Liow Tiong Lai: “Tung Shin Hospital ‘not hit’ in rally crackdown”

By Lee Way Loon
Jul 11, 11 | MalaysiaKini

"... don't cite whatever pictures or videos again..."
Health Minister Liow Tiong Lai has claimed that the police did not shoot tear gas and water cannon into the Tung Shin Hospital compound, in the crackdown on last Saturday’s Bersih 2.0 rally.

He said he has confirmed with the hospital authorities that the claims circulating on the Internet are not true.

“The police shot the tear gas over the main road. Maybe the smoke was blown by the wind in this direction – that, we don’t know, but they were not aiming at the hospital,” he told reporters after meeting board members of the hospital this afternoon.

“As for the water cannon, they were shooting at 45 degrees onto the main road, maybe the edge of it may…(have spread to the hospital).”

Asked to comment on video footage and photos posted by netizens that appear to contradict the claim, Liow told reporters not to show photos or videos to counter his claims.

“The board of the hospital also confirmed this, (so) don’t cite whatever pictures or videos again,” he said.

“The most important thing is that the person in charge of the hospital has confirmed that the police did not shoot the tear gas or water cannon into the hospital (compound).”

Hospital board head Ng Beh Tong, who was present, echoed the minister’s statement.

He said the hospital administrator had briefed the board on the situation at a meeting this morning.

Liow and Ng also denied that the police came into the hospital compound to arrest the protesters, claiming the police “only brought in some injured demonstrators for medical treatment”.

Asked to comment on differing accounts by some journalists on the ground who had also witnessed the incident, Liow reacted angrily and said, “The board chairman has clarified this, but you still want to ask this question.”

“Anybody including the media, if you have any allegation, you can tell the Health Ministry or Home Ministry, and we will investigate it,” he said.

Liow blamed the opposition for bringing in politics to the hospital, which he labelled as an irresponsible act.

He also defended the police action by saying the latter was forced to use teargas and water cannon in order to disperse the “street demonstration”.

“Highligting that the police shot at the hospital is an uncalled-for action,” he said, adding that the reports in the past two days have been unfair to the Tung Shin hospital.

16 Replies to “Liow Tiong Lai: “Tung Shin Hospital ‘not hit’ in rally crackdown””

  1. LTL,everybody knows that you are an Umno lapdog.You will do whatever your master wants you to do.Of course you will say that the police did not shoot tear gas and water cannoned the Tung Shin Hospital.If you did the next minute you will be in Bukit Aman.

    You asked the hospital board head to come out and say it didn’t happen,of course he will say it didn’t happen.Or else he might be ISAed.Just pure and simple.Why don’t you say the death of Baharuddin wasn’t the fault of the police.Do you know that helping to cover a war crime is like committing it yourself.Do you know the penalty for a war criminal.

  2. LTL,why lied through your noses.I am sure that you know that this is your last term as Minister and an MP.Don’t tell me that you don’t know that your Mca together with your master Umno,Mic and Gerakan are going to get decimated this coming GE 13th.Why take the risk of being charge of a warcrime.You are an idiotic moron.

  3. Beh Tong Liow lah. cannot take it. ini macam pun boleh.

    Liow told reporters not to show photos or videos to counter his claims.

    maybe Fatty Doc is right. Ng Beh Tong maybe kena something until be Beh Tong Liow and spoke under duress.

  4. Why all the BN ministers’s talk Beh Tong thia one..full of stinko rubbish and never once logical.Alamak..gua pun tak tahan Beh Tong Liow.
    Ng Beh Tong,you should be called Ng Ngia Beh Tong.You are also cover up criminal crime as Beh Tong Liow therefore you are considered one of them!

  5. A more likely scenario that happened begins like this:- a very angry and defensive LTL stormed to the Tung Shin Hospital whereby he was met and greeted by a visibly shaken Board No. 1 named Beh Hiow Kong at the front entrance of the Hospital. But unknown to both men there was also an equally visibly shaken dog seeking shelter from the mayhem outside, it laying a very low profile next to the men. Without any warning, the dog saw LTL reached out and squeezed the other guy’s marbles and asked “did you see anybody shooting tear gas or water into the hospital compound”? Beh Hiow Kong was dumfounded and didn’t know what to say. The dog upon seeing this immediately sat up in attention and replied “woof, woof”. LTL said “good, now stick to that reply” thus releasing those marbles in his hands.

  6. Haha this dog only knows how to bark when the political master commands.Pictures from video recordings don’t lie but word from dishonourable VIPs DO.Send the recordings to US to see whether authenic ar not MR Health Minister.Shame on you.

  7. Nothing less could have been expected from MCA Health Ministers…why are we not surprised……if it is not porno, …they lie…

    As for the Hospital board head Ng Beh Tong, this fellow is an absolute disgrace to the medical profession…maybe a sinseh out to make money running a hospital….

  8. LTL,We know that you owe big time to Umno for your present job.Just because Umno gave you a job you have to swore allegience to it.You have to sell your dignity,pride and soul for a lousy lap dog job.

    By the way where is your pornstar president CSL.He has not open his mouth for some time.Did Umno zipped his lips too.Or maybe his tonque is to busy wagging at you know what.He is a real disgrace and that includes you too.Your Mca guys are all MIA.Maybe chicken livered.

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