Puad: Pakatan psy-war puts Umno in peril

May 22, 11

Umno could be in peril if it fails to curb the psychological attacks mounted by the opposition, said party supreme council member, Dr Mohd Puad Zarkashi.

He said the opposition’s approach was dangerous as it could influence the minds of the young who did not fully understand the history of this country and who were thinking too much about material things and freedom.

“Their thinking could be affected by negative perceptions. For example, the 1Malaysia concept is a good thing and is perceived negatively by certain quarters who could influence those with little understanding of the concept in a negative way.

“The psychological attacks are also carried out in a hit-and-run manner, by not admitting to it afterwards because they (opposition) want the people to be angry with Umno so as to weaken Malay power,” he said after opening the Umno Kota Raja division delegates’ meeting, here, today.

Asked how Umno could deal with the psychological attacks, Mohd Puad who is also Deputy Education Minister, said the party would be focusing on DAP which was the mastermind in this, and would also be exposing Parti Keadilan Rakyat’s evil objectives in its struggle.

“We must also empower our party members through programmes and training. We need to overcome our weakness in using the media, especially the new media like the blogs, Facebook and Twitter which the opposition has been relying on a lot to attack (Umno and Barisan Nasional).”

On the opposition attacking Malay newspapers like Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian, Mohd Puad said it was a strategy aimed at weakening Umno and the Malays in their struggles, while the opposition newspapers always touched on sensitive issues too.

“Their dubious approach is by carrying articles on sensitive issues but stating that the articles are the personal views of the writers, and not the newspapers’ official stand or views,” he said.

– Bernama

12 Replies to “Puad: Pakatan psy-war puts Umno in peril”

  1. /“We must also empower our party members through programmes and training. We need to overcome our weakness in using the media, especially the new media like the blogs, Facebook and Twitter which the opposition has been relying on a lot to attack (Umno and Barisan Nasional).”/

    Why so much money and do not know how to use the media?Bunkum!Too much ignorance of oneself while enjoying at the expense of other.That’s the so-called incompetent government!

  2. Are this Former president of Islamic Da’wah Foundation, Datuk Nakhaie Ahmad talked like a human or animal label human as many different species.

    God created all his children equal.

    Some human label with sudden rules that are more closer to called god children

    Don’t know whether they like blind human try to figure these and that like those blind touching the elephant

    One touch the legs said it like a tree

    One touch the nose said it like snake

    One touch the ear said it like banana leave

    One try to outshine each other when all of them not really right

    HUMAN only be more united when there Alien invading the EARTH

    else they are so free fight each them like a GOD stupid children

  3. Where did this “Dr” graduate from? A doctor (Not the PhD?) again like Mahathir who should serve in the hospital?

    He wrote about “weaken Malay power”. It is more correct that he should write “weaken UMNO power”.

    Malay will always be the prime minister in Malaysia even Pakatan has won and be the federal government. This the fact.

    UMNO has already weakened majority of Malay in this country. Malaysian Malay should be higher income earners than Singaporean Malay. But, our Malaysian Malay friends in rural areas are poor like those in Sarawak without electricity and no computer to see corruption reports by http://www.sarawakreport.org and Global Finance Integrity:http://iff-update.gfip.org/

    If this Dr were so good in analysing, he should be the prime minster and helped corruption in Malaysia. He should persuade prime minister of Malaysia to give Anti Corruption Agency power and be independent.

    This Dr is trying to protect the interest of MONEY OF UMNO. Look at Taib. His billion property in overseas while the Malay and Orang2 Asli have ben weakened by Taib (the Barisan Nasional) for his (Taib) corruption making billion profit from Sarawak natural resources.

    Why Malay and muslim in Singapore do not cry out loud about if they had met any mistreating in Singapore?

    Why SIngapore is on top listing of least corruption?

    Why Singapore dollar is more than double Ringgit?

    This great Mahathir has damaged and weakend the majority of Malay and muslim in this country while he (Mahathir) strenghthened his power and UMNO by not saving national resources. For example, giving out a billion project like 2nd Penang bridge project to an UMNO company without tender. In the end the commuters will have to pay high toll price AND those UMNO politicians gain millions each shareholders.

  4. This puke dorkashi is talking like he was born yesterday. too much time spent lepaking and sexing. we are not weakening the Malay power but only those corrupted umno Malay power.

    He is using 1malaysial to his convenience. when it benefits them they sang 1malaysial song. When not, they sang the pendatang and beggars songs. inilah umno Malay power.

  5. ///On the opposition attacking Malay newspapers like Utusan Malaysia and Berita Harian, Mohd Puad said it was a strategy aimed at weakening Umno and the Malays in their struggles, while the opposition newspapers always touched on sensitive issues too. “Their dubious approach is by carrying articles on sensitive issues but stating that the articles are the personal views of the writers, and not the newspapers’ official stand or views,” he said.///

    This is deft statement outwardly pointing at Opposition media whilst obliquely delivering a glancing blow against ‘you know who’ who stated that what Utusan editorial had written was the personal opinion of the writer.

    See how politics is played and manoeuvred here.

  6. Barisan Nasional is always right. Then what is that about RM 50 per vote ? That is religiously right. Allah would not consider that is sinful because you say Allah would think Barisan Nasional is always right. Allah has chosen Barisan Nasional to rule the country and therefore we must submit to authorities without questioning. It is always right.

  7. Use of Pendatang, Bumi/Non bumi, Malay/non Malay, Ketuanan Melayu, acceptance New Malays and immediate entitlement to benefits, distorted history and etc….this is not a psychological attacks????

  8. Huh, Du cakap apa? Psy war staged by opposition? Aiyoyo, du tak tahu kah, psy war has been hatched, propagated, and indoctrinated by UMNO, Perkasa, Utusan and BTN for years. Admit it, you have lousy people that is why all the propaganda being staged are ineffective.

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