9 Replies to “Utusan’s 4Ts”

  1. “NO QUALITY” habis wayang.
    Factory will close. Trading companies will close with no qualified workers.
    But under UMNO B..no quality OK…as long as you can find ways and means to stir up trouble..that’s the sole quality they want.
    Utusan is Najib’s most qualfied paper.
    Is Najib qualified to be a PM?
    Also no la……but he is..that is …he thinks he is.

  2. Everything has no quality in bolehland.The cabinet contains half past six and moronic fellows,civil service,prdm,macc.judiciary,universities also same.Why?Their policy sees no meritocracy but mediocrity and kulitsifikasi.Another reason is all the good ones have migrated or will soon migrate.So how to have quality? Soon bolehland habis cerita loh.

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