Deny BN 2/3 majority in Sarawak polls to send powerful message to all Sarawakians and Malaysians – “Tomorrow can be better!”

Sarawak general elections eve of Polling Day message

Tomorrow is the polling day for the 10th Sarawak state general elections – the most important Sarawak general elections in 48 years since 1963.

It is also the first time that a state general elections will have a powerful, immediate and direct impact on national politics and policies – thanks to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak who “closed down” Putrajaya for six days and directed the entire Cabinet to campaign in Sarawak!

As a result, Najib has added a new dimension to the April 16 polls – giving Sarawakians the unprecedented opportunity to pass verdict not only on the performance and record of the Chief Minister and Sarawak Barisan Nasional but also on the Prime Minister and the Barisan Nasional Malaysia-wide.l

Sarawak voters tomorrow have a double-barrelled challenge – at minimum to deny the Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in the Sarawak State Assembly majority to send two clear and unmistakable messages, viz:

• firstly to Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud that he should step down as Chief Minister not “in a few years time” but by tomorrow itself; and

• secondly to Najib that his signature policies of 1Malaysia, Government Transformation Programme and New Economic Model have failed to pass the test as they are just empty slogans bereft of real substance of reforms.

Najib’s 1Malaysia has been reduced into a “1 T-Shirt, 1 Tupperware, 1 burger” circus, after Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin had declared that he is Malay first, Malaysian second!

Today, Taib gave Najib’s 1Malaysia one final cynical blow, abusing his powers of state immigration autonomy by denying one Indian, one Malay and one Chinese (Ambiga Sreenivasan, Haris Ibrahim and Wong Chin Huat) their fundamental right to enter Sarawak to “pursue legitimate political activity” to monitor the Sarawak elections tomorrow to ensure it is clean, free and fair!

Yesterday, the Prime Minister made a “passionate appeal to Sarawakians not to ‘ditch’ Barisan Nasional just because they are angry with weaknesses in the state and federal governments’ machinery or with Barisan parties or leaders”. (Star 15.4.11)

Clearly, the Prime Minister has admitted that the Barisan Nasional government and leaders, whether at state or federal levels, have gravely and greatly failed Sarawakians with their arrogance, unaccountability, misrule, abuses of power and corrupt practices.

All the more that the voters of Sarawak should at minimum tomorrow deny the Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority in the Sarawak state assembly to send out the powerful message to all Sarawakians and Malaysians – “Tomorrow Can Be Better!”

17 Replies to “Deny BN 2/3 majority in Sarawak polls to send powerful message to all Sarawakians and Malaysians – “Tomorrow can be better!””

  1. The moments have come

    For those Justice, Righteous people out there in Sarawak

    We must believe Malaysia should be a land of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUS, FREEDOM OF RELIGIONS

    For the first time the moment of glory CHANGE / UBAH have waited over 30 years, have come to the shore of SARAWAK, people of SARAWAK have a chance to make into MALAYSIA History to turn the VOTE into JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, to stop the Injustice in our land from the corrupted politicians, continue to rob our native lands, continue to steal our tax money, continue to cheat us into believing their empty promises LIES

    We must stretch across all the corners from far to near, from sea to mountains VOICE OF JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, your family, your friends, your brothers and sisters, from young to old

    To send a message across all the corners we are already to UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE


    It is the dream of all righteous Malaysians for so long over 50 years who have been cheated by so many corrupted politician liars

    On 16 April, we can achieve to put our hands on the MALAYSIA HISTORY and make a brighter future for all MALAYSIANS

    They have waited LONG TIME, on the 16 April because of your determined of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, what you did VOTE FOR CHANGE, the moment of CHANGE have come to Malaysia for a brighter future

    We have seen the CHANGE in our industrial states SELANGOR and PENANG, these two states are our most advance industrial states in Malaysia, the people out there are highly educated and high income, they were brave to elected the PAKATAN RAKYAT (opposition) to rendered their leaders courage, justice and selfless government administration

    We should thank to PAKATAN RAKYAT (opposition) leaders their brave, tireless, selfless to campaigned from their hearts, spoken to Sarawak people from urban to rural, for the love of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, for the crying voices of helpless poor natives in loss of their ancestor lands, we should grateful to them

    The Malaysia History of CHANGE would not be happen without the SARAWAK people love of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS

    All Malaysians will never forget, the victory of CHANGE of Malaysia History will belong to SARAWAK people, UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE

    And we Malaysians know you did it not just to win a state election, you did it because you want to bring JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS to all Malaysians

    You did it because you understand Malaysia is urgently need a justice, selfless and fairness government administrators

    There are people in rural lives without water and electricity without job, without income and wonder how they going to feed their children tomorrow and worst their ancestor land have robbed by corrupted politicians

    There are new jobs need to be created, there are new roads need to build, there are new schools need to build

    The job ahead will be long not within a year or a term, but the PAKATAN RAKYAT (opposition) promise to get you there

    They (PAKATAN RAKYAT) will be honest along the road ahead, and listen to you when you disagree.

    They (PAKATAN RAKYAT) will be fairness, justice and selfless to work with you, ask you to build with them the works of the state, roads by roads, bricks by bricks, hands by hands

    The UBAH/VOTE FOR CHANGE is the only chance to offer us to bring a HOPE of JUSTICE, SELFLESS government administrators to Malaysia

    It will NOT happen if we continue vote the corrupted politicians as the government administrators

    It will not happen without you, without your brave, without your courage, without your VOTE FOR CHANGE

    Let call up patriotism love of JUSTICE and RIGHTEOUS among the people near you and friends, from the sea to mountain, not for just to vote ourselves but VOTE for a BRIGHTER FUTURE for each other for a JUSTICE, SELFLESS governors

    Let’s us resist the temptation of the CORRUPTED POLITICIANS empty promises to fall back with their lies that has poisoned us for over 30 years

    Let’s the Malaysia History remember, it was the people of SARAWAK carried UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE as the voice raised against the corrupted politicians, it will be the VOICE called out to free Malaysians from the corrupted politicians

    Make the world believe that Malaysia can UBAH/CHANGE, can be perfect.

    What we UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE can give us HOPE of the BRIGHTER FUTURE for many generations to come in Sarawak and Malaysia.

    Let’s the 10th Sarawak election will be told for many generations to come that the people of SARAWAK cast their ballot in 16 April 2011 they stood up as one voice to make their voices in this election to be heard for one thing UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE

    The voice of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS was silence and dismissed by the corrupted politicians many years. We shall stand up let the voice to speak out and reach for the ballot.

    Yes, we can UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE

    The world saw the people of SARAWAK conquer FEAR and TEMPTATION from corrupted poltician governors for a new bright future of UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE for a JUSTICE, SELFLESS governors PAKATAN RAKYAT(opposition)

    On 16 April, when you are casting you vote, you know you can UBAH VOTE FOR CHANGE for a JUSTICE and RIGTHEOUS a BRIGHTER FUTURE for your children, your family, your friends and all the people in Malaysia,

    On 16 April, will be our chance to answer that call voice of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS,

    It will be our moment to cast our vote to answer our dream of a land for Malaysia JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS, FREEDOM OF RELIGIONS, for a JUSTICE, SELFLESS government administrators.

    To free ourselves from the corrupted politicians, open the doors of JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS for our children, to reclaim our ancestor dream of PEACE, JUSTICE AND RIGHTEOUS for SARAWAK and MALAYSIA.

    Yes. We can UBAH … VOTE FOR CHANGE


    Hope this voice can reach from shore to mountain
    Help / Feel free to spread this voice

  2. ///Yesterday, the Prime Minister made a “passionate appeal to Sarawakians not to ‘ditch’ Barisan Nasional just because they are angry with weaknesses in the state and federal governments’ machinery or with Barisan parties or leaders”. (Star 15.4.11)///

    Voters are entitled to choose better representatives even when the party in power did nothing to make them angry. They ruling party must have done terribly wrong to make voters angry. The way to sooth anger is to kick out those political parties which made people angry.

    Najib knows that Barisan Nasional makes Sarawakians angry. He should have removed those who are the sources of people’s anger. Unfortunately that includes Najib himself who shows that he had no political courage to do the right things.

    Sarawak voters should turn their anger to votes against Barisan Nasional. Malaysians depend on Sarawakians to initiate the change.

  3. Ubah !!
    Do you want Taib Gadaffi Tyranny ruling fist..Lets decide Now.
    Its Unthinkable to let Taib win this Sarawak Election this saturday…Why?? >Taib will turn Sarawak into Umno horror empire forever for their Satanic Umno Party survival with individual Evil selfish religious personnel aspiration , corruption ,Abuse of Political power ,Human rights ,Racial discrimination of minorities,
    Non- Muslim Religions Restriction, andeventually turn Malaysia into Autouritarian country like Sudan,Eygpt,Yemen Iran…very scary to taste this future.

    All Srarwak People>>Lets Vote PR this saturday for Ubah.

  4. We all can see how dirty, ruthless & arrogance BN is thus far.
    All Malaysians must give Pakatan Rakyat the opportunity to clean up the corrupted mess created by BN administration over the last 50 years.
    This is not too much to ask of any reasonable fair minded citizens of Malaysia.


  5. Only 5% of Sabah and Sarawak revenue goes back to the states. This is why they have remained “poor” in the last 50 years while UMNO/BN enjoyed the loot. I hope Sarawakians and Sabahans come to realize this and not fall into the UMNO/BN trap again, especially the Dayaks in rural areas. Vote wisely!

  6. Just go to poll,walk with confident toward the ballot box area,carry up your hand either left right to place yout bet safely by your own doing,meet eye to eye,yours and PR logo,next put a cross next to it.Jom Ubah dengan PR!

  7. A historic moment looms around the corner for right-thinking Sarawakians to show the rest of Malaysia that they have courage and wisdom to cast off the autocrats of the present government. Taib has overstayed and it’s time for him to go just like Mubarak. If Sarawakians can clinch this election for PR it will give further hope and determination for west Malaysians to follow suit when it’s time for them to go to the polls.

    Today and tomorrow have no place for despots and corrupted leaders, religious bigots and political eunachs who are on the takes. So make sure Taib and his cronies are shown the door forever.

  8. Beware of election frauds!!!
    1) Count the head of every voters to ensure that votes won’t multiply itself.
    2) Glue your eye on the ballot boxes from the polling station till it reaches the counting center if possible.
    3) Stick and seal every ballot boxes with your own tamper proof stikers to avoid being switch during transportation, especially on helis.
    4) Keep an eye on every movement during the counting process and do bring along high powered torchlight as in case there’s a sudden power cut.
    5) Be on lookout for suspicious phantom or “imported” voters.
    Will stop posting comments temporarily as from now till the final count is out so best of luck to every PR candidate!
    Will meditate hard to ensure that PR win more over 45 seats.
    Good night and sleep well!

  9. najib should not waste time to talk terms with taib on the step down date. here our sarawak comrades will send him packing for his second much look forward honeymoon with his new bride tomorrow.

    by now those idiots should be busy shredding files and overturning tables and drawers in the government offices to destroy all the corrupt evidence.

    after 416 hope that we will be able to send all the crooks into jail for along long time.

    old news paper collector would be busy tomorrow collecting free paper from the government building.

    the thirst for a clean government has dawn in the land of the hornbill.

    i salute to all our sarawak comrades. u all are the true pangau libau.

    send those ASUS’ to jail once and for all.

  10. Dear MP Lim, if DAP ask old man in politic to step down. When it will happen inside DAP itself….some DAP MP/YB is good but DAP have to clean out the bad one to make sure relevent to Rakyat. As from 15 seats contest, only few seats can be win by DAP YB….actually I am Rakyat supporter…from Sabah still hope better politic culture in Malaysia…Amen

  11. Birds of a feather flock together – NA JIS n TA HI same same busuk clump together
    Sarawakians, plz use 4 VOTES wisely, time 2 flush NA JIS n TA HI down d toilet into d cesspool below, VOTE 4 a brighter future 4 yourselves n your kids n grandkids
    UBAH! VOTE 4 PR CANDIDATES, just do it!

  12. now, the most scary part is…
    “bn umno” have started playing dirty!
    can’t even trust the election commission, nor the police. have a little doubt on this election process. somehow, something will happen!

  13. Uncle Lim, the PR has done a wonderful job campaigning in Sarawak!
    But the relentless effort must go on until the PR has achieved its objectives for the people.
    So, after a good, well deserved rest, the push goes on.
    Until all parts of the country are FREE!
    As the Chinese saying goes, it’s possible to use a small knife to whittle down a big tree!!
    As long as the effort and the determination are there.
    Disseminate info about the present state of the country as far and wide as possible,
    especially in the rural/hinterland areas.
    Let them know what the state/country can become under the PR – especially the plouging back of
    the resources accruing to the country, to the people.
    Train locals to get the message across and keep a keen eye on things.
    The earlier the process is started, the better.
    There’s not a moment to lose.

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