Merdeka II – declare Malaysia Day September 16 as second National Day/public holiday

I salute the voters of Permatang Pauh for being the pioneers of the Bangsa Malaysia generation who decisively rejected the divisive, racist and chauvinistic by-election campaign of Umno to rise above race and religion to vote solidly on Tuesday, August 26 for Anwar Ibrahim as their MP once again, after an enforced absence of a decade.

Although former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had set the target of 2020 for the emergence of a Bangsa Malaysia in Vision 2020, the people of Permatang Pauh whether Malays, Chinese or Indians were 12 years ahead of the timetable when they voted in unison as pioneers of the Bangsa Malaysia generation in the Permatang Pauh by-election.

This is why the Permatang Pauh by-election is of such historic, momentous and far-reaching consequence although it concerns only one parliamentary constituency.

The Permatang Pauh by-election was not only a resounding endorsement and victory for Anwar but also for the cause of Bangsa Malaysia.

When the people of Permatang Pauh voted in the by-election on Tuesday, they voted not just for themselves but also for 27 million Malaysians and future generations – creating an impact akin to a second “political tsunami” after the March 8 “political tsunami”.

The great Permatang Pauh by-election victory has belatedly given meaning to the 51st Merdeka anniversary celebrations – marking the launching of a Merdeka II campaign to ensure that in the second half-century of our nationhood, ordinary Malaysians are not denied the full benefits of Merdeka in every sphere of national endeavour.

In the past four decades, Umno and Barisan Nasional leaders and their cronies had hijacked and deprived ordinary Malaysia the real fruits of Merdeka.

The Merdeka II awakening and campaign is to liberate, empower and benefit all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or territory.

The Merdeka anniversary on August 31 to mark the nation’s Independence in 1957 is however not very meaningful to the people of Sabah and Sarawak.

This is because it was September 16,1963 that Malaysia was formed with the union of Sabah and Sarawak with Malaya to establish a new federation.

It is for this reason that the 51st Merdeka anniversary on August 31, 2008 cannot be as meaningful to the people of Sabah and Sarawak as the 16th September 2008 in marking the 45th anniversary of Malaysia Day.

After the March 8 “political tsunami”, Sabah and Sarawak have suddenly become very important and critical, with more and more money poured into these two states as illustrated in the 2009 Budget while Sabah and Sarawak politicians have never felt so important in the past 45 years.

However, this is not because of any acknowledgement by Kuala Lumpur that Sabah and Sarawak deserve fair and equitable treatment in the federation but because of pure political calculations connected to the survival or demise of the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, Umno hegemony and the Barisan Nasional federal power.

This is just not good enough. The time has come for Sabah and Sarawak to be given their rightful due in the national scheme of things.

As a first step, I call on the Prime Minister and Cabinet on Wednesday to declare Malaysia Day on September 16 as a national public holiday to give meaning to Merdeka II where all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion or territory celebrate as one Bangsa Malaysia.

This will mean that Malaysia will have two National Days each year – August 31 as Merdeka Day to commemorate Malaya’s Independence in 1957 and September 16 as Malaysia Day to celebrate the formation of Malaysia with Sabah and Sarawak.

Such an decision will go a long way to address the long-standing and deep-seated sense of alienation, discrimination and injustice buring in the hearts of Sabahans and Sarawakians that they have not been accorded proper recognition in Malaysia – symbolized by the reduction of Malaysia Day on September 16 into mere State holidays in Sabah and Sarawak instead of being elevated to a national public holiday commemorated by all Malaysians every year!

Malaysia will not be the only country with more than a single National Day. India for instance has two National Days – 26th January as Republic Day to mark India’s becoming the first republic in the British Commonwealth of Nations in 1950 and 15th August to commemorate India gaining independence from the British Empire in 1947.

Beginning this year, let all Malaysians celebrate September 16 as a national public holiday – Malaysia Day as another National Day after August 31 as Merdeka anniversary!

(Speech at Anwar Ibrahim’s Permatang Pauh by-election thanksgiving-cum-51st Merdeka anniversary dinner in Permatang Pauh on Sunday, 31st August 2008 at 10 pm)


83 Replies to “Merdeka II – declare Malaysia Day September 16 as second National Day/public holiday”

  1. Many of you forgot about the accomplishment of Sarawakian opposition. They wiped out SUPP in most of the state seats. This was historical and unbelievable. I would say that wave swept through Peninsular on March 8, although Sarawak did not do as well in the parliamentary election. If the opposition has shown that they are capable of forming government, as is the situation now, the support in Sarawak would have been different. So far, the opposition has been advertising themselves as watchdog. The era of watchdog is gone, and I hope the few watchdogs are not just sitting there in front of the door now. They really go out to hunt.

  2. Though I usually agree with Kit Siang, here I allow myself to disagree, and follow HJ Angus: We have too many holidays already. In the current economic climate we can’t afford yet another day off.

  3. Not that I don’t think Malaysia day is not worth celebrating but the fact is at this juncture, I don’t see the point. If Sabahan and Sarawakian remember what they were originally promised in 1963, they would not have voted so well for BN in 308. I just don’t think many Sabahan and Sarawakians remember it anymore.

    From a campaign point of view would Sabahan and Sarawakian be grateful to DAP and PR for fighting for Malaysia day if they don’t remember what it really means in the first place already. Does doing this as a precursor to reminding Sabahan and Sarawakian what the original 1963 promise was makes sense given the rural nature and changed demographic?

    This could be a decent idea if PR intent to start a massive ground campaign leading to Malaysia day celebration. But it really it has to start like now!!!

  4. 2020?
    Why 2020?
    2020 is a lot of bull!
    Our southern neighbour got their independence later and they became a world class nation long ago. Here we are still waiting for 2020?
    Singapore is without any natural resources other than their manpower.
    Here, we have plenty of natural resources including oil. Yet, we are far, far behind them.
    What happened to all the wealth from our natural resources?
    Everything that is important to the life of Malaysians have been ignored by the BN government.
    Essentials like security, just judiciary, health, housing etc don’t exist.
    The greatest wonder is: “how the BN can hold the reigns of power for five decades”? With this sort of performance!
    Can someone answer that!

  5. Holiday or not is not the main concern here. All MPs (PR and BN)should now take a very serious look at what the direction and economic health of the country and what the People want for the country should be.

    There is no doubt that BN has mismanaged. It has ignored the wish of the People, misappropriated Malaysia’s wealth. Instead of progressing, the whole nation is dropping behind, out of contention with our neighbours.

    Now that Sdr. Anwar has returned to the mainstream political scene. Let’s hope that he and PR state governments will have the Country and People in heart. All MPs of BN should act with their conscience now, scorn the racist, arrogant and corrupt practices. Do not reject Sdr Anwar’s collaboration to rebuild the Nation. Vote AAB out. That’s the wish of majority of the People.

    Together, we deliver the 916 Pledge!

  6. Damocles Says:
    Today at 09: 48.41 (8 minutes ago)

    2020?…….The greatest wonder is: “how the BN can hold the reigns of power for five decades”? With this sort of performance!

    BN holds on to power by manipulating the judiciary and police force and by implementing draconian laws like ISA, OSA, MCMCA etc.

    Sodomy I and Sodomy II are examples of how BN manipulated the judiciary and police for their gain.

  7. Dear HJ Angus:It’s not the matter of too many public holiday in Malaysia. Mr Hj Angus,16th September is really exceptional and meaningful for Malaysian. If you think that it is too many holiday already then cancel the less important one………….

  8. 916 being a holiday would be to recognise Sabah and Sarawak as member states of Malaysia after years of neglect and being taken for granted (besides being taken for a ride and plundered).

    in not recognising 916, we are actually telling Sabahans and Sarawakians that they are adopted!!!

  9. The British colonists, after having administered the country well, have restored the dignity of the people to rule the country by granting Merdeka I to the people from the clutches of feudalism.

    After 51 years of BN rule, the country have slowly returned back to the horrors of feudalism. The ruling elites of UNMO has propagated the ideology of Ketuan Melayu in which they do not respect the laws of the country. They have installed themselves as feudal rulers and what semblance of monarchy we have today was relegated for window dressing purposes. They have cowed every aspects of life in Malaysia by emasculating the Civil Service, the judiciary and the instrument of law and order – the police. They have robbed the country with impunity and nobody can challenge them.

    This Ketuan Melayu ideology is only meant for a narrow coterie of UMNOputras. Not for the ordinary Malays and definitely not for the vast majority of UMNO members itself. Now the people have seen this ruse and have rejected them in the history Pematang Puah by-election. Merdeka II from the UMNOputra oppressors!

  10. Cara yang terbaik ialah gantikan Hari Kebagsaan kita dengan 16hb September setiap tahun, Sebab kita sekarang ini Malaysia, Malaya telah menjadi sejarah dan hanya sebagai kenangan sahaja, yang ada sekarang hanya malaysia, lebih sesuai kalau kita sambut Hari Penubuhan mAlaysai daripada menyambut Hari Kemerdekkan Malaya. Mudah dan simple sahaja.

  11. With all due respect to DSAI i fully agree with Hj Angus that Bolehland has too many public holidays already. The situation will seriously deteriorate with more ph being declared if the rakyat let bodohwi and his useless & ultra corrupt goons including his wicked sil to remain in power. This moronic idiot will declare many more ph to appease the various races/religions/localities in a desperate attempt to cling to power. Hence the main issue is not whether to support DSAI’s call to have 916 as a public holiday BUT to get rid of the bodohwi’s gang of thieves from political power.

    What a dreadful shame that all of us Malysians have to ponder on such non-issues on account of the useless gomen. Why can’t they take better care of the rakyat’s welfare such as reducing inflation, improve the cilvil services including the privatised services – indah water; puspakom; telekoms; tnb; the various water supply providers etc, etc. REally useless gomen – they represent curses to all Malaysians.

  12. Hello LKS and All Malaysians,

    I have to add something here.

    Today’s Star has many articles on Merdeka. There is an article about our previous Prime Ministers. They only have pictures of Tunku, Tun Razak and Tun
    Hussein Onn. Their contributions, achievements and leaderships to the nation in Malaysia are very well respected by all Malaysians. Yes, Tun Dr M name was missing in action here.

    There is no mention of Tun Dr M. There are no pictures of him. These people in UMNO and BN do not have any class. They blamed all wrongdoings and corrupt system inherited during Tun regime then. All cronies, corruptions, abused of power, greed, arrogant and nepotism in UMNO and BN component parties were created by a single leader who ruled 22 years in Malaysia. Now Tun Dr M is crying out loud to say “UNFAIR INJUSTICE” to blame him for the wrongdoings on UMNO and BN leaders in his blog…” MENGENANG BUDI PEMIMPIN LAMA”. His name is purposely left out today is to recall his bad actions to block and bar Tuanku and Tun Hussein Onn criticism against his past regime. Tun Dr M is taking his own bitter medicine created by him in UMNO to react the same manner on him today. What a disgraceful and shameful during Merdeka Day ?

    We, Malaysians are proud and respect past PMs during 51st Merdeka Day and read the media quoted:

    Tuanku was a Dreamer, Bapa Merdeka;

    Tun Abdul Razak was a Planner, Bapa Pembagunan;

    Tun Hussein Onn was a Implementer,
    Bapa Perlaksaan

    How about Tun Dr M ?

    The Best from his former DPM, Tun Musa Hitam called him : ” BAPA DURI DALAM DAGING”

    A great gesture title for Tun Dr M for his past glories and contributions to the nation under his autocratic regime for 22 years in Malaysia. An old UMNO veteran Malay proverb saying: UMNO “kacang lupakan kulit” for all good deeds and good tongkat ali contributions to enrich the Malay communities have given TUN a great title today.

    TUN DR DERSERVES THE TITLE for calling Pak Lah to step down politely for choosing his wrong successor.

    Sept 16 is a new Merdeka Day of Freedom for all Malaysians. Pray Hard and Dream Hard for Anwar now.

    Happy Merdeka, Happy Merdeka , Happy Merdeka.

  13. What is the purpose of making any suggestion to Abdullah? He is blind and stone deaf? He is living in his own make-believe world.
    His days are numbered and he should be packing up his stuff and be prepared to quit Purtajaya.
    Aren’t we preparing for a new Merdeka from the UMNO colonials on Sept 16?

  14. Sarawak is the sate with the richest natural resources but it is the poorest until now, many of the villages are not accessible by road, the village folks have to walk thru jungle paths for days or travel by boat to the nearest town, what a pity !

  15. I agree that Malaysia Day should be declared on 16 September. I think Sarawakians welcome this move as it is correct. After all, Sarawak had been celebrating 16 September, didn’t they? Now is the RIGHT time to declare 16 September as Malaysia Day if we are to be truthful to ourselves and our future generations. Do what is right, BN or PR.

    P/S Talk of having too many ph already is narrow mindedness and not recognising the fact that 16 September IS MALAYSIA. Whether you like it or not, 16 September as Malaysia Day will happen, sooner or later. But NOW seems the right time to do it. DO IT, people of Malaysia.

  16. Remember all Malaysians, all the states in Malaysia must be regarded as our home state. If Penang is progressing very well then, we want to make sure that other states must be lifted up to the same level for the benefit of Malaysians. Do not do what the BN is doing with the divide and rule strategy which is obsolete if we want to remain competetives and able to meet future challenges. We need to built up our strength, PM is talking about unity but it is only lip service and so do the DPM which both have no courage and without political will to go for CHANGE. If the creation of Malaysia was on September,16- it is more reason that Malaysia should celebrate on that date and not August, 31 unless there was a hidden agenda behind this which I think is about time to be entangled. Politics of yesteryear will not benefit the nation, Sabah and Sarawak should not be rejoicing another date. It has to be one date and 16 September is the formation of Malaysia. If the spirit is not there, how on earth can we move as a nation. WE ARE NOT CHANGING HISTORY and we are not writing off the declaration of MERDEKA by Tunku AR AL HAJ. History remain and the truth is 16 September is the formation of Malaysia. Is there any other answers or are we still not ready because of some stifling hidden agenda? Open it for debate YB, 31 August or September 16, or are we a split nation.

  17. To clarify a little, I am not against changing our National Day to September 16 if that makes the majority happy.

    Furthermore, I am not yet a Haji it just happens my initials are H.J. and I won’t be using my depleting grey matter to debate the merits of yet another PH.

    Just read the Auditor-General’s Report of Horrors. Already we have lost RM1billion in just 2 days of reporting. Do check my blog if you want to read more.

  18. dunhill~ a pack of dunhill 20 today is rm9.00…
    no matter anywhere around malaysia the price is the same….
    my question is why all those rich company’s are based in one state??
    there is many of rich overseas company in this country…And that is definitely good for us,but then why all those company only be based in one particular state?in the mean time if all those rich company devide and be place in all state,make it in many rural ares~then it may open many job many opportunity for many the poors….
    company like dunhill no matter where it is place in this country,they will make money and for sure they will pay a good salary..i believe this will help alot of rural area people….
    dear uncle lim….plz sent my question to the federal law maker,and plz do question them..Do make a change for the poor folk everywhere around malaysia….

  19. …..sebab banyak PH diberikan kepada occasion ataupunperayyan yang bukan begitu penting sedangkan yang penting seperti 16hb sept sengaja dilupakan dan diketepikan, bagaimanakah perasaan anda kalau anda ialah Sabahanhan atau Sarawakian?Rasa-rasa seperti dijajah!

  20. 916 is also a symbol for gold. That means, 16 Sept is a golden day.
    I totally agree Kit, it must be a day for celebration and holiday because it was the day Malaysia was born. 31 August was independence day for Malaya, not Malaysia.

    If we fail to recognise 916 as a National day of great importance, it is like saying, Sabah and Sarawak both are squatters in Malaysia. It is like saying the day of their independence in irrelevant. We are masters …they are …servants .. this is against the Malaysian Malaysia spirit.

    If we are equal, like our life partners, do we celebrate our birthday and ignore our partners? what rubbish.

    We are Malaysia, not Umnoputra, so behave like one

  21. The suggestion to have the second national holiday on 16th March – from Pakatan Rakyat (“PR”)’s viewpoint – has two strategic political advantages.

    The first is : it will be more inclusive of Sabah and Sarawak which hitherto have only state as distinct from national holidays. The idea is to make them feel included in mainstream Malaysia on national level. These two states have been ‘marginalised’ from, mainstream for way too long after 16th September 1963. You will appreciate that PR’s leader DSAI is presently courting East Malaysian politicians to abandon BN Titanic to cross over. Though forming a government based on cross overs is morally and democratically ambivalent DSAI has evinced no moral compunction based on his grasp of realpolitik – if PR were to wait until next election, the balance may tilt as BN has more time to strategise, withdraw financial support from PR states and also take counter measures to neutralise PR’s leaders, one example already shown is prosecution of DSAI on Sodomy II charges.

    The second is : entirely symbolic. Merdeka I on 31st August is a celebration of the country of its independence from the yoke of UK’s colonial rule. This means Merdeka II on 16th September is a celebration of the country of its independence from the yoke of BN’s Neo-Colonial rule, not only in respect of Peninsular but East Malaysian states!

    Not only India has two national days, so do Argentina, Poland and in the case of Pakistan even three!

    Of course the country already has too many holidays and holidays lessen productivity but this may be penny wise pound foolish argument. For productivity in this country is low more because of poor governance of and the abjuring of Meritocracy by BN administration: so in what way productivity will be further compromised and will declined if such an additional national holiday would help give PR to PR the extra political push vis-a-vis BN (ie Pakatan Rakyat, the Public Relations political boost) to engender greater solidarity amongst and suport from East Malaysians to promote a new era of better governance and less wastage spearheaded by PR?

  22. “…For productivity in this country is low more because …’

    and also the very much institutionalised work ethic that is evident in every govt dept. It is more like a public holiday EVERYDAY!!

  23. Digressing a little. In Singapore LKY of the PAP is the longest serving party Boss. His son is now PM and party head too. His daughter in law heads the 100 billion dollar government investment fund Temasek. His other sons also have huge influence in business circles.

    In the DAP here which is unashamedly modelled after the PAP, Lim Kit Siang is still party Boss. His son Lim Guan Eng is a CM and his daughter in law Betty Chew is also a DAP leader and State Assembly woman in Melaka. Is this is the type of dynastic politics DAP wants to promote?

    I understand that each person is to be judged on their merit and competence, but somehow this does not sound like the paragons of virtue and transparency these people claim to be. Declaring national holdays will not hide these facts.

    How deep are DAP’s links with PAP? Are they prepared to sell Malaysia’s sovereignty to their southern neighbours? I would like to know.

  24. ‘Although former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had set the target of 2020 for the emergence of a Bangsa Malaysia in Vision 2020…………………….’

    My questions,’ Is it really the hope the old fox to create a Bangsa Malaysia? Or is it just another of his political gimmick? If a real Bangsa Malaysia emerges, is UMNO still relevant?’

  25. Hi Bigjoe,

    It is not that Sarawakians had forgotten the date, it is the manipulation done by those(some) politicians using racial agendas to scare the people of Sarawak. We in Sarawak always remember the date, it is just that we do things quietly…shhh.. Be patience, Bro.

  26. As a Sarawakian, I would definitely support 916 as Malaysia Day & a PH. Frankly, 318 has no meaning to us. 51st Merdeka has no meaning to Sarawakian & Sabahan.

    I’m a bit confused here. Right now 916 is not a public holiday in Sarawak. Not a National holiday neither a state holiday. Previously it was a state holiday for TYT’s birthday but now it was moved to weekend without a replacement holiday.

  27. The empire of LKY is very much better than the Group of “U Must Not Object” because LKY and his family managed to Change Singapore into the wealthiest nation within 30 yrs.Mr Zak, all of us knows that Singapore is infact an island without any natural resources but Malaysia is RICH in everything but the GRREDY GROUP had spent all the money

  28. william62, point taken; So nepotism is ok if you are an Island without natural resource but not when you are a vast country with resource? i understand the complex dynamics so do not expect an answer. It was to illustrate the fact that zebras do not change their stripes, no matter where they are found.

  29. If you look at the history books, I believe Sabah, Sarawak (together with Singapore) declared independance from the British on the 31st of August 1963 (unfortunately this one fact is not remembered by many Sabahans/Sarawakians themselves). 16th of September 1963 is the date whereby Malaysia was formed and we should rightly so remember it. But I do not agree with it being made a public holiday though as independance day strikes a much bigger chord among people and for ALL Malaysians irrespective of where you are, 31st of August is out independance day.

    LKS, may I suggest you do more research next time.

  30. “It was to illustrate the fact that zebras do not change their stripes, no matter where they are found.” Coconut Head

    What is the point you are trying to make ? That politicians can’t be trusted, and that therefore all of them are useless ? Like BN being incompetent, and PR being brazenly ambitious ? Who is going to run the country ? Foreigners who pretend they know Bolehland than those of us who have been here for 50, 60 or 70 years ?

  31. Zak,
    In the country where you come from, tell us what would happen to a minister who has failed to keep his guarantee that say the roof of parliament hse will not leak, that the elevated highway bridge cracked up again after incurring massive repair expenses.
    What would happen to a minister if his ministry has incurred expenses in the order of hundreds of millions without any proper booking keeping / records.
    To the minister who in blatant disregard of the sensitivities of other races and their rights, raise the kris not just once but three times.
    To the minister who was directly instrumental in the unfair implementation of the vehicles AP policies
    There are many many more involving not just miisters but senior civil servants as well.
    Pls dont say that the circumstances between the country of your origin and ours are different.
    Inefficiency, incompetency and greed will all look same no matter where you see or find them.
    Tell us. Enlighten us.
    You are from the first world.
    We aspire to be like you.

  32. # Damocles Wrotes: ‘ 2020? Why 2020?
    2020 is a lot of bull!
    Our southern neighbour got their independence later and they became a world class nation long ago. Here we are still waiting for 2020?
    Singapore is without any natural resources other than their manpower. snip The greatest wonder is: “how the BN can hold the reigns of power for five decades”? With this sort of performance!
    Can someone answer that! ‘ cut.

    Please allow me to!

    I see it the way Damocles does. The point is not a holiday to celebrate; PR is politicizing an issue that in not important but an eye opener. On the contrary, we should set the day as a day of mourning. Thank you Anwar for this – to set us thinking, ‘ what happened? Are we proud of ourselves?’ Thank you for inviting us to participate.

    If we set ourselves beside Singapore at the starting point 1957 to today, how have we run the race? Are we at par, just a little behind or way way back? Let Malaysians be the judge. I feel ashamed, we could have done better, much much better. Becasue we are not stupid nor are Singaporeans a cut above us. Their political system is.

    Remember, there were three major players that forged the kind of nation we have today, and they are UMNO, MCA and MIC. I have frequently steered people back to the fact that we cannot blame UMNO alone for the national disaster. the three sat a counsel and held the opposition at bay. Threw the oppostion to jail. They hogged the game all the way here.

    I spoke to a car salesman just a day ago. He was a well groomed and appeared very able. At the next minute I realized that he spoke only one language. I think you will not find a salesman in Singapore, for instance. who spoke only one language. I felt sorry for him. This kind of handicap is largely with the Malays. Not of their making but the BN political system.

    I ask UMNO, MCA And MIC, are you proud of your governanace that produce that kind of salesman? Ask yourselves, ‘have you not betrayed a large number of Malays? What have you done to the nation! May God help you.!’

    The next betrayer was the pressmen – people depended upon them to show us what was going on behind our back. They Failed To Tell Us. Even Today, the so-call educated, well connected, professionals, those who know whats going on, Failed To Blow The Whistle.

    In a word, We Were Betrayed. What is there to celebrate? Tell me.

  33. As long as we don’t recognize 916 as Malaysia’s real Merdeka Day and we don’t admit that Malaysia is only 45 years old, we are no different from Ahmad Ismail – we are telling Sabah and Sarawak that they are squatters in Malaysia; their history is not important and can be twisted.

  34. Having 16 Sept as a holiday is a nice gesture. It will serve to remind all of us of the history of our country. That in 1963 Malaysia was formed from a union of Malaya, Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak.

    That Malaysia was formed out of the idea that these lands united together would stand a better chance of success rather than separately.

  35. zak_hammaad posted:

    “How deep are DAP’s links with PAP? Are they prepared to sell Malaysia’s sovereignty to their southern neighbours? I would like to know.”

    Another idiotic posting by zak@killer@realworld.

    Nobody will claim that you are dumb if you learn to shut up instead of yakking garbage.

  36. taiking, I do not disagree with your post in the least. Like I said, each person is to be judged on their merit and competence and I am not excusing BN’s corruption and incompetence in the least. I was digressing a little as to what DAP and PAP have in common when it comes to “dynastic” rule. As far as I know, all five PM’s of Malaysia, far from related had a governing style and policies that was distinct from one another. Do you think that TAR would have been correct to promote members of his own family to take over reigns of leadership even if he/she remained a mouth-piece of UMNO?

    OK, the main point that I want to drill across is what the opposition does not want to touch upon as it is deemed “sensitive” for open debate (it can ruin Pakatan’s success thus far). Fundamentally, the vast majority of Malaysians who support DAP’s secularism are non-Malay and/or non-Muslims. By this very fact, they are pitting themselves against Islam as the country’s official religion and the special status it occupies.

    Secularism inherently can not co-exist with Islam; this means that the opposition’s only hope is make sure they retain PAS (which gives them an air of legitimacy within Malay and islamic circles) and water down their secular agenda. Any attempt at all to relegate Islam from the status quo will be met by an unimaginable negative response.

    Geo-social demography in Malaysia is indeed different from S’pore, therefore it is only prudent to ask what DAP’s end-game is vis-a-vis Islam?

  37. lchk, it is a fair question: How deep are DAP’s links with PAP? I think the rakyat would like to know what DAP’s end-game is.

    If it wants to emulate S’pore in it’s governance style and policies, then it is crucial to find out what these changes are going to be and how they will be implemented!

    I don’t think any Malaysian would disagree to emulate the economic model that has bore well for our southern neighbours, but secularism is much more than mere fiscal policies. Does DAP at all acknowledge the distinctness of Malaysia and how far it can go to “PAPize” Malaysia?

  38. zak_hammaad posted:

    “Are they prepared to sell Malaysia’s sovereignty to their southern neighbours?”

    Such a question implies that the likes of Lim Kit Siang, one of the most patriotic Malaysians around is prepared to hive Malaysia’s rights to the highest bidder for personal gain.

    Which is utter BS and you know it.

  39. “Although former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad had set the target of 2020 for the emergence of a Bangsa Malaysia in Vision 2020″….

    Come again, did Tun M really ever set such a target? I can remember a few good window dressings from this former PM and hardly any good in his legacy besides. What a sad end to a promising politiican who allowed his twisted genius and his cronies to rape and plunder an otherwise super-duper country which could have been a leading light in Asia today but alas, it’s not to be so.

    What defies every bit of imagination is how he could see in Pak Lah the prime ministerial quality! Again, I do not think it was just a silly mistake. I see in this scheme his “warped” genius at work but it turned bitterly awry. I guess he thought Pak LAh could be led by a nose-ring but guess who has now got a bloody nose to show for 22 years of dictatorial prime ministership and for setting the country sliding down such slippery slopes in the last five.

  40. Ichk. You have to forgive Zak. He cannot think for himself and blindly accepts what the racists tell him.

    “How deep are DAP’s links with PAP? Are they prepared to sell Malaysia’s sovereignty to their southern neighbours? I would like to know.”

    This sort of accusations come from Dr. M actually. Dr. M claimed that the Singaporeans are going to ‘invade’ Malaysia by buying up all the land and forcing the Malays to live in the jungles forever in poverty. Zak blindly believes this accusation without a second thought because he has been thought from birth never to question authority.

    If DAP sells out Malaysia’s sovereignty to Singapore, i’m pretty sure everyone here would boot DAP out the door. Unlike the foolish racists in UMNO who desperately welcomes anyone who ‘resembles’ them (Indonesians, Thai muslims, Filipino’s, Pakistani’s, Indian muslims) to ‘join’ them, just because Singaporeans are Chinese (mostly) doesn’t mean the malaysian chinese are going to sell malaysia to the Singaporeans. I particularly do not enjoy Singaporean’s and their money grubbing and class mentality.

    Talk of selling out Malaysia to outsiders is the usual fear mongering used by racists to scare support from the Malays.

  41. zak_hammaad Says:

    Today at 22: 59.50 (4 minutes ago)
    lchk, it is a fair question: How deep are DAP’s links with PAP? I think the rakyat would like to know what DAP’s end-game is.

    Zak, I would like to think that you ought to have a little more substance such as a bad track record in DAP that you can pounce on before you go on a wild goose chase and begin shooting wild ducks. Of course, you have a right to say anything on Kit’s blog but, at least, be credible and a little more matter-of-fact.

  42. ENDANGERED HORNBILL, if Mahathir thought Pak Lah could be led by a “nose-ring”, he would not have retired from politics completely; there was more than enough support for him to retain a “minister mentor” role.

    katdog, I was NOT speaking of S’pore’s financial invasion, I was speaking of secularism and DAP’s policies. I can’t entertain your wrongly assumed response until you read my last 2 posts PROPERLY and quote me correctly and respond accordingly.

    It’s bemusing to see how blinkered opposition supporters are quick to through the UMNO label at anyone who does not agree with their brand of politics; esp. when the person (i.e. me) is probably more anti-BN than they are!

    Now respond to my questions objectively if you can.

    Nigh night.


    >> Zak, I would like to think that you ought to have a little more substance such as a bad track record in DAP…

    You still don’t GET it do you? I was not slinging mud at DAP! I am questioning their SECULAR agenda in a Muslim country. It might be easier if I was to paste again what I wrote:

    OK, the main point that I want to drill across is what the opposition does not want to touch upon as it is deemed “sensitive” for open debate (it can ruin Pakatan’s success thus far). Fundamentally, the vast majority of Malaysians who support DAP’s secularism are non-Malay and/or non-Muslims. By this very fact, they are pitting themselves against Islam as the country’s official religion and the special status it occupies.

    Secularism inherently can not co-exist with Islam; this means that the opposition’s only hope is make sure they retain PAS (which gives them an air of legitimacy within Malay and islamic circles) and water down their secular agenda. Any attempt at all to relegate Islam from the status quo will be met by an unimaginable negative response.

    Geo-social demography in Malaysia is indeed different from S’pore, therefore it is only prudent to ask what DAP’s end-game is vis-a-vis Islam?


  44. I challenge zak_hammaad to provide evidence that the likes of LKS is prepared to sell the country’s sovereignty to Singapore.

    What you quipped was SLANDER and not a fact.

    This is also the same nuthead who wished for the use of the ISA on contributors here.

    So much for objectivity from you.

  45. Zak,
    I am sorry but i didn’t read your last two posts because i hadn’t clicked the refresh button then. But then again your last 2 posts doesn’t seem to make sense in relation to your earlier post.

    I fail to comprehend how this statement:
    How deep are DAP’s links with PAP? Are they prepared to sell Malaysia’s sovereignty to their southern neighbours?”

    Has any relationship with DAP’s secular political stand? How does having a secular stance equate to selling out to Singapore?

    PKR takes a secular stance as well to politics. So do many political parties all over the world. Why not say DAP is going to PKRize Malaysia?

    Dropping the PAP-links is merely a convenient fear mongering technique. DAP is only one component of PR. PKR and PAS is sure not going to let DAP PAPize anything. And i personally ain’t gonna support DAP if it tries to PAPize anything.

    Plus you are again incorrect and we have to correct you over and over again.
    “Secularism inherently can not co-exist with Islam”.
    Wrong! Secularism can co-exist with Islam as secularism gives you the freedom to practice Islam openly. Secularism just cannot exist with Islamists. Islamists who try to paint themselves as holier than thou and who tries to restrict and bury anything that they deem offensive to them which under secularism is wrong as it guarantees the right to practice ones religion/belief’s freely.

  46. It’s typical of zak’s clueless rantings – he’s obsessed with his boogeyman of LKY and Singapore and tries in desperation to drag any mention of our southern neighbour into almost every discussion point in this blog, even when there is nothing whatsoever to do with Singapore.

  47. imranj78 Says:

    Today at 15: 07.05 (8 hours ago)
    If you look at the history books, I believe Sabah, Sarawak (together with Singapore) declared independance from the British on the 31st of August 1963 (unfortunately this one fact is not remembered by many Sabahans/Sarawakians themselves). 16th of September 1963 is the date whereby Malaysia was formed and we should rightly so remember it
    Mr. imranj78, you are asking LKS to do research, hv U forgotten that LKS need not do so, as he had witnessed it himself, he was already an adult of 23 in 1963, it is U who need to do research!

  48. People, do you really think we in Sabah are so concern about 16th Sept being declared as a Public Holiday or not ah? It is already a holiday here lah, it is our TYT’s Birthday.
    We are more concern about the livelihood of the people here than public holiday lah. Help us, we have far too many illegal immigrants here (many of them have Malaysian ICs), our electricity supply always cut off, police are corrupted, people in the interior are generally poor, our oil taken away, our YBs have such bad repution that they are being targeted by DSAI as potential katak, etc.
    Again, please don’t fight for us to have 16th Sept as holiday, it is already a holiday, don’t disturb us.

  49. Zak is nothing more than an imported Dirty Harry shooting at PR and BN whenever it suits him. He refuses to answer certain questions posed to him, and instead tries to go on the offensive against many of the writers. He is an unabashed supporter of the mamak.

  50. The Chinese and Indians as well as other minorities in peninsular Malaysia are deeply indebted to Sabah and Sarawak for taking the burden of Ketuanan Melayu off our shoulders in 1963 when they joined Malaya. In order for this to happen, the constitution was amended effective 16 September 1963 by adding the words ” of any of the states of Sabah and Sarawak ” to Article 153(1) of the Constitution of Malaya thereby changing the original meaning of article 153(1) and resulting in the removal of the special position of the Malays and natives in the states in peninsular Malaya. Malaysia was then born.

    For 45 years the people of Sabah and Sarawak have carried over this Ketuanan Melayu burden without ever a complaint. They should be honored for planting the seed of Bangsa Malaysia and every year September 16 should be gazetted as a public holiday in honour of non-Malay Sabahans and Sarawakians how have so gallantly sacrificed their freedom and be enslaved under Article 153 by the Malays when they joined the Federation.

    The minority Chinese, Indians and others in peninsular Malaysia are forever indebted, thank you Sabahans and Sarawakians.

  51. As a Sarawakian and Malaysian, I wholeheartedly agree with the suggestion to declare a Malaysia Day as commemoration of the founding of Malaysia on 16/9/63.

    The Federation of Malaya gained independence on 31/8/57, but there was no Malaysia till 16/9/63, when Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore joined Malaya to found what is known as Malaysia today. 31 Aug does not mean much to Sarawakians and Sabahans.

    Too many public holidays? We can surely afford another day of rest IF all the rich natural resources are not being plundered, and ill-gotten wealth being squirelled away in secret overseas bank accounts. So what if it is a working day when many main ular anyway.

    I think that 16 Sep also showed the cunning of the Tunku in using Lee Kuan Yew’s 40th birthday (he was born on 16/9/23) to found Malaysia. I felt that he used Singapore, with its majority Chinese population, as a bait to entice the Chinese in Sarawak and Sabah to agree to join Malaya, only to kick Singapore unceremoniously out less than 2 years later.

    LKY in his own memoirs, related how he felt he had let down the Chinese in Sarawak and Sabah after he had canvassed so hard to convince them to join Malaya, only to abandon them when Singapore was told to leave Malaysia.

    Any “unbiased” historians out there care to comment?

  52. Zak, it’s ok if you choose to play the role of the devil’s advocate. Ha, ha…the role doesn’t seem to fit you snugly, reading the comments.

    It’s also ok if you are the devil yourself. Then you are actually not role-playing but as the scales are lifted bit by bit, readers will see the snake and the venom in those forked tongues.

    Be that as it may, just say your piece. Today’s enlightened readers will know how to sieve the wheat from the chaff, and separate those goaats from the sheep by their bleatings.

    That’s freedom of speech. Can you please tell Syed Hamid that and to get MCMC to restore Malaysia Today’s original website!

  53. What did the people from Sarawak, Sabah and Singapore shout during 16 Sept, 1963? Did we shout Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka! like that of 31 August 1957 in Kuala Lumpur?

    I am sure Sarawak will get new deal if Anwar will take over. An increase in the petroleum royalty, Dayak be the chief minister, … , election of local council members,…. please improve the worst highway in the world. I think better hospital like Norma should be established throughout the main towns in Sarawak. We don’t want to see more of our people dying because of the lack of medical checkup or late treatment. The cost is too high for ordinary people to bear.

    Please go after Taib, his families and their wealth. They must have hundreds and thousands of account overseas like the families of the former president of Taiwan. Get all the money back for the Sarawakians.

    Don’t treat Ibans/Dayaks as the YES voting machine only and drunk them during the period of election. Educate them with proper education and job opportunities.

    A university for Sibu, please.

  54. As far as Singapore is concerned, most KL politicians like to use it as a boogey-man.
    Very convenient and distracts the locals.
    But the people in Johor know different – without Singapore’s success, JB would have reverted back to being a fishing village of sorts.

    In fact tens of thousands of Malaysians have enjoyed success after completing their education in Singapore.

  55. Both dates ( August 31st & September 16th ) should have be declared public holiday for all Malaysians LONG LONG TIME AGO !! Each day has its significant historian impact :
    1) MALAYA was FORMED on August 31st
    2) Sabah, Sarawak , Singapore PLUS MALAYA was FORMED to become MALAYSIA!!

    thus to argue the above would waste enormous time !! however , in my personal opinion, there is a day that is MORE IMPORTANT than the above days!!
    The day is after the March 13th where all Malaysians sat down to agree to be peaceful and respect each other’s race!! wat date was it i am not sure but the day Malaysian Races become ONE is the MOST IMPORTANT DATE for all to remember – this should overwrite above dates as mentioned earlier . We should either name this day as ‘TRUCE DAY’ but i prefer it to be ‘MERDEKA DAY !!’ instead .

    have some thoughts on it and gove me some comments please. Thank You.

  56. latest news:

    “Sept. 2 (Bloomberg) — Crude oil fell to a five-month low below $106 as oil companies prepared to resume production from rigs closed by Hurricane Gustav. ”

    today annouce tommorow up as what u did last time , so it must be today annouce tommorw down.

  57. cheng,
    I have done my research! The fact that LKS was there when the event happened and that he conveniently chose not to highlight that Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore declared independance on 31st August 1963 and NOT 16 Sept 1963 is thus amusing isn’t it?

    To me this matter has been blown out of proportion and heavily politicized. Come on LKS/Anwar, put your effort on something more substantial. Stop doing things that seem popular. I’d rather you work on sustainable things that will actually improve the rakyat’s lives rather then on cheap short term populist stunts!

  58. Maybe we should replace merdeka day with 916 celebration every year. UMNO has been hoodwinking malaysians as if UMNO fought and brought independence to malaya. If we change to 916, UMNO ego will fall flat and will be erased from the memory of our children and the next generation.

    The people who really fought and gave their lives for independence has been sidelined by UMNO. Most of them are in Perak and Johore. Civil soceity recently celebrated them. Plse Pakatan Govt, take them out of oblivion and celebrate them. We have to stop history being shamelessly rewriten by Badawi stooges as if his father and grandfather were pivotal to malaya’s independence.

    lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama?

  59. There is an article in S’pore’s ST today (03/09/08) at the ‘review and forum’ section – Anwar: A third alternative?

    I don’t agree with much of it, but would make an interesting read for the Pakatan ‘infatuants’ :^)

  60. Digard says, “Though I usually agree with Kit Siang, here I allow myself to disagree, and follow HJ Angus: We have too many holidays already. In the current economic climate we can’t afford yet another day off.”
    Put your arithematic aside, Digard.
    There are more Muslim holidays being put in the calendar.
    There are many international/christians holidays omitted for the matter.
    Stop the corruptions and we can pay for the holidays.
    Increase in the civil service competency/efficiency factor and we can have the holidays.
    Many others…..

    Sabahan and Sarawakians, bagun lah.
    Sabah and Sarawak can create it a STATE holiday??? Unless our bigot CMs or “loving” governors can work something out?

  62. Emily Pratt,
    Maal Hijrah, Maulidur Rasul, Nuzul al-quran, Israk & Mikraj are all significant and important from an Islamic perspective. You are free to work on those days if you wish not to take advantage of the holiday. But to the majority of the population, those dates are significant so whether you like it or not, you will just have to leave with it!

  63. whatever it is.. malaysia only exist on th 16 september 1963. THAT IS A FACT that no one can deny. since i consider myself as a true malaysian.. i see the date as a significant date. there is no other date more significant to me as malaysian. as easy as that..

    talking about majority… isn’t the 16 sept a day for all malaysian?? not only the muslims, the christians… the chinese or the indians.. it’s a day for everyone.. not only for the sabahans and sarawakians but also for the people of malaya…

    if a day like maal hijrah is only celebrated by those who are islam by faith.. why dont we recognize 16 sept as a day to be celebrated since everyone who call themselves malaysians are bound to it?

    if somebody ask you… how old is malaysia? how would you answer? and when you are asked… when is the independence day of malaysia?

    there is only 1 answer to both questions.. 45 year.

    is there any independence day for malaysia? i dont think so..

    that’s why i celebrate malaysia day..

  64. BBC chairman Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing said they decided to go to Taiwan, and not China, as they were short of time.

    “Initially, we wanted to go to China but as we did not have enough time to process our visas, we decided on Taiwan instead,” he told The Star’s Malay news portal mStar.

    what is he rushing for?? 916??

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