BN has non-Muslim portfolio too, says Guan Eng

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal
The Malaysian Insider
February 19, 2011

SHAH ALAM, Feb 19 — Lim Guan Eng has defended Penang’s new non-Muslim executive council portfolio by pointing out that Barisan Nasional’s (BN) Perak maintained a similar initiative in 2009.

The Penang chief minister claimed today that Perak Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Dr Zambry Abdul Kadir was responsible for continuing such a portfolio when he took over the state administration from Datuk Seri Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin after the BN coup in February that year.

“The non-Muslim portfolio (in Perak) created by Nizar was continued by Zambry who gave it to MCA’s Datuk Mah Hang Soon to handle.

“Datuk Mukhriz (Mahathir) said that I insulted islam by setting up such a portfolio. If so it is more serious that a Muslim like Zambry ‘insults’ Islam by continuing with such portfolio,” Lim told The Malaysian Insider today, referring to the Jerlun MP.

The Penang CM then questioned Utusan Malaysia’s motives for attacking his administration over the setting up of the non-Muslim portfolio.

“So why is Utusan attacking the Penang government then?” said Lim today.

On Wednesday, the Penang government announced a new executive council portfolio to handle non-Muslim religious issues in the state, then thought to be the first such portfolio in the country.

However, a Utusan Malaysia report later claimed the portfolio to be a “tool” that can be used to threaten Islam as the official religion of Malaysia.

The Umno-owned Malay daily said the portfolio — which comes under Lim’s purview — could discuss religious conversion, preaching, use of religious terms, construction of houses of worship and cemeteries. These, it said, could be used to put other religions on an equal footing with Islam.

Lim, who attended a PAS convention on Malay rights earlier today, also stressed that the Penang government was neither anti-Malay nor anti-Islam.

16 Replies to “BN has non-Muslim portfolio too, says Guan Eng”

  1. ///“Datuk Mukhriz (Mahathir) said that I insulted islam by setting up such a portfolio. If so it is more serious that a Muslim like Zambry ‘insults’ Islam by continuing with such portfolio,” Lim told The Malaysian Insider today, referring to the Jerlun MP.///

    If Islam can be insulted by actions of people who has done nothing against the religion, then what people would think of it? It is certainly not true that Islam as a religion cannot be affected by actions of immortals. The son of Mamakthir might think that Islam has been insulted, that is in his mind. Since when has the appointment made by Najib elevated ordinary person to be authority in Islamic religion?

    It proves that the son of Mamakthir now utilizes religion for political advancement just like his father utilizing race for his own benefits.

  2. Some people said Mukriz is a dump or stupid.As a minister he hardly has anything much to share with commoner except hatched a concerted religion and race issue with his father of racist.Do you think he really respect god by acting ignorantly in a way,actually he is playing God down or mocking his allah.

  3. UMNOB muslims are getting more and more sensitive. Now every little thing the non-muslims do is deemed as an ”insult” to Islam.

    Now I see why LKY asked the Muslims to be a bit more liberal. He was only concerned that Singapore Muslims might become like UNMOB muslims in Malaysia where the non-muslims are living in fear as anytime they may unknowingly ”insult” the Islamic religion and be charged under the SEDITION ACT.

  4. It is common knowledge that every aspiring UMNO politician needs to play the race and religion card to advance their political career. And the more racist and fanatic is their rhetoric, the better their chances. TDM himself is the first example. Then we have Najib with his “drench the keris with Chinese blood” rally. Next we have Muhyuddin’s “Malay first, Malaysian second” claim. There are countless other examples.

    Now Mukhriz is emulating this tried and tested formula to advance his UMNO career. And good ol’dad is helping out. Dad needs to put his son in a strong position to protect him in case someone powerful might want to investigate his (TDM’s) wrongdoings while in office.

  5. The United Nations World Interfaith Harmony Week is a big insult to Islam. Mukhriz should make an official protest to Ban Ki Moon, Mobilize 100 thousand UNMOB youths to burn the UN flag, lead the Islamic countries to pull-out of UN if no apology is forthcoming. Mukhriz, don’t be a jaguh kampong. Thing big and go international like your daddy. Nevermind if you make a fool of yourself as did your father so long as your UNMOB youths and mat rempits are happy with your actions.

    Go ahead, Mukhriz, for this is a rare chance to boost your image internationally.

  6. The Prime Minister has been castigating “pluralism”. What he is against is “relativism”. Of course, theologically, a Muslim correctly asserts the superiority of his religion (the Jews, Christians, and other adherents of “Jealous-god” religions do the same, whereas most religions of India (Hindu religions), recognize God in all religions. “Pluralism” entails recognizing that members of each religion are entitled to assert the superiority of their own religion if that is what they believe in. However it is good manners to confine claims of superiority to theological discussions only, and it is helpful to realize that the other fellow could be equally convinced about the truth of his own, different, religion.

    “E Pluribus Unum” – One Out of Many. I wish our own country possessed such wonderful words as those of the American motto.

  7. Well the Muslims can always ask to be in, to be included too. No one is preventing them to do so. They only have to ask.

    It has always been the Muslims who don’t want to join or to participate with the others.

    Look at the Interfaith Commission or whatever it is called now. Not getting anywhere is it?

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