Taib says to only quit in a few years

By Clara Chooi
The Malaysian InsiderApr 11, 2011

Taib is facing tremendous pressure to resign.KUCHING, April 11 — Tan Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud repeated his intention tonight to step down “in a few years’ time” despite the opposition calling for a quicker end to the Sarawak chief minister’s 30-year-rule.

The embattled leader, who has taken on the task of delivering Sarawak for another term to the Barisan Nasional, made the pledge before Datuk Seri Najib Razak in a short speech at a 1 Malaysia concert held at the Padang Merdeka in the capital city here.

“I would like to urge the youths here — your time will come. When I step down later, in a few years, I want to see your generation support those who will assume my power and build Sarawak so it will become truly developed and truly luxurious in the future,” said the pint-sized leader who in recent months has faced tremendous pressure to resign.

Taib’s words come amid repeated calls from opposition leaders that he step down immediately and reports that even those within his ranks are uncomfortable with his lengthy reign.

The countless allegations of corruption and abuse of power that have been levelled against the powerful leader in recent months have also been said to be hampering BN’s struggle to retain power in Sarawak.

At another 1 Malaysia function near here, Najib promised that the matter had already been discussed with Taib and the latter had agreed to leave and make way for a fresh lineup in the state’s leadership.

But the BN chairman kept mum on the date of Taib’s resignation and his likely successor.

Najib said yesterday that there will be a change but did not give a timeline or the name of Taib’s successor.

“Ladies and gentlemen, do not worry. We have made plans so that a change will happen in the Sarawak top leadership, a planned and organised change.

“If we make a shock change, a state of uncertainty will ensue,” Najib had said.

Taib also pledged tonight to maintain close federal and state relations, saying that this would help the government’s aim towards achieving developed nation status by 2020.

He told the crowd of more than 1,000 youths who gathered for the event that the Sarawak government had carried out many initiatives beneficial to them.

“These initiatives reflect our ability to identify the best ways to bring development to Sarawak; to maximise the state’s potential.

“But we are also aware that in the federation we are in today, the understanding between Sarawak and the peninsula, between Sarawak and Sabah, should be maintained,” he said.

Taib also expressed satisfaction at the crowd turnout and pointed out that the spirit of 1 Malaysia had been long enjoyed by the diverse communities in Sarawak.

“We have been in Malaysia for almost 48 years now so we should have political maturity.

“We have long established this muhibah spirit among us where the Malays, the Ibans, Bidayuhs, Orang Ulus live in harmony and mutual respect.

“Like the prime minister has said before, we have been enjoying the spirit of 1 Malaysia,” he said.

Sarawak goes to the polls on Saturday.

35 Replies to “Taib says to only quit in a few years”

  1. he is the king maker. he can pull out all the BN sarawak ybs, and topple najip in return.

    it is not najip who is under control, but it is taib, and thus the bomoh.

    moobarak will not leave the sweat candies for you

  2. Yes in the Kingdom of the blind…Taib is the King.
    He is also the reason why UMNO B is stll in power.
    Cure all blindness and make Sarawakians wake up to realities in life…and put courage into their hearts…this self appointed King of the rouges..will be exposed and thrown out.
    After 12th GE….Sarawakians are waking up…waiting for this day to lead all Malaysians to be free at the 13th GE.
    Sarawak State is the driving force to free all Malaysians.
    They know their great responsibilities
    What a wonderful time and opportunity for Sarawakians.
    Year 2011 will be remembered in history forever.
    And freedom achieved through Sarawakian voters.

  3. Did Taib advise Najip to step down first? Taib will step down in a few years, after he has rearranged all his overseas bank accounts and properties. There are too many accounts, thus it will take a few years to manage. By then, Najip could be gone already.

  4. #5 Lee wee tak, you’re right.
    The PR must use wiles to win over the voters, especially where they are not that well
    informed. In this world, it’s not about how good you are but how well you can put
    such ideas across!
    Big cities and towns, no problems.
    It’s the hinterland – that’s the problem.
    Ways must be found:
    1. to get them to be aware of the misdeeds of the Sarawak/BN government. No lack of issues here!!
    2. Let them know that the wealth of Sarawak has been drained over the decades while they are
    only given paltry gifts and only at election time.
    3. Let them know what the PR can do for them and how soon they can see results.
    Just look at how the poor and poorly armed countries, especially in Asia, can defeat America in the many wars waged in this part of the world.
    It’s all based on cunning, planning and last, but not least, determination!!!

  5. He will quit or expired in a little more years from Viagra overdose. like the British empire, he will see his ill gotten wealth crumbles around him. for every ringgit he stole, 10rm will be taken from him. his generations will suffer and pay.

  6. Taib will only quit in a few years…he has billions, so a few means hundreds==>he will quit in year 2511.

    PKR is confident of winning 15 seats in the Sarawak state assembly. It is possible that DAP can win at least 12 seats. That makes 27 seats, leaving 44 seats not under Pakatan Rakyat. How many seats can SNAP win and will SNAP align itself to Pakatan Rakyat or Barisan Nasional?


  7. This whole line of ‘quiting at the right time’ is just MORE PROOF that Taib should not just go BUT punished. After 3 decades, there is no one that can step into his shoe at any time just shows that what PBB leaders are ALL PATHETIC and unfit to rule. Its clear indication that the next CM MUST NOT BE FROM PBB. The next CM of Sarawak must not be from PBB and should be a Dayak Christian to represent the biggest group of people in Sarawak.

  8. Me resign now???
    Naw! Naw! Naw!
    I just bought mah self a new purdy wife and I did’nt even have time to warm up yet!
    I need more pumping to do so that she can give me more taib juniors.
    And after my taib juniors are out, I need more money to cash into their account!
    Another five more years, pl……….eeze!!!

  9. People don’t get it. Najib is not even according the right respect to Taib, much less have the power to force him out. Taib could topple Najib if he choses to do it and probably thinking Najib won’t outlast him.

    Taib and his uncle started from a small party of a minority group in Sarawak and when on to conquer many groups and sidelined more powerful opponents over 4 decades. The supremo of Malaysia politics is NOT Mahathir BUT Taib. Mahathir would be in jail or dead if Taib was from the Peninsula. If Taib were younger and had time, he would end up as PM of Malaysia with Najib as his lap dog.

    Najib assurance mean nothing. Taib has a good chance of staying if Najib gets kicked out of power by the next GE.

  10. How do one defines “A Few More Years!”….this statement can only come from a dishonest politician
    with the sole intention to deceive the the electorate of Sarawak. Sarawakians drop your pants and show him your b*ckides at his ceremah….showing him without
    any uncertainty, his words of a political whore…worth

    1. My online English teacher explains that few means more than one but not more than the few. Which means the word is subjective and open to arguements. In a scale of 1 to 10, what is few to you ? 5 would be moderate because it is in the half way mark. So can we say 2 to 4 is few ? But is it really a few if you put in as the number of years ? A child can start talking at 2. At 4, he is as active as many normal child will be. Very soon he can start kindergarden. And if a few plus a few plus a few, that would be many. Sikit sikit jadi bukit. Familiar eh ? A hot lady might give the energy boost.

  11. You expect me to retire ? Pssst…I’ll tell you a secret. Now that I’ve remarried, and my wife is less than half my age, I can’t stay at home. She’s gonna kill me as I can’t keep up with her “demands”. Hence I really need to work, and I promise you I’ll work doubly hard to make sure that my new wife is at the same level of wealth as my grown up kids.

  12. The rural folks in Sarawak are simpletons. I give them RM 50, and they give me their vote. Of course I make a million times as much, but they have absolutely no idea what a million times 50 is equivalent to. That’s why I am still Pehin – the head of all headhunters.

  13. Sarawak is the poorest State in Malaysia…..inspite of being the biggest State exporter in timber …earning billions per year.
    Majority Sarawakians are so poor….daily thinking how to work hard to feed the families.
    Thousands of young Sarawakians from poor families are in West Malaysia working.
    In the 12th GE Sarawak voters were unaware of the good opportunity to vote BN out.
    They felt it was their fate to depend on the rich corrupted lot.
    News spread in wild fires…but always too slow….too late.
    The Holy Bible fiasco opened eyes and ears for all Sarawakians..regardless what religion each belongs to.
    Suddenly all Sarawakians know minorities dare to fight the Govt. and won.
    Suddenly all poor are looking up at DAP mighty Hornbills flying high and mighty .. over all urban areas and Anwar is always there to be with the poor and needy…to give them courage to vote against tyrants and little dictators.
    Suddenly Najib’s security blanket no more making him sleep soundly.
    He now blame his security blanket..Taib Mahmud stayed too long. 12th GE he acknowleged Taib Mahmud …his security blanket…his fixed deposit to govern.
    Latest sex show…insulting Christianity do not work. His race and religion dirty politics is finished. He now depends on bribing and giving good news to Sarawakians hook up votes.
    Sarawakians have learn to smile at good news and take money given to them…with open arms…but are dead set to vote against BN.
    Feeling the Sibu Miracle is spreading to all Sarawak…Najib ordering all Ministers to stop working and come over to Sarawak to help win votes.
    It will be nice to wait for the few clowns like Law Minister…Home Minister…Soi Lek…Tsu Khoon come over and speak…to try fooling Sarawakians.

  14. Mahathir no face to come over to Sarawak.
    He is very jealous over White Hair ..ruling longer than him.
    Then White Hair does not treat him important to Sarawak…so he goes.he must carry White Hair ..BAAAALLLS!!
    Najib thinks he can control White Hair….alsi failed.
    This White Hair 74 year old Bomoh just got married to a sexy young 27 year old beauty.
    He got money…titles…govern lomger than anyone…a young wife and claim all Sarawakians love him.
    Why then does Najib need to go over and ask all his Ministers to go too and campaign for votes?
    It makes no sense…when White Hair Bomoh is so confident.

  15. I agree with Winston (#6)
    The problem lies in the rural region
    Precious time is running out
    PR has to win, no doubt

    Educate more of the rural voters
    To strengthen the People’s Power
    Or Taib will have the last laugh
    Enough is enough

  16. Wonder if PR has got trustworthy observers to monitor during polling day and at the crucial counting stations ??? Pek moh/jib will never let things go without some dirty tactics and horrible incidents. Must get many muscled men and women to be there. If these are not monitored well, there goes poor Ubah, vanished in the air ….. :(

  17. LOL!!! Taib just gave Najib the middle finger and a tight slap across the face! – a 2nd I understand? The first when he called for pc at Kuching airport as soon as Najib’s and Muhyiddin’s plane took off, then he announced he’d stay another term and dissolution of Sarawak State Assembly.

    Don’t play play with he minced no words that he needs no intrusion from Najib and will go at his own convenience, not at the command of umno thugs but by the Sarawak people to vote him out. He knows there’ll be trouble if he goes and double if he doesn’t.

    One Sarawakian blogger sent me this, sharing…


  18. oops, sorry I resend…

    LOL!!! Taib just gave Najib the middle finger and a tight slap across the face! – a 2nd I understand? The first when he called for pc at Kuching airport as soon as Najib’s and Muhyiddin’s plane took off, then he announced he’d stay another term and dissolution of Sarawak State Assembly.

    Don’t play play with him, he minced no words that he needs no intrusion from Najib and will go at his own convenience, not at the command of umno thugs but by the Sarawak people to vote him out. He knows there’ll be trouble if he goes and double if he doesn’t.

    One Sarawakian blogger sent me this, sharing…


  19. ‘In a few years’ means ‘for life’. That’s when he plans to quit.

    But maybe 16th April might be a good day.

    Hope your brothers in the rural areas wake up? No point your big, big ceramahs when you lose in the interior.

    Latest optimistic estimates 29 PR 42 BN. Pessimistic 17 PR 54 BN.

    The multi-cornered seats are looking not so good, I am told. They are splitting the loyalties.

  20. I hope all Sarawakians will use the same vigour and speed to go out there on Voting Day to vote for the opposition as they did to grab those Tupperwares. YESSS grab what is offered to you but in the end don’t forget to grab DAP on the crutial day!

  21. ///“I would like to urge the youths here — your time will come. When I step down later, in a few years, I want to see your generation support those who will assume my power and build Sarawak so it will become truly developed and truly luxurious in the future,” said the pint-sized leader who in recent months has faced tremendous pressure to resign.///

    So it is not a matter of serving the people, it is the chance of enjoying the power. Taib is asking for longer time not to finish unfinished work, for all the money stolen from the state are in his keeping. So he is staying on until the young become old enough to take over his place in a few years. The years in plural and if he lives, people can keep counting. But if he dies, soon, he is not keeping to his promise; his Maker calls him home.

    Najib promises that Taib would go. Even on the same stage, Taib said it would be in a few years. So Najib is as good as not saying anything.

    If Taib gets elected with a majority, he will stay as Chief Minister of Sarawak. The Governor of Sarawak would not be able to get Taib to resign, even if Najib directs, if Taib has the majority and since he has the means to make all his state assemblymen to support him. Yes Najib can get MACC to charge him at that time, but he could do it now too. Why Najib could not do so? Instead of waiting for Taib to resign after he returns as Chief Minister, just vote him out in his constituency and he is gone.

  22. In the midst of Sarawakian’s recent support falling to PR’s campaign,Pek Lanc..u Mo is probably,publicly hypothesized by general views that he no longer can make stand the(his) thing to sleep with his irresistible,hari hari mau,in the peak heat,harimau.

  23. Taib also pledged tonight to maintain close federal and state relations, saying that this would help the government’s aim towards achieving developed nation status by 2020 by Sir LKS

    Please la..tolong sikit ok..i thought i heard from our country fellow man who was carried high and paid high in consultantcy fee…ladies n genttlement…Mr.Idris Ja….la,”did i hear the name wrongly?”declared that canland,our only land can go become bankrupt just short of 1 year from the idealistic year-2020.

    He told the crowd of more than 1,000 youths who gathered for the event that the Sarawak government had carried out many donkey and monkey initiatives beneficial to them in 48 donkey and monkey years. by Sir LKS and modified by cannot or tak tahan already



  24. Taib did not do a good job in developing Sarawak. This is a fact by looking at the infrastructure even in big towns like Sibu. Privately built houses are nice, attractive and huge but these houses looked odd in an area where the infrastructure is way behind that of a city.

    Taib has ignored and neglected the needs of his people. The fact that he did nothing to deny or reject the mountain of accusations against him e.g. corruption, land grab, abuse of power etc. is not going to put his leadership in a good light. Taib remains a Sarawak dilemma.

    Even he chooses to step down as a CM after the state elections, it is hard to imagine him fading away. Any indication of Taib being the puppet master after his retirement is going to create an effect worse than what the Barisan is already facing in Sarawak now. This white hair is now too powerful and rich. He wont listen to the people anymore and that include all the BN bossess.
    So you Sarawakians, wake up and vote for PKR/DAP/PAS to kick these corrupted, greedy and zero compunction BN guys out at all cost.
    Now is the time.

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