Mengalu-alukan kenyataan Presiden PAS tentang Negara Islam

By Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin
June 04, 2011

4 JUN — Selamat bermuktamar kepada PAS dan tahniah kepada yang diberikan amanah. PAS adalah tonggak politik negara. PAS adalah nafas umat Islam dalam berpolitik di negara ini.

Saya mengalu-alukan kenyataan YB Presiden PAS DS Abdul Hadi Awang semalam yang menyebut: “Apa yang penting adalah pelaksanaan. Kalau letak jenama saja tak laksana tak ada faedah. Kita mulakan dengan pelaksanaan negara berkebajikan, itu ada dalam Al-Quran, Dia tak sebut negara Islam, Dia sebut negara berkebajikan”.

Bagi saya ini adalah satu kemajuan yang memberangsangkan dalam PAS. Dalam masa yang sama bererti PAS terus bersama dengan gerakan Islam lain di dunia ini yang mula keluar dari rethoric negara Islam kepada realiti kenegaraan yang sebenar yang diperlukan oleh manusia.

Ya, tiada dalam Islam istilah negara Islam atau daulah Islamiyyah atau islamic state seperti yang disangka oleh sesetengah pihak. Ia satu istilah yang muncul ketika kebangkitan umat Islam menghalau penjajah (decolonization). Sebelum itu, kitab-kitab fekah Islam hanya menyebut Darul Islam atau wilayah Islam yang merujuk kepada wilayah yang dikuasai oleh umat Islam ketika itu.

Apabila perkataan ‘daulah Islamiyyah’ atau Islamic state muncul, kemudian diikuti dengan kebangkitan Revolusi Syiah di Iran, maka perkataan daulah islamiyyah atau Islamic state ini mula dipopular oleh para pejuang politik islami di seluruh dunia. Disebabkan istilah ini juga mereka berbalah bahkan menuduh pihak lain kurang islam disebabkan tidak bersama dalam perjuangan menegakkan daulah islamiyyah atau negara Islam itu. Walaupun kadang-kala pertentangan ada asasnya, namun sebahagiannya hanya disebabkan perbezaan istilah yang dipakai.

Cuma, sekian lama ramai gerakan Islam yang memperjuangkan istilah ini, mereka masih gagal menetapkan satu takrifan yang jelas dan realistik.

Gambaran yang terlalu ideal tentang kenegaraan menjadikan ‘negara Islam’ itu bagaikan satu khayalan yang tidak berpijak di bumi nyata.

Kita boleh lihat khayalan Hizbul Tahrir yang cuba berkembang di negara kita pada hari ini. Ia bolehlah dikatakan utopia state yang hanya wujud diminda, tidak mungkin pada realitinya.

Alhamdulillah, apabila gerakan Islam — sebahagian mereka- benar-benar terlibat sendiri secara langsung dengan politik kenegaraan, maka mereka mula sedar tentang realiti sebenar sesebuah pemerintahan.

Kembali mereka merujuk kepada al-Quran dan hadis, juga amalan para khalifah Islam yang mendapat petunjuk (al-Khulafa al-Rasyidin), maka mereka akhir jelas mengapa perkataan ‘negara islam’ atau daulah islamiyyah itu tidak wujud atau tidak disebut.

Politik kenegaraan dan seninya sentiasa berubah mengikut keperluan suasana. Namun, prinsipnya kekal. Ini kerana Islam satu agama realistik. Perjuangan politik dalam Islam, bukanlah perjuangan menegakkan jenama negara, tetapi menegak tanggungjawab dan prinsip-prinsip keadilan yang dikehendaki oleh Allah dan rasulNya.

Bukan penting pada jenama, tetapi pada isinya. Islam agama yang menjamin keadilan, keamanan, memelihara rakyat dari munkar dan menegakkan kebaikan, menyebarkan kebajikan dan seterusnya. Itulah negara yang dikehendaki oleh Islam.

Soal mekanisme hukum –sama ada hudud atau tidak- dibincangkan setelah ditegakkan prinsip dan tanggungjawab utama, diwujudkan suasana yang condusive yang memungkin keadilan dan keindahan hukum itu berfungsi.

Bukan masanya lagi. Tangguhkan dahulu isu-isu makanisme, tumpukan kepada tanggungjawab dan prinsip utama kenegaraan.

Sekian lama istilah negara Islam memisahkan PAS atau menyukarkan parti itu bergerak lebih kehadapan, namun hari ini- dengan kenyataan YB Presiden akan memberikan nafas baru yang lebih luas dan fleksibel kepada PAS.

Cumanya, saya sedang meneliti apakah maksud ‘negara kebajikan’ yang hendak diwujudkan. Saya percaya Presiden PAS ada kerangka yang jelas.

Ahli-ahli hendaklah difahamkan terlebih dahulu sebelum membicarakannya secara meluas. Ini kerana welfare state mempunyai pelbagai gambaran.

Secara umum, dunia memahami welfare state adalah negara-negara yang memakai nordic model seperti Norway, Denmark, Sweden dan lain-lain.

Mungkin PAS ada model yang tersendiri. Apapun saya merasakan PAS akan dapat melangkah dengan lebih jauh dengan kenyataan tersebut.

* Prof Madya Dr Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin adalah pensyarah di Universiti Sains Malaysia dan bekas Mufti Perlis.


14 Replies to “Mengalu-alukan kenyataan Presiden PAS tentang Negara Islam”

  1. Sudah nyata konsep “negara berkebajikan” tidak melanggar ajaran mana-mana ugama, khasnya ugama Islam. Tuntutan keadilan untuk setiap warganegara dan setiap kaum itu tidak juga bercanggahan dengan Perlembagaan kita. Malahan Ugama dan Perlembagaan menyokong “negara berkebajikan” dengan sebulat suara. Akan tetapi, berhati-hatilah akan segala usaha untuk meminda Perlembagaan, terutamanya pindaan-pindaan yang mungkin mengakibatkan ketidakadilan dan pecah-belah antara kaum.

  2. “A wife who obeys and fulfils her husband’s sexual needs will deter him from infidelity or going to prostitutes” declared d Obedient Wives’ Club
    A good advice indeed 4 MCA CSL’s wife
    “A good wife is a good sex worker to her husband. What is wrong with being a whore in bed to your husband?” so said OWC’s VP
    Another sound advice 4 CSL’s wife, who should ask Datuk T 4 their video n learn 2 b a whore in bed

  3. Sometime in April last year it was reported in the news of a 47-year-old owner of a rubber plantation, who returned home early in the morning after a gambling session, woke his wife to have sex but when she refused citing the excuse that she was feeling unwell, the husband took a bucket of formic acid and splashed it on the wife’s face & body!

    I say we have a serious problem at hand if there’s a mentality in Bolehland that can believe advising wives to be whores, giving them lessons on how to pleasure the husband can ameliorate or fight social problems of rising divorce, domestic violence etc – a mentality that also justify marking and chaining like cattles 30 foreign women detained for alleged prostitution, in the name of curbing the social vice.
    This a complete denial of the real root causes of these social problems and ignores issues relating to human rights & gender equality that the rest of the modern and civilized world embrace…

    This is no laughing matter that coverage of this “Obedience Wives Club” (30% of the members of whom already in polygamous unions) is world wide from the international press, making us a laughing stock! Imagine a husband having 3 wives given lessons to serve him like whores (so as to live the life of an emperor???) to mitigate social problems of this “negara berkebajikan”? Somebody must be joking here – more likely laughing his/her way to the bank with membership exceeding 1000 extending to international clients. We should leave CSL out of this.

  4. Al Arqam’s wisdom is not a new wisdom. Think of it. From time immemorial, men were and are allowed to have more than one wife, concubines and lovers. For what if it is not for the reality’s reason of physical pleasure. Men ARE different from women. Because of this difference, they are not like women. If not, they should have just become women. Religion wise, God has given men the way to control themselves and not to let their physical pleasure becomes a problem. By this, it does not mean allowing more than one wife. By this, it means the personal relationship between the man and his God. At the end of the day, physical pleasure cannot get him anywhere. But a solid relationship with his God can get somewhere. Physical pleasure is temporary and can last as long as the man is on Earth; probably shorter because he gets old. So what is your wife for ? Chineses say your wife is to be loved. Elsewhere it says she compliments you. She is your other half. You are her other half. Two heads are better than one. So sayeth them. The physical part is second. The first part and the most important part is love. Without love, the whole marriage, the whole relationship, the whole family, is in shambles. Love is respect. Respect even in your physical relationship. Coming back to the yin and the yang. You can put your wife in the yin. You can also put your wife in the yang. So men. What do you really want in your marriage ? What do you want your children to be ?

  5. I would like to give my suggestion to Obedient Wives’ Club to bring in membership, i.e. their mothers,daughters,sisters,nieces.Oh ya!don’t forget to invite CSL and Datok T as honourable guests.They might be able to give their lampa hoot(splendid ideas) how to voomp voomp their wives and the willingly submissive gals.Wow!more titillating sex scandals on the way to come.Yo Yo

  6. ///Al Arqam’s wisdom is not a new wisdom. ///. Yes but its not just about sex, love wives & husbands. Its the business model of this organisation with 10,000 followers, and its business success where so many govt sponsored projcts/GLCs fail! Al Arqam’s founder ( Ashaari ) once climed I think Al-Arqam had assets worth RM300 million. On launchingObedience Wives Club already boasts1000 members (overseas branches), with more coming the way the moment outraged women NGOs give it the free advertisement bashing it. Can one think membership and free lessons on how to give sex lessons to wives free and not or fee? It is safe – as always in the name of following Islamic tenets- no official harassment or raids that others whose businesses have anything to do with sex in this conservative society have to pay.

  7. Its business and how to make money (just like building dams for national interest) that Al-Arqam is said to accumulate assets worth RM300 million! Like I said, go check whether club membership and lessons in how to excite huisband are free!

  8. Somemore main driver, a doctor to provide therapeutic /medical advice to intimate problems. Its a great business model. Why do yuou think UMNO MP officiate launch? Also vote getting. Conmtroversy generated is advertisement!

  9. //“Obedience Wives Club” -30% of the members of whom already in polygamous unions – //

    If they are so obedient and subservient to their hubbies, then how come their hubbies are still dissatisfied by them and marry new and younger wives?

  10. Research ? Translate that into figures and you get yourself a research problem. Then with research you find your news’ rankings go even higher up and then of course, see the profits rise. Money again.

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