Why police not yet arrested “Datuk T” – Datuk Trio of Rahim Thamby Chik, Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Shuib Lazim – for the crimes of the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper

The mystery of the “Dato T” of the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper has been resolved in 48 hours with the confession by the culprits concerned – former Malacca chief minister and Umno veteran Tan Sri Rahim Thamby Cik, Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Perkasa’s Shuib Lazim.

In a hurriedly-called press conference, Rahim admitted that “Datuk T” stood for “Datuk Trio” comprising three of them.

Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim had immediately denied that he was the man in the video and had lodged a police report the very next day.

Two questions now uppermost in the minds of all right-thinking Malaysians are:

  1. Why police have not yet arrested the trio of “Datuk T”, namely Rahim, Shazryl and Shuib for various crimes including Section 292 of the Penal Code for “publicly exhibiting any obscene or pornographic material” liable to a jail term of three years or Section 5(1) of the Film Censorship Act 2002 where a person is liable to be fined up to RM50,000 or jailed up to five years or both. Do the trio enjoy immunity and impunity for breaches of the law and actions which have brought world-wide shame to the nation?

  2. How Malaysian public and international opinion are to be convinced that the police and the top Umno and Cabinet leaders including the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak, the Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein and the Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Nazri Aziz are not privy to the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper and to the identities of the trio in “Dato T” whether before or immediately after the screening of the sex video on Monday.

A despicable and dastardly political ploy to destroy both Anwar Ibrahim and Pakatan Rakyat’s chances in the Sarawak general elections may prove to be the last straw to break the back of public confidence in the credibility and legitimacy of the Najib premiership and to convince the majority of the people that the time has come to end the mandate of Barisan Nasional and Umno to continue to govern Sarawak and Malaysia.

72 Replies to “Why police not yet arrested “Datuk T” – Datuk Trio of Rahim Thamby Chik, Shazryl Eskay Abdullah and Shuib Lazim – for the crimes of the Sri Carcosa sex tape caper”

  1. Oooooooo….you are asking for UMNOputras to be charged ? What have you been smoking ? These people will continue to drag us through the mud as though nothing has happened, and they would appear to enjoy it.

  2. Nazri Aziz says UMNO can’t be responsible for the actions of a few individuals. Kerismuddin says these UMNOputras committed no crime and we should let the new special task force do its job. The AG agrees.

    Now can we move on or are we going to continue to spit into the wind ?

  3. If Datuk Trio had been from Pakatan and the porn star Najib, the police would have arrested them at Carcosa itself.
    The police would have immediately denied that it was Najib rolling on the hay and packed of the Trio to the lock up and charged the next day.
    This Malaysian Law in action.

  4. Hi Saudara LIM KIT SIANG,

    I’m afraid you had MISSED the point completely or perhaps is that you simply choose to MISS the point.

    Can you please UNDERSTAND what’s more IMPORTANT is to determine whether the man in the recording is ANWAR IBRAHIM or not??? & NOT questioning whether did PDRM do this rubbish or that rubbish???

    Furthermore, the so-called DATUK TRIO even invite/agree to have you, NIK AZIZ, WAN AZIZAH + foreign experts to be part of a ‘proposed’ RCI committee. So, what’s the BIG FUSS all about???

    Although the question of whether did PDRM do the correct thing or not is important but I would say it’s only “SECONDARY IMPORTANT”. The TOP MOST IMPORTANT thing is to find out whether is ANWAR IBRAHIM the man or not. ‘The rakyat’ deserve to know this & ‘the rakyat’ is NOT interested to know whether did PDRM do their job or not (afterall, we all know PDRM doesn’t do any job).

    Thus, I’ll appreciate if you could STOP AVOIDING or DIVERTING the topic. Barking about the Police is NOTHING new but finding out whether the man is really ANAWR IBRAHIM is certainly something NEW & in fact, it’s URGENTLY IMPORTANT!!!

    I as part of ‘the rakyat’ deserve to know whether is PAKATAN RAKYAT truly worth voting for or not. Thus, I view a setup of a RCI pertaining to this is FAIR, IMPORTANT and MUST be set-up without any further

    Lastly, I would like to advice you with a hint which goes…

    “Address the issue rather than to avoid or divert it should be the way!!!”

  5. UMNO and its cronies like RTC (a child rapist) and UHA (disowned by her own parents) are teaching UMNO youths and future leaders that it’s ok to frame their political opponents into a hotel room and clandestinely tape them having sexual relations with women, and then broadcasting the videos publicly to politically assassinate their victims. [deleted] Let this be clear, UMNO and its cronies are willing to carry out despicable acts like murder and sexual blackmail in order to gain power and wealth, and then pretend to be staunch Muslims. They are willing to commit all the despicable and inhuman acts as Malay Muslims [deleted], without any concern that they are destroying the good name of their Malay brethens, the Malay culture, and Islam. [deleted] A vote for UMNO and BN is a vote against any race and religion in Malaysia.

  6. Ex CMof Malacca was exposed by Lim Guan Eng.
    For doing that LGE went to jail.
    He resigned and want Anwar to be like him…give up politics.
    Everytime I read all sorts of so call noble acts by UMNO B crooks..all seem to ignore corruptions.
    What kind of brains they all have?

  7. Corrupted and crime involving bribes are much worse than sexual offence.

    Corrupted leaders cause nation to be poor and the poor people suffering.

    What happen to those hundreds of billion RM taken out illegally from Malaysia duirng Mathatir’s ruling time from 2000 to 2008?

    Sexual offence involves (at least) two persons while corrupted leaders involve entire nation.

    Sexual offence, if Anwar had commited, only lower himself down.

    Corrupted leaders like Taib and Mathatir causing entire people in Sarawak and Malaysia respectively in the dark and suffering and remain poor.

  8. Impact of Sri Carcosa sex tape event on Sodomy II trial overseas

    The Sri Carcosa sex tape news has already reached Canada and Australia. Unlike Malaysians who are gullible, Westerners with open and analytical minds will probably view the “scandal” as a despicable and dastardly political ploy by the ruling party to ruin Anwar’s political career because they are aware that there cannot be so many sex scandal allegations, one after another, from Sodomy I through Sodomy II to Sri Carcosa sex tape, lashing on Anwar by the ruling party, unless these scandals are fabricated. Hence, indirectly the Sri Carcosa sex tape event revealed to these Westerners that Anwar’s Sodomy II trial is a trumped up charge.

  9. All honour Malaysians STANDUP and FIGHT.

    Thought out those corrupted politicians to the tsunami wave.

    Overthrow them let’s them know here Malaysia it is belong to MALAYSIANS.




  10. Sri Carcosa sex tape caper will backfire on ruling party. With overzealous friends like ‘Datuk T’ who needs enemies? Writing is on the wall, even Perkasa’s Ibrahim Ali is distancing Perkasa from this caper. Not sure having sex with a prostitute is a criminal offence but exhibiting any obscene or pornographic material definitely is, and they are more concerned to pursue that which may not be a criminal offence whilst ignoring that which is….Somemore the guys who are exposing this sex tape are not exactly the right kind to win confidence and belief of a skeptical public. If public don’t believe in this caper esp if it should be proven eventually a doctored/fabricated tape, the govt case in other sodomy II trial will also reap greater public skepticism.

  11. Something is not right!!!
    Confessing in making such tape but on the other hand requesting RCI investigation.
    Must be up to something!
    Emmmmm…….??? What is zit..???
    Sarawak polling set on April 16th….!
    Are they trying to divert attention???
    Maybe, emm…!, maybe!!!

  12. Tonight, before you go to sleep.

    Ask yourself ‘ARE YOU READY’?

    Are you ready to free yourself, for your next generation free from corruption?

    Are you ready to overthrow the corrupted politicians threaten us over 52 years?

    Are you ready be united for a change to make the malaysia a better place to live?

    We are waiting each day, each hour, each minutes…

    EACH DAY EACH DAY WE WAIT…..ready to change….ready to change…

    ready to make Malaysia free from corruption…..

    ready to make Malaysia a better place to live…

    ready to make the world know we are ready to change…
    each second we count…we are ready…we are ready


    we are ready…we are ready




    ready to make the world know we are ready to change…..

  13. Shamless and useless UNMOB leaders
    Shameless and useless PDRM
    Shameless and useless UNMOB Malay Muslims
    Shameless D Farto Law Minister
    Shameless and useless Prank Minister Najib
    Lawless Government

  14. If the police do not arrest the trio, the consequence is that Internet cafe operators will be emboldened to set up porn-surfing facilities on their computers for their clients. These operators, if caught, will challenge the police that if public screening of porn video is illegal, why didn’t they arrest the trio for committing the same crime and why must they discriminate against them (operators).

  15. Don’t be derailed. It does not matter whether or not the tape is genuine or otherwise. It does not matter those responsible will be eventually charged or otherwise. The story must be as outlandish as possible. It must be so unbelievable that it becomes believable (not sure you fellows can follow what I am saying). In the meantime, the strategy has served its purpose. These guys who created all these nonsense are being advised by very well read people, trust me. Suddenly, we have forgotten there is a pending election in Sarawak which may well decide the destiny of Sarawak and Malaysia in general. Suddenly endemic corruption, abuse of power, ineptness and wastage are being put on the back burners. Suddenly the primary focus of Malaysians, journalists included, is fixed on one dark skinned person romping a fair skinned prostitute – I believe it must a fantasy of many of those depraved people involved in this scheme.

  16. yhsiew :
    Impact of Sri Carcosa sex tape event on Sodomy II trial overseas
    The Sri Carcosa sex tape news has already reached Canada and Australia. Unlike Malaysians who are gullible, Westerners with open and analytical minds will probably view the “scandal” as a despicable and dastardly political ploy by the ruling party to ruin Anwar’s political career because they are aware that there cannot be so many sex scandal allegations, one after another, from Sodomy I through Sodomy II to Sri Carcosa sex tape, lashing on Anwar by the ruling party, unless these scandals are fabricated. Hence, indirectly the Sri Carcosa sex tape event revealed to these Westerners that Anwar’s Sodomy II trial is a trumped up charge.

    Absolutely right! The conspirators are very very afraid, that’s why they are piling up Anwar’s so-called sexcapades. Clearly a case of overdoing it. Apparently the baddies forgot legal lesson 101 – stick to one charge if you want to make it stick! One thing is clear, his enemies make Anwar out to be the man for all men and women. What they don’t know is that this ironically makes him the ultimate statesman. No?

  17. All you need is to resign …keep your false title and millions..and you OK…no fear to be chagred for corruptions..are now qualified to accuse one having sex ..even though you are a confirmed rapist by the mother of the poor girl.
    What a wonderful life to be an UMNO B member.
    Now few commmentators..smoking pot in the public…fearing no arrest?

  18. How indecent and inhuman UMNO has become! They claim to champion Malay rights and the Malay race, but the numerous explicit sexual allegations that they have fabricated against their political nemesis, who is a Malay himself, is actually ruining the good name of the Malay race and culture in general. It is through the dirty and despicable actions of UMNO that Malays will be seen now and in the future as corrupt, indecent and inhuman. This is the reason why Malays must stop supporting UMNO to reverse the negative perception of the Malay race and culture by the local and international communities. UMNO has destroyed the dignity of the Malay race and culture, and the dignity of Malaysia as a nation.

  19. SIGNS OF DESPERATION. you see when earthquake and tsunami are about to strike, strange happenings take place just like this saga. it certainly looks like DSAI has gathered strong ground for the SB to direct this sandiwara which will add many more supporters to DSAI,

  20. Remember the Chua Soi Leg sexual escapade? The police threaten anyone who has the tape and went about to quickly contain the damage and distribution of the tape in the wild. Why now a different tune? Nazri has even declared that watching pornography is now allowed.

  21. UMNO is very desperate. They went to the extent of paying a double to playact Anwar in a sexual act. Remember there is bound to be a double of anyone in a population of 7 billion in the world. If there are dozens of doubles of Elvis Presley or Michael Jackson, surely there are doubles of Najib or Anwar in Malaysia and the rest of the world.

  22. ************************************************


  23. It is so obvious that all this is politically motivated. How can they hope to win any votes with this? Even amongst the rural folks? The criminal is running around, making accusations and challenges in full view of the police. The victim and family is defamed.
    The criminals clearly feels that they are above the law.
    Our irresponsible leaders forget that foreign investors are watching at this whole charade. How can they trust the police and government of Malaysia? In the end, the people are again the losers.
    We need to change the tenant at Putrajaya

  24. BN just cannot defeat Pakatan in the field of good politics, proper debates and rakyat-first administration. So BN can only rely on dirty tricks like these.

    An ADUN told me that the BN assemblymen were never serious in DUN whenever rakyat’s matters are discussed but the moment something about sex crops up, they would be active participants.

    anyway, what kind of message are we sending to local and foreign tourists, investors, passerbys etc that it is not safe to have sex in Malaysian hotels because there can be 4 cameras in a room and an eager & interested audience in Parliament? Can Ng Yen Yen comment on this? Is the Thamby disgraced former CM guilty of snooping and voyeurism?

  25. Ubah we must.Kick out the corrupt and the immoral for the sake of our nation and future generations.The latest addition of that rascal rapist from Melaka to the dirty dozen of corrupt devils like mamak,pehmo only serves to add salt to the sore wound of a ‘pitiful Malaysia’ which has been ransacked and plundered for 54 years by you all know who.

  26. Dear LKS,

    It seem that you are burning and poisoning the heart and mind of Malaysian because you only see justice when it benefited you in order to gain sympathy and votes by bring up these issue of Anuar Ibrahim suppose sex scandal. You did a LOT howling regarding these matter, why don’t you advice your so call LEADER TO SURRENDER HIS DNA VOLUNTARILY SO JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL AND REGARDING THESE PORNO I ADVICE YOU TO LODGE POLICE REPORT.

    After police report had been lodged, raised up the issue in Parliament and insist that ROYAL COMMISSION BE SET UP TO INVESTIGATE THE SAID VIDEO so people will know the truth.

    We cannot have a leader with such a low morale to lead the country, people around the world knew that your dear leader was involved with unnatural sex i.e thru’ wikileak.

    Come Bro LKS don’t support this leader blindly, choose another with better morale to be the leader. Leader come and go but NATION MUST STAND STRONG.

    I not in favour the ways your strong supporters wrote their comments in your blog, please have some decency not to mention Malays and Islam, I am proud of my race and religion. I never in my comments in any other blog degrading other people religion or race, please tell your moderator to play their role in a just and fair.

    Please Bro….. give a thought for other people sensitivity and i do know most probably my comment will never be publish in your as in the past because my comment is not in the same frequency as your.


  27. There is clearly a pattern and trend to this character assasination. It is too much of a coincidence to believe that firstly there is Sodomy 2, then Ummi hafilda opening every orifice in her body to discredit Anwar and now this using of has-been politicians to attack Anwar. It is typical UMNO modus operandi to use disgraced politicians eager to make a comeback to do the dirty work. If caught, these politicians are dispensable and UMNO can disown them without any liability. If they succeed, these politicians will only be too happy to crawl before NTR for the crumbs he will dispense such as Chairmanship of some GLCs.

    1. #38 Monsterball

      Your nick has been masked in red because your nick contains a hyperlink that is pointing to somewhere… Either you did it accidentally or purposely, the hyperlink is pointing to nowhere. You can verify by clicking on the nick directly.

  28. PM sucks, Police force sucks, Judges sucks, UMNO/BN sucks… All Executive and Judiciary bodies are suck!

    What they know is to suck! They suck whatever they want…

    No wonder FDI is dipping deeply… Keep sucking, bunch of suckers.

    1. To validate your nick contains a hyperlink, which is pointing to somewhere, you can either click on it directly or right-click on on your mouse. The activated URL address can be seen as a website address.

      May be you included a Website Address in your Contact Info of your Profile. Remove/erase the website address that appears in the Website input box of your Contact Info in your Profile.

    1. Look! I input your given URL Address into my Website input box in the Contact Info of my Profile. My nick appears and acts the same as yours.

      To unmask your Red nick is to remove your input/embedded URL Address appears in the Website input box of the Contact Info section of your Profile.

      The following steps will help:
      1) Hovering the mouse over your own nick at the Comment input box at the very bottom. The Comment input box is where you input your comment as usual
      2) Right-click on your mouse while your mouse over the nick at the Comment input box
      3) Choose Open link in new tab option from the popping out little Context/Floating Menu
      4) While at your own Profile page, look for the Website input box in the Contact Info section
      5) Delete/erase the embedded/input URL Address and leave the input box EMPTY
      6) Scroll to bottom and click on Update Profile button

      That’s it! It is done. You will never have masked red nick unless you have something in the Website input box of the Contact info in your Profile.

  29. The faces on the ‘trio’ is literally disgusting..Their faces just scream ‘ENTITLEMENT’ – they are so sure of themselves and they will be protected that they won’t pay for any mistake they may make. They are a walking advertisement of the failures of the NEP and BN govt.

    Just like Egypt, the police and judiciary, as institution, is a freaking joke in this country. The only difference between Egypt and Malaysia is foreign investment and the non-bumi minorities, both of which are dissapearing..

  30. Before independent, there is a hope, a dream in our ancestors

    A hope, a dream to have a land of nation call our own named MALAYSIA

    A sign of progress, a sign of a victory, together building a nation.

    A hope, a dream in our Independent Father Tuanku Abdul Rahman ‘a land of multi-racials, a land of equity for our Malaysian born loyalty citizen, a land of a nation called each other brothers and sisters’.

    But the hope was destroyed began in 1969.

    Our Independent father lost, left alone, dying sadly seeing the country being robbed by the corrupted politicians surrounded all government agencies.

    Are you ready to continue our ancestors dream?

    Are you ready to continue our Independent father dream?

    A dream, call each other brothers and sisters.

    A dream, all together building a strong proudly nation with equity.

    Are you ready?

    Are you ready to CHANGE?

    Are you ready to CONTINUE our ancestors dream, our independent father dream?

    Are you ready?

    VOTE for a CHANGE.

    CONTINUE our ancestors dream, our independent father dream

  31. ” Binatang ” behave better than this!

    People with titles involve in this……using religion to defense their despicable and criminal behaviors!

    These people are very sick in their minds…hope the majority is not like them.

    Normal and decent ordinary people would have vomited knowing what they did!

  32. Look you three [deleted]. If this is such an important matter and you buggers are doing such great national service why the phaark do you people go under the cover of a psuedo?

    Datuk T. Datuk T. Datuk Talkcock. Datuk T[deleted]!

    The surreptitious cloud you bustards threw over the whole issue suggest to me that something is definitely not right insofar as it matters the clip. And the tight control you people maintained over the clip (because no one else seems to have a copy of it) smells strongly of a sabotage effort.

  33. Beats me why Anwar chooses to hang out with such unsavory crooks such as Eskey, Saifoo, Ezam, Nalla, Gobalakrish, Wee Choo Keon, and so on. They are so eager to kick him after he is down. All for a few ringgit.

  34. Plan A:Be the mystery men to trap Anwar and in anticipated failure,go for;
    Plan B:Do our nation a big service to expose what they alleged the immoral and incompetent of opposition leader would be

    They’re really a bunch of despicable with hollow etiquette.

  35. Why no arrest?
    These buggers wanna proved us that Umno can do anything they want.
    The police, EC, army, macc, judiciary and almost everyone are under their control.
    They tend to walked with their arms wide open as though nothing can ever touch them but one thing they really fear most is Anwar Ibrahim.
    Though Anwar Ibrahim is no god but these bunch of suckers knew very well that Anwar can create a hell for them once the rakyat gave him the power.
    So to UmnoBN, who is really Anwar Ibrahim that really “haunts” you?
    To me, Anwar is “Justice Pao” and also the ” messenger of death”, to you UmnoBN fellas!

  36. Of All the characters in this nation, you have a bloke by the name of Tamby Chik wanting DSAI to step down. Can he please look at the mirror first???? Basically such characters seem to think they are above board?? Yes, we all agree that they still think Malaysians are so gullible that we are still living in the stoneage??? As I have many times said, the signs of Heaven is on the Wall!

  37. Liow, if MCA can’t stand Nazri, please file for divorce; don’t get [deleted] abd rthen cry like a baby. MCA had been [deleted] so long because of good rewards to the leaders why are they cryinf now!!!

  38. The American CIA had planned a bizarre scheme to bring down Indonesia’s first president Sukarno by portraying him in a pornographic film in the late 1950s, the New York Times has claimed.“In the late 1950s, it put together a mildly pornographic film starring a lookalike for President Sukarno, caught in bed with a blonde playing a soviet agent,” the newspaper said on Sunday, adding “the humiliation was supposed to drive Indonesia’s first President from office”.


  39. April 16th 2010, is the day for us to plan the first move.
    We need to knock down our very own “Berlin Wall” that is dividing us racially apart.
    We need to rid BN in Sarawak for good!
    We need to send them packing!
    And when GE comes, we put Anwar on the “throne” and sent them to hell.

  40. k1980 :
    The American CIA had planned a bizarre scheme to bring down Indonesia’s first president Sukarno by portraying him in a pornographic film in the late 1950s, the New York Times has claimed.“In the late 1950s, it put together a mildly pornographic film starring a lookalike for President Sukarno, caught in bed with a blonde playing a soviet agent,” the newspaper said on Sunday, adding “the humiliation was supposed to drive Indonesia’s first President from office”.

    You forget to mention the second part of this episode. When shown the tape, Sukarno actually asked the American for more copies of the tape so that he can share it with his friends.

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