Police receive new account of ‘Christian conspiracy’

Aidila RazakMalaysiakini
May 13, 11

Deputy Inspector-General of Police Khalid Abu Bakar today said that a police report has been lodged which may contain new details on the alleged ‘Christian conspiracy’ as reported by Utusan Malaysia.

“I can confirm that a report was lodged in Penang this morning at 8.50am regarding the issue and the content has variasi (is different) from the other (reports lodged before).

“I urge all parties to not speculate as we are currently investigating the matter,” he told reporters at an urgent press conference in Bukit Aman.

As a result of the report, he said, more people will be called for their statements.

On May 7, Utusan ran a front page report quoting two pro-Umno blogs that said Christian leaders held a meeting in Penang to plot to make Christianity the official religion of the country.

It is believed that Khalid was referring to a police report lodged this morning by Mohamed Razali Abdul Rahman, a DAP member, who attended the function mentioned in the report.

However, Khalid remained tightlipped on the content of the police report, saying he did not want to inflame the issue further.

“We don’t need to go into the details of the report… I understand there are press members who even interviewed the person who lodged the report this morning,” he said.

Asked if the report affirmed allegations that there had been discussions to usurp the position of Islam, Khalid said: “I don’t want to comment on that, it is under investigation.”

Case investigated under Sedition Act

He said the matter was being probed under the Sedition Act 1948 and is given priority.

“This is a serious matter and should not be blown up, that’s why I had warned you earlier…there should not even be parties trying to give clarification,” Khalid added.

When contacted, Penang CPO Deputy Commissioner Ayop Yaakob refused to divulge any information on the matter, saying that Khalid had commented about it in KL.

Meanwhile, on the case of Customs assistant director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed who fell to his death at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission’s Kuala Lumpur headquarters on April 6, Khalid said police were ready to hand over the investigation papers to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for further action.

He said this would be the “second or third” time for the investigation papers to be handed over. They had been returned previously for further investigations.

On another matter, Khalid said there was a news report today on the acid splasher who has terrorised the Klang Valley area in the past few months.

The latest, in Wangsa Maju, brings the total to 23 cases.

Khalid said the perpetrator acted at random and targeted mostly women of all races, by splashing them with corrosive liquid from a mineral water bottle, while riding on a motorcycle.

Police are yet to identify the make of the machine but warned that the culprit has even attacked those seated in cars.

3 Replies to “Police receive new account of ‘Christian conspiracy’”

  1. “I urge all parties to not speculate as we are currently investigating the matter,” he told reporters at an urgent press conference in Bukit Aman.”

    “..However, Khalid remained tightlipped on the content of the police report, saying he did not want to inflame the issue further…”

    He calls a press conference, tells the whole world about it, then claims he does not want to comment further to avoid inflaming the issue further and then use that catch-all threat that people should not speculate? Then what is his motive for calling the press conference in the first place? To sow doubts into the minds of the public to protect Utusan and the PM from further criticisms and justify their lack of action?

    Did you also see the smirk on his face on TV when he announced that the “independent” US analysis of the sex video has confirmed it was not fake? So what? It proves Nothing. He also claims that the analysis has also positively identified the actor and that if necessary the PDRM will reveal the identity of the person. And then he linked this with the hint that AI could be charged with making a false police report, subtly suggesting that AI was the actor. Fine. Go ahead if you have a case. What are you afraid of? That you will be caught out again and maybe sued for slander? In the meantime, stop the wayang and carry out your duty to arrest the Datuk T trio for showing porno films in public since they have already admitted in public their guilt.

    There is pattern of avoiding arrest of the actual perpetrators who has committed a crime openly and instead going after the victims. Just as the Datuk T trio has yet to be arrested while AI is being hounded day and night, Utusan is let off with a slap on the wrist while the Christians are now being investigated for sedition.

    As the Chinese saying goes, curi makan also do not know how to clean their mouths properly meaning the powers that directed these acts are too stupid to even hide their misdeeds.

    Or maybe they were so arrogant that they think they can get away with anything?

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