Machap by-election – Abdullah/Najib must clear their name over integrity charges by former PM/DPM

Deputy Information Minister Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi had said that the Information Ministry would counter all issues, including personal matters of national, state and local leaders, raised by the Opposition in the run-up to the Machap by-election.

In the past few decades, Barisan Nasional had been guilty of blatantly abusing government machinery, resources and funds for political party and personal gain but they had always denied it, trying to camouflage such abuses and political corruption under a fig-leaf of propriety and legitimacy.

But another unhealthy and dangerous precedent has been set, when the Deputy Information Minister blatantly flaunt the abuses of the Information Ministry to serve the Barisan Nasional campaign needs in the Machap by-election — bringing the integrity and morality of the ruling government to a new low at a time when the nation is celebrating 50 years of independence.

However, I agree with Zahid that serious allegations which had been made about abuses of power, malpractices and integrity against top government leaders should be answered in the Machap by-election.

In this connection, I call on the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak to clear their name over the charges made separately by the former Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister affecting their integrity in the Machap by-election.

At the public forum organised by Umno Kulai Besar branch on Thursday, former Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad raised the issue of integrity of his successor when he said: “Some leaders, they boast, oh my son is rich… They talk about their AUD25 million home. That’s RM60 million. So strange, to have such a big house ..”

There can be no doubt that Mahathir was referring to Abdullah who must fully clarify the former Prime Minister’s questions about his integrity.

Former Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim raised questions about the integrity of the current Deputy Prime Minister during an an interview with Al-Jazeera on Wednesday.

Anwar said:

“There are complicities over the huge and massive commissions accrued by the government involving the Defence Ministry, Defence Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak.

“These are not mere allegations. People have adduced evidence – US$120 million commission though submarine deals from France, US$100 million commission for Sukhoi jets from Russia.

“What is done? Nothing. Are there investigations? None.”

In the Machap by-election from April 3 -12, both the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister must be able to remove the doubts and questions about their integrity which have repeatedly been raised by the former Prime Minister and a former Deputy Prime Minister. Otherwise, how could the Barisan Nasional ask for votes of support from the voters in the Machap by-election?

(Speech at a DAP pre-byelection dinner-ceramah at Machap Umboo on Sunday, April 1, 2007)


17 Replies to “Machap by-election – Abdullah/Najib must clear their name over integrity charges by former PM/DPM”

  1. Elections Commission, are you awake, and listening?
    Our Deputy Info Minister has clearly stated that his ministry will be used “…. that the Information Ministry would counter all issues, including personal matters of national, state and local leaders, raised by the Opposition in the run-up to the Machap by-election…”

    Go read the election laws about the use of Government machinery for elections, and do the right thing!! If BN/MCA wins, will you wait for a petition before you declare the forthcoming Machap by-election has contravened the election laws, and order another by-election?

    Even if incumbency has its advantages, surely the use of government and all its organs must be cause to declare the winner, if BN/MCA, has offended the rules of the game?

    And someone the likes of Nazri said no need to review the Election laws because “it has worked fine for 50 years”..??? WTF!!!

  2. The information Department had always been at the beck and call of Barisan members during election time. The Department’s vans can be seen at Barsisan ceramahs with the speakers using its microphones and speakers.
    Cabinet ministers go around campaigning in government vehicles with police outriders to boot.
    This country will alwys remain third world.

  3. These are hot button issues for today – integrity, integrity, integrity. Hot for the nation. Hot for you and me.

    When the ex-PM and ex-DPM repeatedly and unequivocally allege that the current PM and DPM have no integrity (indeed, that the DPM is incorrigibly corrupt!) – these are not just slaps on their wrists or even slaps to their faces!!! These are body blows which makes all Malaysians black and blue. The body politic suffers and agonises over the embarassment.

    If the accusations were wild and anonymous, we can brush it away with a wave of the hand. But the accusers are not ordinary men. They have their networks of whistleblowers, informers and insiders. Nothing can be more serious than this.

    MAlaysians have a right to demand forthright answers from the PM/DPM. They should either sue TDM/ANwar for libel or resign, resign, resign. Enough is enough. Both are utterly wretched disgraceful to the nation. Of course, TDM must share in their shame for having ‘groomed’ and appointed both of them. How can TDM be so cocksure of himself…and be so wrong, so very wrong, so many, many times. TDM is a fine example of how ‘Pride goes before a fall.’

    The same can be said of a rudderless BN, a depraved company of greedy men who are morally destitute. To add salt to injury, they feign religiosity to cloak their evil ambitions.

  4. ///US$120 million commission though submarine deals from France, US$100 million commission for Sukhoi jets from Russia. ///

    The clarification might be as follows:

    The money came from France, and Russia, so they are not the ringgit Malaysia paid.

    It will offend the people who offer gifts, if gifts are not accepted. It is against Malay(sian?) culture.

    We attract FDI, and these are even better, because they will be the property of Malaysian. Besides if the money are in Malaysia, that will help stabilize the political arena. When applied in business, they generate multiplying effect.

    Yes, accepting the money amounts to corruption. But when corruption is everywhere in public and private life, one incident more will not make it any worse in perception, and one case less would not make it cleaner either.

    It is in the interest to Malaysia to accept the money, which would otherwise stay with France and Russia. The Defence Ministry could have negotiated the price down by at least the amount of gift, one might argue. Well, that might be true, but that did not occur to the Minister at that time. It was an oversight! Next time they hope to remember to try to bargain.

  5. “In the Machap by-election from April 3 -12, both the Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister must be able to remove the doubts and questions about their integrity..”

    This is not going to happen – and they are not going to try. Why should they open a can of worms?

    It is good for the Opposition that BN politicians and their supporters keep such matters under a cloak of secrecy. It is political fodder for the rest of us who believe that BN heavyweights have no intention to work for the people – but rather for themselves first, lining their own pockets in the process.

    Defense contracts are very popular as they rake in a lot of commission for UMNO (it is a well known practice for kickbacks to be made to an intermediary with ties to UMNO – no questions asked). We see teams of ‘independent contractors’ going in search of defense equipment to purchase in an election year, and as always there is go-between i.e. a company with strong ties to UMNO. Why is there a need for an intermediary?

    Anwar knows what he is talking about when he refers to government purchases of the Sukhoi and the French submarines at a phenomenal cost to the country. Perhaps he should reveal all and not just these but then he is stopped from doing so by the Official Secrets Act.

  6. “DM must share in their shame for having ‘groomed’ and appointed both of them. How can TDM be so cocksure of himself…and be so wrong, so very wrong, so many, many times. TDM is a fine example of how ‘Pride goes before a fall.’” HORNBILL

    Bush would refer to them as the ‘axis of evil’ – TDM/PM/DPM. These are the evil doers. Voters have a moral obligation to protect the future generation of Malaysians from the evil deeds of these three evil doers – and those like them who might be tempted to follow in their footsteps.

  7. “However, I agree with Zahid that serious allegations which had been made about abuses of power, malpractices and integrity against top government leaders should be answered in the Machap by-election.” LKS

    I have a problem with this.

    A politician defending civil servants for alleged malpractices? It is not the government that is on trial but BN which runs the government.

  8. Malaysia’s institutionalized racism in the form of preferences for Malays and restrictions on Chinese and others in government employment, university places and other benefits teaches that there are real differences between races, and all races are unequal, whether it’s by natural endowment or national legislation.
    Malaysia’s Islamization over the past decade has arguably made matters worse and likely contributed to the hostility. Even though Muslim Malays just barely constitute a majority of the population, the government has proudly proclaimed Malaysia an Islamic state.

  9. “The information Department had always been at the beck and call of Barisan members during election time. The Department’s vans can be seen at Barsisan ceramahs with the speakers using its microphones and speakers.” an observation by Libra2

    This is nothing new as it has been the practice to do so. But at least there were attempts each time to deny or to explain away such flagrant breach of the law. Today we have a deputy Minister making statements that his Ministry is right to do so.

    What next??

  10. Machap by-election:

    YB, DAP owes it to the people of Machap to expose BN for what it is ‘snakes in the grass’ – venomous snakes that will kill and maim the country folks and the nation if we allow these snakkes to slither on.

    Machap folks must know that for decades BN leaders have pretended to be friends of the people but behind the people’s back, they have always secretly and insidiously done things to harm them, to weaken the fabric of our multi-racial society, to spread religious intolerance and hegemonistic policies, to defraud and ‘steal’ from the public coffers by putting their ugly hands in the till in all public expenditures – mega and mini projects (e.g. RM3,000 renovation for school billed as RM30,000. Now, all is quiet on this and the litany of other abuses).

    DAP must not speak of a reduced majority. That’s like trading with the devil!!! Trading snakes with the devil is suicide for the nation.

    DAP must set its sights high – fight to win. Machap must be seen as a watershed election. If DAP aims low, it may just end us waddling like turkeys. Punch the snakes in the head. DAP must keep its spirits high, positive and resolute. If it loses Machap, it must not be because of tokenism, a lack of belief in the possibility of success.

    I would never brook any pessismistic talk. The reality is that the fight will be tough….not that DAP will lose. The tougher the fight, the harder the foot soldiers must press on and the big guns must descend to the ground. For the next one/two weeks…DAP big guns must descend to the ground and envelop Machap with the love and care that Machap deserves. There is no shame in losing..under the circumstances where BN continues to hoodwink the people by handing out pies with bribes. BUT I would quarrel if DAP’s motivation is lackadaisical and less than confident that a great effort could make a great difference.

    YB LKS’, LGE, Kok Wai, Theresa, Po Kuan, KArpal, Dr Chen Man Hin, Dr tan Seng Giaw and others must make an appearance to show the Machap people and MAlaysians that the fight for the next GE is beginning here in Machap. Can you imagine the impact if KArpal is wheeled in the wheelchair through the main streets of Machap…the message of steel that must put steel into the bones of Machap to stand up for the country.

    When Machap falls to DAP….shit will drop from all BN pants. That will be the domino we are all waiting for. The waves from Machap will crash onto all constituencies. It must be the death knell for BN.

    You say I am a dreamer. Yes, Martin Luther had his dreams. Malaysians must begin their dreams in Machap or forever live with the BN nightmare.

    YB LKS/LGE – please rally the forces like a marshal on the battlefield. The die is cast and victory is imminent.


    DAP must win. There is no loss in pride, courage and valour even if DAP loses. It must be nothing less than the Charge of the lIght Brigade for the people of Malaysia. Wikipedia: “The Charge of the Light Brigade was a disastrous cavalry charge led by Lord Cardigan during the Battle of Balaclava on October 25, 1854 in the Crimean War. It is best remembered as the subject of a famous poem entitled The Charge of the Light Brigade by Alfred, Lord Tennyson, whose lines “Theirs not to reason why / Theirs but to do and die” have made the charge a symbol of warfare at both its most courageous and its most tragic.”

    Half a league, half a league,
    Half a league onward,
    All in the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.
    “Forward, the Light Brigade!
    “Charge for the guns!” he said:
    Into the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.

    “Forward, the Light Brigade!”
    Was there a man dismay’d?
    Not tho’ the soldier knew
    Someone had blunder’d:
    Their’s not to make reply,
    Their’s not to reason why,
    Their’s but to do and die:
    Into the valley of Death
    Rode the six hundred.

    Cannon to right of them,
    Cannon to left of them,
    Cannon in front of them
    Volley’d and thunder’d;
    Storm’d at with shot and shell,
    Boldly they rode and well,
    Into the jaws of Death,
    Into the mouth of Hell
    Rode the six hundred.

    Flash’d all their sabres bare,
    Flash’d as they turn’d in air,
    Sabring the gunners there,
    Charging an army, while
    All the world wonder’d:
    Plunged in the battery-smoke
    Right thro’ the line they broke;
    Cossack and Russian
    Reel’d from the sabre stroke
    Shatter’d and sunder’d.
    Then they rode back, but not
    Not the six hundred.

    Cannon to right of them,
    Cannon to left of them,
    Cannon behind them
    Volley’d and thunder’d;
    Storm’d at with shot and shell,
    While horse and hero fell,
    They that had fought so well
    Came thro’ the jaws of Death
    Back from the mouth of Hell,
    All that was left of them,
    Left of six hundred.

    When can their glory fade?
    O the wild charge they made!
    All the world wondered.
    Honor the charge they made,
    Honor the Light Brigade,
    Noble six hundred.

  11. This is a good election issue. I think there is some tolerance of the PM being unseenly corrupted but for a cheating, ass-kissing, low-intellect DPM to steal so much money for his own use. And its more than just the Submarine and Sukhoi. What about the mNational Service program, the sport complex at UK etc. The DPM comes as corrupt as under Dr.M.

  12. “And someone the likes of Nazri said no need to review the Election laws because “it has worked fine for 50 years”..??? WTF!!!”

    if some of u fellas are too innocent to knw “WTF” is…it has nothing to do wif tennis tournaments.let me state it more clearly..its “WHAT THE F@#K”

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