Behave or face consequence, opposition reps warned

By Joseph Tawie
June 17, 2011 | Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: The 16 elected representives forming Sarawak’s opposition front will not have much room to manoeuvre themselves in the inaugural 10th State Legislative Assembly sitting begining Monday given the warnings issued by Barian Nasional leaders in recent days.

One can only assume that despite public declarations of ‘confidence’, the ruling coalition is somewhat rattled by the heavy presence of the artilery-filled opposition in the August house.

During the last sitting more than half of opposition assemblymen were suspended for ‘minor’ mistakes committed during the debates.

The newest reminders to ‘behave’ came from Second Finance Minister Wong Soon Koh and Assistant Minister Daud Abdul Rahman.

Daud, who is attached to the Chief Minister’s Department, warned that all opposition reps who failed to observe and comply with the standing orders in the house will face the consequences.

“They must understand the etiquette and standing orders of the Dewan.

“If they refuse to abide by the standing orders we will take action,” Daud, who is also Tupong assemblyman, warned.

He also urged BN elected representatives to behave in view of the increased number of opposition members in the assembly.

Wong, meanwhile said, BN reps will observe and comply with the standing orders.

“All elected representatives must strictly follow the standing orders.

“We from the Barisan will definitely observe and comply with the standing orders, we won’t abuse it.

“But if they (the opposition) choose not to, we will have our way to deal with them,” he said.

Main targets

Wong said he and another Sarawak United People’s Party’s elected representative, Lee Kim Shim, are expecting to be the primary targets of the opposition.

“It will not be a problem. We know how to deal with them.

“We have 55, and they have 16 (including one independent). How can you say they are strong?” he asked.

In the last Dewan, the opposition which had eight state elected representatives had caused ‘havoc’ in the assembly. More than half of them were suspended for ‘minor mistakes’.

Watching and monitoring them closely at that time was none other than Wong himself, who on various occasions had proposed actions be taken against the opposition reps.

The opposition at that time accused him of trying to stifle the voice of the people.


4 Replies to “Behave or face consequence, opposition reps warned”

  1. What is the meaning of behave ? They follow protocols. They present questions. They ask for answers. It is the voters who want them to ask and to have answer. What can’t the voters get their elected representatives to do what they are supposed to do ? The Dewan does not belong to the Barisan Nasional alone. The Dewan and all the elected politicians belong to the voters, the people. Who gives the Barisan Nasional to have the veto power ? It is time for the rakyat to stand up and say they are boss. Not the overall ruling party. You want to be afraid until when ? You want to see your elected politician standing with tail between his legs ? Or you want him to stand on behalf of you ? Why are you voting in the first place ? You want change ? You have to change the mindset of the elected politicians. Politicians are not for themselves. They represent the people. As long as there are no punches. As long as there are no foul languages. As long as chairs do not throw here and there. As long as there are no fist fights. I would say that is well behave already. The people want answers. You should give them the answers. Why are you so scared of answers ? Because there are things that cannot see the light ?

  2. This is why I have no respect for BN politicians. Most elected have been around a long time, they go around behaving like rogues and bullies BUT when it comes to a real fight, even when they have the advantage, they behave like the biggest sissy and fags..

    What kind of example we set for our children having these people as our representative are suppose to be our most august institutions? Big bad bullies outside, play dirty behind people’s back and THEN big sissy and wimps in any decent real fight? Why should our children listen to us? Why should they even respect their elders? We are poor examples as citizens and member of our communities..

  3. Those clowns had it easy for too long. Now with 16 people sitting across the table, they become apprehensive. They do not know what to expect. They, above all, are worried for they do not know how exactly to respond to the DAP people. More importantly, Taib in sarawak is shaking from top to bottom.

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