Open Letter to PM & Ministers – Lessons of two “political tsunamis” in six months

An Open Letter to the Prime Minister and the Cabinet by DAP Parliamentary Leader and MP for Ipoh Timor Lim Kit Siang on Tuesday, 2nd September 2008:

YAB Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister,
YB-YB Cabinet Ministers,

Ten challenges which the Cabinet must address tomorrow to demonstrate that it has learnt the lessons of the two political tsunamis in six months

I believe the overwhelming majority of Malaysians have one common reaction when they read or learnt of the news of the announcement by Japanese Prime Minister Yasuo Fukudu of his sudden resignation yesterday – when Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is going to resign as Malaysian Prime Minister despite his earlier announcement of the power-transition schedule in June 2010.

This may be unfair but this is a fact. Why is this so when four short years ago, the Prime Minister had won the country’s biggest mandate in the 2004 general election winning an unprecedented 91 per cent parliamentary majority?

This was one of my thoughts when I hiked up Penang Hill “48” this morning, which I had not done for a very very long time. The hour hike up and down Penang Hill “48” provided me with a very conducive atmosphere to think about the multiple crisis of confidence afflicting Malaysia – political, economic, educational, judicial, institutional and nation-building.

The idea to pen this Open Letter also came from this hike as the Cabinet meeting tomorrow is the first one after the Permatang Pauh by-election, presenting an acid test whether Barisan Nasional government has learnt the lessons of the two “political tsunamis” in six months to save the country from the multiple crisis of confidence confronting the nation.

There are at least ten challenges which the Cabinet must address tomorrow:

1. Ahmad Ismail’s racist remarks

The Cabinet must sternly and unanimously censure the Bukit Bendera Umno chief, Datuk Ahmad Ismail for his offensive, insensitive, derogatory and racist remarks about the Malaysian Chinese during the Permatang Pauh by-election campaign.

By referring to the Chinese as pendatang, orang tumpang and totally untrustworthy Malaysians, and going into hiding after making the offensive and racist remarks, Ahmad had spoilt the 51st Merdeka anniversary celebrations and sabotaged the Prime Minister’s 51st National Day Message calling on every Malaysian to give importance to solidarity, as “it is the cornerstone of the country’s political stability, social harmony and economic competitiveness”.

The Prime Minister has also caused great dismay and distress among right-thinking Malaysians as he has chosen to demonstrate his “solidarity” with Ahmad when he should be an exemplar for Bangsa Malaysia.

Is there any Cabinet Minister who is prepared to point out tomorrow that the Prime Minister’s response in condoning Ahmad’s racists remarks is weak, unworthy and unacceptable?

The Prime Minister’s statement: “I will tell him not to do it again…. I don’t think he meant it. I’ll make sure to tell him not to use it again” raises many questions.

It means that the Prime Minister had neither met, discussed nor reprimanded Ahmad or he would not have used to future tense of “I will tell him not to do it again”.

How can Abdullah ensure that such offensive, insensitive, derogatory and racist language would not be used again when even in Parliament recently, Umno MPs could hurl racist abuses like “Balik Cina” without any censure by UMNO or BN leadership?

Or shouldn’t the Ahmad Ismail furore be raised and discussed in the Cabinet at all? In that case, let the Cabinet explain its double standards in rejecting the apology of Wee Meng Chee for the “Negaraku” rap video-clip just before the 50th Merdeka anniversary last year, with Umno Ministers competing with each other to demand all sorts of penalties including stripping him of his citizenship as compared to the case of Ahmad Ismail!

2. Declare Malaysia Day on Septembert 16 as a national public holiday

Sabah and Sarawak have suddenly become very important after the March 8 “political tsunami”, not so much to end the long-standing neglect and marginalisation of the rights of the people of Sabah and Sarawak as distinct from those of the leaders of Barisan Nasional in the two states but to ensure the survival of the Barisan Nasional power structure at the federal level.

This is just not good enough as the people of Sabah and Sarawak feel being made used of just to perpetutate the vested interests of the Barisan Nasional in Kuala Lumpur, without any change of heart by the Barisan Nasional leaders.

After 45 years, the people of Sabah and Sarawak must be made to feel that they are an integral part of the Malaysian federation with the Cabinet taking the first step in declaring Malaysia Day on September 16 as a national public holiday with effect from this year.

3. Commitment to establish IPCMC by end of the year

Despite increased budget allocations for the police, Malaysians today feel even more unsafe whether in the streets, public places or the privacy of their homes compared to five years ago when Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi became Prime Minister.

In Pasir Pinji in my parliamentary constituency of Ipoh Timur, there is a reign of fear following a sudden spate of violent thefts leaving the residents and the petty trading community worry for their lives.

This is not an isolated development in Ipoh but represents a worsening situation of law and order in the country, which has made Malaysia unsafe and insecure for its citizens, visitors and investors.

So far there is no political will to fully implement the recommendations of the Royal Police Commission, including the establishment of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC) to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service to keep crime low.

Let the Cabinet make a policy decision tomorrow to establish the IPCMC by the end of the year.

4. Restoration of an independent, impartial, professional and meritocratic judiciary

The Cabinet has failed Malaysians in failing to set up a Judicial Appointments Commission to restore national and international confidence in the independence, impartiality, integrity and meritocracy of the judiciary.

There must be a Cabinet commitment that although such a Judicial Appointments Commission has not yet been set up, the Prime Minister will respect and follow the spirit of consultation intended in such a judicial reform when appointing the next Chief Justice as the current Chief Justice of Malaysia Datuk Abdul Hamid Mohamad will retire on 17th October 2008.

The Prime Minister and the Cabinet must be forewarned that it does not serve the cause of justice or the nation if the country is plunged into a new judicial crisis because of the appointment of the first Umno Chief Justice in the nation’s history in utter disregard of a proper consultation with the relevant stakeholders such as the Bar Council, the Parliamentary Opposition and the civil society, and in keeping with the principles of accountability, transparency and good governance.

This Open Letter to the Prime Minister and Cabinet is still a work-in-progress. However, because of time factor, I am making public the first four of the ten challenges to give time for deliberation by the Cabinet while the rest of the Open Letter would be finalized and released before the end of the day.

This is one beauty of the Internet era of instant communication and there is no reason why Malaysians should not fully make use of such facilities opened up by the information age.

Yours sincerely,
Lim Kit Siang
DAP Parliamentary Leader &
MP for Ipoh Timor


35 Replies to “Open Letter to PM & Ministers – Lessons of two “political tsunamis” in six months”

  1. # lhslhv Says:

    Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore has the wisdom and foresight to make Malaysian Malaysia 51 years ago. A great leader indeed!

    Other than this concept, nothing else will work out for nation building.

    Ever heard of Fahmi Reza? Heard of ‘Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka’? A documentary which tells of the fight for Merdeka. Piecing together a historical event from survivors, it tells us something untold about a People’s Constitution that was presented to the British demanding independence and to create a nation consisting of Malaysians!

    The British must had shitted in their pants. Divide and rule was the name of the game that had given them power over the nation. Nevertheless, I assume, gladly assume that there were heroes, Malaysian heroes, back then in 1947 who had already envisioned a Malaysian Unity, a Bangsa Malaysia!

  2. YB, what about the RM207 billion budget allocation for spending on Mao Tze Tung style Malay communisim. Kick backs of 10% is already RM 20 billion. Show cause why the amount should not be approved.

  3. umno is not going to be bothered by any of these 10 challenges as long as the 30 Mps are still not crossing over to PR. And Dollah is not going to resign until someone picks him up and chucks him out

  4. # lhslhv Says:

    Lee Kuan Yew of Singapore has the wisdom and foresight to make Malaysian Malaysia 51 years ago. A great leader indeed!

    Other than this concept, nothing else will work out for nation building.

    Ever heard of Fahmi Reza? Heard of ‘Sepuluh Tahun Sebelum Merdeka’? A documentary which tells of the fight for Merdeka. Piecing together a historical event from survivors, it tells us something untold about a People’s Constitution that was presented to the British demanding independence and to create a nation consisting of Malaysians!

    The British must had soiled their pants. Divide and rule was the name of the game that had given them power over the nation. Nevertheless, I assume, gladly assume that there were heroes, Malaysian heroes, back then in 1947 who had already envisioned a Malaysian Unity, a Bangsa Malaysia!

  5. Hmm.. I want the PM to drop all witch hunting or fishing expedition with regards to BERSIH, HINDRAF and other public awakening events. And start focusing police force time, money and effort into REAL CRIME fighting.

    Up till now, the police is still going on witch hunting and fishing expedition against totally LEGAL and harmless BERSIH people.

    Also, he shall set up Royal Commission of Inquiry into Project M in Sabah! Nothing less than that.

    Lets put in our request!

  6. Thanks YB, can’t think of anyone else writing this to Sleezzzep PM.
    I have seen many of these letters send but I wonder if Slzz head will even want to look at it right now because his mind is preoccupied with his own survival. No choice, someone has to do it, Thanks YB.

  7. I had a terrible experience with a policeman at Kajang police station. I made a police report with regard to the lost of my identity card a few months ago.

    Inside the air-conditioned office, a policeman was smoking in a blatant defiant of no smoking sign.

    I reprimanded the policeman and he was trying to be defensive and having the cheek to give the excuse that it was alright for him to smoke.

    Later on I realised that I was purposely delayed to meet an officer who is dealing with my report. This was apparently due to the vengence thrown against me by the smoking policeman by phoning his colleague to delay my report.

    Straight away I have no respect fro the head of Kajang Police Station. He has not done his duty to discipline his subordinate even on this simple rule. What esle can he lead his officers to do their profession to upkeep public safety for the society.

    Unless we have a disciplined police force, we don’t hope for any sucurity in Malaysia. One has to look after oneself.

  8. carboncopy: there is no need to charge them in OPEN COURT now… because i tink the country wants to demolish the court of law… they like to use QURAN to swear their innoncence.. wats the use of lawyers and courts nowadays.. the detainees can now swear on QURAN or bible to prove their innocence and save costs of engaging lawyers to defend them and no need court papers..

  9. So true lhslhv Says,
    I too, made a report regarding my son’s handphone being snatch near his school from 6 motobikers, all with pillion riders.
    It was near where I lived, police sattion at the back of my house. so the incident happened barely 3 mins.
    I was hoping they would still have time to radio out to lookout for these groups. Know what? The officer asked me to wait for the detective. Dia pergi minum. She insist I wait for the return of the detective. The rest of the police just ‘buat tak tahu’ It was frustrating. What are they good for?

    Nowadays, when you walk into ANY Goment Services, you are an allien. The way they look at you itself, its intimidating at times. I can understand lhslhv feeling. Its shere hopless when you need their help. Thats why New Goment must come in. No 2 hoots about it.

  10. to carboncopy remarks.
    do’t expect this barbaric nationalists to release people under ISA or be given the chance to defend in courts. The reason is “BN ARE COWARDS AS THEY KNOW THESE PEOPLE ARE RIGHT WITH THE TRUTH !!” BN only hides behind the ISA curtain and saying from there that it is for the betterment of rakyat.

    I think we should SACK all judges and lawyers should change job/style because with ISA around, WHO NEEDS THEM AT ALL !! its surely a waste of rakyat’s money to build more courts or pay to these judges or ite related government staff !! We only need bodoh people like bodowi, najib and hamid to tell us who needs to go ‘camping’ without the hassle of red-tapes & more importanly, help us TO SAVE COSTS !!

  11. I think the Cabinet should heed Kit’s advice to resolutely embark on reforms to prevent the country becoming a laughing stock of the world come 2020.

    If Malaysia claims to have reached developed nation status by 2020, its democracy, civil liberty, judiciary and police must not resemble that of a rogue state such as Zimbabwe and Myanmar.

    We are watched closely by the world community!

  12. Thanks YB for the first 4 request made in the refreshing air of Penang Hill. Maybe the PM needs to get to Genting Highlands, a cool place to refresh his brains and think carefully in solitude. So many things need to be fixed: racial statements questioning others rights,thefts and robberies and no solution in sight, people now even fear to venture out after dark, corruption and so much of public resources and money going down the drain, so many of our young leaving the country looking for greener pastures and a better life so that they and their children will not be treated as 2nd class. I could go on on. Its so sad that we 3rd and 4th generation chinese and indians are treated this way and told to balik India & China. Its painful that a population of 26 million can’t live in peace and harmony and share the wealth which was created afer all by all. it is really heart renching and painful to see nothing done and things getting from bad to worse day by day.

  13. YB

    5) Free the ISA detainees. The Rakyat’s vote should count stronger than that of the courts judgement too (especially a court system that is not held in high regard).

    6) Drop the charges against Anwar…………same as 5) above. The rakyat have spoken with their votes!

    7) Accept all Malaysians regardless of race as equal citizens, and be given equal opportunities in all fields. No preferential treatment for Bumiputra contractors. And implement a 5% house purchasing discount for all Malaysians instead of only for Bumiputras. Let foreigners pay a higher price.

    8) Open All the Universities to all Malaysians based on Meritocracy. Scrap the dual entry system of Metriculation and STPM and have a new standard entry exam.

    9) Scrap the AP system (given to cronies) for cars as it benefits not the poor

    10) Make the petrol pricing mechanism, (which is supposed to be fortnightly) transparent, so we cant have the goal posts shifted as and when it pleases the umno.

    11) Make it illegal to have race and/or religion based political parties.

    12) Be more systematic and detail orineted when setting uo the Industrial Corridors. If you go to meet up with MIDA offices in these areas, they will themselves tell you that they have no concrete body formed to handle it, and tehy cant inform of the special incentives available for investin g in that corridor.

    13) Set the strategic direction for the county. Industrialisation, sustainable development, education, health, infrastructure etc.

    14) Policies for OKU. % of employment of OKU by Govt and Private sector.

    15) Treat non-bumi and bumis equally when it comes to taxes. Why the difference in treatment of Zakat vs donations given by non-bumis? Why cant donations to temples and churches be treated in the same manner then?


  14. not only aab, bijan should step down too, he’s the one oversaw the pp by-election ….

    seriously, why always blame aab for all the mischiefs, if he is to resign, he should down “together” with bijan ….. pm and tpm pun sama-sama tak boleh …

  15. Unfortunately all these problems: crime, traffic congestion, uncontrolled immigration, general cleaniness, housing shortages, and so forth, were not new. They do not arise all of a sudden but have been the cumulation of the neglect of the BN to tackle them effectively for the past 30 years. These problems were highlighted time and time again by the public in the mainstream papers but have fallen on deaf ears.

    Please note that Singapore did face these problems and they have solved all these problems 25 YEARS ago whereas in our case we allow these problems to be recycled over and over again without solving them. Every 2–3 years we will be arguing over the same problems, infinitum.

    One of the reasons why the BN is not interested to solve these problems is that the BN will always find opportunities and justification to launch mega projects to solve these problems instead of going back to basics. Take for example, traffic congestion. What did they do: they launched the Proton car project and build mega highways to solve the transportation problem! All this is only a disguise and a smart way of practising corruption – corruption through development!. If you oppose them then you are accused for being anti-development. So you see how devious they are?

  16. Mr. Lim,

    The PM and his Cabinet members must wake up lest it will not only be tsunami on March 8th and tsunami on August 26th, it will be HURRICANE GUSTAV which will storm our shores!

    Yes, What Mr. Lee Kuan Yew mentioned in 1963 about Malaysian Malaysia is now coming true in the form of Malaysian Economic Agenda under Pakatan Rakyat led by ANWAR Ibrahim, the Renaissance Man, the REFORMIST! UNITED we stand; divided we fall!

    S.H. Huang

  17. Sorry to digress, it seems from RPK’s latest posting – “It’s in the arithmetic, stupid “, the cause for concern for the prossible 916 PR government is that there may be fewer Malay MPs than Non Malay MPs after the crossover and thereby lending grave ammunition for UMNO to attack that the non Malays have taken power from the Malays. So the nation may have to wait till Anwar can get enough Malay MPs from UMNO to make the majority number first.

    Given the present situation where ACA & Special branch are on red alert to bounce on any suspected jumper, UMNO MPs may not be able to crossover even if they want to.
    Far better that Anwar go ahead and form the Federal government and than invite UMNO’s Malay MPs to join. In the end they will still get the numbers.

    But isn’t this back to race based politics? Can’t we just call ourselves “Malaysians” for a change???

  18. Its a BLESSING barbaric nationalist never learns !! As for PK, just focus on how to become new government of malaysia the sooner the better !!!

    i now see other BN parties like gerakan and mca demanding the famous ahmad to apologise for his BOLD remarks on chinese!! Why don’t these two parties gave the ultimate boom to UMNO – QUIT UMNO if no harsh punishment on this punk (from where did he get his education!!??)

    as for other races BN team like mic, ldp, pbs, upko, SHAME ON THEM for not daring to VOICE OUT!!

    Hope the 3rd wave of tsunami will hit these barbarian nationalists so hard until they cannot find either their heads or body-parts!! LOng Live Parti Keadilan !!!

  19. YB, you suggested we celebrate Malaysia Day on 16th Sept. Now I would to ask you, what for? To mark the formation of Malaysia, you said. If the Sarawakians and Sabahans had any foresight, they would be better off forming Singapore with Singapore back in 1963. Many of us have trouble celebrating Merdeka day let alone Malaysia day. Yesterday my 12yr old son and I had a conversation. It went like this:

    My son: How come we are not celebrating Merdeka Day?
    I : Because we are not truly independent yet.

    My son: TV says we are.
    I : They are lying. We chinese and other races fought long and hard to achieve independence. But some time later we were ‘invaded’ by a more evil empire. It’s called UMNO Baru. But not all of UMNO Baru is evil, only a handful.

    My son: Then when are we going to celebrate Merdeka day?
    I : I dunno. Maybe 16th September. Maybe 5 years from now. We’ll see. Just remember one thing, whatever people tell you, the only thing different between a malay, chinese, indian and others is the colour of their skin. No one is greater. We are all equal.

    Actually to his last question, the answer should be ‘We will celebrate Merdeka day when some minority people stop calling us ‘squatters’ and ‘babi, balik cina’. No point in turning my son into a racist at such a young age. But believe me, if things go on like it is he will turn into one. I am not a racist, or so I tell myself. Many of you will understand, it’s hard not to be one. I did not choose to be a chinese. I am born as one. The choice of being a ‘cina babi’ did not lie with me. It is with my creator-God,Allah,Krishna,Thee Kong or whatever other names you call Him. So if any of you got a problem with the colour of my skin, kindly take it up with Him. Insult
    me and you insult him. Now, you wouldn’t want to insult your God now, would you.

    So YB, do you still want 16th September to be a holiday? You, DSAI
    and TG Nik first form the government, deal?

  20. YB Kit, nice thing and very relevant, but PM will just ignore it as typically UMNO arrogance that won’t listen to others. And DPM as always non committal and waiting for a safe escape route. The rest of the cabinet members will pretend to be clever nodding their head in agreement. The whole cabinets members are ignorant and hypocrite, majority of them will only protect their own interest-cari makan bah. Whatever PM says they will agree right or wrong. Just wait tomorrow if PM and cabinets responded to your letter, I will buy you drink. Have fun..

  21. Had UMNO led BN government really learn anything about the last GE.I don,t think so.UMNO led BN Government is in denial mode..UMNO is not blaming itself for the great lost, In fact it is blaming MIC ,MCA ,PPP GERAKAN for the lost.

  22. “………..will respect and follow the spirit of consultation intended in such a judicial reform when appointing the next Chief Justice as the current Chief Justice of Malaysia Datuk Abdul Hamid Mohamad will retire on 17th October 2008.” Kit

    So are you saying that Sept 16 change of government is unlikely to happen? I would guess so too.

  23. Yes I am afraid September 16 may not happen because the coalition MCA, MIC, Gerakan and SUPP is not in direct contact with its constituents. But I can say one thing for all Malaysians, no one will blame you for taking matters into your own hands if you were to jump the BN ship.

  24. Why should a “pendatang” take all the trouble to go to the Olympics in Beijing and fight like mad to bring back a silver medal to Malaysia and glorify it? Shouldn’t this “holy act” be done by our so-called BUMIPUTRA? If at all Lee had this type of attitude, you will not see the silver medal even when the sun rises in the West!

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