“Results of space tests out soon” – Opinion

[Dr. Lee Wei Lim, a a Marie Curie Fellow and Malaysian brain scientist in Maastricht University, the Netherlands, has several queries on today’s Star report “Results of space tests out soon” re: Angkasawan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.
[Dr. Lee’s comments (in bold) accomapnies the Star report viz:]

Results of space tests out soon

PENANG: The results of experiments carried out in space by Angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor will be released next month.

The experiment was carried out at the International Space Station or in the “Space” ?

The results of various experiments with proteins and the effects of micro-gravity and space radiation on cells and microbes would be shared with international researchers soon, the country’s first cosmonaut said during the closing of Brain Awareness Week 2008 at Universiti Sains Malaysia yesterday.

How can an Orthopaedic surgeon carry out protein research in the field of molecular biology? Why do we have to focus on space radiation on cells and microbes since we are living on the earth? How does this contribute to the science?

“I have spoken to the scientists and researchers involved in the project and they said the results will be published soon – in about a month’s time,” he said, when responding to questions by students attending his talk on Brain in Space: Our New Frontier.

The results will be published in which international peer reviewed journal? What is the significant scientific background of it?
His talk on the “Brain in Space”, is he qualified to speak about that? Has he been trainned as a neuroscientist? Does he have strong background on the brain? Please see www.pubmed.com and type in “Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor”, no scientific publication related with the brain!

Asked why the experiments had to be carried out in space, the 35-year-old orthopaedic surgeon said it was because zero gravity allowed the specimens to be studied in their 3D form.

Just because to study the specimens in 3D dimension?? Would it be too costly? First of all, how can an orthopardic surgeon involves in scientific neuroscience research? What is the link between the brain and bone (orthopaedic)? Similarly, would you send a dermatologist to study the brain?
“Zero gravity allows specimens to be studied in 3D form”, why did this study have to be carried out in the “space” or the space station just for the cell 3D form investigation? In fact, on the earth, we have such “vacuum chamber model” to carry out research on the morphology of cells with “confocal microscopy”, “two-photon microscopy” or “electron microscopy” approach, this will give us even a better control view of the cells in terms the cell morphological changes and technical manipulation aspect. And again, how can an orthopaedic surgeon carry out such complicated and high technique on cells manipulation in the “space”? Is he a cellular biologist? Please look at the Harvard University website on Neurobiology.

“If studied on earth under a microscope, the cells would have been flattened slightly because of the effects of gravity. In space, we can view the specimens as if they were in the human body,” he explained, adding that he was keen on returning to medical practice.

And again, the research was carried at the “International Space Station” or in the “Space”, there is a clear distinction between these two!
Cell flattened??? Please see my previous opinion on vacuum chamber model.
What type of cell did he want to study? What is the hypothesis and scientific support for such a huge cost of investment? “In space, we can view the specimens as if they were in the human body,” based on which scientific publication to support this notion of sentence?? If so, how about carry out such experiment in the vacuum chamber (low cost) of zero gravity with better manipulation on the cells and more scientifically grounded?

“I miss seeing my patients and being in the operating theatre. I also hope to one day find the cure for cancer,” he said.

Miss seeing patients? When a person left his medical career for more than 5 years, is he still eligible to perform his clinical works efficiently? May be, he is exemption.
To find cure for cancer? What is the link between his work in space and cancer as well as the brain?

The experiments were conducted while he was on the International Space Station. On Oct 10, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar made history by becoming the first Malaysian to fly to space.

The experiment was conducted at the International Space Station and not in the “Space”? What sort of experiment? Why can’t it be carried out in the scientific laboratory, with lower cost, more reliable internationally-accepted methods for scientific publication? He is an orthopaedic surgeon with no scientific publication in brain and cellular research, how on earth he knew the works of a professional histologist or cell biologist or brain scientist?

Later, Deputy Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak launched the book Reaching for the Stars, which was written by Sheikh Mustapha, also known as Ajil, the late brother of Dr Sheikh Muszaphar.

No comments.

The book is Ajil’s personal account of Dr Sheikh Muszaphar’s journey from the time he was short-listed, trained, and selected as Malaysia’s first astronaut to his journey into space late last year.

No comments.

But Ajil had a fall and slipped into a coma while his brother was still in space and died days after Dr Sheikh Muszaphar’s safe return to earth.

No comments.


179 Replies to ““Results of space tests out soon” – Opinion”

  1. holy shit. though i m a student but oh come on, what does he know about brain stuff and all when he is a bone specialist for heaven sake!? i heard rumors which maybe a fact that the government spent a whopping 98 million to do roti canai and teh tarik in space. the only thing is that here in bolehland, rumors can be a fact. if he did the roti canai and teh tarik, i would believe that but how the hell he can say about the experiment procedures not bein able to be conducted on earth when he doesn even know what the hell he is doing.

    another bullshit courtesy of bodohwi.

  2. Honestly speaking, I don’t know how much research can be done (assuming that it was done) within a few days. I thought they take much longer than that. Which is why, the initial plan was to spin a top, make some teh tarik, etc. But you guys made noise and screwed up the plan.

  3. All righty. Another UMNO joke. Reminds me of the MCA Minister who wanted to buy some gadget from the Russians that could create monsoons and more rain.
    Thankfully, the uproar on the non-sense put a stop to it.

  4. This is BN UMNO SUPP mentallity. The left hand dont know what the right hand is doing. Aaaahhhhh……..just call it cost..more..nuts :). All mess up. Imagine Nutjib become PM. What will be Malaysia like? Next GE will be the end of BN or maybe sooner than expected. Thank you Pak Lair for ending the BN era. The opposition couldnt have done it without you. Please continue sleeping. Your next shockwave will be sayonara BN. Thank You Pak Lar.

  5. From what i have gathered about his qualification , he is not an orthopedic surgeon but a normal medical officer (pegawai perubatan without specialist qualification) working in the orthopedic ward in one of the goverment hospitals.

    What a shame claiming himself as a Orthopedic surgeon as well as a Neuroscientist!!

  6. In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is the king.

    So this man held a hall full of undergraduates looking at him with wide open mouths and eyes. They probably did not understand a word he was saying (or lying.)

  7. “If studied on earth under a microscope, the cells would have been flattened slightly because of the effects of gravity. In space, we can view the specimens as if they were in the human body,”

    thanks to the STAR, and our spaceman,i now know that my body is just like outer space,…..empty and devoid of anything…..hmmmm,and may contain some cosmic rays….

    no wonder i felt suicidial all this while,…

    the STAR,–provocative thoughts,boring perspectives.

    p/s:what’s cosmic ray got to do with a human cell ? assume somehow it worked,does that mean they will put a person in “space” to expose them to these cosmic ray ?

  8. # Libra2 Says:
    Today at 14: 14.26 (1 minute ago)

    “In the kingdom of the blind, the one eyed man is the king.”

    but remember this my friend,and they are my copyrighted quote:

    “but in the land of one eyed king,he who has two gets death by hanging !”

    forget that not.

  9. Thank you Dr Lee for helping us see the difference between truth and fiction.
    The angkasawan should conduct a study on UMNO brains. Find out why they snatch dead bodies and own a latency on Allah and why they need NEP till eternity.

  10. Sorry for saying something racist in nature.

    If the Chinese were well united, you can collect some money and send a Malaysian Chinese to Russia or China, and go on orbit. Just like what we did for University Merdeka (but where were those money??)

    The Chinese have had opportunity to do it before the UMNO spaceman went to the space. Now you still have the chance to have the first boleh women to go to space…..The bottom line is if it worth to WASTE this kind of money. To UMNO, it worth to waste the people’s money, because the guy campaigned for UMNO.

  11. What crabs BN is trying to put out again? I was very marah when the space trip was announced cuz we can do lots of things with the money paid for the trip.

    Bodoh & Bingung lah.

    Just as I thought, BN used him trying to pull in votes….lucky he did not come to city areas or else he would be bombasted with lots of profany……

    BN pls stop all these money wasting stupid trips!

  12. oi pulau sibu, i am sorry to tell u this,but it has to be said,……

    i wouldnt do that at all,due to the fact that : just because i can afford an air ticket,it doesnt mean that i *have* the pilot licence,know-how,qualification,nor do i *hav* the technology for air travel,far less than having an airport built. buying an air ticket means u are just a passanger,…p-e-r-i-o-d….

    come to think of it,tumpang china rite,well i assume it’a ok lah,kaki-nang,as long as they are not ang-moh,not ruskies or u.s. chinese use only chinese technology.

  13. Malaysia’s Beauty only Skin Deep – A Nomad

    This article was written by a traveller and an expat who had lived in Malaysia.

    Malaysia is a great country! Unspoiled beaches, excellent diving spots, mountains surrounded by misty fog, exotic fauna and flora and a healthy, vast rain forest are attracting plenty of visitors. Islands like Pulau Langkawi, Tioman, Penang, the Perhentians or locations like Genting Highlands have a legendary reputation with travelers.

    The country embraced tourism already many years ago and the slogan “Malaysia – truly Asia” will ring in your ears forever; once you saw the mesmerizing advertising campaigns on CNN, BBC or other global TV stations.

    However, Malaysia’s politics were never that idyllic and recent years were no exception:

    What happened so far?

    For details visit my blog http://www.wagthedog-malaysia.blogspot.com

    Also in my blog:

    Tony Pua (MP PJU) – Even A Cow Could Have Won

    The US sub-prime crisis in graphics – Part 2

    The US sub-prime crisis in graphics – Part 1

    The Malay Struggle – Please Explain


    To Hear and To Listen

  14. President Kennedy said, we choosed to go to the moon because not because it is easy but hard, it shows our strength and ability in the field of science and technology (1988). After 20years later, our Malaysian PM said, we send a passenger to space to show that we have the ability to waste the country’s money faster than a nuclear rocket.

  15. Aiyah..give this SMS guy a break. He is no research scientist; he is just a space technician carrying out the experiments of the researchers on the ground. He is the UMNO version of Charles Lindberg. A pioneering hero of the Malays. He has to build an aura of heroism, pioneering spirit, a great scientific mind , a great scientist and doctor who will one day find a cure for all cancers. UMNO needs heros like this to inspire them to greater heights of the “boleh” spirit.

  16. No matter how we shout or how we protest….there will always be some minority voices who say they support and thats good for the country and the media will highlight these minority comments and make it big just like Md Taib said majority of UMNO want to postpone the AGM but then its the other way round.

    There will be many more such similar cases of wasting mmoney and we can only watch and protest but come the next GE we must betul betul throw these rubbish out.

    They know how to waste money but when it comes to rakyat’s needs they just push it away…..

    At least the money can be used to give all schools in the country a fresh coat of paint. That would be better rite?

  17. There seem to be a fondness of boosting other countries’ economies at the expense of one’s own. Is that truly an act of a nincompoop or is there truly an underlying economic or political benefit? Who may this(ese) beneficiary(ies) be?

    What’s the trade pact agreed upon between Malaysia and Russia? What’s the political and economic benefits of undertaking such activity? Are they acting for the benefits of the nation or on behalf of another? If the latter, why should one’s nation/ country be the “santa claus” to provide such gains/ protection to others when one’s nation is in need? Questions and more questions……….

  18. I wasn’t proud at all of the space achievements. If Malaysia can tell me that they can build their own space shuttle and send their spacemen to other planets, then i am a proud Malaysian. :)

    Tumpang tumpang i not proud and Waste of money. Government kambuan send ppl to space but dont want build schools for Malaysian…

    Really pathetic!

  19. Orthopedic surgeon??! Bone specialist?

    Gimme a break! Just ask someone in the Master in Orthopedic program, or orthopedic lecturers in UKM/UM, and they will tell you the truth of who this “cosmonaut” is! (clue: ask and see if he has cleared his final exam) ;)

  20. Malaysians, put it this way. It was vote buying that misfired!! From all the major projects that we saw. either by PIRATIZATION or NEGOTIATED tenders, they all have a common feature, over PRICING! Just compare the unit cost of the past projects, based on realistic assumptions, they were all over-priced by 300 to 400%!
    So likewise, the so-called experiment in space was based on the same principle, having agreed on the ‘over-all’ cost which was obviously too high, to justify it, throw in some screw-up idea! Simple as that, so don’t waste time trying to justify it.
    Just listen to TDM, he wasn’t responsible for the sacking of the Lord President!!!
    If AAB wants to ‘fight’ for his survival, just one piece of advice, create the Royal Ombudsman with the power of the Highest Court to hear ALL COMPLAINTS from piratization to negitiated tenders. I am sure there are many royal Malaysians, especially those who had served at the higher offices in the civil service who would be willing to tell the truth nothing but the truth!!!
    So, AAB , are you game for it?

  21. :N, this is the ‘Bolohland’ job, too bad…

    This is one of the factors the people deny the previous government.Reason? Waste of $$$ to do something which does not relevant but for the seek of face ;S.

  22. Why weren’t this wastage given great attention when it was first embarked upon? It should have been nip in the bud when it was broached. Did the opposition MPs in the last parliament give it enough attention?

    This colossal amount could have cured much of the ills plaguing the nation. A sad reflection of accountability of all concerned!

  23. I thought all the experiments were lost on the crash landing…anyway I congratulate him on actually going up to space, that still takes guts. But finding the cure for cancer…pleaselah…go and pass your ortho exams first.

  24. Let’s not be too quick to “shoot the messenger” because he went to Space & did some worthless reserach. This was another typical BN “waste-of-the -Rakyat’s Money” Project!
    However, it’s true this “Angkasawan” was a spokesman for the BN throughout the last GE Period! He should have remained neutral.
    Now, cure for Cancer…yes…one day someone will probably do it but just because he was given the chance to go to Space, does not mean he’s going to be the saviour of the world (I caught a few minutes of his interview today on Astro Bernama (another big time BN controlled Media) & the way he talked one would have thought he was going to save the world! Good luck bro!

  25. “that still takes guts”——-if u are brave enough to board an air plane,u have more than enough guts to board a rocket,……this soyutz thing is a very well tried and tested thing,used longger than u.s shuttle.

  26. If a Statistics 101 failure can get to become Finance Minister, why can’t an orthopaedic surgeon who isn’t a neuroscientist get the Nobel Prize for his experimental theories on “Brain in Space”?

  27. I, Pencil – The Miracle of Freedom, Life story of a Lowly Lead Pencil
    To summarize the philosophy of freedom and marvel a t the results, one must wonder at the mystery of the creation of so simple an item as a lead pencil. Here is a pencil’s story as told to one Leonard Read in 1958. The pencil’s official name is “Mongol 482.” Its many ingredients are assembled, fabricated, and finished in Eberhard Faber Pencil Company, Wilkes-Barre , Pennsylvania.

    This should be read by all government and party leaders past, present and future hopefuls.

    Read all at http://www.wagthedog.blogspot.com

  28. Our own fault. We have voted the type of leaders who blunder the country’s wealth. I have watched the life telecast – this Dr. Sheikh fellow cannot even speak fluent English. How credible is he to do this research?

    This can be likened to the purchase of Lotus. “How much does a medical doctor know about sports car technology?” asked a shocked Director of Lotus before the sale. By the way, what happens to the Lotus now, anyone?

    The Rakyat should hold these “leaders” accountable!

  29. “” Why do we have to focus on space radiation on cells and microbes since we are living on the earth? How does this contribute to the science?””

    I’m sorry but I cant agree with you on this.One must always prepare for the future.Today we’re living on earth,but tomorrow(long distant future)…..one can never knows……

    I actually like this SMS fellow(well better him than some army dentist) until he made a questionable religious rites on space(not his fault really) and becoming BN canvassesrs(his fault absolutely)

  30. The ruling UMNO is the most moronic political party that have ever existed, they are an insult to even to the intellectually handicapped.. All they want is the [deleted] at every living and dead tax payers expense in the country, how can we make these [deleted] people go away., Oh God , these people ? what is thier grey matter made of ? What is next ?

  31. Here Dr. Lee Wei Lim has rigorously questioned this whole idea and relevance of and necessity for Angkasawan Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor.to conduct various experiments with proteins and the effects of micro-gravity and space radiation on cells and microbes in a Space Station passing of as in “Space”.

    This is because Science and its experiments are supposed to ferret out as well as symbolize the positive, fixed, irrefragable truth in the universe….And Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, the first Malaysian to go into space, is…….

    I have absolutely nothing against shukor, who is a qualified orthopaedic surgeon, an affable and capable Malaysian but the problem (unfortunately) is that he has been used by the powers-that-be for political purposes that, to many people, epitomise (not the truth as his experiments are supposed to establish) but hypocrisy, false pride and hubris, in short all that is wrong in the country…..

    That is the reason behind Dr. Lee Wei Lim’s misgivings about the scientific experiments. Something not very true has been passed of as true.

    If Science is metaphor for that which is true, what is apparently annoying to the Marie Curie Fellow and Malaysian brain scientist in Maastricht University is that Science and Scientific experiments have here been roped in, as part of the state’s propaganda, to misrepresent the truth of the country’s level of achievement with the intention more of galvanizing national pride and hubris for ulterior political purposes than caring any hoot for the value of truth itself.

    Scientific experiments have then be (abused) ie turned from a metaphor for truth into a metaphor for humbug and self deception, which represent all that is wrong in the country by the policies implemented….

  32. im not 100% supportive of this project, but objectively, why would his profession in orthopaedic be a matter in this case. even if he is a mamak roti canai, if he passed his mark to be astronaut, and is trained to conduct some experiment in some box made by other specialist in the field (ie. push this red button every 10 hours), I dont see why not. he just has to follow instructions. let the expert collate the results and do the analysis.



  34. Ehhh..ehhh..!!! Suddenly the space tourist become a orthopaedic surgeon now..!!! Wow…Amazing lies..!!!

    Tot he was just a waiter serving kuih-muih hari raya and do side way pull tea up there to russian cosmonauts???

    I knew it since the beginning the the gomen will choose that pretty boy with no inherent contribution to the society when the faces were published in the newspaper. It is always the UMNO [deleted] enjoyment … “tak boleh, tak mengapa….janji gaya mesti mau or maruah mesti dijaga…!!!” These are all “Mat Glamour or Mat Kiasu” mentality….!!! Tell me how much maruah could cost when the grassroots’ interest and livelihood are at stake..??? It serves NO NO NO purpose at all to go to space..!!!

    Is there any scientific or whatever tests that Russians & Americans have terribly forgotten that need our part-time model to carry out? Have we really achieved that level of the “space thinggy” ? No logic at all but full of [deleted] to see how the country is run.

    Stop bullshitting about brain when one has not even have that kind of brain to be called an expert. Perhaps talking about Prada, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Tommy Hilfiger or pink economy is more appropriate..!!! Test whether fabric gets deteriorated in space environment under rocket velocity or discoloration test using Super-Busa on branded fabric in space…!!!

    Rubbish…rubbish…rubbish…!!! The whole space episode was politically WRONG WRONG WRONG…!!!

  35. Is he even qualified to talk about science? I wonder how the professors at USM think about his speech.
    Anyway, we should be more aware of the importance of science and the crisis of global warming.
    Let’s contribute a little bit to the global campaign, “Earth Hour 2008”, by switching the lights off for one hour later between 8pm-9pm.
    info: http://www.earthhour.org/

  36. If he were to study the brains of normal humans of cos it would be a daunting task. BUt if he was up there studying the brains, let say of one sleepy head, it shouldnt be too much of a problem, rite?

  37. They are always so concerned about the “Malaysia Boleh” thing that they want to be ahead of others. But ask yourself, can Malaysia do it? Do we have the expertise, experience and capital to do things which advanced nations do? These are all “hallucinations” and “mirages” from Dr. M’s Wawasan 2020.

    Just proclaiming Wawasan 2020 is not going to do the least bit of good, because the Wawasan will not simply materialize because Malaysians “support” it. It can only materialize if everyone worked towards that common goal but ask yourself, how much has been done to make Malaysia an advanced nation? Furthermore, like I have said before, Mother Nature is very fair. The human brain requires time to evolve and advance. Just how many years of civilization has Malaysia (Malaya) compared to the other great civilizations of the world? There is absolutely no short cut in evolution and each living being has to undergo the same process.

    We have been independent for half a century but we did not prove ourselves “advanced”, so how can we become “advanced” in just 12 years????? Wawasan 2020 is nothing but a MIRAGE created by Dr. M those days.

  38. A second astronut, a dentist, will be sent up in 2009 to study the effects of micro-gravity and space radiation on cells and microbes of the human tooth… millions more ringgit to be burnt in space while numerous squatters can’t afford to purchase RM25,000 homes

  39. The American have been to space many, many times.
    The Russian have been to space so many, many times.
    And a lot of experiments have been done by them so many, many times.
    Do you mean to tell the world the we are the genius of all mankind?
    First time in space for a few days and some breakthrough?
    Who are these people kidding???

  40. Well, Sheikh Muszaphar isn’t the one responsible for sending him to space.

    The Malaysian kitchen Cabinet did! And Jamaluddin Jarjis, the former Minister of Science & Technology may be laughing all the way to the bank, so to speak. Remember, he did all the hook-ups for Pak LAh to talk to this orthopaedic ‘neuro-molecular-scientist’ oncologist-aspirant.

  41. BTW, when is our next space-passenger embarking on the next Soyuz?

    Guess it will die a natural death. Imagine many Malaysian schools do not even have a decent science lab and the Kitchen Cabinet thinks it is a swell idea to pay millions for a taxi ride for a space tourist, eh!

  42. Another instant of “learning to fly before learning to crawl”. They think they are “super” or “superior”, that’s why they insist on “ketuanan melayu”.

    Actually, before long, there will be a new technology in the architectural and building industry where buildings will be built from the roof downwards and where piling is the last thing to do as a finishing. This is another example of “Malaysia Boleh!”.

  43. (Continuation from earlier posting)

    It all, in a way, started under Dr Mahathir and clarion call for the spirit of “Malaysian Boleh” to be imbued into Malaysians. This is punching above one’s true weight. Without such mindset, how could he introduce the concept of Malaysians having the technology of manufacturing her own car (Proton) so that we could all be forced to buy and support it, provide the market, (all in the name of patriotism) when we never had the technology then to make the heart of the car – the engine, imported from Mitsubishi, and merely assembled the parts of the car???

    After that we desperately sought recognition both on the domestic as well as international stage to scrape the skies with Petronas Twin Towers, to have the most glittering and modern air port (KLIA) whilst others were encouraged to climb Everest, sail round the world, drop into South Pole with Proton, make silly record-setting attempts, like staging the world’s biggest sit-down dinner and making the longest spring roll etc…all attempts to make believe that we’re capable, and can compete world class when the fact is the political imperative of abjuring and rejecting Meritocracy for the expedience in implementing the NEP thought essential for maintaining power via Malay votes have kept us back and underclass.

    But never mind, as long as we make belief that we’re great that’s good enough. And hence the need for role models and continuous bosting of national confidence and pride (called hubris when it is misplaced) to hide and suppress our innate knowledge of our lack of achievements and feelings of insecurities) which this space program has been roped in to serve!

    So why do you think we’re so angry when NASA Public Affairs used the term Spaceflight Participant (that it ordinarily does to designate space tourists as distinct from real astronauts) which was only ameliorated when NASA astronaut Robert Gibson, when he was here, was nudged to help restore confidence by insisting that Shukor was a fully fledged astronaut, or “angkasawan” in the Malay language??

    Besides BS-ing ourselves for eg, what is so great an achievement in sending an astronaut to space without our own space technology (which is one of the things wrong in the country), the other is the divisiveness between Malaysians on lines of race and religion that twenty years of TDM’s policies have nurtured.
    Here the Malaysian space program – and Dr Shukor’s adventures in space – have reflected those divisions.

    Though touted that the first Malaysian in space should be a pride to all Malaysians, somehow many non Malay Malaysians have not felt that included. There were of course initial questions about how an invitation to a Malaysian could be canvassed quid pro quo as part of our controversial billion-dollar purchase of 18 Sukhoi 30-MKM fighter jets in 203; then questions about why it must be Shukor and not ethnic Indian engineer Vanajah ? And most that has been propagandized had been Shukor’s food selections of Biryani Chicken, Rendang Tok, Satay Ayam, and Kuih Raya Bangkit that he was introducing to his space mates – more like to score points in international stage that as a modern muslim country we too have a Muslim travelled to space.

    But where is the truth? Everything then has a political slant. When our Malaysian astronaut returned from space, he was swiftly inducted to campaign for the Barisan Nasional in the 12th Malaysian general elections. He was calculated he was an inspiring role model for youth, definitely not a Mat Rempit, and hence could secure votes for the BN but the truth is could he? Rafidah Aziz admitted the young took a voting position against the BN in the last General Election.

    So that is why everything boils down to whether one still wants to sacrifice truth on the altar of hubris and political expedience. Not listening or discerning the truth has nearly cost the BN the election.

    On his forays and achievements in space Shukor said “It’s a small step for me, but a great leap for the Malaysian people.” Even that young Shukor has learnt the BN language of taking the same words out of the first man in moon (Neil Armstrong) who said these words when he put his foot on the lunar surface,”this is one small step for man, but a great leap for Mankind!”

    I would reiterate what I said earlier that Dr. Lee Wei Lim, a Marie Curie Fellow and Malaysian brain scientist in Maastricht University had so rigorously questioned Shukor’s space experiments because a person dedicated to science – and truth – cannot tolerate the very name of Science and its experiments being lent and exploited to serve the cause of perpetuating a myth of self grandeur and achievement when all there is – is really insecurities in the dilemma of embracing policies preserved for political support and power perpetuation and yet realizing in today’s world, we’re losing out competitiveness and relevance precisely due to these debilitating policies that we refuse to let go….for which no amount of Malaysia Boleh spirit can cover the shortfall!


    SMS is merely the victim of being exploited by UMNO as evinced by the number of their functions and election campaign trail that he had appeared in.
    Now, no Malaysian should disrespect the Malaysian flag not even the flag of any other sovereign nation. But it is a completely different matter to point out the following irony.
    You would recall a photograph of the jubilant celebrations of SMS’s achievements among the UMNO crowd was splashed across the pages of practically every newspaper in Nov 2007 depicting SMS showing OBE (Ol’ Big Ears) the Malaysian flag that was brought to space. In the photo you could see apparently ‘keen-eyed’ OBE examining that special flag as if being able to spot a difference on the flag that millions of other stupid rakyat could not pick out while those surrounding grinning bodek monkeys were craning their necks trying to show their approving faces.

  45. I know this is irrelevant but, I’m troubled by the remark made by Mahathir. I know he may be upset, but, not those harsh words. I really hope he can stay away from making such “damaging” remarks before things get worse around here. Btw, I’m not Muslim and I haven’t seen that movie but if that movie does portray a negative view of the religion, I believe they should be banned but, I believe not in such a harsh way.

  46. Peace….

    It is okay for Malaysia and Malaysians to be doing great things….

    eg Climb Everest, go to space, sail around the world, parachute down the Artic etc.

    We are proud to have the Twin Towers etc…etc…

    Nothing wrong…..and credit goes to Dr Sheikh….for his achievement.

    It is only not proper when, during that same flight in space, there are villagers in Felda schemes eg Langkap that have empty pipes without water in their pipes on Hari Raya. They themselves were angry and I received a reply in SMS when I greeted him Selamat Hari Raya.

    It is not proper when there are the starving poor in districts and villages.

    I am not trying to start a Baling-kind of agitation, but we have a lot of things to sort out in our country…….

    Mr Prime Minister Sir,

    For example…

    1. The intolerable high crime rate in KL and rest of country.
    2. The mad traffic jam in KL city
    3. The slums in KL/PJ visible on the Monorail/LRT
    4. High foreign labour force
    5. Lack of piped water supply in many districts
    …..and the list goes on. F1, Space flights, megaprojects are fine…..if the poor and rural folks are well looked after.

    We anxiously wait to see what MMT can do, intends to do, is planning to do….for the rural folk?

    It is when we cannot look after our widows and orphans and the safety of our streets, that doing all this hi-fi stuff becomes ridiculous.

    Perhaps, it is time to bring out the thinkers, not just the tankers! Was it not emphasised recently in one speech….”Malaysia needs thinkers!”

    Let there be a pool of advisors in all areas….and allow input to reach the top……rather than suddenly embrace some entrepreneurs `brilliant’ idea of a multibillion dollar mega project…..that bleeds this nation, again and again.

    With so many MPs now on each side, the debates must be meaningful, constructive and relevant, and hopefully the right decisions arrived at.

    We are certainly entering a new beginning…

  47. Just when can he stop lying for good?
    If he’s really that religious, why can’t he be a decent man?
    Is Malaysia going to be a role model for others to learn how to lie?
    How can we teach the younger generation not to lie?
    Is lying and corruption a sin in Islam?
    If so, then why are these people fond of lying as if though it’s real fun?
    Do they really belief in the existence of god?
    How are they going to give Islam a good name when they are arrogant, liar and corrupted?

  48. Don’t blame Dr. Sheikh for all the mess. BN/UMNO was all out to manipulate to their advantages. Remember, Dr. Sheikh presence in election campaign for Khairy in Rembau.

    Let the evaluation be done, and made it known to the world all the tests that the Dr. Sheikh conducted while in space, and whether it was worth the huge amount of money that was spent on this project.

  49. These study is so vital to the Malaysian life.

    Study of how cells performing in space, this is necessary for Roti Sardine, where cells will not be squash by gravity, you spin the roti with sardine inside on earth, the sardine due to the centrifuge effect will always goes to the edge of the roti.

    And When you Teh Tarik in space, because there is no gravity in space, your teh tarik will be glabulous balls of liquid Teh floting around, see it’s essential for our tea boy to study all of these flabagasted science in space when we could ‘ve built more schools or alleviate JOHOR from FLOOD.


  50. This stupid and wasteful research project must be proposed by some UMNO moron! It does not make any economic sense and will only be another international laughing stock!

    I will ask all my friends and family members to vote BN if his finding can be publihsed in a reputable journal like Nature or Science!!

  51. Hey, you all do not understand.

    He was studying the brain cell of the orang-utan specimen from Kinabatangan to see if improvements can be made.

    Unfortunately it floated up to the ceiling of the ISS station and got eaten up by a Russian space rat.

    Now the rat’s IQ has fallen below that of the orang-utan. Its an earth sorry space-shattering breakthrough for animal kind.

    It will be published in the Ur-anus Scientific Review May 2008 issue.

  52. # dlquill Says:
    President Kennedy said, we choosed to go to the moon because not because it is easy but hard, it shows our strength and ability in the field of science and technology (1988). After 20years later, our Malaysian PM said, we send a passenger to space to show that we have the ability to waste the country’s money faster than a nuclear rocket.

    My question : How could he have said that, since he was assassinated in 1963 ?

    Ronald Reagan was President from 1984 to 1988 with Bush Senior taking over in 1988.

  53. I really pity that spaceman for willingly allow BN to be their election mascot and a symbol of wanton rakyat money wastage. Whenever I see him in the papers, he is always wearing that ridiculous blue jumpsuit. AHoi! wakeup man! you are a victim of the everything boleh syndrom that is typical of the ‘boleh’ umno.

  54. There is nothing spectacular about our “angkasawan”s venture into space as a space tourist. He is no research scientist as all his “experiments’ were not conducted by him. He was just a courier agent carrying out “experimental” packages for some so-called local research institutes.

    Some credit however must be given to him for actually having the guts to participate going into space. It is common knowledge that there is always a very slim risk of the space vehicle bouncing off into deep space during re-entry if the entry angle is very slightly off. The reverse effect is if the entry angle is too sharp, then the space vehicle will burn-out during re-entry.

    It is not common knowledge, however, that all space travellers carry a capsule of cyanide or potent poison inserted into their teeth, in case the spacecraft happens to bounce off into deep space. The space men then upon finally realising that there is no hope for rescue, has the option to crush the capsule and end his life.

    For taking this risk alone, I think he deserves some respect. On his other scientific “achievements”? I leave the question open!

  55. That said, Someone take care of others sins and went through dead to be risen and the good news been told. Others wasted people’s money for their own pride and bolehspirit and the good news of resluts of space tests out soon.

  56. I strongly believe the space project was a waste of money , it could have been used on helping needy children in our own country. I heard it was 102 million!!!!

    Only brainless people would spend such amount on such stupid project !!!!!

    Now I think the Barisan should pay us back some money, cos we didn’t agree on that.

    Now talk about brain, obviously the one that decided to send a spaceman up there got NO BRAIN, NO BRAIN.

    We do not need brainless leader.

  57. Send a tourist to space with rakyat’s money.
    Stupid proposal to buy rusting Soyuz capsule to display – also with rakyat’s money.
    Buy submarines, earn commissions – also rakyat’s money since the cost is inflated to cover ‘commissions’
    Illegal release and use of C4 – also with rakyat’s money
    RM300mil for Monsoon Cup – rakyat’s money
    Wang Ehsan diverted to Patrick Baruahwi’s pockets and projects
    Pay compensation for cancelling crooked bridge – rakyat’s money
    Repair leaking roofs and celings in government buildings due to shoddy workmanship – rakyat’s money

    Meanwhile the people face cost increases, drop in disposable income and increasing difficulty in making ends meet.

    Yet, NAJIS proudly proclaims that idiotic space trip for a little more than a week as ‘scientific achievement’! This ‘scientific achievement’ nobody recognises cost us RM100mil of our hard-earned money. We look like bloody idiots in the eyes of the world.

    UMNO and Barisan Nincompoops are just wasting so, so much of our money, it is totally unbelieveable. Let’s JUST CHANGE IT!

    Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim FOR PRIME MINISTER NOW!

  58. “In space, we can view the specimens as if they were in the human body,”

    This is SO STUPID!!! I’m no doctor, but I believe that our cells in our body ON EARTH is subjected to gravity and is compacted by other cells. Cells within our body will not float around like objects floating in space. Our bodies does not have an anti-gravitational device. How cells work without gravity does not benefit us, unless the cure for a disease is no gravity. Does that mean that the patient will be sent to space?


    I leave my hopes to DAP to stop the stupidity!

    I believe that Malaysia hasn’t even produce a rocket scientist. So stop daydreaming about sending astronauts.

    A driver without a car is useless.

  60. Like i said earlier, what is there to be proud of sending someone with other people’s rocket to orbit?

    Build you own rocket and send you people there, then we tabik you lar… Never mind lar… Make sure, next election we have more rockets to send all of them to Mars! :)

  61. Believe me, “fast washing” is best way to have a “clean” BN. First mission is to kick Pak Lair and in law out, then maybe najis or kuli will go up, then kick them out again if they make mistake (if najis win, then easy, passed record is enough to kick him out). Keep changing the leaders is the only way to have clean BN. Hopefully, after 5 or 6 times change, then we may have a clean BN.

  62. Today we have offers from private corporations to send your ashes into space for a fee ranging from USDSL 25k to USDLS 200k depending on how deep into space you want your ashes to go!

  63. # ahpiow Says:
    Yesterday at 23: 19.17

    Some credit however must be given to him for actually having the guts to participate going into space. It is common knowledge that there is always a very slim risk of the space vehicle bouncing off into deep space during re-entry if the entry angle is very slightly off. The reverse effect is if the entry angle is too sharp, then the space vehicle will burn-out during re-entry.

    It is not common knowledge, however, that all space travellers carry a capsule of cyanide or potent poison inserted into their teeth, in case the spacecraft happens to bounce off into deep space. The space men then upon finally realising that there is no hope for rescue, has the option to crush the capsule and end his life.

    For taking this risk alone, I think he deserves some respect. On his other scientific “achievements”? I leave the question open!

    oi ahpiow, mind to share the source of your info ? reference?

  64. # Tickler Says:
    Yesterday at 13: 55.58

    All righty. Another UMNO joke. Reminds me of the MCA Minister who wanted to buy some gadget from the Russians that could create monsoons and more rain.
    Thankfully, the uproar on the non-sense put a stop to it.

    Thanks Tickler for reminding.

    I also remember one minister went to Russia with a group to study how to remove/reduce the HAZE. Huge, huge air blowers and filters would be involved. Imagine the millions of Ringgit that would have been spent. Wonder what is the latest report?

    Then again Dr. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor finally got a certificate to be officially known as astronaut (angkasawan). Congrats. What beats me why the minister and another guy also went along again to Moscow to witness the certificate receiving. Wonder if other people also went there on our tax money.

  65. This was surely a planned political project by BN to get popularity. As always, using Rakyat $ to claim credit. As if the $ used came from their own personal pockets/bank account. They should have got SCOMI, UEM, Patrick B, Razak Mongolia (submarine commission), MCA-Transport Ministry ($ from PKFZ scandal) & even KJ’s pocket $ (ECM Libra) to pay for it. BN owe the Rakyat at least RM 100Million for this ridiculous decision. We were a laughing stock.

    Even Singapore, with all their wealth don’t waste good $ on these things. Leave it to the US, EC & Russian tax payers for all these advance research for mankind. They have the resources for further follow-up. As if, our 1st trip to space can conclude what happened to human cell in space…c’mon. To think that the US-EC-space programs did not think of it? The US were already conducting studies on why the bone-mass deteriorate in space…& they eventually concluded (after many trips) that getting the astronauts to excercise was one the methods to recude the problem or phenomena. They still don’t have the answer why but at least they have an answer to prevent. Maybe now they have the answer, I am not sure.

    I am not all too surprised that the paper/research was already pre-written – it all came with the space-taxi-ride deal. It goes to say that BN has no importance at all when it comes to using the Rakyat $.

    Remember when AAB too k over, cancelled all of approved by TDM projects saying the country had no $$$…I think we have a senile PM. So now, we have RM 100Million (in 4 years) to send a BN crony to space. This is a national crime.

  66. I’ve very sorry Sheik Muzaphar, first of all, those effort might already been studied before by NASA. By the way, what on earth Malaysian doing it in this field? shouldn’t we do more realistic research rather than something which has already been studied. Are you qualified enough to perform the research, are u a well paid research or something from Malaysia govt.? or jus another Malaysian bloopers.

  67. Wonder what other useless research undertaken spending important Rakyat $. We are importer of rice (from Thailand) & soon to be importer of oil (…related to unsubsidising prices…guess who will hold the mighty mother licence to import oil…). Why not research how to improve yield of our rice/oil instead of sending someone to space to carry tool box, spin roti canai (royalty should be given to our Indian bros) & teh-tarik (…what the @*#%…). Thank goodness he didn’t show the maggi-in-the-cup!!!

  68. Shukor is just being used as a puppet by UMNO. The selection of ansangkasawan candidate was purely based on racial decision to booster the UMNO ego.

    It all started from the UMNO government mentality a particular race is much more superior than merit.

    This taxiride to space was a pure waste and abuse of our Malaysian resource. DAP should do a good job in the next election to gain more seat to wipe out UMNO and stop this nonsense.

  69. Next, will a made-in-malaysia car be landed on Mars via a Russian spacecraft? You know, to entice the Martians to start buying malaysian cars to prevent the imminent collapse of EON. The last time, the Eskimos in the north pole refused to even look at the car parachuted there by the former PM

  70. The very second Najis annouced this project few years back immediately I knew it was meant for UMO to create a “feel good” feeling on how Malays had succeeded under UMO’s rule.

    All those earlier candidate selection process was just gimmick, do you believe Najis would allow an Indian or Chinese to become first Malaysian in space?

    Our good money must stop from further dumping into this stupid “feel good” program.

    I am 100% sure that other than the 92 Million dollars we already paid to the Russians, we probably had easily spent another 100 Millions on other “space related programs” in the past 2 years!

  71. As it is, the Malaysian flag is not gaining much respect on Earth, especially in Malaysia. This is evidenced by the numerous “rags” sticking from flag poles on top of buildings which are actually the “remains” of some Malaysian national flag put up umpteen years ago and which has undergone “weathering”. So bringing the Malaysian flag to outer space does not boost the position of such events happening on Earth, especially in Malaysia.

    A big mockery comes with our first “astronaut” reading the Rukunegara in outer space. This great “document”, drafted and approved in the seventies, does not bear any significance in Malaysia. Just ask yourself how much has the government done to “realize” this “holy document”? I have been drumming on the implementation of just four words in this “holy document”, i.e. “membina masyarakat yang adil”. Just how adil is our masyarakat? If at all it is adil, then why “special rights” and “ketuanan Melayu”? If these two exist, then can Malaysia ever be adil? Perhaps our Ministers do not have proper dictionaries to show them the true meaning of the word “ADIL”.

  72. Mr. Lim,

    Just an idea:

    The Finance Minister position and its ministry should be made independent. The Minister role and all the staff will be appointed based on merits and experience.

    The FInance MInistry shall work hand in hand with the Economics Department. Appointment of international economic advisors can be pursued if required. THis will be on a need basis and not permanent.

    The role and responsibilities of these departments should be free from politics, focusing on the country’s economy and growth.
    They will act as advisors giving input on the economics benefits/ costs on proposals tabled in Parliament.
    The FInance Ministry will also hold the Treasury role to safeguard the country’s wealth and finances.

    (Qualification: this is just a suggestion/ idea, in reality a lot more research and improvement is required to ensure this structure is effective and serves its purpose).

    Looking at current political situation, and the difficulties to push for the 8 proposals you’ve mentioned, I believe it will be more difficult to push for the above restructuring if pursued….

  73. Everyone has been talking about a change for the better since the result of the election. I certainly hope that the people should boast around about it before any change happens. I didn’t see any change lately.

    The change that I want to see is to STOP sending the second space tourist, or at least voice against it. Do that and I’ll believe in that the opposition can bring the hope of the word ‘change’.

    All I’m asking is an opposition voice against this stupidity. Is that too much to ask. If the opposition don’t voice out, then that means that they are supporting this act of stupidity.

  74. Dear all…..

    If you guys think “if Malaysia build their own space shattle, then it is ok ….” let me warn you guys, the proposal will be taken seriously and these BN.putras will work 24 hrs a day to realise it. Beware.

  75. Sick!
    Look at his face, and how can he be so THICK SKIN about it?
    May be 2 Generation of NEP make him think/make belief he deserved it. Really feeling so sick!


    Keep watching, some form of balancing act will happen to those. What go around come around.

  76. In considering the topic of the Malaysian “space participant”, we must consider two separate issues.
    The first issue is whether the scientific experiments have merit. As a scientist, I believe that the scientific experiments, as reported by the media, appear to have merit. There is no doubt that the experiments are of interest to the relevant scientific community. Anything other than that, such as playing gasing, etc., would probably be just for fun, although I am quite sure he never try “teh tarik” because it doesn’t work in space.
    The second issue is about Malaysian prestige. The scientific experiments were only an afterthought because the main aim was the prestige of having a Malaysian in space and that was a waste of money.
    It is not wrong to be involved in space-related research. But if the scientific experiments were really the main objective, then the Malaysian govt went about it the wrong way.
    Scientific experiments are in sealed packages and astronauts are just trained to flip switches or pull certain handles/levers. Such tasks can be done by the regular astronauts without having to send a Malaysian. It is even much cheaper that way.

    I do feel uneasy reading Lee Wei Lim’s comments because they reveal the person’s lack of understanding on space research. That is not surprising because that person is just a research assistant according to the Univ of Maastricht’s Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychology website (as of Jan 2008).
    The article sounded more like a hatchet job than an objective comment on the work of the Malaysian angkasawan.
    The comment “The experiment was carried out at the International Space Station or in the “Space” ?” is as ridiculous as Bill Clinton’s comment on what the meaning of “is” is.
    “How can an Orthopaedic surgeon carry out protein research in the field of molecular biology? Why do we have to focus on space radiation on cells and microbes since we are living on the earth? How does this contribute to the science?”
    Astronauts do not need to have expertise in the discipline for which they are doing experiments in space. All they are trained to do is to perform specific set of activities and follow instructions with guidance from scientists and engineers at Mission Control or affiliated space centers. Space radiation is a problem not only for humans but also electronic devices in space. NASA spends millions of dollars annually on space radiation research. Granted that on earth, we are protected by our atmosphere eventhough electrical systems on earth have shown to be affected by intense solar storms. Do you know that passengers on transcontinental plane flight following the polar routes, such as over the North Pole, are exposed to space radiation? So research on space radiation, in general, does contribute to science on earth.

  77. hye old gazer;

    like u said,the experiment “appear to hav merit”. are u saying just because something that appears to be useful *is* indeed useful ? may-b u hav some sort of information before hand that helps u to reach to that conclusion like research papers…etcetc

    “There is no doubt that the experiments are of interest to the relevant scientific community”
    –which scientific community ? local/international scientific community ? and how does it help the scientific community ? has the kind of experiment never been done before ?

    “Astronauts do not need to have expertise in the discipline for which they are doing experiments in space. All they are trained to do is to perform specific set of activities and follow instructions with guidance from scientists and engineers at Mission Control or affiliated space centers.”
    –like u said,wouldnt it be more justifiable to send the actual scientist who are involved in the original research to go up instead of another lay-man,which wasnt a ‘cosmonaut’ in the 1st place,and WHO among the mission control/space centers are the ppl involve in the ‘experiment’ ?

    “NASA spends millions of dollars annually on space radiation research”
    –u.s can spend 1+ billion on a single day for defence on peacefull times,so NASA can spend millions on thier pet project,entertaintment,HOs just for fun,it doesnt really matter,they *hav* the money,should we follow them like a spoilt child ? crying out loud for a toy ur parent cant afford ?

    “Do you know that passengers on transcontinental plane flight following the polar routes, such as over the North Pole, are exposed to space radiation?”
    –then why would we need to go up to “space” to conduct the experiment ? might as well just board a trans-continental flight ;-),they might even get some bonus point

  78. We need an “Alan Greenspan” for Malaysia. Not Finance Minister1, Finance Minister2 & Deputy Finance Minister. 3 positions! Cut off 2 & we probably save over 500K-1M RM per year (wages + expenses) for 2 other positions that serve no benefit to the nation, apart from wasting $ & gathering useless statistics that do not have any realistic implications to the rakyat, apart from a few cronies/nepos.

  79. Dear Old Geezer,

    “As a scientist, I believe that the scientific experiments, as reported by the media, appear to have merit.”

    That is your first statement in giving a ‘balanced’ view. Then you sum-up your posting with

    “…NASA spends millions of dollars annually on space radiation research.”

    I suppose it doesn’t take a ‘scientist’ to recognise the logic that if Nasa has and is conducting research annually on a host of space-related issues and developments, then it makes BLOODY MORE SENSE BUY THE RESULTS from Nasa. Unless you contend that it is not of the precise nature you want – but then when you are starting from ZERO base in space-related knowledge, anything you can buy, rent, lease or obtain without having to blow RM100mil is a START! Or, you might say Nasa doesn’t sell such information and research knowledge – but then NASA will sell you anything that you are willing to pay for. NASA will send your grandmother and her pet kitten to space for a week is THE PRICE IS RIGHT!

    By the way, this is also one reason why even the scientists at NASA have resorted to engaging the services of marketers – becuase marketers will always seek the most cost efficient way of getting the information they require! And they normally buy the bloody things.

    Even if the key objective was to send this so-called doctor to space for ‘scientific research,’ RM100mil to conduct some scientific checks over a little more than a week WITHOUT any future plans for further follow-through IS A SHEER WASTE OF THE RAKYAT’S MONEY – you money as well, Old Geezer! This ‘scientific mission’ is a piss in the rain!

    Now, consider the possibility that Bodowi, NAJIS, Kurang Jar and all the other Barisan Nincompoops who have any say in this HAVE lined up the next 5 years for an annual scientific mission to CONTINUE with the research, what will you say then? Not a possible scenario? Then it is back to ‘pissing in the rain.’

    Either way you argue it, the RM100mil was blown to smithereens over some stupid flash-in-the-pan, never-to-repeated extremely extravagant and costly show of Malaysia Boleh and more pointedly, Ketuanan Melayu! That reminds me, hmmm…the C4 was also used to blow to smithereens some stupid flash-in-the-pants, never-to-be-repeated mistake, extravagant and costly show of NAJIS Boleh and more pointedly, Ketuanan Isteri!

  80. Sorry to say that $100 Million spent on the space program is only a “small change” for AAB.

    You see, the Terengganu Monsoon Cup is slightly bigger change. The apparent cost per annum is RM 300 Million. The total prize monies is RM 1 Million. Somebody else (or a group of somebody else) gets to keep RM 299 Million in various guises of “expenses”.

    That’s RM 299 Million PER ANNUM mind you.

  81. Datuk Najib defended the space programme as was reported by one of the government controlled national t.v. news. Paraphrasing what he said, it is meant to add knowledge for the Malaysians and to enlighten them about space. As if only the government is so clever and their subjects are so not clever.

    How many Malaysians know about the space programme historically carried out by the Russians and then followed by the Americans ? Did they take an interest on their own to know ? Especially these days with the news on the internet, you get the latest up to date news without having to wait for your newspaper the following day or the same news a week from now. The internet is not just for fun and games which many young Malaysians seem to think so. Each time they surf into the internet, they go straight to chat rooms and games. The news is staring at them face on. Still they refuse to read the words there.

    Why do Malaysians depend on the government to tell them anything and everything including the space programme ?

    See it is no wonder the Barisan Nasional can be in power for this many years. The Barisan Nasional can tell you this thing and that thing and you just believe without questioning.

    In my town, there are posters of Doctor Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor. He came here to give a talk and the Barisan Nasional team as usual does not fail in welcoming a hero. Before he went into space, I already know something about space. Surf into the NASA’s website. Surf into any website that tells you about the space, the universe, the programmes, the spacecrafts, the astronauts, the planets, the Voyagers that are now flying beyond the solar system etc. etc. Do Malaysians know these ? Or all that they know is this handsome Dr SMS ? Whether he has a girlfriend or not ?

    Ever ask yourselves. Why did the Russians allow Dr SMS to join them and not NASA ? Even rich Americans who had been to space could only take commercial flights with the Russians and not their own NASA.

    So we are way behind time in knowledge. Firstly, it is the Malaysians themselves who could not be bothered with knowing anything else. Secondly, it has something to do with the way we are brought up. We are just too complacent. We just accept things as they are. We never think that the situation would change tomorrow. Then how can we be competitive ? How competitive can we be ?

    Surely we are not going to depend on bribery and corruption just because we lacking in our competitive spirit, are we ? If we are, then there is nothing so great about us.

    We cannot blame Dr SMS because he is diarahkan and he has to carry out this amanah of going into space. He is not the one who held the money and so he is not implicated if there are charges of financial wrong doing.

    Since we are so rich, shouldn’t the government help those who are struggling to make ends meet ? There is nothing so great about showing what you can do and nearer to you are problems which are still unsolved. Poverty. No school uniforms. School shoes that are spoiled. Books that are recycled. School children who cannot go to school because they don’t have the money.

    As for the experiment that Dr SMS is doing, is this research just a dream research meant to give credit to certain people only ? Meant to obtain titles ? If this research does not help the country, then it just a wastage. Why not do a research on poverty in Malaysia ? Or did someone do it already, presented it already but there is no action taken ?

  82. Our Govt couldn’t even supply clean water to all the household. Tell me who doesn’t own a water filter at home now !?

    Everyday we crawl in the net. Our Streamyx is the narrowest band connection to the net compare with our neighbouring countries. We pay RM99 for the miserable 1MB line & we jump for joy if the speed manage to hit 100kb/s. Our neighbour ? 50MB my friend. Without the information super highway, how do we progress ??

    Go back to basic, stop all the political propaganda; stop wasting our tax payer $$$ and stop us from being the laughing stock of the universe. Spend the $$ on basic need; health care, education, transportation & a zillion things we can make good use of the $$ than sending a passenger to space !!!

    Wind Of Change.

  83. Made in Malaysia spacecraft??!! Sampai tua pun
    tak jadi…!! Before we can design own ultra-light
    ayrcraft, we are already talking of building spacecraft
    and space technology!!?? Before we can walk, we learn
    to fly!!

    Do not dream and be more realistic!! We are not in Fantasy
    movies, shouting ‘The spacecraft, the Spacecraft’…!!

    Where the hell the space infra structure come from?
    Or is it hoping for the windfall from the sky that God
    can help to bless our country??!!

    Our ‘kitchen cabinet’ is too NAIVE or they just think of
    a huge project to accomplish and eventually he is
    happily walking into the bank with handsome kickback
    money…!! So better Beware and Watch out ‘Ali Baba
    and the 40 Thieves!!’

  84. PENANG: The results of experiments carried out in space by Angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor will be released next month.
    The experiment was carried out at the International Space Station or in the “Space” ?
    Me: If you remember some basic biology, maybe you will know that cells can’t survive space vacuum condition. So, of course it is conducted at the ISS. This is the journalist’s incompetency at reporting this news.
    How can an Orthopaedic surgeon carry out protein research in the field of molecular biology? Why do we have to focus on space radiation on cells and microbes since we are living on the earth? How does this contribute to the science?
    ME: Space flight is an arduous task, not like taking a cab Mr. Lim. How many neuro scientist can you find fit enough for the journey, This guy was one of the fittest man in Malaysia and selected from the mass due to his level of health and experience in medical aspects.

    The results will be published in which international peer reviewed journal? What is the significant scientific background of it?
    His talk on the “Brain in Space”, is he qualified to speak about that? Has he been trainned as a neuroscientist? Does he have strong background on the brain? Please see http://www.pubmed.com and type in “Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor”, no scientific publication related with the brain!
    ME:Did you hear the talk?

    Just because to study the specimens in 3D dimension?? Would it be too costly? First of all, how can an orthopardic surgeon involves in scientific neuroscience research? What is the link between the brain and bone (orthopaedic)? Similarly, would you send a dermatologist to study the brain?
    “Zero gravity allows specimens to be studied in 3D form”, why did this study have to be carried out in the “space” or the space station just for the cell 3D form investigation? In fact, on the earth, we have such “vacuum chamber model” to carry out research on the morphology of cells with “confocal microscopy”, “two-photon microscopy” or “electron microscopy” approach, this will give us even a better control view of the cells in terms the cell morphological changes and technical manipulation aspect. And again, how can an orthopaedic surgeon carry out such complicated and high technique on cells manipulation in the “space”? Is he a cellular biologist? Please look at the Harvard University website on Neurobiology.
    ME: Copy paste this link and read the whole page yeah… http://science.nasa.gov/msl1/pcg_why.htm
    And again, the research was carried at the “International Space Station” or in the “Space”, there is a clear distinction between these two!
    ME: Tsk tsk tsk… I pity your knowledge of biology, how did you get your fellowship?
    Cell flattened??? Please see my previous opinion on vacuum chamber model.
    What type of cell did he want to study? What is the hypothesis and scientific support for such a huge cost of investment? “In space, we can view the specimens as if they were in the human body,” based on which scientific publication to support this notion of sentence?? If so, how about carry out such experiment in the vacuum chamber (low cost) of zero gravity with better manipulation on the cells and more scientifically grounded?Miss seeing patients? When a person left his medical career for more than 5 years, is he still eligible to perform his clinical works efficiently? May be, he is exemption.
    To find cure for cancer? What is the link between his work in space and cancer as well as the brain?The experiment was conducted at the International Space Station and not in the “Space”? What sort of experiment? Why can’t it be carried out in the scientific laboratory, with lower cost, more reliable internationally-accepted methods for scientific publication? He is an orthopaedic surgeon with no scientific publication in brain and cellular research, how on earth he knew the works of a professional histologist or cell biologist or brain scientist?
    ME:Basically you are repeating the same thing over and over again, besides he had months of training and lessons from the best people in the field before the trip.

  85. While it doesn’t take a scientist like Dr XXX to be able to question the “sandiwara” behind the so-called experiment in Space. Of course opinion from people like her carries more weight since she is the Subject Matter Expert (SME) as compared to people like you or me. But rather than questioning his qualifications which is obvious, or lets go back to the selection process of the Malaysian Angkasawan Reality show. My question is someone else could have been chosen for this task, so is this experiment a result of him being selected or rather part of the many so-called benefits of the Malaysian-Go-To Space Program?

    As for the venue of experiment, perhaps I should bring the debate down a few levels.
    Instead of arguing whether it should be in Space Centre or in Space question I have is how reliable do we seriously think the result of such so-called experiment conducted within such short period of time would be. Even trained scientist, researchers or SME spent months or years doing such research and here we are trying to get away with so called Space Miracles within how many days with untrained hands and brain ( in the that subject of course)

    Perhaps this is the result of blind ideology of Malaysia Boleh? Perhaps Malaysians are too carried away with the Malaysia Boleh spirit that they failed to see the true essence and real objectives of Malaysia Boleh. That they can be so incredibly proud of a Malaysian going to space with a Russian rocket, with Russian space technology irregardless of the cost. We have so many Finance Ministers, how come we can see the cost benefits? Or perhaps the leaders feels that mass Malaysians need the artificial boost which becomes a laughing stock in international arena. Indeed Malaysia Boleh Rugi.

    Perhaps someone should define the definition of astronaut and cosmonaut or maybe add another category called Cosmotravelnaut in case they have difficulty in classifying such person . Need I remind ourselves that Martha Stewart’s boyfriend did the same, but of course I am more proud of him because at least he used his own money to fund his Space Holiday Package and not from tax collections.

    How can Malaysians approve such project? Were we all sleeping? How many more such projects should we endure? Malaysian should distinguish between Malaysian Reality Show Vs Malaysian Real-Ability. I hope with the Opposition’s huge victory in last election,perhaps may not undo the past but I believe we could still have an autopsy and bring justice to all the tax payers.

    And for goodness sake, someone please stop the CostMoreTravellerNut from making his rounds and spreading false Malaysia boleh spirit ! Anybody who has got money can do it ala Martha Stewart’s boyfriend lah !!!

  86. Wow, what intelligent comments from allasstra and kerishamuddinitis in response to my posting.
    I am not going to waste internet bandwidth by giving point by point responses.
    But, I want to advise the Opposition MPs that it is not advisable to criticise the scientific merit of the Angkasawan mission because they don’t know the exact scientific details. You only end up making uninformed and ridiculous comments such as those by the writer of this article.
    But you can criticise the way they spent RM100 million on an image-building trip with the pretext to perform the scientific research because there are much cheaper alternative ways to do the actual research. For instance, it is a routine thing for US universities to be involved in building experiments to launch into space without costing an arm and a leg.
    There is a need for cutting edge scientific research in Malaysia, but the consideration should be at what costs and whether there are more cost-effective ways.
    To put it in another way, if the govt spent RM10 billions to import exquisite materials from all corners of the world to build a landmark building or an architectural marvel to house a hospital, you don’t criticise the benefits of the hospital providing much needed medical services because those benefits are indisputable.
    But the costs of the architectural aspects, or whether there is some corruption involved in the mark-up of the construction costs, of the hospital are not indisputable because there are cheaper ways to build the hospital and yet provides the same results.

  87. I am strongly outnumbered here…

    My views again…

    1. Let’s be fair…give him the credit for a great achievement for the nation.
    2. Good he is a Bumiputra….Malay. He is a Malaysian…isn’t he? Why look at race..again…aren’t we Malaysian Malaysians?
    3. Emphasise the ridiculousness of lack of basic supplies in our villages…eg no piped water in Langkap despite 30yrs

    4. Emphasise need to recognise all races…all Malaysians who do well…..Nicol, Mahendran, Magendran, Shalin…..

    What’s wrong with Malaysia Boleh….won’t you say that too if we won the World Cup Soccer….we can criticise ourselves if we are lopsided in our approach or if we misuse funds….

    Let us be fair…..but emphasise that the poor, needy, orphans, widows must be looked after at the same time.

    Emphasise education for all ……like that lah!

    That’s how we true Malaysians should be…..Sdr Lim Senior….tell your followers.

  88. We can’t even build a world class car company when given the chance over 20 years ago (compared to Korea’s Hyundai & KIA that started more or less the same time but look at their position today from these 2 Korean automotive giant, not 1 but 2,…& what is the population of South Korea?). Something wrong somewhere. We need to get our priorities straigthen out. Continue to compare with other countries like Burma, Africa…we may as well reverse our objective to become a developed nation. To be a developed nation, we must benchmark against…a developed nation! Not benchmark against developing nation.

  89. eh… got test results meh??? I thought I read before that most of the experiment apparatus crashed during the hard landing???
    In case we really did the experiments successfully, why do we need to publish it? I thought those results are supposed to be our national secrets? Well, if they really publish, let’s google and wiki and see whether there is any “breakthrough”…
    Think again about the experiments, they were “designed” to stop people from laughing about teh tarik as initially suggested by idiotic Barisan Najis guys. So, we don’t actually need such experiments after all.
    As a Malaysian, I condemned such a waste of public funds and there is no different if we send a Chinese Malaysian or an Indian Malaysian to space. Same manner as how we “taroh” the JPA scholar the other day.

  90. Its all about priorities. Obviously BN got theirs all wrong. When we are faced with hardships with rising costs of living, poor children not being able to go to school, floods etc, we had to spend millions to send one man to space to boost someone’s ego! BN is trying very hard to convince the public that the project was well spent. Assuming that the experiments were really conducted and assuming that it is in fact a proper experiment, I believe the money could be used more economically and bring more benefits to more people. Its just not the time.

    Oh, by the way, my friends in US who have connections with Russian space agency told me that our spaceman was not allowed to touch any command buttons and only restricted to his experiments! Forget what the Russians said.

  91. I think as long as it is surgeon is good enuff for Bad Awie. The only prime minister who just sit there to provoke all the Malaysian. One day u wake up and realized our prime minister is not a Malaysian, he’s from outer space.

  92. Everyone knows that this program should not have been executed in the 1st place but “someone” high up insist that this must be done …er….for somebody’s benefit. Thus it was bluntly executed without bothering of what anyone else thinks.

    We should be more concern of how the holders of our govt public funds can sign off sich a useless project. Everything can be signed off w/o accountability coz it’s not their money and they have other plans behind it ALWAYS.

    It is high time that BEFORE approving a project, the govt present in parliment for at least 2/3 majority approval BEFORE any payment can be made. All quotations must be published in their web page for all to see. Any attempt to cheat will be a police criminal case.

    Prove it to the rakyat!

  93. Take it as positive arrangement, becos Na jis bought some submarines & shukoi from the Russian govt. and as a courtesy there’s a free coupon for Malaysian govt. to participate in the space trip. The Russian are good business man, and willing to throw in some crumbs which without any serious thinking, Pak Liar accept it as this was proposed by Na jis, he will take any Na jis irregardless it is good or bad.

    This is how a handsome young Sheik Muzaphar was picked to represent Malaysian. By the way, going to space trip is 1 thing but to carrying out space research, do Malaysian govt. have a department for space reasearch. Where is the post for Minister of Angin? should Pak Lah give Sheik Muzaphar a post as well since he is promoted become the 1st space surgeon in Malaysia. He’s been used as BN marketing tools, and Proton marketing model. Is he a model now rather than a surgeon?

  94. now the jamja is out, we can officially declare the what so ever space program is terminated.

    the 2nd space man in waiting can go start audition for tooth paste or tooth brush advertisement.

    while the first one can go around and ask the young kids go day dreaming………

    jamja can go become a kalang guni

    ongkili can start planning to sent the first man to planet mars

  95. Space man is jus a gimmicks. Now the space man come back become Malaysian hero, wearing flag jacket to promote cap “Malaysia Boleh.” It is at the expense of Rakyat, millionth of ringgit to promote the Malaysia Boleh Space man, and billionth of dollar to buy what Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and even Taiwan don’t plan to buy submarines & shukoi jet. President Putin must be surprise that look Na jis wanted to buy some military jet & submarines, and the commission goes to Abd. Razak who are in custody.

  96. deaar geezer,

    “I am not going to waste internet bandwidth by giving point by point responses.”
    —INTERNET has an unlimited bandwidth. i suppose u mean YOUR bandwidth,which is unlikely unless u r using dial-up. therefor it’s very clear that u have nothing to back-up your claim. my question is how important is this “experiment”,and to which scientific community ? as the rakyat,and a tax payer,i have my right to know where the goverment spend my money,afterall,that’s what TRANSPARENCY is all about. u seemed to hav a strong conviction that this “experiment” is justifiable,therefor u must hav some sort of information that lead u to these conviction,so share these infos with us,please….OR……,maybe u r just the kind of person who’ud take anything the .gov/media shove down ur throat,
    cos they said it’s good for u !. ;-)

    we as the rakyat,in a pseudo-democratic country has at lease the right to know,(even if we cant decide) before the soyuz blast off into space…….

    “To put it in another way, if the govt spent RM10 billions to import exquisite materials from all corners of the world to build a landmark building or an architectural marvel to house a hospital, you don’t criticise the benefits of the hospital providing much needed medical services because those benefits are indisputable.”
    —it’s very disputable,and even outrightly-objectionable when the existing hospital are in such a dire state and plagued with severe lack of doctors and loooooooong waiting time,and opening new hospitals will just reduce available doctor/hospital even more,….and gosh !,that’s the lamest analogy i’ve ever heard…….u seriously have a flawed train of thoughts…… ;-)

    and bringit6,the link u provided,


    is great,owesome[sic],but it was “last updated on 1997”-gave u a ‘B’ for effort tho….;-)

    a newer one is here:http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/station/science/experiments/CPCG-H.html#description

    which lead us to the question: why not just tumpang them if that experiment is what we really need,and *if* that’s the alleged experiment is…

  97. this man is only a carrier. He didn’t conduct any research, do you think it was so easy to conduct protein research as well as 3D structure of the protein in space with limited facilities. What he do is just mixing something according to the manual given, he knew nothing about it.

  98. Tim Sng Says:

    1. Let’s be fair…give him the credit for a great achievement for the nation.
    sorry, i just don’t see what achievement malaysia get from this exorbitant programme. All i knew was, millions wasted for nothing when it can be used for other proper research which our local institution clearly lacking of fundings.

  99. Pak Lah regime’s follow the “Ko rek” rules, everything korek here korek there, look at RM 4.6 billions Port Klang bailout, look at all the “kebocoran” cases. Even buying of “shukoi” and “submarines” tell me that’s not korek or wat? now building of submarines pent, who’s paying for this? also navy training cost? is Malaysia straits deep enough for Submarines to patrol? Now sending them should be free yet it cost millionth of ringgit, it’s not meant for research it’s meant for a normal healthy space visitor.

  100. Due to zero gravity in space, all kind of experiment being perform in such environment can result in weird result, such as plants that gain giant size compare to earth breed (this has been done by NASA and China Space Agency). http://www.cababstractsplus.org/cabreviews/Reviews.asp?action=display&openMenu=relatedItems&ReviewID=34378
    With the shortage of fertile land, space hydroponic maybe the way to solve hunger and food shortage one day.

    Rather than sending people to space for showing off, we should strengthen our education system, encouraging science study, then build our own sky-hydroponic farm and export them to various nation. Now that’s a win-win situation for everyone. ;)

  101. Sdr Lim senior [or junior if you have time to read this.]

    [Everyone in Malaysia is a Saudara, if we subscribe in a Malaysian Malaysia]

    What do you say about all this? You have been very quiet about so many issues. We want to hear your moderate views too.

    Again, I am outnumbered….but hear me…

    Question: Should a Malaysia go to outer space, climb Mt Everest, parachute down the Artic, sail around the world etc etc?

    Simple answer is a question: “Why not?”

    It puts us in the map of human achievement.

    Man wants to strive to reach the heights, scale the highest mountain etc. It may be more a Malaysian, Malay, Indian mentality than Chinese…..but even the Chinese Chinese want to have a part of the Space programme.

    My point is: Go by all means, fly by all means. Malaysia Boleh, dear patriot bloggers!

    But, what do you say about the Auditor General’s Reports…. have we cleaned our backyard. That is my point. We, as a country can afford…..F1, Twin Towers, be part of the space programme….but, how do we fare in our backyard?

    It isn’t just criticise, attack, tear down, condemn….but reason, trying to understand, and convincing….

    Remember, Sdr Lim senior, you are no longer opposition but the preposition!

    I thank you and Yb Karpal for your perseverance, for withstanding all the verbal abuse year after year in parliament, being called names that were unfairly thrown at you….names like….’bodoh’, binatang’ ,”anjing’……
    There is no need to do the same.

    Do not answer a fool according to his foolishness, or we will be like them.

    March 8th should have eliminated arrogance, abusive language in politics, sheer dominance, injustice…..you the YBs, whether in govt or not must begin a new era of diplomatic engagement for the goodness of this country.

    I hope the voters [and bloggers] will do so too. Do not be so fast in condemning, and yet enjoy the benefits of progress eg KLCC or drive a Proton…..rather, be fair and reasonable in your expressions, or you are no different from the one you criticise.

  102. “INTERNET has an unlimited bandwidth. i suppose u mean YOUR bandwidth,which is unlikely unless u r using dial-up.”..allastra

    This bandwidth is not the frequency bandwidth that you are thinking about. Ask those with websites hosted by a third party what is meant by bandwidth.
    At least if you keep quiet, people would think you are smart.
    Don’t for a moment think that I am commenting here on space and scientific research without a proper background, and I have taught thousands of kids like you.

  103. Russia charged RM 100million for a rocket taxi ride to space. America charges RM 66million (USD 20million) for a space shuttle ride to space. We save RM 34million if go as tourist via USA space shuttle. Would rather opt for space shuttle. The RM 34million saved could have gone to build 2-3 new schools or upgrade schools.

    The space programs of USA-EC-Russia go beyond just sending man to space for ego purposes. A lot of inventions – especially in the field of advance electronics, physical chemistry, chemical biology & material science were all part of the package.

    Many of the products that has changed the human lifestyle in the past 20-30 years has been the result of creating/deriving from products for the space programs. This has been taken for granted as we can purchase it conveniently. Prior to that (JFK time) it was a simple send a man to moon first objective – that was for ego 1st.

    So, anyway, $ spent but also $ gain (also patents for the inventions) from the advance industries that the USA-EC-Russia has forged since. What is our part in this – economically – & for what sort of technological gains will be the result of this space program of ours? How will it benefit the Malaysian people? Until we answer all of these basic questions satisfactorily, only then it can only justify the need to send a Malaysian to space. I am not against nor in favour of it but the $ spent must have some economical return, like any other investment. That’s what the other space programs are about. From where we stand now, it’s just tax-$ spent, & nothing gained – except for political ego to provide cheap thrill to all the rural folks who probably do not understand the purpose in the 1st place. Perhaps, it was accounted for say 5million people; so, RM 100million spent / 5million = RM 20 per person. Eh, murah saja kan?

    Even China admitted spending 50 years in developing their own space program due to the “limited” resources when they started off. So, to have a full fledge so called space program, for any country, what are the basic foundations that our gov has laid & how will they plan to realise the space program into something that is just simply sending a man to space for the sake of publicity? It’s “cheap” publicity to send a man to space for RM 100million to impress the developing nations. Will our national budget able to sustain such a program consistently for follow ups? Will only 1-trip to space able to conclude what we want to study? That would be a world record, not just Malaysian record.

    Btw, does SMS have nothing else to wear?

  104. Dear pjboy wellsaid.

    I would said the BN government decision to send man to space is based on political ego. That doesn’t help them to win back 5 states from the opposition and their reputation after been rejected by Perlis Sultan & Terengganu Agong on MB appointment.

    The so called coupon to space from Russia is not free, it is merely a “sham” or “cheat”, it cost millionth ringgit from hardworking rakyat. Our parents work so hard to build Malaysia, paying all the taxes and service charges to the govt. but what govt. in return give back? a man to advertise for Proton?

  105. “A lot of inventions – especially in the field of advance electronics, physical chemistry, chemical biology & material science were all part of the package.” – pjboy

    I agree wholeheartedly that massive research programs such as those carried out by NASA have tremendous economic and scientific benefits. Even when NASA’s contractor made a huge mistake with the primary mirror of the Hubble Space Telescope, and NASA ended up spending hundreds of millions $ fixing it, the technology that NASA developed along the way to correct the blur images, has been used in enhancing medical diagnostic imaging in hospitals.

    That is why, in the Malaysian case, I do not advocate criticising the science, as being done by this article and the comments here. Instead, the issue should be whether the money has been well-spent; whether such venture has been cost-effective, or whether more could have been achieved for such money; as well as whether there are cheaper alternative ways to get involved in space research.
    The problem here is that this space research is only a secondary objective with the primary objective being the prestige of sending a Malaysian into space. That is a public relation exercise that Malaysia can do without considering the cost involved.
    I believe that there is a need to support scientific research in Malaysia but in a more efficient manner.
    There are always economic benefits if you spend the money in the country. For instance, the huge R&D budgets of NASA and the US Defense Dept help support the US economy and provide scientific and technological benefits in the US.
    Unfortunately the money in this Malaysian space venture went to Russia, and therefore not much effect will be felt in Malaysia, other than a boost to the “Malaysia Boleh” spirit.
    Malaysians always criticise the govt for not doing enough for university research. To criticise the scientific efforts in this case is missing the target.
    If Opposition MPs want to “hentam” the Malaysian Angkasawan mission, at least make sure you have the right target and not just criticise everything about the mission, including making fun about the scientific efforts or belittling its significance.

  106. Who am I to criticize Angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor when I am a nobody? He is a doctor and I am not. All I wanted to know is, are there better use of that large sum of money for the benefit of Malaysian? And for the life of me, I couldn’t find any answer to that.

  107. If Pak Lah is a good leader who u think is YB LGE or YB LKS or Karpal Singth, becos he’s a perdana menteri and the opposition leaders are nobody or just opposition leader?

    All i wanted to tell Sheik Muzaphar, don’t be so action, he should refuse advertisement, becos there’s nothing grand to be a space traveller, he has accomplished just waste the “rakyat money” and stop posing as model for Proton if Proton is a good car, sure ppl will buy it too bad too many cronies company within Proton. Why support local car (cronies car) by posing as advertisement models?

  108. Many of the comments in this thread which appear to be belittling the Angkasawan project were made, I believe, more to highlight and the criticize UMNO’s over-zealous pursuit to exploit the publicity generated by the project. Sometimes though the comments went a bit too far and awry as to ‘hit’ the man (angkasawan) himself or even mock Science, which for most parts I believe were not the main intention.

    However, it is valid to question the value and priority of such a project relative to the many other pressing needs of the country. Does a success in this endeavour put this country in any better position in terms of delivering better education to its citizens or contributing to advancement of medical facilities? On the other hand, would a non-participation make this country or make it to be perceived as any less developed?

    Malaysians have come to appreciate the spotlight the country had earned through the many ego-flating projects like ‘tallest building’, ‘largest flag’ and ‘longest this and that’. But how many did question ‘At what price?’ And when the transient fame had slipped to the dark recesses of the world’s 6.6 billion cerebrum, did the country forge ahead on the back of these credentials?

    Hopefully, this thinly veiled boosting of the ego of one man or of one party is something which Malaysians are now beginning to be reasonably skeptical about.

  109. Earshot, that guy “Muzaphar” is a surgeon not a qualified scientist to perform qualified test in the space. Like that even full time butcher can be pilot flying for MAS as long as there is corporate sponsor why not, just need to grant him a license to fly, dream come true. He can also become an astronaut carrying scientific research in space jus by buying “Dummy for Quick Space Scientific” learn it in a week or two. We don’t need genius anymore, jus find some handsome man in a talent search and send him to space carrying out space research.

    Like that also can? Malaysia boleh? what’s wrong to criticize? give me 10 reason why we need Angkasawan project, not project to improve flood, project to improve quality of the Indian, project to improve religion praying place, project to lower the fuel prices, project to reduce all the tolls, project for govt to build schools for all races not only Malay.

  110. Before space, go for something relevant in Malaysian life, the money is from Malaysian why Malaysian don’t get a single cents? instead those ppl spending billionth (subs & jet) then millionth (in the form of Malaysian in space). The whole world is laughing Malaysian beat skin face to pretend fat. All educated Malaysian in Malaysia or Overseas will agreed that such an idea is a wastage and it makes them looks faked at the expense of Rakyat. If I’m the prime minister to approve such project, I will give the guy who proposed such deal a smack in the face, ask him go look at the Malaysian living on the street, go look at the Proton car which is so expensive.

  111. Tim Sng

    I’ll tell you why not:
    1) What did we do to achieve this?
    Answer: Use the peoples’ money (That means your money as well as ours)

    2) How much did it cost us?
    Answer: Only around RM90 million plus

    3) What requirements have we met in order to achieve this?
    Answer: Enough money to burn and a moron

    4) What sacrifice did we make to achieve this?
    Answer: See answer 2. Not to mention that the money can be put to better use.

    5) How do we benefit from it?
    Answer: Studies done by a moron.

    6) What effort did we take to achieve this?
    Answer: Well, we don’t have a spaceship launchpad, a REAL astronaut who pilots the ship, a Malaysian made spaceship, a rocket scientist, an astronaut training facility, all sort of high tech equipment, we still can’t manufacture those high tech equipment, mathematicians, observatory, highly durable electronics, and so on.

    7) Is this a good investment for our country?
    Answer: Good investment, yes, but certainly not for OUR country. It’s more like for the US and Russia. The amount of money spent divided to the amount of time in space, you do the math. A good investment would be long lasting and would bring technological advancement that will allow us to launch our own people with our own spaceship.

    8) How long will it take to get the same amount of money to do this again?
    Well, you try earning RM90million first then you tell me. At the same time, tell me how ‘easy’ it is to earn that amount of money with your own sweat and blood. Spending that amount of money is so easy when it is NOT the money that you earn so hard. This is apparently what’s happening in this issue.

    In conclusion, we haven’t produce a single sweat to achieve such advancement. All we have is money, taken by other country. Don’t dream for a space programme without appreciating the complexity of what NASA has achieve.

    One cannot be so naive to think that we can boast for every achievement that can be bought by money. If we boast about this moron (the space tourist), we’re just ‘bodoh sombong’.

  112. It takes 2 hands to clap. SMS took the offer made to him by we know who. He knew he would be getting a lot of publicity, etc for this stint. If he doesn’t, man, we sent the wrong guy. If not wrong, a restaurant in Bangsar, which he apparently co-owns, made a big thing out of it. The other party just want to justify buying the sub & super jets. So, are we really going to use the subs to hunt down the pirates over at Malacca Straits? Hope the pirates don’t steal the sub instead :D. Then it will be another excuse to buy more subs to hunt down the subs we bought earlier!!!

    If SMS knew consciencely that millions of ringgit will be burnt just like that, instead of going back to the nation or to the poor people who don’t even have proper toilet, he should have stepped-down. That would have made him a bigger hero than just being shot up the ass to space.

    Question is…do we have a space science center or course in any of the local uni? For the RM 100million spent, how much can we expect to gain in terms of monetary & technological aspects in the longer term. Can we truly sustain another “boleh” space program?

    Btw, doesn’t NASA have anti-gravity technology like that used for simulation training for their astronauts? How different is that to conducting any R&D in the same environment???

    I guess what everyone here is trying to say is, what the heck is wrong with our gov? What’s the purpose of sending this guy to space?

  113. hahaha,geezer……geezer….

    “This bandwidth is not the frequency bandwidth that you are thinking about. Ask those with websites hosted by a third party what is meant by bandwidth.”
    —which part did i mention anything about frequency ? and form what premise[s] did u arrive on the conclusion that BANDWIDTH=FREQUENCY.

    “Don’t for a moment think that I am commenting here on space and scientific research without a proper background, and I have taught thousands of kids like you.”
    —I hav worked with NASA’s jet propulsion lab for almost 5 years,before that i worked 3 years in us DOD biological arms research…..but,please,dont ask me to prove them….lol!

    btw,u still havnt show us any plausible evidence that this “sainstifik” venture is usefull to the sciencetific community,…local or foreign…..that u belived so badly……thereby,u remain just a silly proponent until proven to be otherwise.

    i bet u didnt even know what was the actual experiment he carried out onboard iss anyway,otherwise u’wd shove them in my face oredy. go back to sleep old man.

  114. “Sometimes though the comments went a bit too far and awry as to ‘hit’ the man (angkasawan) himself or even mock Science,”..Earshot

    I agree with what you and the others said about setting priorities, etc., and cheaper alternative ways.

    “I hav worked with NASA’s jet propulsion lab for almost 5 years,before that i worked 3 years in us DOD biological arms research…..but,please,dont ask me to prove them….lol!”..allastra

    If you are working at JPL, why didn’t you point out the mistake that this Lee Wei Lim said, associating vacuum chamber and gravity?
    You claim to work in US DoD biological arms research? If I know which DoD agency or lab (DARPA, ARL, NRL, AFRL ?) maybe I should send your comment to the lab director or the Inspector General about somebody boasting to have worked on biological arms (supposedly classified research?) in a public blog.

  115. Don’t forget ppl are angry and called the angkasawan moron. The first Malaysian to deny Malaysian a better Malaysia RM 100 millions.

    If i see this angkasawan i will spit on his feet. God will punish his family, already did. A wise leader should use that RM 100 millions ease KL floods & congestions, many ppl. will benefit from it, rather than nothing. It is a sin to steal, in this case “the angkasawan” is a sin therefore need to be punished. To gain fame & power he can also pose for Proton Advertisement & claimed he’s doing a research in space. Malaysia Tipu Boleh.

  116. quote : old man geezer:

    “I hav worked with NASA’s jet propulsion lab for almost 5 years,before that i worked 3 years in us DOD biological arms research…..but,please,dont ask me to prove them….lol!”..allastra

    then u said:
    If you are working at JPL, why didn’t you point out the mistake that this Lee Wei Lim said, associating vacuum chamber and gravity?
    You claim to work in US DoD biological arms research? If I know which DoD agency or lab (DARPA, ARL, NRL, AFRL ?) maybe I should send your comment to the lab director or the Inspector General about somebody boasting to have worked on biological arms (supposedly classified research?) in a public blog.”

    —LMAO;…thank you for participating….
    i hav design this question to trick u into saying/asking these thing just to prove my point to all…….

    normally a person who possess an :
    [a] intact reasoning skills,
    [b] a good and sensible thinking,and
    [c] moderate critical thinking

    would ask these questions when confronted with this kind of extrodinary claims;
    [1] laugh out loud.
    [2] challenge the claim and ask for prof
    [3] saying that unless prof is attached,it’s just full b.s.
    [4] followed by ridicule,and sarcastic comments

    however instead of that,u did the followings :
    [i] make belive my extravagant claim
    [ii] asked me to elaborate on my *obviously* fake story;i.e asking which dept i’m with darpa,arl,nfl etc…etc
    [iii] wanted to take action based on my fake story;i.e imforming my lab director,hahaha

    therefor it is imperative upon me to arrive at this conclusions based upon these premises;
    —u’ud belive anything that is displayed on your blinking screen(assuming that u r still using c.r.t. monitor)
    —belive anyone’s claim,nomatter how ridiculous it may sound,b’cos of your “ooohh,i saw it on the web/tv,it must be true” philosophy.
    —still churning empty b.s even tho u dont know what there are,especially when u said “maybe I should send your comment to the lab director or the Inspector General about somebody boasting to have worked on biological arms” question: do u kno who they are,and how to contact them,these so called lab director/inspector general[lol],
    are u even sure who’s in charge of these agencies ? bwhahahahahahah !

    there….there…i rest my case………

    p/s: assuming i’m an idiot like u,so i tagged along with ur silly claims.so i ask:

    “how can u report to someone about someone boasting being apart of something that’s not suppose to have existed ?

    sleep well tonite,old man,

  117. “sleep well tonite,old man,”..allasstra

    allasstra, you don’t even know who I am and yet, without any provocation, you have the guts to tell me rudely in your previous postings “go to sleep oldman” or “sleep well tonite, old man”.

    allasstra, I don’t understand why you were so against my postings clarifying that this Dr. Lee Wei Lim has made comments based on wrong scientific principles.
    For instance, anybody with basic physics knowledge would have known that vacuum has nothing to do with gravity. I have to rebut her comments, otherwise the misconceptions will fester in the minds of readers here and make a mockery of all of us in the eyes of the world.

    You claimed to have worked at JPL and DoD biological arms research. Normally, I do not question comments by others because forum like this is supposed to be where people exchanged useful information and to give constructive opinions and criticisms politely. I took your comments at face value because I did not realise there are kids like you who enjoyed posting “fake” claims.

    I had a feeling those were fake claims because your previous comments (which I will analyse in detail in my next comment, if necessary) show that you have no technical background.

    You need to be a US citizen to do classified work in the US. If you had indeed worked on classified biological arms research, by boasting on a public blog, you stand to lose your security clearance, once they know who you are.

    Doing classified work is lucrative and the disadvantage is that you cannot publish or even mention it. But that is a sacrifice that many people would make because of the job security. When you claimed that you moved to JPL, it did not make sense because why would you need to move since JPL doesn’t do biological arms research?

    From your previous posting, I guess you are a Chinese who can speak Hokkien or Teochiew. When you first came to this blog after the recent election in Malaysia, in your first posting, you complained about having to register in order to comment, and then you complained about all the fuss about the recent election. That lack of interest and not understanding the historic significance of the outcome of the recent election indicate that probably you are a Singaporean. That may explain why you are so against the Malaysian Angakasawan program.

    So, how many naturalised US citizens of either Malaysia or Singaporean Chinese descent would be working in the DoD classified biological arms program? It wouldn’t take them long to find you out and their job would be easier if they know which lab or agency.

    Foreigners working in the US are always upset when foreign-born scientists/engineers are accused of espionage because they betrayed the trusts of the employers and give foreign-born scientists and engineers in the US govt service a bad name. That is why I was upset when you claimed that you worked in biological arms research. Maybe to you that is funny, but to those people who have to depend on those government jobs to provide for their families, it is not funny.

    You even rudely grade a comment from one poster here as “B” when there was nothing wrong with his/her comment.

    You don’t even know who I am and yet, without any provocation, you have the guts to tell me rudely “go to sleep oldman” or “sleep well tonite, old man”.

    Well, young man/girl, if you are not a kid, then I think it is time you grow up.

  118. Need to clarify some scientific points here:

    “INTERNET has an unlimited bandwidth.” – allasstra March 31st, 2008 at 15: 55.43

    That is wrong. Internet has a limited bandwidth.
    As far as I know the fastest data transmission speed is 3.2 terabits per second (trillion bits per second) over a 1000 km optical fiber demonstrated by Agere. That would be the current upper limit to the internet bandwidth even if you have a dedicated fiber optic line all to yourself. Since data transmission is through light modulation using switching of solid-state lasers and LEDs, there is always a physical limitation. I cannot think of a physical mechanism that can give infinite switching rate, which means there is always a finite bandwidth.

    “and form what premise[s] did u arrive on the conclusion that BANDWIDTH=FREQUENCY. ‘ – allasstra April 2nd, 2008 at 04: 16.00

    Another definition of bandwidth is a range, or band, of frequencies. Any 1st year student in science or engineering who have gone through a course in basic electronics would have known that.

    “—u’ud belive anything that is displayed on your blinking screen(assuming that u r still using c.r.t. monitor)” – allasstra April 3rd, 2008 at 13: 46.28

    Obviously does not understand how display monitor works. That blinking effect is due to refreshing cycle and all display monitors use refreshing cycles whether they are flat screen LCD monitors or CRT monitors.

    “sleep well tonite,old man,” – allasstra April 3rd, 2008 at 13: 46.28
    “go back to sleep old man.” – allasstra April 2nd, 2008 at 04: 16.00

    Probably this young person did not realise that this blog, that gave him/her the chance to spew his/her nonsense and rudeness to an old man, was provided for by an old man.

  119. ohhh,….wow,….you are still here,….i’ve start to miss u aredy….good to hear u alive[having in mind that u are old] and well again.


    old geezer, i know who u are alright,…yes sir..i kno…

    and due to the fact that i’m very free to-day, i will try to answer your question point by point,and by the grace of God,you might understand them this time and use them for your self reflection…for your own good.

    it appears to me that,you had a very limited comprehension capability,so, i will try to make this as clear and as simple as i could,

    here it goes…..PART 1- PERCEIVED OFFENCE.
    DIALOGUE BEGINS…[in Dolby(TM) surround on selected PCs]

    GEEZER : allasstra, you don’t even know who I am and yet, without any provocation, you have the guts to tell me rudely in your previous postings “go to sleep oldman” or “sleep well tonite, old man”.

    ME : i sincerely dont know in what ways does the phrase “go to sleep/sleep well tonite old man” constitute impoliteness. u call urself “OLD GEEZER”

    OLD———u called yourself that.
    GEEZER—–the term “geezer” (pronounced as guy-zer) is a british slang for MAN, as confirmed by wikipedia and merriam-webster dictionary for viewers who didnt know already. and assuming that u didnt know what the term GEEZER means when u choose your user name,the use of letter “G” & “Z” denotes masculinity,implying that u are a MAN.

    based on these two premises alone,it is YOU,..who wanted yourself to be known as an OLD MAN. and in fact,u begged to be known as an old man. i am merely following your wish to be recognised as an old man….and calling u that.

    SLEEP WELL/GO TO SLEEP—in all society around the world,these phrases denotes caring and affection, and i really did not understand why you would be offended by such a phrase….they are not even obscenities !

    can you say doctors insult thier clients by suggesting them to get some sleep ?
    or children telling thier parents to sleep well is an insult ? HA AH HA


    “allasstra, you don’t even know who I am and yet, without any provocation, you have the guts to tell me rudely…”

    YOU provocked me alright, and i will list them here,in reversed order…(begining with most severe to the lease)

    you said on March 31st, 2008 :

    “Wow, what intelligent comments from allasstra”
    —exclaimation + compliment = sarcasm !

    yes! it is YOU who had provocked me in the 1st place,and mocking an extremely intelligent being with an IQ of 170 such as myself(i have anecdotal evidence to support that) constitute a very grave tresspass on the land of BLOG !
    therefore,i am compelled to respond in kind….with a tenacity and viciousness never seen before in the blogsphere [now it starts to sound funny when i put it in that way-lol]

    your claim on March 30th, 2008 :

    “The first issue is whether the scientific experiments have merit. As a scientist, I believe that the scientific experiments, as reported by the media, appear to have merit.”

    —your gullibility and your appearent lack of critical thinking and your naive belief that this “experiment” has value based on media alone without scientific papers/reports agonizes me. much more so when u claimed to be a “scientist”,
    and at the same you didnt even kno what the experiment are !!! arghhhhhrghhhhhh…..

    and then u said:

    “I do feel uneasy reading Lee Wei Lim’s comments because they reveal the person’s lack of understanding on space research. That is not surprising because that person is just a research assistant according to the Univ of Maastricht’s Department of Psychiatry & Neuropsychology website (as of Jan 2008).”

    —if he’s not qualified to comment based on that premise alone, then you too,sir, are not qualified to comment anything based on your *appearent* lack of understanding of science in general,…not to mention your TOTAL lack of credentials[who on the blue earth are u anyway], and on top of that, your fatally flawed sense of logic,reasoning and critical thinking. it amazed me that you could survive this long despite living with these fatal and critical shortcomings….

    you also had said:

    “To put it in another way, if the govt spent RM10 billions to import exquisite materials from all corners of the world to build a landmark building or an architectural marvel to house a hospital, you don’t criticise the benefits of the hospital providing much needed medical services because those benefits are indisputable.”

    —and due to your obviously flawed logic engine,you had came up with the lamest and the most incorherent,ir-reconcilable analogy, and it causes me such a great pain just by reading it…and it makes me hate you even more…

    as if there hasnt been enough of tardness already out here,you proceed to tell me on April 13th, 2008 :

    “Need to clarify some scientific points here:

    “INTERNET has an unlimited bandwidth.” – allasstra March 31st, 2008 at 15: 55.43

    That is wrong. Internet has a limited bandwidth.
    As far as I know the fastest data transmission speed is 3.2 terabits per second (trillion bits per second) over a 1000 km optical fiber demonstrated by Agere. That would be the current upper limit to the internet bandwidth even if you have a dedicated fiber optic line all to yourself. Since data transmission is through light modulation using switching of solid-state lasers and LEDs, there is always a physical limitation. I cannot think of a physical mechanism that can give infinite switching rate, which means there is always a finite bandwidth.”

    —omg,…omg…i didnt even know how to put this,rofl,…look,…when we talk about internet,and sending and receiving blog comments such as this,bandwidth normally refers to TRANSFER RATE, which are normally expressed in kilo-bit-per-second or for those who have big pipe,mega-bit-per-second. and when you said [INTERNET BANDWIDTH],it refers to the line bandwidth of all users in the whole wide world,why ? becos INTERNET is made up of millions upon millions computers linked by a network called “the internet”.

    and as u had said,the fastest line available today is 3.2tbps between ONE single computer to the isp,then when there are 10 users with 3.2tbps line connected together,there will be 32tpbs of potential data flowing around already….

    considering an average of 10kbps per computer that has internet connection,and multiply them by a zillion,the total bandwidth for INTERNET is infinitly huge….beyond the ablity of human to comprehend…far less than being able to count…
    SECOND FLAW: as you said,you had based your assumption that the internet bandwidth is limited due to the fact that the fastest line exist TODAY is 3.2tpbs. however,you had failed to take into consideration of one very important factor…TOMMOROW. due to the seemingly infinite numbers of tommorow,and the infinite numbers of possible innovation, the 3.2tbps limit achieved today will continue to be breached tommorow,and the struggle for an even faster and bigger pipe will continue till the end of humanity. so,in a sense, the INTERNET BANDWIDTH is unlimited. no matter how u want to cut it,it’s an inalienable truth that internet bandwidth is unlimited…

    u then proclaimed:

    “Another definition of bandwidth is a range, or band, of frequencies. Any 1st year student in science or engineering who have gone through a course in basic electronics would have known that.”

    but before that u said:

    “I am not going to waste internet bandwidth by giving point by point responses.”

    —to put both your comment side by side it’s very obvious that your counter arguement were very much out of context,wouldnt it ? are u in anyway;senile ??

    and most funny of all,u react by saying:

    “You even rudely grade a comment from one poster here as “B” when there was nothing wrong with his/her comment.”

    —when i tell bringit6:

    “and bringit6,the link u provided,


    is great,owesome[sic],but it was “last updated on 1997-gave u a ‘B’ for effort tho….;-)”

    —had u read carefully what i’ad said, you will notice that I GAVE HIM A [B] FOR HIS EFFORT,and *not* for what he had commented. yeah,sure there’s nothing wrong with his comment,cos he didnt comment at all,he just provided a outdated link,and for that,…i gave him a [B]….

    us surgeon generals advice: old man should get at lease 8 hours of sleep per day. :D
    p/s: there’s more to come,but i’m tired already….stay tuned…

    i wish u well,old man…

  120. the missing part that was deleted by admin….:

    PART 3—the POWER,the GLORY,and the ELDERY
    and u mocked me by saying:

    “Obviously does not understand how display monitor works. That blinking effect is due to refreshing cycle and all display monitors use refreshing cycles whether they are flat screen LCD monitors or CRT monitors. ”

    —assuming that i do not know how they works,i do,however have some far more sensitive eyesight and hearing to commensurate with my extremely hi intelligence level. and these qualities makes me an exellent observer.

    and i will be generous here,and tell u the obvious difference between a crt and a lcd display panels.

    first,switch on your tv. now stand directly infront of it approximately 5ft away. then,look 45 degree away from it till u are seeing the tv in the corner of your eyes. if you have an average eyesight,you will now notice that the tv’s kind of flickering in the corner of your eyes.

    step 2,…repeat this on crt. you will also notice the flickering effect.

    step 3,…repeat 1st step on lcd,now what do u see ? come-on,be honest with your self….yessss…
    no flickering.

    however if u had a poor eyesight, those steps could also be repeated with a normal digital camera….just look thru the digital camera and you will see that there’s absolutely
    no flickering on the lcd….while black lines appears on the crts…
    ok,lets get technical:

    a crt maintains it’s brightness by beaming a electron ray(cathod ray i assume) on the inner side of the crt tube. the phosphor coating on the inner tube of the crt will gives off light when struck by the the electron beam,much like a florocent light tube,just much more colorful. the electron beam will travel from one end, lets say the upper left end corner to the other end conner,the lower right corner,and by the time the beam hits the lower right corner, the light at the upper left corner begins to fade already,and this gives the flickering effect…..

    lcd,on the other hand…is backlighted by a bunch of leds that never turns off (unless u turn them off), and only change color by switching the amount of certain light that pass thru each individual pixel….and that’s why lcd panels are measured in gray-to-gray respons times rather than refresh rate(hertzs). they does *not* flickers.

    technical details available at:


    [1] u are still using a crt monitor.
    [2] u are still talking about stuff u didnt know
    [3] u still thinks all u thinks *is the truth*
    [4] your wisdom grows in reverse propotion in
    relation to your age.
    [5] u really need alot of sleeps.
    [6] if u are a “scientist”, then you must be
    involved in the branch of “science” where
    cause and effect doesnt apply…
    [7] u still try to impose an impending aura of
    wisdom by making it clear to every one
    that you are old, in hope of getting a higher
    respect by default,maybe to compensate
    the lack of respect/wisdom in your real life,
    however,it didnt worked out as u’ud hoped.
    [8] u likes to keep me entertained…
    every thing aside, i must say i respect u,i really
    do, and we can really be very good friends and
    hanging out in the cafes and chat away all day,..
    but u made some horrible mistake,and it’s my
    responsibility to mock u to fullest extent as
    best as i can,….that’s just the way it is….

    to be continued…

  121. http://mmc.gov.my/v1/searchmmc/main_search.php?action=detail&id=3898

    As seen in the above URL, Dr SHEIKH MUSZAPHAR SHUKOR’s Annual Practicing Certificate lapsed in 2003. But since he hasn’t seen any patients since 2002, so it is not an issue.

    He is not an orthopaedic surgeon, instead he is just a trainee in the masters programme for orthopaedics.

    He hasn’t return to continue the masters programme upon the end of the Angkasawan programme. Hopefully he will return next semester.

    The studies conducted at the International Space Station by him was planned by molecular biologists and scientists from UMBI UKM and UiTM. He was briefed on what to do while at the space station and he performed the experiments as expected of him. He may not fully understand what he did, but those who prepared the studies for him understand them very well indeed. Ask the scientists instead. Whether such researchs are beneficial to our country or not, judge them later once the papers are published.

    We should not mock Sheikh Muszafar. He is just somebody who was selected to represent our country for the space programme. If not him, who else should’ve gone? Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad? Lim Kit Siang? Lim Guan Eng? Whoever was chosen, there would always be someone who disagrees with the selection.

    Personally I believe that we shouldn’t have paid the Russian millions just to send a Malaysian into space. The money would’ve been better spent elsewhere in our own country.

    We don’t even have enough secondary schools even in Subang, let alone Sabah and Sarawak. My own children have to travel 20km since the nearest secondary school is overloaded with students. The land nearby, where the secondary school is supposed to be built is going to be a shopping mall!

    BN seems to have their priority wrong. But we also seem to have our priority wrong. Instead of attacking Sheikh Muszafar for the studies that he did (or did not) at the space station, we should be attacking Najib & Co. for wasting OUR MONEY!

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