2pm, July 9th, Stadium MERDEKA: Malaysia’s moment of truth

By BERSIH 2.0 Steering Committee

Malaysians from all walks of life have travelled a very long road to reach this defining point in our nation’s history. With less than 24 hours to our intended peaceful gathering, our resolve to walk the last, most difficult mile as one united people in pursuit of clean and fair elections and a better Malaysia for all is firmer than ever.

Our reason for gathering is pure and simple – to demand the electoral roll be cleaned, that the postal voting system be reformed, that indelible ink be used, a minimum 21 day campaign period be instated, free and fair access to media for all be provided, public institutions be strengthened, and for corruption as well as dirty politics to be stopped.

The authorities have put obstacle after obstacle where they only needed to provide sincere cooperation to win the trust and confidence of the people. Having faced half hearted offers of stadiums, arrogance regarding meetings as well as denials of permits, arrests, detentions and so much more, we feel that we have done all that is humanly possible to demonstrate sincerity and good faith in dealing with the government – but we have only been met with reversed decisions and stone walls.

There are no walls however, that will arrest the advance of the cause of peace and justice. Come the 9th of July, we will uphold our constitutional right to converge peacefully on Stadium Merdeka in Kuala Lumpur.

No government agency has any right whatsoever to prevent Malaysians from exercising their freedom of movement and access to our capital city. No threat or intimidation can overturn this fundamental truth.

Malaysians have now seen for themselves the degree of paranoia and lack of principled leadership that seems to have gripped the government. It is thus all the more imperative that patriotic Malaysians rise now and take this stand together to save Malaysia from slipping further into this insane darkness.

Since the beginning of Bersih 2.0, we have witnessed nothing but the utmost bravery and commitment to peace and justice demonstrated by ordinary Malaysians from every walk of life. Inspired by this example, the Bersih 2.0 leadership reiterates our own unyielding commitment to our shared cause, and to being at Stadium Merdeka at 2pm tomorrow. We will meet at the carpark, and trust that the doors will be opened for us.

This is Malaysia’s single most important defining moment in recent history, and we are fully confident that the rakyat will heed the call to safeguard the principles Malaysia was founded on and together ensure that we pass down to our children a nation that is just, democratic and united in love for one another.

Released by,

Steering Committee

Coalition for Clean and Fair Elections (BERSIH 2.0)

The Steering Committee of BERSIH 2.0 comprises:

Dato’ Ambiga Sreenevasan (Chairperson), Andrew Khoo, Arul Prakkash, Arumugam K., Dr Farouk Musa, Haris Ibrahim, Liau Kok Fah, Maria Chin Abdullah, Richard Y W Yeoh, Dr Subramaniam Pillay, Dato’ Dr Toh Kin Woon, Dr Wong Chin Huat, Dato’ Yeo Yang Poh dan Zaid Kamaruddin.

57 Replies to “2pm, July 9th, Stadium MERDEKA: Malaysia’s moment of truth”

  1. This Umno GOM has not been shy to let it be known that it will used the public institutions to oppressed and surpressed the rakyat.It has also used hired thugs to intimidiate the rakyat too.It has also harboured criminals,rapists and murderers.It has also looted the people’s bank.Eventually these criminals will be brought to justice.They will be punished accordingly to the crimes that they have commited.

  2. Remember that tomorrow is about PREVENTING a Tahrir Square, to saves lives possibly your own or your love ones. That means its just about showing up even if its just at the road block.

  3. Some police officials thought they are smart serve and protect the corrupted master get promotion, good rewarded

    Tomorrow anything bad happen to those rightfulness justice loving Malaysians

    Malaysia will be fully admitted as a country those corrupted politicians fully protect by the police, laws, and gansters

    You may kiss goodbye those so called smart police officials, they abusive power and fully disgrace the police force

    They are not elected, they are appointed and accepted by who?

  4. Thanks Committee
    Thanks for all the sacrifice and difficult work, The New Malaysia appreciate your sacrifice.
    Let us all walk tomorrow, to begin to built a new Malaysia, that is cleaner, freer and fairer.
    2PM at Stadium Merdeka carpark, rain or shine, teargas or water cannon.
    I hope that I can get through all the road blocks. They have started to block Subang Jaya / USJ
    For King and Country. Let 9th July be remembered every time we remember 31st August, 16th September.

    We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  5. That’s call guided democracy originated by Mahathir for 22 years and on going….where the guidance is actually guiding all Malaysians including the Agong to toe the line for what UMNO B want….do or say…with no complaints.. or else…all will be in trouble.
    They are not politicians.
    They are real KOTOR buggers.

  6. The whole world is watching! If these suckers dare to lay their hands on us; they will never have tourists and foreign investors aboard!!! Never! Please remember that, bunch of suckers…

    There are same walking and rallies in different parts of the world: Canada, Australia, USA, UK and etc…

  7. Got to bathe..eat ..rest…drive late at night…..look for a cheap clean hotel…and see what next.
    They can block all the roads they want and frustrate Malaysians to give up the walk.
    So 2pm is the walk…start going by 10am.
    Surely they cannot block all for so many hours…unless they arrest and chase Malaysians away.
    If so…let them do so and let the whole Malaysians who voted for them at 12th GE..see and check their conscience for the coming 13th GE.
    It will be on…or Emergency Rule declared to save their skins.

  8. Later Life & Death
    In 1977, Tunku Abdul Rahman became the chairman of The Star, a newspaper which was banned in 1987 by Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad because of its provoking columns that were harshly critical of the Malaysia’s government. Following a rift with in UMNO, he unsuccessfully tried to establish a new party UMNO Malaysia. In the general election of 1990,Tunku Abdul Rahman actively participated and widely campaigned against Mahathir Mohamad despite his worsening health. He died on 6 December 1990, aged eighty seven and his body was buried at the Langgar Royal Mausoleum in Alor Star.


    The history written that Dr Mama were the enemy of Tunku Abdul Rahman

  9. Feel extremely blessed you have the opportunity to be part in the history of making.
    We live in a country with millions wanting a change in government and Malaysians are smart enough not to be easily provoked or insulted….for Malaysians are peace loving people..that dares to turn both cheeks to be slapped…to be brave and shame the devils….be it Christians or Muslims..this is the time to pray for their poor souls and not be easily provoked.
    Hindus and Buddhists are known to be the happy go lucky Malaysians…chanting and singing with no fear.
    I hope all sorts of banners are made up by all sorts of groups …even civil servants from various government Depts..to defy and shame them all.
    BERSIH have won!! Do not doubt it.
    It is history in the making for all Malaysians to be part of it.
    Don’t miss the opportunity and don’t be afraid.
    Don’t create problems not can easily be provoked.
    Smile at those insulting you…threatening you and let them do their worst.
    Keep smiling!!
    That will make the feel small and big bullies.
    That itself is your victory for BERSIH against KOTOR.

  10. Good compromise to hold at stadium, lah. The Government’s worry about instigators and the possibility of riots is addressed, and Bersih’s objective of bringing the election reform issues to Malaysians has been widely publicised in local and foreign media.
    There will be rallies on election reform overseas also, so even our citizen voters know what’s happening.
    Strengthening the electoral process and increasing transparency here can only strengthen the legitimacy of any future Government, be it BN or PR. Not doing so will always leave doubt.
    We should not want be seen in a bad light by not wanting to institute electoral reform.

  11. A failing government will inevitably generate the necessary energy to spin the wheel for change. Even if umno is able somehow to upset or even frustrate the rally tommorrow, umno must realise that the spinning wheel will not stop until umno finally collapse and fail totally. Meanwhile any setback in the wheel movement will be temporary only. So umno, your choice: to fail horribly or otherwise. You decide. The end will come any which way you turn.

  12. Negaraku, tanah tumpahnya darahku,
    Rakyat hidup, bersatu dan maju,
    Rahmat Bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan,
    Raja kita, selamat bertakhta.
    Rahmat Bahagia, Tuhan kurniakan,
    Raja kita, selamat bertakhta.

    My country, the land where my blood has spilt.
    The people living united and progressive,
    May God bestow blessing and happiness,
    May our King have a successful reign.
    May God bestow blessing and happiness,
    May our King have a successful reign.

    نڬاراكو، تانه تومڤهڽ دارهكو
    رعيت هيدوڤ، برساتو دان ماجو
    رحمة بهاڬيا، توهن كورنياكن
    راج كيت، سلامت برتختا
    رحمة بهاڬيا، توهن كورنياكن
    راج كيت، سلامت برتختا

    Long Live !!!

  13. Is it a good idea to assemble at MidValley then go to Stadium Merdekain a big group.
    I think all roads leading to Stadium Merdeka will be closed.
    I propose go to M.Valley then take Kommuter to Sentral change monorail to Stadium Merdeka.
    You ppl think this is a good idea?

  14. The police has succeeded in causing the worst traffic jams in recent memory. Remember what the police have done to us today comes the 13 GE. It will time then to teach BN a lesson to vote them out.

  15. NR goes 2 C d Pope soon n proudly tells him: C, I’m so clever, used polis n all possible means (legal or tak legal) 2 suppress Bersih 2.0 n PR kaki, I’m d king of 1M’sia
    That’s Y big fat wife long ago called herself 1st lady of M

  16. Umno:”Um…. no! no! Um…no! no! no! no! ” to BERSIH rally.
    This is umno playing the trick by moving goal posts. Perkasa can ” stroll” in the park where their proposed rally meeting point.
    Take up our brother voice2009’s advice, just HORN the vehicles if police try to block the road, everyone makes as much noises as possible, let us shake the shait of the Umno theives & robbers.
    Good luck to the people who participates the great BERSIH rally. WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS AND WE SHALL WIN !!!

  17. The history textbook in 2020 will read as follows:

    Dato’ Onn gave birth to UMNO
    Mahathir killed UMNO
    Hishamuddin and Najib who were grandson and grand nephew of Dato’ Onn buried UMNO.

  18. The history textbook in 2012 will read as follows:

    Bersih 2.0 led to the formation of Malaysia 2.0, whereby umno becomes the opposition party. MCA, MIC, Gelakan, PPP and the other BN component parties all closed shop.

  19. In Washington, State Department spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said that the U.S. has been communicating to Malaysia the importance of respecting human rights, including freedom of expression and assembly.

    “We consider it incumbent on all sides to refrain from violence, particularly if we’re going to have another rally tomorrow,” she told a news conference Friday.


  20. There is one person in Malaysia can free you of any serious charges

    Guess who?

    What about the arrest of betterment of Malaysia future activities for the good of Malaysians?

    Do you think would it be more easy?

  21. Today, I am happy and I am sad. happy for a new beginning. A new Malaysia. Sad because some may have to suffer.
    Lets go. All to Merdeka stadium. You can make a difference.

    We must change the tenant at Putrajaya.

  22. The police are supposed to protect the citizens and not turning peaceful citizens into enemies. If BN/Umno Govt is sincere in peace for nation and not risk lives as quoted by Hishamuddin, then they should ask the police & army to protect Bersih participants and ban the anti-Bersih parties Perkasa & Umno Youth from rallying on the same day same venue. It is Bersih’s date of rally and BN Govt should ban Perkasa from ralling on the same day, to avoid clashes. After all, it is only a peaceful rally by Bersih, but BN/Umno Govt went about like preparing for a war, with army threatening to shoot innocent citizens. Who are the ones causing chaos and risking lives? It’s only a 2- hour peaceful rally. Why BN/Umno Govt make it into a big fuss and complicate things? No logic.

  23. Today is the day for all true malaysian in the whole nation to rise!

    Calling to JOIN US for the justice and TRUTH

    Malaysia to Lock Down Largest City to Block Rally

    Many have started to be ready since 48hours back for the count-down to JUL09 at Stadium Merdeka in KL.We are marching there for liberty!
    You too just with us marching towards a symbolic place as destiny for malaysian’s freedom.

    MAY GOD Be With US To Throw Out The Evils!

  24. Justice , my dear justice
    Where in the world are you?
    No action taken on BN corrupt practice
    But on opposition police sure to do

    But today is the day
    The people seeking justice in person
    Bersih 2.0 rally is the way
    To teach the evil BN a lesson

  25. Years from today, Ambiga Sreenevasan , will be seen as the one of the key persons who stood firm and unwavering in seeking justice for the Malaysian people…

    In these difficult times, all Malaysians should be proud that there are still people who are willing to stay back and fight to good fight…..

  26. The incredible thing about this fella is that he can innocently act as if nothing is happening in the city of Kuala Lumpur. See the reporting in the Star – “Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has a hectic Saturday as he is scheduled to attend four programmes back-to-back.”

    Boy this guy is thick skinned, to say the least.

  27. The traffic jams caused by Police last night on Friday, the eve of Bersih rally, tell Malaysians that they were the reactions of the government to Malaysians’ request for free and fair elections. It shows also that when the job of the police includes maintain order and facilitating traffic flow, the police had acted exactly opposite to what they are expected to serve; they inconvenienced motorists. Police caused traffic jams in the name of checking whether motorists ferry war-weapons in parangs, as though they are plans to kill one another at the Bersih rallies. But when police are needed everywhere in the country to prevent crimes they are not to be found. Malaysia must be a first in trying to solve crimes by closing lanes so that hundreds of thousands of motorists who travel home from work last night were caught by massive traffic jams. It might also be the police strategy to make motorists spend hours on the road so that they would get home well past midnight and would be too tired to rise on Saturday for the Bersih rally. Clever are the police, so they think, in causing hurts to Malaysians who are law-abiding, and stupid are the police who are helpless against criminals. The police must have scored great success in ensuring that people cannot make it to the Bersih rally, and at the same time, it was a display of how well the police could disrupt normal lives and immobilized the population. One would believe that only thugs would resort to ransom, but the police are doing it better in the thuggish practices.

    Yes the police would have reduced the number of persons who could take part in the Bersih rally. But the massive traffic jams in and around KL create memories of how Police acted against Bersih, and for that alone Bersih is gaining support form Malaysians who could normally not participate in the rally because of their location. The massive traffic jams on the eve of Bersih rally is a free call for support of Bersih.

  28. Dr or better be called ‘Dog’ Cheah Soon Hai, it was Naib who gave the ultimatun to BERSIH to have the gathering in a stadium (or else!). Well after BERSIH’s meeting with the King, the agreed to the stadium option and on that basis, they just chose Merdeka Stadium because of its symbolic nature. You are not better than those UMNO blokes who view everything from the prism of either race, religion, and in your case, bad motives. So the stadium has been chosen, and the Najib now passed the buck to the police who will not issue the permit. To get himself out of a fix, Najib decided to hightail overseas for a state visit instead of staying at home to sort things out. Dr Cheah, your days are numbered and so is GERAKAN. You people are nothing but leeches and a nuisance.
    Irepeat Gerakan is already irrelevant to the malaysian rakyat esp Penanites since 0308 after the defeat of their so called praying mantis look alike mentor “Dog” Koh.

  29. STUPID, GILA UmnoB/BN n polis – firing tear gas n water cannons at unarmed RAKYAT, their BOSSES, who just want a peaceful rally 2 express their wishes 4 a clean electoral system

    They cannot suppress d wishes of rakyat
    Rakyat n voters must make sure UmnoB/BN b terminated in d next GE, enuf of bullying

  30. “The cause of Bersih has been taken over even before the first step. What is the necessity for this show of might over the show of right? Right will always win out.”

    “It has stirred a sense of outrage against the government who live in a timewarp, who do not realise that their strategies do not work anymore. You cannot quell our voices, you used might of the state against the rakyat… it is totally uncalled for,” added Ambiga, who was flanked by members of the Bersih 2.0 steering committee.

  31. At last, 1 sensible BN chap, what a pity
    Saifuddin Abdullah felt dat d gomen “should have discussed the proposal on how to address a peaceful assembly” as recommended by the Human Rights Commission (Suhakam)
    He disagreed with “some who generalise that once done on the road, it will lead to havoc, because many road demos go peacefully.”

  32. NR is happy bcos polis nabbing PR politicians in KL, next PR politicians will b charged n fined >RM2,000.00 each, thus disqualifying them as ADUNs n MPs, n preventing them fr standing as candidates in GE13
    NR calls 4 GE13 n leads UmnoB/BN 2 a grand victory
    All his plans r panning out, he he he ….. happy lor

  33. things happens not because of 1 party….it’s on both side…tear gas fired because of they are there….we do not need rally…..just a single vote…I see no cheating in GE…in 2005 I saw happy ppl around my area they like the MP…BN won….in 2008 a claer disatisfaction from the voters…not happy with the current policies….it won by PR with mass majority 1st time since 80’s…hence in majority of the place …there’re ppl still happy with what it is….we can’t force this to change or else this is no Democracy…this is dictatorship…should there’s more not happy ppl around…the next GE we can see the different ……no need BERSIH…no need rally….as we have the people’s power…one voice one vote! My point of view….I’m also looking at a more mature democracy system and it will be a reality some day…not a dream…but I will not walk to the street for the sake of some ppl dreams…Long Live!

  34. boh-liao :
    STUPID, GILA UmnoB/BN n polis – firing tear gas n water cannons at unarmed RAKYAT, their BOSSES, who just want a peaceful rally 2 express their wishes 4 a clean electoral system
    They cannot suppress d wishes of rakyat
    Rakyat n voters must make sure UmnoB/BN b terminated in d next GE, enuf of bullying

    There goes the tax-payers money…..tax-payers’ money used to pay the UMNO dogs and tear gases to hurt the tax-payers themselves by UMNO government

    Perhaps it is much easier to arrest harmless people who only want their voices to be heard than arresting the criminals

  35. Today we just started the Warm Up

    Journey to free all Malaysians from the corrupted politicians in the laws as CRIMINALS who robbed Malaysian Tax Money 100 billions above

    Malaysia is not belong to those corrupted politicians

    Malaysia is belong to all MALAYSIAN

    Salute with great respect to all BERSIH supporters

    Let’s roll on

  36. UMNO had obviously directed the keparat polis to shoot canisters directly at opposition leaders. This is attempted murder! I hope there will be widespread condemnation from world leaders on UMNO and Najip, followed by international sanctions. Najip and his UMNO followers must be brought to ICJ for gross human rights violation!

  37. 709 !
    I am so touched that for the First Time
    I see Malay, Chinese, Indians united in Malaysia to fight for BERSIH and DEMOCRACY.
    We see it when ALL Malaysian fighting for Independence THEN !
    NOW, we see it AGAIN !!!
    All Malaysian united to fight for BERSIH AND DEMOCRACY.

    I am touched by you, Malaysian.
    I am proud of you, A.Samad Said !
    I am proud of you, Nurul Hana !
    I am proud of you, Ambiga !
    I am proud of you, Anwar !
    I am proud of you, Hadi !
    I am proud of you, Azmin Ali !
    I am proud of you, Lim Kit Siang !
    I am proud of you, Wong Chin Huat !
    I am proud of you, Rakyat Malaysia, Rakyat yang Bersih !

    You are a true Nationalist !
    All Malaysian ! Stand UP !

    PDRM, you get the your Beras from the Rakyat,
    you must live up to the Rakyat expectation, as Polis DiRaja Malaysia as well as
    Polis Demi Rakyat Malaysia
    PDRM ! Stand UP !

    All Malaysian ! Stand UP !
    PDRM ! Stand UP !
    All Malaysian ! BERSIH !
    Majulah MALAYSIA !

  38. 709 !
    I am so touched that for the First Time
    I see Malay, Chinese, Indians united in Malaysia to fight for BERSIH and DEMOCRACY.
    We see it when ALL Malaysian fighting for Independence THEN !
    NOW, we see it AGAIN !!!
    All Malaysian united to fight for BERSIH AND DEMOCRACY.

    I am touched by you, Malaysian.
    I am proud of you, A.Samad Said !
    I am proud of you, Nurul Hana !
    I am proud of you, Ambiga !
    I am proud of you, Anwar !
    I am proud of you, Hadi !
    I am proud of you, Azmin Ali !
    I am proud of you, Lim Kit Siang !
    I am proud of you, Wong Chin Huat !
    I am proud of you, Tian Chua
    I am proud of you, Rakyat Malaysia, Rakyat yang Bersih !

    You are a true Nationalist !
    All Malaysian ! Stand UP !

    PDRM, you get the your Beras from the Rakyat,
    you must live up to the Rakyat expectation, as Polis DiRaja Malaysia as well as
    Polis Demi Rakyat Malaysia
    PDRM ! Stand UP !

    All Malaysian ! Stand UP !
    PDRM ! Stand UP !
    All Malaysian ! BERSIH !
    Majulah MALAYSIA !

  39. To the Americans…we do not need your lips service!!! Obama, did’nt you say, you will be going after Tyrants and Evil Dictators of the world.
    ….where are you? …another dinner party with the UMNO Eunuch PM and his self-claimed “first lady”?
    Bersih and the good people of Malaysia, let us fight our own battle…with our sacred votes!

  40. The Bersih Rally is truly 1Malaysia representing all races. I am proud to see all races united in their quest for a Just Malaysia, clean and fair election and realisation soon of a brighter future for All where everyone is given equal opportunity to exploit his/her full potential for the benefit of our beloved country.

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