Sarawak Election and 2nd MACC falling death

Tweets @limkitsiang:

Most important Swak elections in 48yrs begin tomorrow – with far-reaching implications not only 4Swak but also 4Msia w great impact on 13GE
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 11:40 PM

In Sibu 4BukitAssek Pelawan BawangAssan Dudong Nangka nomination. Spirit of PR candidates leaders election workers high hopeful 4change UBAH
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 8:25 AM

DAP Alice Lau submits nomination as candidate Bawang Assan. Can young pharmacist go down in Sibu history 2join gallery of “dragon-slayers”?
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:12 AM

DAP Swak Chmn Wong Ho Leng 1st 2submit nomination as BukitAssek candidate 2make another history – first 2b re-elected as BA Assemblyman
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:25 AM

With HoLeng @Sacred Heart Sec School nomination centre 4Pelawan Candidate DavidWong. During Sibu b/e DAP won this constituency by 5600 votes
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:45 AM

Otw 2 Dudong nomination ctr 2give moral support 2our candidate YapHoiLing who make up DAP foursome 4Sibu g/e contest. Then 2Nangka centre
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 9:56 AM

3-cornered fight in Dudong w ind candidate @SJK ThaiKwang. Nomination closed @10am Objection hour till 11am n Swak g/e battle formally begin
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 10:07 AM

High spirits @Nangka nomination centre manned by NikNazmi 2support young professional candidate engineer PKR Norisham. Good PR slate in Sibu
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 11:20 AM

FLASH – Customs officer under probe for graft, dies after falling off 3rd floor of MACC KL.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 12:54 PM

Another MACC case of falling death even when TBH RCI ongoing?All Malaysians utterly shocked outraged. Heads must roll even b4 outcome of RCI
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:00 PM

Details of latest MACC scandal Customs officer falls to death during MACC probe (TMI)
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:14 PM

Nomination 4 15DAP candidates in Swak g/e completed smoothly w 11 1to1 contest, 3 3-cornered (Padungan BukitAssek Dudong) BukitKota 4corner
Wednesday, April 06, 2011 2:43 PM

85 Replies to “Sarawak Election and 2nd MACC falling death”

  1. ///Another MACC case of falling death even when TBH RCI ongoing?All Malaysians utterly shocked outraged. Heads must roll even b4 outcome of RCI
    Wednesday, April 06, 2011 1:00 PM///

    The Customs officer who died went to MACC office this morning, and he was found dead at 10.15 am.

    He is most probably the victim of homicide perpetrated by people who did not want him to expose them.

    With the money said to have been accumulated, and the fact that he was not in custody, he could have gone anywhere as fugitive. There is no need to go to MACC office to ‘commit suicide’ there.

    Mr Peter Vanze, the pathologist who investigated on Princess Diana’s death should be asked to do the autopsy. I suppose the police will now engage psychologists to talk to the family of the deceased customs officer.

  2. So many multi-cornered contests in Sarawak—- the only one to gain from this fracas is bn.

    #1 Loh—
    He is most probably the victim of homicide perpetrated by people who did not want him to expose them.//

    With RM 1 billion at stake, he should had brought along 20 bodyguards to protect him. So stingy fella….

  3. That custom officer aged 56 was questioned on graft and money MACC.
    Presuming he knew he cannot deny anything…a deal is made!!
    He threw himself from th MACC buliding…to show death by one willing to jumped off.
    And therefore Teoh Beng Hock’s death by commiting sucide is stronger case for MACC.
    Remember….money laundering….how much…for whom…for what reasons.
    If he tells all…whole family maybe in trouble.
    Think about it.

  4. And on Sarawak…the slogan “Vote for DAP if you want change” says it all.
    See..74 year old Tiab Mahmud stands for election..signals Sarawak is a Dictatorial State under him.
    This is Malaysia’s Gadaffi who thinks he is loved by all in Sarawak.
    That speaks volums of Najib’s “1Malaysia” where crooks holds power till the day he dies
    But Tiab have no choice..he has to win and hope Sarawak stays with BN to ward off corruption charges.
    Yes….”If you want change vote for DAP”..change to get rid of CORRUPTIONS and MONEY LAUNDERING.
    The rest lies on Sarawak voters.
    You can try try to open eyes and minds…but anyone want to stay blind and not mindful…nothing can be done.
    However ..Sibu Miracle is the inspirations for all Sarawakians.

  5. Like that how to restore public confidence in MACC? Another alleged suicide (besides surfing porn, before TBH’s RCI concluded?)

    Tomorrow better get your contractors in to immediately install grills on all windows to prevent people jumping or thrown out, better still install CCTVs in all rooms…

  6. ///He is most probably the victim of homicide perpetrated by people who did not want him to expose them./// – Loh

    If Loh’s speculation were true, it means there is a powerful renegrade insider of power within MACC precincts either doing the job for criminal elements outside or opening a door from within to outsiders of criminal intentions to come in to terminate with extreme prejudice sources of embarrassing disclosure. This was one of my earlier speculation for TBH case as well proceeding on the assumption that it cannot be any MACC official policy or action to embarrass itself by such incidents. With such deaths it cannot complete investigations or prove in court whatever they want to prove. The surprise is that the MACC is not looking/investigating into this angle of what could have happened.

  7. In the West or any other nations, all interrogation rooms are equipped with recording CCTV inside and 3 walls. The other wall is a piece of special glass where at least two officers can see through when the interrogation proceed. Inside the room: at least 2 interrogating officers and police officer.

    The defendant can have her/his lawyer sitting beside him advising what to answer appropriately. When the defendant is inside the room, the recording CCTV start rolling and police office must be with her/him at all time. Interrogating officers are only allowed with notepad and pens while the police is free from arms and any other things with them. Inside the room, no phones and any other objects beside chairs and a Table!

    In our Bolehland, there isn’t any recording CCTV. All window are opening wide for throwing outs. There could have any other objects beside pens & notepads hiding somewhere for assaults… Our Bolehland with bunch of suckers running the sucking shows…

  8. ///FLASH – Customs officer under probe for graft, dies after falling off 3rd floor of MACC KL.///

    Could it be that the customs officer was pushed out of the window after a heated argument with the MACC investigation officers?

    Since it was not possible to push a 56 years-old out of the window by the strength of a single person, the killer of the customs officer probably involved a group of people.

  9. It is reported that the person who died falling from the third floor of the MACC building had the head reaching the ground first, and died instantly. The case against the deceased customs officer Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed would now be closed.

    What if the person who died was not Ahmad but some one else? Can that be arranged in Canland?

    Would the autopsy includes checking the finger print of the deceased to establish the identity? It was reported too that Ahmad went to MACC office on motorcycle. Maybe he did not want to attract attention driving car worthy of a billionaire, or maybe the person who fell was a look-alike.

  10. There is statistical evidence that the probability of a single (natural) cot death in an affluent non-smoking family is very low. Someone claims that it is around 1 in 8500 . However, the occurrence of two cot deaths in a family indicates the presence of ‘the cot death gene’ and thus changes the reference class of the probability of cot deaths (whether single or double) in that family from a low risk group with probability of cot deaths of 1 in 8500 to a high risk group with a probability of cot deaths of 1 in 100. (See the famous Sally Clark and Sir Roy Meadow case in the UK a few years ago)

    Even if the probability that a single case of death caused by MACC personnel is low (perhaps lower than suicide), the occurrence of two such cases may indicate a common cause from the MACC (e.g. a particular way of treating suspects/witnesses that is practised across the board) that led to two witnesses/suspects plunging to their death. It thus changes the reference class of the probability of death caused by MACC in each of these two cases to one with a much higher probability.

  11. If a 56 years old man wanted to commit suicide, he would probably jump from the 10th floor or 15th floor of a building. It was unlikely that he would jump from the 3rd floor of a building.

    The 2nd MCAA falling death was likely to be a homicide.

  12. #11 by yhsiew

    The second MACC falling death IMPLIES that Teoh Beng Hock did not die by committing suicide because it could not be coincident that both the dead persons wanted to take their own lives. Furthermore, the 2nd dead person plunged from the 3rd floor of the MACC building, which was not the normal practice for a person who wanted to commit suicide – he would jump from, at least, the 10th floor of a building.

  13. baochingtian :
    Sad to see the supporters for bn shown in TV8 r mostly chinese looking men and women. R these the cronies?

    If they are, they can’t be sincere. That is why they dared to show they face, which should have a thick skin to cover the real thing.

  14. #6 by Jefferey.
    Not only grille that they will need to put up, better still, another contractor to fix up air-cond units for the whole building, including toilets and corridors and emergency escape ways. It’s all justified!

  15. Video recording was out of order the day the Customs officer died; The video recording was inadvertently deleted when retrieving tape; No recording was ever made during interrogation; Only Anwar’s sex tape are available and whoever wants to watch please go Utube.

  16. The omens are good for this big Sarawak Erection.

    First we have the ex-daughter-in-law of Pek Moh trying to commit her ex-husband to prison, after suing him for RM 400 million.

    Next we have another person who died at the hands of MACC.

    Then we have news that the deputy defence minister lied when he said in 2008 that France, not Malaysia, paid for the Euros 150 million commission on the Scorpene submarines.

    The Ghost of Altantuya is back, and we can be sure there will be more revelations in the next two weeks.

  17. Jeffery is talking about homesters.
    booachingtian is talking about better safety measures.
    I wonder how will all the millions of wage earners going to do this..with not enough money to feed the families.
    I guess all poor can sleep well with front doors wide thieves will not come and rob them.
    And more and more are getting poorer and poorer..which means Malaysia will be very safe to live in..when there in nothing to steal from each home?
    hhhhhhhmmmmm UMNO B crooks keep stealing do make all Malaysians safe and worthless….hahahahahahahahaha

  18. You watch TV news…you will be programmed to feel BN will win all seats.
    White Hair Bomoh at age 74 standing for election..the free and easy life…no fear to be charged for corruptions..if he wins.
    But if he wins…and his Govt looses the 2/3 majority…he will resign and run like hell.

  19. #8 Loh

    BN’s wife,soiled leg announce to Sarawakian voters:You see,we are colour blind.1Malaysian can die out of Macc office’s magical window.Don’t listen to opposition that we intentionally kena mata sepet and si botol.So we fair or not?I no more play cheat to my wife,to be fair,like i implied to you just now,amitaba.Anyway if you think still not suicide,i will personally walk into the office and check nicely especially around the window or any hantu.

    Tak tahan to the third leg:Yo man,walk inside the room and check for us after you’re divorced by your sadist master.

  20. This whole thing sucks – PM Najib Tun Razak government must take responsibility and resign enbloc!

    Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein Onn, the IGP, heads of MACC & Customs should all take full responsibility for MACC deaths, blatant corruption of officers within Customs Dept, and the najis sex-video expose a criminal offense that has dragged for a week without any action/arrests!

    What a disgrace!
    Do we expect foreign investors to have the confidence in this [deleted] BN government with the world watching us?

  21. I think any Malaysian wish to commit sucide…MACC building is built for that.
    Just walk in…late at night.
    All watching blue films…Tv shows and no one will tell you plenty hanky panky on too.
    No matter how stupid and irresponsible they proven to be..all are valuable side kicks for Najib.

  22. Well, a department can not be just corrupt. Corruption at the department maybe seen as small and cheapskate as they knew more of the corruption of their political leaders and their cronies especially on import cars and their APs. Cars have been removed to showrooms pending purchase; what make one thinks that once it is out of the Customs custody, the duty will come back to the Customs??? Some customs officers maybe on the take; but in their mind, their sin seems lesser than those above them. What’s a million or two, when their political masters talk in term of billions!!!

  23. RM600000 plus gold bars found in his house…yet he went to MACC on a old motor bike.
    There is no doubt the money and gold bars belong to someone entrusted to him.
    Taking his own life to save his family.
    Why is it s easy to commit suicide at MACC building?
    I think the police officers are split into 2 groups….one after the crooks…and the other kill all evidences.
    The ones killing all evidences are loyal to UMNO B and Najib only…and are low class racists gangsters..with liitle education.
    As usual…all Ministers will say leave it to the investigation team that wll take months ad months to investigate…until all Malaysian forget and move on with their lives.
    Evidences found are so clear on CORRUPTIONS.
    Any concern by Najib?

  24. Do not mean to distract the issue but how in God’s world can DAP, especially DAP Sarawak do a deal with PKR on Padungan seat for Batu Lintang WITHOUT getting PKR to guarantee that Dominique Ng would not contest as an independent? It collosal idiocy – the kinds BN does, not the a relation to PAP.

  25. ///the occurrence of two such cases may indicate a common cause from the MACC/// – Lee Wang Yen.

    If this is true, the common circumstance is not 3rd degree interrogation/torture methods: at Sarbani’s time of death, he was not interrogated. He already gave his statement. He came back with a letter (maybe proof of some one elses’s guilt) in support of his statement. In TBH’s case interrogation already ended at 3 am. He waited in MACC office till morning. Why ? Maybe waiting for statement/report to sign to be used as evidence.

  26. did he strangle himself before he jumped? What is the genius at macc going to cook up now?

    TBH- murdered by Malaysian govt
    Al**ya- murdered by Malaysian govt
    Amirul-murdered by Malaysian govt
    Kugan-murdered by Malaysian govt
    Sarbani-murdered by Malaysian govt

    all Malaysian citizen murdered by the Malaysian government.

  27. The common elements of both Sarbani’s & TBH’s death are:-
    (i) both might be innocent but investigated by MACC to implicate someone else; (ii) both cases, interrogation had ended which discounted accidental deaths caused by rough 3rd degree methods during nterrogation; (iii) in TBH’s case interrogation ended at 3.45pm. He stayed back. Why? Maybe awaiting a report/confession to sign. In Sarbani’s case he came back with evidence – the letter; (iv) In both cases MACC has no official reason to harm them. They were needed as witnesses alive without which case could not be proven (v) in both cases those implicated have motives to eliminate the evidence & persons providing it.

    As deaths in both cases occurred in MACC precincts, if MACC had no official motives to cause these, the possible angle for police to investigate is – someone or more than one (insider within MACC) (likely powerful and influential) within it could be either a hatchet man for elements outside, or some one letting them into the premises, thinking that criminal act will be blamed on MACC. If true (whichever way) MACC is still accountable why there are such corrupt elements within its rank. It cannot catch outside corrupt crooks if it cannot catch those within its rank that brings MACC down by these incidents.

  28. Coming sooner than you think—after all, this is bolehland…
    (1) A macc officer died of heart failure while watching porn on his computer during working hours

    (2) A witness being interrogated on the ground floor died after a big cupboard fell on top of him

  29. (3) Another witness insisted on being interrogated in the basement but was drowned when it got flooded during a downpour

    (4) Yet another witness insisted on being interrogated in the parking lot on the ground but a flower pot from the 10th floor came plummeting down onto his thick skull

  30. as Malaysian we must ask “are we so foolish?” with this kind of leadership and way of handling the many silly issues?
    either we are ‘the fool’ or they are getting crooking smart with many excuses!
    Like some saying:”so true one always go through this door to ‘hell’!”
    what they do in praying time?

  31. The german death camps have the signboards “Arbeit macht frei” (“work makes free”) at their entrances. The gates of hell have the signs “Abandon hope all ye who enter here”.

    So all macc buildings must be ordered to put up signs “Enter on your own risk. Macc is not responsible for the condition of witnesses leaving this building”.

    Also need to display signs such as “Dilarang Menerjun. Denda RM10 kalau ditangkap” which will absolve the macc from blame if psychos who go there to commit suicide.

  32. It is time for the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI), which is now probing the death of Teoh Beng Hock, to summon for questioning, the one same MACC officer who had interrrogated both Teoh Beng Hock and Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed.

  33. There was a time when UMNO considered government service a convenient place to provide employment to those who would eventually vote for them in the general elections. They later made sure that government service should be as pure as possible, in ethnicity and religion. That not only increase UMNO vote bank but also ensured that policy which could enfeeble non-Malays would be faithfully carried out.

    Oil revenues gave UMNO government the latitude to allow government service to be run on autopilot, with the different services helping themselves to their hearts’ content. The spirit of you give me no trouble, and I give you none, such as you tolong me and I tolong you aka Najib’s buy-election campaign has taken root since NEP. That is particularly so when Mamakthir converted APs scheme as NEP way to making Malays rich, by transferring what ought to be tax revenue into private hands, at Mamakthir’s choice or that of his cronies. If that was morally sound to have hundreds of Malays selected out of fifteen million Malays and natives of Sabah and Sarawak, to benefit from tens of billions ringgit of lost revenue, then it should not be morally wrong for persons employed in the government services, the extension of UMNO, to make use of the laws in the countries, whether it was the issuance of I/C, passports or clearance of customs duties, to enrich themselves. The bottom line is to make Malay rich to achieve the NEP target. Indeed purity of race and religion in the place of employment facilitate the take on the quiet.

    When oil revenue is not that plentiful, and the government has to rely on tax revenue, government services will have to perform the true function of governance. As the APs scheme is still in place, MACC strictly has no business to check against those who intend to make Malays proud by amassing wealth, through government regulations.

    Whether it was the report of the illegal outflow of 889 billion ringgit that had caused the arrest of 62 customs officers this year only Najib can tell. Surely the loss of revenue did not begin this year. Had the government tacitly agreed that government services is the alternative to APs scheme to enrich Malays? Why then was MACC set up? If it was just for show, why allowed MACC to cause the death of a witness investigating a case involving RM 2,400? There were certainly more cases to look into such as those activities in the 11.5 billion ringgit PKFZ project. Two former Ministers have been charged, but that was after the death of TBH. The way MACC chose to investigate cases shows that it was politically motivated. Clearly it would not worth MACC’s resources even if the RM 2,400 case for which TBH was a witness, was an open and close case of cheating. MACC was to investigate activities of sharks. Maybe sharks are allowed in pursuance of NEP, and MACC strictly had no business to investigate, since PKFZ could not be purely MCA affairs without involving UMNO members. So MACC was dying to show that it is required by chasing after cases which amounts to less than a month’s pay of one of its officers. And why should they be that fierce?

    It is time Najib realizes that government services should not be a place for employing voters. Government servants should be made accountable. But then Najib still says that NEP should stay. More death will fall from MACC building if government services remain the NEP employment agency for Malays.

  34. Jeffrey, ‘at Sarbani’s time of death, he was not interrogated. He already gave his statement. He came back with a letter (maybe proof of some one elses’s guilt) in support of his statement. ‘

    But this is MACC’s claim, which has been disputed.

    ‘MACC has said his visit there was unannounced, something which the late Sarbani’s friends now dispute.’

  35. Ahmad fell to his death within two hours of arriving in MACC. If he had intended suicide, he needed not see the officer handling his case. Unless he had a grudge against MACC, there are other places to take his life. But yesterday was not yet the time, even if he was guilty. There was no hurry!

    MACC is a dangerous place for people who are charged for corruption because the practices involve others. Every MACC guests would need “whistle blower” protection, physically.

  36. Najib said that Ahmad Sarbarni went to MACC office on his own initiative to make changes to what he said previously to MACC investigators. He had not done so before his fall, and he could not have suddenly changed his mind to commit suicide when the officer involved was looking for his file, as stated by MACC. Najib’s explanation saying that Ahmad Sarbarni’s case differs from that of TBH raises more questions than answers.

  37. Wang Yen, re your comment #43 Based on the MalaysianInsider’s reports, the point of dispute appears to be this – MACC investigations director Datuk Mustafar Ali said that Ahmad Sarbani returned to the MACC building at 8.26am without an appointment and had requested to meet with the investigation officer. Peninsular Malaysia Custom Officers Union’s Ibrahim Ali (& probably Sarbani’s friends too) however disputed the “unannounced” part of his return to MACC office without appointment. They said Sarbani had no reason to go back to MACC without being summoned/ordered by MACC to do so as a matter of follow up investigations.

    At this moment we don’t know whats the real fact. Ibrahim Ali & friends’ dispute of what Mustafar Ali said is based on their conjecture/reasoning that based on probabilities no one would return to MACC unless summoned. They did not say as a fact that Sarbani specifically told any of them or any one that he was summoned to return on that fateful morning.

  38. Now Najib said….MACC is doing their job.
    He asked Malaysians…don’t we want to see end of corruptions?
    Then read the dozens of responds at Malaysiakini… him.
    What exposed done?
    Millions found…and one caught…must die….and so he did.
    Can you believe Najib….is so stupid…does not know how smart Malaysians think?
    Sure he knows.
    His comment is for the stupid and half past sixes created by UMNO B for 30 years.
    The dead do have dear friends too…and one have spoken.
    Slowly…truths will be revealed.
    Meanwhile two MACC officers are suspended…to stand by …be sacked for a lousy job done…end of story.

  39. Jeffrey: ‘at Sarbani’s time of death, he was not interrogated. He already gave his statement. He came back with a letter (maybe proof of some one elses’s guilt) in support of his statement…’

    This is Jeffrey’s speculation.

    According to the latest update on the Chinese version of Malaysiakini, Sarbani’s colleague said that he confessed under duress (after he was shown a prison suit by MACC officials). When his friend asked him why he had confessed when he was innocent, he decided to withdraw his confession. So he went to the MACC office to withdraw his confession and take back a document he had given to MACC earlier.

  40. Even if (assuming) his return was due to being summoned (officially) to return (as what his Customs colleaques/friends speculate), there is also no suggestion from any quarters as yet that he was subject to any interrogation (normal MACC style) on that morning though I imagine his customs colleaques/friends might have implied that he was, when they disputed what MACC investigations director Datuk Mustafar Ali said about the “unannounced” return to MACC. Our PM went further to say that from what he has been told (again I guess this is MACC’s version), “he (Ahmad Sarbani) had gone to the MACC office voluntarily to change his statement. When the MACC officer left him to get their statement, that’s when it happened. “It happened in the blink of an eye,” Najib told reporters. The “blink of an eye” part, if true, appears not consistent with him being subject to further interrogation that normally takes time. The speculation that he was summoned to return is equally consistent with speculation/conspiracy theory of someone within MACC wanting to do harm to him. He was summoned to return; his return was known – time & date & venue. The dastardly act could be effected within “blink of an eye” so to speak – whether throw him out of vthe window or otherwise, which autopsy will show if our local autopsy report may be relied upon to be objective, which many of us doubt anyway.

  41. I am not aware of Malaysiakini Chinese version that Wang Yen highlighted. If true, it implies someone wanted to do him harm for withdrawing a confession that might have otherwise exonerated the real guilty ones – in other words for retracting to be the fall guy.

  42. If the colleague mention in the Malaysiakini (Chinese) news article is reliable, there are two possibilities with reasonable plausibilities (among a host of other possibilities, of course).

    1. MACC officials who managed to extort a confession earlier were angry with his retraction…


    2. The real culprit tried to do something to him through his contacts at MACC (that MACC officials extorted a confession from Sarbani earlier indicates that there is some connection between the MACC and the culprit.)

    Jeffrey only focusses on a possible third party. I think a third party is possible, but also think that (1) its connection with MACC should not be neglected, and, more importantly (2) we should not rule out the possibility that MACC is solely responsible, as suggested in the first scenario painted in the last paragraph.

  43. “When his friend asked him why he had confessed when he was innocent, he decided to withdraw his confession. So he went to the MACC office to withdraw his confession and take back a document he had given to MACC earlier.” Professor Lee

    If the deceased’s friend could collaborate this situation, then suicide would be the furthest from the mind of the deceased. And we should demand the suspension of all the top guns in MACC. I am already very p!ssed to learn that those senior officers in the TBH case were promoted to MACC chiefs in Selangor and Negeri.

  44. //Najib’s explanation saying that Ahmad Sarbarni’s case differs from that of TBH raises more questions than answers// – Loh

    This is true if one looks at the point of difference reported by Malaysiakini as stated by the PM – “As I understand (it, Ahmad Sarbani) went to the MACC office voluntarily to change his statement and died in the blink of an eye, just as an MACC officer was calling the investigating officer. “He was not being questioned. It is different to the Teoh Beng Hock case.”

    The part about “to change his statement” is consistent with Malaysiakini Chinese report pointed out by Wang Yen. If he was not being questioned (ie subject to interrogation in which accidental death from 3rd degree methods of interrogation might have occurred) and if he didn’t commit suicide (its also against the faith) what does that leave us (by elimination process) – calculated homicide????

    On what’s the motive of such a perpetrator, I am in agreement with Wang Yen’s observations in last para of his last posting on the 2 possibilities.

  45. Wang Yen, Back to what you said in 1st posting – “the occurrence of two such cases may indicate a common cause from the MACC…”

    Taking into consideration possibilities (1) and (2) in your latest posting, which is the more likely if one also searches for the “common factor” underpinning TBH’s circumstances of death with that of Sarbarni’s?

  46. I have something further to say about my cot death analogy posted yesterday. What the analogy claims is that, as in the case of double cot deaths attributable to a common cause, we have reason to postulate a common cause attributable to MACC in the double MACC deaths case. But a common cause can lie with the deceased too (e.g. guilt). The involvement of a third party is also possible.

    One may wonder how the occurrence of the second death is relevant to the probability that MACC is responsible for the death, since both the homicide and suicide theories have been the focus of an ongoing investigation into the first death.

    It is relevant in that it seems to tilt the balance to the homicide side (in the absence of other evidence), since, in the absence of empirical evidence suggesting otherwise, a common cause is more likely to be located in an institution employing the same modus operandi than in two very different individuals with different temperaments, from vastly different backgrounds, circumstances.

    However, there seems to be empirical evidence against suicide in these two cases.

  47. LATEST: It was confirmed dat there was an earthquake just b4 Sarbani’s death; d MACC building tilted for a few seconds n tossed Sarbani out of a window, such an unfortunate coincidence, a very sad natural disaster, bad timing, takdir mah, CASE CLOSED liao
    So, d score now stands as 1 Chinese M’sian n 1 Malay M’sian dropped out of MACC building
    Dis is a fair n equal nation, d next 1 2 drop out of MACC building, we know who lah
    Let’s wait n see if d prediction n trend is correct, correct, correct

  48. I think Najib’s explanation has no force against the hypothesis that MACC was responsible for both deaths (Of course, by saying this I’m not claiming that we have empirical evidence to show that MACC is probably responsible for both deaths). That TBH was questioned by the MACC and Sarbani went to change his statement on his own accord does not indicate that MACC officials did not treat them in a very similar way. We can easily postulate a possible scenario where there are close parallels in these two cases. For example, it could be that in both cases, MACC officials were mad with their inability to extort a confession or keep an extorted confession and therefore…

  49. ///For example, it could be that in both cases, MACC officials were mad with their inability to extort a confession or keep an extorted confession and therefore///

    I am not sure if we know for certain in TBH’s case that there was a confession by him – unless (I don’t know if this is fair) to interpret “confession” in TBH’s case in liberal terms as extending to his confessing guilt not of himself but implicating others with whom he had dealings. (I believe no one implicates TBH as personally guilty of anything).

  50. Note that my clause is a disjunction (i.e. an ‘or’ statement). The first disjunct in the disjunction (i.e. inability to extort a confession) refers to the TBH case. The second disjunct refers to the Sarbani case.

  51. Why did the investigating officer have to get the file first before receiving the report for change to Ahmad Sabarni’s confession? Or had the officer received the document for filing? Meanwhile he received a call asking about the status of the case…, or he called to report the status….

  52. Dont waste your times to talk these and there.

    Caused the core of gov admin is full of corruptions.

    You need to change it in order to clean it.


    Don’t need to waste your times talk these and there

    Don’t need to listen these excuses, there reason.


  53. Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed could not have committed suicide as he had already

    1. made arrangements to go to Mecca later in the year.

    2. made appointment with his friend to play tennis the day before his death.

    3. told his wife that he did not commit corruption and he could rationally explain all the allegations against him.

    Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed, who had 4 daughters and a son, planned to set up a dialysis center with his friend after retiring in two years time. Prior to working as a customs officer, he had worked as nursing assistant in the KL General Hospital Dialysis Department (info obtained from this evening’s China Press).

  54. “From being among the poorest states, Sarawak BN promised today as part of its electoral manifesto that it would make it the richest in the country.”

    The fact is that UMNO/BN and its corrupted and greedy leaders have made Sarawak a poor state because they have usurped and plundered the state’s wealth and abundant natural resources for their personal gain. Sarawak can only be a rich state if UMNO/BN is removed from power. Vote wisely!

  55. Don’t listen to the BN liars again and again, years after years.

    If the BN truly want to make the Sarawak the richest state they should say ‘Those corrupted politicians should return the money they stolen from the state with their corruptions activities, and surrender yourself to the court of law’

    By stating that Sarawak can be the richest state with no doubt.

    But corrupted politicians no way they do that to kill themselves.

    Can you trust corrupted politicians liars statement?

  56. If it isn’t suicide, its murder (please dont take Malaysians for fools saying he accidentally tripped and fell 3 floors down, strangled himself, etc etc)

    The problem is …Malaysians mudah lupa….

    The day Malaysians let Altantunya to be blown to pieces, and Dr. Baginda become an Oxfart all courtesy of Rosmah and Jibby….rule of law in Malaysia is gone…

    PKFZ, Collapsing schools, stadiums, etc are the norm in this country now….so is unfortunately people being thrown out of windows….

    It is high stakes game here….160 billion ringgit is a no joke syndicate….killing a couple of guys to keep that sought of money rolling in is a small price to pay…remember Malay auditor killed in banana plantation in Hong Kong during height of BMF scandal…

    End of the day…we can shout and scream….in Sarawak, elections it is foregone conclusion, BN will cheat like hell and win again probably….and keep Malaysia in a pre revolution Tunisia, Egyptian limbo…

    No one wants to take to the streets….but if that is what it takes, do Malaysians have the courage to take that step…..the answer is a clear no…..which is why, this nonsense will continue…

  57. Coming soon, to be released to the mass media by unmo—-

    (1) Sarbarni was going to be married (again!) the next morning

    (2) Sarbani was so scared of his impending marriage the next day that he decided to end it all

    (3) Sarbarni has only RM3,000 in his bank account, i.e. up to his nose in debts

    (4) Sarbarni’s suicide note discovered hidden inside his underpants

    (5) Sarbarni’s suicide note has been confirmed to be “genuine” according to “experts” hired by unmo

    (6) Sarbani has been running away from loan sharks

  58. I cant believe what I read.

    BN told Sibu people that if lost no money for development.

    Is this how the BN do threaten the citizens?

    The money is belong to Malaysians, it is deserve to SIBU people for development helping the Malaysia to grow.

    The money is not for the BN to threaten citizens to follow their instruction, it is belongs to all Malaysians for development help the country to grow.

    In the law, corrupted politicians are criminals.

  59. //BN told Sibu people that if lost no money for development.//

    Surprised? Very common in pseudo-democracies. Gadhafi told Benghazi residents “If oppose, no mercy” and his mercenaries were going to hunt them down “house by house”.

    By the way, whatever happened to the RM1,000,000,000 supposedly taken by Sarbani?

  60. RM1,000,000,000 is a lot of money. Can build 40,000 low cost homes to house 40,000 families or 200,000 people!

    PKFZ’s RM12.5 billion could be used to build 500,000 low-cost homes to house 2.5 million people! (10% of the country’s population)

  61. After 40 years of milking Sarawak, now that white hair shark want to pledge to make Sarawak the richest state? You have made yourself so much richer than the state of Sarawak. You have put yourself before the interest of the people of Sarawak and made yourself a multi-billionaire. You have built a regime around you and now you are feeling guilty and want to redeem yourself and your family and cronies?
    Let’s say you are sincere. Would anyone in the right mind believe you? You are admitting now that all this while you have robbed the riches of Sarawak totally for yourself. Let’s begin with the over 10 reports that have been made with the MACC to investigate Taib Mahmud.

    People Power: BN wants to make Sarawak the richest by 2020? Why was this not done earlier? What has the BN been doing all this while? Sleeping? Now you want to do it in 10 years when you have failed to do so after 40 years but instead have been robbing the natives of their rightful inheritance?
    You think we Sarawakians are stupid enough to believe you can do it in the next 10 years?

  62. Shoemark recognition will help solve how Sarbani fell to his death. Important shoemarks would be those near the window before he fell.

    Shoemark Recognition for Forensic Science: An Emerging Technology:

  63. The state wherein the richest man in Malaysia Taib Mahmud resides is the richest state. There is no need for time to make it. If Taib loses the election and ends up with his ill gotten wealth forfeited by a new MACC under a new federal government, the Sarawak would not be the richest state. But the people will be richer without Taib Mahnud soaking up all the money with his spongy administration.

  64. ///The injuries found on Selangor Customs Department assistant director Ahmad Sarbani Mohamed are consistent with falling from a height, said Federal Territory police chief Zulkifli Abdullah. From the…///—Malaysiakini

    No one doubts that. But the interest is how he fell. Was chloroform used? He fell head down were there fractures in the arms trying to stop the fall; if not according to Peter Vanze he would be unconscious. Were there finger prints to suggest that he was held head down before being released. Most people survive a fall from the height of a three-story building, and people do not attempt suicide to regret surviving as invalid. The case was murder.

  65. In terms of natural resources such as petroleum, natural gas and timber, Sarawak is richer than Brunei. However, in terms of per capita GDP, Sarawak ranks with Haiti. Where has all the money gone?

  66. If I were big chief of the Land of Head Hunters, the deal is simple:

    1. In the evening of life I can’t take my immense wealth to the next place I am going;

    2. I give back a portion of it. Instead of usual RM500 per head I top up to RM5000 – so what’s big deal? This is what I mean making everyone rich.

    3. If the people grateful, give the votes loh.

    4. My deal with Federal is : I make sure ruling coalition win by comfortable margin way above 2/3 (except for a few die hard hard core stubborn Chinese seats that support opposition (DAP). In exchange, forget about MACC looking intyo anything. It has its own problems on how to redeem their crebility after 2 deaths in their precincts.

    Thats a sensible deal.

  67. It is proven now that it is in the interest of the country that every citizens get the opportunity to advance with time. The decision of Sarawak voters affect us. If those who vote know about Pek Mor’s deed and that of his evil masters in Putrajaya, we are certain that Sarawak would not be a fixed deposit for the secret society who is a member of the United Nations.

    But Pek Mor is coming back as CM judging by the fact that SNAP and PKR leaders, who are said to be more knowledgeable that the long-house residents can’t even agree to share the seats to contest. PKR has obviously more to lose in the impasse. What is a few state seats when the price is the federal government?

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