Sabah on fire in Parliament

Sabah on fire – that is one clear message of the first debate of the new Parliament which ends today with the three-day Ministerial replies starting tomorrow.

Is the March 8 “political tsunami” in Peninsular Malaysia reaching Sabah?

Two outstanding examples:

1. “We (Sabah BN MPs) have never jumped. We can move by simply forming a new party. Then we can decide where we want to sit…here or there”, he said, gesturing in the direction of the opposition and backbenchers. – Datuk Seri Ghapur Salleh (MP for Kalabakan).

2. There is no harm in Barisan Nasional MPs in Sabah defecting to the Opposition. What’s the point of moving to a terrace house if one is already living in a bungalow? However, for some of us, there seems to be no pleasure in living in this bungalow. What’s the point of living in a bungalow if one has to sleep beside the toilet? – Datuk Anifah Aman (MP for Kimanis).

The fire rages on in Sabah to end over four decades of discrimination, marginalization and even victimisation of Sabahans in Malaysia.


87 Replies to “Sabah on fire in Parliament”

  1. “…there seems to be no pleasure in living in this bungalow. What’s the point of living in a bungalow if one has to sleep beside the toilet? ”

    You sure it is not supposed to be “in the toilet” and not “beside the toilet”??

  2. I sure hope the ‘fires’ from the Land-Below-the-Wind will blow strong and send a raging inferno to engulf BN. It is time for our brothers and sisters from Sabah to stand shoulder-to-shoulder and be counted in deriving economic benefits for the resources extracted from their soil. Let them not waver nor cower any longer for now they hold the key to their future!

  3. THe Sabah politicians are playing their cards to the fullest. So, should they, they had been taken for a ride since joining to form Malaysia.

    Hope they have matured politically, and not hopping for the sake of positions, power and self-enrichment. Not, still those shameless party-hoppers, who hopped at the drop of the hat, and at the slightest reason.

  4. if only sarawak YBs are doing the jobs… why don’t they set the ‘Earth of Hornbil’ on fire hor???? Really look forward to it. Too bad we only have 1 representative from the DAP. How i wish Wong Ho Leng is on the floor!

  5. While they are still arguing whether to make public Lingam tape finding and wheter to charge RPK, fire is raging in their backyard……they might end up the component parties deciding their faith in the federal government. We can see a sad ending for them……..

  6. At last what need to say was said. I believe the Sabahans get the most relieve after being marginalized for such a long-long time. The time has come for the BN components in Sabah to make a decision now. Ghapur has put it in a very nice word and perfectly justify for them to turn opposition, but when they turn opposition they will be revert back immediately to be part of the new ruling coalition. Amusing right, such is politic.

  7. Come on, don’t be fooled by these two crocodiles. They are merely pressure Batawi to give more money and projects for UMNO sabah. Who is Anifah Aman >>> Musa Aman Chief Minister of Sabah !!!

  8. Hey BN MPs,
    Don’t just say it, DO IT!!!
    Defect on bloc to PR and at least you have a frsh start. Being in a new company , you have more says. Your chances of promotion is much better.
    In BN you have to fight those entrenched in their position for life. Some of them may be Ministers for life. So where do you stand.
    Learn a lesson of Lim Kheng Yaik. After so many years, only that he knows that Gerakan and MCA and MIC are beggar ministers.
    Learn the lesson well and ‘cabut’ right now!!!

  9. The people of Brunei must have been eternally grateful to their old Sultan for not joining in to be part of Malaysia way back in the sixties and the Sarawakians to a lesser extent must also be thankful that their Mr. ‘White Hair’ has so far been successful in preventing UMNO from entering into the politics of Sarawak.

  10. – It is manifest that that UMNO has an insincere intention of helping those in East Malaysia.

    – Up until the recent election campaigns only did the PM decide to throw East Malaysia a bone.

    – But again, what was the underlying intention of such actions?

    – Was it for the betterment of East Malaysians or was it another strategy to pull in their votes?

  11. I’m impressed when Anwar in reply to a question from a journalist about the moral aspect of party hopping. He said (to paraphrase) “What moral is there when there have been flagrant abuses of the electoral process, when seats that should have been won by the opposition were lost, when votes were bought and false promises made, when murderers are not identified, when temples are being demolished without reason. Why are those questions not asked?”

  12. My advice to to PR..leaders is, please do not take any BN YB,S into the party …If this BN YB,s want to join PR.Let them step down first..By doing this the RAKYAT will respect PR more.Why stoop to the lever of this blood suckers from BN.

    Before even when BN won big..They still bought YB,s from DAP.. Remember the BAHAU STATE ESSEMBLYMEN WHO JUMP TO MCA.In the 2004 G.E.All because they wanted a100% opposition free state.. Every one knows he was paid very well to jump ship.

  13. I travelled to Sabah for the past 24 years in the course of my work and I can tell you that Sabahans are the nicest people in Malaysia. And because they are nice, the federal government have been treating them and their state like rubbish from the time Mahathir came to power. Their leaders were uncerimoniously dumped or even murdered as in the case of Donald Stephen. As far as Umno is concerned, Sabah and to a certain extend Sarawak is only good for delivering the votes and the timber money. It’s time for Sabahans to show the way by joining the opposition if they want to take back their belovered state. Sarawak is waiting for them to show the way.

  14. i think if sarawak and sabah were not to join Malaya to form Malaysian in the first place..the power of BN has been ended during the recent GE…its not a fluke anway because BN won almost 90% of the seats contested in Sabah and Sarawak…as a Sarawakian…BN swept away all the native votes in the rural area whereas in the town area, the majority is not that extreme because the youth today are more educated in the polical well-being in this state…

  15. Sarawakian MPs , do have some serious though . Are we going to continue be “BEGGARS” .Years 2007 , Sarawak revenue from oil and gas is RM4.82 billion ( GIVEN IN PARLIAMENT ) . Imagine 20 % of that wll be around RM20 billion . With that , we could have 2 FIRST CLASS BORNEO HIGHWAY AND 1 BULLET TRAIN SERVICE TO SABAH .


  16. Dear All,

    If one analyzes the situation in a balanced approach and without prejudice, most will move on with the fact that the Sabahan politicians are demanding for recognition in terms of more important Ministerial posts, increase of oil royalty to the state from the current 5% to 20% and serious and urgent actions to be set in motion weeding out illegal immigrants by the Federal government. Presently, they are complaining that Sabahans were given menial and rookie Ministerial posts which doesn’t commensurate with the support extended to BN. They are also grumbling as to the apparent favourtism extended to several UMNO Ministers from states which were lost to Pakatan Rakyat, occupying important and powerful portfolios. While they may be right in raising their displeasure to the Federal Government on one hand but on the other they have demonstrated quite clearly their opportunistizm character. But then again, one has to realize that they are now bargaining in the position of strength.

    When it comes to important Ministerial posts which the Sabahan politicians been demanding, just how many current UMNO big wigs be willing to relinquish their posts for them? I would safely say none. The reverse, of course, can be said about PR. But then again, there will be sure fights and jostling for positions even if PR forms the Federal government as demonstrated in Perak exco seats recently.

    With tact and skill, Pakatan Rakyat probably has manipulated the situation to its advantage, promised and tangled out carrots to the Sabahan politicians should they cross over and enable them to form the Federal Government as a result. As published in the local daily, one of the promises which Anwar Ibrahim dished out to the Sabahan politicians is oil royalty increase from 5% to a whooping 20% i.e. from the current 1.234 billion to 4.936 billion. Assuming that PR forms the Federal Government and the 20% oil royalty promise are to be met there will be few other states asking for the same quantum. All in all, the “newly installed” PR federal government has to pump out some 105 billion, a gargantuan increase of 79 billion just on oil royalty to the states which are currently enjoying this “God-sent” facility.

    We must reconcile with the fact that the above is not a major issue for the present government to meet if the crunch comes. But the point is whether or not the respective states will handle the money responsibly and with care. As it is now and sad to say the Malaysian government is throwing lots of money on subsidizing this and that without any good returns.

    No less important is the role of the current government in preventing a coup by PR to form a new federal government. There are lot of ingredients being thrown into a new pot but the question that we must ask ourselves and be reminded is whether or not this “bubbling stew” be toppled over?

    Does PR has in mind a contingency plan to mitigate the consequences should the pot topples over? If yes, are they fool proof?

    I have always been reminded by our elders that a business build on grace and favour will never stand the test of time. Can the same be said on politics?

  17. 2. There is no harm in Barisan Nasional MPs in Sabah defecting to the Opposition. What’s the point of moving to a terrace house if one is already living in a bungalow? However, for some of us, there seems to be no pleasure in living in this bungalow. What’s the point of living in a bungalow if one has to sleep beside the toilet? – Datuk Anifah Aman (MP for Kimanis)

    We realized it long time ago. We were wondering if you guys like the toilet so much.

  18. Wonder why the loud-mouth politician from Melaka is keeping so quiet. Isn’t he the one who said UMNO doesn’t need the support of the Chinese, the Indians, – and hear this – the East Malaysians to form the federal government.

    Hey, Ali Rustam, wgere are you??? We are waiting for you to tell UMNO to ignore the East Malaysians. They are making demands and your leaders have to pacify them the very next day. Where are you? Be a racialist hero and tell them off! I dare you!

  19. 1. “We (Sabah BN MPs) have never jumped. We can move by simply forming a new party. Then we can decide where we want to sit…here or there”, he said, gesturing in the direction of the opposition and backbenchers. – Datuk Seri Ghapur Salleh (MP for Kalabakan).

    BN is going down???

  20. Now Mohamd Tiab is squeezing AAB. He is asking for 3 billion for Sarawak to develop the rice bowl. If you have watched the news segment, he was wearing a sly smile. Does it has any hidden meaning in it. I wonder.

  21. “The fire rages on in Sabah to end over four decades of discrimination, marginalization and even victimisation of Sabahans in Malaysia.”

    Abdullah better handover to his deputy now so he can avoid the fate of being the last BN Prime Mnister in Malaysia. Sad indeed.

  22. moral aspect of party hopping?why they talk about it now?why wouldnt they talk about it previously,they were the ones whom are specialised on it,usiing money politic to swing-away opposition leaders!

  23. From Rocky Bru’s blog:-

    March 2004 to March 2007. And we all thought the Terengganu government under the former MB Idris Jusoh was getting about RM1 billion a year from Petronas in terms of Wang Ehsan! Read here.

    That’s RM7.364 billion in 3 years!
    I bet you Ahmad Said, the pro-Palace MB that Pak Lah didn’t want, hadn’t known that the money involved was this much.

    I am not an Anak Terengganu but I imagine people from this beautiful (and poor) state must want to know how the money was spend, on what (and who), and by whom! If any state government needs to conduct a forensic audit, it is Terengganu.

    A file pic of happier times during the Monsoon Cup, a project said to have been funded with the Wang Ehsan.

    —————— End of article ———–

    LKS -Please enlighten. All the years that this amount of money was being channeled – wasn’t any opposition MPs had any inkling of it?

  24. That Sabah maybe on fire in parliament, and its smoke should wake up anyone dozing in the BN. Alas, for many Sabahan the expectation for an inferno has not materialized to consume the nation. The cheap speaks from Ghapur and Anifah all smacked of personal materialistic comfort, as if they have had not enough, particularly Anifah.

    The immensity of issues in Sabah such as the all pervading illegal migrants, the poverty abyss, lack of world class industry, substandard communications links, haphazard development programs are there for the Sabah BN reps to voice about. And these are real, solid and legitimate bases for poking the BN leadership to attention and actions.
    Instead, people like Ghapur and Anifah, and for this matter all elected BN reps, could only chose analogies of creature comforts. What fine brain Sabah is exporting to the KL, and the august house of parliament.

    For Pakatan Rakyat, you really should distance yourself from people such as these; they are old baggage who demand to be rewarded for the way they think

  25. But didn’t Sabah leaders behaving exactly like those in Gerakan, MIC and MCA? Where were they all these years when UMNO was in full power? In fact Sabah leaders are best known for being corrupted and spineless. Didn’t Sabahans give the first PBS to rule Sabah? What happened was almost all the leaders started to sell themselves like whores. They formed mosquito parties and hoping to land themselves in some insignificant positions. From one of the richest and most most vibrant state, today Sabah is the most marginalised and poorest.

    May I know what the leaders from Sabah are now talking about? Let me see, oh, cabinet posts, and they want important ones so that may be the possiblility of making money is better. Looking after muzeum and in charge national unity probably can’t help them to go very far. But I want to know what concrete programmes or projects the leaders from Sabah have in store for the people. Even 20% oil royalty for Sabah is the idea os DSAI, not Yong Teck Lee. Let face, there is no sincerity from this group of leaders from Sabah. Should they join PK and should PK come into power at the Federal level, I think PK should continue to sideline them. Of course PK should bring in capable people irrespective of the states they come from to help bring development to Sabah. But please, there is no need to depend on this group of spineless ill principled fellows.

  26. Finally, now we’re talking.
    Oh gosh, the BN bolls must be shaking now.

    Will BN yield to the Sabah threat, or will they slam it hard on them and say “you go back to the toilet and stay there!”?

  27. As much as I don’t like status quo, I don’t support the idea of defection or party hopping. Even if 30 BN MPs cross over now what’s to stop others crossing over to BN and changing powers again. It may be a political tsunami but the economic tsunami that is going to hit us if are still politically unstable will affect us more. Furthermore party hopping is cheating the voters.

    I propose whichever MP who is not happy with his party’s policies to step down and have a by-election.

    Otherwise, PKR should just work really hard and do what they can with their numbers in parliament and try again next GE.

  28. This is the most significant news of the century!
    The rot in the country is deep. Every single facet of government is corrupted to the core. UMNO’s arrogance is at its peak even in defeat.
    The only way to save the country is to put UMNO in the Opposition. Let Razaleigh, ABdullah or Muhyiddin be the Opposition Leader. As for Najib, Anwar has plans for him.

  29. Sorry repost, too many mistakes in the earlier posting. Thanks.

    Talking about the possibility of Members of Parliament from Sabah joining Pakatan Rakyat prompted me to think of the state so rich in resources but being reduced to one of the poorest states in Malaysia over years since joining the Federation. Why only now the leaders from Sabah are raising issues with the Federal Government? Didn’t their behaviour same as those from Gerakan, MIC and MCA? Where were they all these years when UMNO was in full power? In fact, Sabah leaders were best known for being corrupted and spineless. Didn’t Sabahans give the “first” PBS to rule Sabah in the 1980s? What followed was almost all the leaders started to sell themselves like whores. They formed mosquito parties one after another with the hope that their leaders would land themselves in some insignificant positions. From one of the richest and most vibrant state, Sabah is today the most marginalised and the poorest.

    May I know what the leaders from Sabah are now talking about? Let me see, oh, Cabinet posts, and they want important ones so that the possibility of making money is better. Looking after museum and in charge of national unity probably can’t help them to go very far. But I want to know what concrete programmes or projects the leaders from Sabah have in store for their people. Even 20% oil royalty for Sabah is the idea of Anuar Ibrahim, not Yong Teck Lee. Let’s face it, there is no sincerity from this group of leaders from Sabah. Should they join PK and should PK come into power at the Federal level, I think PK should continue to sideline them. Of course PK should bring in capable people irrespective of the states they come from to help bring development to Sabah.

  30. Uncle Kit,

    Have you seen Tan Sri Bernard Dompok recently?? We Sabahan have never heard about him since 12th GE. In his election campaign when he switched from Kinabalu to Penampang, his home town, he asked the Penampang people to give him a stonger mandate so that he can give a stronger voice in Parliament regarding the Illegal Immigrant issue in Sabah. This is typical BN-UPKO MP and Federal Minister.

  31. I have been to Kuching only once, and i went there reluctantly,
    on arrival what i like best is the blue sky, and the mountainous skyline and the best is the fresh air.
    Most will not notice the difference unless you live and worked in KL for 30 years…i did and i don t know how long more….

    I was told i have not seen anything yet because we only jot around Kuching….for a moment I was convince i would like to make this my retirement home…bull shit …mind awoken…when i see familiar Bee end and yuckno propagangah, oops sorry lah i think not and i know wjhat could happen…no no pity we cannot do anything, you guys have to learnt it the hard way, cant tell more, need to run thro the process

  32. Never heard before in any part of the world that a prime minister has too beg in order to retain his position.You see…the Beggar in action! Step downlah…it is a disgrace to Malaysia.

  33. “You forgot that UMNO also did that to PBS. So it is high time that they should have a taste of their own medicine.” PWCHENG

    Like Anwar said, “What moral?”

    “Where’s the moral when elections had been rigged, when there is no justice for Altantuya, when temples were demolished for no reason, when the corrupt have yet to be charged?”

    It is not a question of tit for tat. When justice is in the balance, you can hop for justice or not hop for justice. You cannot but hop!

    Kangaroos hop all the time!

  34. … What’s the point of living in a bungalow if one has to sleep beside the toilet? – Datuk Anifah Aman (MP for Kimanis)…

    tu makna nya bungalow tu dah terlebih penghuni Datuk Anifah..
    packed macam “sardin”.. maybe mau bnafas pun x boleh dah..


  35. It is a good sign that the East Malaysian States of Sabah and Sarawak have awaken to the realities of the current political situation. The neglect of these two States over the past 4 decades could be attributed to two factors:

    1. Gradual side-lining by the Federal Govt. Before joining Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak were soverign countries in their own right. Malaysia was formed with four soverign entities: namely the Federation of Malaya, the Republic of Singapore, Sabah and Sarawak. Singapore was asked to leave shortly after the formation of Malaysia. Instead of viewing Sabah and Sarawak as having the same status as the Federation of Malaya, the Federal Govt gradually “down-graded” Sabah and Sarawak as another two States in Malaysia, the same status as Pahang, Melaka , Perlis or any of the Peninsular States. In line with this “down-grade” exercise, the Federal Govt also dishonour certain “autonomy” which were accorded to these States as part of the agreement in the formation of Malaysia.

    2. Personal interests of Politicians in these two States. If only we care to go through the “recent history” of these two States, we can discover how many politicians, their extended families and their cronies have made themselves fabulously rich over the past few decades, all at the expense of the States and the Rakyat. If we attempt to compute the amount of resources extracted from the States and match it to the amount of development that had taken place, we will all be awed by the wide gap. Where did the rest of the resources go? We all know the answer.
    Now that the gravy train is coming to a complete stop, these politicians suddenly have the temerity to hold Pak Lah to ransom by demanding “equitable treatment, rights and respects” for their States.

    The demands by the Sabah and Sarawak BN politicians may be a good thing for our country. It could lead to the demise of BN and UMNO, and usher in a new and progressive era for our country.

  36. What’s the point of living in a bungalow if one has to sleep beside the toilet? – Datuk Anifah Aman (MP for Kimanis).

    Haha. YB Anifah, spot on! You are not alone. The people have been sleeping beside the BN toilet for too long.

  37. It would be better if the MPs from Sabah and Sarawak negotiate with PR for their present demands and joined PR instead of demanding from BN(UMNO). Even though they get what they want now they will be short-lived because the UMNOPUTRAS will view this as given under the barrel of a gun and from past records they will find ways to remedy the situation by hook or by crook. Therefore, MPs from Sabah and Sarawak better think twice before you decide on your next move!

  38. My view, just forget about BN.

    PR is the better coalition to join.

    Reason: no one party in PR claims supremacy and lords over the others.

    And every party has a right to disagree with the other parties on any issues; and to voice its disagreement publicly.

    This is a sure sign of a muturing democracy.

    Where agreement to disagree is the key to stability.

    You see bottled up disagreement will explode surely, sooner or later.

    We all know that.

    BN members knew that as well I am sure.

    But complacency and comfort (bred after decades of power and control) has blinded them.

    But look.

    They are now speaking of change.

    But look again.

    Can old dogs learn new tricks?


    Then again. Maybe not.

    I am not so sure.

    In this state of uncertainty shouldnt one welcome PR and work together for a better future?

    Shall we? Yes all of us?

  39. Sabahan politicians has done so much talking and yet no action, I fear they have no nuts to change. Soon they are going to have a different view toilet altogether, a toilet is better than no toilet at all. Yes, Sabahans are no fools, but do they have guts?

  40. These Sabah MPs are making lots of noise now because they dont get what they wanted!!! it is not the first day that they noticed the school children are not having chairs etc. . They are just trying to put more pressure on AAB, so that they can get what they wanted, as long as AAB gives them what they wanted which they had spelt out openly, they will keep quiet and praise AAB after that. Read my lips!!! They are the “best” politicians Malaysia ever has!!! to these Sabah MPs, I would suggest them to have the bungalows all to themselves!!! Be independent!!!

  41. As the Chinese saying goes, it would be more comfortable living in your own dog hut than sharing the big bungalow with others!!! at least you are the master of your own dog hut and dont need to see the face of the master!!!

  42. Don’t talk, talk only like PakLah!
    In fact Sabah and Sarawak should get atleat 8 full ministership in view of their overwhelming win.
    Yes, should ask for minister that jaga money since plenty of petrodollars come from Sarawak>

  43. sabahan have made their points clear, how abt sarawakian? take a look at the general conditions of sarawak besides few main cities…it makes sarawakian look like the most foolish person in the world. wat a shame! they have all the resources to become a country even better than spore. wake up sarawakian and unleash ur true potential.

  44. They have been playing politics for sure, surely since the era of PBS, Berjaya, USNO and now UMNO/PBS. They will morph accordingly to their demand of the day rather than for rakyat. Or else, such problems will not exist today.

    Well off course, as someone mentioned, does it take 20 years for them to realize that they have been marginalized. But then again, most of us here also just recently being tsunami over (less than 10 years support is new from my point of view), except LKS and those in the opposition pack whom being fighting and struggling for so long.

    But if the need to have a cross over, just so that BN will not be in power, personally I will welcome them with open arms. The positive changes there and then can be made for the betterment of all Malaysian, with the continuous good rapport/ relationship/ bermesyuarah for all PR and the new East Malaysia based parties.

    As per my earlier notes last month:
    “ A positive and proactive forward will be then:
    1. Accept new changes (even made by PAS Islamic stand), accept it at good will and open heart.
    2. Accept new members
    3. Meet our counter part in East M, have dialogues, discussions not only at high level but also at grassroots. PR needs to establish stronger base there. Invite East M based party there to join PR
    4. Continue to fulfill the pre-election promises

    God willing, PR can be an alternative even before PRU13”

  45. k1980 Says:

    Today at 13: 01.17 (56 minutes ago)
    Based on the land area, Sabah and Sarawak MPs should comprise 70% of the Federal Cabinet…

    Sabah & Sarawak land size is about 60 to 61 % of Malaysia Only !, NOT 70 %

  46. k1980 Says:

    Today at 13: 01.17 (2 hours ago)
    Based on the land area, Sabah and Sarawak MPs should comprise 70% of the Federal Cabinet, with Deputy PM coming from one of these 2 states.

    The BN govn. is playing the land area games all these while, Sabah has only 3 millions people, but they have so many MPs compared to KL, now they have to face the music of their games!!! so dont try to have too many MPs who are like cowboys!!!
    Sarawak will be safe for BN govn as long as the CM is well fed!!!

  47. k1980 Says:

    Today at 13: 01.17 (2 hours ago)
    Based on the land area, Sabah and Sarawak MPs should comprise 70% of the Federal Cabinet, with Deputy PM coming from one of these 2 states.
    Go by your arguments, Greenland people should at least have the post of Deputy Secretary of UN!!! go and talk to US on this!!!

  48. those who live by the sword dies by the sword….we know for sure thru history all ship jumpers or traitors some call them will eventually be dumped by the people. Better resign and call for fresh by elections more honorable that way…. however if YB kit is supporting these actions then i suppose all these tens of years of talk is merely barking like what a non throughbred would do.

  49. lextcs:

    Agree with you that those who live by the sword shall die by the sword. That’s why we have to bring all your UMNO friends to account for what they did to this country. To account for where the billions of taxpayers’ money and oil royalties went to.

    There is nothing more honourable than going after thieves who steal in broad daylight.

  50. He is right, “we will not jump, but will set up a new party”. He can go anywhere, either to the opposition’s side or stay with Barisan.

    Abdullah Badawi should thank Sabah BN, if without Sabah BN, he might be an opposition leader today, the 30 seats in Sabah was important.

    But i dont think he is grateful. He is leaving BN in a very dangerous situation…

  51. If there were crossovers to topple the BN federal government, PR should make sure that there shall not be massive destruction of documents, records, digital files, etc. before the handing over of power. Also, there shall not be massive transfer of public funds into foreign bank accounts.

    Choppy time and perfect storm ahead!

  52. My God , after 45 years of staying in the bungalow whereby going to toilet also have to seek and “beg” approval from the “sleeping master “.

    Times now to move out of the bungalow and have a fresh air . Its a beautiful world outside .

    Take one step forward , SARAWAK AND SABAH ENTER 22ND CENTURY .

  53. The Sabahans and Sarawakians have a way to put a strong message in a very native way. I love it.

    Bungalow stay, toilet sleep.
    Money get but only to buy sabun
    Position get by only office boy
    Title get but is call Tan See (wait to die)

    Never defect party but form new one.
    Where sit never mind, same Parliment go.
    Speaking with no fork tongue
    But with One Voice.

    I love YOU , Man, Come On.

  54. Wnag Ehsan – RM7.36million paid channelled thru UMNO, Trengganu:

    Is this monstrous sum of money just to be allowed to disappear just like this? Is it something just for bloggers to write about and shout about? Is there no recourse that is opened to the rakyat? Can’t this be brought up in the parliament? Cant’ the newly-minted MPs from both sides of the aisle do something about it?
    PAC, NGOs, Auditor-general, anyone?

  55. It plain easy to understand why these Sabahan MPs beginning to make noise now. Then they have all the forest for themselves, now that it is gone – they have nothing left to rape.

    Mind you, it’s not a genuine efforts to help the rakyat as they try to portray – but more of something else???

    Perhaps, these seen how to profit from increased in oil royalty such as in Terengganu – eg holding “negeri di bawah bayu” cup or whatever that cost billion.

  56. Who can blame the Sabah MPs to crossover to PR for the sake of Sabah people? I don’t. It’s only the BN-UMNO that are sleepless in KL over it. Not me for sure.

    The way I see it, there was not much choice for the Sabah people. They voted their candidate, not the political party. The BN-UMNO machinery was far richer (esp when PM & DPM used the gov jet up & down the country, even when parliament was dissolved – they still think the gov facilities is their grandfather one).

    For example, PAS is not present at all in Sabah. PKR was only a handful. DAP also not much more than PKR. Plus, there were not enough dogs to fill up the seats (they say Sabahans would rather vote the dog than vote any BN candidate…but there was no dog…all eaten up by illegal immigrants???).

    Ai, what about PSM? Seem to be very quiet after GE. Or working hard silently behind PR frontlines?

  57. Lextcs says:…..however if YB kit is supporting these actions then i suppose all these tens of years of talk is merely barking like what a non throughbred would do.

    The only one barking here on behalf of BN dogs is you, yes you.

  58. I did understand from one of my friend that some of Sarawakians and Sabahans, which there are many of them still living in hell of poor environment. They can’t afford to buy a new shirt and need to pay RM 1 ~ 2 for 12 months installments.

    This is the time to change if the leader’s care of their native people living there.

  59. We are witnessing acid test at work, S&S you are lucky so far, thank to yourself, you stil have today for reckoning, listen to experiences , if you still not convince , don t blame us, other hand who says you need central, your land is so damn huge and don’t know what to do with it but only asking handout, man you must be dreaming look at your fingers try bending them outwards.

    Wake up , I also waiting for you people to open up the travel restrictions..wah lonyeh….that will the day…

    Choose wisely this time , you saw the what crept out from that can now..

  60. Even if the BN rep in Sabah and Sarawak do not make the switch, the two states will most likely end up in the hands of PK in the next election when PK start to concentrate their energy and improve their representation there. However we cannot wait that long. The country still remain sick because BN or specifically racist UMNO is still holding power and causing havoc to the country. We should not allow this group of sick and greedy imbeciles to ruin the country further. The only antics they have now is to stir up racial sentiments to confuse the rakyat.

    There is always a time lag for reality to sink in. The reality is that BN and especially the component parties are now a sinking ship. MCA, MIC and Gerakan will not have many members left when the next election come. There is no more justification for this group of greedy fellas to stay on as members in the component parties because the gravy train has stop having lost the richest states of the country to the opposition. The oppositon like CM of Penang have started plugging all the holes and these corrupted leeches finding no added advantage in joining the component parties will surely switch camp to try their luck elsewhere.

    It may take some time to catch on but it won’t take long for the Sabahan and Sarawakian to finally realise that just like those in the Penisular Malaysia, the UMNO government has done nothing but robbed them of their riches. We could have even gone further than Singapore if we did it right. If you take Singapore as a control we will know how far backwards we have gone. Much of these must lie
    on the shoulder of one man. I would consider him the most destructive prime minisiter of all times in Malaysia – Mahathir. Sabah and Sarawak. There is only one right thing to do now. Switch camp and lets start to undo all the wrong that has been done to the country so that our descendents can have an even chance in this competitive world. NOBODY owe us a living. If we cannot coalesc and bring about the change necessary it will be tough for our future , if there is any at all. Continue the BN way and we will reach the status of the African country in 15 years time. This much I am sure.

  61. Thanks saiya. We are human after all…:).

    Point is number of PR candidates were insignificant in the East. Can’t blame the strategy by DSAI to focus more on Peninsular. DSAI must have read a lot of Sun Tzu books while in prison. Hope the next book will be “How the East was Won” by DSAI himself.

  62. I am sure whatever eventuality happens, malaysians can accept it in their stride.

    Malaysians are no more that blind and naive. They have mature and are adjusting to new realities and are expecting changes after 50 years of nationhood.

    The government cannot expect the citizens to take whatever is doled out. They know facts from fiction. However, they also know that fiction can be defied in time to come, just like the fiction before march 8 2008, that BN would deny the opposition any chance to live and survive ( like in selangor = zero opposition ).

    The people would also not buy the story that the non-malays would
    not live meaningfully with their malay friends and brothers and sisters. What a shame to propagate such confrontational ideology!

    The chinese and indians have long been such good friends with their malay counterpart, and respect each others’ culture and tradition. One such fine example would be Tun Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman. pLs read ‘The Reluctant Politician’, by Dr Ooi Kee Beng. He should be a shining example for ALL malaysians.

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