Najib not being fair

by Lucius Goon
The Malaysian Insider
May 11, 2011

MAY 11 — How much more humiliation and many more indignities should non-Muslims/non-Malays have to suffer at the hands of the government?

It seems there is no limit. Remember the cow head protests by Umno supporters in Shah Alam and how Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein placated and even sympathised with them?

Heck, he even blamed the Hindus and the Selangor state government for their temerity in wanting to build a temple near a mosque. Talk about consoling the inciters and lecturing the victims.

And now Najib Razak, the PM of all Malaysians is doing the same. Imagine he supposedly calmed down Muslim leaders in the wake of a false report by Muslim bloggers and a Malay newspaper.

The aggrieved party here are Christians and Malaysians who are sick and tired of the divide and rule by Umno and its sycophants.

And yet, here is the prime minister silent on the insidious role played by his party’s bloggers and Utusan Malaysia.

My advice to Christian leaders tomorrow is not to capitulate to Najib when he says that Malaysia belongs to all and he is the prime minister of all Malaysians.

Evidence suggests he is not. He is just another Umno politician. His track record over the years also supports this.

After all, he was the Education Minister when the death knell fell on Christian mission schools.

They are now mission schools in name but without the spirit and character that educated Najib in his youth.

Perhaps he didn’t learn much while at school, that this country is for all Malaysians.

Not just Muslims. Not just Malays. Najib must be fair to all or stop spouting his 1 Malaysia mantra.

It is hollow and has been exposed as such by his own party paper. What a pity. We almost believed that he really wanted a 1 Malaysia.

But as he is not fair in this matter, let’s just be frank, 1 Malaysia is dead.

3 Replies to “Najib not being fair”

  1. //Najib not being fair//

    Wait lah, you. Wait while he rubs SK-II skin whitening cream onto his thick face. Then you will see that he is fairer than Snow White. That was why Altan fell head over heels for him.

  2. He does not have the guts to be fair. He has an ultra deputy who has declared he is Malay first and Malaysian second and is just waiting for the chance to unseat him.

    He also has a racist predecessor gunning to put his son on the track to be PM down the road and who will use his brainless stormtroopers aka Perkasa to help him achieve his aim.

    His priority is political survival and being fair is the least of his problems. 1Malaysia? That was APCO’s creation. He paid RM70m for it so might as well milk it as much as possible.

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