Spectacle of Police invading Parliamentary precincts to take police statements from MPs a most deplorable precedent of violation of parliamentary privileges and must be condemned in strongest terms

I am shocked and outraged that the police have shown up in Parliament today to record statements from Pakatan Rakyat parliamentarians – Azmin Ali (PKR – Gombak) and Mohd Firdaus Jaafar (PAS – Jerai).

This is the first time within my memory as an MP since 1969 of any policeman invading the parliamentary precincts to take statements from any MP.

The spectacle of the police invading parliamentary precincts to take police statements from Members of Parliament is a most deplorable precedent, violating parliamentary privileges and must be condemned in the strongest possible terms by MPs regardless of party.

The Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia must uphold the dignity and privileges of Parliament and tell the Inspector-General of Police, Tan Sri Ismail Omar in no uncertain terms that the Police must not violate parliamentary privileges and precincts and insist that police carry out their duties such as taking statements from MPs outside parliamentary premises.

The Parliamentary Privileges Committee and the House Committee must meet in emergency session at such unacceptable violation of parliamentary privileges and precincts by the police.

MPs from both sides of the divide should also raise the issue of police violating parliamentary privileges and precincts, invading the privacy of Parliament to take police statements from MPs, at Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA) and International Parliamentary Union (IPU) conferences to compare parliamentary practices in Malaysia with Commonwealth countries as well as with the rest of the world.


6 Replies to “Spectacle of Police invading Parliamentary precincts to take police statements from MPs a most deplorable precedent of violation of parliamentary privileges and must be condemned in strongest terms”

  1. This Umno GOM sure will surprised anyone who doesn’t believe that they will do whatever it takes to achieve their goals.They are not shy to let it be known that they are breaking all the laws of the land that can be broken.Umno has sunk down to such a level that no matter what it does it cannot redeem it’s lost image.By not even showing any respect for our parliment by sending the police there they have shown that they are the pariahs of all pariahs.

  2. Umno,Umno why must you slnk so low,
    Umno,Umno we have sunk this very low,
    Umno,Umno please look lower,
    Umno,Umno, cannot already very too low.

    p/s winner of National Poem’s Writers Competition
    June 28, 2012

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