Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA in Kuching in Sept 2004

The Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak seems to be amenable to the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the Carcosa sex videotape scandal, not into the roles of the Attorney-General and the Police to ascertain why the threesome forming “Datuk T” had not been arrested and prosecuted for crimes after three long weeks, but to establish the identity of the “key character” in the video.

Would Najib seriously consider the possibility of a RCI if the target of the Carcosa sex video tape screening had been the Prime Minister himself, the Deputy Prime Minister or anyone of the Cabinet Ministers?

The people of Sarawak and Malaysia are entitled to ask why the Prime Minister is not prepared to establish RCI for a whole host of more important and pressing public issues.

For a start, is Najib prepared to establish a RCI to re-open the riddle of the seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak Department of Environment (DOE) investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of Sarawak Timber Association (STA) in Kuching on 17th September 2004 just before 11 am?

An inquest into Rumie’s mysterious death had returned an Open Verdict as the coroner was unable to determine whether the death “resulted from or was accelerated by any unlawful act or omission”.

Many Sarawakians were reminded of Rumie’s mysterious death from height when in the course of official duties investigating a major environment case when the tragic case of Teoh Beng Hock falling to his death from the 14th floor of MACC headquarters in Shah Alam on July 16, 2009 shocked the nation.

Is Najib prepared when he comes to Sarawak for the general elections campaign to announce a Royal Commission of Inquiry to re-open the riddle of the seven-year mysterious death of 31-year-old DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA in Kuching as there are many questions which remain unanswered – in particular whether it is suicide or murder?

There have been too many cases of mysterious deaths whether occurring under official custody or involving government agencies – like the most outrageous recent case of Customs officer, Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, falling to his death from the third floor of the MACC office in Jalan Cochrane, Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday.

Now MACC is to hold interrogation only on the ground floor of any MACC premises – making it one of its kind in the world for anti-corruption agencies and undoubtedly an international laughing-stock.

This is trying to cure the symptom but not the disease – which is the lack of public confidence in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the MACC.

Is the next measure for the MACC to move out of all multi-storey buildings and to operate only from single-storey buildings?

If the MACC and the government do not know how to secure public confidence in the efficiency, independence and professionalism of the MACC, this is further testimony that the Barisan Nasional is too decadent, corrupt and totally incapable of redemption and reform and a change of government is the only answer to revamp the whole system of governance in the country.

[Media Conference Statement(2) in Bintulu on Saturday, 9th April 2011 at 12 noon]

45 Replies to “Call for RCI to re-open riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA in Kuching in Sept 2004”

  1. What about RCI on murder of Mongolian Altantuya whose body was C4-ed and her immigration records at KLIA computer were erased?

    That’s a criminial offense; could not have been carried out without the master password and unless on orders by someone in high office(VVIP) in the Federal BN Government.

    Silence on this issue is deafening!

  2. Make no mistake of it – a RCI on the sex video is equivalent to a RCI on whether Anwar is morally fit to lead. Even in the best scenario of it not being proven at the end of the RCI that the Opposition leader was the actor in the video, one never can be sure what kind of other discreditable public disclosures / dirty linen such an enquiry will dig and ferret out which will be damning on the Opposition leader’s image and the Opposition’s cause. The RCI is like a rising tsunami heading towards the Opposition’s fortress.

    It is therefore understandable that those allied to the Opposition’s Cause who understand the potential dangers of such enquiry will fight tooth and nail to resist and thwart it – just as rigorously as those who wish PR the greatest harm will similarly press for it with zeal and determination.

  3. Pakatan Rakyat’s immediate options to address this rising political tsunami are limited by the reality that the initiative to invoke the RCI vests entirely with the BN against which PR’s capabilities to thwart and prevent it’s inexorable course are limited.

    What PR can do is limited to (a) trying to influence public opinion that such an RCI is entirely misconceived and basically a politically motivated underhand smear campaign to undermine the Opposition and at the same time (b) mount an immediate legal challenge on the legality of such a RCI.

    Mindful that there are many who has no confidence in trhe impartiality of the legal system/order, it must be emphasised that the value of such a legal challenge reposes not so much in a favourable verdict hoped for (at the end of it all) than its value (for whatever its worth) in delaying the RCI at least till after the next GE.

    It therefore behooves PR to get its best brains to structure cogent and plausible approaches and arguments in respect of the serious issues raised in 2(a) and (b) above mentioned that it can ill afford to neglect or be lackadaisical.

  4. Bear in mind also that this is probably the first time in the history of RCIs in this country that the ruling coalition presses for it with alacrity, which it will not do so unless it has something under its sleeves that it thinks will deliver the death knell to the Opposition. This surprise element cannot be discounted.

    (In other instances it did so (ie invoked RCIs) in acquiescence of public pressure/demand from Opposition, NGOs and public opinion lobbying for them). This RCI on the sex video is a different animal altogether. It will also probably be the first RCI in the world on a prominent Opposition politician adjudicating on his moral behaviour. [UK Profumo’s liaison with Christine Keeler implicated national security whilst Clinton/Lewinsky’s involved misconduct within the White House and his tonque twisting that fellatio was (Biblically) not sex].

  5. For a start, PR’s lawyer (Karpal) & Anwar’s lawyer (Sankara)’s rebuttal to Nazri’s call for RCI is not cogent! Karpal & Sankara have ventured ultra legalistic arguments that soliciting or living on immoral earnings of prostitutes are illegal and punishable offences but availing the services of a prostitute is not an offence – and therefore their argument, the RCI is misconceived! How is such an argument relevant/ cogent in the face of what Nazri said??
    (If it were an offence the police would have investigated and if there’s a case they would have nabbed the offender, and if not, they would have said so). They do not meet headlong Nazri’s point – that even though it’s not an offence the act of participating in commercial sex is a behaviour involving moral turpitude bearing on a person’s moral credibility to lead. Irrespective of who the actor in the video was, the argument in law, if ever there is one, is not whether or not visiting a prostitute is an offence but whether a video purporting to make such a claim is (irrespective of whether the claim is true or not) constitutes a fit and proper subject for invocation of a RCI under the Commissions of Enquiry Act as satisfying its prerequisite that its a matter, the enquiry of which, is necessary for public welfare (as distinct from public interest).

  6. Kit is on the other hand the smart on on the right track. When he questions why govt is not having a RCI on the riddle of seven-year mysterious death of Sarawak DOE investigating officer Rumie Azzan falling from 9th floor of STA ) & countless other cases (PKZ/Altantuya etc) he is going into the heart of this matter – whats the criteria used for invoking RCI by the powers that be; what constitutes public welfare? Is it arbitrary and just based on whimsical sense of public interest or dictates of subterranean motives of political agenda? He is attacking the legitimacy of the criteria of RCI invocation, and thats the correct direction.

  7. The Altantuja murder case produced two convicted murderer whose motives for murder were mercenaries. Who are the masterminds? A RCI will help to stop politicians and leaders in other countries in the world speculating. Isn’t it worth the RCI resources to confirm that the government has nothing to hide?

    It is reported in France that the payment of over 100 million Euros as commission in the sale of two scorpene submarines to Malaysia was not from the company concerned. This contradicts what the deputy Minister of Defence told the parliament. It would again to safeguard the reputation that a RCI should be established that the Defence Minister then did not mislead the Prime Minister then in that deal. A minister was charged in court for misleading the Prime Minister, and so it seems that even if the PM made mistakes, he is entitled to since AAB was asked to be a witness rather than to be charged for incompetency. Najib should take the opportunity to clear his status on the matter.

    The two issues above are more important to the welfare of the country than finding out who stared in the Carcosa sex video. The government cannot prove that it is in the nation interest to identify who stared in it since without the Datuk Trio, the sex act did not exist, as far as Malaysians are concerned. The Trio broke Malaysia laws in showing pornography in Carcosa, and yet they are not arrested. The whistle-blower Act was certainly not intended to help arrest citizens involving in illegal actions in private, which have no effect on other citizens. Nazri quoted the whistle-blower act because the sex video is politically useful to UMNO. He now claims that there is a law against paid sex, which he will make correction after the RCI is set up.

  8. 2 of my comments.. asking blog owner for his rules and lkaws how to comment without getting moderated ….thrown out.
    I guess….we all can conclude… is according to his whims and fancies….and so I need to wait till he is in better moods.

  9. What a time to moderate freedom fighters.
    What a time to be arrogant and do as he likes.
    For years we said that to the Govt…..and I never dream I will say that to a Malaysian hero.
    I guess hero or no hero…it depends on which side you are supporting.
    I will vote for change in Govt…but that does not mean I am willing to be a puppet on a string to a new Govt.
    Many have failed…after achieving some successes in life….forgeting who supported them..being ungrateful.
    UMNO B program and control minds.
    What about DAP….after achieving some measures of success?

  10. The defacto law minister reportedly made 2 points:-

    1. Much depends on results of police investigations into the sex video;

    2. If public not satisfied with results of investigations then “RCI is needed for anything of public interest to clear up any issue of public interest”.

    This a master stroke because the basis of determining 1. and 2. is controlled entirely by government. The process of 1. is to find out what ammunition there is (from investigations), and test how opposition reacts; the process of 2. will determine, after deliberating on all implications, whether, how and when to deliver the final blow.

    The Bar Council on the other hand got it right and presented the correct (alternative) frame of reference (criteria) for invoking RCI: “Malaysian Bar president Lim Chee Wee said today this was because, under the Commissions of Enquiry Act 1950, an RCI was usually set up to enquire into matters of unarguable public importance, commonly involving or implicating public institutions having authority over some aspects of the lives or the welfare of citizens” – Malaysiakini 9th April.

  11. Public interest is Not public welfare, the criteria set in Commissions of Enquiry Act. When public clamoured for RCI on TBH (which is a matter of public interest), the first reaction of AG himself in rejecting the call was to point out his death was not a matter concerning neither “conduct management of the government officers and departments nor relating to welfare/well being of society/public and “cannot be overstretched to cover an inquiry into the death of this nature“

    From secular segment of society’s view point: If TBH’s death within MACC is not a matter of public welfare/importance for RCI to invoke how is the question of whether a politician ( of never mind which coalition) has visited a prostitute of greater public welfare/importance to enquire?

    From the Religious/Islamic segment of society’s view point: Malaysian Ulama Society of scholars (PUM) has condemned the distribution of the sex video (including screening in Parliament) as “haram” against Malay culture, illegal and unethical anywhere in the world and representing a “cancer of rubbish politics”. How will invoking his Majesty’s name in a Royal Commission to publicly enquire this video ameliorate this haram judgment of the scholars or promote public welfare?

  12. Obviously, Najib is biased in his administration. What is deemed not important, he seemed to be interested and kept harping on it. What are deemed pressing issues (TBH RCI, good governance, police integrity), he tried to avoid it.

    Save Malaysia!

  13. I am not die hard hard supporter of the opposition leader but I do think that its not to national interest to sully/destroy one of the last institution like RCI by using it to elevate and give the sex video a high public profile, which is to promote gutter politics. Gutter politics by my definition is (independent of whether the actor in the video is or is not the politician it purports to show) spying, prying, probing into and exposing private sexual conduct of a public figure just to brinmg him or her down. (This was the reason why I also defended CSL). The people who do such things behave as if they were on higher moral platform than others they expose. Contrary to “let him who is without sin cast the first stone” are we promoting a political culture of let every sinner cast the first and many stones at others”? This brings disrepute to the country in the eyes of the civilised world.

  14. I want an RCI on Taib Mahmud’s wealth accumulation around the world – at the expense of all Sarawakians.

    I want an RCI on taxi licences issued between 2001 and 2008 – at the expense of the poor and more deserving drivers who slog to pay a daily rental.

    I want an RCI on why a minister in the ruling party lied to Parliament regarding the payment of RM 500 million of commissions to a company owned by a crony of the then defence minister – at the expense of the taxpayer.

    I want an RCI on how a friend of Najib and Rosie can obtain a loan of RM 600 million which he has openly admitted – and if the “loan” was somehow influenced by Najib and used for political funding.

    I want an RCI on all the allegations provided by PI Bala through his statutory declaration.

    Big mouth Nazri – these are more important than the RCI on the sex video, and if you don’t believe me, try conducting a referendum amongst the rakyat.

  15. Buy yourself a life insurance just in case anti corruption officers come a calling and you have to follow them on a one way ticket to that building. There is no difference in the words change and transformation. The dictionary makes it clear that these two words are interrelated. It is something like a Bugis and a Malay.

  16. Feb 29, 2012

    The MACC’s policy of interviewing suspects and witnesses on the ground floor of its buildings took on a bizzare twist when a flowerpot fell on to the head of a suspect during interrogation, killing him instantly.

    The IGP said that they are investigating the latest death at the hands of the MACC, and urged the public not to draw any conclusions into the tragic death. The Home Minister and de facto Law Minister immediately sprang to the defence of the MACC.

    Nazri Aziz said ” The rule of law must prevail. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty.” Hishammudin was quoted as saying that accidents do happen. “Even if we interrogate suspects under the rambutan tree, there is no guarantee that a branch could not break and kill the suspect under interrogation.”

  17. Looks like murder by falling from heights is a common modus operandi for government servants, Surely TBH, the Sarawakian and the Customs officer did not die of suicide??
    Should we have all government department buildings as one storey building? These mysterious deaths should get an RCI.
    An RCI for the Carcosa sex video, is an insult to the Agong.
    We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya

  18. The rate of deaths will increase in disregard should we have one storey building or not.There is a thousand or million way to do it(umno’s way) if we don’t change the government.5 decades is enough to convince and right ourself from the wrong.Change we are not better than what we are now!

  19. A hornbill, a protected species, was killed last week. Some soldiers took photographs of their ‘trophy’ and were quickly suspended.

    I demand a RCI to know whether the hornbill was shot dead by a hunter as alleged or the 6 soldiers. I demand a post mortem by Venezies and Pornthip as to the cause of death.

  20. 6 days to go and it’ll be a history for Sarawakians.
    A history where the poorest and the weakest of all Malaysian states will rise to power.
    A history which will surprise everyone where even political analysts will utter with disbelief.
    A history where BN will be kick out of Sarawak in defeat.
    The signs are coming and it’s all happening.
    Just look at the people every night attending PR ceramahs.
    More and more are coming each night.
    Even the contributions and donations collected surpassed RM20K each night as reported.
    BN is giving out money and goodies to bribe people but people are contributing their own money out to help PR to save Sarawak.
    That’s the wonderful part of it and no doubt that the people there wanted the change desperately.
    Go PR, Go!!!
    Go counter BN fraud next!

  21. scary to see all this happenings in malaysia!
    ppl will do anything to keep others quiet.
    like atlantuya case, teoh, indian youth, and many more.
    wonder what happen to the common words we use to have… bertamaddun dan bersopan santun.
    it seems “bn umno” have really screwed this beautiful malaysia for personal gain. thanks to the oldman too for creating all this happenings.

  22. It is good news to note DAP rallies are mostly crowded and full…but that does not mean all are supporting change of government.
    And DPM said why change when BN can transform…fooling around with Pekatan slogan.
    I think the support for DAP is very srtong indeed.
    But it is only 15 seats..out of 71 contested.
    Lets hope keDAILan and Anwar can deliver..from one seat to much much more.
    UMNO B is afraid of Anwar all the time…for the wishes of change…becoming a reality…lies with keDAILan capturing Muslim votes.

  23. Romerz is a great supporter of LGE govt. and he is a Penang man.
    His blog deserves much more visitors and comments…but he is a nobody in politics…but a great Malaysian.
    Do not always support Politicians without realising so many great blog owners like Dr. Hsu and Romerz…blog as Freedom Fighters.
    Dr. Hsu have an established string of followers….as he put out messages that are down to earth and rather interesting.
    Romerz need alot of supporters….to encourage him.

  24. It is not easy to start a blog with no selfish ulterior motives to earn some money or be noticed and be bought.
    Romerz is a multi millionaire.
    He sacrifices his time away from his love ones.. for the love of the country and people.
    The least we can do is spend few minutes to comment and keep him happy.
    Once you learn to feel for others and appreciate unsefishness…you will be a better person…and that is exactly why I refused to join any political party…although DAP attracts me most in the past…not keDAILan and PAS are equally good choices.

  25. The people of Sarawak, you fellows have been cheated for years by tins of Milo, cheap biscuits and meehoon. It is time to shaft all these and go for fundamental change. We the people are not beggars. How can we continue allowing our leaders to bask in luxury with trophy wives while we the real contributors to the wealth of the state remain poor and destitute? We must break out of our third world mentality. Go for the jugular, not cheap biscuits. Many of our leaders have become renegades, indulging in open and blatant stealing and abuse of power. Change now, for the time is really running out.

  26. It is good news to note DAP rallies are mostly crowded and full…but that does not mean all are supporting change of government.- monsterball


    The changes are coming and is undeniable!
    People won’t just go there every night and listen for several hours if they’re not willing.
    You put me one night in BN’s camp to listen and I’ll giggle and laugh to every words.
    You put me the second night and I’ll have the urge to throw slippers and shoes.
    In every PR ceramahs, there’re no free food and drinks distributed, unlike BN.
    If BN fellas are to say that the crowd there does’nt meant anything, they’re just trying to comfort themselves.
    Remember the 2008 GE where DAP ceramahs were crowded with people every night?
    PR got Penang after that and now it could be a “repeat” in Sarawak.
    If Anwar’s and Pas ceramah bear the same, then BN Sarawak might be turning pale by now.
    Only concern are the attempts of fraud by BN to manipulate the outcome and PR have to be on full alert!
    Imported voters, transfer of voters name to different polling center and ferrying of voters to polling stations are the first part to deal with.
    Final part are the changing of ballot boxes during transportation and in midst of counting process as well.
    As for vote buying, nothing much can be done as it’s acceptable by EC, as long as it’s done by BN fellas.
    The more tricks that PR can counter, the more chances PR can win big.
    PR have to win at least 60 seats to make BN’s eyes popped out!
    The rest are history!!!

  27. Change will come to Sarawak but whether anything significant will happen now. PM is going for 6 straight days of campaigning. He is worried. If he is using this Sarawak election as benchmark for next GE comparing it with 2006 elections he is likely disappointed. The regaining by BN of some ground in Semenanjung since 2008 tsunami is no guarantee that effects of tsunami may reach Sarawakian shores by delayed action after 3 years. Politics there are different there. There is a distinct sense of separateness there. Peh Mor’s largesse during past election was OK but he’s being independent warlord able to hold his own against UMNO warlords has been appreciated. Now he even says restrictions on Alkitab is “stupid”. The fact that BN calls Sarawak one of the 2 fixed deposit states is also resented. The Alkitab/Allah issue will definitely have a negative impact on BN’s performance this time around compared to last time. Peh Mor’s mystique is however punctured by too many allegations o corruption surfacing. Besides the distressed economic conditions caused by BN have caused many Sarawakians to come over to Peninsular, get disillusioned and go back to try influence their friends and families against voting or BN. All in, BN will win but would perform worse than 2006; DAP will do much better than before esp in Chinese dominant areas and PKR (a liability to PR) is not expected to do well because of Azmin/Tian Chua’s insensitivity to local expectations. We need polls forecast by Ong Kian Ming on the mathematics of beginning of change. Faster change in terms of defeating BN there in Sabah is likelier only if PR has within his coalition fold local East Malaysian political parties.

  28. The day to vote
    Saying to your sons ‘Sons, today I be going to vote for change for your brighter future, a better Malaysia for you, free you from corrupted politicians, a land with fairness and justice for you tomorrow ‘.

    The day to vote,
    Saying to your wife ‘Let’s go to vote for change with courage, free all Malaysia from corrupted politicians and liars, vote for a fairer and justice Malaysia for tomorrow’.

    The day to vote,
    Saying to your friends, ‘Our family were cheated by trusted the corrupted politicians many years, stolen our rightful Malaysia tax money billions of dollar, today we go vote for change, bring justice to the corrupted politicians liars, who have been cheated us over 30 years’.

    Yes, today we will VOTE FOR CHANGE

    Yes, today we will fight for JUSTICE

    Yes, today we will make brighter future for our children









  29. ///Deputy Premier Muhyiddin Yassin said the BN government has spent tens of billions of ringgit to eradicate poverty in Sarawak compared with a mere RM1 billion promised by the opposition pact in their…///–Malaysiakini

    Yes, tens of billions spent in the name of helping the poor of Sarawak went to the rich of Sarawak and Peninsular. If the oil revenue from Sarawak had been used to help Sarawak and Pek Mor did not hijack, there wouldn’t be any poor person left there.

    Pek Mor and his evil political master in UMNO will promise anything. It is useless now after their tricks of enriching themselves have become public knowledge. In addition to using police to stop voters attending PK rallies, thugs also got involved. These thugs serve the persons who want status quo with Pek Mor continue ruling.

    Najib cancelled Cabinet meeting to campaign in Sarawak. He too is fighting for his political life. Sarawakians will have double bliss to disappoint Pek Mor, and Bo Mor.

  30. Go surft the net and log on to every blog and news media you can find.
    Go thru all the comment posted by commentators there and you’ll feel astonish.
    How many are supporting the government and how many are vying for the change?
    Go to malaysiakini’s malay version and you’ll find hundreds of posting which are “cursing” BN.
    You’ll find students, professional, government servant and many more.
    The uprising are reaching our shores here and are waiting for the time to “revolt”.
    Not by street protest or by arms but by ballots.
    Nightmare for everyone in BN!!!

  31. ///Former PKR deputy president Dr Chandra Muzaffar lashed out against critics who targeted the men behind a sex video allegedly featuring opposition leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim with a prostitute.

    Joining the fray on the sex video scandal, Chandra said it was the wrongdoer and not those who exposed the wrongdoing that should be targeted.

    The former PKR deputy president said he was disappointed with some quarters whose focus had gone astray.

    “It is not the individuals who expose the wrongdoing who should be our target, but the wrongdoer himself and his wrongdoing,” said Chandra, who was once a staunch Anwar ally, told the New Sunday Times yesterday.///–Malaysiatoday

    The person who holds that logic should not be a teacher even in a primary school let alone a lecturer in university. That shows the quality of the teaching staff in Malaysian universitites.

  32. Last call for BN fellas who’re good in heart!
    You’ve made your money all these years.
    Now is the time to be smart and release yourself from being “chained” by your evil master.
    Not worth dying for the “crimes” which your masters have done.
    Prepare to jump ship as Umno’s “titanic” is leaking.
    If Umno sink, MACC can’t touch you anymore and you might receive pardon from PR led government as well.
    Use your common sense!!!

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