Guan Eng rounds on Soi Lek for Penang deficit ‘lies’

By Yow Hong Chieh
June 10, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 10 — Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has slammed MCA president Datuk Seri Dr Chua Soi Lek for “lies” in claiming that the state government was running on a budget deficit that will deepen next year.

Lim said that since Pakatan Rakyat (PR) took over the state from Barisan Nasional (BN), Penang has recorded the highest budget surpluses in the nation’s history with RM88 million in 2008, RM77 million in 2009 and RM33 million in 2010, as confirmed by the Auditor-General’s Report.

He added that the current Penang administration was the only government in Malaysia, whether state or federal, to be praised by Transparency International for its fight against corruption.

“MCA should stop believing its own lies,” Lim (picture) said in a statement today.

“Chua should seek truth from facts and not seek lies by twisting facts to gain popularity and attack PR.”

Lim said the PR’s solid financial management also saved the deficit-ridden Seberang Perai Municipal Council (MPSP) from bankruptcy in the space of only one year.

He said Penang’s administration, based on competency, accountability and transparency (CAT), allowed MPSP to post RM41 million in budget surpluses since 2008 compared to record deficits the council suffered every year between 2000 and 2007 under BN which amounted to RM230 million.

Dr Chua claimed in an interview with Malaysiakini yesterday that the DAP-led Penang government was running on a budget deficit which was expected to worsen this year.

In an interview that was picked up by The Star, he also said Penang had allowed water tariffs to increase by 20 per cent.

Lim today accused Dr Chua of “deliberately distorting” the facts about the state’s water tariffs, pointing out that his administration only imposed a water conservation charge to reduce wastage but did not increase heavily-subsidised rates for domestic users.

“Only water tariffs for business were increased to equivalent to production cost,” Lim said, adding that Penang still enjoyed the lowest water tariffs in Malaysia for both domestic and business users.

“If Chua is unhappy about such increases, why did he not oppose the water tariff increase in Johor until water tariffs in Johor are three to six times higher than Penang’s?” he asked.


8 Replies to “Guan Eng rounds on Soi Lek for Penang deficit ‘lies’”

  1. //water tariffs in Johor are three to six times higher than Penang’s//

    Serves those johoreans right for voting in bn. May their water tariffs go up to six thousand times higher than Penang’s

  2. //He ejaculates in his underwear. //

    His poor washerwoman would get pregnant just by washing them. And the ducks drinking the water flowing from his house would start laying and hatching fat ugly ducklings.

  3. You should also highlight the financial positions of Johore and Melaka, both states have perpetually suffered deficit for years despite Johore’s wealth and Melaka’s generous grants from the Fed govt. This Nincompoop just simply does not know what he is talking about.

    The federal deficit can be resolved in one year – just appoint me the director of national budget. I can do so without causing upheaval of any sort, only some cronies will lose sleep that is all.

  4. This Moral-less Chinese A$$hole Chua pundek will go as low as to taint his own family to gain political mileage.

    but who cares nowadays about MCA and cohorts. there’s nothing to think about except blowing them to oblivion.

  5. The reason Viagra Chua dare not comment on Johor water rate hike is because he has Johors MB’s wee wee in his mouth.His hands are also busy carrying Najis & Moohedeen’s testicals.

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