April 12 Machap by-election – three scenarios

April 12 Machap by-election - three scenarios

The 9,623 voters of Machap has the historic opportunity to make the April 12 by-election the most important and meaningful by-election in 50 years of national independence by voting solidly for justice, integrity, good governance, democracy and fair play for all Malaysians — by voting for the DAP candidate Liou Chen Kuang.

Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak described Machap as “a BN stronghold” when announcing the Barisan Nasional candidate Lai Meng Chong yesterday while the Malacca Chief Minister, Datuk Mohd Ali Rustam is so supremely confident about the support of the Machap voters that he had declared that he would ensure that the DAP candidate would lose his deposit in the by-election.

There can be three scenarios on polling day on April 12.

First scenario – a landslide victory for the Barisan Nasional and a shattering defeat for the DAP, with Mohd Ali Rustam achieving his declared objective of ensuring that the DAP candidate loses his deposit in the by-election.

Second scenario – Barisan Nasional winning the Machap seat but suffering a major political setback with its 4,562-vote majority in the March 2004 general election slashed to 2,500 or even below 2,000 votes — which will trigger depression and despondency in Barisan Nasional camp, particularly MCA. DAP would not have won the Machap seat in the by-election but would be regarded by all observers as having scored an electoral victory.

Third scenario — DAP winning the Machap seat in the by-election, which is quite improbable but not impossible. This will presage major political changes in store for the country and in particular in the next general election, a clear signal that the Barisan Nasional risks losing its political hegemony of uninterrupted two-thirds majority in the Malacca State Assembly and Malaysian Parliament and more unless the Abdullah administration is prepared to honour its 2004 general election pledges.

All eyes in Malaysia are now on Machap, but if Machap is to make it into the history books for the next 50 years, April 12 must see either the second or third scenario becoming reality.

(Machap by-election nomination day statement on Tuesday, April 3, 2007)


65 Replies to “April 12 Machap by-election – three scenarios”

  1. Phantom voters (remember the early morning buses of full of ‘ghosts’ from KL to Lunas in 2000) and unvalidated postal votes will make the 2nd and 3rd scenarios a gigantic hurdle to the DAP unless DAP, PKR and PAS gang up to prevent the BN from relying on these dirty tricks. DAP is not only being opposed by BN, but also by the biased EC. Let’s hope the electorate in Machap is not as dumb as those in Batu Talam.

  2. “…a clear signal that the Barisan Nasional risks losing its political hegemony of uninterrupted two-thirds majority in the Malacca State Assembly and Malaysian Parliament and more unless the Abdullah administration is prepared to honour its 2004 general election pledges.”

    …unless AAB admin prepared to honour…

    YB, can we stomach BN any longer? Please, haven’t we had enough of AAB’s total lack of resolve and complete confusion on priorities and goals…and the death of integrity, egalitarianism and common decency under BN.

    The Opposition must have a singular focus…to displace BN completely. 50 years of nonsense from BN is enough to make us all puke. Need we say more or dig up all the shit again.

    There is no room for compromise with the devil. Nor should we speak of anything other than a resoluteness to make MACHAP a turning point in history.

  3. “Quite improbable but not impossible” go for

    Third Scenario – since Democratic Action Party DARE TO DREAM and beat the hell out of them, I urge all Machapites to stay focused, make sure your backbones are intact then DARE TO EXERCISE your constitutional rights and GO FOR CHANGE!

    Enough of their propaganda. Show the BN the exit door !

  4. BERNAMA: “Deputy Prime Minister Najib says controversial racial remarks made at the last Umno AGM would have no bearing on the Machap by-election”

    Not so fast, Najib! All the slimy trickery and sleazy cock-ups cannot be so easily swept into the gutters now with blogs and internet news. This is payback time! For far too long and way too often, BN has behaved like a chicken with its head cut off – senseless racism, reckless fanaticism and corrupt cronyism. The chickens have come home to roost – with soaring crimes, unbridled corruption, falling FDI, escalating costs of living, plunging education standards – and humble MACHAP must be the God-send to pack high-and-mighty UMNO into a garbage bag to be sent to the incinerator at BROGA.

    Well, Najib, as for you, it may be time to start looking for a new job!

  5. The segment that holds the focal balance are actually the Malay voters (39.5%). You can only hope for second scenario at best. Even then it assumes Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim and other Parti Keadilan Rakyat leaders campaign for the DAP; that Malay voters will not be put off by Parti Keadilan Rakyat campaigning when DAP and PKR not in formal pact/coalition of BA; that enough of both Chinese and Malay voters, especially the younger ones, are voting against BN candidate based on national instead of local issues; past support for MCA’s Datuk Poh Ah Tiam based substantially on his personality.

  6. get ready for another round of fake kindness – BN will immobilize their suddenly helpful gotong-royong cronies and running dogs to help clean up the area, provide transportation, give goody handouts, personally visit homes, etc …

    …it’ll only last up till the election day though – after that, they’ll be nowhere to be seen

    and if batu talam was any indicator – i forsee the machap folks voting for BN again, blind to the fact that BN is robbing the poor rakyat in broad daylight

  7. Don’t discount the 4th scenario, people. Being now the season of Qing Ming, the BN will garner more votes from all the hungry ghosts hanging around. After all, they can afford to bribe with more hell’s money, cell phones, viagra and other paraphernalias associated with Qing Ming. For voters’ details, the EC would be most happy to obllige.

  8. YB, Qing Ming ghosts also part of electorate ah?

    All Qing Ming ghosts are Chinese what!

    Ex-MCA Qing Ming ghosts can still be MCA members or not?

    Anyway, anybody who has been to hell would never vote for the real ghosts in UMNO or MCA, ok!

  9. I hope the voters in Machap have pride. After being slapped legt and right by those UMNO guys, I sincerely hope that you can at least show that you still have some honour left in you. The BN may promise you a new market, a better drainage system or maybe a new tarred road. Do not be bought so easily by this small presents. Look at the bigger issue like More Chinese schools, erosion of our basic rights, increase in toll and corruptions among the ruling parties. These issues matter more than a new road or what not!
    Vote DAP so that your small voice can be heard!!!!

  10. mata_kuching:
    You think those hungry ghosts are that desperate? Remember they are all on TOL land, never know when those BN scumbags are going to give them an eviction order to vacate their prime land for development.

  11. I’m interested in the 3rd scenario because as a doctor and to be of service to the BN politicians and their supporters, and not to forget good ‘ol King and country, my clinic is open 24 hours for free distribution of anti-depressants.

    Goddamn it! I’m losing money here. Can I charge DAP for this service?

  12. Sorry it is the 2nd scenario I’m referring to:

    “Barisan Nasional winning the Machap seat but suffering a major political setback with its 4,562-vote majority in the March 2004 general election slashed to 2,500 or even below 2,000 votes – which will trigger depression and despondency in Barisan Nasional camp..”

  13. JK’s Digest No. 3 of April 2007 (62 of 2007) Signs of what to come?
    If you watch TV1 regional news at 5 p.m., the introduction would start with the plank-like image of Peninsula Malaysia unfolding on the right top downwards, then Sabah and Sarawak in similar feature would unfold from the bottom left upwards. This unusual presentation is not faulty at all but it gives the graphic impression that Sabah with the dog’s head is seen to be biting up Peninsula Malaysia. NO offence. A beautiful creative artwork, I would say depicting the sign of the times to come. I believe this is a recent state-of-the-art piece introduced this year with recent update changes. “Funtastic” indeed.
    Another piece is the TV giving the publicity on the MCA or BN Candidate for Machap by-elections. As soon as it was announced by the Deputy Prime Minister of the selected candidate Lai Meng Chong (blame the bed or lie on bed), Lai came out to shake DPM’s hand on the right side, then he went over to the left side of the DPM to shout BN with raised hands in comradeship. Very well indeed but is he left to be the victor? Is he the right candidate? Or is he to be left out in the race? Time will tell as he lies on a bed of roses of the late Poh Ah Tiam. So far so good.
    I do print a fair bit from the Malaysiakini for those interesting articles. Whether I did them off line or online, I would not miss any part of the articles so far. But as I wanted to print this article on the MCA candidate, I wanted the map of Malacca with the Machap like a mushroom. Unfortunately, the right bottom tip of Malacca was missing in print of the three pages. But of the three pages, page 1 and 2 had a gap at the end of page 1. I would not know how to interprete this one.
    So BN keep on campaigning so much even before the nomination on 3rd April, 2007. BN cannot be missing in action but in Machap, who can be flat down? Lets see on 12th April, 2007.

    The marble coming off the wall or floors are happening in Block B of newly built RM320 million where ACA office is located.
    Joshua Kong went there for the first time to lodge “the Trillion Ringgit” Land Report on 14th February, 2007. What do you say?

  14. JK’s Digest No. 5 of April 2007 (64 of 2007) What are in the names?

    If you know this story of a man known as Yap Pak Leong especially in the Chinese characters, then you would agree to certain extend.

    He was a giant killer in a General Election in 1976 and went on to be Berjaya Minister in Sabah.

    The rest of the story of success and a wealthy man, you have to ask him.

    So what are in these names Lai Meng Chong, Liou Chen Kuang, Ivon Toh (TV1 presenter in Machap).

    To get a better interpretation of the names of the candidates, we need to see the Chinese characters. Thank God PKR is not in it, otherwise it would remind us of the soiled beds (laimengchong) in court.

    Meanwhile Poh Ah Tiam – Nothing is well could set the backdrop of the nation as he died so young just in time for the by-election before the statute bar.

    While BN says it will win because there are no issues for DAP. Yes, BN would win for various reasons like no level playing field in the publicity sector, can find unlimited funding for a single seat, have the EC on its side (Even in Batu Talam EC did not act on the election offences of BN), and what else maybe gambling can divert votes to the winner and in this case the BN’s Lai. So it is getting hotter still while Selangor encounters flash flood almost every day.
    What are the bread and butter issues in the area? I believe all the basic essential items have increased in prices while incomes are likely to be stagnant. One thing is strange is that Machap is famous for this product – bread – as was highlighted by Ivon Toh. So is bread an issue for this election as bread prices have generally gone up. I think there is another issue of Tolls. Who won in this tolls tussle as all peaceful demonstration over tolls sharp rise had been blocked by the Police? It is strange that tolls may be a key issue as the presenter is Toh or Toll. Ivon Toh can be “I won Toll” or “I warn Tolls”, and so lets see the result on 12th April, 2007. But please retain this capable presenter on TV1, whatever happens in this byelection.

    There are already funny signs elsewhere and more of these would be coming in the nine days. Malacca reminds me of Mal-acca (Malaysian ACCA in crisis once). Machap reminds me of Malaysia Agreement or Malaysia Chapter.

  15. Godspeed to the opposition in Machap! Machap must remember that a vote for MCA is equivalent to a vote to allow racist UMNO to continue to plunder the country and enrichen themselves. MCA is a mere political eunuch to UMNO.

  16. I say we let Sabah go – but they must pay all the economic development paid for by West Malaysian tax payers with their oil and timber etc revenue, which of course will take them to the next century.

  17. “If the Chinese voters in Machap vote for BN, it means that they agree that TDM was right; that NEP has their support!” Loh

    No. It means that they are smart enough to know which side of the bread is buttered.

  18. If Machap don’t give some confidence to the opposition, the result is the non-Malays will ask for more migration application form.

    Lets face it, the Machap election is about whether we Chinese can stick together on larger issue or get divided by smaller interest. If we are going to be divided, the lets divide – all over the world and stop our pretence that we are great citizen.

  19. To heal ones self, one has to take the bitter medicine. If that will bring long term good for the nation, that should be done. Not only in Machap, but in the rest of the country too.

    By voting in the opposition, we as responsible rakyat are developing credible alternatives for ourselves. Given enough time, these guys can eventualy form an alternative government. Isn’t this what we all want? A credible alternative government? If we as the rakyat do not make a wise choice to develop an alternative government when is it ever going to happen? Then we will always be victims of the excesses of the ruling party.

    By developing a credible alternative government, we can curb the excesses because, the threat of the next government exposing their excesses will make many politicians behave!

    In fact voting against MCA, may actually be doing MCA a favour. Then it can go back to BN and say hey, look guys, the rakyat is not buyibng your excesses. We have to realign to what the rakyat wants.

  20. What was it TPM said in parliament today, whether right or wrong, integrity or no integrity etc, Machap voters will vote for BN. Thats the heights of arrogance. You mean the choice is not teh rakyats? And that BN (by admission) need not show integrity to win. I hope Machapites know where to send these people.

    Or maybe he already knows that the vote cannot go any other way for certain reasons.

  21. DAP need PKR to support them! PAS tolak tepi dulu. maybe kat kelantan no problem. terdapat banyak perkara perkara yang DAP dapat huraikan pada penduduk penduduk machap…
    huraikan masa’alah korupsi dari kepala bapa, kepala anak, kepala menantu hingga ke kepala cucu cicitnya.
    huraikan buku buku teks sekolah sekarang, yang hanya memberi tumpuan lebih pada satu kaum.
    huraikan, di mana sejarah diputar belit selepas merdeka.
    huraikan, di mana tumpuan ekonomi di beri hanya pada kaum khas.
    huraikan, double standard kerajaan kepada kaum kaum lain… universiti, kontrak, pekerjaan, diskaun perumahan dll…
    huraikan… huraikan… huraikan, di sebabkan orang orang kampong suka dengar khabar khabar angin yang di manupulasi oleh kerajaan BN UMNO, termasuk kuncu kuncunya!

  22. There will definitely be no May 13 if Machap goes to opposition, because there will be no change in government. The excuse that Chinese fear May 13 and vote for BN cannot be valid, because it is just a state seat, a redundant one to BN too. Since MCA as a party cannot even be a representative of the Chinese as evidenced by the fact that it had to withdraw a memorandum expressing its opinion to the PM. It is time that MCA allows Chinese in the constitutency to send a message to the PM through voting according to their conscience. Any interference by MCA in manupulating the voting trend is sending a wrong message to UMNO. Let the Chinese voters tell UMNO how they feel, and next time MCA leaders might be able to send a memorandum to the PM without having to withdraw it again.

  23. “In fact voting against MCA, may actually be doing MCA a favour. Then it can go back to BN and say hey, look guys, the rakyat is not buyibng your excesses. We have to realign to what the rakyat wants.” lakshy

    Meaning what?? MCA leaves the Barisan? I am not even sure if MCA can do that since it is part of the electoral alliance referred to as the Alliance which later in the 80s joined with the other parties to form the national coalition.

    You’re too simplistic and naive in your approach here!

    The MCA leaders have never been in the position of being able to dictate terms to their UMNO partners.

  24. Don’t expect anything from the “9 ministers” as they have sold their soul to the devil UMNO! They don’t have the guts and kahunas to speak out for their own communities anymore. They have their tails between their legs and scamper for their lives the moment UMNO bangs the table on them. Cowards and men of no principle!

  25. Voting strongly and ensuring a DAP victory would mean defeating MCA. The message from the rakyat to the BN would be, we are tired of your excesses. Shape up or ship out. This would be the message that MCA can take back to the BN. What MCA cannot directly tell UMNO now, it can do so if it receives a resounding DEFEAT…hence my reference to the favour.

    No Darkhorse, nowhere did I imply that MCA leave the BN.

  26. Of course most participants of this LKS Blog dearly wish DAP to win the coming bye election. However, wishes remain wishes and the hard reality will prevail – BN, with the full government’s machinery at its disposal, will win hands down.

    During the past one year many participants of this LKS Blog have been asking LKS: to capitalise on the numerous scandalous exposés on BN leaders and governance, what refreshing strategy and plan that transcend racial rhetoric does DAP have in persuading multiracial voters to vote for DAP?

    To be a political party of national significance, DAP has to evolve away from the tag that it is only a Chinese chauvinistic party.

    In fact, all opposition political parties have to work harder to metamorphose into a truly unified multiracial entity in order to effectively challenge BN. As they are, our opposition political parties are in reality assisting BN by being cited as their respective bogeymen, thus benefiting BN.

    Time is running out for DAP and other opposition parties, as the next GE will be upon us very soon.

  27. “In fact, all opposition political parties have to work harder to metamorphose into a truly unified multiracial entity in order to effectively challenge BN.”

    DAP has not come out with a modified version of the NEP. The Malays have good reason to ask: “What’s in it for me if I were to support and vote for the DAP? The enforcement of the NEP may be benefiting the rich and the politically connected among the Malays more than it does the ordinary Malay. But hell, this sure can be improved.”

    But where does the DAP stand on this?? End the NEP.

    The answer has always been “the sooner we get rid of the NEP the better it will be for all Malaysians.” That may be true for non-Malays but for the Malays they are giving up something in return for nothing. It is not gonna happen.

    I think there is an intermediate ground that the DAP leadership should explore without compromising on the principles the DAP has always stood for.

  28. DiaperHead Says:

    April 3rd, 2007 at 9:49 pm
    I say we let Sabah go – but they must pay all the economic development paid for by West Malaysian tax payers with their oil and timber etc revenue, which of course will take them to the next century.

    This statement needs to be substantiated by figures.

  29. Yes, let Sabah go!

    Indonesia/Philippines have issues with this former British protectorate. How is little and helpless Sabah to defend her territorial integrity against Indonesia? I would like to know.

    No figures available to substantiate that!

  30. art, I guess you are right. BN will win, and with its machinery and postal votes etc, probably win big.

    So this country is doomed. And if it is doomed, more non-malays should leave. And when more of them leave, will the country get any better?

  31. Lunas did the right thing to send a correct signal to the government, in the 2004 by election. Samy Vellu promised to stay there (if I am not mistaken) unless he won the seat for BN. Mahchap should do the same thing this time around. Even though all the Chinese votes in the area cannot prevent a victory for BN, but it is time the people tell BN that if it does not stop NEP, the Chinese would simply not vote for BN.

    It is definitely politically inconvenient for UMNO to let go of the winning formula NEP to easily remain in power. If BN has to depend on the poisionous drug that obviously hurts the non-Malays, and harms the Malays in a subtle manner, with a small group of persons gaining the advantage, BN is unfit to rule.

    Half a century after independence, it is time to realise that the arguments for NEP cannot continue forever. There should be a break from NEP, and it should be now.

    PM said that the 30% target could be reached in 2010. The timing must be based on his belief that a certain character might not be around at that time. How nice if that character would dasappear himself, soon.

  32. The BN candidate was announced in a school hall. I thought schools were not used for election campaigns but only as polling centres.

    The other observation is the large number of “big shots” in Machap. Are they on official business or have they taken annual leave? If on official business, they should not make campaign speeches – maybe a complaint should be lodged about abuse of government facilities to the EC.

    Here are 2 ideas to replace the NEP:

  33. izrafeil Says:

    April 3rd, 2007 at 10:43 pm
    Uncle LIm,
    I am willing to take a few days off to help in the campaign against the tyranical rp

    Ah Hong Says:

    April 4th, 2007 at 10:29 am
    anyway we can help DAP in Machap by-election uncle Kit?


    Don’t know how it’s done but I guess all you folks can take time off earlier & go down to Machap to register at the Ops Center that you can offer some help on the polling day e.g. drive voters to polling stations with the DAP banner strapped across your car.
    Pay for your own petrol, board and lodging, maybe ven the cost of banner.

    YB, what else can these guys do? Perhaps, you can use this blog space to canvass for some ‘material’ support rather than just get feedback and verbal expressions of support.

    In the US, internet donations for Presidential elections have run into tens of millions of dollars even at this early stage. I know the laws are different. But is there any law here that prevents appeals for some material support like mobilising supporters….particularly this time around.

    BN mobilises their supporters by the busloads all the time for their by-elections.

  34. “….hurts the non-Malays, and harms the Malays in a subtle manner, with a small group of persons gaining the advantage, BN is unfit to rule.” Loh

    I cannot disagree with you on the fact that the discriminated would suffer, and the resentment acts as a deterrent to nation building in a country with large minorities. There is no way of underestimating the harm it does and the suffering it introduces. But do not underestimate the effect it has on those whose name the discrimination is carried out.

    The NEP may have a corrupting influence but corruption or abuse of power is ever present whenever there is a concentration of power. Corruption or abuse of power has an independent existence and does not owe its existence to a policy like the NEP, the declared objective of which is to re-structure society, to provide political stability to a country that would otherwise be torn apart at the seams through racial unrest.

    “Half a century after independence, it is time to realise that the arguments for NEP cannot continue forever. There should be a break from NEP, and it should be now.”

    We all agree that racism, racial discrimination and racial institutionalization is morally indefensible and wrong. The NEP is supposed to have ended in 1990 but vested interests like vested interests always do, work to perpetuate this policy which could only be justified by the ends it seeks to achieve – though not the means it uses.

    I see a middle ground. Unfortunately you do not share

  35. Najib is so confident that they will win in Machap. He said that a win in Machap will show that the rakyat endorsed BN government especially under AAB!

    Come on, Machap voters,show that you are disgusted by the going ons in BN.
    VOTE DAP!!!!

  36. 1. Do you have a dedicated section in the DAP website on this Machap By-Election? Broadcast it extensively in MACHAP where it counts! Use IT to wake up the rural folks, make them be aware of what is happening. You have all the juicy ammunitions.
    2. Show time in the coffee shops with projectors & laptops
    3. GE not that far away. Plea for just one short chance (12 months?)to upset the BN and see how they will retaliate

  37. “Najib is so confident that they will win in Machap. He said that a win in Machap will show that the rakyat endorsed BN government especially under AAB!”

    Can someone give the demographics of the constituency of Machap? A summary of the issues likely to go to the constituents?

  38. The dilemma facing the constituents of Machap seems to be this:
    if the Chinese and Indian voters were to vote for the DAP, and DAP wins, would they not be punished in some ways e.g. no freehold titles to land they occupy but leaseholds that expire in 60 years instead of the 99 years, and little or no economic development for the area etc. Little assistance of any kind both from state and federal governments both under BN control.

    The CHinese have always voted for bread and butter issues when it comes to state elections.

  39. My prediction : A landslide victory for BN. DAP candidate will lose his deposit.

    Why? Because Malaysians forgive and are easily bought over.

    I look forward to a BN victory – stability and development, the usual time tested carrot. :)

  40. “Carrot, my foot!” – Godamn Singh

    Bro, we are Malaysians la. When it comes to the crunch, we just dont have it. We will vote BN and then spent the time later bitching about power abuses, corruption and etc.

  41. Friend, if you go around repeating the same oft repeated statement and readers get to read it all the time, here and everywhere else then they may not be bothered to go and vote – which is worse than voting because those who do not vote would have voted for the Opposition.

    This country needs to change course, and change course now before it is too late.

  42. YB LKS,
    call all the blog people to help DAP to win this election.Go all out now bring ur laptop go to kampong areas ,coffee shop,or anywhere there is people around let them see our krissmudin rise the kriss ,temple been destroy,all the thing that “s hurt the people.
    im sure that way might help a lot for DAP.To all MACHAP people send ur signal to all malaysian people that ur vote for DAP.
    Change course now before too late.

  43. Realworld is right. We dont have it. BN will win. Its happened time and time again. All of us hiding behind our PC’s can “protest” all we like, but in the end Malaysians will vote BN. And we deserve what BN does to us…..every single bit. We deserve no better.

  44. “… in 1995, the French kept it simple: in the first round, voters got a slip of paper with the names of all the candidates on it and a box next to each name. They marked the box with a big black pen. And then folded the ballot and stuffed it in a giant, Plexiglas ballot box in the middle of the room….”


    Voter list for Jan 22 polls declared null and void: HC bench asks EC to make transparent ballot box, voter ID cards
    By UNB, Dhaka
    Tue, 27 Mar 2007, 12:30:00

    The High Court Tuesday declared null and void the electoral roll published ahead of the stalled January 22 parliamentary elections.

    In a further order concerning national elections, the court directed the Election Commission to take into cognizance introduction of transparent ballot box and voter ID card “for the sake of free, fare and credible elections” in future.

    While scrapping the much-debated voter list-one of the causes of the recent political crisis over the polls-the High Court observed that it was prepared without complying with the Representation of People Order 1972 and the Supreme Court directives.

    Delivering the judgment upon a writ petition, filed by a voter in the capital, a division bench comprising Justice Syed M Dastagir Husain and Justice Mamnoon Rahman ordered the Election Commission to update the electoral roll in compliance with the SC edicts, relevant election rules and the Constitution.

    A week after the postponement of the January 22 parliamentary elections, amid a grave political crisis that prompted the existing state of emergency, Kazi Mamunur Rashid, a voter in the capital, moved the High Court challenging the validity of the “controversial” electoral roll published by the EC. He sought a remedy.

    Issuing the rule upon the Election Commission, the court had slapped a three-month injunction on all electoral activities of the Election Commission, as the nation was caught in deep dilemmas over the stalled general election.

    © Copyright 2003 by ittefaq.com

  45. let’s face it. the chinese in msia is a very kiasu and kiasi race. they can be easily bought over with empty promises of developement! and all the bn gomen need to do is to utter the magic word “May 13” and the chinese will be voting the bn obediently…

  46. worst come to worst…DAP may lose out in this machap election.it doesnt really matter cause BN has a very strong machinery backing behind their back.its very hard to fight a battle with an opponent who has all the advantages over u.especially when they can come up with instant surprisingly generous “gifts”to offer.secondly…phantom voters are highly anticipated.thirdly…u get to see “big shots” that u are not able to see at all in ur constitution only come election time.ahhh…wif their smiles and gleaming teeth pretending that they ever care.even tho if DAP loses out…i knw our YB wont give up fighting for the true cause of true malaysians.our hearts will always be wif u.

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