Not too late for Najib to ensure that July 9 will not enter annals of Malaysia as a black day for democracy and human rights – worse than Operation Lalang in 1987

The world is astounded how a peaceful rally for free and fair elections could create such panic and paranoia for a democratic government as to cause it to jettison all lip-service commitments to democracy and human rights – as is happening in Malaysia.

The civilized world is watching with increasing alarm at the swift descent to “madness” in Malaysia where perfectly decent, civil and legitimate calls for free and fair elections is regarded by those in power as an even greater threat to its authority than by terrorist attacks or foreign invasion.

Is Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s hold on power so fragile that a successful peaceful rally calling for free, fair a clean elections could as good as topple and end the 54-year rule of Umno and BN in Malaysia?

Is the UMNO and Barisan Nasional position in government so precarious that they have to challenge the just and wise intervention of the Yang di Pertuan Agong resulting in Bersih agreeing to abandon its July 9 march in favour of a stadium rally, which itself had the endorsement of the Prime Minister?

Reason, common sense and good governance have been thrown to the winds to the extent that the wildest allegations have been concocted to demonise the Bersih organisers and supporters, while intolerant and extremist groups have been given immunity and impunity to preach and threaten violence, race hatred and religious tensions.

What is more shocking, the efficiency, independence, integrity and professionalism of the police have been compromised in the process – nullifying all efforts initiated by the Dzaiddin Royal Police Commission in 2005 making recommendations to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service focussed on the three core functions – to keep crime low, to eradicate corruption and to uphold human rights.

The Malaysian Police cannot be unaware of the report of the Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative (CHRI) 2005 on “Police Accountability: Too Important to Neglect, To Urgent to Delay” on the principle of democratic policing as an important pillar of a functioning democracy:

“Democratic nations need democratic policing. Democratic policing is based on the idea the police are protectors of the rights of citizens and the rule of law, while ensuring the safety and security of all equally. It rejects any resemblance to the regime policing of colonial times. Colonial style policing was based on the idea of police as protectors of a government foreign to the people.”

Police of all ranks must search their soul to find answer to the question whether they are prepared to accept that the fundamental of policing in a democratic nation must be the protection and vindication of the human rights of all in the country and not to suppress them.

Wherever he may be, there is no way the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak can disclaim responsibility for any crackdown on human rights and civil liberties of Malaysians tomorrow.

It is not too late for sanity and good sense to prevail and for the Prime Minister to ensure that tomorrow, July 9, will not enter the annals of Malaysia as a black day for democracy and human rights in Malaysia – a day darker than the Operation Lalang of 1987.

11 Replies to “Not too late for Najib to ensure that July 9 will not enter annals of Malaysia as a black day for democracy and human rights – worse than Operation Lalang in 1987”

  1. It has basically come down to this: We need to send the message to UMNO/BN to reform/change OR there will be a Tahrir Square next time. There will NOT be a Bersih 3.0. People won’t have the patience. Tmrw, some people may get hurt, arrested, ISA etc. BUT no one will die. When a Tahrir Square happens, people will die.

    Everyone has to ask themselves, can they live with seeing people die when they could have done something about it tommorrow and spare it? Are they so self-centred as NOT prevent THAT from happening.

    Its not about symbols or merely messages tmrw. ITS ABOUT SAVING LIVES and our children’s future. These past weeks, UMNO/BN have shown they are incapable of governing, they are not up to the challenge. Lives will be lost if people don’t show up tmrw, maybe you or your children. Think about it..

  2. PM Najib,
    A gentleman’s agreement is not an agreement.
    A written and signed agreement is not an agreement.
    A thumb printed agreement is also not an agreement.
    A DNAed agreement is also an agreement.
    A pondan DNAed agreement is an agreement.
    PM Najib,I very very agreed.I banyak puas hati.
    Saiful nya DNA saya very agreed.

  3. Altan’s final song before the c4 explosion

    O dear, what can the matter be?
    O dear, what can the matter be?
    O dear, what can the matter be?
    Bijan’s so long at the bank.

    He promised he’d bring me a cheque of half a million,
    He promised he’d bring me a cheque of half a million,
    He promised he’d bring me a cheque of half a million,
    To fill up my bonny bank book.

  4. The incredible thing about this fella is that he can innocently act as if nothing is happening in the city of Kuala Lumpur. See the reporting in the Star – “Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has a hectic Saturday as he is scheduled to attend four programmes back-to-back.”

    Boy this guy is thick skinned, to say the least.

  5. Jib recognises only one type of agreement. The I help you you help me type.

    Anyway, its all too late now for jib. The stupid idiot inflicted irreparable damage to himself and to umno. Hey but that is good news to the rest of us.

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