Maximus and Kota Marudu

by A concerned Kota Marudu resident

Ref :

Here is the local(Kota Marudu) perspective regarding the news.

Maximus Ongkili should be the last person to speak up regarding the issue of anti-hopping. Kota Marudu(P168)- the place that he represented since 1994 is the poorest and most neglected place in Malaysia. The northern and eastern districts of Sabah really deserves more attention from the government.

Here’s why:

1. The road leading to Kota Marudu, Kudat, Pitas are full of potholes, minor land slides and locals can testified that they have not improved for the past 10 years. The properly tarred road stops at Kota Belud. Not surprising as Kota Belud are represented by UMNO and the population mainly comprises Bajau-Muslim. One can see a marked difference in the border between Kota Belud-Kota Marudu, one will come to a stretch of uneven gravel road spanning almost 50 metres. The condition of the road is simply horrendous, causing most vehicles to breakdown after frequent usage. This of course prolong the time taken for the journey from all the northern states connecting Kota Kinabalu. Without proper roads, not surprisingly no development can be seen in these areas. These roads are even worse than the trunk roads that used to connect small towns in peninsulars in the 80s.

2. Electricity – Kota Marudu residents of course are not spared from SESB’s poor quality of service. Breakdown in electricity supply occurs frequently and calls to the office mostly are useless.

3. Water supply gets cut off everytime after heavy rain. The quality of water we receive most times are murky and smelly. This can be evidently seen by just driving past any housing area. Every house will equipped themselves with water tanks and pump, pre-empting water cut which is a weekly affair if not more frequent. It’s such a common sight in Sabah.

4. A very good indicator of standard of living/ poverty will be the healthcare standards. Sabah especially the northern states, record the highest number of cases of Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria in the whole of Malaysia. Maternal mortality rate is much higher compared to all other states. Most children are malnourished with very little reserves, succumbed to illness easily. A doctor from the hospital once says, cases seen at local hospital are often critically ill, making it a miracle if patient can even survive to be sent to a referral hospital in KK.

5. Unemployment rate. A tour of Kota Marudu town or any other districts in Sabah will revealed that most Sabahan youngsters are loitering around. They can be seen mostly at billiard centres – a very common sight in Sabah. No one here seems to be very inspired by the Angkasawan boasted by the Minister in Science and Technology.

6. Teenage pregnancy is alarmingly on the rise.

If there are worse places than this, it would be Pitas, Kinabatangan(Bung), Beluran(Ronald Kiandee). Without the recent political tsunami, no one will pay attention to the plight of Sabahans. All of a sudden, BN leaders from Sabah are being put in so many important positions, a real mockery of how sabahans are treated by the government.

Maximus Ongkili is actually the real betrayer of the people. What clear conscience does he have to mention that MPs from Sabah and Sarawak are cheating the people by joining Pakatan.

What has he done for the people of Kota Marudu for the past 14 years ?

The news report referred to by the writer is the following:

Wednesday September 3, 2008
Ongkili raps Pakatan Rakyat, says ‘jump’ won’t happen

PUTRAJAYA: A Sabah senior politician has told Pakatan Rakyat to stop telling cerita dongeng (folktales) to the rakyat that Barisan Nasional MPs from Sabah and Sarawak will be crossing over because the “jump will never happen”.

Parti Bersatu Sabah deputy president Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili said he was fed up with Opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim for making “baseless and unfounded allegations about us hopping to the Opposition fold” as such claims have sparked concern not only among other Barisan component parties but also the people of the two states.

“Talk about us becoming katak (frogs), jumping to their side is a whole lot of nonsense. We are faithful to Barisan.

“Barisan may not be perfect but it forms the best government Malaysians can ever have. I, for one, am anti-hopping. Those who want to leave the Barisan fold should not cheat the rakyat who had elected them because they were part of the coalition,” he said yesterday.

Dr Ongkili was commenting on claims by Anwar of a “clear and true possibility” that MPs from Sabah and Sarawak were planning to leave the coalition to join Pakatan.

The Kota Marudu MP, who is Science, Technology and Innovation Minister, said if there were MPs who planned to cross over, they should ask for the people’s permission by going for a by-election.

“If the people still choose them even after leaving Barisan, then they can go with a clear conscience. Otherwise, they are only betraying the rakyat,” he said.

On claims that several of his fellow MPs were questioned by the Special Branch on the matter, Dr Ongkili said he was unaware of this, adding that he had not been questioned by the police.


122 Replies to “Maximus and Kota Marudu”

  1. Doctors make lousy politicians.
    Nice to have them as members…but never let them be leaders.
    They are so used to save lives…they cannot differentiate a crook or a good person.
    But when you have a crooked con man doctor like Mahathir…becoming a PM..he kills more than curing.
    What UMNO is going through..right now…is due to this evil man…22 years as PM.
    Dollah is simply…a selfish idiot…and MIC…MCA…Gerakan are balls carriers….selling their races…for personal benefits. These are the worst kind of politicians…you can find. They are the scums of the Earth.
    So glad….so many members resigned.
    By 16th September 2008….all are Malaysians..and let those hard core.. UMNO and BN guys…keep dreaming..they are Lords of the Jungle.

  2. WOW “If the people still choose them even after leaving Barisan, then they can go with a clear conscience. Otherwise, they are only betraying the rakyat,”

    PLeAse enlight Me Maximus, what was the MeaNinG Behind “conscience”, leave or stay? Hahaha!…

  3. Media Tak Harus Takut Tegakkan Kebenaran, Kata Abdullah
    PUTRAJAYA, 3 Sept (Bernama) — Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi berkata pihak media tidak harus berasa takut dan berasa bersalah untuk menegakkan kebenaran.

    What a statement ?
    Reading the hyprocate news , just can’t imagine who can control the anger and frustration. Any guarantee for not revoke the media licence if report the truth?

    With the statement, media shall report as much as possible the corruption leaded by DTM, father of Malaysia’s corrupt government and current PM on the public account audit report.

    With the statement from the PM, the media shall not hesistate to public the news in the front page of the newspaper :


  4. Maximus had his chance to upgrade development which the people have entrusted him. Needless to say, for 14 long years try,He have FAILED! Big Time!! Now talk about ‘conscience’ or “ConScientifically Dr?” Same tribes as the rest, Bee-End mold.
    Recalcitrant, don’t know when to quit.

    His outburst is understandable becuase he was not ear-marked for any cross-over. As sour loser as he is, what else can one expect him to say? Emmm. At the rate this joker managed……………… joke lah, what else.

  5. Glutious to the Maximus!

    “Talk about us becoming katak (frogs), jumping to their side is a whole lot of nonsense. We are faithful to Barisan.”

    Maximus ONG~ONG~ONG~ONG~kili…. hmmm… where is that katak???

  6. Check on the history and track record of PBS. Its not that good as compared to many other parties. This is the perfect time for them to get out of the mess they are in or else they will become more irrelevant by the days.

    Loyalty to the people you serve is more important than your self interest. Loyalty to the state of Sabah ,if you care, must be the highest interest of each leader chosen to represent them.
    Change must come to Malaysia as a whole,to every state. No state must be left out.

  7. “Talk about us becoming katak (frogs), jumping to their side is a whole lot of nonsense. We are faithful to Barisan.”

    Rakyat : You are betrayer!
    Bodowi & Najis(BN) : You are KATAK (frogs)!

    308-826 : MPs are contributor!
    Anwar(PR): MPs are WIRA (heroes)!
    The smartest choice to join Pakatan Rakyat!

    Warmest regards.

  8. Your place is not the single place facing this kind of situation. The vast area of Sarawak is facing a much worst conditions. After buying the votes and got elected, the BN politicians hardly take care of their own long house folks. They disappeared into one of the big cities and of course not wanting to know the suffering of their brothers and sisters back in the long house. Afred Jabu is among one of those who are highly criticised for being unable to help the long house folks. By cooperating with Taib Mahmud, he actually marginalised the long house folks. The next time the elected BN politicians appear again is perhaps before the election. Simply most BN politicians, even in the towns, are inaccessible to the people.

  9. Sabah BN leaders who do not want to cross-over to PR are only interested in holding onto power for their own selfish gain. I don’t think they have ever thought of the welfare of the Sabah people, otherwise their living conditions would not have been so bad (e.g. poor roads, dirty tap-water, frequent breakdown in electricity supply, massive youth unemployment etc).

    DSAI warned that if Abdullah’s incapable paralyzed government is not replaced, the country risks face an economic catastrophe. He said four years are a long wait for another general election, action has to be taken now to save the country.

  10. Latest news: Dr Mohd Osman Abdul Hamid who conducted the rectal examination on SH1T-FoLOL has come out to comfirm his earlier SD.

    What next?

    Perhaps DG of Ministry of Health will say that his examination is null and void because he is not a expertly trained sodomologist (hint: this word does not exist) expert?


  11. electricity , water , unemployment of youths , lousy road conditions , flooding problems , lousy infrastructure , poverty , illegals , high cost of living “one of highest” among the thirteen states …..all these problems still exist despite independence since 16-Sept-1963 . (45yrs of neglect). From one of richest state become a pauper state , despite being blessed with lots of natural resources.

    these politicians will only (wayang kulit) when election is round the corner , post elction disappear into thin air.

    folks time to exercise our rights , we also need to revive our 20 points agreement when we agree with malaya tat time to form malaysia.

    folks ditch the BN for a better malaysia , not only for ourselves but also for our future generations.

  12. If BN is dares, call a snap election now and see if they will still be in power. PR will probably get a 2/3 majority to govern.

    The rakyat have seen through BN’s lies and politics of fear. The lie is that only BN can guarantee stability and prosperity.

    For the rural areas of Sabah and Sarawak, what prosperity? BN has failed them. It is time for change.

  13. Yes that rascal is worst than UNMO, the whole constituency is in such a deplorable condition. Believe me I have seen it, that place is really the poorest place in the whole of Malaysia. What have that rascal done? Nothing…Yes nothing. It is still the poorest place in the whole of Malaysia and unless something is being done it will continue to be the poorest.. It is time the people standup and kick his ass out. That good for nothing rascal. Must have taken everything for himself and left the place to defend itself. Change now. Tell that rascal that all the people he represent want him to join PKR.

  14. Maximus Ongkili should stand in front of a mirror and ask: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the maximum killer of all?

    Killing his own conscience, not to worry about the welfare and woeful plight of his constituents and fellow Sabahans.

  15. maximus is too concerned of losing his cabinet minister post if he does not support BN. he must not forget that he was once a “frog” jumping from opposition when PBS was a opposition party back to BN. MP should be aware of the people that help to elect them to office and the condition they live in. this goes to all MP whether you are from PR or BN.

  16. Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili is anti hopping because people who hopped “cheat the rakyat who had elected them”. Equally if they do not hop, they don’t necessarily represent rakyat because an MP from (say) Gerakan or MCA is not permitted to vote according to conscience based on what the MP feels represents the electors/voters’ wishes and has to conform to party discipline imposed by elders in their parties and often from an outside dominant party like UMNO! SO?

    Then there is an argument of playing fair according to democratic rules which are against hopping. However can you play fair when the other side does not? Afterall hopping is an art refined by the other side and perpetrated on the Opposition before. Then what about gerrymandering, money politics (raked from controlling resources of the state) control of media and the whole gamut of other complaints about the electoral process making the ground unlevel against Opposition that Bersih took up? Can one box fair and square in the ring when opponent does not abide by the rule to wear gloves but knuckle duster instead?

    Now comes the third argument, two wrongs don’t make a right : when a party is principled it ought not to deviate from rules of honour and fairness and descend to the low moral ground of the opponent. Then one has to ask the question why get knocked off by such an opponent? Does one reason with a thug who is determined to rob you with a knife? Everyone has the right to self defence.

    That’s where it comes to the crux: canvassing crossovers to secure sufficient numbers to fell a government under the grip of an opposite political coalition is said (rightly so) to be undemocratic practice. However if the government were incompetent, unfair or corrupt, incapable of reforming and but for the undemocratic crossovers cannot at all be removed, why then? Should one for example abide by democratic principles to keep an undemocratic government in power? To resolve such a moral dilemma, the end justifies the means arument will next come in.

    Many things in Life & politics are conflicting and competitive. We want democratic practice but we also want democratic and competent government. We’re against party hopping but we’re also against a government that has passed its shelf life to go.

    A choice has to be made when one weighs the scales of which of the conflicting imperatives and principles are of greater importance. If one believes in the macro perspectives of things that good governance is a greater good, then one will have no qualms to breach the no party-hopping democratic principle.

  17. Maybe a third option for the East M’sia political party is to just leave BN, but not be part of PR. Go independent.

    This way you can still be kingmaker but not beholden to PR or BN. You are free to make decision that are best for your people.


  18. “Be End” Medical report…

    Party Form 16-Sept-1975.

    Today 2008,

    Meaning they lose value over time, in which their respect, accountability, honour, responsibility, and integrity had gone faded.

    The record revealed a fatal inner substance virus form, inspection outcome the deadly virus name “Corruption” the infectious diseases varies greatly.

    Reintroducing medical test products suggested to suspend the “Be End” on date…

    Expiry 16-Sept-2008


  19. My above posting at 15: 08.48 merely addresses in inverse order the second part of Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili arguments relating to political morality of party hopping and crossovers.

    Now in respect of the first part of Ongkili’s address – that Anwar/Pakatan Rakyat is telling cerita dongeng (folktales) about 916 and also BN MPs especially in East Malaysia are faithful to BN and not ‘kataks’ – I wonder what is the basis of his claims.

    Regarding faithfulness of BN’s MPs, didn’t he read interview of Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik with monthly magazine ‘ Off the Edge’ in which the seasoned politician and Gerakan advisor say said, “ if given a chance to vote, the majority of the party members would choose to leave the BN”???

    If crossovers were folk tales why does Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib see the need to urge Gerakan members to be patient and give UMNO a chance to resolve issues and why does Deputy UMNO president Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak also see the need to issue an unprecedented apology on behalf of UMNO for one of its errant division head’s racist remarks (when they had been made before by others of his ilk)?

    If it were just folktales, then neither he nor BN strategists should worry because if by 916 nothing happens, it is Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat that will suffer a mortal blow to credibility dashing all hopes of and demoralising their supporters, an occurrance, surely most devoutly wished for by and satisfying to him and BN leadership. :)

  20. Yes, We are dreaming, whats wrong with that?
    Thieves like “cintanegara” is worst. Dream stealer!!
    Doesn’t really matter who will rule,
    so long as its not people like you “cintanegara”,
    we’re very happy.

  21. “Doctors make lousy politicians.
    Nice to have them as members…but never let them be leaders.
    They are so used to save lives…they cannot differentiate a crook or a good person.
    But when you have a crooked con man doctor like Mahathir…becoming a PM..he kills more than curing.
    What UMNO is going through..right now…is due to this evil man…22 years as PM.
    Dollah is simply…a selfish idiot…and MIC…MCA…Gerakan are balls carriers….selling their races…for personal benefits. These are the worst kind of politicians…you can find. They are the scums of the Earth.
    So glad….so many members resigned.
    By 16th September 2008….all are Malaysians..and let those hard core.. UMNO and BN guys…keep dreaming..they are Lords of the Jungle.”

    Dr Tan Seng Giaw is one of the most respected leaders in Malaysians in my books.

    I don’t think you should make sweeping statements against Doctors like that. It is not the profession of the person, but the character and the conduct of the person that we should be judging.

  22. I was in Kota Marudu last March campaigning for Party Pasok and I saw it with my own eyes the deplorable condition Kota Marudu is. I saw young Dusun boys and girls high on Syabu everywhere. I saw people begging for food in the streets of Kota Marudu. I saw so many people drunk on tuak, mentakok and sikat. I have stayed in Langkon for months during my SLDB days in the early 80’s and I can say for sure things were very much better then, and never had I seen addicts, drunkards and beggers in such big numbers, then, in Kota Marudu. Wonder what has happened now with a great SIB preacher Dr Maximus Ongkili being the YB for so many years?

    It is a great shame Maximus has not done much for Kota Marudu all these days inspite of being the YB in Kota Marudu for umpteen years since the PBS.

    People like Maximus just love to play god because the greatest acting is not done in the movie but in real life. We call these actors hypocrites.

    Hollywood seems to honor its actors and actresses at every opportunity. They give trophies to those who have done a good job in the world of make believe. There are so many talented people who are receiving praise just for pretending and Dr Maximus is the best of them all.

    Doc, you are the BEST!

  23. One other thing ‘Cintanegara’ – Pls lah, used another ID.
    Our dream is only beginning to come true but
    yours is coming to an END!! So make sure you and your
    kind sleep with eyes open – Don’t dream!!
    Its coming to an end for Cinta..what?

  24. cintanegara,
    Do you not know that all big achievements and ambitions start with a dream? Haven’t you heard of ‘The American Dream’ and the great Martin Luther King’s “I have a dream” speech? Well maybe people like you need not know for you probably come from the group that is taken care of from the womb to the tomb!

  25. kalau anda “cinta negera” anda harus mengetahui prinsip asas, apakah tanggungjawab sebagai warga negara dan pemimpin.

    Masalah Rasuah, kemiskinan, peluang pekerjaan, keamanan, persainginan sejagat negara ini adalah matlamat muktamat.

  26. To Cintanegara :

    Please understand what is sekolah wawasan concept before commenting on why it was rejected by the non Malays.

    At the moment, the most divisive elements in our nation building effort are those from UMNO who will never cease to use race and religion to divide the rakyat.

    Just look at the Biro Tata Negara ( BTN ) lecturers. BTN is under the PM’s department and yet the PM is keeping quiet on this! They are poisoning the minds of the young Malaysians on JPA scholarships on the supremacy ( ketuanan ) of one race over another. Another is the example of the school teacher in Klang uttering uncalled for words at one segment of the non Malay population.

    Ahmad Said’s speech in Permatang Pauh and so are the other UMNO Youth leaders speeches in the past UMNO Youth AGM’s. Do you sincerely believe that being leaders of the nation, they are helping to foster national unity or disunity ?

    Therefore, do you as a true cinta negarawan subscribes to these activities approved by the authorities to consciously draw an imaginary dividing line just to pepetuate the power of a few UMNOputras ?

  27. Cintanegara said:”just a moment – Are u sure your dream will come true? Do you think the majority race want to risk thier future by voting PR? U guys were just barking…..”

    Permatang Pauh, and 81 other Parliamentary Divisions said yeah baby yeah…

    This is just a warm up, we are still on da roll baby. Come GE-13, we gonna kick some serious b*tt.


  28. Apa u susal Cinta….?
    We’re already happy what we achieved thus far,
    more to come. You see Cinta..?
    Ppl with dreams never bark,
    only animals like you will.

    Welcome anyway Cinta…? to this true rakyat generous blog,
    we do accomodate ‘pest’ who have stray or rejected by
    their own kind.

    Others like you have been trained over time and now
    sharing the same dreams like us.

  29. Deserved another read
    goldenscreen Says:

    Today at 17: 08.54 (33 minutes ago)
    Dear Uncle Lim,

    Please investigate the claims made at this website regarding Biro Tatanegara (BTN) indoctrination:
    Article reprinted below:


    (NOTE: This is an email i received from a reader exposing the latest brain washing tricks deployed by UMNO’s apparatus called Biro Tatanegara(BTN). Mind you BTN is 100% funded by tax payer’s money)

    Biro Tatanegara. Does it ring a bell? Government propaganda or honest student development programme? For those who aren’t aware of it, Biro Tatanegara or BTN for short is under the Jabatan Perdana Menteri and it has several modules which all public university students have to attend in the name of “Student Development”. On the 6th of July 2008 in UiTM Shah Alam, there were three separate talks being held under BTN with the first one being titled “Pendidikan”, second one titled “Ancaman Keselamatan Negara” and the third one titled, “Patriotisma”. Smell anything funny yet? No? Read on. You won’t even have to smell it after you are done reading this. It’ll be stuffed down your throat.

    I would like to only focus on the first speaker, Dr. Idris bin Md. Noor. He was supposed to talk about education as that was the title of his speech, but the content was far different. He first went on with the usual introductions but in less than a few minutes, he suddenly touched on the forum on the discussion of social contract in Malaysia that the BAR council organized. He criticized it with all his heart, saying no one should discuss about it as it is unquestionable. Fair enough, I thought at first. Freedom of speech right? But what if he suddenly accuses the “Malay” speaker in the forum, which I’m guessing is Farish A. Noor, as a traitor to the Malay race as a whole? And while he was browsing through his files on the laptop which was projected on the big screen, it was no surprise for me that I saw files entitled “Ketuanan Melayu”. He also then went on about the Malay’s obsession with magic and ghosts, he said that it is all wrong beliefs through the perspective of Islam because if they really could use magic and other dark arts for fighting, then they should kill Karpal Singh with it.

    There are so many quotable sentences, if only I could remember it all. He even said, “Kalau ular dengan India depan mata, ketuk India dulu.” He then started to become more impassioned in his speech towards the end, like someone campaigning for a political seat yet failed, and resorted to a multi-purpose hall with bumiputra students. He said so many atrocious things that I will list them down in point form.

    -Explained how the Malays aren’t racist but others are racist towards us.
    -Bangsa Malaysia does not exist, neither does Malaysian Chinese and Indians, only in the strict Malay, Chinese and Indians. (Interestingly, behind a booklet provided to us, one of the objectives of the programme is to produce a -”Bangsa Malaysia”. Obviously, he was ignorant).
    -Bahasa Malaysia does not exist, it is Bahasa Melayu.
    -Nothing wrong with waving the Keris.
    -Bumiputra hanya 55% di Malaysia, give birth more people!
    -The University and Colleges Act was partly made to ensure a Malay Vice-Chancellor in Universities which should be the way.
    -Blogs are “berdosa” or sinful.
    -Christians will not like Muslims.

    But that isn’t even the best part. The best part is, he showed a short film on the
    dangers of Zionism and the illegal occupation of Palestine which was probably the only part of the speech I agreed with and I thought to myself this could be the only fact of the speech but surprise, surprise, at the end of the film, there was a montage of so-called Zionist supporters with the pictures of Anwar Ibrahim, Tian Chua, Teresa Kok, Hishamuddin Rais and Ezam Md. Nor. Then a question popped up in my head. Is Ezam still a Zionist supporter since he is in UMNO now? Does that mean the government has a Zionist supporter as well as the opposition? And expectedly, the speaker was being more anti-semitic than anti-zionist. He even explained how the Pakatan Rakyat ruled states are all going down the drain and he says, “this is what you get if you vote for the opposition!” He criticized Anwar Ibrahim and his colleagues so much along with Pakatan Rakyat while being completely oblivious towards Barisan Nasional’s mistakes. As if they have perfect policies.

    This was supposed to be a speech touching on education and look how it ended up. It did not even smell anything of education. It was a speech that was not meant for national unity at all. How could it be when you spread hate? I could only sit and ponder quietly while all this was happening. But the speech was not the saddest part. The saddest part was that the majority of students in the hall were cheering him on. I will type out part of the lyrics that were supplied to us, entitled, “Warisan”.

    Anak Kecil main api
    Terbakar hatinya yang sepi
    Air mata darah bercampur keringat
    Bumi dipijak milik orang

    Nenek moyang kaya raya
    Tergadai seluruh harta benda
    Akibat engketa sesamalah kita
    Cinta lenyap di arus zaman ini

    Indahnya bumi kita ini
    Warisan berkurun lamanya
    Hasil mengalir ke tangan yang lain
    Pribumi merintih sendiri

    Melayukan gagah di nusantara.

    Who were those words referring to? Foreign powers or non-malays?

    Perfect welcome to the new intake of University Students. Please spread this to others. People need to know.

    I know you should.

    written by A Worried Student,

  30. Don’t miss this
    goldenscreen Says:

    Today at 17: 17.16 (26 minutes ago)
    Comments from the blog posting above:

    Anonymous said…
    A friend of mine was of those who was there that day. He’s a native from Sabah, a Christian and the first sentence he said when he met me (after the BTN) was “Saya sedih” (I’m sad).

    He went on saying that he never heard of anything like this his whole life in Sabah.

    Besides all that was mentioned in the post, he said that the saddest part for him was when the speaker starts lowering his voice and said “Orang Kristian tak pernah suka orang Islam” (The christians never like the muslims). He explained to me that in church people would pray for the well-being of the muslims especially those who in trouble and for unity and peace.

    He addded that the Pendidikan Moral should as well be abolished from schools if this continues. “What happened to Atan, Ali and Muthu?, because that is what kept us (in Sabah) together despite having different races in the same class or anywhere. No wonder people from the semenanjung like Sabah, Sarawak”.

    He went on, “Hatred should never be planted into the hearts of the people in order to have progress and to be competetive. I never hated the jews but i’m against the zionist. But he speaks as if we should kill all jews. I’ve never even felt the urge to hate another race. Maybe pendidikan moral should be compulsory to all including muslims because majority present that day were agreeing to what the speaker said.”

    Being a person aware of the issues in this country, I listen to him attentively and said that this is all the government’s propaganda of which he should not in any way get influenced. I know him, and he is also aware of all of this government stuff, but he still felt shocked and sad and ashamed (on behalf of the malays) to have and educated speaker to talk like that.

    I’m a malay and i’m used to hearing my fellow malay friends saying these speeches are fiery and good although i know that these speeches are one of the many obstacles from unity and it’s just another lame way for the gov to spread its propaganda. But it striked me when another person who is not of the Chinese, Indian and Malay came to comment about it.

    This should not continue because i haven’t attended BTN yet. I don’t want to waste my time listenng to all this. I prefer Ali, Muthu and Atan. Just like one of the best pendidikan Islam class i had… the one i didn’t attend because i sneaked into the pendidikan moral class.

    This is outrages!! atrocious, despicable, dreadful, heinous, nefarious, shocking, ungodly, unreasonable, unspeakable, unwarrantable, simply wicked!!

  31. At the current state, we cannot depend on MCA+MIC to safeguard the rakyat’s interests in Parliament. Having said that, I disagreed with some of the readers here asking MCA+MIC to pull out from BN. Please allow me to share my view:

    1) Now we have the situation of DAP-PAS-PKR-OTHERS against MCA-MIC-UMNO-OTHERS. This gives us the option to revert back to the old government should they fail to safeguard interest of ALL people. The present/future government will be more considerate and under pressure to please everyone, failing to do so will resulting another ‘tsunami in politics’.

    2) Of course, MIC,MCA, and other parties should prove to the people that they are not merely UMNO’s puppet. pls defend for the right thing and for justice, not for individual gain.

    3) Having said that, (at worst case) we might have a situation where PAS-UMNO against MIC-MCA-DAP-OTHERS where PKR would be the decisive factor. Judging by the growth rate, the ratio between bumis and non-bumis changes from 60-40 and god knows when it will be 80-20, that is when the non-bumis should start packing and leave the country for good. i urged the parties and rakyat to look into this matter. start packing now or start building up your clans NOW!!! :) umno dogs has this vision long ago when they start encouraging the bumis to have more children. this is what we call POLITICS.

    Any constructive criticism/comments to my point are definitely welcomed.

  32. This bunch of hypocrites shouldn’t be loose.
    That was i suspect from previous post, they might start plotting choas if they loose their power and comes state of emergency for take over!.

    I really hope some student would have recored a vids as evidence,
    This is serious matters, YB Kit should look into.

    Must not let this culprits ruin the young minds for the sake of their own gain.

  33. cintanegara forgot that Sekolah Wawasan is basically ‘sloganeering’ which this Bolehland is number ONE in shouting. All those projects that come with BIG adverts are meant to cheat the rural poors with first impression impact. If the wawasan school is that good , then you won’t find non-Chinese students taking over 10% of the population the the primary Chinese Schools! Every where you see big slogans I can guarantee you big money has been squandered! Among this is the Natinal Service with blockheads, like the example given here, trying to brainwash students whom they forgot are smarter than the DR. holder himself. This reminded me of my friend daughter who told her mother that she had decided not to eat pork because her teacher said the eating that meat could retard one’s brain. Sure enough her classmate, a neighbour’s boy told the same teacher that she herself wasn’t too smart even though she didn’t eat pork! Why? because the mathematic problems she also couldnot solve!!
    [ obviously the boy asked the class teacher a maths problem which she gave up!]
    The sad part of life is just like the saying’ Great men think alike but Fools seldom differ’ because fools like to think others think like them!! Maybe, it is better to leave such megalomanias all to themselves! The more you write about them, the greater their ego!

  34. Sorry, my english is not very good….

    MPs in Sabah has ALL betrayed the Sabahans.

    Money politics OVERCOME all sorts of posters, banners, candies…

    99% of Sabahans are poor. An office clerk with SPM earns RM350 to RM500 per month…..

    The 1% rich are the cronies, they earns in the Billions (tax payer’s money)
    (for example : Michael Chia “The Now Disappeared” S$16 million deal..????)

    You want to play politics in Sabah, you need money, not brains and sincerity.
    I saw with my own eyes, people lining up in broad day light to “sell” their I/Cs to a local Tycoon(Proxy Ultimate). I heard they were giving out RM400 for one I/Cs. The Police were blinded, they were too busy “catching” illegals that whole month.

    Shanty Chong was informed, she led a team of DAP members and some police to disperse the crowd. Many of them didn’t get the money that day, i heard they were very angry. This went on for about a week, right before the 308 election.

    It is strange that such events are actually “attractive” to locals. I think they have all but given up with the promises of the Government. All that millions and billions that were promised to Sabah was not to be seen. Where did all the money go?(most probably already banked in to some offshore accts.)

    There is a saying, “If you can’t beat them, join them”.
    I think that is the general consencous during the election.

    It is very brave for Shanty Chong, Anthony Teo, Simon Chok,etc to stand before such great evil and not flinch. I salute you.

    HOWever, it is not without hope.

    A small storm is brewing here……

    A Typhoon it will become….to swept away all corruptions and unjust that is being put on Sabahans.

    There is still light at the end of the tunnel…….

    916. We Awaits.

  35. Pairin was once my hero for Kadazan but now I totally lost respect of him. I believe he is now capitalising on his position to enjoy all ministerial benefits for the rest of his life. He is a betrayer of the Kadazan!
    The same goes to Maximus.
    Shame on both of them; we really pray they will come to their sense soon enough to help make the 916 a reality!

  36. “At the current state, we cannot depend on MCA+MIC to safeguard the rakyat’s interests in Parliament.” – my

    At any state, we cannot depend on MCA, Gerakan and MIC to safeguard our interest, they were given decades to prove their worth, and yes, now all the top leaders in MCA, Gerakan and MIC prove that they worth damn a lot, and we were made worthless. Trust these MCA, Gerakan and MIC leaders? No, even if the leave UMNO.

  37. my,

    We haven’t even establihed a 2 party system in our country and we are starting to talk about reverting.Parlimentary Democracy is not an indigenous system, it is borrowed. Besides the democractic tradition is not inherent in the Malaysian or the Asian psyche.We ought to be determined making this 2 party system a reality and for that to take root I reckon PR should be given an opportunity to stay on for at least 2 terms.After all we have BN for 12 terms and don’t tell me you have got accustomed to their sodomising you!!

  38. Dawsheng+Ah Pek,

    There is no guarantee that the PR will do any better than BN, ‘hope’ is what i can describe under Anwar Ibrahim’s leadership. just like what the people ‘hope’ for under Badawi’s administration 4 years ago. I absolutely agreed that PR deserved to stay on at least 2 terms. what i am trying to point out is we have a choice between UMNO-MIC-MCA and PKR-DAP-PAS to decide, this will put pressure on the FUTURE government to please everyone. In short, we need a strong government as well as strong opposition to watch their back and ready to fire whoever is governing.

    Bear in mind that PAS + DAP has different ideology, failing to compromise means we are reverting back to the old ways. is this the best combination? how sure are you that PAS will not ‘jump’ to BN due to their islamic ideology? from what i am seeing it, yes it will hop at any time.

    that time will be PAS-UMNO-OTHERS against DAP-MIC-MCA. Do you think the minority will have a voice after 50-60yrs from now, judging from the growth rate of bumis and non-bumis? The people are still very inmature to decide which is best for the economic growth because what they had in mind is religion, language, ‘kuota’, defending their rights, defending their ‘house’ and so forth.

    Year 2008 2038++ 2068++
    Young A 16.2 40.5 101.25
    Young B 10.8 16.2 24.3
    Old A 0 16.2 40.5
    Old B 0 10.8 16.2

    Overall A 16.2 56.7 141.75
    Overall B 10.8 27 40.5
    Total 27 83.7 182.25

    % Population A 60.00 67.74 77.78
    % Population B 40.00 32.26 22.22

    this is VERY ROUGH estimate. it is not accurate but true enough to open up your view of the population rate(an example of amoeba growth). Population A = 5 children per couple, population B = 3 children per couple. i am not good at statistic btw.. Population A has higher exponantial growth. in short, failing to compromise between PKR-PAS-DAP will not do the ‘minority’ any good

  39. can you walk into someone’s house and convince them that you are the owner or deserve equal rights of the property? the first thing you will get is booted out of the house, you might or might not get back the furniture/tv/etc etc that you/your greatgrandparents have invested. this is the reality guys. the only way to stay safe is to acknowledge the landlord but at the same time the landlord has to depend on your investment tv/sofa/etc etc. if they are still not happy with it by impossing so many rules, you can always move to other ‘house’ which welcomes you :) before you start bombarding me, i am not the landlord, just renting their property and ready to move out anytime

  40. william62,

    i agreed that both sides are equal in strength and political influences. but somehow things will not always be perfectly right. there might be some opportunists from DAP-MIC-MCA-PARTIES fr SABAH and SARAWAK ready to jump to the more superior because of personal gain. and the superior will not jump in to the weaker one because they dont need them.

  41. “road leading to Kota Marudu, Kudat, Pitas are full of potholes”

    Hi, can any Sabahan upload some photos on this ? A picture is worth a thousand words.

    “Sabah especially the northern states, record the highest number of cases of Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria in the whole of Malaysia.”

    Any one work at MOH can confirm and provide statistics ?

    Thanks !

  42. Kit:

    You should fire your moderator. All I posted at the top of this thread were two words that can’t possibly be regarded as seditious. The words don’t touch on race or religion. A little disrespectful maybe but judging from what has been posted on the top 2 clowns in this country in this blog, my reference to maximus should even pass the government censors.

  43. lol! clowns of the thread roflmao, glad me not forget what i said besides im j/k….

    my says:
    “can you walk into someone’s house and convince them that you are the owner or deserve equal rights of the property?”

    Your example doesn’t make any sense to me lol, anyway i accept the reality as this arrogant nerds are not willing to give up their lausy pride. Maybe they carries the bloodline of ancient tribes that name themselves as sea-people(orang laut), today we name them “pirates” from the exile Straits of Malacca.

    Good day.

  44. “Bear in mind that PAS + DAP has different ideology, failing to compromise means we are reverting back to the old ways. is this the best combination? how sure are you that PAS will not ‘jump’ to BN due to their islamic ideology? from what i am seeing it, yes it will hop at any time.” – my

    I am definitely supporting PAS joining UMNO but it can not be part of BN as it no longer exist when PAS joined, it’ll be PASUMNO or Parti Islam Melayu or whatever you call it, for that, is the end of the journey for the Islamist and racist political party in Malaysia. Can PAS hop out later on if they can’t reform UMNO? Maybe, but who they are going to join? If PAS leaders are smart, they’ll remain in PR and form the government first.

  45. “that time will be PAS-UMNO-OTHERS against DAP-MIC-MCA. Do you think the minority will have a voice after 50-60yrs from now, judging from the growth rate of bumis and non-bumis? The people are still very inmature to decide which is best for the economic growth because what they had in mind is religion, language, ‘kuota’, defending their rights, defending their ‘house’ and so forth.” – my

    PAS want to join UMNO, this nobody can deny, PAS want to join UMNO but not now. PAS will join UMNO maybe after Mukhriz became UMNO’s president. Let us not look at the next fifty years, let us focus on surviving the next five years.

  46. “can you walk into someone’s house and convince them that you are the owner or deserve equal rights of the property?” -my

    Thats strange. Generations of my family has been living in this ‘house’ for 100 years already. 3 generations of my family is buried right here in this land. But how come people whose FATHERS are immigrant Indonesians (e.g. Khir Toyo) are coming into MY house telling me i am only ‘pendatang’ and the house rightfully belongs to them?

    Would you prefer robbers and murderers to stay and sleep in the house together with you just as long as their skin color is the same as yours? Or would you prefer to let in someone who can actually contribute to the growth of the house even though their skin color is different?

  47. The thing I still don’t undertsand is this :

    Now, we all know that BN coul still form government this time around was because the majority of the seats came from Johor, Sabah & Sarawak. why only NOW the Sabah & Sarawak people realised how teruk UMNO is? Why now? Why not earlier? If only they have realised earlier, then PR would have governed the country by now. That’s why I keep on saying this : THINK and THINK twice before voting. Your vote will determine the future of Malaysia.

    I read on Malaysiakini that DAMN UMNO goon Ahmad Ismail refused to apologise to the chinese community, in fact he evern questioned WHY he should apologise. Boy oh boy!! Am I dumbfounded by that remark. OK, say what you wanna say. Don’t have to apologise. Even if you apologise, we, the chinese community will NOT accept it. Why? For a simple reason that because that apology did not come sincerely from the heart. You UMNO goons are the GREATEST ACTORS & ACTRESSES in town, I tell ya.

    Somebody sent me an e-mail today – an article written by Raja Petra on what is stopping Anwar from forming the Federal Govt. Interesting. You guys should go to his website to read it.

  48. Whichever it is A+B+C party or D+E+F party, I hope that Malaysian politics will evolve into a two party systems like US or UK and that the mindset of the people will change and vote for the person basing on his or her qualities instead of just blindly voting for the party even though the candidates are monkeys and donkeys. If this happens, the parties will have to field their best candidates because the people will not vote blindly like what is happening now by voting either for BN or the opposition.

  49. cintanegara Says:

    Today at 16: 39.36 (5 hours ago)
    just a moment – Are u sure your dream will come true? Do you think the majority race want to risk thier future by voting PR? U guys were just barking…..

    Look who is the dog now. MCA, MIC, Gerakan and ALL other BN component parties have been a dog who have been caged for the past 51 years. They have been barking till no more voice but UMNO still refuse to listen to them.

    UMNO ask them to sit, they sit, ask them to lick their b*tt, they lick, ask them to eat, they eat, ask them to pang sai, they pang sai… HAIH!! Sad…Sad!!

  50. ///dapsupporter8888 Says:
    why only NOW the Sabah & Sarawak people realised how teruk UMNO is? Why now? Why not earlier? If only they have realised earlier,///

    i WAS going to ignore this, but have to say out after looking at your username. I am a DAP supporter myself.

    Regarding the above statement, I THINK they ALL KNEW, but tell that to a farmer who is trying to feed his family…. and with all the Promised Election Candies. You think he will care what will happen in the next 4 years??? He is only thinking about if he can put some bread on the table tonight.

    AND DON’T FORGET, the population BOOM of from the Project-M, i really believe Indonesians and Filipinos out numbered locals here. That was their plan, give them I/C, land, NEPs, for their votes.
    What do you think these “citizens” will do? Do you think they really care???

    We are waging a War here, without guns but with a stick. We need some top guns to come over to lead the fight. So, are you guys ready to come over ????????

  51. katdog,

    you are right. but still they could argue than their generation has been living probably 200 years already(although there was no fact to support their argument). it goes on and on… in short, they are still the landlord, and you should obey.

    khir toyo was different. imagine someone migrate to other country, he still needs a house. the only way is to please the landlord, rubbing their feet, and fight for the landlord. by doing this way, he wont be booted out of the house too… my guess is khir toyo an opportunist. if you ever read his writing/blog, just focus on the last 2 lines. that is the whole point of his writing. the rest are just sweet talks and to ‘win’ back support from ppl. he is still in his dreamland, let us not wake him up. if you are having sweet dreams, the last thing you want is disturb by someone, and pooffff…. face the bad reality. lol.
    eh?? what happen to the BALKIS issue? why is it everything is done halfway? i am very dissappointed.

  52. Maximus is a disappointment and a failure as an MP not taking care of his constituency.

    But then he was a failure too as Minister in Charge of National Unity. See your other posts about all the racism and disunity that is rampant in this country today.

    But best of all the PM, who says he is the PM for all races, is very silent and does nothing about it.

    Well, if the PM closes both his eyes, will the person who wants to be PM do and say something about all this?

  53. I am suporting the cross over, but i doubt it will happen. Sabah and Sarawak have been poor managed, but yet, their BN’s MPs are still elected? why?

    Also, Sabah and Sarawak MP now ( majority), who has holding MP so many years yet happy in BN,..why? I doubt they are “clean” and they works for Sabah/Sarawak people. If so, why they need to cross over to jeoperdize their fortune,or DSAI will provide much better ( which i hope not)….

  54. Referring to monsterball’s comment about doctors making lousy politicians.

    Maximus Ongkili is not a MEDICAL doctor you idiot. He got his doctorate title from his Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics.

    As a medical student I’m offended by your ignorant prejudice against the medical profession. Next time, check your facts before revealing your stupidity to the whole world.

  55. MCA, MIC, Gerakan and ALL the component parties understand the concept of multiracial and tolerance. UMNO is the most prominent party among all has a proven track record in ruling the country. Why should we question about what’s being agreed by previous leaders. Why can’t we accept this fact?

  56. sun2surf – KUALA LUMPUR (Sept 4, 2008): A former Selangor Umno veteran leader has lodged a second report with the Anti-Corruption Agency (ACA) against Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi yesterday for allegedly practising money politics to win the support of Umno division heads nationwide.

    Datuk Mazlan Harun lodged a similar report against the prime minister a month ago in reference to a letter containing the allegations sent to the Umno secretary-general by Petaling Jaya Umno head Kapt (R) Zahar Hashim.

    In today’s report, Mazlan, who was accompanied by Muar Umno chief Datuk Kadar Shah Tun Sulaiman, claimed he had physical evidence and witnesses to the allegations.

  57. my,
    The first order of business is pertaining to the well being of Malaysians is to immediately establish the 2 party system and allow it to take root without having to worry about the ifs and buts.Implicit in the idea of a 2 party system is a system of check and balance.The monolithic system that we are having over the last 50 years or so can only mean authoritianism and abuse of power for a very simple fact that no human should be trusted with too much power,even worse with absolute power.
    Your attempt to match off 2 teams of different combinations of parties is a pure waste of time for these parties can also realign themselves for various reasons.Besides William62’s point maybe even more likely in future for the non Malay Bumiputras do not take to the Malay Bumiputras which you have not taken note off.You have erroneously think that the bumiputras fall into one group as if they are of the same ethnic group!! They are not only not of the same ethnic group but also differ in religion.

  58. “MCA, MIC, Gerakan and ALL the component parties understand the concept of multiracial and tolerance. UMNO is the most prominent party among all has a proven track record in ruling the country. Why should we question about what’s being agreed by previous leaders. Why can’t we accept this fact?” — cintanegara.

    The only thing they understand is how to toe the line, how to be running dogs, and how to sell out their own people to their political masters. And the only proven track record is actually in raping the country upside down and inside out.

    You should also be specific on what it is that you claim to have been “agreed by previous leaders”. Before you ask people to accept so-called facts, bring forward your so-called facts, and prove them first. Your so-called “fact”s will be shot down with real facts and the ultimate truth by everyone else here.

  59. cintanegara Says:

    >> MCA, MIC, Gerakan and ALL the component parties understand the concept of multiracial and tolerance.

    Is that why they remain part of BN?

    MCA and Gerakan hold 17 seats in parliament. If they decide to join Pakatan, this would bode well for Anwar. However Anwar can not bribe everyone with guarantees of positions and promotions. It would be moreso a cross-over of convenience rather than any real acceptance of the opposition’s vision.

  60. correction:”The first order of business pertaining to the well being of Malaysians is to immediately …………………………………………………………..ifs and buts.”.

    “Besides, William62’s point ………………………………………. taken note of.’.

  61. limkamput Says:

    >> zak, there is no need for you to tell us about ACA report against PM.

    Is that because you do not want the ACA to act against the PM? Would that be because the opposition have a better chance of winning future elections with a useless PM than a competent one :^)

    >> Why, you can’t wait for PM to resign

    Mark my words: Bodohwi will NEVER resign! He will step down after he has done unrepairable damage to BN and hand over reigns to an equally stupid and useless PM. The oppostion need not worry that UMNO will have anyone who has the qualities to rehabilitate BN anytime soon.

    >> so that your mamakthir could return to power?

    That is the funniest thing I’ve heard in ages! I understand you understand that he enjoys grass-root support of millions, yet here you are supporting a psychopath for PM, of a coalition that is joined by super-glue, with policies that have no substance (but are mere slogans) and a manifesto that no one has seen… And you are scared of the return of an 83 year old geriatric? LOL.

  62. Richardqed, by the “agreed by previous leaders” statement, I think he means the social contract. This as you know, refers to the agreement made by the country’s founding fathers in the constitution.

    It refers to a quid pro quo “trade-off” through Articles 14–18 of the Constitution, pertaining to the granting of citizenship to the non-Malay people of Malaysia, and Article 153, which grants the Malays special rights and privileges.

    Since the Malay leaders agreed to relax the conditions for citizenship, the leaders of the Chinese and Indian communities accepted the special position of the Malays. Clearly the contract agreed to by their forefathers does not sit well with the new generation, therefore alienation and resentment and hatred is a natural reaction.

    What is interesting however is that another description of the social contract declares it to be an agreement that “Malay entitlement to political and administrative authority should be accepted unchallenged, at least for the time being, in return for non-interference in Chinese control of the economy”.

    Even though it has been heavily criticised by many in Malaysia, the social contract should not be seen as the defence of the principle of “Ketuanan Melayu”; nor be seen as non-Malays’ “debt” to the Malays for citizenship – This is the aspect of the contract that UMNOputras have failed miserably to explain to the new generation.

    Critics too have a point when they say that you won’t find the term “Malay rights” in the supreme law of our land, instead, you will find terms such as “special position” of Malays. A “right” implies something inalienable and a “privilege” on the other hand is a benefit. I shall leave it with the discerning readership to make up their own minds after their own research.

    Night night.

  63. Ongkili holds a Ph.D. degree in Agricultural Economics from La Trobe University, Australia. He contested in the Bandau parliamentary seat in the 1995 general election, beating the then BN candidate Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan by a majority of 4,865 votes. He is the Chairman of the PBS Party Disciplinary Committee.

    For his numerous contributions to the state, he was awarded the second highest illustrious order Panglima Gemilang Darjah Kinabalu (PGDK) which carries the title “Datuk” by the Yang diPertua Negeri Sabah in 2002.

    Our minister in our Prime Minister’s department in-charge of national unity 2005!!!!!was interviewed in the New Straits Times on Sunday, 7th August 2005

    Q: How can we tackle racial polarisation in schools and universities?

    A: We can take the NS content in a diluted form to the school. Special talks and motivational programmes can be organised.

    Q: Is that enough?

    A: Universities should also initiate their own measures. Some are organising cultural programmes. But I feel the role of teachers, parents and community leaders is also important.

    They must not just preach racial unity but lead by mixing freely and learning to appreciate the values of other communities. We must walk the talk.

    Q: Is the education system, with its different schooling streams, hampering efforts to promote racial integration?

    A: According to the stated objective of our education system, it is not supposed to yield that kind of result. The positive values of our system far outweigh the negative. Besides, some of the most patriotic people I know are from Chinese schools.

    KOTA KINABALU, Aug 11 2008(Bernama) — Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) deputy president Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili has more or less ended speculation on any imminent transfer of leadership in PBS when he announced yesterday he would only defend his post of deputy president at the party elections next year.

    Although there has been a call for PBS president Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan to hand over the leadership, Ongkili stood firmly behind the deputy chief minister and maintained that it was needless to have an early leadership transition.

    But when Ongkili, who is Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, said he would serve his “final term” as PBS deputy president after next year’s party elections, it raised the question of his political future.

    Local political pundits see his announcement as an early indication that changes in the top leadership are in the offing but they may not happen at least until the end of the next electoral term.

    “I think Dr Maximus is a very, very patient and far-sighted leader who prioritises unity in the party above his own interests. That’s why he decided not to challenge Pairin in the coming party elections.

    “It seems to me that Dr Maximus also prefers Pairin to hand over the leadership to other leaders in PBS in an orderly manner for the sake of unity,” said political analyst Clarence Sinsua of Ongkili’s final-term announcement.

  64. In spite of Najib apologizing for UMNO saying that what Ahmad Ismail said about Chinese being ‘Pendatang’ was wrong and UMNO’s dissociating from such an errant view, this recalcitrant division head, instead of keeping quiet, had latest told Malaysiakini in a telephone interview that he would not recant his alleged racist remarks or apologise even after the deputy prime minister has already done so on his behalf, and that this was because that he did not feel sorry because he “didn’t do anything wrong.”

    In doing so, Ahmad Ismail is unwittingly helping Anwar/Pakatan Rakyat 916 project – described as ”cerita dongeng (folktales)” by Maximus Ongkili – and undermining his own party UMNO’s efforts to manage discontent amongst rank and file and grassroots of non malay BN component parties and prevent them from being poached by Anwar/Pakatan Rakyat.

    Already there’s strong undercurrents and debate within BN’s non Malay component parties (for eg Gerakan, MCA, Sabah Progressive Party) whether they should stay on in the BN or leave.

    In an interview with monthly magazine ‘Off the Edge’, Gerakan advisor Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik said if given a chance to vote, the majority of the party members would choose to leave the BN due to, amongst other things, racism of UMNO’s members. However, he said he was still willing to give UMNO another chance.[UMNO information chief ‘Mike Tyson’ has asked Gerakan to be patient and give UMNO a chance to work out intra-coalition differences] see MalaysianInsider.

    Whether chance given or not very much depends on the pivotal point of whether the leading political party, UMNO could reform and subdue its racist stance and rhetoric that is making the position of its non Malay coalition partners increasingly untenable in their constituencies’ eyes leading to March 8th and August 26th political tsunamis!

    Now how could UMNO reform when it could not even control a foot soldier/division head like Ahmad Ismail who still maintains he has said nothing wrong contrary to stand taken by his party, as held out by its deputy president? He has thrwon a monkey wench into UMNO’s spanner to repair relations with its non Malay coalition partners.

    Ahmad Ismail then has, as perhaps a matter of unintended consequence, made Anwar’s task of poaching the malcontents of BN non Malay component parties MPs that much easier in proportion to his intransigence to the embarrassment of UMNO. :)

  65. Water bottles were thrown at me, says Max 19-08-2008
    [Datuk Dr. Maximus] Ongkili (si Max) contended the behavior of the opposition supporters on nomination day was the worst he had seen in his 13 years in politics, and that he was almost hit by an object hurled at him.

    Malaysia’s government has endorsed a university’s ruling that requires non-Muslim women to wear headscarves on its campuses, a report said on Wednesday.

    The minister in charge of national unity, Maximus Ongkili, said the decision by the International Islamic University earlier this year was not a religious one, but merely part of university procedures.

    “As the rule was approved by the university senate, it is not religious in nature but a matter of uniforms that must be followed. It does not breach basic human rights,” Ongkili was quoted as saying in the Star daily. Ongkili told parliament that Malaysians had to respect rules formulated by the government and other institutions to prevent social unrest.

    ”In a multi-racial country each community must respect one another. But at the same time we must respect the laws of the country, institutions and organisations to ensure there is no disturbance to the community,” he said.

    “The Sept 16 takeover by Anwar will never happen.”

    He said among the members of parliament who signed the pledge of support were Ongkili, Mukah MP Datuk Leo Michael Toyad and Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui.

    Makkal Osai, which has a daily average circulation of 25,000, published a picture of Jesus Christ, holding a cigarette in one hand and what appeared to be a beer can in the other, on the front page of Tuesday’s edition with a caption saying: “If someone repents for his mistakes, then heaven awaits him.”

    Ongkili, who’s a Christian, added those responsible should be charged in order to deter others from committing the same acts. “If those charged wish to plea in mitigation, it is up to the courts to consider,” he said.

  66. Malaysia has been ill due to various ‘disease’: corruption, fake social harmony which is based on economy rather than cultural understanding, racial bigotry, poor management in everything. if something is not right, have it surgically remove if necessary.

  67. monsterball, you’re right, i’ve never seen doctors being good politicians. but why should they? i’ve not seen many people, doctors or not, being good politicians. n doctors these days aren’t the same as what they r decades ago. the ones who volunteer for missions to 3rd world countries, those ought to be respected. but most r just using their smarts, being a doctor, to accumulate wealth n power. that’s the sad state of today’s materialistic society. maximus is prime example.

  68. If what ‘worried student’ had written on UiTM talks to new students is true, it is unimaginable! The country will be doomed.
    The UMNOputras are saying one thing but doing another; they are the best actors ever who should be awarded the ‘Oscar’!
    For the sake of the country, we must pray that someone in UMNO (may be Muhidin/Zaid) could lead the change though its a mammoth task!

  69. Zak’s hatred of Anwar (calling him names like psychopath, irresponsible) is only exceeded by his brown-nosing of Mahathir as the Great Leader. Zak, don’t tell us the brown substance on your nose smells of roses.

  70. So Ahmad Is-somthing is still insistent that he has done nothing wrong with his “pendatang” remark and that he need not apologise for uttering that remark.

    Najib. You really look stupid with the apology you made. By the same sweep of the broom, UMNO too has been made to look stupid.

    Najib. You have been named as the next PM. This incident definitely does not tango well with your status and image as the next-PM. Arent you, the next-PM, going to do something about it? Arent you, the next-PM, going to do anything to that chap? And you umno too. Taking body blow to your already badly wrecked image and still not doing anything?

    Can we conclude that despite your stupidity in having apologised, Najib you actually condoned Ahmad’s racist remark; and that umno you actually sanctioned that remark and cannot now retract your position?

    Arrogance has made you and umno blind and insensitive and worse, has consigned you and umno to the confine of political irrelevance.

    Koh Tsu Khoon was correct with his rather polite observation that BN could be reaching the point of no return. In fact to my mind, umno is already on the other bank of rubicon. And the bridge for the crossing, despite costly repair works, had collapsed by reason of sub-standard construction, low quality material, poor supervision, bad design and corruption.

    Not such a bad thing actually.

    Not bad at all.

  71. Its actually interesting to me that even with the technology that we have today, its still very difficult to reach the marginalized community in areas like Kota Marudu of PR message.

    But as a technologist, I believe its an eventuality. Imagine if they have wireless high speed broadband in these areas. If you put a laptop in one of these areas, the entire community will come around it and be educated.

    In the last election, what happened on the internet was multiplied in mamak stalls a few times. It may take time for the phenomenon to seep into the communities of Kota Marudu but it always happen faster than political dinosaurs like BN think. Take a 3G phone and the speeches of Anwar can be shown again and again even in Kota Marudu.

    Those current BN MPs who don’t see that their political career is not going to go anywhere pretty much deserves being hit hard when it ends…

  72. In Malaysia Today (Friday, 05 September 2008 09:10):
    “Samy Vellu used MIC’s name to buy a RM52 million piece of state land for only RM3.8 million. And to ensure that MIC would not cheat him of his ‘Indian rights’, he registered his name on the title as a beneficiary.”

    This is an example of what Umnoputras and their BN politicians are good at: “Ask not what you can do for your country; ask what you can korek-korek-korek from your country” instead of “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country”.

    Wonder if people in Sabah korek deep deep into various land and business deals, can they tell us what this Maximus had korek maximally for himself over the years?

  73. 318, there’s nothing wrong with dreaming…however better dream of something reliastic so that you don’t get frustrated in the end…..

    Zak_hammaad…you’re right..that’s what I meant..thanks for explaining

  74. MO and those MP who still thinks Bn is the best and won’t jump ship Are Actually the Real Betrayers Of The People who voted them to what they are today. i didn’t vote for BN the last time because i saw my livelihood going downwards no matter how hard i tried to work hard to make ends meet.

    I really pity and feel soar / angry for those who still believe in bn. for MO and other bn mps, of course life is good for them becuase they ate away all the cakes that is supposed to be shared for the rakyat. even the bones they want too.

    the reasons why some voters went for bn in the last general election are :
    1) maybe due to lack of info
    2) bn controls of media to only relate their good & promises deeds while threatening of no hopes of development or life-style improvement if vote for oppositions
    3) getting the voters and reward them with cash and using PTI to go to centres to vote on behalf (as has done in permatang pauh elections)
    4) questionable postal votes which can also be ‘phantom votes’
    5) doubtful of election committee and police as an independant entity ( bn even now want to rule hospital)

    if there are voters who oppose bn idealogy of life and development plans right now, i hope they make more efforts to raise noises ‘mouth to ear’ to clean up and try to convince these bn supporters to make the bold move for a better life in malaysia. After all, we are Malaysians and we are entitled to these equal benefits just as the MP are having!!

  75. zak_hammaad Says (Yesterday at 23: 46.16):
    “Malay entitlement to political and administrative authority should be accepted unchallenged, at least for the time being, in return for non-interference in Chinese control of the economy”.

    “Critics too have a point when they say that you won’t find the term “Malay rights” in the supreme law of our land.” – Zak


    YO! BEEVER read this…

    The Constitution does not explicitly refer to a “social contract” (in terms of citizenship rights and privileges), and no act of law or document has ever fully set out the social contract’s terms. Its defenders often refer to the Constitution as setting out the social contract, and the Malaysian founding fathers having agreed to it, although no reference to a “social contract” appears in the Constitution.


    Zak Says:
    “This is the aspect of the contract that UMNOputras have failed miserably to explain to the new generation.”


  76. “Sabah especially the northern states, record the highest number of cases of Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Malaria in the whole of Malaysia.”

    I thought leprosy has already been eradicated entirely? There are still people suffering from it under BN rule?

  77. I refer to the report by Bernama (Kota Marudu Goes Wireless – NST, 2nd Sept)

    KOTA MARUDU: Youth and farmers of Kota Marudu will get a taste of the World Wide Web in November when the town gets its own wireless Internet.
    Kota Marudu member of parliament Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili said the service, to be provided by Mimos Berhad, would initially be free for the town’s residents.

    Ongkili, who is also science, technology and innovation minister, said that the Federal Government had allocated RM6 million for the development of cottage industries, including in the field of information technology under the Ninth Malaysia Plan.

    Some of the industries included the processing of “tongkat ali”, virgin coconut oil and vanilla.

    He also said that under the Sabah Development Corridor, the town would also be a centre for large scale padi planting, making it a major rice-producing area in Sabah. — Bernama

    Having worked in Kota Marudu as a government medical officer has shown me how lucky I am. I am lucky to be educated. I am lucky that I have access to information. I am lucky to have a stable job that pays. Unfortunately, I cannot say the same about many of the financially poor people who live in the remote areas of Kota Marudu.

    I give an example of a housewife, whom we shall refer to as Mrs P, who came to me at 38 weeks of her sixth pregnancy. She is from Paitan, a remote district in Sabah. Kota Marudu is the nearest township that could provide obstetric assessment for her pregnancy. At the 38 weeks of pregnancy, that was the first time that she could afford to seek medical attention. Mothers should be seen in the first trimester of pregnancy. Mrs P was in the final trimester of her pregnancy.

    Mrs P was at term and she had never been seen by a doctor. She had three living children. Two died full term at birth. Mrs P delivered all her children, she delivered the placenta and she even cut the umbilical cords. All on her own. The nearest midwife (non-medically trained) requires a thirty minute walk from her home. There are no medically trained midewives near her area of residence.

    Mrs. P’s husband works at a small farm, earning RM50 a month while some of us have RM50 lunches. RM 50 for a family of five when many of us can afford to don RM250 shirts. In Kota Marudu and many districts in Sabah, transportation is a serious and material obstacle, preventing the people from gaining medical access. It is not made any easier for these people when the local private transportation ‘service’ charge these financially poor people exorbitant fees for a ride to the nearest township (where a medical facility should be present). Mrs P came all the way from Paitan with the whole family, having to pay RM50 for each member of the family. She is not the independent city woman who can drive herself to the nearest clinic. She is not the independent bourgeosie who can travel in unfamiliar territory without her husband. She is the lady from the village who does not how to read or write. She is the lady who totally depends on her husband. Her husband who earns RM50 a month.

    Mrs P and her family are a part of the many residents of Kota Marudu who are subjected to such paucity. The people’s predicament does not stop at exorbitant travel fees. We have not even discussed the problems faced with road access. We have villages in Kota Marudu with roads that cannot be accessed during rainy seasons. Transportation is extremely important in assisting this country’s medical services. When sick people cannot travel due to distance, inaccessible roads or lack of financial funds for them to travel, this would delay their access to medical services. This would in turn cause them to continue to deteriorate in their sickness in the village and by the time they reach the nearest hospital, there is nothing much that the doctors can do. This is very true for patients from the district of Kota Marudu. If we are able to manage the problem at it’s roots (and since the government continuously reminds the people the need for austerity, in the health sector included) the country will be able to cut medical costs in so many ways. An example is antibiotic usage, the more critically ill the patient is, the more likely that the patient will need stronger antibiotics which is obviously more expensive. The more critically ill the patients are, the more likely that they will need intensive care support, which may include mechanical ventilation.

    The education of the people of Kota Marudu would make them more aware of their need for medical services. There is no doubt that the wireless internet service in Kota Marudu would benefit the students, teachers, lawyers, government staff who live in the town of Kota Marudu. But, it appears that in our system, be it in health, education, transportation, tend to target and benefit the people who already have access to modern facilites. Why can’t we build the society as a whole? What are we doing for the people of Kota Marudu who do not live in the town and other people of this country who live in remote areas? We have 16 year old school drop outs who are mothers of two and pregnant with their third child. We have a real problem of illiteracy in Kota Marudu. Do you blame these people for being ignorant of their rights as a citizen of this country when they don’t even have access to the right of education? Knowledge is power, and I believe the people of Malaysia have begun to realize this. Are we, those who are more fortunate and educated, going to remain ignorant about the existence of these people?

    It has been 45 years since the formation of Malaysia and the fundamental rights of the citizens have not been addressed properly. It is embarrassing and a failure of this country to have these conditions exist. We should stop trying to break records by baking the biggest karipap and whatnot. We should stop people from constructing the national flag from dried chillies and sago and then complain about food shortage. We should stop sending people on travels to infinity and beyond when the people of Kota Marudu, the people here on earth are dying of tuberculosis, malaria and other diseases. We talk about wireless internet service, but, there are far more important issues to deal with. Our first world facilities do not compensate for the sufferring of the people.

  78. “Even though it has been heavily criticised by many in Malaysia, the social contract should not be seen as the defence of the principle of “Ketuanan Melayu”; nor be seen as non-Malays’ “debt” to the Malays for citizenship – This is the aspect of the contract that UMNOputras have failed miserably to explain to the new generation.” – Zak

    Most of UMNOputras are corrupted and their interest in politics is to enrich themselves only, no wonder they failed miserably explaining the meaning of social contract to the new generation. Perhaps, UMNOputras can explain how they get rich so fast by joining politics, and see if the new generation can understand it.

  79. It would be great to see a change of government like what is being anticipated right now. Kota Marudu is just the tip of the iceberg of what is really happening in Sabah. The MPs are useless crooks who are hypocrites, opportunists and irresponsible, using their status for their on benefits . Reaping huge amount of money from projects.More for their cronies but nothing for the rakyat. None has been done so far to address the problems and issues for the sake of the people in their areas. But at the same time I am feeling a bit concern about what will be happening to the people in Sabah if PR succeeded in taking over the government. Imagine the same crooked MPs who join DSAI. Its like business as usual! The Sabahan would still be poor as before and the MPs would continue doing what they used to do when they were in UMNO/BN.

  80. Ikan keli

    I am from Penang but my wife is from Tuaran. I 100% agree that the road to K.Marudu after K.Belud is in deep shit condition. I say so because I frequently drive to Kudat.
    You may not feel the bumpy ride bcos you got a driver and a big Benz
    and I forgot you are so sound asleep in the car. Wake up lah.

  81. EP has an interesting idea that does not involve cross-overs.
    If some of the Sabah parties do not support the BN, they can make an appointment to see the Agong and tell him their position about not supporting the present PM.

    That way, it is the Agong who summons the PM and the leader of the opposition to discuss who commands the majority of the house and appoints the new PM; unless the present PM can convince him that new elections should be called.

    It is then left to the Agong to decide in his wisdom if elections are needed or the MPs be allowed to pick the next PM of Malaysia.

  82. H J Angus,

    Sabah parties not supporting present PM does not mean that they’re not supporting BN or that they support Anwar & Pakatan Rakyat. This means the Yang di Pertuan Agong could appoint Najib as next in line commanding majority in Parliament to be PM leading the UMNO/BN government. There is no change (except present PM out) which may even be for the worse.

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