Pua: Liow ‘lying through his teeth’ on hospital attack

By Clara Chooi
July 12, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 12 — DAP MP Tony Pua today accused MCA deputy president Datuk Seri Liow Tiong Lai of “lying through his teeth” when the latter denied that police had fired tear gas and water cannons into the Tung Shin Maternity Hospital on Saturday.

The Petaling Jaya Utara MP, who was among the group seeking refuge in the hospital during the chemical bombardment, demanded that the health minister apologise to the hospital authorities and Malaysians for his statement.

Calling Liow’s defence of the police “lame and pathetic” and a “disgrace” to a man of his stature, Pua (picture) pointed out that the numerous “irrefutable” videos, pictures and scores of eyewitness accounts that emerged after the incident have already disproved Liow’s claim.

“Liow has denied outright that the police fired tear gas into the compound, claiming that it was shot onto the main road, and blamed the wind for blowing the gas into the hospital compound,” Pua said in a statement.

“He further argued that the water cannon only ‘brushed’ the edges of the hospital walls, and was not shot directly into the compound.”

Pua said it was impossible that the police had only fired the chemicals onto the main road as at the time, Bersih 2.0 protestors had already dispersed to find shelter, including even in the hospital compound.

“Liow’s attempt to blame the supporters for seeking refuge in the hospital is also mischievous because they were being attacked by the police from both ends of Jalan Pudu, making the hospital compound the only possible escape from the relentless firing of tear gas and chemical-laced water,” he added.

Pua urged Liow, as the health minister, to visit the hospital and apologise on behalf of the Najib administration for the police’s actions on Saturday, saying they had showed disrespect to the sanctity of hospitals at a time of unrest.

He pointed out that DAP leaders had done the same on Sunday and had expressed thanks and gratitude to the hospital management for allowing supporters to seek refuse in its compound.

“Instead, Liow proceeded to deny and lie about what is the obvious truth in order to defend the police force, demonstrating the recalcitrance of the Barisan Nasional (BN) government and a complete lack of respect for the hospitals under his purview and Malaysians at large.

“His actions proved that MCA is only an apologist for the BN coalition, and disgraced himself and his party for not having spoken up for Malaysians,” said Pua.

Since Saturday’s chaotic events, a debate has been escalating between Bersih 2.0 supporters and the Najib administration over whether the police had fired tear gas and water cannons into the Tung Shin Hospital.

Liow, in denying the attacks, also slammed protestors yesterday after meeting with hospital authorities, saying they had “ambushed” the compound when they used its compound to escape the bombardment.

9 Replies to “Pua: Liow ‘lying through his teeth’ on hospital attack”

  1. Liow Tiong Lai, if you don’t sue Tony Pua for defamation (he called you a freakin liar!), then you ‘boh-hood’.

    Liow, go pack your bags and go home. What an abysmal disappointment! It takes more than a pretty face to be a minister, ok. You need to have brains, not just brains but good brains. Simply put, your pretty face does not compensate for your lack of good brains.

  2. MCA and MIC are merely political eunuchs and slaves to UMNO and have long lost their relevance to the non-bumi communities. The only reason why MCA and MIC remain in BN is to enjoy the crumbs that fall off the UMNO dining table.

  3. Another classic example of an idiot MCA running dog minister trying to defend the indefeasible, despite the huge volume of concrete proof sticking right in his stupid face. Denial syndrome hits the Health Ministry. People like this guy doesn’t realise its people like him who’s killing the MCA super duper fast. Arrogant, recalcitrant, ever ready threatening, making himself always right and cannot be challenged (even with proof), treating the Rakyat as dumb fools etc…..are all the reasons why the chinese are no longer upholding and supporting MCA. The above mentioned syndromes are like a plague. a disease that good and able minded people of all walks of life will stay away and at a distance too. Seems clearer by the day that these MCA sickos are dying from their own disease that they have infected upon themselves.

  4. read the last para. quote: they had “ambushed” the compound when they used its compound to escape the bombardment.

    bombardment is a very strong word and it really reflected what happened that day when the police bombarded the area with tear gas. however, in another perspective, i would interpret this statement as that he admits to police brutality.

  5. When I was young my father used to advise me to keep my mouth shut if I am not sure what I am talking about. His exact words are ” no one is going to accuse you of being dumb if you keep your mouth shut but they will sure know you are stupid if you open it and talk rubbish…”

    LTL, this is a bit of advice you can keep in mind when you do decide to curry favour with your UMNO bosses in future. And the worst part is you drag the poor Tung Shin Board Chairman into your lie. Mr Ng must be caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea.

    There was no need for you to put your head into this shit pot created by Najib and Co. Are you in a hurry to take over the MCA leadership? You might want to do a rethink because this incident simply adds another nail into the coffin for MCA (look at Gerakan and SUPP) and you might not want to go down in history as the man who presided over the ultimate demise of MCA.

  6. I don’t know if he is lying through his teeth but it was a pretty pathetic lie. I am actually finding it hard to believe, even for him, that he thought he could get away with it. Seriously, he is not known for sticking his neck out.

    If you ask me, I think LKS is right, the lies are scripted by someone – the way PMO had given detailed guidelines on handling Bersih prior to the event. They are really really bad ideas just as these lies are pretty pretty bad too..

    I tend to believe Liow is actually guilty of being used like a cheap w****, than he is actually just simpy lying..

  7. LTL,you betrayed OTK,your former president.Now you are betraying all Malaysians.You are getting promoted everytime you lowered your self esteem.From betrayer to traitor.Keep on going lower and lower,Liow.The lowest you can go is the burning fire below.

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