DAP-SNAP merger on the cards

By Clara Chooi | May 24, 2011
The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 — Despite strong opposition from PKR, a DAP-SNAP merger in Sarawak appears to be on the cards.

Sarawak DAP chief Wong Ho Leng told reporters today that the party held discussions last Thursday with SNAP’s merger committee, which was recently formed to study the proposal.

He said that following the discussions, which centred specifically on the mechanics of such a merger, the matter was raised at the DAP’s national leadership at its central executive committee (CEC) meeting yesterday.

“It looks positive,” said Wong (picture).

He declined to reveal the details of the DAP’s meeting with SNAP but reiterated that both parties had discussed how to go about such a merger.

Asked if discussions touched on issues like whether both parties would come together under one name and contest on one party ticket, Wong smiled and drew his fingers across his lips, indicating the expression that his “lips are sealed”.

He admitted later that the question was “spot on”.


2 Replies to “DAP-SNAP merger on the cards”

  1. Congrats to the DAP-SNAP merger.

    PKR is just green with envy. Once it realizes that it can only win 3 out of 49 seats (again!) in the next sarawak polls, its leader Baru Bian might even hop over to join DAP-SNAP

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