BN retains two-thirds majority but Sarawak’s fixed deposit shattered

By Jahabar Sadiq
The Malaysian Insider
Apr 16, 2011

KUCHING, April 16 — The Barisan Nasional (BN) has managed to keep its two-thirds legislative majority in Sarawak but today’s results have shattered the coalition’s invincibility and the notion of a fixed deposit in future elections.

The DAP doubled its presence to 12 and PKR tripled its representation although the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) lynchpin had contested in 49 seats. PAS lost in all five seats it contested while Independent George Lagong took one seat.

The number of state seats to the Opposition pact will spell danger for BN as it could help them win more parliamentary seats when the general election is called by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak. PR now has 75 MPs but the Sarawak win could translate into more in the future.

At 10.55pm, BN was declared the winner for 55, or 75 per cent, of the 71 seats in the Sarawak legislature. In the 2006 elections, it won 62 out of the 71 seats. Initial estimates showed that BN’s popular vote went down from 62.93 per cent in 2006 to 55.24 per cent in today’s polling.

The biggest upset was SUPP president and Deputy Chief Minister Tan Sri George Chan Hong Nam losing the Piasau state seat to DAP’s Ling Sie Kiong.

The six-term incumbent’s defeat could spell the end of the SUPP, which won only six of the 19 seats it contested.

BN had expected to lose up to 20 seats in this state election as the Opposition had centred its campaign on long-serving Sarawak Chief Minister Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, whose reluctance to step down has even apparently infuriated national BN leaders.

Najib had pledged that this would be Taib’s last election and he would leave soon after but the veteran leader has said openly in front of the BN chairman that he will stick around for a few more years.

He made good that promise by quickly taking his oath of office as chief minister for the seventh time at 10.30pm which was broadcast live through national and satellite television.

Critics believe Taib’s continued presence could help move more support to PR, which won its seats despite limited money, logistics and media presence.

Najib himself had to spend six days canvassing for votes across Malaysia’s largest state and state BN officials estimate that the coalition has spent nearly RM500 million to secure today’s victory.

Opposition leaders had concurred before today’s polling, saying BN officials had openly offered cash for support.

Sources within the Election Commission (EC) said BN won most of the seats as more from the older generation turned up to cast their ballots early compared to the younger generation who are known to support the Opposition.

“The trend was always for BN from early on in the day,” a source told The Malaysian Insider.

He pointed out that Taib’s PBB won all 35 seats that were contested reflecting the leader’s popularity among the Melanau community.

Today’s results will come as a relief to the ruling coalition which scrambled at the tail-end of the campaign to counter the massive crowds that thronged Opposition rallies in major towns.

But PR leaders were upbeat that they scored well in the state election.

“The future is bright for Pakatan in Sarawak. I don’t think BN leadership will dare to call for GE in next few months,” DAP national chairman Karpal Singh told reporters here.

However, PKR leaders were not around or too despondent to comment on the results.

48 Replies to “BN retains two-thirds majority but Sarawak’s fixed deposit shattered”

  1. election in sarawak is over…
    and it is time for dap to have a look on malaysian indians plight in peninsular at this moment. their mind is poison by outsiders to create problems in “pr”, and it is spreading.


  2. Its true that BN fixed deposit is shattered but PR is equally caught in a bind. The ‘wave’, while it will gather momentum, alone will not be enough.

    PR still need more ammunition to get to GE 13. BUT if Karpal is right, Najib will postphone GE which was clearly on his mind tonight, then time is on PR side. The truth is Najib should go for GE ASAP because the next two years does not get better for him with tendency for inflationary growth and falling foreign investors and capital/talent flight. He can’t keep spending and he knows it.

  3. Kit,

    Well done!

    Thanks to every of your team members (candidate, driver, cleaner etc) for sacrificing their time and energy to make this achievement (capturing 12 of the 15 seats) possible.

  4. The issue now is “what now”. The reality is racism and bigotry work (I am not talking about DAP being racist). The reality is keeping people ignorant and dependent works. The reality is controlling the media, money politics and bullying the people work. PBB still has the perfect score! The Chinese are willing to take the risk to change not because they are anti BN but because they are more aware of what is going on in the country. Now they may have to pay the price for it. The rest of the people are ignorant, dependent and indoctrinated. I maintain that the notion of good governance is very far from the mind of these people. I believe they may not even know their present state could be better. These are the realities.

    As for DAP, don’t be too smug or happy. Unless the rest of the population move along with party, your victory would not mean very much. It is important to factor in Malay/Bumiputra leadership in this struggle.

    As for the present CM, he is not as invincible and powerful as most would think. His continuous presence now or in the past is due to the tacit approval of UMNO and the federal government. So long as vested interests and parochial policies are adhered to, the present CM would be allowed to continue despite the gross abuse of power and mismanagement. Ask the federal government how many chief ministers or Menteri Besar it has removed in the past. Don’t just blame the CM- he is the creation of UMNO and the federal government.

  5. Good work DAP. PKR and PAS from now on should put on their thinking hats and strategise how to wrestle PBB controlled areas.

    But sad to say the Ibans, dayaks are still thinking with their butts instead of their heads. even with msm controlling all news, can’t they see after 30-40 years in their own surrounding whether it is getting any better?

    So you see PKR, next time promised them short term goodies, bcos they can’t understand long term benefits. They are like frogs simmering in a slowly boiling water. Don’t talk to them about petroleum. They don’t understand. Just give them biscuits and milos.

  6. The just concluded Sarawak election points to one important fact – Malaysians want a two-party system. The days of independent candidates and smaller parties such as KITA and PSM (Socialist Party of Malaysia) are numbered. Unless these independent candidates and smaller parties join the bigger coalitions, otherwise their future is doomed!

    PR stands a good chance to do well in Sarawak come GE 13th if Taib is still in office then!

  7. Congratulations to the DAP for its amazing performance.This is only the begining of the march to Putrajaya with our coalition partners in Pakatan Rakyat.To Keadilan and Pas do not be let down by the results of this Sarawak election But wth Determination and Sincerity to serve the Rakyat it will Surely bear fruit with God’s guidance.Nothing is Impossible to achieve if Pakatan Rakyat’s mission is to place the People’s Interest above everything.

  8. ///…The biggest upset was SUPP president…could spell the end of the SUPP///

    It my well be because SUPP was stupid enough to ask MCA and Gerakan leaders to help in campaigning or Chinese votes in Sarawak…What a mother of all jokes ! This is what we call (in Chinese) trying to borrow a comb from a bald monk! The MCA/Gerakan leaders are already abandoned by majority of their Semenanjung constituency – so what political capital can they bring to Sarawak’s table? It’s like trying to borrow from a bankrupt!

    Chinese political leaders are despised by their constituency for forever kowtowing to others for crumbs of patronage in a make belief world of sharing power. It is a constituency which is by and large have better access to education and economically better off (on comparative basis) and will not sell votes for distributions of money biscuits milo or Tupper wares. There is also a pride from perhaps thinking in civilisational terms (5000 years) that make servile ‘kow towing’ a little more difficult to stomach, not to mention the thinking that once the Ruler has lost the heavenly mandate, he is not fit to rule.

    SUPP’s disaster is salutary reminder to MCA & Gerkan of what awaits them in the coming GE!

  9. All Malaysians should feel a SHAME

    Malaysians knew there were website attacked, people barred entry, cabinet

    Malaysians knew there were VOTE buying and cheating corruption

    Malaysians can’t do a thing to practice laws to them

    Even the EC was closed one eye as a EC of Injustice

    All Malaysians should feel a SHAME in principle of democratic and JUSTICE

    Malaysians have to call those dishonour people the honorable and praise them vvip

    Malaysians should feel a SHAME as a human being

  10. Yes, one more issue, as i have written elsewhere. The majorities obtained by DAP in many constituencies are more than the total number of voters in other constituencies. So what victory? I think votes in urban constituencies are not even worth 1/3 of those in the rural areas. But who created the GDP and pay all the taxes in the country? So why keep talking about the moronic fairness btw rural and urban constituencies?

  11. Opposition cannot make significant inroads into Sarawak unless it understands and manages realities on strength & weakness of Taib. Taib’s strength is built on a slight twist to Semenanjung/UMNO’s proxy politics – controlling Sabah & Sarawak through local East Malaysian Muslim elites. Taib’s strength is in a core 19 Malay and seven Melanau seats. The key to Opposition’s inroad is how to separate Dayaks’ loyalty from Melanaus elites. Melanau is only 11-12% of pop as compared to over 40% different tribes of Dayaks in interior and over 30% Chinese distributed over urban/semi urban areas. But Melanaus could control (since Tun Rahman’s time) because of vast wealth & KL’s patronage. In spite of political weakness/marginalization of Dayaks, they may still support PBB because Taib could be independent enough to keep UMNO from coming big way into Sarawak like it did in Sabah by importing Muslim immigrants to the extent that they outnumber locals. Neither do they have trust or Anwar for earlier facilitating cross overs in Sabah whilst he was in UMNO. If Taib were not supported, then Sarawak might just go the Sabah’s way to secure KL’s proxy control. That’s why they fear dumping Taib no matter how long his tenure & whatever allegations of mis-governance. Long tenure or misgovernance are not compelling factors enough to just jettison Pek Moh. (Only the Chinese constituency feel more of it but its questionable whether this extends to the rest esp Dayaks since Melanaus will always support PBB).

  12. That Sarawak is (in contrast to Sabah) is more independent of Federal Control is not just evinced by Taib contradicting Semenanjung’s exhortation to retire. Take for eg main resource, Power & Energy industry. Federal controls tightly Semenanjung & Sabah energy. Peninsular Tenaga Bhd & SESB (Sabah Electricity Sdn. Bhd) are subject to our Electricity Supply Act, Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga) under Ministry of Energy MultiMedia etc but Sarawak alone has its own plethora of independent electricity legislations. Sarawak Power Supplier (Sarawak Energy Berhad) are accountable to Taib’s State administration and its own state ministry on power (not Federal)!

  13. ///“BN and DAP are now fighting for the race seats…its shows that his 1 Malaysia concept has failed. The dismal support among the Chinese needs to be taken note of before he (Najib) calls for polls,” said Agus./// – The Malaysian Insider

    Yes, Najib’s 1Malaysia concept has failed miserably.

  14. #13 by Jeffrey
    //Melanau is only 11-12% of pop as compared to over 40% different tribes of Dayaks in interior and over 30% Chinese //

    Time for Project IC 2 by bringing into sarawak 5 million Indons and Filipinos to increase the Melanau’s proportion to 70%

  15. Dayaks in Sarawak. What do they really, really, really want ? Or never mind. Just leave it to the Tuai Rumai lah. And Dayaks are divided into the Ibans and Bidayuhs. They are different. Different. Bidayuhs are mostly in the first division which is near Kuching, the state’s capital. Ibans are elsewhere all over Sarawak. Near to Miri are the Orang Ulu which is not one definite race. Orang aslis in West Malaysia have not learned yet to mix with the outside world. When the orang aslis see us coming, they run away because they cannot trust. In Sarawak, most natives mix freely except for some like the Punans and the Penans. Strategied Ibans are pampered. They are given land and materials and much more, positions in the government. They are different from the Ibans who receive little or nothing. Dayaks who were once a warring race are reduced to kittens. You cannot satisfied all but if you can satisfied the strategied figure, you will have everyone else satisfied and support you. Chinese ancestors who came to Malaya and Borneo endured hardship and they know that they have to fight all the time. Near to Sarawak is Sabah and Kalimantan and not forgetting the former ruler from the Brunei kingdom. In Kalimantan, there are Dayaks but of a different variation. Though Kalimantan is Indonesia, if you merge all together, it is still the one race called Dayaks. Many Dayaks are Christians by name or born again. Quite a number too are pagans. Some are Muslims. Some of other traditional beliefs. George Chan is out. But Alfred Jabu is still there.

  16. Hell with you Najib!
    Hell with you all UmnoBN!
    Keep on boasting and celebrating.
    You really think you’ve won?
    Yeah, you’ve won by playing dirty and being a coward.
    You’ve to “win” by bringing nearly all your cabinet to the “battle ground”.
    You have “won” by having every government machineries to assist you.
    You’ve to “win” by using underhand tactics and lots of money to buy, bribe and give as well.
    You’ve to win by using polling agents and supporters to cheat your way thru.
    You not only denied entry to certain individuals and organisation, ‘cos you’re real scared to lose, but you also stop oppositions from approaching longhouses as well.
    You pay lots of money to jammed radio waves and “attack” opposition friendly media sites and many, many more!
    As for the oppositions, they need not have to do all those except to use their only mouth to “blast” you in ceremahs and what they voiced out are mostly true.
    People are giving and donating out lots of money to them while you buggers “steal” from tax payers and using it to bribe all those greedy voters instead.
    Only “devils” will praise and celebrate along with you!
    In reality, you’re all a real loser!!!

  17. Heck with you Najib!
    Heck with you all UmnoBN!
    Keep on boasting and celebrating.
    You really think you’ve won?
    Yeah, you’ve won by playing dirty and being a coward.
    You’ve to “win” by bringing nearly all your cabinet to the “battle ground”.
    You have “won” by having every government machineries to assist you.
    You’ve to “win” by using underhand tactics and lots of money to buy, bribe and give as well.
    You’ve to win by using polling agents and supporters to cheat your way thru.
    You not only denied entry to certain individuals and organisation, ‘cos you’re real scared to lose, but you also stop oppositions from approaching longhouses as well.
    You pay lots of money to jammed radio waves and “attack” opposition friendly media sites and many, many more!
    As for the oppositions, they need not have to do all those except to use their only mouth to “blast” you in ceremahs and what they voiced out are mostly true.
    People are giving and donating out lots of money to them while you buggers “steal” from tax payers and using it to bribe all those greedy voters instead.
    Only devils will praise and celebrate along with you!
    In reality, you’re all a real loser!!!


    The total number of won seats is more than a 2/3 majority (55/71=77.46%), but the number of votes BN has won is marginal. I made a count and it was 108151 votes majorty out of 979796 qualified voters. That means, BN won PR by 11.04%. Approximately 10% majority is nothing BN should be proud of. Nearly half of the qualified voters do not support BN.

  19. Those so called political analysts or “expert” which are invited by TV stations to give opinions and views about BN’s “success” are all talking “kok” indeed.
    Many tend to says that BN’s “success” are mostly due to people still supporting the BN’s government because of their good efforts and their care for them.
    My foot!!!
    BN’s “winning” are mostly due to fraud tactics and big money payout!
    That’s it!

  20. By now we have confirmation on the result of the Sarawak state election. Of all the Pakatan parties, DAP has done extremely well, PKR is still lost in the woods, and PAS is decimated.

    I would advise DAP not to be cocky and to crow too much but to be humble and start reaching out to the other constituencies. PKR should not turn into sour grapes, and PAS to admit the reality that not everybody wants their version of utopia. Pakatan should start preparing for the 13th general election and make sure they rule well in their states and that no representatives are still sleeping cozily thinking that people still love them.

    Anwar Ibrahim of PKR should not embark on any stupid adventure to lure any BN MPs to the Opposition. He should now get down to the nitty-gritty of strengthening his party and really serve the people. Stop going overseas on ego trips but go meet and talk to the people every day, in the markets, in the kampungs, in the suraus, in the churches, in the temples, in supermarkets and wherever there are potential voters. Be the leader of the people just like Nelson Mandela or Gandhi. Be humble and not be sneaky in wanting to be the PM in an unconstitutional way. Reject all UMNO modus operandi of seeking power, for this has been the reason why PKR has got so rotten in such a short time.

    Pakatan has still a long way to go before people can trust them to take the mantle of responsibility and power.

    Please do not hound Taib Mahmud out of office. Let the people themselves realize their actions. I really like Taib’s strategy to stay longer and bleed the people of Sarawak for good. They deserve their final karma of being suckered into perpetual poverty and hopelessness.

    Good luck.

  21. Najib may have to bring Taib to be the deputy prime minister since he has delivered so many MPs for BN. Without Taib’s effort, Najip would have been in great trouble. Don’t ask him to retire.

  22. Dat was d dirtiest state election, full of frauds n cheats by PM n little Napoleons
    Unfortunately there r still SUPP survivors, got 2 kick them out n bury them next time
    SUPP ADUN can’t do much 4 S’wakians, they just pick crumbs 2 enrich themselves

  23. “The future is bright for Pakatan in Sarawak. I don’t think BN leadership will dare to call for GE in next few months,” DAP national chairman Karpal Singh told reporters here.

    Karpal, I agree with you. But not for the same reasons. BN will use this period before the next GE to gerrymander the constituencies they have not done well. Be it re-delineation, postal votes, phantom voters etc, you can bet your life they will do everything possible to improve their chances of winning before the next GE. They will throw everything at you including the kitchen sink now that they have been alerted to what can happen to their “fixed deposit”.

    PR on the other hand, should not be smug and take anything for granted. They should start strategising on what needs to be done when (not if) BN were to start their dirty tricks. In addition, they should start working the ground NOW in those rural areas to turn them around before the next GE to see the corrupt BN for what they are.

    The strong Chinese support for the Opposition in Sarawak coming on the heels of similar support in the Peninsula will trigger an increase of anti Chinese rhetoric and warnings from the likes of Perkasa. This is good. It will help fuel more anti BN sentiments. But this in turn will drive more overt Malay support for UMNO/BN. PR must be ready to confront this and have the right strategies and tactics to defuse this and allay Malay fears.

    In Sarawak, the Opposition has only won the battle. The war of the GE is yet to be fought.

  24. If Taib and Najib are really thinking seriously for the people, bring in PR members to form the joint cabinet. Of course, PR may not agree…. Don’t place hope on SUBP, because it will not recover and regain the trust of the people.

  25. //They will throw everything at you including the kitchen sink now that they have been alerted to what can happen to their “fixed deposit”.’//

    Not only the kitchen sink, but also the toilet bowl and the toilet plunger ( the one used by saifool on himself before making the police report )

  26. Anyone can talk. Malaysia is a democratic country and you have a right to your own opinion. So if a person is easily bought by money, what does that speak to you ? If RM 50 can do the trick, what does it mean ? Or RM 1000000 ? In this earthly world we live in with today’s system, we cannot do without this value called money. Money by itself is innocent. The ROOT of money is evil. All the biggest cities in the world from Tokyo to New York to London to Paris live on money because without that kind of money, you cannot survive in these cities. Even in Kuala Lumpur, RM 1000 is just peanuts.

  27. Don’t INSULT human being bought by RM50-300 for VOTE like an animal or dog feed by the RM50-300 in 4-5 years a time.

    Put human being ashame.

    Oh come here…do you want daddy feed RM50


  28. Don’t INSULT human being bought by RM50-300 for VOTE like an animal or dog feed by the RM50-300 in 4-5 years a time.

    Put human being ashame.

    Oh come here…do you want daddy feed you RM50…


  29. Don’t INSULT human being bought by RM50-300 for VOTE like an animal or dog feed by the RM50-300 in 4-5 years a time.

    Put human being ashame.

    Oh come here…do you want daddy feed RM50


    Good Dog

  30. i disagree completely Sarawak is more independent and more powerful to decide on their own. It is about the congruence of vested interests and parochial policies that both the federal and the state governments subscribed to. What more independent and power? This wise guy should perhaps ask Stephen Kalong Ningkan and the first state government of Joseph Pairin Ketinggan of Sabah.

  31. After analysing and observing the voting trend in the Sarawak states election, I do believed that the chances of PR getting into Putrajaya is none.
    Whatever homework PR is going to do or whatever hardwork done are not going to achieve anything big except to win just a few seats.
    We’re just comforting ourself or even lying if we’re to blame PR for not committing hard enough to win the people’s heart.
    We knew very well that PR’s failures are mostly due to underhand and votes buying tactics but none can be done to eradicate such illegal activities until now.
    We can’t just compare PR’s success in the 2008 GE, thinking the same would repeat itself one day because UmnoBN are not going to sit and wait for it to happen anymore.
    Just because of their previous losses and lesson learnt, they’re not giving any more slip or letting any chance for PR to win.
    They’ve all the money and power to do that and they’ll use every tricks and resources, be it black or white, to “bulldoze” their way thru.
    That’s why they could still win eventhough they’re arrogant and wild, even in the last minute of elections.
    They set every rules and they can break any rules because they’ve the most voices in parliament.
    Even a “tiger roar” like Karpal’s will be taken as a kitty’s meow in the parliament.
    So how to beat them and who’s to blame?
    As long as UmnoBN can give out, more and more are willing to betray, not only the party, the people but even the country.
    Even certain royals tend to do that so why blame it on the poor who’re willing to sell their votes for even a twenty.
    Bribery and votes buying are the main concern of all and are done openly in these days and if nothing is ever done to stop all these, don’t even think or hope to kick those evil out.
    And who’s gonna put a stop to all these???
    The people can’t stop these because of greediness and the opposition can’t stop them because the law enforcers are under their “spell” so what else?
    Forget about god’s help because these buggers are even using god’s name to praised their victory.
    So to PR fellas, you need to find your way to stop all these even to the extend of begging UN’s help.
    Otherwise, don’t even try mentioning about taking over the government and let me forewarned you that since the prophecy of RAHMAN has ended, I could easily predict that the next word will be, MAHATHIR!
    And Deputy Moo will be the next in throne and if that “cow” is going to be the next PM, Habis lah anak anak kita!
    I will also warn you that unlike Penang, Selangor will truly be back in BN’s hand in the 13th GE if nothing is done fast because Umno have tested and quite confident that their money buying tactics works well in Sarawak.

  32. There is something very wrong in bolehland.

    Customs director-general, Khalid Yusuf has just announced quite proudly that losses in revenue due to the fault of his customs dept were actually about RM2.2billion.

    RM2.2billion is a helluvalotta money. But govt ministers did not issue a single reprimand. Had Khalid Yusuf been Customs director-general in China, he would be trying to fill up a bullet hole fired through the back of his head by now.

  33. Dr George Chan, the SUPP chief who lost in Sibu said that it was the national issue that defeated him. He is absolutely right. Unlike CSL of MCA and KSK of Gerakan, George Chan knows the problems. Does that mean that CSL and KSK do not know the problems? They are both doctors, of different disciplines, and they cannot be stupid. But they choose to show that they are stupid. Hence knowledge is less valuable than good character, and the two lacks it.

    Pek Moh obtained more votes than previously despite the revelation that he was the richest man in Borneo. The natives fear UMNO more than corruption in Sarawak. They are willing to put up with corruption rather than the racist ketuanan melayu policy of UMNO. It is hoped that they did it like voters in Penang who chose, before the 308 election, to vote BN for state seats and opposition for parliament. So Najib cannot take the support for Pek Moh as supporting BN. Looks like Pek Moh is staying on for two years of 30 months each, before standing for the eight time, if he did not die earlier.

    Is Dr. George Chan accepting the appointment as senator for dropouts?

  34. Hope everyone don’t insult the boleh here as bolehland

    Correctly, Here is DEVILSLand when the devils rule as the leaders rule the land

    If the opposition want to WIN the war


    Carry the name of GOD with the DEVILS

    This is the only CHOICE

  35. k1980 :
    There is something very wrong in bolehland.
    Customs director-general, Khalid Yusuf has just announced quite proudly that losses in revenue due to the fault of his customs dept were actually about RM2.2billion.
    RM2.2billion is a helluvalotta money. But govt ministers did not issue a single reprimand. Had Khalid Yusuf been Customs director-general in China, he would be trying to fill up a bullet hole fired through the back of his head by now.

    Let us give him the applause for not denying that there were corruption at all in the Customs department. 2.2 is definitely smaller than 108. He should now reduce the 2.2 to enar zero.

  36. ///He pointed out that Taib’s PBB won all 35 seats that were contested reflecting the leader’s popularity among the Melanau community.///

    Melanau forms less than 5% of the population in Sarawak. It could be true now that others now call themselves Melanau because of Taib Mahmud just like Mamakthir calls himself Malay because he could be member of UMNO. Racial politics in Sarawak is not as rampant as in Peninsular. It may be that the election allows voters to have a small windfall once in five years. It costs Taib Mahmud less than RM 1 billion to pay 10,000 each to 100,000 voters in the 35 state constituencies, and Taib is still making clean profit. The challenge is to channel the money, not the money itself.

  37. Taib Mahmud may have to step down if BN won the election again at 13 GE. However if BN loses the 13 GE which would be held within the next 12 months, Najib will no longer be PM to honour the promise, and Taib Mahmud certainly will not step down because Najib would not be there to pressure him into it. It is then in Taib Mahmud’s interest to lose the parliamentary election in Sarawak in 13 GE so that he can continue as CM of Sarawak until his Allah recall him.

  38. Politics in Malaysia is entering an interesting time.

    Taib Mahmud may have to step down if BN won the election again at 13 GE. However if BN loses the 13 GE which would be held within the next 12 months, Najib will no longer be PM to honour the promise, and Taib Mahmud certainly will not step down because Najib would not be there to pressure him into it. It is then in Taib Mahmud’s interest to lose the parliamentary election in Sarawak in 13 GE so that he can continue as CM of Sarawak until his Allah recall him.

  39. Politics in Malaysia is entering an interesting time.

    Taib Mahmud may have to step down if BN won the election again at 13 GE. However if BN loses the 13 GE which would be held within the next 12 months, Najib will no longer be PM to honour the promise, and Taib Mahmud certainly will not step down because Najib would not be there to pressure him into it. It is then in Taib Mahmud’s interest to lose the parliamentary election in Sarawak in 13 GE so that he can continue as CM of Sarawak until his Axxxx, the offending words for moderation, recall him.

  40. For all its faults and weaknesses, PKR seems to be the only genuine multi-ethnic party in Malaysia. Will PR be stronger if PKR and DAP merge? The new party should be led by young leaders such as Khalid, LGE, Azmin Ali, Nurul, Tony Pua, Nik Nadzmi, Tian Chua, Sivarasiah, Surendran, Teresa, etc. Anwar, LKS, Wan Azizah, Karpal, etc. can perhaps serve as advisers.

  41. Congrats, Uncle Lim!
    For a job well done!
    I think that it’s time to collate all the info among the PR parties regarding the shenaningans of
    the government parties.
    Once that is done, perhaps have all the PR MPs post them on their websites so that all Malaysians
    can view what’s actually going on during the Sarawak election.
    If there is video evidence, so much the better.
    Perhaps this material can be used during future elections.

  42. Maybe most Malaysian who support BN can only wake up after the counrty went to the drain, sad! sad! sad!
    Globalized world? but Malaysian still divided after 54 years Merdeka, How to develop or compete effectively??

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