Muhyiddin insists Bersih political, threat to security

By Melissa Chi
June 25, 2011 | The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 25 — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has deemed the July 9 Bersih rally as politically-motivated and a threat to national security as well as the country’s reputation.

Apart from calling in the organisers for questioning next week, police also insist they will not issue permits for at least three rallies planned on the day.

“As far as the government is concerned, we have made a decision and we think that the assembly is illegal and if the purpose is to send out a message that there are disagreements, that there are suggestions that they want to make about the rules of elections to the SPR (Election Commission), there are process and procedures for that.

“Because of that, we think the rationale given by Bersih to have the rally is not relevant. That’s why we say this rally is politically-motivated,” the deputy prime minister told reporters after touring the booths at the GLC Open Day here at the KL Convention Centre.

Election watchdog Bersih 2.0 is planning a massive rally on the day in Kuala Lumpur to push for electoral reforms, with PAS aiming to galvanise all one million of its members to take part in the assembly.

Umno Youth and right-wing group Perkasa have also promised to carry out separate rallies to rival Bersih’s.

Today, Muhyiddin defended the counter rallies and said it was “normal” to have counter groups to any movement.

“Whether it is right or wrong, that is up to our interpretations, but we see this as something that can erupt situations that will not benefit the country, that will ruin the country’s image internationally, in the context of our hard work to develop the nation, attract investors, build our image globally as a peaceful and developed country,” he said.

Muhyiddin acknowledged Umno Youth’s pledge to rally but reiterated the prime minister’s remarks that the authorities have the right to take actions against anyone who participates in the assembly that is deemed illegal.

Police have repeatedly warned they will treat the rallies as illegal assemblies.

“So we leave it to the wisdom of the Umno Youth and Barisan Nasional leaders to decide on whether that is the right move or what is the right action they should take,” he said.

Muhyiddin then claimed news coverage of the rally, if it proceeds, will be used to falsely depict Malaysia as being in a state of unrest.

“We in Malaysia know that after decades, that is not our culture. So I know their trick. We are not stupid, we are also experts in politics and understand their bad intentions.

“So this has bad intentions. They did it on purpose so the people will be in fear and there will be eruption of unwanted incidents and internationally, Malaysia will be seen as a country that is unsafe, tourists will stop coming, investors will not invest because of the unrest, that is their intention,” he said.

The first Bersih rally in 2007 saw up to 50,000 people take to the streets of Kuala Lumpur before they were dispersed by police armed with tear gas and water cannons.

The demonstration has been partly credited for Pakatan Rakyat’s record gains in Election 2008, where the opposition pact swept to power in five states and won 82 parliamentary seats.


19 Replies to “Muhyiddin insists Bersih political, threat to security”

  1. ///Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has deemed the July 9 Bersih rally as politically-motivated and a threat to national security as well as the country’s reputation.///

    Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin made such an excuse because he was not confident that BN would win GE13. If BN has been doing its job well, he has nothing to fear – be it Bersih 2.0 or Bersih 3.0.

    Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin should realize that Bersih 2.0 would not have existed if the government has been fair to all parties in every election.

  2. ///Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has deemed the July 9 Bersih rally as politically-motivated and a threat to national security as well as the country’s reputation.///

    In reality, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin’s statement is politically-motivated aiming to reduce opposition votes through continued vote-buying and vote rigging.

  3. No, UMNO Deputy PM, the only people threatened were this racist rogue gomen.
    As Bersih is slowly and steadily gatherig strength, supported by decent Malaysians crying for fairness and justice in our rigged elections …your time is up, we will pull the plug off without mercy this time.

  4. The man has absolutely no imagination. THIS is the person who wants to lead us into unparallel challenges facing this country. He can’t even come up with a good answer to rebut Bersih. What is next for him, go cry that the Bersih is not fair to him?

  5. /“We in Malaysia know that after decades, that is not our culture. So I know their trick. We are not stupid, we are also experts in politics and understand their bad intentions./

    Hallo Moo,this Bersih rally has got nothing to do with culture,people has changed,becoming more intellectual,informed and exposed to all BN’ shenanigans or evil doing.Hence,this Bersih rally is all about.You said you expert in politics?My foot!Your expertise is only instigating racial disharmony and chiak chiak banyak duit.Mind you,your kaki lang member,Idris Jala said canland can go bankrupt by 2019.Sound so scary to hear how expert you are by your own admission.Awak memang boleh..panlai panlai

  6. Bersih needs to get international attention to highlight the corruption of the Malaysian election commission and its gross manipulation by UMNO. If indeed the EC and UMNO are innocent, then why are they so afraid of a peaceful demonstration? We urge leading democracies in the world to take heed of the serious state of election fraud in Malaysia and to take actions against UMNO and its leaders.

  7. Why so difficult to understand the rigging by EC to make BN /UMNO in power for 53 years?

    When the ballot paper issued for the Parliament seat and the respective state seats do not agree at the counting before declaration of winning candidates, then there is no winner until properly checked.

  8. How about Malaysian insists Corruption political, threat to security

    Malaysians has deemed the not transparent corruted election as politically-motivated and a threat to national security as well as the country’s reputation.

    “As far as the Malaysian is concerned, we have made a decision and we think that the assembly is necessary and the purpose is to send out a message that there are disagreements, that there are suggestions that they want to make about the rules of elections to the SPR (Election Commission), there are process and procedures for that.

    “So the corrupted politician has bad intentions stop BERSIH. They did it on purpose so the people will be in fear and there will be eruption of unwanted incidents and internationally, Malaysia will be seen as a country that is unsafe, tourists will stop coming, investors will not invest because of the unrest, that is their intention,” Malaysian said.

  9. DPM Muyiddin,The cow head fiasco is a potential timebomb for racial tensions to blow up.The banning of the Christian bible is religious oppression.Interlok is making fun of a certain race.Another timebomb for racial tension.The Christian vs Muslim fiasco is another cause of religious tension.The calling of jihad is another timebomb for racial and religious tension to blow up.The intimidation and threats of bloodshed against Bersih organisers is also a timebomb for chaos.What have you and Umno GOM has to say about this.All this are no threat and danger to the security of the country.

    A peaceful rally by peaceful and law abiding citizens of your country demanding a neutral Ec is a threat and danger to the security of the country.You must be nuts.No simple common sense.A big dunggu or big moron in English.

  10. Just one word ‘Bersih’ and our BN, Police etc run amok.

    As I said before, ‘Bersih’ should be PR’s election slogan and manifesto for the next GE.

    BN will definitely fall.

  11. If the UMNO government has any brain to think they will come to the conclusion that to prevent Bersih from marching is an exercise in futility. To clamp down hard ( eg by putting all leaders involved under ISA) is to tell the world that the incumbent government cannot accept the concept of a fair election, the theme of the march itself. In the eyes of the world Malaysia will then become a pariah state like Myanmar. In any case even if all known leaders of the Bersih campaign are in Kamunting the March will still go on because they simply cannot arrest the hundreds of thousands or even millions of people who will be streaming in on that day. The more UMNO and Perkasa intimidate the people the angrier the people becomes and even more will come forward to march. The more the government aggravate the matter the larger the issue becomes and the faster the message of bad governance by the BN government spread to the rural Malays, the last bastian of hope and support for UMNO.

    On the other hand if the BN government just let the peaceful march be without much incident the impact of the March itself will be much minimised.

  12. Of course it is all about politics here or else what is it we are dealing in? Elections are not political in nature , then what is it?
    This remark by Muyhiddin who claims he is an expert in politics is laughable. Can some one send it to the Guinness Books of Record and see if it can be entered into the “Stupidest Statements” section or the “Sick Jokes” section?

  13. Hahahahahaha, Being arrested on suspicion of distributing “inflammatory” tee shirts while the 3 datuk stooges who admitted to public screening of porn gets away with a combined RM5,500 fine. This is 1Malaysia justice which makes Malaysia the laughing stock of the international community. 1Malaysia, Truly Asia’s No.1 Joke.

    From: mickie

  14. “Muhyiddin then claimed news coverage of the rally, if it proceeds, will be used to falsely depict Malaysia as being in a state of unrest.”

    So it is likely Bersih 2011 would bring down BN BeNd under Najib of in other countries like Tunisia, Egypt..etc

  15. Umno/BN, wake up and face up to reality
    Bersih 2.0 is not a threat to national security
    But actually a threat to your power continuity
    Umno is scared of a bigger political tsunami

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