“The Great Pretender” Onslaught To Win Big In The 13th General Election (13th GE )

Richard Loh | May 24, 2011

“You had to pretend conformity while privately pursuing high and dangerous nonconformism” (Anthony Burgess)

‘Pretend’: To feign an action or character, give a false appearance of; feign, represent fictitiously, make believe, take upon oneself; venture.

And the person who pretends is called the ‘pretender’.

This nation is run by ‘pretenders’ using feign actions, false appearances by way of slogans, rhetoric and acronyms.

Those who are 35 years old and above should have voted at least twice and under the rule of 2 Prime Ministers. From the 4th, the 5th and the present 6th Prime Minister what we have are ‘pretender’ leaders and the ‘great pretender’ is none other than the 6th PM.

Just like his predecessors he is not short of rhetoric and slogans. What have become of his ‘1Malaysia, People First Performance Now’ slogans and rhetoric?

In addition, with the guise to propel the nation to be developed by 2020 he spent a big sum to come out with the GTP (Government Transformation Programme), ETP (Economic Transformation Programme) and NKRAs (National Key Result Areas). Even though he and his cohorts claimed success, the general public do not have that ‘feel’ of anything better nor improving their standard of living.

A big win in the coming 13th GE is the only thing in his mind since he took over as the Prime Minister and what he must do in order to achieve this sole goal. Singing different tunes to different audiences and by allowing his party organ, the msm, malay NGOs to champion only the malay rights while he portrayed himself in ‘pretentious way’ as the hero to the non malays.

He takes upon himself and feels no shame nor guilt in representing fictitiously and make believe of his great potential as a leader for all Malaysians.

We can no longer allow ‘pretender’ leaders to con the rakyat into voting a government that does not care about the well being of the populace but only their self interest to win and stay in power.

‘a muddle-headed educational system, a corrupt and incompetent government, racial polarisation engendered by government policies, discrimination in educational enrolment and scholarships, public sector employment and an environment increasingly intolerant of the non-Malay, non-Muslim races’. – from ‘Why I chose Australia’ by (Alan Roy)

The above are critical things that the PM should look into and take action immediately but after more then 2 years in office, his only concern is how to win big in the 13th GE and let lose his ministers and others to create more racial and religious tension.

Could I be wrong to call him ‘The Great Pretender’, all he does is talk, talk, talk and could not walk his talk or are we Malaysians so gullible to believe his call for another mandate to give time for his acronyms GTP, ETP and NKRAs to bear fruits?

All I can say is “NO MORE” pretension, we need to change and change we must.

Below a great song from The Platters – The Great Pretender with lyrics. Enjoy and think very carefully comes the 13th GE.

The Platters Lyrics

” The Great Pretender ”

(Buck Ram)
Oh-oh, yes I’m the great pretender
Pretending that I’m doing well
My need is such I pretend too much
I’m lonely but no one can tell

Oh-oh, yes I’m the great pretender
Adrift in a world of my own
I’ve played the game but to my real shame
You’ve left me to grieve all alone

Too real is this feeling of make-believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can’t conceal

Yes, I’m the great pretender
Just laughin’ and gay like a clown
I seem to be what I’m not, you see
I’m wearing my heart like a crown
Pretending that you’re still around

Too real is this feeling of make-believe
Too real when I feel what my heart can’t conceal

Yes, I’m the great pretender
Just laughin’ and gay like a clown
I seem to be what I’m not, you see
I’m wearing my heart like a crown
Pretending that you’re still around

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