Sleight of hand and twist of fate

On a bed of nails Malaysians wait
by Singa Pura Pura

The impudent, open screening of naked pornography at Carcosa Seri Negara. Think about it – as we lay and wait on our bed of nails – for the police and the public prosecutor to move.

Despite the gathering storm of public outrage and the consternation of an entire nation, the Home Minister, representing UMNO and the ruling coalition, still refuses to do the right and proper thing – which is to bring the persons who have openly, plainly and admittedly broken the laws of the land before the altar of justice. To charge them in an open court and to afford them an opportunity of answering those charges; to see if they have a lawful justification or excuse for possessing and screening pornography at a public place.

It is pertinent here to ask the question: In the Federation of Malaysia, and for all practical intents and purposes, to whom does the Attorney-General or the Inspector-General of Police answer? Is it to His Majesty the Yang di-Pertuan Agong? Is it to Parliament? To the Cabinet? Or to the Home Minister and/or the Prime Minister? The answer is common knowledge. Which is why pushing the blame – for the dogged refusal of the Home Minister to act – unto the police and the public prosecutor is akin to the liver apportioning liability upon the kidneys for not filtering out the toxins that are poisoning the body. Are we, seriously, being asked to believe that in this country, the police acts without any reference to the Attorney General who, in turn, acts autonomously from the Home Minister or the Prime Minister?

It simply will not do anymore for the Home Minister to crouch under the wide, discretionary ‘sarong’ of the Attorney-General or the public prosecutor. Despite the preponderance of public opinion, the Prime Minister and the Home Minister have been intractably resistant to having any proceedings brought against the licentious trio of public pornographers. Pornographers are the enemies of the state; the unwilling victims of their pornographic recordings are not.

In these circumstances, one is constrained to come to the reasonably fair conclusion that the actions and inaction of the police and the public prosecutor have led to the irresistible and adverse presumption that the ruling coalition, via UMNO and/or its agents, must have had a prior arrangement or understanding, if not a secret undertaking, with the pornographers to bring the leader of the opposition down by way of a video scandal. Of course, in law, as in life, presumptions, however irresistible they may be, are seldom irrebuttable. Which is why the onus weighs ever so heavily now upon the Home Minister to show, to the complete satisfaction of the Rakyat, that both the ruling party and the coalition to which he belongs are not only unassociated with these pornographers but also that UMNO and the ruling coalition are rightly against such heinous societal elements or ‘pemusnah masyarakat’ that seek to destroy this nation through universally unacceptable ways and means.

The fog of infamy is furiously rubbing its hindquarters on the window panes of UMNO; the Home Minister must make it go away, believably and convincingly. Otherwise, he must slide the panes up, and let the fog in. The ‘Trio of Carcosa 2011’ might have benefitted from an unseen sleight of hand here, but the resulting twist of fate for the country’s reputation is surely incongruous with how the ‘Trio of TAR-TAR-THO’ (Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Abdul Razak and Tun Hussein Onn) had envisaged the Home Minister would look out for the country from his watchtower and perform the duties with which he has been entrusted by the Rakyat and the founding fathers of Malaysia.

With or without the Home Minister, we say.

31 Replies to “Sleight of hand and twist of fate”

  1. PDRM to YB LKS : We appreciate and accept your views and criticisms dengan hati terbuka. Tetapi apa we boleh buat? Bukan PDRM tak tahu Datuk T dah broken the law, kita tahu. Tetapi tolong fahamlah PDRM not all powerful. Dah kita bincang dengan AG Pigtail tentang issue ini tapi, nampaknya Pigtail tak confident sangat. Masih tunggu arahan from KDN ( Hishamuddin ) yang difahamkan telah pun bertemu dengan PM.

    LKS: Dah dua minggu, PM tak ada jawapan pun?

    PDRM: Ada, bukan tak ada. PM advise kita fikir masak-masak. “Tambik itu bukan orang biasa. Lupakah engkau beliau pernah gasak seorang gadis yang belum berbulu? Baik kita jangan cari hal dengan geng Tambik seperti Mamak, Perkasa Muhyddin ……. ”

    LKS: Akhir kata?

    PDRM: Keputusan PM?

    LKS: YA

    PDRM: Kata Datuk Seri “Siasat … siasat… siasat. Leave no stone unturned. Rakyat mudah lupa”

    LKS: Baiklah dan terima kasih.

    PDRM: Same same. But please keep yang I cakap tadi rahsia, ya.

  2. ///the Home Minister, representing UMNO and the ruling coalition, still refuses to do the right and proper thing – which is to bring the persons who have openly, plainly and admittedly broken the laws of the land before the altar of justice.///

    These people were instructed by their political masters to create the sex video. How can their political masters charge them for the crime that they have committed?

  3. First Home Minister will speak out anything OK as long as protectng the three buggers.
    Then IGP do the same.
    Both are providing brainwashing tactics to talk garbages hitting at Anwar.
    Then both watch the after effects and results.
    Public and Oppositions press for this ot that actions which are lawful and right.
    Both cannot decide ….including Law Minister..shot down…no respond.
    Najib?….how to talk with no confidence he is not going to make a fool of himself?
    Mahathir is extremely quiet.
    Speaker best..say no sex show in Parliament…Haram.
    Clowns are performing act to pin Anwar with sex.
    APCO advises expired.
    Najib dare not use public funds to pay another RM71 million for another year. If not exposed by Anwar…he will do that for sure.
    That’s why UMNO B ideas are back to good old faithful stuffs…race and religion politics to win elections…with extras from Najib like making deals..bribing..making all sorts of promises.
    The best part is..Malaysians know Najib is a flip flopper and a liar…after 12th GE….besides planning RM billion projects with huge overpriced items and 10% commission.
    The few cronies get millions…party get millions …with not one sen deposited in his bank account like Mahathir…..making both…the cleanest non corruptedPMs in Malaysia.
    And it will be CORRUPTIONS tha the government be voted out.

  4. Mengapa H/minister tu suka protek ogang yg tak betul2 one?? Dulu kepala lembu, sekarang pula video seks. Dia tu kan baca over-see? Sepatutnya ogang terpelajar, otak terbuka ; tapi dia memang bukan ogang yg berkualiti, tak ada leadership, langsung tak masuk akal.
    Well, I’m sorry for his family, not to mention the beloved ex PM.

  5. Catholic Bishop Paul Tan Chee Ing denounced as “morally squalid” and “indefensible” the inaction of the secular authorities over the screening of the video allegedly depicting Anwar Ibrahim in a sexual transaction with a woman.
    My hats off to Bishop Paul Tan for having the courage to voice out the truth, and defend the rights of the Christian community.

  6. Aiya, baochingtian, lu tak tau ka? Dunia semua olang tau dia tu pigi over-see bukan untuk belajar. Dia tu pigi sana enjoy matini, tengkok prempuan mat salleh dalam big-kini. Dulu anak-anak olang boksar pigi sana beli degree. Sebab itulah mereka cakap Inglis macam murid-murid std 3. Amboi, Malaysia macam mana boleh maju? Tak payarlah cakap banyak-banyak. Tengkok Singkapor sudah tau.

    Wa cakap sama you. Wa pigi luar negeri pun rasa malu olang sana tau wa olang Malaysia. Wa takut nanti dia olang tanya tentang PM dan menteri-menteri half-past six, wa susah nak jawab. YaAllah….YaAllah

  7. Taxi Nazri appears to be the mouthpiece for UMNO on this one. Let’s petition Nazri for a RCI on the issuance of taxi licences, shall we ?

    On second thought, let the religious sides condemn these immoral people. Let’s focus on Sarawak, and get Pek Moh out of the land that he and his family have pillaged for so long.

  8. Shame on the IGP and PDRM for behaving like UMNO prostitutes and cowards. I like the way Tan Sri Khalid puts it: Polis tak perlu tangkap pencuri kerana rumah tulen. The IGP and PDRM have become international laughing stock!

  9. Godfather,

    I am all for your idea. Let’s not get distracted from the more important issue- to defeat Pek Moh. Uubbaaah…. ngat sayap!!!

    Sarawak, Sarawak, here we come
    We gotta fight like there’s no tomorrow
    If we don’t pluck Pek Moh’s rambutan
    And destroy his watergun

    We are ready for BN’s big war machines
    We ain’t fear no death
    With resilience and courage we will win
    And drive BN back to the West.

    Unite! Sarawakians Pek Moh must fall
    Stop his plundering of our land
    Let us all stand tall
    No more slaves to BN

  10. Yo man,lets get real to help Sarawakian from Pek Moh.Why no sort of planning with aid from opposition or the decently rich in moral and asset Malaysian to contribute and help the election and stop Pek Moh’s erection from further spreading carcinogenic effect.Zairil’s shampoo is running out of order and dagen’s one is too expensive for me too.All,please help to Ubah.

  11. This particular one is the exception as it focused to bring Anwar down…..a follow up on Sodomy 2.
    Anwar is what UMNO B fear most to swing Muslim votes.
    Thousands of other cases are mostly on corruptions and murders…that the Police dare not act…because IGP act to defend UMNO B and Najib…not an elected Govt. per se.
    Police Force is trained to take instructions without questions. One must not blame the Police Force altogether.
    It is IGP and the few right hand left hand police leaders ….all hand picked..all UMNO B members.
    In short…Police is supporting UMNO B corruoted racists politics.
    And if the Police dare not act on corrutions…rapes and murders …it is because corrupted crooks will not take actions over their blood brothers.
    Got it NOW?
    Ask nicely and you shall be given.

  12. Today….6th April.. is Sarawak Election normination day.
    Now Anwar can speak with no limited time in Sarawak?
    DAP have done all they can and bottom line…lies entirely in Sarawakians voter’s hands.
    Lets wait for the result in 10 days time.
    Remember to change a State from decades of brainwashing…not easy..but Sibu Miracle is the driving force to all Sarawak voters free themselves from an evil government.
    Who do they trust?
    PR or BN?
    DAP alone is most trusted by majority Malaysians.
    Team up with keDAILan and ever alternative Govt for all.

  13. monsterball,

    Early to bed
    Earlt to rise
    Makes an old man
    Healthy and wise

    BTW and if you’re still there……..
    Do I say ‘good-night’ or ‘good-morning’ to you in our present circumstance? I get confused sometimes.

  14. This is one classic case as clear as daylight that there are two different sets of law in our beloved country where immunity is a Right enjoyed by the privileged irrespective of any wrongly act but which if commited by the down trodden ordinary rakyat will Surely face the wrath of our law.To quote the IGP that it is his decision to decide who and when to arrest the Datuk T just confirm my suspicion that he is fearful to antagonise the unseen hands of the Power above and the same goes to the AG and KDN.If screening and watching pornograhic video in a public place is not an offence and the perpetrators are allowed to go scott free then we the ordinary citizen can also invite friend to watch porngraphic in the privacy of our homes because a precedent has been set here.IN SHORT RESIGN MR IGP,AG AND KDN.ALL OF YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO OUR COUNTRY.

  15. ANY Govt that needs to do an RCI on Anwar’s sex life BUT not one on the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrant in Sabah, the NCR land in Sarawak, Altantuya death/Scorpene submarine, the police, the MACC, the judicial crises of 1988 and the system now SHOULD BE FIRED regardless of what the truth is of Anwar’s sex life. Nuff said.

  16. It will all depend on the sarawak elections result. If BN wins by a landslide there, posters of Anwar wanted dead or alive will soon appear throughout the country. On the other hand, if BN loses, the case will be quietly dropped.

  17. Whoever said the police and the AG are answerable to the King?
    It is answerable to UMNO, UMNO, UMNO.
    UMNO is the King. The law belongs to UMNO. UMNO is the Law!!
    UMNO decides who should be charged and who should be freed.
    In this case Datuk T served UMNO and there is no way UMNO will let them down. One has to be an idiot to believe that they acted without greenlight from UMNO.
    Believe me, they will well rewarded for their patriotism.
    One may be sent off as an ambassador, one given a Tan Sri and another appointed senator or chairman of a GLC.

  18. It’s a clear-cut case that the “Datuk T” have committed an offence…and they admitted it. If those in authorities still do not take action against the trio, then they themselves will have to answer for their inactions once Umno is kicked out of the government. Every single one of them who should perform their duty and did not will have to go the chopping block.

  19. That is why I said, they started a prank which started the whole country wondering. But they did not know that the prank was on them. (Bee Gees, I started a joke)

    The sex tape was umno’s grand plan to distract anwar and pakatan. It was supposed to be a spanner. But now it looks to me like the spanner which they attempted to hurl across to pakatan has actually dropped onto their side of the ring and on some umnoputras’ toes! Ku Li was spot on with his observation: “No one believes it.” That is so very obvious from the clip that was uploaded. In the first place, it was stupid to even suggest that the actor is anwar. Screening the clip makes the entire umno sabotage effort looks stupider and ridiculous. And look at who are now in total orgy over the recording and are demanding that a RCI be set up to identify the actor. Umno, of course. They are absolutely stupid, ridiculous and despicable.

    Boy. Oh boy!

  20. A Customs officer died today after falling from the third floor of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) building on Jalan Cochrane where he was being investigated over a billion ringgit in unpaid taxes.

    At least he had over over a billion ringgit to enjoy before his untimely demise. TBH had only RM3,000 in his bank a/c…
    Big difference of RM1,000,000,000 – RM3,000 = RM999,997,000!!!

  21. Good afternoon to all…especially to Taxidriver.
    To be confused is quite normal….since BN have tried to confused all Malaysians for 30 years under the new UMNO B.
    But millions who were confused are no more.
    Even school children understands ‘!Malaysia” is nonsense by Najib now.

  22. ///KUALA LUMPUR, April 5 — A royal commission of inquiry (RCI) on the alleged Anwar sex video would possibly benefit not just Barisan Nasional (BN) but the opposition as well, de facto law minister Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz has said.
    He said both sides stood to gain from an RCI probe as Pakatan Rakyat (PR) needs a “neutral body” to clear its leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim’s name while BN has to prove it did not mastermind the sex video expose.

    But the Padang Rengas MP cautioned that both BN and PR also stood to lose if the royal commission did not find in their favour.

    He pointed out that if Anwar is proven innocent, PR would get a big political boost at BN’s expense while the tables would be turned if the reverse were true.

    “So what’s there to fear, Karpal?” Nazri told The Malaysian Insider at Parliament today.///–MalaysianInsider

    So Nazri, Minister in the PM Department, considers that RCI at the expense of the government is better utilized for political purposes than for establishing the ways for proper governance.

  23. We have not seen the face of the two persons convicted for the murder of Altantuja Shaaribuu.

    It has been said that what a person who intended to commit suicide fears most is that he might not die and ended up as invalid. It would be pretty risky to jump from the low building, unless one could be sure that his head touches the ground first. This might be the first case of suicide attempted from such height. But why choose MACC building to do it?

  24. dagen :
    That is why I said, they started a prank which started the whole country wondering. But they did not know that the prank was on them. (Bee Gees, I started a joke)
    The sex tape was umno’s grand plan to distract anwar and pakatan. It was supposed to be a spanner. But now it looks to me like the spanner which they attempted to hurl across to pakatan has actually dropped onto their side of the ring and on some umnoputras’ toes! Ku Li was spot on with his observation: “No one believes it.” That is so very obvious from the clip that was uploaded. In the first place, it was stupid to even suggest that the actor is anwar. Screening the clip makes the entire umno sabotage effort looks stupider and ridiculous. And look at who are now in total orgy over the recording and are demanding that a RCI be set up to identify the actor. Umno, of course. They are absolutely stupid, ridiculous and despicable.
    Boy. Oh boy!

    The know the Datuk Trio who got the original tape and yet the Home Minister took no action. Now they are interested to find out who uploaded the video without the sex act. So what was wrong with uploading the part video? Was the investigation political in nature?

  25. ///Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Jamil Khir Baharom today asserted the right of non-Muslims to recite Quranic verses, provided they do so without ill-intent and with sincerity. ///–Malaysiakini

    So the condition of ‘without ill-intent and sincerity’ is now added for people who are not Muslims to recite Quranic verses, but that is not applicable to Muslims. Who then has the ultimate authority to decide whether any citation is made with ill-intent or insincerity? Further, an error in the citation could be construed as citing the verses with ill intent. That is like going back to the age of absolute monarch where the subject can be charged for leser majeste in word usage. Here it would be leser Islamic.

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