Call on Abdullah to disband BTN – Trojan Horse to subvert Bangsa Malaysia

The Biro Tatanegara (BTN) should be disbanded as it is a Trojan Horse in the Prime Minister’s Department which undermines and subverts the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s National Day message of national unity and solidarity and Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia.

In his 51st National Day message last Saturday, Abdullah said united citizens were a bulwark against any threat, either from within or outside the country.

He said solidarity was the cornerstone of the country’s political stability, social harmony and economic competitiveness.

However, in the bosom of the Prime Minister’s Department, the BTN had been assaulting the national “bulwark” and chipping away the Malaysian “cornerstone” in the past quarter of a century, with its unrelenting and unashamed purveying of racist poison among government servants, JPA scholars, university students and youths – using public funds running into RM76.3 million last year and RM 72 million next year to destroy the public policy of creating a Bangsa Malaysia out of the diverse peoples of Malaysia.

All Cabinet Ministers, whether Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP and the Sabah and Sarawak component parties of Barisan Nasional who had served for the past quarter of a century should explain why they had closed their eyes and shut their ears to complaints that BTN had been conducting divisive and racist indoctrination courses for JPA scholars, government servants, university students and youths right under their noses?

Even more more important, what is the stand of the present batch of Barisan Nasional Ministers and leaders from Umno, MCA, Gerakan, MIC, SUPP and the BN component parties from Sarawak and Sabah?

Yesterday, I had blogged about a letter from an outraged parent at the trauma his daughter underwent in one such BTN indoctrination course for JPA scholars and the blog had evoked a firestorm of complaints and protests about the rank racism of the BTN.

One poster referred to a BTN indoctrination course for university students at UiTM in Shah Alam on 6th July 2008, where one BTN speaker, under the pretext of giving a talk on “Pendidikan”, launched into a racist harangue, criticising the Bar Council forum on social contract, accusing one of the forum speakers Farish A. Noor as a traitor of the Malay race and making disparaging remarks against Karpal Singh.

Among the “atrocious” things this speaker said were:

• “Kalau ular dengan India depan mata, ketuk India dulu.”

• That the Malays aren’t racist but ”others are racist towards us”.

• Bangsa Malaysia does not exist, neither does Malaysian Chinese and Indians, only in the strict sense Malay, Chinese and Indians.

• Bahasa Malaysia does not exist, it is Bahasa Melayu.

• Nothing wrong with waving the Keris.

• Bumiputra hanya 55% di Malaysia, give birth to more people!

• The University and University Colleges Act was partly made to ensure a Malay Vice-Chancellor in Universities which should be the way.

• Blogs are “berdosa” or sinful.

• That the Pakatan Rakyat-ruled states are all going down the drain – “this is what you get if you vote for the opposition!”

• Criticism of Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat.

As the BTN is under the direct jurisdiction of the Prime Minister, Abdullah should explain why BTN is allowed to conduct such divisive and racist indoctrination courses, which are compulsory for JPA scholars and government officials but which are also held for selected university students and youths – like the BTN course in UiTM Shah Alam on 6th July 2008.

The negative, divisive and destructive role of BTN as the Trojan Horse in the Prime Minister’s Department to undermine and subvert the Prime Minister’s repeated call for national unity and solidarity as well as the Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia could be gleaned from some of the postings on my blog yesterday, viz:

1. StevePCH Says:
As the theme of this Merdeka is “Perpaduan Teras K


198 Replies to “Call on Abdullah to disband BTN – Trojan Horse to subvert Bangsa Malaysia”

  1. Bodollah cant even handle Ahmad, I would not think he has the guts to tell Malaysians what action he is going to take to end the rank racism of the BTN! FOR SURE! Ahmad’s refusal to apologize has slapped hard on DPM’s face! Good Job! Ahmad!

  2. Yes, for the love of this nation, this matter must be pursued till such destructive organizations are wiped out. That the PM himself has direct responsibility for such an organization is most disturbing. One can either interpret this as he is condoning the destructive racist activities going on or he is completely oblivious to what is going on under his nose. Both options are ominous for the nation.

    BTN and their destructive activites has been known for a long time. Enlightened educationist such as Dr Azly Rahman just recently condemned BTN for their role in the destruction of the Malay mind. His comments:

    “….It is an overdose of the work of government-sponsored Biro Tata Negara (BTN) that is making the mass retreat and defeat possible. It is the work of Malay-dominated agencies like these that are imprisoning the minds of the Malays. This is an anti-Malay-progress establishment that is using deformed arguments on race and ethnicity to pursue an educational ideology that has gone bankrupt….”

    The non Malays students may be traumatised listening to these BTN diatribes. But it benefits them as it strengthens their resolves. As Dr Azly Rahman pointed out, it is the Malay minds that are permanently destroyed in the long run.

  3. This should be an example for Bangsa Malaysia:

    1. Name: Tan Ah Seng OR Ahmad Ismail
    2. Race: Malaysian
    3. Religion: Follower of God’s teaching OR Just Believer OR Free Thinker

    Compared to existing:

    1. Name: XXX
    2. Race: XXX/XXX/XXX!!!
    3. Religion: XXX!!!

  4. Dear Uncle Lim,

    Chinese school is not necessary good for all Malaysian Chinese.

    Not all chinese schools are good, maybe only a few are really good ones but a lot of chinese schools are bad schools, that explained the following realities in Malaysia……

    Most of those Malaysian Chinese who can’t speak and write proper English or BM were from Chinese School.

    Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are low income earners ie hawkers, mechanics, contractors and etc were from Chinese school.

    Most of those who are Chinese fanatics or the most racist Malaysian chinese were from Chinese school.

    Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are unemployed were from Chinese school

    Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are school dropouts were from Chinese school

    Most of those Malaysian Chinese who involved in vice activities such as ah long, gangsters, bookies and etc were from Chinese school.

    Most of those Malaysian Chinese who are professional or with good employment were those English educated Chinese.

    Most of those Malaysian Chinese who can interact better with other races were those English educated Chinese.

    Nowadays, most of the MCA members were from Chinese school that explained why MCA is full of corruptors and gangsters. Previously MCA was a good party as during that time, MCA does not has so many Chinese educated members, but now MCA is full of Chinese educated members, therefore had turned into a useless party.
    Why DAP is better than MCA? Because DAP had more English educated Chinese than MCA.

  5. No wonder Datuk Ahmad Ismail is unapologetic and feels he has done nothing wrong in making racists remarks in spite of top UMNO leaders reassuring the public that his remarks were not reflective of UMNO’s stance and policy, and PM expressing the intent to go and meet him.

    Ahmad Ismail may be thinking that they are not sincere. So he is not taking what the top leaders seriously. Now he now appears to have grounds to do so. For nestled within the “bosom” of the Prime Minister’s Department is the BTN which according to YB has been “conducting divisive and racist indoctrination courses for PTA scholars, government servants, university students and youths”.

    If true, the offence BTN has committed against the principle of solidary and Bangsa Malaysia is 10 times worse and graver than Ahmad Ismail’s who has been a mere product of the indoctrination of and a political milieu created by such an organisation.

    So if Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak deems it necessary to extend UMNO’s apology for what Ahmad Ismail had said, then ten times more he should apologise on behalf of UMNO for what BTN and its indoctrinists have said to PTA scholars, government servants, university students and youths contrary to national solidarity!

    Are MCA, Gerakan and such other East Malaysian component parties of BN objecting to Ahmad Ismail’s remarks going to protest and ask Najib to extend similar apology for BTN’s indoctrination courses?

    Otherwise they should explain to their rank and file why they continue to close their eyes and shut their ears to these complaints about BTN and yet choose not to leave the BN’s fold when UMNO does nothing to this organisation….

  6. • Blogs are “berdosa” or sinful.

    The meaning of sinful by what he means are simply mirage.

    Im totally flabbergasted to read this seriously, what was so called sinful, is the religion been preaching them this days? This is outrages!

    Being racist are guilty and thats sinful! not blogger u idiot!…

  7. rakyat dont need tun mahathir back to politician. because what we having now, all thanks to his 22 years cheating adminstration.
    today is rakyat challenge BN . not Anwar challenge BN.
    so DONT NEED CALL TUN mahathir return to umno to challenge pakatan. Anwar is just a representative to rakyat.

  8. BTN is just one of many ‘useless’ agencies that has bloated the civil service budget to such a size it may well implode soon if the economic downturn continues.

    But BTN isn’t AAB’s brainchild, most likely TDM. So the rot began way back actually!

  9. Call on Abdullah to disband BTN??!!

    Do you think our PM does not know what BTN has been and is doing? Don’t kid yourself. BTN is what it is because it must have been given the green light by Umno to go out and spread the ‘gospel truth’ and to brainwash the audience. Trojan horse, my foot!

  10. This sleepy flipflop guy is now TOTALLY toothless. He cant even control this racialistic idiot bum.
    How can he claimed himself to be fair and religious when he and his scumbags expounded such venomous scheme like BTN on the multi racial rakyat?? Worst still on young innocent school kids.
    This shows that he is also an hypocrite to the core. Again this prove that what he says is not what he means.

    Just look what he said today “lets pray that fuel price will not increase” in the STAR. How shallow minded and stupid idiot can he be. Again mix god with fuel prices. Get real man sleepy guy. We have to help ourselves before we pray to the almighthy. You do nothing. Big fat ZERO except zzzzzz….
    Do not fool rakyat with your devious mouthpiece.

  11. Teresa Kok in her speech in Parliament on 25 October 2005 question the government on BTN, and the response from the minister is below as well:
    (Taken from the hansards)
    DR.25.10.2005 (100)
    4.44 ptg.

    Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim: [Seputeh]: Terima kasih Tuan Pengerusi. Tuan Pengerusi, saya ingin merujuk kepada B.6, Jabatan Perdana Menteri, 010500 – Biro Tata Negara, 020000 – Unit Perancangan Ekonomi, B.4, Suruhanjaya Pilihan raya dan B.1, Parlimen. Tuan Pengerusi, saya ingin minta Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri untuk memberitahu Dewan yang mulia ini tentang apakah isi kandungan latihan yang dianjurkan oleh Biro Tata Negara. Saya terima aduan daripada belia yang pernah menyertai latihan atau Kursus Biro Tata Negara, mereka kata sesetengah pelatih di Biro Tata Negara menyebarkan ajaran atau fikiran yang melampau mengenai agama dan perkauman kepada peserta. Mereka diberi ajaran yang hanya mengagung-agungkan sesuatu kaum dan agama tetapi menyisihkan agama dan kaum yang lain di negara kita.

    Tuan Pengerusi, saya minta menteri menjelaskan tentang objektif dan tujuan asal kerajaan untuk menubuhkan Biro Tata Negara dan sama ada kerajaan memantau kurikulum dan pelatih dalam biro ini. Saya difahamkan latihan Biro Tata Negara ini hanya diberi kepada pelajar kaum Melayu di kampus universiti dan ia tidak terbuka kepada kaum lain. Para pelajar dipilih untuk “cuci otak” selama seminggu di luar kampus supaya mereka dijadikan budak baik ataupun “pak turut” kepada kerajaan. Kerajaan telah berkali-kali bertanya mengapa kita masih tidak dapat mencapai perpaduan nasional dan setelah kita merdeka selama 48 tahun, malah kerajaan mengadakan Latihan Khidmat Negara untuk menyatupadukan pemuda-pemudi daripada pelbagai kaum.

    Selain itu RTM juga pernah mengadakan program Debat Perdana dengan menjemput ahli politik dan pakar-pakar sosial untuk membahaskan tentang isu perpaduan kaum dan juga satu Jawatankuasa Pilihan Khas telah pun ditubuhkan di Parlimen kita untuk mengkaji masalah tentang perpaduan kaum. Soalannya, bukankah kurikulum dan dalam Biro Tata Negara yang keterlaluan ini bercanggah dengan dasar kerajaan yang ingin memupuk perpaduan nasional? Kenapakah kerajaan masih membiarkan ajaran yang melampau ini dan merosakkan hubungan kaum ini jika di Biro Tata Negara diteruskan?

    Response from minister on the following day :
    DR.26.10.2005 (pg 86 – 87)

    Dato’ Mustapa bin Mohamed: ……
    Mengenai Biro Tatanegara, Yang Berhormat bagi Seputeh mendakwa telah menerima satu e-mail daripada seorang peserta kursus. E-mail ini juga diterima oleh Ketua Pengarah, Biro Tatanegara, mendakwa tentang adanya penceramah yang menyebarkan fahaman lampau agama, bangsa. Kes ini, memang e-mail dihantar juga kepada Ketua Pengarah. Saya dimaklumkan bahawa kurikulum kursus Biro Tatanegara ini meliputi beberapa perkara termasuklah mengenai merdeka, mengenai sosial kontrak, dasar-dasar negara, ini antara kurikulum, mengenai cintakan negara, loyalty, ini semua penting, sejarah, antara kurikulum ya, kursus banyak.

    Tahun 2004 umpamanya, hampir 950 ribu peserta kursus BTN, tahun ini kira-kira suku juta sampai bulan Ogos, banyak kursus dianjurkan. Yang disebut oleh Yang Berhormat tadi kursus Ketatanegaraan, di mana ada mengenai sejarah, orang Melayu, orang China, tujuannya ialah untuk memahami satu bangsa dapat memahami bangsa yang lain. Untuk makluman Yang Berhormat, 7% daripada peserta kursus Tatanegara ini dihadiri oleh peserta-peserta bukan Melayu. Daripada pengamatan pihak Biro Tatanegara, satu dua kes mungkin yang kurang puas hati dalam penilaian yang dibuat oleh BTN, didapati bahawa kebanyakan peserta bukan Melayu, bukan bumiputera yang menghadiri kursus ini mendapat kefahaman yang lebih, dengan izin appreciate, exposure dengan pendedahan yang diberikan.

    Ada satu, dua – biasa dalam satu kumpulan beratus, beribu, 950 ribu dalam tahun 2004 ada yang tak puas hati itu perkara biasa dalam mana-mana organisasi, tapi BTN dimaklumkan bahawa secara umumnya diterima baik juga oleh peserta-peserta kursus bukan bumiputera. Jadi, itulah penjelasan yang saya hendak berikan berkaitan dengan dakwaan Ahli Yang Berhormat bagi Seputeh. Walau bagaimanapun, kita tidak menggalakkan sesiapa bercakap tentang pelampau, kita Islam Hadhari, kita bukan pelampau Muslim, kita bukan pelampau Melayu, kita moderat, itu merupakan sederhana pendekatan kita dan kita ucap terima kasihlah atas pandangan Yang Berhormat bagi Seputeh.

    Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim: Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri. Kalau mengikut jawapan Yang Berhormat Menteri maksudnya hanya 7% daripada jumlah peserta adalah dari bukan Melayu. Jadi bermaksud kursus ini adalah lebih kepada kaum Melayu sahaja yang mana 93%. Saya rasa ini adalah keadaan yang agak tidak sihat. Kalau pensyarah ini semua Melayu, 93% peserta Melayu maksudnya mesej yang ingin disampaikan itu kita tahulah semua ini bergantung kepada macam mana pensyarah menyampaikan kurikulum yang disebutkan tadi.

    Pada pandangan saya kalau Biro Tatanegara ini adalah untuk memupuk kefahaman para peserta tentang sejarah pembentukan negara kita, kenapakah ia tidak dibuka kepada semua. Mungkin semua Ahli Yang Berhormat di Dewan ini juga dijemput menghadiri kursus Biro Tatanegara. Marilah kita tengok dan lihat apakah mesej yang disampaikan oleh pensyarah kepada para peserta kerana kenapakah hanya pelajar Melayu yang dijadikan tumpuan untuk kursus ini. Saya rasa ini adalah masalah. Kalau kita lihat National Service semua kaum berada bersama. Jadi pensyarah yang ingin….

    Tuan Pengerusi [Datuk Dr. Yusof bin Yacob]: cukup Yang Berhormat.

    Puan Teresa Kok Suh Sim: …..menyampaikan mesej yang melampau itu dia pun tidak berapa berani kerana dia harus menghadapi begitu ramai peserta daripada pelbagai kaum.

    Dato’ Mustapa bin Mohamed: Terima kasih. Kita ambil perhatian pandangan Yang Berhormat bagi Seputeh. Yang Berhormat bagi Sabak Bernam mencadangkan supaya belia lepak juga dilibatkan dengan kursus-kursus BTN. Saya maklumkan bahawa BTN mempunyai peserta daripada golongan ini melalui Persatuan Belia 4B, MBM, OAIC dan lain-lain dan kita boleh tambah peserta daripada golongan belia kerana kita akui bahawa golongan ini merupakan golongan yang perlu diberi perhatian lebih memandangkan gejala sosial yang sedang melanda negara kita. Selesai mengenai Biro Tatanegara.

  12. The PM answer to this: ‘I will ask BTN to apologize and not repeat it again’??

    I bet you there will be some excuse that BTN purpose is to do something about racial unity or crap like that.

    We need someone to ask Wee Ka Siong, Ong Tee Keat , Samy Vellu and Koh Tsu Koon about BTN and Ahmad Ismail no apology statement – together – they sure don’t want to talk about it…
    If you ask the PM, he will say ‘macam-macam.., tak habis, habis..’.

  13. Racism must not be condoned in any form. All these years the non malay component parties of BN are conniving with Umno to let this monster grow from strength to strength .Now it has gathered sufficient power to tear our country and her people asunder. Racism has become instutionalised, blatantly fluant and openly practised.

    Look at how impotent and feeble the PM and DPM are in disciplining warlord Ahmad Ismail. Same goes with our Education Minister with the racist teachers. MCA, MIC and Gerakan can show all its posturing and bravado but who gives a damn, certainly not Umno. I doubt there is political will in the present govt to criminalise racism.

  14. Please someone exposed all these cowards hiding behind BTN. All I could say to them is .. Fight like a man … doesn’t all these remind the current usage of naive teens as suicide bombers in the middle east most likely conned by these cowards and the likes.
    Maybe it also explained why we had cases of teachers/principal with such racist overtune
    Scared me …of what could/would/might happened if Anwar is not swift enough to take on power



    read on

    What’s the Meaning of ‘Freedom’? …. But don’t ask a politician!

    by Rep. Ron Paul

    “Man is not free unless government is limited. There’s a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts”.

    – Ronald Reagan

    We’ve all heard the words democracy and freedom used countless times, especially in the context of our invasion of Iraq. They are used interchangeably in modern political discourse, yet their true meanings are very different. George Orwell (picture above right) wrote about “meaningless words” that are endlessly repeated in the political arena. Words like “freedom,” “democracy,” and “justice,” Orwell explained, have been abused so long that their original meanings have been eviscerated. In Orwell’s view, political words are “often used in a consciously dishonest way.” Without precise meanings behind words, politicians and elites can obscure reality and condition people to reflexively associate certain words with positive or negative perceptions. In other words, unpleasant facts can be hidden behind purposely meaningless language.

    As a result, Americans have been conditioned to accept the word “democracy” as a synonym for freedom, and thus to believe that democracy is unquestionably good. The problem is that democracy is not freedom. Democracy is simply majoritarianism, which is inherently incompatible with real freedom. Our founding fathers clearly understood this, as evidenced not only by our republican constitutional system, but also by their writings in the Federalist Papers and elsewhere. James Madison cautioned that under a democratic government, “There is nothing to check the inducement to sacrifice the weaker party or the obnoxious individual.” John Adams argued that democracies merely grant revocable rights to citizens depending on the whims of the masses, while a republic exists to secure and protect preexisting rights.

    Yet how many Americans know that the word “democracy” is found neither in the Constitution nor the Declaration of Independence, our very founding documents? A truly democratic election in Iraq, without U.S. interference and U.S. puppet candidates, almost certainly would result in the creation of a Shi’ite theocracy. Shi’ite majority rule in Iraq might well mean the complete political, economic, and social subjugation of the minority Kurd and Sunni Arab populations. Such an outcome would be democratic, but would it be free? Would the Kurds and Sunnis consider themselves free? The administration talks about democracy in Iraq, but is it prepared to accept a democratically elected Iraqi government no matter what its attitude toward the U.S. occupation? Hardly. For all our talk about freedom and democracy, the truth is we have no idea whether Iraqis will be free in the future.

    They’re certainly not free while a foreign army occupies their country. The real test is not whether Iraq adopts a democratic, pro-Western government, but rather whether ordinary Iraqis can lead their personal, religious, social, and business lives without interference from government. Simply put, freedom is the absence of government coercion. Our Founding Fathers understood this, and created the least coercive government in the history of the world. The Constitution established a very limited, decentralized government to provide national defense and little else. States, not the federal government, were charged with protecting individuals against criminal force and fraud. For the first time, a government was created solely to protect the rights, liberties, and property of its citizens.

    Any government coercion beyond that necessary to secure those rights was forbidden, both through the Bill of Rights and the doctrine of strictly enumerated powers. This reflected the founders’ belief that democratic government could be as tyrannical as any King. Few Americans understand that all government action is inherently coercive. If nothing else, government action requires taxes. If taxes were freely paid, they wouldn’t be called taxes, they’d be called donations. If we intend to use the word freedom in an honest way, we should have the simple integrity to give it real meaning: Freedom is living without government coercion. So when a politician talks about freedom for this group or that, ask yourself whether he is advocating more government action or less. The political left equates freedom with liberation from material wants, always via a large and benevolent government that exists to create equality on earth.

    To modern liberals, men are free only when the laws of economics and scarcity are suspended, the landlord is rebuffed, the doctor presents no bill, and groceries are given away. But philosopher Ayn Rand (and many others before her) demolished this argument by explaining how such “freedom” for some is possible only when government takes freedoms away from others. In other words, government claims on the lives and property of those who are expected to provide housing, medical care, food, etc. for others are coercive?and thus incompatible with freedom. “Liberalism,” which once stood for civil, political, and economic liberties, has become a synonym for omnipotent coercive government. The political right equates freedom with national greatness brought about through military strength.

    Like the left, modern conservatives favor an all-powerful central state? but for militarism, corporatism, and faith-based welfarism. Unlike the Taft-Goldwater conservatives of yesteryear, today’s Republicans are eager to expand government spending, increase the federal police apparatus, and intervene militarily around the world. The last tenuous links between conservatives and support for smaller government have been severed. “Conservatism,” which once meant respect for tradition and distrust of active government, has transformed into big-government utopian grandiosity. Orwell certainly was right about the use of meaningless words in politics. If we hope to remain free, we must cut through the fog and attach concrete meanings to the words politicians use to deceive us.

    We must reassert that America is a republic, not a democracy, and remind ourselves that the Constitution places limits on government that no majority can overrule. We must resist any use of the word “freedom” to describe state action. We must reject the current meaningless designations of “liberals” and “conservatives,” in favor of an accurate term for both: statists. Every politician on earth claims to support freedom. The problem is so few of them understand the simple meaning of the word.


  16. Nothing is new,novel or original in thought here. Have you ever experienced anything originally Malaysian with BN/Um-No? Somehow,somewhere, there will be that borrowed elements?

    the communist practised this sort of indoctrination. But,little do they know, that, what may apply to other nations might not apply here. It might complicate matters.

    You might not need to go that far, even if you think that you could copy some of Singapore’s or Thailand’s success,it might not be successful here. BN/Um-No has this ‘Monkey see,monkey do’ policy. Nothing original from them.

    Anyway, it will be a little too late to try something new, it might backfire on them badly this time.

  17. YB Lim,

    The term ‘government servants’ is a term full of mischief.
    The term is one of the tool to indoctrinate the CIVIL/PUBLIC servants, to enslave and cowed those paid by the tax-payers money.

    They are not servants of the ruling administration.

    They are servants of the PUBLIC, rendering CIVIL services to the citizens.

    The term ‘government servants’ will only continue to poison and corrupt the minds of those that need to be set free from statist dieology.

  18. Abdullah’s “sweet talk” of national unity and solidarity and Vision 2020 objective of Bangsa Malaysia on National Day is merely an aesthetic cover for UMNO to continue to play the race card.

    As the BTN comes under the purview of Abdullah’s department, it is clear that the statement he made on National Day is devoid of sincerity and rings hollow.

  19. “We need someone to ask Wee Ka Siong, Ong Tee Keat , Samy Vellu and Koh Tsu Koon about BTN and Ahmad Ismail no apology statement…” – Bigjoe

    Is it coincidence those names mentioned are synonymous with cowards?

  20. not only BTN be abolished but even National Service Also !! both these achieved 0 objectives in claiming for understanding each other’s races to become better citizens of tomorrow!! both these are really a WASTE of the rakyat money !! it is to make better use of these funds to reduce fuel and commodoties costs .

    the people who Really Need Cleansing are especially BN people because they tell us to respect one another but for them, they insult/condemn whoever they like!! even our ex-PM was not sparred ( so un-respectful and un-grateful of them ). they have forgotten that if not for malaysian rakyat , they won’t be enjoying all the benefits that rakyat malaysia can only envy.

    we the rakyat is not greedy. if there is a government that really cares for the welfare of malaysian and ensuring all has a reasonable and comfortable house to stay plus can buy affordable quality needs, i think the rakyat will be very pleased because basically, the average malaysian is friendly and easy to be with.

    but because greed has fallen upon these bn, these wakils have changed their concept of serving the rakyat to serving only among themselves and let the rakyat to fend defensive-less in this country.

    that’s why we need an alternate government to bring back especially smiles to our children like can bring them out to outings to fast-foods, see movies or even go on a family tour holiday which i think is not that demanding at all . i just hope PK can rise to the occassion under the leadership of DSAI to make malaysia “MERDEKA DAN BERKAYA” again!!

  21. Forget it guys!

    I don’t think any of the “BeEnd” guys including Ong Ka Tin, Koh Soo Koon and Semi Value” DARE to speak up the BTN issue.

    They are a bunch of PUPPET ON THE STRING AND GOOD FOR NOTHING leaders hanging on to the LIFE JACKET throwed out from the “SINKING TITANIC”.

    The only way to solve all this “RACE” issue is through our own effort i.e: PAKATAN RAKYAT!

    P.S. to all MPs from Sabah and Sarawak, PLEASE WAKE-UP!

  22. “So is BTN’s racist indoctrination courses helping? BTN should be disbanded for doing the nation a disservice.” – Jeffrey

    Is that all Jeffrey? Just disband them?
    They MUST be charged with SEDITION!
    Nothing less will do!

  23. “rakyat dont need tun mahathir back to politician. because what we having now, all thanks to his 22 years cheating adminstration.
    today is rakyat challenge BN . not Anwar challenge BN.
    so DONT NEED CALL TUN mahathir return to umno to challenge pakatan. Anwar is just a representative to rakyat.” – wesuffer

    You’re right!
    There are many naive-even-now people still around, still worshipping TDM as a hero.
    They still don’t get it that all the rot started during his twenty-two long years of administration.
    And to rub salt into our wounds, he had that gall to install someone who is even worse in his place and as the deputy, another who is no better.
    Many still think that we have the luxury to wait until the next General Election to dump the current BN government. The hard- to- swallow fact is that we don’t!
    This country is already a goner as it is now, so the seconds that ticked by are precious; we have no time to waste!!

  24. actually Malaysia already lost the direction after the eighties as long as this government still continue with the discrimation policies and poisoning the youth mind yet the oppositions are unable to do anything about this i may call our country land of no hope can mca tell your next move since the ah mad bb had given his answer abdullah said he didn’t mean it but this idiot said what he mean so abdullah what is your action now

  25. In Malaysia politicians dare to bully the “rakyat” while the oposite is true in developed countries.

    Why? The answer is simple.

    The mojority of the “rakyat” are still naive (if not stupid) in voting these politicians to govern the country. The enlightened mninority cannot blame the politicians. The blame should go to the unenlightened masses because these hiprocatic politicians are smart in fooling the immatured masses.

    If the majority of the “rakyat” is politically matured, see how they will behave?

    Let us keep on fighting to wake up the unenlightened masses. The oppositions must expose the misdeeds of these pseudo-politicians with evil intentions.

    Only when the masses grow wiser, these pseudo-politicians will have no place under the Malaysian sun.

  26. This BTN must be one of the silliest indoctrination course in the modern world (say since 1968), if the silliiest. Disband it? why should they?
    If no change govt within 1 year, this country is a goner lah ! unless of course, can find another 10 billions barrels oil reserve ! then can “prosper” for many more years

  27. “Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi says Barisan Nasional backbenchers should be allowed to go for their overseas retreat. He denied the trip had anything to do with heading off any possible mass defections of BN MPs to Pakatan Rakyat by Sept 16.” — reported by malaysian insider.

    Whatever the reason, why should they be allowed to go for an overseas retreat? It’s a waste of the taxpayers’ money (and worst stiill, it will be used to fund the trip of only one political party’s members). Didn’t AAB himself suggest some so-called cost-cutting measures when he raised the petrol price? Now, it seems cost-cutting is the last thing on his mind.

    AAB should disband the BTN, followed by sacking himself.

  28. I was informed (correct me if I am wrong), not only the students were subjected to these indoctrination courses, overseas lecturers employed to work in local colleges and universities have to do likewise. They were constantly monitored, not for their expertise but, they do not speak out of line.

    YB Lim, perhaps, you could investigate on this matter too.

  29. Total control of the mainstream media has allowed the racist indoctrination of BTN to go unexposed for so long. But with the rise of the Internet, the ruling regime has lost control of the flow of information.

    We are now witnessing a regime grappling with this loss of control which has exposed corruption, wastage, land scams, racism, abuse of law enforcement agencies and more.

    Unless this regime can pull back Malaysia into the age when they control all information, they cannot survive the exposure of all their skeletons.

    Casualty has already been inflicted in one general election and one by-election.

  30. The Courage to Build a New Malaysia.

    The year is 2008. This is the year most Malaysians finally woke up from a deep slumber. Most Malaysians were just too busy earning their living and building up their lives to take notice that times have changed and the idealism spouted by our founding Fathers have still not been accomplished for this country even today.

    It was not so long ago in 1957 and then for our fellow East Malaysians in 1963 when the ideals and dreams preached by the late Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Al-Haj (Bapa Kemerdekaan and Bapa Malaysia) for Malaysia were first announced and was greeted with joy in the hearts and minds of all Malaysians. The late Tunku Abdul Rahman had a dream and ideals, just like Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and many others including the prophets over the history of mankind.

    Many a times such dreams were hijacked and led astray under the guise of nationalistic, racist and religious idealism by so called politicians and self declared and appointed righteous and religious persons (Little Napoleons). Individuals who have risen to continue some of such idealisms are gagged, isolated, bankcrupted, blasphemied, rehabilitated or worst jailed, for it is deemed not in consonance with the dreams and idealism of the elected parties agendas.

    Laws are legislated and passed at whim in Parliament to change the idealism of the Supreme Law of the Land (The Malaysian Constitution) and to cloak such party and individual agendas. It is true, Malaysia, conforms to the democratic process as practiced by most western countries in elections (even though tainted but unproven). But once given the trust to be elected as a leader or representative of the people, party and individual idealism overtook national idealism, and The Jeykll and Hyde personality emerged to be repeated over and over again at each and every election and by-election.

    Malaysians have being led astray for so long, that what is right is blurred, what is wrong is tolerated, what is evil is condoned, what is fair is pouted as unfair, what is immoral becomes moral and corruption and close one eye need to become a part of our accepted daily lives. Jealousy, hatred, greed, racism, plundering and satanism starts to breed in Malaysian minds, and brothers, friends and fellow Malaysians were looked upon as enemies or as inferior human beings. Once a while, such nets were cast ashore to include anything to do with other countries or other races which do not belong to one’s own race or religious beliefs.

    The minds and souls of Malaysians are so polluted and poisoned for so many years that it seems that Malaysia is the only all correct country and we should rule the world by our way. Examples of countries which follows Malaysia or is it we following them are, such as North Korea, Zimbabwe and Israel. What justifications can you tell your own generations or future Malaysian generations that what you are doing to fellow mankind and more so to your own fellow Malaysians that it is righteous and correct, when, it is at the expense and sufferings of your own human kind and fellow Malaysians?

    Can you say to them I did it to follow the orders and teachings of God or party political agendas? Who gave you such inspirations and idealism? Do not absolve your own wicked mind and greed nor take a ride on someone else wicked mind and greed. Do not pick and choose in the Books of God nor the man-made laws to justify or suit your own twisted and idealistic minds. You can fool others due to their ignorance or emotions at some time but you can’t fool forever a man’s conscience nor your own children or hopefully one day your own when such enlightenment comes to you.

    The courage to change things which are not right in Malaysia nor achieve the ideals of the Founding Fathers is not impossible. Most Malaysians have woken up to the fact that the future is going to be determined by it’s own citizens thru their own conscience guided by their own religious beliefs to live a harmonious and productive life of correctness and not the type of political, racial or religious correctness as preached.

    Parties and their own agendas do not take priority over the Founding Fathers ideals and hopes of all Malaysians. Religion and principles are as a guide to your own conscience to make sure whoever is the leader do not lead Malaysians nor society astray.

    For in the end, what is just and right should surely overule anything else for any leader or their party agendas.

    Does your Representative of the People (Wakil Rakyat) or You! have the courage?

  31. It is a common theme of BTN’s lecturers to drum into government servants, PTD scholars, university students and youths the basic 1957 “Social Contract” – that non Malays should not question the rights and privileges of the Malays as the non-Malays should be thankful that they were given citizenship status and a place to stay on their soil” per letter of an Outraged Malaysian Parent per previous thread. If I were not mistaken they have to sit some kind of exams at end of session to show they understand. No one questions what is being taught : they want to pass the exams. They regurgitate the misinformation and errors spewed out by half baked lecturers. What good is coming out from arguing and exposing their disinformation, even those who knew better would think!

  32. Cintanegara said: “I cant imagine how the ‘NEW’ government will look like. PAS and DAP, two parties with different ideologies, work together to form a government?? Does DAP suuport PAS’s agenda?

    Cintanegara, you can’t imagine. It is OK. Let me tell you what my imagination is:

    1) Abu, Ah Chong, Muthu, call themselves Malaysian, not UMNO-putera, Chinese, Indian or lain-lain.

    2) Our silly government form no longer require us to put in our race, religion in all their forms.

    3) University entrance is by merit not by racial/ethnic quota with special financial help to the hardcore poor regardless of race/ethnic

    4) major public expenditure is by open tender and anyone who meet the criteria may submit the bid and the tendering process is open to public scrutiny

    5) One universal public pre-university entrance exam… no STPM or Matri[LOL]cuation.


  33. Dear YB,

    BTN should not only be disbanded but investigated as well.
    If these seditious words are being propagated, when will we achieve true unity.

    From what is happening though, PM and DPM had both lost their grip over their own guys. Disbanding BTN may be only a dream under BeEnd rule.

    I understand from a guy whom had worked BTN that these BTN is also the goons behind Puteri but cannot confirm if it is true or not. Puteri will instruct and BTN will act.

    Krismudin also mentioned that similar treatment should be given to schools other than Chinese Independence school, I truly agree with that. Ironically, all these years, our Education system is the ones supressing these non National type school.
    Why is he championing for these schools in PR states now ?

  34. Excuse me for my smugness.
    I was the first poster in that thread – “Any Najib apology for the rank racism of BTM indoctrination course”- to suggest that BTN should be disbanded.
    In Comment No 5 i had said .”Kit,
    You know and I know and everyone knows the role of BTN and what it has been doing. It is nothing but a bigoted UMNO outfit.
    The first thing Anwar should do on taking over the government is to disband BTN. It shouldn’t exist in whatever form.”

    Perhaps you overlooked my suggestion but noted the subsequent ones.

  35. I think all of us the rakyat have had enough of this racist BN rule. Let me commend the self restrain we imposed voluntarily upon ourselves and have not respond in kind.

    The main question remains how is it that non-Malay based parties still support the UMNO racial profiling in every thing? By remaining silent while knowing it had been going on for a long time, this proved that the leadership in the parties were UMNO approved persons. The most ridiculous are the party members who still have not resigned from the party. As long as the problem is not ended once and for all, the larger blame lies upon the shoulders of the members. These are the culprits who hold the key; they indirectly prolong the agony rational Malaysian have to suffer.

    But let us all be reminded that Malaysia IS NOT A Malay NATION; it is effectively a multi-racial one. However we have to realize that the Malay racists are supported by their non- Malay BN members. These witless culprits are a disadvantage to the progress of the nation.

  36. Dear YB Kit

    I was very fortunate not to have undergone any BTN indoctrination . However many members of my family have. Actually the attitude most Malays who are forced to undergo this indoctrination is in one ear , out the other ! BTN has been doing this for more than 50 years .
    We should have complained earlier instead of tolerating this fetid rascist shit!

  37. Cintanegara said: “Will u agree if I add 2 more items?

    1. Everybody speak the same language (National Language)
    2. There’s no other school except Sekolah Kebangsaan No more Sekolah Jenis kebangsaan”

    1) We already do… it is called Bahasa Malaysia/Melayu.
    2) Agree that public schools should be Sek Keb only. Private school can have their medium of teaching in Arabic, Tagalog, Thai, English, Mandarin … based on supply and demand.


  38. YB LKS,
    no matter what i will always look forward to a new form of government, and i really do hope i do not see those co**upted UMNO deuschbag members joining the opposition because its not the party that is in a bad shape, but the members in the party are the onces who are screwing things up.

  39. cintanegara, you know the problem with the so-called national schools? It is not the name that bothers right thinking Malaysians, It is the quality! If you do not have jokers like those lecturing in BTN; with no bigotry agenda,I don’t think any rational parent mind sending their children there.
    In many of these ‘national schools’ you have bigots who forget that their one-sided out-look and shallow thinking would forever change the young minds. No rational parent will take that chance!
    The result of the majority of the local graduates is all there for you to see. What further evidence do you need?
    One can speak many languages without the loss of love for the country. You seem to hold that by speaking more than one language, you are unpatriotic? What a shame for such shallow brain! By the way, are you also teaching in one of those schools?
    To me, a corrupted leader is the most likely candidate to sell anything his country can offer!!

  40. Police reports have been made again Ahmad Ismail and according to the police he will be investigated accordingly. So may I ask you the learned great guys what answer can we expect from him. To admit he said the seditious stuff will only land him with guilty verdict. So, it is logical to save one’s skin by denying first.

    There is no need to demand for apology from him. Just continue to exert pressure so that he be charged in court and expelled from his political party. The same goes for Zul Nordin, the PKR MPs for Kulim Bandar Baru. No double standards, no favouritism. Is this not what we want and fight for?

  41. Kulim Bandar Baru MP Zul Nordin should be sacked or resign on his own accord and stay as an Independent MP. We can only hope, he will still support Anwar’s agenda for a change of govt.
    Since he claimed to be a God fearing man, let his conscience be the judge of his actions.

  42. Were we being though of how important is solidarity? In some cases politicians are the real culprit just to suit their political objectives. Realising the fact that no nation will service on racial issues why not just follow the majorty? The Malay as an elder brother and the others are the brother. Why must be a suspicious kind of hu ha

  43. sorry repost, too many mistakes in the earlier post:

    Sdr Kit,
    I don’t know why you made so many mistakes in your psoting. There are only JPA scholars, no PTD or PTA scholars. JPA stands for Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam or Public Services Departement. So JPA scholars are those given scholarship by the Public Service Department. There are no PTD scholars. PTD is Pegawai Tadbir & Diplmatik (Administrative and Diplomatic Officers, the elites in the Malaysian Civil Service). These are the people who become heads of departments, district officers, state secretaries, state financial officers, and secretaries general of the ministries (secretary general in BM is KSU, or Ketua Setiausaha). For example, the Immigration Department is staffed mainly by officers from the Immigration Service, but the big boss like the director general (the one charged for corruption recently) and his deputies are from the PTD service. There are also no PTA scholars. PTA stands for Pegawai Tadbir Am. PTA is less glamorous service when compared to PTD and usually they hold lesser positions in the civil service.

    [Mistakes corrected. Thanks for being sharp-eyed. – Admin]

  44. Its sad that BN government is using taxpayers’ (of which non-Malays form the biggest non-Petronas portion tax) money to hire Bumiputra officers to teach new Bumiputra students to become racist! How could the government expect the non-Bumi not feeling hurt and disappointed?

    For infor (from article in Sin Chew Daily on 4-9-2008):
    Japan population: 120 millions
    Government servants: 820,000
    Ratio: 1:155

    Malaysia population: 26 millions
    Government servants: 1.2 millions
    Ratio: 1:20

    Malaysian must be very lucky that we have so many government servant to serve the rakyat!

  45. Why I say there is error/disinformation in these half baked lectures : supremacy/privileges of Bumiputras were defended by these lecturers based on a latin concept – Jus soli (Latin for “right of the soil” or, somewhat figuratively, “right of the territory”), a tag line by some of our supremacists…. Most of the time, audience don’t understand what it means; neither do, I suspect, the lecturers themselves using such alien latin/bombastic concept!

    Jus Soli is the right by which nationality or citizenship can be recognised to any individual born in the territory of the state.

    The criteria of Malaysian citizenship are complex [beyond scope of discussion here] but one of the common thread is citizenship granted to every person born within Malaya after Merdeka 31.8.1957 by operation of law or after September 1962, and/or where one of the parents at least is at the time of the birth either a citizen or permanently resident in Malaysia (latin concept of lex soli)etc…Now this includes all non Bumiputras, so how could Jus Soli be relevant for application as a concept to justify bifurcation of Bumi rights from non Bumis????

    Historically The basic 1957 Social Contract or Exchange is :

    1. Malays granted non Malays citizenship rights based on (in part ) Jus Soli;
    2. in exchange, Non Malays granted Malays preferential constitutional safeguards by which the symbols and institutions of the Malay polity (eg hereditary rulers) would be safe, Islam recognised as the official religion, Malay language as the national and official language, Special Privileges and Position (Art 153) of Malays.

    Basic Exchange would reap benefit of independence from British for all races and privilege 1. above was granted to Chinese and Indians as they were then controlling most important areas of the economy – rubber, tin and trade – which British wanted that commerce to continue (after independence) with Britain, and to create national wealth to fight Communist threat.

    It has been DAP’s position, which I think accurately reflects the then Social Contract, that Islam being recognised as the official religion does not mean concomitantly the country is a theocratic Islamic state, the latter coming into vogue way after 1957 Merdeka in 1979 with the Iranian Revolution.

    On special Privileges, they were originally not intended perennial (ie forever) but reviewable every 15 years but under Mahathir administration, they were, by constitutional amendments, made practically perennial in the sense that the King decides for how long they will subsist and the King, by constitutional prescription, is protector of Malay interest, culture and religion.

    Privileges were granted in concession to the economically disadvantaged position of the Malays then. They were not granted due to supremacy of race in Ketuanan sense that some lecturers of BTN would have their audience believe.

    The lecturers use Jus Soli to justify Ketuanan in the sense that “right of the soil” or “right of land” belongs to majority race whilst others are tenants ie of not equal citizenship.

    That is trying to to use a square to plug a hole, a misuse of the concept Jus Soli. Jus Soli was instead actually granted to non Malays. It is not a justification of Ketuanan.

    Royal professor Dr Ungku Abdul Aziz said there was no Social Contract between Malaysia’s diverse races. He said it was a “fantasy created by politicians of all sorts of colours depending on their interest”. He did not elaborate . TDM disagreed.

    But Royal professor is right. Whatever Social Contract in sense above defined existed in 1957 – but 50 years later? Don’t tell me it will bind another 5000 years or eternity! The Social Contract was relevant and met the felt needs of that time. Now is a different millennium, different age, and Malaysians (the younger ones) are not grasped by dead hand of the forefathers; they are free from shackles of their ancients to negotiate afresh based on present felt needs and what is best for the nation as a national polity and her peoples as a whole.

    Anwar – whether or not he practises what he preaches – is preaching a New Deal/Social Contract.

    BTN’s lecturers are distorting what goes on by their own narrow and mistaken concept esp jus soli.

    What is the justification for using public funds running into RM76.3 million last year and RM 72 million next year for BTN to perpetrate this disinformation and unreality contrary to unity/Bangsa Malaysia?

  46. after these few years under AAB, I think we need a change in administration. BN too long in power for 51 years and his BN is loosing out.

    It’s not that we support Pakatan Rakyat, because we see AAB as a weak leader. can’t even contact Ahmad of clarify his statement over racial issue.. giving us all the bullshit reasons. DPM also need to represent Ahmad to appologise. Pity him.

    BN now are really is hard days [hard-hari].. later after several months, Ahmad case will just close like that without any action taken.. BN people ma.. sure have to let him go, what if Ahmad is from PR? surely sedition act already staples to his head within few hours of statement..

    we’ll just wait and see how UMNO/BN will do to AHMAD. DOUBLE STANDARD..

  47. This question is for Lim Kit Siang:

    I see you have always championed the cause of a “Bangsa Malaysia”. Can you please tell me what this means and HOW it can be achieved within the diversity of Malaysia’s social demography?

    You need not make your answer long, simply list practical points as to how this ‘Bangsa’ can be achieved.

    Thank you.

  48. Jeffrey says:

    >> based on a latin concept

    Just look up “social contract” on any authoritative website or better still read into Rousseau’s works.

    As I wrote on another thread; In Malaysian context, it refers to the agreement made by the country’s founding fathers in the constitution. It refers to a quid pro quo “trade-off” through Articles 14–18 of the Constitution, pertaining to the granting of citizenship to the non-Malay people of Malaysia, and Article 153, which grants the Malays special rights and privileges.

    Since the Malay leaders agreed to relax the conditions for citizenship, the leaders of the Chinese and Indian communities accepted the special position of the Malays. Clearly the contract agreed to by their forefathers does not sit well with the new generation, therefore alienation and resentment and hatred is a natural reaction.

    What is interesting however is that another description of the social contract declares it to be an agreement that “Malay entitlement to political and administrative authority should be accepted unchallenged, at least for the time being, in return for non-interference in Chinese control of the economy”.

    Even though it has been heavily criticised by many in Malaysia, the social contract should not be seen as the defence of the principle of “Ketuanan Melayu”; nor be seen as non-Malays’ “debt” to the Malays for citizenship – This is the aspect of the contract that UMNOputras have failed miserably to explain to the new generation.

    Critics too have a point when they say that you won’t find the term “Malay rights” in the supreme law of our land, instead, you will find terms such as “special position” of Malays. A “right” implies something inalienable and a “privilege” on the other hand is a benefit. I shall leave it with the discerning readership to make up their own minds after their own research.

    Good day.

  49. They stand united to MIGRATE….soon.
    Mahathir is playing to seek asylum….from one Middle East country.
    Others..need to bring millions…to get permanent residence.
    No more Malaysians Chinese chapot.
    Crooks from UMNO and BN…..planning to run like hell.
    But I bet you..Dollah will stay in Malaysia..for better or worst….like a gentleman. Khairy capot..with new face..full grown beard… an Iman.

  50. I think many people put their comment here FAILED TO NOTICE what lies ahead of us. The racist statement/propaganda/political rally are more serious than simple racism and rights.

    Because when Malaysian distract by the Ketuanan and various racism call, it show that the country are wasting precious resources in the wrong stuff.

    The globalisation issues are imminent! It is hopeless for those politikus to talk about their “own race” , while the whole village their living are on fire. No, it is not “other race” that set the fire, it is the fire of globalisation.

    BTN and many UMNO politickus works are no different than the stupid “elder son” claim for a “inheritance”, that they don’t stand a chance to preserve it under the wave of globalisation.


  51. Sorry can’t understand the point you’re making, zak_hammaad.

    There are too many social contracts. One by Rousseau; another 1957 Merdeka Contract; then you suggest another one – “Malay entitlement to political and administrative authority should be accepted unchallenged, at least for the time being, in return for non-interference in Chinese control of the economy”. That’s different from YB Kit’s, probably based on Bangsa Malaysia, which may be also different from Anwar’s. I am confused. Good day also.

  52. what ever bodohwi says it will happen negatively. he say it is rumours he will be getting married and what happen, he got married. now he saying 0n 16th there won’t be any switch over. that means it will happen. when abdullah says Impossible that means possible. flip flop dollah!

  53. Don’t be too hard on AAB. He was the one most unlikely to have become the PM and if you believe in God, he was put there for a purpose – Malaysia has been drifting as a nation far too long and now there is a chance we get the government that will be able to unite the nation and help us all progress.

    But let us not be fooled it will be plain sailing from here on.

  54. Now I understand why Ahmad Ismail refused to apologize. He sincerely believe there’s nothing wrong with what he has said because the racist culture of UMNO is indoctrinated in UMNO members. So it means Najib’s apology is not sincere, it is just to appease the non-malays.

  55. **************************************************
    BREAKING NEWS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Penang Umno backs Ahmad who says Malays have a right to question the citizenship of the Chinese

    By Adib Zalkapli
    GEORGE TOWN Sept 5 – All 13 Umno divisions in Penang have backed Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s decision not to apologise for calling the Chinese in Malaysia immigrants during the recent Permatang Pauh by-election campaign.

    Ahmad also threw down a challenge: “If the Chinese can question the special rights of the Malays, the Malays can also question the citizenship of the Chinese.”

    His latest outburst and the decision of Penang Umno to support him will certainly raise racial tensions.

    The latest development is also a major embarrassment for Umno’s national leadership.

    Reacting to demands from Chinese political parties and organisations, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak had apologised on behalf of Ahmad.

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi also said this week that Ahmad did not represent the view of Umno.

    At a press conference following a meeting of Penang Umno divisions here today, Ahmad blamed the Chinese media for playing up the issue.

    He also asked acting president of Gerakan Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and other Chinese leaders to instead apologise for being “immature.”


  56. MM asked: Why did the government allow the Hindu Rights Action Force’s alleged racist remarks to go unchallenged while being very apologetic towards racial accusation against Umno leaders? He also said that when non-Malays uttered a racist remark, the Malays never demanded the authorities to apologise.

    Oh yeah? Who are locked up under ISA without trial for so many months?

    Will Ahmad Ismail be locked up under ISA?

    The police did not even send a masked team to get him to the police station on time for statement!

  57. (The Star) – Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail has refused to apologise over his racist remark calling the Chinese community “immigrants who do not deserve equal rights”.

    “Why should I apologise? I didn’t do anything wrong. Those who do wrong should apologise but I haven’t done anything,” Ahmad said when The Star met him outside his Bayan Baru office yesterday.

    So since najib has apologised meaning he has done something wrong like…mog case ?

  58. When we meet an American, we see in him “McDonald’s”, “burgers”, “pizzas”, “potato chips”, “hot dogs”, “NY”, “Manhattan”, “LA”, “NBA”, “baseball”, “American football”, “Michael Jordon”, “Tiger Woods”, “Michael Johnson”, “Mohamad Ali”, “Brad Pitt”, “Oprah Winfrey”, “Lucy Liu”, “Elvis Presley”, “Hollywood”, “Hip-Hop”, “Broadway”,”Jazz”, “Blues”, “cowboys”, “Mickey”, “Sesame Street”, “Levi”, “bikini”, “fast cars” etc etc.

    I think in that we could quite definitely identify a “bangsa America”. Of course, it took them several hundred years to get to where they are today. Then again, when they started out, they had no precedents to learn from.

    We malaysians have. We also have the benefit of living in a smaller world – a world made small by modern day transportation and ease of communication. The learning curve for us is considerably shorter than for the americans.

    At the same time, I am realistic for I dont expect to see us progressing at the speed of flight. I do however hope to see improvement. For instance, from NEP-dependancy to no NEP. From malays only university to university for all. From government contracts for malay contractors only to government contracts for all contractors. This way, and only this way we can see some hope of becoming more uniform as citizens of the country.

    What I do not wish to see however are acts that in effect roll the country backwards. Like the silly and illogical and socially destructive BTN programmes. From relatively free press to tightly controlled press. From no internet censorship to internet censorship. I can go on. The list is long.

    The question is must we now sit down and determine in advance and with precision what should “bangsa malaysia” constitute?

    It is a certainty that there can be no absolute racial harmony and uniformity. We are all born different. We are individuals in our own ways. However, we are not animals that live and work alone. We work in a community. We understand the meaning and essence of social behaviour. And this includes, accepting differences and tolerance. All of these would come naturally in the circumstances.

    But when policies are actively pursued and implemented with the aim of creating divisions in the community along whatever lines (race, religion, sex etc etc), then of course the desire to unify, to know and understand each other would be absent.

    If I am a pig and Zak is a monkey and we are locked up in a cage. Could we possibly learn to understand each other and tolerate each other and accommodate each other after a while? I dont know. But isnt it good if we can? If so isnt it worth trying? We are not about to kill each other at first encounter. And this alone is a good starting point to try out.

  59. … continuing from above

    Can we pre-determine how we are to work together? Its very much like a marriage. Two parties would have to work things out along the way. New situations will crop up all the time requiring re-adjustments and new approach. How are we to know, to predict? We simply can’t. I have friends who absolutely dislike children. But now they have a several of those little things monkeying about the house. I also have an aggresive high achiever who is now a full time house wife and happy (although complaining).

    The bottom line is there must be no criminal wrongdoings. Apart from this no other criteria is needed for everyone to come together. There is no necessity to lay down in advance the meaning and objects of the bangsa malaysia that we strive for. Together we will forge a working basis and a concept that is unique to us.

  60. The whole picture is looking pretty obvious.
    Bodowi says, you guys are mistaken, those in BTN don’t mean what they say, those students must have misunderstood. You knowlah those students are still young can misinterprete sensitive issues.
    Talking about devils, that bodowi fella is the mother or rather father of all devils. He is lying to his teeth. First class liar. Even the angels dread hearing him. For heavens sake don’t ever think that he is still sleeping or don’t know about it. He is the chief planner..he talks like an angel but you can see for yourself that his actions are vicious and notorious. If you don’t believe you see how he throw mud at Anwar while holding the ball of Najb.

  61. Sorry off topic

    ///12. It took a long time for me to live down the label as a Malay ultra. I had gained such strong support from the Chinese community in the 1999 Election when the Malays deserted me that I felt I was no longer regarded as a Malay ultra by the Chinese generally (the Opposition Chinese excepted). I was grateful for the Chinese support and I had many times publicly acknowledged that much of Malaysia’s development was due to the dynamic Malaysian Chinese entrepreneurs and businessmen. But of course there are still Chinese who regard me as anti-Chinese.///–TDM in 5 Sept 2008

    The people cannot be wrong for a long time to regard TDM as Malay ultra. Those who regarded him as such knew very well the history of the nation based on experience rather than on history book. They saw how the country under Tunku was changed with the participation of TDM. These people who formed the correct opinion did not change their perception of TDM.

    The Chinese community held to their bargain when Suqiu group believed wrongly that TDM had finally realized that TDM would change its racist policies for the sake of justice and fairness, and for the benefit of the nation, and voted in 1999 to save TDM. But immediately after the election, TDM negated on his promise of change and further charged that the Suqiu group was communist. The Suqiu group was wrong to indicate the conditions for their support in the election. They should have just voted TDM out of power for his racist policies. They made the same mistake in 2004 thinking that once TDM is gone AAB would change for the better. They had to wait until 2008 to correct their mistakes.

  62. “Kalau di waktu kemerdekaan dahulu, saya rasa saya lebih sanggup menerima penjajah British dari kaum pendatang Cina berdasarkan penghargaan dan sensitiviti mereka terhadap budaya tempatan.”

    another bloody racist ahmad wanna-be…. can the BN send these racist ahmad-wannabe for vacation on 10th sept too… malaysia is far more better without these ppl in the country….

  63. Mamak Kudat asked: Why did the government allow the Hindu Rights Action Force’s alleged racist remarks to go unchallenged while being very apologetic towards racial accusation against Umno leaders? He also said that when non-Malays uttered a racist remark, the Malays never demanded the authorities to apologise.
    Since wen did the chinese utter racial remarks about the “malays”.??
    Can Mamak tell us:-
    – why the Hindraf members locked up under ISA?
    -why this racial idiot was not locked up too under ISA?
    As a matter of fact u also should also be locked up for uttering racial issues recently.

  64. Zak Hammaad, Bangsa Malaysia means,All Malaysian must be treated equally.That is BANGSA MALAYSIA.No KEKUATAN MELAYU, KEKUATAN CHINA,KEKUATAN INDIA .But KEKUATAN MALAYSIAN.
    UMNO was not a racist party 30 years ago.But the past 6 years UMNO had become very racial.

  65. Peserta bukan Melayu BTN terpaksa diam walaupun mereka marah dengan isi kandungan yang hanya mengagung-agungkan ketuanan Melayu dan menyerapkan idea India dan Cina sebagai pendatang yang telah diberi rahmat oleh Melayu dengan menganugerahkan status kerakyatan.Mereka disarankan supaya tidak tamak dan jangan menunutut kesamarataan hak. Proses pencucuian otak dilakukan secara bertuli-tuli sehingga mereka bosan dan emosi mereka tertekan. Namun begitu, tiada seorang pun peserta berani bersuara, kerana mereka takut gagal kursus ini. Mereka diberitahu seandainya mereka gagal kursus ini biasiswa mereka akan dibatalkan dan mereka tiada peluang untuk menuntut di luar negara lagi!

  66. Jeffrey Says:

    >> As YB Kit is unlikely to respond,

    I ask for a chisel and you recommend a hammer! I do not want to know what Yatim has to say on this matter; it is Lim Kit’s answer that I need.

    It’s becoming typical of Pakatan leaders to shun serious questions and dialogue in place of empty and hollow slogans like “reformasi” and “bangsa Malaysia”.

    The rakyat is listening and reading into the inability of Pakatan to provide precise and detailed answers.

  67. Koh soo koon and Kerakan was disgrace by the the bigotted Ahmad Ismail on the 8 PM news at TV3.He accused KOH SOO KOON of playing up the issue.
    He even blame the chiness papers for misquoting him.As usual KOH SOO KOON and the rest of KERAKAN will put their tails between their leg and kiss the feet of UMNO.
    If it was someone in MIC MCA PPP or KERAKAN who made a statement againts the MALAYS or UMNO,All hell will break loose ,UMNO will hold a DEMO asking that person to step down.

  68. zak_hammaad

    Are you dead serious with your question or are you just fishing? Fifty-one years after Merdeka, you are posing that question?

    Never mind. Basically, there are three models in race relations.

    Where A is the dominant race,
    Assimilation means A plus B = A;
    Integration means A + B = plus/minus AB; and
    Amalgamation A + B = C.

    In between are the hybrids. Now you go figure instead of asking stupeed queestions fifty-one years after Merdeka. By the way, read the book Malayan Problems by Tun Tan Cheng Lock on cultural democracy.

    And while you are at it, get your disctionary and look up the word “consociational politics.” Of course, not a 51-year-old dictionary, but a good one. Better still, if it is a political science disctionary, okay …

  69. remember the squat gate issue? we hv our minister running to china to offer our most sincerre apologies and later found out that the lady wasnt from china. a big slap on the forehead of our minister!

    now we hv our DPM offering apologies to the chinese community for the racist slur by the great datuk ahmad. but whadya know, datuk ahmad didnt err. accd to him “i did no wrong. the chinese papers misquoted me” Yahoo, a big slap on DPM face.

    TQ TQ TQ Datuk Ahmad!!!!

  70. zak_hammaad,
    Americans of all races and color are encouraged to proudly call themselves Americans and One Nation of America. But not here in Malaysia.

    Why is that? Zak, please enlighten us as to why you believe Bangsa Malaysia and the concept of One Nation of Malaysia is not possible?

  71. * Tulip Crescent, that does not answer my question, that simply glosses over it with fanciful hypothesis. Try telling the Chinese that they will have to become “Malays” for the sake of assimilation or a new hybrid for the sake of amalgamation? Integration is possibly is the most workable model, but then again HOW do we get there? The S’pore model is too frightening for the UMNOputeras. I still hold to the view that geo-social politics will win the day in Malaysia as it does in many nation states.

    * Taiking, without national consensus of what Malaysia must be working towards re: Bangsa, how will you get to your destination?

    As you may know, the original “Bangsa Malaysia” policy was introduced by Mahathir to create an inclusive national identity for all inhabitants of Malaysia, thus abandoning the National Culture Policy that asserted a Malay ethnic national identity. He said it means “people being able to identify themselves with the country, speak Bahasa Malaysia (the Malay language) and accept the Constitution.”

    Wikipedia records that; The policy’s support in the government was however lacking and the UMNOputeras pretty much abandoned it. Abdul Ghani Othman alleged that Bangsa Malaysia was a “nebulous concept” which overstepped the bounds of the Constitution!

    However, Lim Keng Yaik, a Minister in the federal government, insisted that Bangsa Malaysia was an official government policy. Other Ministers also criticised Ghani’s statement; one said that the policy “has nothing to do with one race given a pivotal role over others”, while another said that “It does not impinge on the rights of Bumiputeras or other communities.” DPM Najib argued that attempting to define the policy from a political viewpoint was pointless, as it had no official standing in the Constitution, and called for the debate to cease. He also said that “Bangsa Malaysia means we do not evaluate someone by his skin colour, race or religion,” and contradicted Ghani, saying: “It does not question the special rights of the Malays, our quota or anything of that sort.” Ghani insisted, however, that those advocating Bangsa Malaysia were echoing Lee Kuan Yew’s call for a “Malaysian Malaysia” made during the early 1960s when Singapore was a state in Malaysia, even though the campaign had been repudiated by the government (because of PAP’s interference in peninsular politics and working to deprive Malays of their political powers).

    The conflict may stem from the different meanings of the word “bangsa”, which can mean either race or nation. Although the concept of a Malaysian race could be confusing, perhaps taking Bangsa Malaysia to imply a Malaysian nation would be more sensible and workable in the example that taiking gave above.

    I however still hold to the view that geo-social politics will win the day. There is more chance of a Malay becoming PM of S’pore than there is of a Chinese becoming PM of M’sia (i.e. zilch!); But as one comment stated, we can all dream can’t we?

    Night night.

  72. zak_TheBeever Says:
    “Malay entitlement to political and administrative authority should be accepted unchallenged, at least for the time being, in return for non-interference in Chinese control of the economy”.

    “Critics too have a point when they say that you won’t find the term “Malay rights” in the supreme law of our land.” – Zak


    YO! BEEVER read this…

    The Constitution does not explicitly refer to a “social contract” (in terms of citizenship rights and privileges), and no act of law or document has ever fully set out the social contract’s terms. Its defenders often refer to the Constitution as setting out the social contract, and the Malaysian founding fathers having agreed to it, no reference to a “social contract” appears in the Constitution.


    Zak Says:
    “This is the aspect of the contract that UMNOputras have failed miserably to explain to the new generation.”

    ll FIXED ll

  73. In an earlier thread Zak said that because a religion is recognised as official it has a higher status than others. Adherents of the official religion by extension have a higher status other non adherents? Caste system? If that is the case then concept of Bangsa Malaysia and One Nation is difficult for him to grasp.

  74. Swipenter,
    Probably Zak can confirm what he actually meant but Islam being the official religion of the country and embraced by a majority of the population (>60%) would mean that naturally Malaysia will have a more Islamic outlook. Hence why we have Syariah laws, strong emphasise on Islam etc. This should not mean that other religions are inferior, it just means that the religion of the majority i.e. Islam in Malaysia would naturally be more prominent and influential in setting the course of the country.

    This is the basis of democracy – the majority gets their way but this should not be at the expense of the minorities. This also means the minorities will need to accept the wishes of the majority, irrespective of what they feel about it.

  75. swipenter,
    Yes I must agree that it seem inherently contradictory. But you must agree that there is no such thing as an `ideal’ democracy in which everybody gets their way. What i wrote is the painful truth, not only in Malaysia but all around the world.

  76. Watching the 8pm news today and hearing what Ahmad Ismail said was amusing. He had with him at the press conference a bunch of his supporters. Was it a political rally? One was prone to ask.

    He denied saying anything wrong or racist in nature and that someone from the media twisted what he uttered with evil intentions.

    He even criticised Dr Koh Tsu Koon, saying he was a “great actor” and that he had known him for the past 18 years. Ahmad said Dr Koh should have checked the facts with him before making any comments and jumping to conclusion. He also accused Dr Koh of taking advantage of the situation for his own political mileage. One wonders what Dr Koh’s take would be on that?

    What Ahmad Ismail did not mention was the apology the deputy prime minister extended, on UMNO’s behalf, to the chinese for what he was alleged to have uttered during the Permatang Pauh by-election.

    If what Ahmad Ismail said in the press conference was correct, then what exactly did the DPM apologise for? Is he accusing the DPM, just as he had similarly accused Dr Koh, of not checking with him on the facts first before offering his apologies?

    If we take what Ahmad Ismail said at face value: that he was referring to the early chinese immigrants in his Permatang Pauh speech, one would be prompted to venture to ask what his intentions were. And what did the early chinese immigrants have to do with the Permatang Pauh by-election, anyway? Was he trying to summoned the dead chinese immigrants to support his campaign for his preferred election candidate? Else why mentioned those dead people in his speech? Mind boggling indeed. Perhaps he wish to explain?

    Anyway, the dead early chinese immigrants whom Ahmad Ismail referred to in his PP speech, whom he claimed not to have any special rights as the malays under the constitution ( which did not even exist then ) had already happily claimed their rightful eternal place of rest somewhere in the not-yet-formed Malaya then.

    What is going on here?

  77. //The rakyat is listening and reading into the inability of Pakatan to provide precise and detailed answers.// – zak_hammaad

    No, no, no I would say to the contrary. The rakyat is listening and reading into the inability of BN to provide precise and detailed answers. The country is faced with an inflation crisis, judiciary crisis, corruption crisis and what more a government-in-crisis. Still, BN has not provided precise and detailed answers. But they OUGHT to. Because they are ‘governing’, if at all we can use that word to describe its conduct.

    Hurling accusations like “…becoming typical of Pakatan leaders to shun serious questions and dialogue in place of empty and hollow slogans…” does not necessarily lend any credence to BN/UMNO’s claim of having fostered harmonious multicutural, multiracial and multireligious society in Malaysia. On the other hand, it is because of BN/UMNO’s failed divisive racial/religious policies that right thinking Malaysian have the right and justification to support and advance the cause of ‘Bangsa Malaysia’.

    If all you could do with a tool is to cause destruction, then don’t blame others if you are given a dummy (so you can perfect the art of dummy-spitting) when you asked for a chisel.

  78. imranj78,

    The truth need not be painful but reconciliatory; to find a satisfactory and friendly way of dealing between majority and minority. Divide and rule is definitely a painful truth for our country and her people.

  79. Wonder if there is any similar BTN indoctrination in other countries for their young scholarship holders? Telling them all the minority races in their country are inferior, should be 2nd class citizen etc.
    This BTN could be unique in this world, Another Malaysia Boleh??

  80. Ahmad Ismail is just trying to fly kite as high as he could but obviously, he’s just bullsh*ting.
    History ? come on man, I am not 3 year’s old and so are so all us here.
    He had really snubbed his own boss, fire some loose cannons at KTK , Sin Chew. And what did Mohd Zain said ? criticising Chinese and Hindus on the brouhaha of Islam conversion issues and quite on Christian conversions ? err…. I don’t think Chinese and Hindus have much chance to voice on that. Just look at the Bar Council forums on the legal complication issues that arised from spouses conversion.
    That itself has caused a furore. For Chinese and Hindus, the complications issues arised from conversions to Christian are much less complicated as there is no Syariah or oher religious laws. From this legal perspective, both Muslim and non Muslim’s rights has to be protected equally.
    Well, then again, Ameno Penang has got nothing more to bark but the wrong trees.
    Pak Lah and Najib has really lost their grip. it’s gone…. I don’t see any chance of Najib being the future PM with Ameno Penang rebelling against him now.

  81. “Wonder if there is any similar BTN indoctrination in other countries for their young scholarship holders” -cheng

    Yes, in Zimbabwe they do it. It is called “ZOO” – meaning Zimbabwe’s Orientation about Outsiders.
    And the chief ZOO-keeper is known as M.O.R.O.N. The acronym stands for Mamak’s Overseas Recruit On Nepotism.

  82. ///I ask for a chisel and you recommend a hammer! I do not want to know what Yatim has to say on this matter; it is Lim Kit’s answer that I need./// – zak_hammaad.

    I know what you asked. I gave you the hammer because I know you won’t get the chisel. If you are long enough in this blog you will know this. As to why that is the case, it had also been discussed in this blog. Ask Undergrad2. He had given a plausible answer.

    There is no need to repeat it here.

  83. today ahmad press confrence:

    Ahmad in fact had told the press in Penang today that: “If the Chinese can question the special rights of the Malays, the Malays can also question the citizenship of the Chinese.”

    so never ending story?

  84. Based on Ahmad Ismail’s recent antics, including denying that he did anything wrong, trying to twist the facts on what he had actually said, even accusing the reporters of misreporting, and thus making the DPM look like a fool for apologizing, it is clear that the PM and DPM cannot even control or discipline members in their own party.

    How do they expect to continue ruling the country, when they are not in charge of their own party?

  85. Malaysians you must understand BN power lies in racial politics. The more divided the race the more reason for them to be in power. They will never disband BTN or subscribe to a Malaysian race. It’ll be the being of the end if they do. And we who know the methods they have used for so long, must ignore them. Let them bark all they want, they are just hoping you react and cause another racial incident. I know its hard but try not to give into the hate. Hate is a very powerful emotion to control. I’ve felt like headbutting a few butt heads myself but we have too think of the future of our country.

  86. latest news:

    All 13 Umno divisions in Penang have backed Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail’s decision not to apologise for calling the Chinese in Malaysia immigrants during the recent Permatang Pauh by-election campaign.

    Ahmad also threw down a challenge: “If the Chinese can question the special rights of the Malays, the Malays can also question the citizenship of the Chinese.”

    His latest outburst and the decision of Penang Umno to support him will certainly raise racial tensions.

    The latest development is also a major embarassment for Umno’s national leadership.

    Reacting to demands from Chinese political parties and organisations, Deputy Prime Minister had apologised on behalf of Ahmad.

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Badawi also said this week that Ahmad did not represent the view of Umno.

    At a press conference following a meeting of Penang Umno divisions here today, Ahmad blamed the Chinese media for playing up the issue.

    He also asked acting president of Gerakan Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon and other Chinese leaders to instead apologise for being “immature.”

  87. From Malaysiakini today :

    Penang Umno backs Ahmad, snubs Pak Lah
    Athi Veerangan | Sep 5, 08 4:10pm
    Backed by all 13 Umno divisions from Penang, the embattled Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Ahmad Ismail today fervently defended his stand not to apologise for his alleged racist remarks against the Chinese community.

    All Penang Umno divisions, including Prime Minister and Umno president Abdullah Ahmad Badawi’s Kepala Batas, fully supported Ahmad’s stance, which erupted into a national furore since last week.

    The Penang Umno’s action today came as a snub against the prime minister who had earlier urged Ahmad to make an apology.

    Abdullah, who is Penang Umno chief, is scheduled to have a meeting with the division leaders tomorrow in his home state.

    Instead of apologising, the local Umno strongman today accused vernacular daily Sin Chiew Daily and its journalist for triggering the controversy by reporting his speech out of context, which was delivered during the recent Permatang Pauh by-election rally in Kampung Belah Dua on Aug 25.

    “The newspaper and reporter were the ones who should apologise to me, my family, my friends, Umno and all Malaysians for misrepresenting the facts and wrongly reporting my statements,” he said.

    Ahmad also took a swipe at the so-called trial by media, which had publicly found him guilty without hearing his side of the story.

    The packed press conference was unexpectedly held under a rather intimidating atmosphere with the presence of some 100 Umno members, mostly from Bukit Bendera division, and it was frequently punctuated by shouts of racial slurs and threats.

    Social contract

    Reading out a 16-page statement, Ahmad recollected his by-election rally speech and did not deny it contained the statement that “Chinese were immigrants squatting in this country”.

    However, he argued the statement was taken out of context from a lengthy speech he had delivered to a largely Malay audience at the rally.

    In his speech, Ahmad claimed he only touched on the “Chinese migration to this country” when narrating Malaysia’s history and the social contract between the Malays and other races when the country attained independence.

    His speech included a wide range of topics such as the divide-and-rule policy of the colonial British, the immigration of Chinese and Indians to the country, May 13 racial riots, Malay special rights and privileges, the social contract, citizenship for non-Malays and New Economic Policy.

    “What I said was a statement of facts which no one can refute.

    “So it’s not wrong if I were to mention those historical facts in public,” he said, while criticising all those whom he described as “Chinese extremist leaders” for attacking him without first finding out the truth.

    He said even though he had explained the content of his speech a day later, no newspapers, television channels or online portals have reported his clarification.

    Ahmad’s statement became a controversy when several Chinese-based political parties, notably MCA and Gerakan, began lodging a series of police reports against the Umno leader.

    Many have called on the Umno leadership to sack Ahmad from the party.

    “It is the Chinese leaders who are causing this controversy, not me. What’s wrong if a Malay leader touched, on or defended, Malay rights?” asked Ahmad.

    ‘Gerakan can get out from BN’

    Other local Umno leaders such as state secretary Azhar Ibrahim, Bukit Mertajam division chief Musa Syeikh Fadzir and Bayan Baru division chief Mohd Zain Omar joined Ahmad to rap those who objected to Ahmad’s rally speech.

    Azhar blasted the Sin Chew Daily journalist who first reported Ahmad’s speech as ‘idiotic’, saying that “the reporter and the newspaper should be held responsible for inciting racial hatred and conflict”.

    Meanwhile, Ahmad also slammed Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon as a “great liar and opportunist”, and said Gerakan can always “get out from Barisan Nasional”.

    He even claimed BN would not have lost in Penang in the last general election if not for the incompetency of former chief minister Koh and his party.

    “MCA could have won more seats if not for Gerakan,” he claimed.

    He accused Koh and Gerakan of using him as a pawn to resurrect their waning credibility, position and relevance among the Chinese community.

    In a clear sign of defiance and internal mutiny over the controversy, Musa hit out at the Umno top leadership for apologising on behalf of the party without checking the facts with Ahmad.

    Deputy Prime Minister and Umno deputy president Najib Abdul Razak had already apologised over the issue to Chinese Malaysians on behalf of the party.

    “The national leadership can have its own stand, but Penang divisional leaders have theirs.

    “We fully back Ahmad on this issue,” Musa told journalists, rejecting outright Najib’s apologetic gesture.

    ‘We can retaliate’

    But the most intimidating threat came from former Bayan Lepas assemblyperson Mohd Zain, who warned “non-Malays to be extra careful with their deeds and words”.

    “Don’t disturb and push the Malays too much. Don’t think we are quiet.

    “We can retaliate very aggressively,” he thumped home amidst applause from supporters.

    Mohd Zain rapped “Chinese and Hindus of blowing up Muslim conversion issues out of proportion while at the same time, being quiet on Christianity conversion issues”.

    At the same time, Ahmad argued that he was neither a racist nor anti-Chinese.

    The former municipal councillor, who is being investigated by the police under the Sedition Act, said he has many Chinese friends, both personal and business, all these years.

    The press conference ended with a show of solidarity and strength from local Umno leaders, and shouts of ‘Hidup Melayu’ (long live Malays).

    Earlier in the morning, Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng said it was up to Umno to demonstrate its “sincerity and honesty” in dealing with the matter.

    “Umno leaders must prove that they are not hypocrites by taking a stern and firm action on Ahmad,” the DAP secretary-general told the media.

    Don’t you just get angry reading what all the UMNO monkeys in Penang said?? So arrogant, so ego, committed a mistake but refuse to admit, instead they put the blame on other people. And they also arrogantly snub off Gerakan by telling them that they can leave BN anytime.

    I foresee that with this, even for the next 2 to 3 GE, Penang will continue to be ruled by PR. Trust me. These UMNO monkeys forgot that Penang is chinese majority. No chinese votes, don’t hope they can win, unless of course, they cheat.

    BN is definitely heading for DOOMS DAY!

  88. aiD_kamikuP Says:

    Today at 23: 18.46 (27 minutes ago)
    “Wonder if there is… BTN….. other countries …….
    (Yes, in Zimbabwe they do it. It is called “ZOO” – meaning Zimbabwe’s Orientation about Outsiders.)
    Thanks, So this “ZOO”, make their ppl become billionaires, trillionaires, by adding zeros to their banknotes (only to drop ten zeros, on 1 Aug 08). Don’t think Msia ppl like this?

    Now this Ahmad blame Sin Chew, so they may ask Sin Chew to apologize, if not maybe 7 days suspension?

  89. In this holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are carrying out the compulsory fast. They are advised to practise patience, moderation, and magnanimity during the entire period.

    However, in a forum in Penang, we can hear of muslims supporting a call to have a news reporter to “be shot” because of an allege misreporting.

    What conclusion can we draw from this?

  90. swipenter Says:

    >> In an earlier thread Zak said that because a religion is recognised as official it has a higher status than others. Adherents of the official religion by extension have a higher status other non adherents?

    I would be very interested to see where I said this. Please be kind enough to copy and paste my exact comment. I did not even use the words you are paraphrasing with! Islam is the official religion and practised by majority of Malaysians. Therefore in terms of ratio and numerical representation, it goes without saying that it will have more exposure and prominence. The government by extension is mostly Muslim and the Malays wield political power, therefore Islam by its definition will naturally influence public decisions. Why? Social demography and because of areas where the majority of the rakyat wants it.

    For this reason, I believe it is because of DAP’s commanding position within Pakatan and its secular agenda which will be the achillies heel for the opposition.

    Going back to the issue of democracy, I concur with imranj. Even though there is no universally accepted definition of ‘democracy’, there are two principles that any definition of democracy include. The first principle is that all members of the society have equal access to power and the second that all members enjoy universally recognized freedoms and liberties.

    By principle, majority rule is a means for organising government and deciding public issues; it is not oppression. Just as no self-appointed group has the right to oppress others, so no majority, even in a democracy, should take away the basic rights and freedoms of a minority group or individual.

    Minorities, whether as a result of ethnic background, religious belief, geographic location, income level, or simply as the losers in elections or political debate, enjoy guaranteed basic human rights. Democracies understand that protecting the rights of minorities to uphold cultural identity, social practices, individual consciences, and religious activities is one of their primary tasks.

    We know BN has failed in both these cases. Do you blame BN policies or the democratic process they were trying to forge? Or perhaps we need to think about the uniqueness of each nation state and manipulate “democracy” to suit the geo-social realities on the ground. No 2 countries can ever have an identical system work in the same way for both of them; therefore we take the relevant and discard the unworkable.

    In the case of Malaysia, there can be no single answer to how minority group differences (in views and values) are resolved. It is logical that only through the process of tolerance, debate, and willingness to compromise can free societies reach agreements that embrace the twin pillars of 1) Majority rule and 2) Minority rights.


  91. In this holy month of Ramadan, Muslims are carrying out the compulsory fast. They are advised to practise patience, moderation, and magnanimity during the entire period.

    However, in a forum in Penang, we can hear of muslims supporting a call to have a news reporter to “be shot” because of an alleged misreporting.

    What conclusion can we draw from this?

  92. about bangsa malaysia asked by zak, i think you should refer back to the wawasan 2020 which contains 9 challenges and the first 1 “mewujudkan bangsa malaysia bersatu”

    regarding questions on definition of bangsa malaysia and how to achieve it, i think you should ask the person who come up with wawasan 2020?

  93. * One4All4One Says:

    >> However, in a forum in Penang, we can hear of muslims supporting a call to have a news reporter to “be shot” because of an allege misreporting.

    How do you judge that they are “Muslim” from a forum? I personally knew a Christian who impersonated as a Muslim in one of Straits Times forums a couple of years back. Let’s say they are Muslims for the sake of argument; Do you know how old they are? Are they fasting? Do you know how learned they are? Are they mimicking al qaeda propaganda or are they supporters of a particular political party? Why are you publicising their fringe lunacy? Did you know that by giving air time to these idiots, you are making it difficult for yourself to make your point stick because faith is thicker than blood. I think you get the point… However, if you find out who they are, I am more than happy to rehabilitate them!

    >> What conclusion can we draw from this?

    That Islamophobia is alive and kicking? That there are bad Muslims who need to learn about the faith they claim to be representing? Extremism exists in all society? That you need to lower your sensitivity level? Dirty politics is a game that needs 2 minimum players? etc. etc.

    * dankers. I want to ask Lim Kit, no one else!! Clearly his vision of a “Bangsa Malaysia” is quite distinct because of his secular cause. I want him to tell us all what this means to him and HOW he wants to achieve it within the diversity of Malaysia’s social demography?

    Night night.

  94. Their true colours are now right in front of every Malaysian.They dared to say it but got no balls to admit it.Having this type of half baked stuff as leaders for decades definitely spells doom for this country.It is high time MCA,Gerakan.MIC,SUPP and others saying goodbye to the arrogant racist and shameless partner.

  95. zak posted:

    “It’s becoming typical of Pakatan leaders to shun serious questions and dialogue in place of empty and hollow slogans like “reformasi” and “bangsa Malaysia”.”

    We don’t expect self-proclaimed foreginers to understand what bangsa Malaysia is.

    Nor do we appreciate pretenders like you in promoting divide-and-rule policies in Malaysia.

  96. zak_hammaad Says:
    I want to ask Lim Kit, no one else!! Clearly his vision of a “Bangsa Malaysia” is quite distinct because of his secular cause.

    Before LKS answers I’d like to hear YOUR vision of a Bangsa Malaysia that ought to be interestingly distinct because of your islamic cause. I am curious how a Bangsa Malaysia with an islamic cause would look like.

    And if you cannot envision a Bangsa Malaysia because you do not believe it is possible I’d like to hear YOUR reasons as to why Bangsa Malaysia is something that cannot be achieved.

  97. O dear, look what’s happening right here in this blog. Still debating about race religion stuff.

    I’am feeling extremely tristful. Surely politics not my cup of tea. This couple of months I have indeed walk this less traveled journey and realised this path is covered with thick overgrowth, full of other living things, shrouded in mystic beliefs and the likes.

    I have made irrational comments and rediculous remarks to folks here and feel remorseful as well.All the same, I’ve learned lots more from many of the veterans here as well, and both from folks who are for and against PKR and am grateful for this opportunity being here.

    Just to share this piece of history. In Malaysia, the early colonial censuses listed separate ethnic groups, such as “Malays, Boyanese, Achinese, Javanese, Bugis, Manilamen and Siamese”. The 1891 census merged these ethnic groups into the three racial categories used in modern Malaysia – Chinese, ‘Tamils and other natives of India’, and ‘Malays and other Natives of the Archipelago’. This was based upon the European view at the time that race was a biologically based scientific category. For the 1901 census, the government advised the word “race” should replace “nationality” wherever it occurs.

    You will see that race were all termed for the sake of biological categorization of ppl (other than various reasons) and because of this Classification, millions have been slaughtered. Recent history thought us that if one were to touch on race, it only leads to disaster.

    One of many example was the the Rwandan Genocide in 1994 mass killing of hundreds of thousands of Rwanda’s minority Tutsis and the moderates of its Hutu majority. Over the course of approximately 100 days, from April 6 through to mid July, at least 500,000 people were killed.Most estimates are of a death toll between 800,000 and 1,000,000. All this, in the name of RACE.

    We need to move on, seriously – no joke.
    No one race will forever benefit.
    All must wake up!! Quick?
    Don’t know how. Teruk indeed.

  98. Zak, the word you used was “special” and not “higher” My apologies. Go back to the thread of Sept 2 re “Silver Lining……” There were a couple of inter related postings on status of of non muslim living in majority muslim country and vice versa by me and yourself. You said that Islam has “special status” in this country by virtue of being the official religion.

  99. To me, when a group speaks magniloquently of their grace of giving something which is a right then you know the group has nothing to offer in life. In the modern and civilized societies, we may talk of rights to express oneself or the rights to one’s belief. But to claim an economic right based on not doing anything must be flabbergasting! To many,it is a burden of shame but to wantonly cried over it, it can only be the begining of an end to such society! In this competitive world which is getting smaller each day, any percentage created from nothingness will be a drag on that nation. So about 2020, the target of getting ready to compete with Zimbabwee!!!

  100. Don’t be too hard on AAB. He was the one most unlikely to have become the PM and if you believe in God, he was put there for a purpose – Malaysia has been drifting as a nation far too long and now there is a chance we get the government that will be able to unite the nation and help us all progress.

    But let us not be fooled it will be plain sailing from here on.

  101. Dear YB LKS,

    I share your frustrations & I am sure most Anak Bangsa Malaysia rightly share your sentiments.

    Just guess who is the “Guilty” party in “Desperation” instructing his “Running Dogs” to carry out this childish “Charade”.

    They are constantly “Shifting” the goalpost to cover their arse, just like the DNA Bill to find an excuse to “Politically penalise DSAI, & YM Raja Petra – “Fabricating the charge using every & any section in “Their Book” by Hook or by Crook!

    With the Powers-that-be still in “Denial” & continuing their “Arrogance” inspite of the P44 bye-election “Tsunami”…well, they will learn it the “Hard” way.

    “Devine Intervention” works “Wonders”, so we just give them more rope to “Hang” themselves at every turn towards their Auto-Pilot “Self_Destruct” mode path “Destination” soon.

    Have no fear as more “Incriminating revelations” will be forthcoming, to put the “Final” nail into the coffin of the BN administration by its “Enemies” from within their own ranks….Insha’Allah.

  102. Inter-marriage can be a good solution provided the state does not interfere and allows freedom of religion for all, including Muslims to revert like Singapore.

    Of course your family and religion might disown/condemn you but no official state apparatus comes after you. They allow ALLAH to judge in the hereafter.

    This is why during British rule, there were more cases of inter-marriage. It is only in recent times that the incidents of body-snatching have occurred.

  103. In regard to racial issues Malaysian lately love to play. With due respect to all our fellow Chinese and Indian. I strongly feel that the Malay will not and never ever had any intension to disregard the two brothers. I always hold to my historical research that the Chinese and Indian will never be harmed. Not here in Malaysia and NOT in the hand of the Malays. Believe me!!

    The real problem here are :- 1) We never learn from history. How horrible was when croatian, Bosnian placed in the history book of humanity. How many life? their life not our life?, 2) No Malaysia citizen will not get any benefit including the bloggers and commentators of this blog WHEN racial clashes really took part. I’am sorry, I don’t mean anything but I like to find and share the REAL solution in combating virus – the racist and crazy politicians

    Lu Fikir la sendiri.

  104. truly enough mcy0077 , the sentiments amongst non Malays are the same. there is no point harming each other which is why bad apples like BTN and UiTM operation mentality should be disbanded because these sort of organisations promotes segregations of race and cultures based on colonial policy of devide and rule. This is very wrong.

  105. It is shocking to learn that BTN has been made use of as a tool to indoctrinate the JPA scholars and government servants alike with ideas glorifying only one particular race.The question is why this ill conceived programme is allowed to run for years without raising the eyebrows of right thinking and fair minded people.Condoning such a programme and acquiescing other similar racial prejudiced activities result in churning out products like the stubborn.arrogant and unrepentant party head from Bukit Bendara.Don’t blame the vernacular schools for disunity.Malaysians should realize acts,words and behaviour that blatantly disregard the feelings of other races is threatening social solidarity and racial harmony.

  106. So Najib, where you want to taruh your muka now? You APOLOGIZED on behalf of Ahmad who is your SUBORDINATE and now he turns back and “bite” you, saying you did the wrong thing? Mana kepimpinan anda? Not to mention what BN professed “Kepimpinan melalui teladan”! Shame on you!

  107. Vernacular schools NEVER teach their students to belittle or hate or scorn other races, otherwise, many of their teachers could be detained under ISA. IF any of these students later become racist, it is all because they been repeatedly marginalized, belittled, hated, scorned, discriminated by …….
    Only….. teach their people to dominate, belittle, hate, marginalize, scorn, discriminate others who live in the same country.
    So what do you expect?? “Wawasan 2020”??

  108. The only formula to create a 100% bangsa malaysia is;

    Cina kahwin Melayu = cinlayu,
    Tamil kahwin Punjabi = tamiljabi
    Iban kahwin kandazan = Ibankan
    Cina kahwin Tamil = cinta
    Tamil kahwin Melayu = tamilayu
    Melayu kahwin iban = melayiban
    Iban kahwin cina = ibancin
    Punjabi kahwin cina = punjacin
    Punjabi kahwin melayu = punjalayu

    Finally the Punjacin,tamiljabi,ibancin,cinlayu etc kahwin with each other, this how the bangsa malaysia is created.

  109. You probably may have it right,son of perpaduan but then this secret alchemy of yours can only be successfully brewed in NeverLand.In BolehLand, they prefer to stem their Master race authority on the rest, regardlessly of whether they have the brains or not.

  110. If Admiral Cheng Ho never bother, British happy with just Penang, Melaka & S’pore, USA or Malayan Chinese never bother, then maybe Malaya ppl outside these 3 cities, could be wishing each other “Sawaddee ka?” or “Ohaiyo gozaimas”
    Don’t know if others would teach us “Ketuanan T…” or “Ketuanan J…”

  111. By imposing their ketuanaan melayu for the last 30 years, the country is rotting to the core. No country can progress when run on racist and discriminating policies.
    But one gets the impression they don’t give a damn even if this country becomes 4th world banana country like Zimbabwe which they so often likes to compare with.
    Tun M’s recent comment why certain politicians should not apologise for racist remarks shows how backward his mind is and backward the country has become. He is the core reason why this country has descended to this state.

  112. Ha ha ha, thanks son of perpaduan Says:,
    Something funny to start the day, boy do I need it.
    Let’s not fight amongst ourselves here, pls……..

    We must thanks God, we’re able to to see this blog again today, others may not be this fortunate. Just thinking..

    Its good to lay off this racial thing just for this weekend?
    I thought we won the recent election because we are sick and tired of race based politics?

    And here we are at it. Know what? Someone will be enjoying and laughing at us again. Its their game?! Remember?
    Im gonna take a back seat for a while and watch
    just one more final movie “The last hooray of Bolehland?”

    All ppl in this blog, treat each other nice? The war is out there
    not here. Meanwhile, enjoy the play.
    Pop-corn anyone?

  113. and to say that BeEnd had acted biased on not demanding apology from Hindraf by Mamakthir is purely politically biased. If BeEnd is to act “equally and just”, Ahmad Ismail would be in Kamunting like the rest of the ISA detainees. He need not be given the oportunity to apologise and as the other ISA detainees were also not given any chance to speak up at all. Speaking such words at a political rally would be also disastrous for any Opposition parties.
    When he asked for Indian community leader, isn’t it the Semi Value guy ? also from BeEnd. This is just plain oxymoron by Mamakthir.
    Also, comparing an undergraduate to a community leader with a Dato’ title is like comparing an apple to an orange. The argument is weak.

  114. That fat idiot and probably a by product of BTN still refuses to admit his wrongdoing and own up.On the contrary,he blamed the reporter from Sin Chew Daily for misreporting.But it had been rebutted by Sin Chew Media Corporation and the media corporation stood by steadfastly for its fair reporting.The idiot and the whole bunch of fools from Penang Umno that lent him support not only displayed their stupidity but also had brought shame to their own kind as a whole including the big mouth old mamak.

  115. Point to ponder.
    Latest Republican Presidency candidate John Mccain convention’s overall theme, “Country First,”

    “If you find faults with our country, make it a better one. If you are
    disappointed with the mistakes of government, join its ranks and correct them.”-Sen. John McCain.
    Dedicated to Pak(tidur)Lah…

    “Love of country, my friends, is another way of saying love of your
    fellow countryman.”-Sen. John McCain
    Dedicated to Ahmad Ismail..the low-class politician who has no sense of unity but hatres.

    “Our next president will have a mandate to build an enduring global
    peace on the foundations of freedom, security, opportunity, prosperity, and hope.”-Sen. John McCain
    Dedicated to Anwar Ibrahim…go for it and make Malaysian proud!

  116. UMNO Penang, this is the same party that called for gov. to stop Rapid K.L bus services for Penang after it lost. They also call for gov. to stop federal funded projects. This party basically asked federal gov. to punish the people of Penang including those that vote for them out of spite.
    How much influence do you think they have.
    Only morons and paid thugs would support this party.
    So just brush of these comment.

  117. DAP harus berbincang dengan PAS untuk melahirkan satu cara yang membolehkan mereka bekerjasama dan perlu cari jalan tengah untuk menerima fahaman dan ideology masing-masing.
    Saya rasa pengajaran agama Islam ada banyak yang boleh diterima oleh masyarakat bukan muslim di negara ini.
    Saya juga berpendapat bahawa PAS lebih terbuka dalam pendidikan Cina dan lebih bertoleransi dengan kaum bukan Muslim kalau dibandingkan dengan UMNO, tengok saja dengan mata sendiri kita di apa yang berlaku di Kelantan. Tengok saja apa yang sedang dilakukan olen Menteri Besar Perak yang telah membantu Masyarakat Bukan Muslim di sana walaupun hanya baru berkuasa selama 100+ hari sahaja. Perhubungan baik yang terjalin di antara Pas dengan DAP boleh meyakinkan Kaum Melayu terhadap PKR…..Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini YB Lim Kit Siang.

  118. zak_hammaad Says:
    Today at 00: 19.34 (11 hours ago)

    * One4All4One Says:

    >> However, in a forum in Penang, we can hear of muslims supporting a call to have a news reporter to “be shot” because of an alleged misreporting.

    How do you judge that they are “Muslim” from a forum? I personally knew a Christian who impersonated as a Muslim in one of Straits Times forums a couple of years back. Let’s say they are Muslims for the sake of argument; Do you know how old they are? Are they fasting? Do you know how learned they are? Are they mimicking al qaeda propaganda or are they supporters of a particular political party? Why are you publicising their fringe lunacy? Did you know that by giving air time to these idiots, you are making it difficult for yourself to make your point stick because faith is thicker than blood. I think you get the point… However, if you find out who they are, I am more than happy to rehabilitate them!

    >> What conclusion can we draw from this?

    That Islamophobia is alive and kicking? That there are bad Muslims who need to learn about the faith they claim to be representing? Extremism exists in all society? That you need to lower your sensitivity level? Dirty politics is a game that needs 2 minimum players? etc. etc.

    Dear zak,

    I think you are too opinionated and got stuck with your grain of thought to be able to separate the rice from sand. Sorry to offer such an observation, without prejudice. Perhaps your environment and life experiences had limited your world view; I cannot blame you.

    Please don’t always harp on “Islamophobia” and “intrigue” such as “impersonation”. Our imaginations are always under control and not as far fetched as yours. We are not inclined to playing games of “supremacy”, “race”, “religious supremacy”, “ketuanan”, “sons of the soil”, “holier than thou”, etc., etc, and whatnot of similar veins.

    We are straight talkers with no ulterior motives, no prejudice, no hidden agenda, no religion-phobias ( proof: we are open to all of God’s Religions, Islam included, and do not lay claim that such-and-such religion belong to us), no inferior/superiority complexes, no racial prejudices ( proof, again : we take people of every colour and creed as our life partners, and accord equal respect and recognition to all without reservations), no pretension of being the more superior kind. We have gone much further than that.

    That the bunch of people behind Encik Ahmad Ismail at the press conference are Muslims cannot be denied. (Not that there is anything wrong being a Muslim, perfectly all right, instead.) Make the conclusion yourself.

    And asking someone to also apologise to Islam and Muslims does not hold water at all, as no one is questioning either. Another case of bring up religion when it does not concern that at all, which lead to another frequent observation which is that a lot of Malay politicians like to invoke the name of God and religion at their whim and fancy. We are always reminded to separate politics from religion, I thought.

    What a day for Malaysia!

    Good luck and God bless!

  119. Do you still think they care about Malay rights or are they just using this issue to gain support.
    Remember Malays would be impacted too by this party recommendations to Federal gov.
    So there is no Malay, Chinese, Indian and other races to this party. Races are just fact pawns for them to use to gain power.

  120. Why is everybody getting so worked up by this Ahmad guy when he turns around blaming other people is to be blamed? He is doing what is nomal for UMNOPUTRAs.They are behaving according to standard procedure in their modus operandi when faced with criticism or strong opposition to actions taken by them.Haven’t you find it common place in newspapers over the years phrases like “I was misquoted”, “they quoted me out of context”, “only a few black ship has spoilt the name of the police or whatever civil service department (under public criticism)”,”I don’t know that or I’ve not been told of that” etc etc.You will never get this coming out from a government committed to transparency and good governance!
    Najib apologises on behalf of Ahmad not only because he knows Ahmad jolly
    well will not but more so because he desperately has to safeguard his turn as the next PM.Yes that’s right, protecting his territory in the scheme of things!

  121. These bunch of racial Umno idiots in Penang are real sore losers. Just look at this fat ar_e idiot wen he spoke at TV. Disgusting big and fat bum and a corrupted one to the core. Look how fat this ar_ehole, and he is under so much pressure that in no time he will explode to smitterins.
    Trying to champion the Malay race to gain points. Poorah!!
    Does he know that he is also a “pendatang”??
    If a non-malay speak like this, I guarantee this guy will be charged and locked up under ISA by our so-called “efficient” police force in no time.

  122. To be fair to what Zak said, I do have Malay friends who are moderate, caring, considerate and rational Muslims.

    The problem with religion, race and politics is that there are too many areas that overlap and become grey. And as we try to find our footing, we can unwittingly go from the grey area to the black without knowing.

  123. Hello Everyone,

    Please keep your anger in check…provocation is what was intended by that racist man, please do not fall intohis trap.

    Some MPs (DAP, MCA and Gerakan) have lodged a police report against him. Let the law take its course, no need stir up more negative sentiment. Sticks and stone may break my bone, but name calling is just that.

    916 is less than a fortnight away, keep our cool… Makkal Shakthi will prevail. Keep our cool please.

    Thank you all civilized brothers and sisters.


  124. Saya setuju dengan bantahan saudara Lim Kit Siang jika BTN memang berada di landasan yang salah. Namun perlu diingat bahawa maklumat yang tidak tepat juga akan menghasilkan respon yang tersasar jauh daripada kebenaran. Padahal dalam perjuangan untuk rakyat dan negara, kebenaran fakta amat penting bagi menghasilkan rumusan yang tepat.

    Selaku rakyat dan kakitangan kerajaan yang pernah menjadi peserta kursus anjuran BTN saya bersetuju agar modul BTN dibentangkan di parlimen dan semua ahli parlimen diwajibkan menghadiri kursus BTN selaku peserta.

    Semoga tindakan kita dalam membina negara tidak hanya bergantung pada sumber-sumber yang tidak dapat dipastikan. Apatah lagi saudara Lim Kit Siang adalah orang lama dalam politik Malaysia sudah tentulah perlu berhati-hati dengan sumber yang diterima.

  125. Hello Everyone,

    Please keep your anger in check…provocation iwas what was intended by that racist man, please do not fall into his trap.

    Some MPs (from DAP, MCA and Gerakan) have lodged police reports against him. Let the law takes its course, no need stir up more negative sentiment. Sticks and stone may break my bone, but name calling is just that.

    916 is less than a fortnight away, keep our cool… Makkal Shakthi will prevail. Please keep cool.

    Thank you all civilized brothers and sisters.


  126. We were once ‘pendatang’,including the Malays.The only difference is the time factor.Some came here earlier than others.That’s all.Historian Prof.Khoo Kay Kim had attested to this fact.So why those racist UMno idiots still keep on harping on the issue?They play the race issue just to achieve their self interest.They do not actually bother about the future of the nation.What they want is easy money,amassing wealth without putting in effort.Any good policy that stands in their way will be bombarded.When LGE became the Chief Minister and introduced people oriented policies,he was severely criticised by the self serving Penang Umno.It is fervently hoped that everyone including the Malays will know one day who really work for the people and who work for their own pockets.

  127. “The government by extension is mostly Muslim and the Malays wield political power, therefore Islam by its definition will naturally influence public decisions. Why? Social demography and because of areas where the majority of the rakyat wants it.” – Zak

    Islam encourages corruption? Rakyat wants corruption?

  128. Prelude:

    KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 6 — Former Federal Territory Gerakan chief Datuk Dr Tan Kee Kwong has joined Parti Keadilan Rakyat, ending months of speculation following his controversial appointment to a special Pakatan Rakyat Selangor state government job in May.

    The announcement was made today at a special press conference together with PKR president Datin Seri Dr Wan Azizah Ismail here.

    Dr Tan, a former deputy minister in the Barisan Nasional federal government, is the most significant former leader from the ruling coalition to defect to the PR alliance since the March elections.

    Said Dr Tan today: “PKR is the party of the future. I have lost faith with all three main BN component parties.”

    Umno, he said, was now a “tauke punya party,” and not the MCA, in a reference to the perception that the MCA was considered a party controlled by business interests, which he infers is now the public perception of what the dominant BN party has become.

  129. Islamophibia? What Islamophobia? Everytime comments made that seem to be critical of the actions of certain Muslims, it becomes Islamophobia. It would seem that by the mere mention of Muslims, the writer is automatically condemned as having referred to ALL Muslims regardles of the context in which it is mentioned. So, to people like Zak, it does not matter that (i) in Malaysia, Malay = Muslim, (ii) when Malays utter racist statment, hence it can be equated to Muslims having done so, and (iii) the context of ‘the Muslims gathered at that particular event.’ So, by no means does the writer nor do the readers equate such mention of Muslim to mean ALL MUSLIMS. It takes a pseudo-scholar like ZAK to twist it ito Islamophobia. People like them would like the world to think Islam is under attack. It serves their purpose as by doing so, they hope to appeal to the raw emotions of all Muslims that their religion is under attack and incite feelings of deep indignation that kafirs would dare to insult or question Islam.

    By the same parallel, everytime a ‘privilege’ concocted by UMNO is questioned, it is automatically deemed to be challenging Malay ‘special rights.’ So, if we question why Malays enjoy 10% discount on purchase of a house while the other races must pay the full price, it AUTOMATICALLY equates to attacking Malay ‘special rights.’ It does not matter that we are challenging the logic of a ‘privilege’ that ENTITLES a RICH Malay to such a discount. It does not matter that we are saying a RICH MALAY should NOT enjoy the discount while a poor Malay, Chinese or Indian or Malaysian of ANY OTHER RACE should AUTOMATICALLY enjoy that discount instead. People like Zak will conveniently twist it into a ‘challenge of Malay rights.’

    So, when we challenge the seditious nature of utterances like ‘Chinese are immigrants in Malaysia,’ it automatically becomes twisted into a ‘if you can challenge Malay rights…’ accusation ACCOMPANIED BY THREATS – yet again – like a frigging broken-down record repeating it over 51 years!

    Thank God we have an increasing population of Malays who are willing to QUESTION the policies of UMNO and have come to realise it is MALAYS playing out MALAYS where:

    – RICH UMNOPUTRAS enrich themselves beyond imagination while throwing crumbs to the Malay masses to keep them in power. Now, Malays can see the truth in the ZAKs of the world like Zak Istana and now Zak Hammaad
    – UMNO Malays are the REAL RACISTS inciting hatred in Malays for other races; and to ensure they continue enslaving the Malay mind, there are their BTN, Ketuanan Melayu, Special Rights, Exclusive Institutions, Exclusive Privileges and a host of other tactics.
    – once Malays are exposed to the world, they realise that ALL THOSE CRUTCHES that UMNO insists they hobble on DO NOT EXIST OUTSIDE MALAYSIA. Then, when Malays do make good and excel outside of Malaysia, they realise that THEY CAN BE AMONG THE BEST OF THE BEST but to be that one must compete on the SAME platform, not an artificially elevated UMNO-provided stage.

    In the same ranks of the ZAKs are the great pretenders of ‘protectors of Chinese’ – MCA & GERAKAN. For as long as Chinese feel threatened, there is the reason for their existence and purpose. So, to keep Chinese enslaved, they kiss the soles of their UMNO masters and DO NOT question Malay ‘special rights’ and tell the Chinese masses to do the same ‘in order to live in peace’ and keep the threats away. Bollocks! We are NO LONGER afraid and beacuse we will now speak up, come what may! WE spit on MCA and GERAKAN for being the ball-less RACISTS that they are.

  130. * katdog Says:

    >> Before LKS answers I’d like to hear YOUR vision of a Bangsa Malaysia that ought to be interestingly distinct because of your islamic cause.

    Your cannot deny that the prominence of Islam is reflective of the 60% of the rakyat rather than any unnecessary drive to force the religion down non-Muslims’ throats. As for a “Bangsa Malaysia”, I can not fathom such a concept thus my question to uncle Lim. I do however believe that without national consensus of what Malaysia must be working towards re: Bangsa, how will you get to the destination?

    Someone suggested that a Bangsa means “all Malaysian must be treated equally.” I certainly would not disagree with this, but is this really the Bangsa vision?

    For example, you have X, Y, Z (who combine the major races of a country) where X is 60%, Y is 25% and Z is 10% – Is it unfair to ask for proportionate representation without diminishing the rights of anyone? Even thought Y and Z may differ in race or religion, why must X deny them of their inherent rights as citizens? This question is not for me but the incompetent leadership of BN.

    >> I am curious how a Bangsa Malaysia with an islamic cause would look like.

    Not so much a ’cause’ than an inherent identity of a bangsa that reflects the demographic reality of its people. I can’t give you a wholly modern day example, but Islamic history is replete with unparalelled Bangsa where all inhabitants enjoyed privileges and rights that only came to existance in the ‘West’ as recently as the last century. During the Spanish inquition that saw the end of Islam in the iberian peninsular, the Jews who lived lives of prosperity and freedom under Islamic rule, sought residence and protection from Othoman Turkey when they too were driven out of Spain. For over five hundred years
    Jews have flourished there, enjoying uninterrupted rights, freedom and safety.

    This example may not be applicable in the Malaysia context, but what I am getting at is how the Muslim representive leadership in Malaysia (and elsewhere) has failed miserably in applying Islamic principles when it comes to a multi-racial and religious environment like Malaysia. Kelantan, which PAS holds as an emerging example of Islamic governance seems not to be devoid of the social needs of it’s non-Muslim populace however, but more needs to be done.

    In 628 C.E. Prophet Muhammad (S) granted a Charter of Privileges to the monks of St. Catherine Monastery in Mt. Sinai. It consisted of several clauses covering all aspects of human rights including such topics as the protection of Christians, freedom of worship and movement, freedom to appoint their own judges and to own and maintain their property, exemption from military service, and the right to protection in war.

    An English translation of that document can be found by a general search. You my also want to visit cyberistan dot org for glimpse of history and civilisation.

    >> And if you cannot envision a Bangsa Malaysia because you do not believe it is possible I’d like to hear YOUR reasons as to why Bangsa Malaysia is something that cannot be achieved.

    I gave a lengthy response to this previously, but I am happy to re-answer this if you tell me whether you understand Bangsa to be in the context of a nation or a race? It

    * HJ Angus Says:

    >> Inter-marriage can be a good solution provided the state does not interfere and allows freedom of religion for all, including Muslims to revert like Singapore.

    To some extent, I personally like this idea. However Malaysia can not incorporate secular laws relating to religion because of the social democraphic differences. Within Islam, a Muslim woman is not allowed to marry a non-Muslim without the conversion to Islam of the latter.

    * dawsheng Says:

    >> Islam encourages corruption? Rakyat wants corruption?

    Clearly not and far from it, this takes the whole issue back to the self-proclaimed representatives of Islam and Muslims. I was NOT speaking about UMNO in my context, the responsibility would fall on anyone who came to power.

  131. Ahmad Ismail claimed he only touched on the “Chinese migration to this country” when narrating Malaysia’s history. Sure, then he should also have said that once upon a time, Malays too migrated to this land. In fact, Ahmad also forgot to mention that there are so-called Malays migrated to this country recently, later than many nonMalays who have been here for many generations.

    Ahmad Ismail also slammed Gerakan acting president Dr Koh Tsu Koon as a “great liar and opportunist”, and said Gerakan can always “get out from Barisan Nasional”. Adoi, Gerakan, direct hit and why are you still clinging to Umno?

    Mohd Zain warned “non-Malays to be extra careful with their deeds and words” and “Malays can retaliate very aggressively,” amidst applause from supporters. Truly a threat worthy of a visit by our polis. Yes, all Malaysians should all be careful. Remember the origin of the word “Amok”!

  132. Zak,

    You may say this or that and come out with tonnes of information to justify your result, but at the end of the day, it is the Rakyat who are able to vote who has the final say, not some foreigner who OVER-ANALIZEs issues.

    March-8th 2008, the RAKYAT has spoken and one more time in Aug-26th 2008. How much more indication does one need to see that RACE/ETHNIC based political scenario is rejected by the RAKYAT.


  133. kerishamuddinitis, it is insulting to suggest that Chinese are not protected or accorded rights. The fact they continue to flourish in education and business may be despite BN, but the climate that is needed in order to excel is there to one extent or another. The unbalances that do exist need to be amended, no one disputes this.

    You are a by-product of Pakatan and by extension, on the other extreme of the political spectrum. A middle way needs to be found in order to correct the imbalances you speak of.

    Tengku Razaleigh recently said many non-Malays believed that Umno or the Malays are the drivers of Malaysia. ”Of late, the Malays have become reckless and bad drivers until the Government is branded as inefficient,” he said.

    Surely if a driver is known to be bad and reckless, so sane person would hitch a ride with him for fear of an accident or worse still, fatality. UMNO’s ‘mati bus’ is full of the die-hard putras and puteris.

    AAB is the driver and Najib is the conductor.

  134. The correct history of peninsular Malaysia would verify that unless a person belongs to any one of the native tribes found in the peninsular, he/she would/should/could be considered as an immigrant to this part of the world.

    The Chinese are certainly not native to the peninsular as they do not originate from any of the tribes. However, just like the natives, the Chinese here since Merdeka are also the citizens of Malaysia. No one can dispute that.

    What about others who claim to be the “master” of the land? Wonder if they belong to any of the native tribes? This is to ascertain if they are immigrants or otherwise.

    Since history is being brought up for discussion, it would be reasonable and timely to delve into the details, lest misinformation are being propagated and facts distorted.

    Perhaps the like of Prof. Khoo Kay Khim would come forward and throw some light into the subject matter and enlighten Malaysians on historical facts? Malaysians would certainly do well to be correctly and properly informed, even though it is academic in nature.

    Never thought that a political by-election could be a platform for a lesson in history. What did the speaker intend to achieve? What was the relevance? Why touched only on Chinese immigration to an audience mainly of our Malay friends? What about other immigrants; why were they not mentioned? Was it because they are not relevant or as important?

    There are more questions than answers.

    Seems like history had been politicised. Not only that, religion is also one matter overly politicised. Thought we should respect the
    sanctity and purity of religions, and not use it as a “weapon” and “tool” in our politicking? It is very disrespectful and improper indeed to obtain political mileage and influence the electorate by using the name of religions. God forbids.

  135. When I study photos of ahmad ismail in the papers, rather oddly, he does not appear too malay to me.

    In fact I thought he has the same sort of appearance like rashid hussein (of RHB) has – of the “arab”-ish sort.

    Does anyone here know anything concerning his background?

  136. Well planned gameplan by UMNO.
    On the hidden agenda for 51 years , they have been instrumenting their young Malay generations about the importance of Malay Unity and how they should look at other races in this country.
    Using the natural force by human captial ,they can continue to rule this country … having to pull all these Malays by their noses at anything …any choice.
    Those Non-Malays , we are subject for all these kind of treatments from all most our entire life and yet, all of us are truly blessed upon.
    We still managd to stand tall along many that understand our rights to be a Malaysian.
    As for the Malays, their freedom to be a Malaysian have been badly ‘controlled’ by UMNO. Their own natural habitual habit can be easily made a profitable tool for UMNO to fan off any resistance from other Malaysian.
    At the rate we are going, we must stand up for ourselves as Malaysia Malaysian.
    Stop being use by UMNO for evil reason when we are praying for peace .

  137. Emily Pratt Says:

    >> but at the end of the day, it is the Rakyat who are able to vote who has the final say,

    >> not some foreigner who OVER-ANALIZEs issues.

    I can assure you I am no more a “foreigner” than you are. I employ 15 of your sorry backsides. I think you amply display the lack of will and interest to get to the bottom of any pressing issue facing the country. Generalising and over-simplifying problems while glosses over substance will always lead to a dead-end.

    >> How much more indication does one need to see that RACE/ETHNIC based political scenario is rejected by the RAKYAT.

    And I reject it also, what on earth gives you the impression I am for racial politics!? Have you not understood anything? Talking about it however and discussing why geo-social politics will remain a defining force for the foreseeable, you are living in cuckooland if you think you can change this global ‘norm’ in a matter of months and years.

    You have also missed out the most crucial factor in all this: Islam. Faith as they say, is thicker than blood.

  138. One4All4One Says:

    >> The correct history of peninsular Malaysia would verify that unless a person belongs to any one of the native tribes found in the peninsular, he/she would/should/could be considered as an immigrant to this part of the world.

    I can go one step further and explain that human trans-migration is as old as man himself. There remains no truly “native” community in any land of the world today. Race and religion also does not have an exclusive monopoly over any geographic place today.

  139. BTN indoctrination of national scholars has been taking place in an official manner since mahathir’s time. That makes it a (more or less) 25 year-old programme, counting till today.

    So inspite of the official indoctrination, we still managed 308 and 826. Isnt it obvious that the indoctrination is absolutely useless for umno’s purposes. Look, some senseless idiot passed a racist remark and our named next-PM (he will remained as such only I believe) has to apologise for it. Isnt this a clear example that the BTN is not working for them?

    Well I hope that they remain blissful and ignorant. Fortunately, a sizeable number of malays in the country are not like them.

  140. Dear Zak,

    For once, I find some common ground with you.

    To extend your “one step” further, we can see that Mother Earth is the ONE land mankind knows, and that ALL human here are native to that same land. ( makes arguing who is native to which corner the Earth silly and infantile! And that is what I have been trying to convey all this while in the postings. You make my day, and “vindicates” my time spent writing. Thank you. )

    If everyone can see this point, and agrees that we are all indeed one humanity, then a lot of problems in Malaysia, and indeed on planet Earth would be solved all at one go.

    Same for religion. I have been trying to put across the point that true religions belong to no one ethnic group or individual. It is for ALL humanity.

    Now I hope you can see the teaching and revelation that:

    God is ONE. ( Oneness of God )
    Religion is ONE. ( Oneness of Religion )
    Humanity is ONE. ( Oneness of Mankind )

    If we reflect on the implications of those teachings, we would be able to see the real possibility of true UNITY among all people of the world.

  141. Tan Kee Kwong finally heard his without-fear-and-favour father’s voice and dissociated himself from the money, money, money crazy Umnoputras. Umno, he said, is now a “tauke punya party.”

    Well, at least, TKK heard Ahmad Ismail: Gerakan can always “get out from Barisan Nasional”. So, he vamoosh lah, no loss to Umno!

  142. Islam is one of the true and great religions. It is for all humanity. Where a religion originated is not the most important point (though God has his ways and wisdom, not for me or anyone to say and judge ), His Teachings are.

    Don’t you see something peculiar here in Malaysia, that the Malays seem to be treating religion as a “possession”. They seem to be very possessive of Islam: nobody, other than a Muslim is supposed to touch on Islam. I cannot comprehend this, cannot see the logic and to disagree with the attitude.

    In order to learn about anything, religion included, one would question and enquire, argue and contemplate, disagree and wonder aloud about this and that. All these processes should not be seen as “questioning” and disrespecting Islam. It is part and parcel of the learning process before one can get into the gist of it all. But if you start questioning fundamental points and try to comprehend the practices of Islam, as an approach to under the religion, you would come under attack for sure by Muslims here.

    Why? Are those Muslims here who always seem to come to the “defence” of Islam can claim to be learned enough in the teachings of the religion? The reason I ask this question is that as a person believing in the good and truth of Islam (which teaches one to practise good virtues, to be truthful, humble, patient, magnanimous, respectful of others, to be clean in body and mind, etc. etc.), I often observe that some people who practice Islam here do not exhibit the virtues required of them?

    For example, for those who claim to be a Muslim first, Malay second, why do they barged into a private property when a meeting is going on? Is that the way to “defend” the religion?

    A more recent example is that people who are seen as Muslims were heard calling for a news reporter “to be shot”. No matter what the poor guy had reported, such remarks should not have come from a truly religious person.

    There are just too many instances where the virtues of the religion were not practised or exhibited. Perhaps that contribute to what you have often brought up: “Islamophobia”.

    The above writing must be seen as an open discussion to make known our observation and thoughts, and must not be taken as a provocation or attempt to discredit anybody or belittle Islam. As I have said again, and again, I have great respect for Islam and Its teachings.

    Correct me where I am wrong. I wished to be enlightened.

  143. Zak,

    All empires whether they are Christian, Roman,Muslim, Chinese, Buddhist, Aztec Hindu, Indian etc had their golden days and then degenerate due to many varied reasons and factors. Some may experience revival others dont. Correct me if I read you wrong . You seem to be advocating that this country should be governed just like (or something similair) as in the zenith of muslim civilisation. But where do we find such politicians in the mould of the past enlightened muslim rulers in present day Malaysia ? Do we have muslim politicians who possess such purity of faith?

    According to you PR is bound to fail and BN is
    already a failure. So the existing poltical alliances are not to mark. Is your third way or middle way the way of the past enlightened muslim rulers in govervning their empire and subjects ( ofcos with modifications to suit the present time)when you said that the present govt failed to apply Islamic principles in running the country

  144. Some said PR is bound to fail and BN is already a failure. So the future of Msia, is indeed bleak! Can anyone propose a viable way for the good of Msia then?
    Any sane people would support BTN? Can this BTN do any good for anyone?
    If not, Why then BTN had been around for at least 18 years, someone must be really crazy, insane n stupid, all these while?

  145. zak_hammaad Says:
    “prominence of Islam is reflective of the 60% of the rakyat”
    Yes 60% of the population are practitioners of Islam, does that mean then that it is allright to set up a theocratic state then? Is it therefore ok to implement any form of Islam as long as 60% population agrees?

    If we follow the theory of majority rules, then it is ok. But only an arrogant fool would ignore the wishes of the other 40% just because they are the minory.Any ship that has 40% of it’s crew steering the ship other than the direction that the 60% has decided on ain’t gonna be getting anywhere anytime soon.

    The point about bangsa Malaysia is to get all 100% on board and to work together for a common cause. It’s not about making everyone the same. It’s the opposite. It’s about embracing diversity.

    zak_hammaad Says:
    “…if you tell me whether you understand Bangsa to be in the context of a nation or a race.”
    Nation of course. Trying to define ‘race’ purely depends on ones point of view.

    Example, The ‘Chinese’ consists over 50 different ‘races’. Of these the most dominant is the Han chinese. The concept of a single Chinese race only emerged in the 20th century to differentiate them from the Europeans. Study the ‘Malay’ race and you will find a very similar story. Today, Chinese-Malays, Indian muslims, Filipinos and Indonesians are all are also Malays. So what is the ‘specifications’ of a Malay ‘race’?

  146. The chinese people are great and resilient people , they is no other, it has evolved for over 4000 years and still counting as China is now in the fore front again, have more time to research and tabulate their findings, and what amazing the relics are in a language not different from the one that they are using now.
    Just as their past, wars and wars and more wars, inventions, innovations in arts and sciences . There is no need to compare with the CHINESE because there is just no other in this world of their achievements, drive , energy , tolerances and of course their pride in arriving to the times in their own way.

    when we need to compare we need to set parameters and to compare chinese with another , i can say the romans are close but they are no more in existence.

    So if our academians is trying to reengineer a race , please reengineer others and not the CHINESE, they are ever changing and adaptive in the best way that their 4000 years history has taught them.

    So those academains in bolihland who are getting paid to create a bangsa, please dont waste the nations money, quit that job and do yourself a favour and go learn to do something useful for your own sake.
    And collectively we make a nation like our immediate neighbhours and forget all nonsense found in the social studies the white men has prepared for you.

  147. Just to use 2 of zak_hammaad’s remarks in observation:

    the bus idea – yeah don’t forget that bus went for inspection at Puspakom.

    “You have also missed out the most crucial factor in all this: Islam. Faith as they say, is thicker than blood”.

    Now we know why the Sunni and Shia Muslims are still trying to settle their differences.

  148. We can have millions of comments here but what do we get?, heart burning. Between the three brothers ethnic of Malaysia the Malay, Chinese and Indian, actually is a none issue. Yes no issue at all if every one accept the fact that the Malay is the cool hearted majority in many ways originated.

    No doubt every person experienced unhappiness over one another, yes. This is just like sometime somebody does not like something but when you accept the facts that you cannot do much, is just like wearing a life jacket and everything is OK.

    For example, when we stopped by a policeman for a traffic offense do you think we will happily accept the summon and say oh ya thanks mr policeman for teaching me “speeding means money, and next time I promise not to waste chauvinist
    any more” Should we say that?,… Yes, why not? BUT How many people do that. They angrily accepted the summons because they have to.
    How many summons do they have now? They ‘ll only stop when somebody else say to them ayo ” speeding means life”, you got it?
    The same thing goes to the issue that we’re here busy with. The Fact remains and if not provoked the Malay will not harm the Chinese and Indian, I can say no, 100% sure if the later agreed with the fact as what they did during Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun Sambanthan. Why not now? because they don’t believe in crash helmet, safety belt or live jacket. Why are we burning ourself in the chauvinist Blog here?

    Sorry, hope done. Thank You

  149. mcy0077 Says:
    Today at 09: 21.25 (3 seconds ago)

    Repost due to many mistake in the earlier posting

    We can have millions of comments here but what do we get?, heart burning. Between the three brothers ethnic of Malaysia the Malay, Chinese and Indian, actually is a none issue. Yes no issue at all if every one accept the fact that the Malay is the coolest hearted majority of Malaysia in many ways it as originator of this lovely country.

    No doubt every person experienced unhappiness over one another, yes. This is just like sometime somebody does not like something, BUT when you accept the facts that you cannot do much, is just like wearing a life jacket living in a flooded area and everything should be OK. Every one believe that.

    For example, when we stopped by a policeman for traffic offenses do you think we will happily accept the summon ticket and say .. oh ya thank you mr policeman for teaching me “speeding means money, and next time I promise not to waste money any more” Should we say that?,… Yes, why not? BUT How many people do that. They angrily accepted the summons because they have to.

    Do you think that the only summon they will receive? no. They ‘ll only stop doing the offense when somebody else say to them ..
    ayo ” speeding means life”,… you got it?

    The same thing goes to the racial issue that we’re here busy with. The Fact remains the Malay is the original and Majority among the Malaysian. If not provoked the Malay will not harm the Chinese and the Indian. I can say for sure no, 100% not if the later agreed with the fact that Malaysia is originally owned by the Malay who asked a little extra privilege and most of same wrights shared with the other citizens.

    But why now the Chinese and Indian are not happy? not like what they were during the time of Tun Tan Siew Sin and Tun Sambanthan? Why not? because they don’t believe in crash helmet, safety belt or live jacket. They are now governed by their own sentiment. Yes, true we are trapped and burning ourself now in the hell fire of the chauvinist Blog here?

    Sorry, hope done. Thanks

  150. Ha ha, its always interesting to read posts by true blue UMNOputra’s like mcy0077.

    “Malay is the original” says mcy0077.
    Indian muslim’s, Indon’s and Filipino’s are also Malays and therefore ‘the original’.

    “If not provoked the Malay will not harm the Chinese and the Indian” says mcy0077
    mcy077 believes that because he is ‘the original’ he is the King of this land and that gives him the right to take violent actions against anyone he pleases.

    “Malaysia is originally owned by the Malay who asked a little extra privilege” says mcy0077
    mcy0077 the UMNOputra feels that the billions upon billions of ringgit of rakyat’s money siphoned off is just “a little extra privilege” that is rightfully due him because of his skin colour.

    “But why now the Chinese and Indian are not happy? …because they don’t believe in crash helmet, safety belt or live jacket. They are now governed by their own sentiment” says mcy0077
    Maybe you should talk to one of your chinese or indian friends and ask them why they are not happy. But i doubt you have anyone you could really call a friend that is not of the same race as you.

    But i’ll just answer you that the reason you gave is the reason provided by your UMNO masters. Not the real reason why the non-Malays are unhappy.

  151. Oo Hallo Katdog, Kat dog?

    For What ever reason best known to you my word priviledge has wrongly quoted and your comment obviously ran out of context. Do you know we have laws here in Malaysia governing every one including the Malay as well as the non Malay? or else you mean the none Malays are all clean or of exceptional? There are cases involving billions of Ringgit. So what? wrong is wrong wake up.

    We are talking about social contract which was agreed upon for a safe living of all Malaysian. The racist is just the real culpurit and our common enemy in the real world of racial.

    Some Malaysian feel stressed when they actually NEVER being pressed. They’re not to change their Chinese or Indian name like what is being practice in the next door country as part of the process to make they like ‘The Original” and love the country.
    The word Malay does not refer others but the Malaysian Malay and YOU KNOW that.

    As for ktteokt Says.

    “If in doubt, please read Charles Darwins “Origin of Species” to understand the attitude of the Malays!”

    No,… Go and read ‘ Spectrum of Chinese Culture by Lee Siow Mong.. “Million of Chinese have migrated …particularly in south East Asia”

  152. One4All4One Says:

    >> Don’t you see something peculiar here in Malaysia, that the Malays seem to be treating religion as a “possession”. They seem to be very possessive of Islam: nobody, other than a Muslim is supposed to touch on Islam.

    There are 2 aspects to this: One is that unless you are qualified in Arabic and the sciences of Islam, it is arrogance to want to speak about something that one does not truly understand (esp. of the finder points of creed and jurisprudence). Would not ask a Bhuddist to explain Christianity? Would it be even more unnerving to explain it to a Christian. Again this would not be a problem if indeed he is qualified to do so and/or for academic studies. We know how ignorance and misinformation can quickly lead to very explosive situations.

    Second is that for some UMNOputeras in Malaysia, Islam is a source of protection for their political agendas. They know that using the “Islamic-pretext”, they can pretty much get away with anything, even if they are not practising and even when Islam does not condone their actions. This is the sad fact of life, and the duty falls upon each and every Muslim to rise and air their dissatisfaction. It is the Muslims who will have the biggest impact in correcting some injustices that are done in their name: We have extremism and terrorism as other uglies to deal with!

    >> In order to learn about anything, religion included, one would question and enquire, argue and contemplate, disagree and wonder aloud about this and that.

    Indeed Islam asks mankind to contemplate; Whether one chooses to accept Islam or not is NOT the issue, it is actually getting it’s real and unadulterated message across. The discerning person makes his/her own mind.

    >> All these processes should not be seen as “questioning” and disrespecting Islam.

    I believe there are ways and methods to do this. Most are done at academic instututions and debating societies, others are done through published works and yet others through informed forums. What is unwise is to go about doing this in a knee-jerk reaction or organising last minute forums.

    >> But if you start questioning fundamental points and try to comprehend the practices of Islam, as an approach to under the religion, you would come under attack for sure by Muslims here.

    I have never found Muslims attack anyone for questioning any aspect of Islam (not to say it does not happen). I can tell you that I for one, enjoy very much discussing Islam and giving and answering and counter-answering questions that others may have. In fact, I became a Muslim after 6 months of my own vigorous questioning various people and places in the UK. Today there is a vibrant debate scene in London esp. when we take delight that we are not there to convince anyone, it is making available authentic info to the public domain. Essentially, in Islam it is the Almighty who guides, humans do not as the Qur’an states.

    >> I often observe that some people who practice Islam here do not exhibit the virtues required of them?

    I could not agree more. If it were for the characters of some Muslims, I would never have become Muslim. I had to rise above and beyond what I saw and it was not until Hajj that I was truly content with my choice.

    The virtues that you speak of are inherent parts of Islam. What I would however ask of you is to always see the “context” of everything you question. Where Islam promotes peace, stability and tolerance, it also defends war if the need arises. I do not know the full details of your example of barging into private property, but this is unacceptable if done on an ad hoc basis to impose on the occupants. What were they accused of?

    >> There are just too many instances where the virtues of the religion were not practised or exhibited. Perhaps that contribute to what you have often brought up: “Islamophobia”.

    Agreed. But I do distinguish between sincere misinformation and misinterpretation and deliberate maligning of Islam by some quarters. Primarily, it is indeed the Muslims who need to lead by example to counter the negativities that Islam has become the target of. We can not shoot a reporter who publishes a story about indicents involving Muslims, but we certainly can show the reporter the other reality that he may have overlooked. In their quest for senationalism, I have seen how disproportionate reporting can lead to ill-will.

  153. katdog Says:

    >> If we follow the theory of majority rules, then it is ok.

    I’m glad we agree with this fundamental rule. Now, where the rights of the minorities are being ignored, this is where the challenge lies for us all.

    I believe BN have proved a failur and Pakatan will also fail because they are on the other extreme of the political spectrum. I agree with Mahathir’l latest article at chedet that “Far from the opposition’s win being brought about by rejection of racial politics, it has actually enhanced racial politics.”

    Now – Bangsa Malaysia (or Malaysian Nation): This is a tough cookie to crack. I believe this can be possible through integration as someone pointed as as part of 3 possible scenarios. How do we get this integration when the various races do not even mix with each other and are continually suspicious of each other. It needs a generation to overcome the current deadlock. Your suggestions are as good as mine.

    Political change is never a 100% surety for change of the mindset. Again, I repeat that geo-social politics is a global trend that is as old as governments themselves. Will be close to impossible to change this.

    For example, how do you convince a state like Kelantan that their interests will be best served by a secular DAP? Even if the DAP are more than competent, they will be rejected on the simple platform of religious affliliation. How do you convince a state like Sarawak that their interests will be best served by a PAS? Even if PAS are more than competent, they will be rejected on the simple platform of racial/religious affliliation.

    Correct me if I’m wrong and I’ll be happy to pick this discussion up later.

    Good day.

  154. Zak Hammaad says

    “This is a sad fact of life , and the duty falls upon each and every Muslim to rise and air their dissatisfaction. It is the Muslims who will have the biggest impact in correcting some injustices that are done in their name”

    100% agreed with what you said but we are not seeing this here. Instead every time when the public wants to discuss about religions ( and almost anything concerning the country) the flag of sensitive issue is being raised to prevent it from happening. Islam is being hijacked by “so called” adherents for their ends and give Islam a bad name? We have a 60% muslim population and how many muslims stand up to correct the injustices done in their name; to give the non muslims a correct picture of Islam and its true teachings and to quell their fears. Instead this sad state of affair is left hanging and the non muslims are asked to accept an Islamic type of govt. Yes the change has to come from both sides but like you say the muslims have biggest impact and I think the first move has to come from the muslims. Non muslims like me dont like to be called anti Islam. I am not anti any religion. If this is sad state of affair is not corrected how can non muslims feel secured and protected under an Islamic govt.

  155. swipenter, I believe the few voices of sanity from within the religious and other establishments are drowned out by the emotions of the majority. Orgs like Perkim or MACMA themselves do a lot of public-awareness work, but not effective to the extent of engaging the general populas. It is indeed a matter of self-confidence with the Muslims to be able to effectively and patiently convey an issue and for the non-Muslims to be given the assurances of equality they deserve.

  156. Hallo hai everyone,

    Honestly suggested few big names of Must see video –
    Muslim Scholars
    Dr Zakir Naik ( Medical Doctor)
    Dr Bilal Phillip ( Muslim Convert)
    Dr Jamal Badawi (Scholar)
    Abdur Raheem Green ( Muslim Convert)
    Yusuf Estes ( Muslim Convert)

    Just type the names on and all questions answered.

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