Ean Yong denies DAP, Teoh ever took kickbacks

By Melissa Chi
April 24, 2011

SERI KEMBANGAN, April 24 — Selangor executive councillor Ean Yong Hian Wah again denied today DAP and his dead aide Teoh Beng Hock ever took kickbacks, an issue speculated in a royal panel investigating the death.

Teoh was called as a witness in a Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) probe into alleged misuse of state funds by Ean Yong but was found dead on July 15, 2009 at the agency’s Selangor office after overnight questioning.

“I need to stress here that, the DAP branches and Teoh Beng Hock have never taken any cut or kickback from the contractors or suppliers. We have documents to prove that these are baseless accusations.

“What happened was, in many cases the DAP branch or certain party members are part of the organising team and footed some of the bills of the programmes. When we got back the claim from the district office, we then reimburse to the branch or members who have paid the bills earlier,” he told reporters here.

Teoh, 30, was the political secretary to Yong, who is also the Seri Kembangan assemblyman from the DAP, at the time of his death. An inquest turned in an open verdict, saying it was neither suicide or homicide.

Selangor DAP chairman Teresa Kok, who is also a state executive councillor, denied last month that a party branch had received a cut from payments for government projects in 2008.

Ean Yong (picture) claimed the MACC is using the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) as a platform to frame up accusations against Teoh Beng Hock and the DAP and that it is their attempt to justify their “suicide theory”.

“And they are trying very hard to confuse the people. No matter how, this will only expose their poor investigation techniques.

“It is obvious that the MACC officers that have testified in the previous inquest and present RCI have been giving misleading and contradictory statements in order to justify their unjustifiable

actions toward Teoh Beng Hock that caused his death,” he said.

He stressed that he is “closely monitoring” the royal commission of inquiry for probing the death of Teoh.

MACC lawyer Datuk Seri Muhammad Shafee Abdullah suggested to the RCI that Teoh was restless hours before his death as he was guilty of using government projects to fund the DAP.

Shafee also challenged businessman Lee Wye Wing to produce receipts to prove his claim that a DAP branch had paid advances for various government projects in the Seri Kembangan constituency in 2008.

He made an application for the commission to compel the 52-year-old businessman to produce the receipts.

Shafee said that three payment vouchers, which the MACC had found in Lee’s home, revealed allocations for Serdang Aman DAP, ranging from 30 to almost 90 per cent.

Some of the payments had been issued to WSK Services, which Lee said was owned by his wife.

Selangor MACC investigation unit head Hairul Ilham Hamzah testified last month that Teoh had received an allocation of RM112 in the RM1,665 payment voucher.

Shafee had said that the national DAP had also received an allocation of RM600 out of a RM1,800 payment under the Kampung Tunku constituency.

DAP’s Lau Weng San is the area’s assemblyman.

7 Replies to “Ean Yong denies DAP, Teoh ever took kickbacks”

  1. ///“What happened was, in many cases the DAP branch or certain party members are part of the organising team and footed some of the bills of the programmes. When we got back the claim from the district office, we then reimburse to the branch or members who have paid the bills earlier,”///

    Here we have private money mixed with public funds – it is a very sensitive issue as the party (DAP) is answerable to both the rakyat and the government.

    To avoid unnecessary troubles in future, DAP should issue, for every transaction (be it big or small), a receipt stating clearly the amount, purpose of the transaction, name and position of both the giver and recipient of the cash/goods.

  2. Like the Chinese saying, “The snake can swallow the elephant!”, the BN has been
    doing a lot of swallowing big time.
    But it doesn’t mind accusing others of doing the same. Even though untrue.
    However it does pay for the opposition to be extra
    careful because of the simple fact that they can whack you but you can’t
    whack them.

  3. ///Selangor MACC investigation unit head Hairul Ilham Hamzah testified last month that Teoh had received an allocation of RM112 in the RM1,665 payment voucher.///

    No cheat would make off with just RM112. MACC should not waste its time. It should focus its investigation on the PKFZ scandal in which the culprits made off with billions of ringgit.

  4. What is clear is that MACC is NOT a professional, independent NOR even COMPETENT organisation. The sheer incompetence is astounding and the quality of personnel and work shameful. It is an utter disgrace.

    I personally have experience with ICC in HK and with ACC in Singapore and the difference is astounding. Its like night and day.

    MACC should be disbanded, the head fired for allowing such poor quality work and personnel…

  5. Last week a businessman/crony in d ongoing RCI confirmed dat he got contracts fr S’gor state exec councillor EYHW n he also capitalised fr Ali Baba practice
    DAP n PR better cek themselves n stop corruption, if any, b4 they lose credibility
    2 prepare 4 d next GE, UmnoB had mapped out its strategies – 2 hentam DAP, PKR incessantly with exaggerated news n lies through msm, esp Utusan M, oredi begun

  6. Look idiot. Listen to me. Did they or did they not at any time during the last 30 yrs sit down and had meals together where the costs of the meals were borne by the other party? And listen good. Did beng hock not inhale when the other party exhaled. And you are still arguing that beng hock did not benefit? You are in serious need of BTN.

  7. Just how much kickback can there be for that one two thousand ringgit worth of flags? Why go after small fry when sharks are out there swallowing billions? What is MACC trying to prove?

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