in seeking to control the country’s economy but also its political power;

• Wanting Gerakan to leave the Barisan Nasional;

• Demanding that Gerakan acting president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon should be stripped of his post as the state Barisan chairman and the post be given to the MCA; and

• Public tearing of a picture of Tsu Koon.

What would have ensued if there had been a public tearing of the picture of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuik Seri Najib Razak by a Gerakan division leader of Chinese or Indian descent?

Armed Forces Chief Jeneral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal yesterday made a most uncustomary public intervention when he proposed at a Wanita Umno function that the Government take stern action against those who stoke racial sentiments, the country’s main security threat.

Is Abdul Aziz referring directly to Ahmad Ismail and the 13 Penang Umno Division leaders who had given full backing to the Bukit Bendera Umno division chairman in his inflammatory, irresponsible and racist acts and rants, or is the Armed Forces Chief referring to those aggrieved by Ahmad Ismail’s provocative outbursts?

Ahmad Ismail’s grandparents migrated to this country from India. Why should a Malaysian who is a second-generation locally born in the country be so irresponsible, provocative and racist as to question the loyalty of a Malaysian Chinese like seventh locally-born generation Tan Siok Choo, daughter to Tun Tan Siew Sin, causing her to declare most justly and legitimately in her Sun column, “Politically blind and tone deaf?”:

“And for some Malaysian Chinese like myself, to be called a ‘squat’ is an insult. My forefathers came to Malacca in 1771. Even in August 1957, my family had been living in Malacca for 186 years. How many other Malaysians can claim this long period of residence? “

Ahmad Ismail however belong to the “dinosaur” generation when their narrow-minded racist views meant to protect their “pot of gold” as an Umnoputra rather than to advance the welfare of all Malays is rejected by young and progressive Malaysians from all races, including young Malays, as reflected in this posting on my blog:

What happen to this country? Please stop and stop this racial issues llaaahh… Im a Malay, 22 years old and Im a University of Malaya student. In my class, Im really happy I can interact with each other as a Malaysian. Sure!!! In my class from 30 students, there are only 5 Malay and the other 25 are Chinese. Even after class, there’s not a big deal we can makan-makan and minum-minum together without realized that we are all “penumpang”, “pendatang” or wuteva the damned thing you call it. If I dont understand anything or facing any difficulties in the subject that I learn, my Chinese friends dont even hesitate to teach me and so when they ask me, I will share my knowledge also. Then again, we makan-makan again at mamak stall eating a roti canai and glass of teh tarik. EERRGGHH!!!

Do you think the current our politician leaders never experienced this warmth moment with their friends different in races during their study period on youth time??? How come? We live in Malaysia laaahh… Its healthy when you getting know each other… Come and visit their house during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and so on…. Even Im a Malay, I really hate when UITM students “berarak”, “berdemo” or “berpekik-pekik” when Selangor MB suggested at least 10% quota for UITM students opened for non-bumis. AARRGGHH!!! They are stupid, really-really stupid. In UM, in our college activities, we Malay dont even have any problem to hold any occasion collaborating with Chinese or Indian. We engineered an event together until it success- for example, a choir competition, a Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Competition, an Annual Dinner of the college. We work together. But when I read the newspaper, puuuff!!!! Seems every single of my joy losssttt, destroyed!!!! Eeeevvvveryday racial tense issues!!!! AAAARRGGHH!!! Cant we respect each other….??? Im a muslim and my religion teach us, in Holy Quran – “Nor will you worship that I which worship, to you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic monotheism)” – Surah Al-Kafirun : sentence 4-5…. Means that even you are from other religion – can applied also other races, there’s nothing to do with that. You are free to apply or live with your own life and religious style if you are different than a Muslim also. So, just respect other races or religions laaahh… Cant our leaders do that?? Its really makes me paaaiinnn heeelll!!!

The real personalities being tested in the Ahmad Ismail furore is not the Bukit Bendera Umno division chief but the Prime Minister and the Umno leadership – whether they are capable of and prepared to redeem themselves for their dereliction of duty to the nation and people in the past 15 days in allowing a comparatively small issue over Ahmad Ismail’s inflammatory, provocative and racist statement to blow up into a full-scale political and nation building crisis!

This is why Malaysians are waiting for the decision of the Umno Supreme Council emergency meeting to see what disciplinary actions would be meted out to firstly, Ahmad Ismail and secondly, the 13 Penang Umno division leaders who had supported and egged on Ahmad in his inflammatory, provocative and racist acts and rants.


122 Replies to “Racist Ahmad Ismail provocation – will 13 Penang Umno division leaders be disciplined too?”

  1. I wrote this one in chedet.com in early June.

    On the racist card that you wrote a few days ago, I hope you did realize that Malay is also an immigrant to bolehland. It is common every where that the earlier settlers, not the native, claimed the ownership of the land, and then discriminated the late comers. The case is very obvious in Australia, America, Taiwan, Malaysia and many other places. The ones who conquered will never admit that they robbed the land of the native people. We must learn from history. The white from Europe killed the red Indians and took the land, and now they stopped as much as possible the poor immigrants from South America and Asia. The Australians are doing the same thing.

  2. It is glad to hear from Syed Imran that all our forefathers are Pendatang and therefore we are all Pendatang as well!

    But when & who can table out the truth and make everyone accept the facts that there will be no more categorize ourselves into Bumi and non bumi status and that we are all Malaysian???

  3. When we were studying during our primary school days we were taught that the sun rises from the east and sets in the west. This is what we see in our little soul. If we were told that the sun does not rise, instead the earth rotates about its axis and moves around the sun, we would be confused.

    Similarly, Malaysia has grown up and should have the wisdom to differentiate what we actually see and what is the truth.

    The Chinese have been living in Malaysia for a few generations already and has been naturalised and accorded the rights in the Constitutions. Yet the some of these uncivilised Malays refused to see the truth and still want to say that the Chinese are “pendatang”. These uncivilised minds still want to tell the Malays that the sun rises from the east.

    So when can the Malays grow up and break away from this racist and divisive concept of “the sun rises from the east”?

  4. the army chief now joins in with police and red head ninjas to threaten the rakyat of not to create tensions. don’t be blind please rakyat. i’m very very sure he is referring to non-bumis.

    one thing that makes me blur blur. the army is to fight against outsiders but maybe its because of ismail remarks that non-bumis are outsiders, that triggers him!!

    the only reason i see him making such statement at this sensitive time is because he has just recieved ‘GOODIES’ from BN!!! guess who the Army belongs to? to the most famous name used in malaysia political drama – NAJIB!! maybe if no statement , no GOODIES!! we are going into really GESTAPO ERA now!!

    however, i truely believe the majority of the malays are peaceful and friendly people and they go against ismail and those who supported his remark of championing the malay survival in malaysia.

    his remark of ‘chinese knows ta chi but malays know silat so don’t push us’ is very astonishing . do you see the gold in this statement? let me tell you. someone must organise this as a TV competiton ‘the contender’ between not only these 2 martial arts but to include other fighting arts also to see who really become the CHAMPION!!

    by the way, ahmad ismail’s ancestors come from india-tat’s what i heard so he should be branded ‘pendatang with no rights too’ . ha..ha..ha

  5. So far, I have seen this Ahmad Ismail in the latest news twice, the first time saying that he will never apologize as Chinese is really Pendatang and the second time he said ” saya tetap tak akan minta Maaf as he has done nothing wrong” and follow with his members tearing Koh Tzu Koon’s Poster.

    If you look at the arrogant way they spoke and his members hitting the table showing support, you will feel like putting your hands inside the TV to strangle his neck at that moment.

    This is UMNO, AHmad has said this Racial provocative issue 3 times publicly with arrogance and UMNO government is still doing nothing about it, and if you turn this around, if this words about Malays came from Lim Guan Eng, he could already be killed.

    This is what you call justice in UMNO’s government, they can do something wrong and get away with it , whereas the oppositon cannot.

    Let’s us all vote them out for good. Let Malaysia be govern by some civilized people and not UMNO.

  6. No Penang UMNO members cannot be disciplined.
    Do that…no more UMNO members.
    So many ran way.
    But great news!!!!
    Biggest liar and con man…resigned few months ago..is joining back UMNO.
    Never seen UMNO true identity..until 5 States are lost to oppositions.
    It is really a sick party.

  7. how true indeed that most of us have roots from china, to indonesia, arab, yemen and even africa.

    yb, i care less what ever punishment that abdullah will mete out to this ahmad ismail and gangsta, i know he is mentally sick and indeed suffering from an incurable disease called “ADHD”. meaning, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. he just needed atttention and tend to be overexaggerate situations and emotions as a way to gain attention.

    this ahmad probably lost out all his business income with the new and transparent penang state government, and angered by ksk that the land deal became a public scandal. someone posted , that he probably hope for a race riot so that he may not have to reimburse the state. even if the premier will only suspend him for six months or so, he is history.

    i see for myself that this is the worst hari raya celebration that muslims in malaysia will enjoy. bus fare hike up, price of goods hike up, and nothing, absolute nothing is really being done to solve this stagflation issues that is happening in our country.

    the country has too much doses of politics, with the 916 and all the political parties internal agms that the raayat are neglected . i just hope that good sense prevail and we move on from here and ensure that the bread and butter issues of all malaysians are addressed. dont expect much from the premier and his deputy as they are concerned about their own political survival in the umno agm soon.

    i hope yb, will highlight on the issues of continuing english in the teaching of maths and science for next year, which will affect another generation to be ‘tested’ . i hope yb, will highlight the unemployment issues of the many graduates that are still looking for a job. i hope yb, will hihglight on the illegal immigrants of sabah in particular and finally the daily report of murders and crimes committed .

    this ahmad is a racist. we know, God knows. as i read somewhere today, a sinologist stated that tearing and stomping on ksk photo is akin to beat “little people” in taoist belief , and he will get this retribution soon – spitting upwards to the sky.

    there will never be another may 13 in malaysia, there will only be a two party system in malaysia. regardless of race, malaysians are much wiser now than the like of this ahmad ismail. btw, my forefather and foremotherS came into malaysia from china too, and maybe i can beat your record of 186 years.!!! dont la be too sure that how many malaysians can claim this long period of being in the malaya and malayan union and malaysia.

    zak_hammad only stayed for 16 years and already behaved like ahmad ismail. (sometimes only ).amat kassim – no cure la. but we have to learn to live with acceptance of such people. killer have lost his job .

    good day.

  8. Only a Mamak would want to pretend to be more vocal and more Malay than a genuine Malay, about their rights.

    Hopefully the rest of our Malay friends will see through their antics and motives, and not continue to be conned by these Mamaks.

  9. fat ahmad will be bought by aab, much like mb of terengganu. either promises of deals n kickbacks, or promises of higher office if fatty is willing to stand down a little. fact is aab’s power base is eroding, he should expect more fat ahmads come knocking. aab is between a rock n a few hard places. anwar’s breathing down his neck, mca n gerakan r showing a modicum of spine, n fatty is mobilizing his likeness malays by playing up racial unrests. aab better watch his back, folks like najis n maybe even tdm r circling.

    and melurian/kiss-my-asss amat,

    you’re so stupid, your brain would rattle around in a flea’s navel.

    you’re so stupid, your data bus stops for red lights.

    you’re so stupid, your face is on a coin… on the edge.

    you’re so stupid, your head whistles in a cross wind.

    you’re so stupid, you returned a donut because it had a hole in it.

    you’re so stupid, you phoned me to get my number.

    you’re so stupid, you sold your car for gas money.

    you’re so stupid, you you think ‘harass’ is some other two words.

    you’re so stupid, your mother told you to go buy a color tv you asked, “what color?”

    you’re so stupid, your brains were sold separately and they were out of stock!!

  10. Malays have joined PKR and PAS

    Mamaks have left their roti canai stalls and taken over UMNO, i’ll prove it to you

    1. Tun Dr Mahathir
    2. Kadir Shiekh Fadzir
    3. Reezal Merican Naina Merican
    4. Datuk Abdul Azeeez
    5. Zainuddin Maidin
    6. Nor Mohd Yaakop
    7. Shahrizal Abdul Jalil
    8. Thajudeen Abdul wahab

    and the list goes on and on……………

    Mahathir is right, there has been no discrimination against Indians in Malaysia and he is the living prove having led Malaysia for 22 yrs by fooling the Malays that he was indeed one of them……….

  11. Never attempt to find justice,fairness,equality,meritocracy,accountablity,transparency and competency from that racist party.It will be like searching for a needle in the South China Sea.But if you want to look for corruption.nepotism.cronyism,racial and religious bigots,physically fit but very lazy,forever in need of tongkat and very greedy people,then it will be as easy as sighting floating garbage in Sungai Melaka.

  12. “What would have ensued if there had been a public tearing of the picture of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi or the Deputy Prime Minister, Datuik Seri Najib Razak by a Gerakan division leader of Chinese or Indian descent?”

    Never try never know! Perhaps Armed Forces Chief Jeneral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Zainal can tell us.

  13. while we condemn a bigot, let us not behave like one dear richardqed. there are good indian muslims too. like my newspaper delivery man. he is a hindraf supporter .

    to add on , ahmad ismail is a person with narcissistic personality disorder. self centred. inflated sense of self, inconsiderate behaviours. the malays in pas and pkr and dap have disassociated themselves from this ahmad. and they form more than 50 % of the malay population . so let ahmad be punished by sending him to mental institution for therapy.

    thank you.

  14. “Is Abdul Aziz referring directly to Ahmad Ismail and the 13 Penang Umno Division leaders who had given full backing to the Bukit Bendera Umno division chairman in his inflammatory, irresponsible and racist acts and rants, or is the Armed Forces Chief referring to those aggrieved by Ahmad Ismail’s provocative outbursts?”

    Yes, what is Abdul Aziz trying to prove with his half spoken nonsense, please clarify or else just shut up. The Armed Forces listen to command of the Agong and no one else.

  15. What happen to this country? Please stop and stop this racial issues llaaahh… Im a Malay, 22 years old and Im a University of Malaya student. In my class, Im really happy I can interact with each other as a Malaysian. Sure!!! In my class from 30 students, there are only 5 Malay and the other 25 are Chinese. Even after class, there’s not a big deal we can makan-makan and minum-minum together without realized that we are all “penumpang”, “pendatang” or wuteva the damned thing you call it. If I dont understand anything or facing any difficulties in the subject that I learn, my Chinese friends dont even hesitate to teach me and so when they ask me, I will share my knowledge also. Then again, we makan-makan again at mamak stall eating a roti canai and glass of teh tarik. EERRGGHH!!!

    Do you think the current our politician leaders never experienced this warmth moment with their friends different in races during their study period on youth time??? How come? We live in Malaysia laaahh… Its healthy when you getting know each other… Come and visit their house during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and so on…. Even Im a Malay, I really hate when UITM students “berarak”, “berdemo” or “berpekik-pekik” when Selangor MB suggested at least 10% quota for UITM students opened for non-bumis. AARRGGHH!!! They are stupid, really-really stupid. In UM, in our college activities, we Malay dont even have any problem to hold any occasion collaborating with Chinese or Indian. We engineered an event together until it success- for example, a choir competition, a Sultan Azlan Shah Hockey Competition, an Annual Dinner of the college. We work together. But when I read the newspaper, puuuff!!!! Seems every single of my joy losssttt, destroyed!!!! Eeeevvvveryday racial tense issues!!!! AAAARRGGHH!!! Cant we respect each other….??? Im a muslim and my religion teach us, in Holy Quran – “Nor will you worship that I which worship, to you be your religion, and to me my religion (Islamic monotheism)” – Surah Al-Kafirun : sentence 4-5…. Means that even you are from other religion – can applied also other races, there’s nothing to do with that. You are free to apply or live with your own life and religious style if you are different than a Muslim also. So, just respect other races or religions laaahh… Cant our leaders do that?? Its really makes me paaaiinnn heeelll!!!

    Even God can cry when he reads above comment. HOW hard are your hearts YOU DAMNED politicians? I DAMN you to hell too.

  16. I am Chinese and I have some good Malay friends. I really don’t want to be upset by Ahmad Ismail’s incident.

    I bought Rahman (a Malay colleague) meals during our trip to Terengganu and we enjoyed working together.

    A Malay student, after finishing her training at our company, gave everybody a handicraft made by herself.

    Two months ago, Mas and Aftah (woman Malay colleagues of mine) bade me farewell and wished me good luck on the last day of my previous employment.

    Politicians please be responsible and don’t incite racial hatred and cause damage to inter-racial relations.

  17. dear trubumsian,

    i love yr quotes , especially the donuts.
    see, if we send one donut to this ahmad ismail, he aint know how and where to start eating from a circular food item. from the left or right or centre. he probably start the from hole out.

  18. by: drmaharajahrk
    Mamaks have left their roti canai stalls and taken over UMNO, i’ll prove it to you

    1. Tun Dr Mahathir
    2. Kadir Shiekh Fadzir
    3. Reezal Merican Naina Merican
    4. Datuk Abdul Azeeez
    5. Zainuddin Maidin
    6. Nor Mohd Yaakop
    7. Shahrizal Abdul Jalil
    8. Thajudeen Abdul wahab

    and the list goes on and on……………

    Well, yes. That’s true. Currently majority of the Malay have joined the PAS and PKR. Only the mamak (Indian muslim) had overtaken the top-post in UMNO. Actually the mamak, you can see the majority, many-many-maaannnyyy of them at Penang, Kedah, and North of Perak (Bagan Serai, Parit Buntar and so on…) Well, Im a Malay we Malay know that mamak (the professionals, the elites, the restaurant manager, the UMNO members) are really hate when we call them mamak. Serious!!! Im not lying. I dunno why but aaa… I notice that they are having a good business dealing through Persatuan India Muslim Malaysia and UMNO. We Malay actually prefer Anwar to be a PM compared than a Pak Lah.

    p/s: But I was really wondering, how come the BN still in power in the recent General Election? Because… We Malay were really giving our votes to the Keadilan, PAS and DAP. Serious!!! I think it might be the voters from the Sabah and Sarawak…

  19. Isnt that Malaysia is beautiful? We have the three major races. We
    develop the country together. We have the roti canai, teh tarik, nasi
    lemak, yong tau foo, lai chi kang, kari ayam and so on… Then we
    have a lot of shopping centers, 24 hours restaurants… We have the
    Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali…. We have the mosque,
    tokong, temple, churches… We have “kamcing”, “apa macam”,
    “tapau”, “dhoti”, “mapley” and lots more… We have the Muslims,
    Buddhists, Hindus, Christians… We can go to Langkawi, Pangkor,
    Sibuan, KLCC, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya, Tioman….
    AAARRGGHHH!!!!!! Those politicians…. EERRGGHH!!!!

  20. we were one of the first countries in the world to have muti ethnic/ multi religious people who lived in harmony

    the ones who became multi cultural later have become better than us and teaching us how to be more tolerant !


  21. It will be very interesting to see what actions will (or will not?) be taken against AI for having caused racial chaos and to stop him from causing further of same. It will be a very, very difficult decision indeed!!! Should be known any time now.

  22. Considering the number of mamaks in UMNO, it should be renamed United Mamak Nasional Organization.

    After all the ‘real’ Malays have already left the party for PKR and PAS.

    I remember when I was in school I had heard my mamak friends speaking Tamil!!! But in later years they spoke more BM and behaved like Malays. Even their wives switched from the sari to the baju kurung and tudung. The men, from the dhoti to baju Melayu.

  23. since the majority of bloggers still insists on mamaks rule the day. umno will be split into two groups. umno lama as suggested by mr.smith and umno baru. i thought we discourage race politics!!!!

    have you also seen how a chinese government servant try to be more difficult that a malay civil servant.

    have you also seen how an indian enforcement officer try to be more harsh than his malay counterpart.

    i have. please dont generalise.

  24. I take it as a compliment that we chinese are like the jews in the US as long as we are not like the 13 umno branches. Anyway the chinese in Asia is like the jew in the west. Both control the economies alike. Ahmad, you are not wrong this time. Thanks for the compliment!

  25. I believe all the division heads should be penalised especially the guy who tore KTK’s photo.
    If they are all penalised especially Ahmad who should be charged under the sedition act I will be the first to stand up and clap hands. People like Ahmad should be put away for a long long time for his actions could have caused a racial riot.

  26. “Do you think the current our politician leaders never experienced this warmth moment with their friends different in races during their study period on youth time??? How come? We live in Malaysia laaahh… Its healthy when you getting know each other… Come and visit their house during Hari Raya, Chinese New Year, Deepavali and so on…. ”



  27. We should ask Ahmad Ismail and the 13 Penang Umno Division leaders to give us their family trees.

    We should ask Ahmad Ismail and the 13 Penang Umno Division leaders to tell us what their parents and grandparents did during the period when the Japanese invaders occupied the pre-independent Malaya.

    We should ask Ahmad Ismail and the 13 Penang Umno Division leaders to tell us their contributions to all Malaysians.

    We should ask Ahmad Ismail and the 13 Penang Umno Division leaders to tell us if they owe the Penang State any money.

  28. ///Ahmad Ismail’s grandparents migrated to this country from India.///

    TDM’s father also migrated from India. The status of Ahmad Ismail would be similar to TDM since his father would have to ve classified as Indian.

    The common claim of grandchildren from people migrated to Malaysia from India, for example Murkriz and Ahmad Ismail is that they are fighting for the Malay race. Is it the blood in them that made them fight for the Malay race, or is it the desire for a pot of gold that made them choose the beaten route shown by TDM, to cause racial disharmony and fish in trouble water?

  29. Rafidah Aziz said that she too has pendatang ancester who came from Indonesia, and she does not mind the comment. If there is no article 153, or more correctly if the provision for a review of article 153 had been undertaken in 1972, and with provision for subsequent review based on the actual situation and needs, nobody would utter the word pendatang.

    Rafidah Aziz made light of the comment, but would she say what she said if she is not the beneficiary of article 153, or more accurately if she has been classified as a Chinese, or had her ancestor not been a muslim?

  30. ADAM YONG IBNI ABDULLAH, would appreciate it if you could try to read within the context. Obviously if you read it again, the context means Mamaks in umno who are pretending to be more malay than the malays, not other ordinary ones.

  31. We all must look at the education system we have now.History had change so must i am now confused.Non MALAY students are made to look like second class citizens.
    But then again in the near future it might be HUMANS NON HUMANS.

  32. NewDAP says latest news Ahmad is sacked from UMNO…….Couldn’t verify that yet but if that were decision taken by UMNO Supreme Council it could imply that Ahmad is viewed by majority of 1 & 2 men in that Council as a threat to both BN, and more specifically UMNO number 1 & 2, raising speculation whether TDM’s application for re-joining of UMNO would likewise be also rejected. This remains to be seen.

  33. hey in actual fact, the malay dont mind the indian mamak take politic but make hell of a noise that chinese is like american jews. If chinese is a conquerer, i think more than half the world is ruled by China now! American can eat shit…so melayu can just stand outside the stadium to hear only la.

  34. Sometimes I question; where did he (PM) get the idea that he has popular support? Just to recapitulate:
    1. The appointment of Menteri Besars. Two Menteri Besars were appointed against his choice. He had to accede.
    2. The Johore UMNO openly ask him to leave.
    3. Selangor former MB asked him to leave. Khir has sizeable following too.
    4. The Mercedes Issue in Trengganu. Has the Mercedes been driven now – or display in the showroom waiting for dignitaries?
    5. Sabah MPs openly asked him to leave.

    6. Latest Case: Hometown UMNO Bkt Bendera chief. Ahmad and he are Penangites. Hmm, even in hometown, defying him. Now sacked? What about 13 divisions that are now protesting in front of the UMNO office?

    Last tsunami, BN has 52% support, courtesy of Sabah and Sarawak voters, but that does not translate to supporting PM; basic lesson in logic. So, don’t go around telling others he has the people’s mandate. Stay if you must, but not because it’s popular support. No way, no way. Bukit Bendera is one example.

  35. Sebenarnya tiada kaum yang mejoritynya besar di Malaysia. Cuma Perlembagaan Malaysia yang ada menyebut bumiputera itu termasuklah pribumi Sabah dan Serawak. Cuba kita pecahkan status bumiputera, sebenar bumiputera melayu hanya kecil sahaja kalau tidak dicampurkan dengan pribumi sabah dan serawak. Dalam perlembagaan menyatakan Melayu itu samalah dengan bumiputera campur dengan pribumi sabah dan serawak. Kebanyakan peribumi yang tinggal di Sabah dan Serawak sudah banyak berkahwin campur, terutama bangsa cina, dan saya sendiri pun berdarah cina 1/8 daripada datuk saya.

    Saudara Ahmad Ismail pun campur juga, jadi janganlah memalukan diri sendiri, dengan mengatakan orang lain pendatang. Saya rasa kalau bukan kerana masyarakat cina yang ada di Pulau Pinang sekarang ini mana mungkin saudara Ahmad Ismail mampu hidup mewah.

  36. Sacked from UMNO ? Are you guys smoking something ?

    The MOST the Supreme Council will do is to publicly censure Ahmad Ismail, and give him a final warning not to do it again. Of course, behind the scenes they will give him a high-five. BN can’t even get rid of a rebellious Sabah party, and you guys think they will sack one of their own kind ?

    I’ll have some of what you guys are smoking.

  37. Ahmad’s sacking is expected due to the unexpected tough line MCA & Gerakan are taking.

    On the surface Ahmad is being sacrificed (his supporters will make the show like real) but he will be RICHLY compensated at the back by other faction within UMNO for he has successfully achieved his “mission” to pave the way for the return of Mahathir into UMNO’s fold.

  38. Normally a leader won’t say so silly thing like ahmad
    there must be a reason for ahmad to behave as such…


    1. Some high power people is backing him up with purpose….

    2. He is desperate for money wanted blackmail PM…….

    3. Najis wanted to create racial clashes in order to change PM like his father did to TAR.

  39. A son asked his father
    ‘Dad, What is politics?

    Dad said

    Look, I bring in the money home, therefore I’m a Capitalist
    Your Mother administrates the money, therefore she is the Government
    Grandpa watches everything, therefore he is the Union
    Our maid is the Working Class
    We all want just one thing, your well-being. Therefore you are the People.
    And, your smaller brother who is still in his nappy, is the Future

    Did you understand my son?

    The little one thinks and tells his father that he wanted to sleep over it for one night.
    During the night the boy wakes up, because his younger brother produces something with an unbearable smell from his nappy and is crying.

    As he does know what to do, he goes to the bedroom of his parents.
    But there is only his mother on her bed, and she is so fast asleep that he does not succeed in waking her up.
    So he goes into the bedroom of the maid where he finds his father having fun with her, and his grandpa watching them secretly through the window.
    All of them are so engaged that they don’t realize that the boy is standing in front of them.
    So the boy decides to go to bed without having been able to solve the problem.
    Next morning, the father asks his son if he is able to explain in a few words what politics is.
    Yes, answers the son.

    The Capitalist abuses the working class
    The Union watches without doing anything
    While the Government sleeps
    The People are completely ignored
    And the Future is in the S H I T !!!

    That’s Politics

  40. ///have you also seen how a chinese government servant try to be more difficult that a malay civil servant.

    have you also seen how an indian enforcement officer try to be more harsh than his malay counterpart.///–ADAM Yong

    Agree with your observation. It would be interesting to speculate why they behaved the way they did.

    It might be because they were trying hard to do their job, but did not know how. They might not have been trained properly, and they imagine that it is the government servants’ duties to make life difficult for the citizens, and the more troubles they create, the more hard working they appear to be, and that might count to keeping their jobs. They know well that promotion hardly goes their way.

    The Malay government servants know that they are secured in their jobs, and do not fall into the fallacies. In a way, the recruitment and promotion of government servants have to do with the phenomena cited.

    Coming to the question of Mamaks behaving more like Malays. They call themselves Malay for the purpose of being covered under article 153. These Mamaks have to behave as if they were Malay heros, to gain support from ordinary Malays. To be heros, they have the convenient way of repeating what Mamak master TDM has done. Make non-Malays their enemies, and make it appear that they did it for the interest of Malays. The number of Mamaks politicians holding important positions in UMNO as listed shows that mamaks have hijacked political powers from ordinary Malays whose ancestors did not originate from India. Of the very rich Malays created by Mamak TDM, how many could be said to be Malays in the mould of Gaafar Baba, a genuine Malay. In fact of the 13 Division Chiefs of UMNO in Penang, how many of them have their grandfathers originated from India? The same ratio about Kedah and Perak would show that whether they are Mamaks or true Malays who were actually harping on Malay rights but stealing the assistance meant for true Malays.

    Article 160, interpretation of the consititution, provided the definition for Malays which the framers thought describe the true Malays. Since article 153 was meant to be for review after 15 years, they must have thought granted the benefits of doubt for a small number of Muslims whose forfathers came from outside the country. The framers never in their wildest dream expected that article 153 would be made permanent against Tun Ismail’s expectation that the beneficiaries would forgo it out of pride for the community. The ordinary genuine Malays were never prepared that on the verge of having article 153 reviewed and removed, a mamak was able to achieve power against Tunku. That mamak further colluded with one who wanted power at all cost, in his lifetime. Since then, and over a long period of one generation Mamaks have penetrated into all areas to exert their power. With the removal of the system of naming Indians as XYZ son of ABC, Mamaks sound more Malays than those with Arabic ancestors or the Khans.

    This is a new Malay Dilemma.

  41. Can someone pls tell which mamak stalls and petrol kiosks belong to these flers – we should all teach them a lesson to be respectful; respect each other – what’s more we are the customers! Let’s do it, People’s Power, we need action, stop frequenting these places. Look at the Utube, how the fler pointed his finger, NO BRAIN!

  42. If UMNO has meted out the harshest disciplinary action, meaning expulsion, would it mean that Ahmad Isamail will escape punishment from the country’s law?
    Are UMNO or BN members subjected to their own party laws/rules only, while we the rakyat are subjected to the country’s rule of law?
    I am utterly confused!!!

  43. Ahmad Ismail warns the chinese not to mimic the American Jews in seeking to control the country’s economy and political power. I think Gerakan and MCA should warn the mamak not to mimic the American Jews instead. Ahmad Ismail should know that when one finger is pointing the chinese three fingers of his is pointing himself who is a mamak.

  44. I am from Penang and I came across mamaks who likes to consider himself as Malays. They hates malays calling them mamaks. So, we were wondering how on earth to call them malays when their complexion is still dark. These mamaks are the ones who always lke to cause trouble to other races in Penang. I remember an incident in Kampong Dodol,Penang where there was a clash between Indians and mamaks due to the ringing of a temple’s bell in that place. In the end Anwar who at the time was the deputy Prime Minister have to act as a mediator between them.So, I think Gerakan and MCA should warn Ahmad Ismail who is a mamak not to mimic American Jews and to cause racial tension in Malaysia.

  45. People are angry over the racism remarks and the tearing of KSK’s photo. So to KSK, u know who is with u all these while. Expose the misdeeds of all officers under the previous pg state govt to help the rakyat.

  46. Is it true that Ahmad was sacked as UMNO Bkt Bendera chief and kicked out of Umno?

    If true, it may be a way for MM to sneak and crawl back into Umno and to take over Ahmad’s position as UMNO Bkt Bendera chief. Just in time to vote in the coming Umno AGM. Ngam-ngam ho. One mamak for another mamak, correct?

  47. I’m Chinese but not from a chinese school, so basically grew up mixing with Malay & Indians. To add it up, I have Malay cousin sisters, and got 1 pangkat Datuk Malay friend. I’ve been living harmony in Malaysia until the racial comment of this Ahmad Ismail dude. Why must he stir up the issue, and think of how many Chinese in this country feel? Once is enough but he goes made statement again and worst, tearing up photos. I wonder if such childish brainless guy can be called Datuk, I guess I’m also qualified a pangkat Datuk.

  48. 3 years suspension. What a joke! That’s all they can come out with.

    Why don’t they just kick him out of UMNO. So long as he is still a member, suspended or not, he “represents” UMNO.

    Another sign of weak leadership.

  49. “Ahmad suspended for 3 years
    Sep 10, 08 5:05pm

    breaking news This was announced by party president Abdullah Ahmad Badawi after an emergency supreme council meeting which went on for about three hours today.MORE ”
    Well after repeatedly spewing vehemenous racist remarks and throwing threats Ahmad got away with only a TINY SMACK on the wrist and it only goes to show AAB & Najib are really scared of losing votes come December. But this is a BIG SLAP on MCA & GERAKAN face! 3 years suspension = STERN action?
    MCA & Gerakan, how are you going back to face your community??????????

    BTW Mahathir is closing in!

  50. the prime minister who is zak_hammad best friend , HAD, instructed the ag to lay off datuk seri anwar ibrahim case. BUT, flop flop and flip flip, the ag had signed a note to transfer the case to high court.of course PO was raised – nothing interesting. mere change of mind by pm or insubordination by ag.

    ahmad suspended for 3 years, – so what. ahmad can stand in the election in kelantan and will still lose his deposit. wanna bet zak_hammad. roti canai since they are going cheap now.

    916 may not be achieved – so what, there is still 1016, 1116 and 1216. and the next general election. every month, 40 mps are flying somewhere to learn about the birds and the bees.

  51. Ahmad suspended for 3 years
    Sep 10, 08 5:27pm
    Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail has been suspended for three years from the party over his racial rants.


    If LKS says Malays are “penumpang” this very moment to all Malaysians, he will be arrested before midnight and thrown into some hole in ISA detention camp.

    Suspended? what a joke.

  52. He is unrepentent.

    Malaysiakini reported : “In an immediate reaction Ahmad reiterated that there was no reason for him to retract his remarks that likened the Chinese community here as ‘squatters’.

    “No way. I made no mistake,” he insisted.

    He also said that Abdullah was brave in making the decision to suspend him”.

    This is a veiled threat thrown at Premier Abdullah.

  53. What proportion of his punishment of 3 year suspension is attributable to the wrong doings of his racial cants and what proportion to the fact that he caused discord amongst coalition members? Supreme Council has urged all BN component parties to take stern action against their members who cause discord among coalition parties.

  54. Suspending him from UMNO membership for 3 years is only an action taken by UMNO for disciplining its members. What about the duty Ahmad owes to the nation, society and the law? Shouldn’t he be charged now since UMNO has found him guilty!

  55. Well Ahmad Ismail is certainly worse off than Dr Mahathir against whom there was no disciplinary action for (arguably) a greater offence (from party stand point) of relentless attack on the party president. In fact TDM sacked himself as member and now is invited back to rejoin the party to support Ku Li against the party president. Strange politics in UMNO?

  56. Only just a slap on the wrist and that fat mamak flanked by the Party SG and others was still incredulously arrogant,stubborn and unrepentant.So KTK and OKT what are your next move?KTK do you still have ‘air muka’kah?

  57. Ahmad’s 3 years suspension from UMNO membership with freedom is clearly inadequate.

    Compared against the HINDRAF 5 which faced indefinite ISA detention.

    Or Anwar’s 6 year jail sentence for a fabricated, trumped up charge, and 10 years of being barred from contesting!

    In comparison, Ahmad’s 3 years suspension is only a weak slap on the wrist! 3 years from now, Ahmad is free to contest in GE13 – he’s not even forced to miss one GE under UMNO flag!

    Whereas an MP who resigned from his post cannot contest for a by-election for a total period of 5 years, under the 1990 Constitutional amendment!

    What kind of message is UMNO sending to the rest of the world? When Ahmad remains unrepentant? Isn’t it loud and clear that UMNO accepts a member who is a racist?

    Shouldn’t UMNO have made a conditional demand, that is either Ahmad apologized to the nation first, in which case, he face 3 years suspension, or if he remains adamant that he did nothing wrong, then, expel him from UMNO indefinitely?

    The fact that UMNO only delivered a small slap on the wrist clearly shows the true nature of UMNO.

    It shows that UMNO doesn’t think it is a serious offence!

  58. Stop press!!
    Just got this message from another website. Read below:-

    “Saw in Malysiakini just now that another Umno leader in Penang has threaten to kill the reporter who reported the racial remaks by the AI=arsehole idiot.
    Polce reports have been lodged.
    Anyway as usual I do not expect the polce will do anything.
    Hope rakyat can help and ensure this poor reporter is safe. I for one will steadfastly support her for the reporting.
    Lady, keep it up.”

    What this country has become with these type of racist goons acting as if they can do whatever they want.
    A by product of the Mamak kutty era.

  59. Ahmad? Ahmad who? Who cares about these idiots? If we caught everyone that made racist, demeaning and threatening comments against the minorities, all the UMNO members would be in ISA lockup.

    Remember the countless derogatory comments in state/national parliament? The countless ceramah’s held every elections?

  60. “Ahmad still defiant –

    ……………Ahmad also claimed that more than 10 buses of supporters had wanted to come down from Penang to gather in front of the Umno headquarters before the supreme council meeting but he had pleaded with them not to come as it would make things chaotic.

    Instead he promised that he would visit the different divisions and explain the matter to them.”


    What is this “visit the different divisions and explain” mean? Continue to spew poison?

    Over to you MCA & Gerakan!

  61. I think Ahmad Ismail got off rather easy. He should be charged under the Sedition Act … This chap has not shown any remorse and even have the cheek to say that if it had been a BN decision he would not have accepted it (his suspension). What an arrogant moron!

  62. What he got from UMNO is nothing – shouldn’t he be sacked? shouldn’t he be charged in court? will the police continue to pursue the casE?….

    trust me…within 2 days, the govt will order the mainstream media to put a lid over this case….


  63. >> “Ahmad suspended for 3 years.” -zak
    Care not his just another trash who gain upper hand agains their filthy corrupted leaders.

    >> “Anwar: Sept 16 target may not be achieved.” – zak
    So what, still many days onwards, with berserkers around the mamak might not last till his graving D-days, hope he wont end up 3rd by past surgery instead lol.

    >> “Anwar’s sodomy case postponed to Sept 24” – zak
    DSAI supporters gained day after days, its strategic to be postponed.

    Interesting developments ahead indeed.

  64. I got to salute Ahmad.

    Even with the 3 year suspension, you still can crack a whip!

    What type of skin…, sorry, armour are you wearing on your face?

    You should be a SalesMan lah… sure the TOP Salesman in SouthEast Asia.

  65. Michael Ng Says:
    “This chap has not shown any remorse and even have the cheek to say that if it had been a BN decision he would not have accepted it (his suspension). What an arrogant moron!”

    As i said, it’s good that Ahmad remains with UMNO. He’s an excellent spokesperson for UMNO’s TRUE ideals. BN has always been secondary to UMNO. To them UMNO was always the King and the rest of the component parties were akin to vassals.

    Previously if any of the vassals dared to think about breaking away or disobeying the king they would be punished severely. But now the King is losing power…

  66. The military has no right of say in such matters. This brings forth very bad precedence. That chief should be wrist-slapped. We do not want to copy our neightbour’s nonsense, do we?

    The 13 Penang Umno division leaders should be given the same punishment of banishment as that person is.

    Yet, expect nothing as such from What Lah’s administration. This episode yet again (and again) expose his non-leadership. What a loser at the helm.

  67. If the 13 failed jokers r punished as well, then that automatically will spell Pak Lah’s demise and bring his downfall immediately. So the Supreme Copuncil cannot mete out justice as it should becaause Pak Lah’s hands are tied.

    Now, what can Ahamd Ismail do next to precipaitate AAB’s immediate demise. The 13 dicision supporters can issue a no-confidence statement in Pak Lah as Penang head and immediately his moral authority from his home base will collapse. Then he will be like a headless chicken himself. And the only thing left for him to do with a little more preeesuure from other uMNO divisons is to resign. It’s Hobson’s choice.

    So, Pak LAh – bye, bye. U shot yrslef in the foot just like Tun M did. All those years that God gave u to do good, u squandered them like a bloody fool because u feared men more than God and did what pleases small men rather than the people of the nation.

    Wud I shed a tear for u. I never had a drop for MM. Nor do I have any for u. It’s so long and bye, bye. At least u r a nicer, more decent n more honest fella than the MM whom I thoroughly distrust. He speaks with a forked tongue and drips poisoned honey when it suits him. Such men r dangerous. Your fault is u never had the brains for d job, that’s all.

  68. I wonder why Ahmad is so brave repeatedly? I strongly believe someone is behind him and that someone is about to return to UMNO… and his real intention is not to go against PM but PKR til the end of his life or his real story for the past 30 years shall surface.

    Come to think about it, the reason for BN MPs visiting Taiwan is to acquire sufficient know how from Taiwan immediate past president and his team of lawyers on how to defence themselves in a forseable future.

  69. It’s a crying shame that we are still living with extremist Malays after 51 years of independence. Malays who are less than matured despite all these year of nurturing by a very patient policy of special privileges. Malays who are obviously nothing more than hanger-ons than patriots of a beautiful nation. After all, after 30 years of NEP pampering, all they have to show for themselves is their hanging on to their so-called rights. Question is have they earn those rights? What have they shown in terms of achievements and progress despite and in spite of their being pampered. Yes the Chinese may have been immigrants. But this country was built by their sweat, blood and toil not to say also that oppressive marginalisation on a government that has been racialistic in its policies – yes, policies that continue to pamper instead of the real goal to bring up the Malays as contributing citizens towards nation building. Many who cried out loudest about their constitutional rights are those who least deserve them. They haven’t raise a finger to earn them at all. They really have continued to be dependent on the government policies to progress instead of going it on their own like all those “immigrants” who are the real nation builders. The Malays who continue to fight for their presumed rights are those who continue to want an easy handout – and I don’t believe that is anything to do with status. I find it laughable at one headline in a local media that screamed “Malay entrepreneurs still require government assistance”. Entrepreneurs, are they? Call them dependents and amatures – that describe them more accurately.

    In the final analysis, no matter what the public say, Malays in Malaysia will never come to terms with having to strive for their rights. Why should they need to when the NEP tells them that they don’t have to. They just have to continue to live off the rest of the “immigrants”. Status symbol, class and dignity – do they mean what they mean? I’m suffering from stitches just thinking about them. Arrogant graduates who are unemployable even in their own country. That says a lot more. And that is why the Malays still insist that their rights are theirs for the duration and more.

  70. Personally i think UMNO once again has shown what sort of party it is, essentially a malay supremacy party that has condoned racism. By suspending a racist MP for 3 yrs is meaningless to the chinese community who are hurt by his racial rants! He should have been relieved from politics indefinitely as such code of conduct should be nonnegotiable and such a person should never be allowed to work for a nation! Any idiot with little common sense would have removed him from the party indefinitely.

    What disturbs me further is the fact that MCA and gerakan accepted UMNOs decision on the matter. This proves the fact that these parties are not fit to advocate for the chinese brethrens!

  71. This racist, and many more like him, is not important.

    Harrassment, intimidation and threat are all about power…..he knows he has power and the party support to back him up….that’s why he, like many racists, bigots and bullies, are very ” brave “.

    Stripe him of his power and support…you will see a real coward – racist bullies are actually coward.

    Most importantly is the increasing political awareness of non Malays.

  72. One of the Sultans made the racial remarks several months ago, suggesting not to question the rights of Malay and non-bumi cannot be treated equal, etc., but no action was taken. That provoked this series of remarks by Ahmad. Ahmad showed no regret as if he is slapping Abdullah and Najiv’s face continuously, right and left sides of the face… If that was the problem between him and Tsu Koon, he should not have dragged UMNO and BN, not to say the whole Chinese and Malay populations, into trouble.

  73. The question of 13 division leader is part of a larger question of post-Ahmad Ismail suspension announcement. The real big question is NOW WHAT?

    What is being confirmed by Ahmad Ismail suspension is that the Chinese (as all citizen of this country) have equal right in this land. So when? How?

    The post-annoucement Ahmad Ismail press conference confirm that the standard of ‘when the Malay are ready’ is just not good enough. The resistance to change almost immovable and unaccountability is evident. If the resistance is almost immovable then no less than an unstoppable force is needed get to equal rights ultimately.

    So MCA, Gerakan, MIC, when and how? Don’t expect my vote unless you answer that.

  74. Squatter Sandiware Part 2–

    A police report has been lodged against state Umno liaison secretary Datuk Azhar Ibrahim for allegedly saying a reporter should be shot, at a press conference last Friday. Komtar assemblyman Ng Wei Aik, who made the report at the Patani road police station on Tuesday, said it was very unbecoming of the Umno leader to have said that if there was any racial tension, a certain reporter should be the first to be shot.

  75. If the division is smart enough to create a new post, like an adviser, I can become an adviser.

    “It does not end there and I can even become executive secretary,” said Ahmad.

    this is wats been quoted in the star paper.does this idiot understand wats the meaning of being stripped of all posts?wat smart division is he talking abt in the 1st place.it looks like badawi has really no control over this idiot.is he trying to push more rights and equal status as “ketuanan melayu” also?this idiot is a mamak who can also speak fluent hokkien.i dun think hes dat bad a person but somebodys behind him stirring things up and most probably hes being paid to do that too.wild guess…but who knws….it cud be very much true.

  76. MCA president Ong Ka Ting said Umno has honoured the collective decision made by the Barisan Nasional supreme council on Tuesday that stern action should be taken against Ahmad Ismail for his alleged racist remarks.

    Three-year suspension from the party, with the possibility of being appointed as an adviser of the Umno branch – Is this a stern action?

    Tell this to the Hindraf chaps who are locked up in Kamunting.

    Anyway, what do we expect from ‘Ahmad Ismail’ whose name conceals the following messages?
    ‘Hi I Am A Mad SL’ (SL = sore loser)
    ‘I M Dial A Sham’

  77. I hope the armed forces leader be reprimanded for his statement.We want the armed forces and the police to be apolitical.The police should act if there is a breakdown of law and order.The armed forces should only come in if directed by the ruling government if it is beyond civilian control.Any statement made must not have any politcal connotation as this is a multiracial and multireligious country.Abullah had given his verdict and it should satisfy everyone and we shall wait for the police to take action.It is very sad for the country when one tears a picture of an exMB: perhaps the first in Malaysian modern history.We do not want this incident be repeated and we do not want the government to wait long before forced to take action.There should be no winners inthis type of fight.

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