PPSMI options

The Malaysian Insider
May 24, 2011

MAY 24 — “We will consider the Prime Minister’s views and what can be done to fulfil the wish of certain groups.” — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, April 4, 2011

“We have not made any commitment on this yet and we need to assess the feelings of parents. We want to see if it is possible to have some flexibility on this.” — Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak, April 7, 2011

“The teaching and learning of Science and Mathematics can be carried out bilingually according to the capabilities of the teachers or students.” — Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, April 24, 2011

Prior to the Sarawak state election over a month ago, Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Najib Razak made an encouraging announcement, on the possibility of using two mediums of instruction for the teaching of Science and Mathematics in schools. Parents are eagerly looking forward to a meaningful dialogue with the Ministry of Education. However, there has been no subsequent follow-up since then, leaving many of us in the dark.

Internet chatter back then was quick to dismiss the prime minister’s announcement by linking it to the Sarawak state election. But, surely if this were true, it would be but a tacit acknowledgement of fact by the government that there is considerable support from parents for PPSMI.

Lately, the views of bloggers seem to be dominating the print and digital media. Twitterverse and blogs have been buzzing with raison d’être in respect to the arguments ‘for and against PPSMI’, ever since our prime minister gave a glimmer of hope for the revival of Science and Mathematics in English. There were definitely more people for PPSMI. Isn’t this more than enough to “assess the feelings of parents”?

The Parent Action Group for Education Malaysia (PAGE) views this as positive proof that PPSMI is indeed favoured by a significant number of the rakyat, both in Peninsular and in East Malaysia. Needless to say, this is in line with the Government Transformation Programme (GTP) and the nation’s aspiration to be “a knowledge-based economy”.

It is evident that abolishing PPSMI (RM3 billion spent) and replacing it with MBMMBI (RM5 billion to be spent) is a hasty decision that would require ad hoc supplementary remedial corrective solutions. English class to be held on Saturdays is being proposed even before MBMMBI is rolled out in full!

Page echoes the call made by the Federation of Manufacturers Malaysia (FMM) that a complete review of the education system is due, however, for the review to be planned and materialise, we stand firm that the teaching of Science and Mathematics in English must continue (as an option) until the new all-encompassing holistic world-class education system takes over.

In this respect, Page firmly believes that for now, PPSMI, alongside MBMMBI, is the better vehicle to help propel Malaysia swiftly forward.

* Page is an educational lobby that serves as a channel between concerned parents, the Ministry of Education and other educational stakeholders.

3 Replies to “PPSMI options”

  1. Najib sends his children overseas for studies (on government scholarship maybe?). He just attended his daughter’s graduation on his ‘official’ trip to the US.

    Most of our Ministers send their children overseas for education too.

    They all just don’t have any confidence in our education system or universities. So PPSMI or whatever don’t interest or affect them.

    They just mess around with our education system not knowing or even wanting to know the effects of their bungling around.

    They just don’t have any strategic plans and so they keep shuttling and shoving things around.

    Pemudah, Pemandu or whatever.

    People Frus, Performance No!

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