Five tests – “Reform Cabinet” or pseudo Reform Cabinet

New Stratis Times hailed the second Abdullah Cabinet unveiled yesterday as “REFORM Cabinet”, describing it as “the Cabinet and government the Barisan Nasional should have had four years ago”.

I would have been the first to welcome a “Reform Cabinet” although it is four years and two months late. Although there are signs that the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi seems prepared to begin to “hear the truth from the people” although more than four years late on the pledges he first made when became Prime Minister in October 2003, like the surprise appointment of Zaid Ibrahim as Minister in charge of legal and judicial reforms, there are also signs to the contrary.

It is no exaggeration to say that the appointment of Umno Information chief Muhammad Muhammad Taib as Minister for Rural and Regional Development has stained the second Abdullah Cabinet right from the start and raised questions about Abdullah’s commitment and political will to the new politics of accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.

Having lost four years and two months to deliver his reform pledges and punished severely in the political tsunami of the March 8, 2008 general election, resulting in the deprivation of Barisan Nasional’s hitherto unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority and loss of five state governments, there can be no honeymoon for the second Abdullah Cabinet and Ministers.

There are at least five tests whether the second Abdullah Cabinet is a “reform Cabinet” or just a pseudo-reform Cabinet and Malaysians, in their March 8, 2008 election verdict, want immediate answers, viz:

· First-World Parliament – whether Abdullah is prepared to give full support to the wide-ranging parliamentary reforms which I had proposed in the first meeting of Parliament in May 2004, embracing a full Select Committee system headed by Parliamentartians where every Ministry is shadowed by a Select Committee and an Opposition MP to head the Public Accounts Committee.

· Restoration of national and international confidence in the independence, integrity and quality of the judiciary with the establishment of a Judicial Appointments Commission and a Royal Commission into the two decades of judicial crises starting with the arbitrary and unconstitutional sacking of Tun Salleh Abas as Lord President and Datuk George Seah and the late Tan Sri Wan Suleiman Pawanteh as Supreme Court judges in 1988.

· Full implementation of the 125 recommendations of the Royal Police Commission to create an efficient, incorruptible, professional world-class police service to reduce crime, eradicate corruption and uphold human rights, particularly the establishment of an Independent Police Complaints and Misconduct Commission (IPCMC).

· Immediate and unconditional release of the five Hindraf leaders, P. Uthayakumar, DAP Selangor State Assemblyman M. Manoharan, V. Ganabatirau, R. Kenghadharan and T. Vasantha Kumar from Internal Security Act (ISA) detention.

· Public inquiry into the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) bailout scandal, the biggest financial scandal in the Abdullah administration which is even bigger than the first mega financial scandal of the 22-year Mahathir premiership – the RM2.5 billion Bumiputra Finance Malaysia (BMF) financial scandal.

Malaysians expect clear indications of the position of the second Abdullah Cabinet on these five tests as to whether it is a Reform Cabinet or a pseudo-reform Cabinet in its first two working Cabinet meetings in the next fortnight.


189 Replies to “Five tests – “Reform Cabinet” or pseudo Reform Cabinet”

  1. It’s true that the appointment of Mike Tyson is a disgrace of the Bodowi government, following the dark patches he had in Australia where he publicly declared his inability to “understand” the English language.

    There are only four reasons that culminated to this appointment.

    Firstly, either Bodowi is a recalcitrant who had never learnt to make use of his “intellectual” (or rather has none) in listening to the voices of the rakyat.

    Secondly, either he is afraid of the inherent internal squabbles that UMNO has & broiling which may boil him over come the next UMNO elections (since Mike Tyson still has a lot of muscle within the grassroots).

    Thirdly, Bodowi has run out of capable people in his camp.

    Fourthly, Bodowi needed Mike Tyson’s support to continue with the corrupt legacy, lend credence to his cronyism and propel further the culture of UMNO-hegemony nepotism.

    Bodowi may has short memory but the rakyat as a whole does not. Let there be no let-ups on the eradication of CCN so profoundly expressed by LKS.

    For comments from others, please visit:-

  2. “Malaysian Home Minister Mohammad Radzi Sheikh Ahmad has said that while there is no ban on recruitment of Indian workers, Malaysian employers are now feeling uncomfortable about hiring them in the wake of recent agitations by Indian Malaysians.”

    January, 10, 2008

    Call him what you want, my opinion of him is low. Of no employer I ever met was this an opinion. As much as some disliked the HINDRAF rally, none ever was afraid of employing workers from India for the reason that they might stir more conflict. Radzi Sheikh Ahmad surely didn’t believe his own spin. He was well aware that the HINDRAF demonstration was about Malaysians of Indian origin, who felt short-changed from the times of colonial power until today. Nothing at all to do with temporary workers from the Indian subcontinent.

  3. I’m very concerned abt this guy Muhammad Muhammad Taib as Minister for Rural and Regional Development has stained the second Abdullah Cabinet right from the start and raised questions about Abdullah’s commitment and political will to the new politics of accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.

    He was detained by Australian authority, he stated he don’t understand english hence he did not fill in the currency declaration form.

  4. Bodowi in today’s news indicated that with his new cabinet, he is hearing the rakyat voices. In fact, by this blatant appointments of certain tainted persons, though he acknowledges there may be some shortcomings, only goes to reaffirm he has no big ears to the mass voices.

    A big let down to Bodowi & let’s see how this would do him good.

  5. Someone help me to solve one of my question for the last 10 days: Election night, PWTC, there was a press picture with Badawi, Najib and Shahrizat. In the wee hours of March 9, I asked myself ‘why Shahrizat?’
    The answer is pending.

  6. Sdr Lim,
    With regard to call for the release of five Hindraf leaders currently under ISA detention, I think you should urge PKR and PAS to jointly pressure the government to release them. I think we can not deny that Hindraf has played a catalytic role that paved the way to oppositions’ big win in the recent election. So, please jointly petition, plead or do whatever you can to secure their release.

    We now have a new Internal Security Minister and the Minister in Charge of Law and Justice. Please work on them.

  7. To all my fellow brothers and sisters, ill be away for a couple of days. Go and take some fresh air in some island somewhere in Malaysia. :)

    I wish you all the best and ill be back again soon.

    Hidup Malaysia! :)

    Take care ya…

  8. JeffOoi said on his blog asking us to mark his word that things will be more exciting after 15th April!!

    I am waiting in anticipation! What will happen? My mind came across several possibilities

    – Anwar’s “resurrection”
    – cross over to PKR-DAP-PAS enable them to have simple majority. what else? New Gov!
    – Pak Lah resignation? Najib or Anwar?!
    – Cabinet restructuring
    – what’s more? really eager to know.
    Wish i have time machine!

  9. Let that Pak Kadok(village idiot) continue sleeping. See how soon he has forgoteen what he just uttered some ten days ago, now he’s back to his old self down with selective amnesia.

    If there’s no ‘jantan’ left in UMNO brave enough to send him off to political wilderness, right-thinking Malaysians will send in the “mother of all tsunamis” next General Election to finally clean them up.

    So enjoy while you can old guy, you might as well make full use of your ‘courier boy’ to cart your duit haram the ozzie way before it’s too late!

  10. I don’t think we should care that it is a pseudo-reform cabinet. We all know it is, and it should work in our favour. I have always said that we should let Badawi continue with his slumber or his vanity each time he looks at himself in the mirror.

    We need to continue to put pressure on issues like independence of the judiciary, corruption, price increases and sheer incompetence on the BN – and we all know that there won’t be any improvement or desire for change, and that should again start an even bigger revolution for the next GE.

    In the meantime, we should concentrate on proving to the rakyat that we can rule the 5 states (and perhaps even Wilayah) wisely, and without leakages – and soon the other states that are under BN control would yearn for Opposition rule. Nothing quite like using and repeating a successful formula for proper and effective governance.

  11. The good thing is that the S-I-L is left out. This is perhaps the only positive thing about the new cabinet. If he had made S-I-L a minister, he would have had hammered the last nail in his political coffin.

    The bad thing is that he doesn’t trust the MCA woman minister, so had to appoint an Umno woman advisor. This means that the Yen2 appointment is mere quota-filling and cosmetic dressing with no real poltical and policy power. Obviously the advisor’s word is final, not the pupet minister. The MCA has declared that it would be vocal on vital issues. Let us see it challenge this arrangement.

    The real thing is that nothing has changed or will change. Still the same old policies and practices. What we need is a new progressive intelliegent Prime Minister. Anwar Ibrahim will do a much better job.

  12. If Badawi wants to think that he is an effective PM, fully supported by the rakyat, we should let him think that way. Never mind the fact that it is his SIL and the 4th floor boys, and the mainstream press that tell Badawi that he is the fairest of them all.

    Do not expect thieves to reform – it is an impossibility. The only way is to kick them out at the next GE unless, of course, the country’s kitty dries up first, which means that they will then start getting rid of their own.

  13. With decades of heavy bagages behind them, BN cannot change and move forward quickly in a globalised and competitive world.

    They are very complacent. Don’t hope for significant change from them….it’s like ” menungu kuching bertanduk “.

  14. in my point of view this is not a reform cabinet. pah lah choose those minister with an ulterior motive. it is to maintain its uncertain position in amno.

    when a pm form a cabinet to defend his position instead of for the good of bolehland, do you think this kind of half past six pm still relevant?

    advise pah lah better step down because the sign of his sellfishness, stupidity and arrogant is getting more obvious.

    tidur lah pah lah.

    shake head…..

  15. In today’s Star, OKC said its all OKT’s fault that he is a cabinet Minister. The only problem is that he is his brother!! What bullshit!!

    I see the problem is that the 2 brothers are morons and can’t lead the Chinese. Both are so [deleted] incapable that the only post suitable to them is a village headman in Lenggong.

  16. ‘…will to the new politics of accountability, transparency, integrity and good governance.’

    It is a good point you have bring up on this which able to remind the people that why ‘Mike Tyson’ is appointed as Minister of Rural and Regional Development?

  17. PAK ‘TAK APA’ LAH missed out his Ministry of “Keris” Affairs……maybe the astronaut should next go to space without the rocket as the later is a very ‘sensitive’ symbol and should instead go up in an hot air balloon with all his goons………………i wonder that angkasawan still have his space suit on like when he go campaining in with our Lord Loathsome KJ.

  18. Yesterday, I was watching Fast Forward (TV1), from what I see on TV and newspapers, although Pak Lah said he now will look into the voices of the people more aggresively, but I think his priority and UMNO’s priority in the come years will be on the swing of the malay votes.

    On the five tests you’ve put up, YB Lim, I think they will fail them, at least they are not in their priority list.

  19. Joke Of The Century …….

    1. Selangor Ex-CM as a Minister?
    After what happened in Australia?

    2. Johor Ex-CM as Trade Minister?
    Dia faham Bahasa Inggeris ke?

    Anyway who cares, it’s Sayonara anyway to BN for the next election …….

  20. By the way Godfather, I think you are fanatic and blind supporter of DPP. Before election and for the purpose of electioneering, we may resort to beating up the drum to gather support. I think now is not the time to behave like a Nazi supporter. Ask yourself in what way are you different from some of those UMNO supporters in Penang, Ipoh and Selangor recently. I hope DAP leadership is not a group of people who look forward to supporter like you – b*ll carrying, fanatical, blind and brainless.

  21. I am an Opposition supporter, not a DAP supporter. May I ask on what basis do you now call me ball carrying, fanatical, blind and brainless ? Are you looking for someone arbitrarily to bash ?

  22. Being appointed in the right portfolio, Ng Yen Yen can now continue yaking her nonsense – how to tie down your husband’s heart by dressing sexily. As if there are not other issues to talk about, she went ahead with this topic during her days as Deputy Minister of Finance.

  23. Jeff Ooi said on his blog, asking us to stay tuned as after 15th April, things will get exciting!
    Keep watching. Things will get more exciting after April 15. Mark my words.

    I am waiting in anticipation whats going to happen? Several possibilities came up my mind:

    1. Anwar’s “resurrection” – elected as MP.
    2. more cross-over (lompat parti) to PKR-DAP-PAS coalition. Deny BN’s simple (stupid) majority. What else? New GOV!!! no play-play. refer ???5????????????? (translation : Anwar : 5 BN MP ready to join opposition coalition)
    3. Pak Lah’s resignation
    4. Najib took over government
    5. ……

    i hope i have a time machine!

  24. Lim Kam Put:

    You should stop repeating your condemnation of me in the various threads of this blog. This is called spamming. Be original, and argue on the basis of what is written in each thread. If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you and Lee Wang Yen are the same person based on your regurgitations of the same comment in several threads at the same time.

  25. I wonder if this is indeed a reform cabinet or the next Shadow Cabinet? Need some good results within 3 months or I guess this government will not last.

    Maybe the following will help:
    1. Release the Hindraf 5 or charge them
    2. More action on the Lingam tapes – it is not fiction but a crime committed by important people to damage the Judiciary – that can be considered more damaging than the Hindraf 5.

  26. Lim Kam Put said:

    “With regard to call for the release of five Hindraf leaders currently under ISA detention, I think you should urge PKR and PAS to jointly pressure the government to release them. I think we can not deny that Hindraf has played a catalytic role that paved the way to oppositions’ big win in the recent election. So, please jointly petition, plead or do whatever you can to secure their release.”

    Yet he states that he is “totally uncompromisable” when it comes to cooperation with PAS.

    Why the double standards ? Why the duplicity ? You want PAS votes, and PAS cooperation, but you tell the whole world that DAP and PAS are mortal enemies ? Think, man, think….

  27. Lima ahli parlimen Umno memberontak?
    Mar 19, 08 2:45pm
    Lima orang ahli Parlimen Umno, termasuk seorang menteri dan tiga timbalan menteri, sedang ‘memberontak’ kerana tidak puashati dengan pelantikan kabinet baru Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, demikian menurut penulis blog yang tidak asing lagi, Datuk Ruhanie Ahmad.

    Dalam blog ‘Kuda Kepang’, Ruhanie yang juga bekas ahli parlimen Parit Sulong berkata beliau menerima satu panggilan telefon awal pagi ini mengenai perkara tersebut.

    “Dua daripada ahli parlimen berkenaan dipercayai akan menolak perlantikan ke atas diri mereka yang diumumkan oleh Abdullah semalam, tetapi tidak akan mengosongkan kerusi parlimen mereka yang dimenangi dalam pilihanraya umum ke-12.

    “Bagaimanapun, dua daripada mereka pula dijangka menolak perlantikan daripada Abdullah dan mungkin juga mengosongkan kerusi parlimen masing-masing,” tulis Ruhanie.

    Menurutnya, seorang daripada mereka dikatakan akan memutuskan selepas satu sidang akhbar di PWTC esok.

    Dalam sidang akhbar tersebut, katanya, ahli parlimen tersebut akan mengumumkan sama ada akan mengosongkan kerusi parlimen dan melepaskan jawatannya dalam Umno.

    Menurut Ruhanie lagi, mereka yang “memberontak” itu dikatakan menudingkan jari kepada Khairy Jamaluddin sebagai individu yang telah memanipulasikan senarai perlantikan kabinet yang diumumkan oleh Abdullah.

    “Kata mereka, sebilangan besar muka-muka baru yang dilantik ke jawatan menteri penuh dipercayai adalah kroni-kroni Khairy,” katanya.

    oh dear……………………….. where is the adviser?

  28. Was this new cabinet designed and approved by KJ and the 4th floor boys?

    It’s good to see that many MCA members, who were ex-MPs and ex-state assemblypeople, now have their dreams fulfilled – they have all the time under the sun to sing, dance and karaoke. Everything is OK!

    Perhaps MIC and Gerakan ex-MPs and ex-state assemblypeople can join them as well to sing in one harmonious voice.

    Their favourite song: “The moon (or eye or rocket) represents my heart”!








  30. “For those who are willing to move on and serve the rakyat irrespective of race, religion and political leaning, I wish them all the best.” Lim Kam Put, in another thread.

    Now he calls me a Nazi, a fanatical supporter of the DPP, and brainless, blind, ball-carrying….sigh….limkamput, I know your mouth is slightly in front of your brain, but you should stop to think first, and not just simply shoot from the mouth.

  31. Dear Uncle Lim

    Please do not interfere with Pak Lah’s self-destruction. If UMNO becomes strong again, then DAP will be relegated to the role of Opposition again. We want to see DAP as one of the members of the Governing coalition instead.

    So … SHUT UP and let them self-destruct.

  32. the 2008 cabinet will be reshuffled even before the ministers pack and moved into different parcels of prescint 1./2.

    abdullah badawi seems to take his defeat in this general VERY LIGHTLY. I am perplexed by his inabililty to reach out to the malaysians at large. the raayat has spoken through the ballot box that we are AGAINST CORRUPTION , and the mother of all surprises that m son of m is now a minister. for what ?

    and if badawi is serious about the economy of the country , amirsham ( x mayban chief )would be a better minister of finance than nor.

    how would ng yen yen and sharizat be working togehter ?
    maybe every ministry would have an advisor soon!!! a joke.

    but,i guess abdullah badawi is forever out of touch with the raayat.

  33. It is to be expected that the four-year-delay of the revamp will enter the history books as the main mistake in the not so long reign of Badawi.

    4 years ago, dropping the bad guys and girls would have been feasible. No opposition in sight, even the likes of Rafidah Sdn Bhd would have accepted the exit grudgingly. With a cleaner cabinet (as clean as BN permits), many occurrences of the last years could have been handled much better, at least in the eyes of the rakyat. From Keris to Lingam, Badawi would have had the authority to quell the mistakes. But once appointed as members of the last cabinet, the mischiefs would not bow any longer to his fading authority. The very moment he threatened, he himself would be threatened; from Wanita, Youth, you name it.
    Four years ago he took the characteristic easy way out, pleasing everyone, blowing up the cabinet out of any reasonable proportion, and thereby creating a large number of obliged BN parliamentarians.
    Then he lost control, could not reign in any longer. Or, as some say, accepted the lame duck position, and enjoyed his new jet and his new bride; leaving his ministers at doing what sprung into their minds.

    This time around, he has somewhat woken up, as LKS wrote, too late. On the morning after, there was simply no more chance to keep at least the last cabinet members happy, he had to show some of the tainted ones to the door. He had to streamline the cabinet. He had to recruit some valuable heads from outside the circle. He had to reward the East Malaysians. This could never go through without serious opposition by those dropped or feeling neglected; and I am sure, Badawi expects that opposition from within.
    Let’s face it, he has a small chance to see it through. If he really manages to cut off some of UMNOputra dragon heads and cancers, his public perception could rise again. With a fair judiciary and proper price control, Badawi could woo back a lot of voters.

    Whatever comes out of it, I am pretty sure, Badawi himself knows that his greatest mistake was the cabinet line-up of 2004.

  34. “There are at least five tests whether the second Abdullah Cabinet is a “reform Cabinet” or just a pseudo-reform Cabinet and Malaysians, in their March 8, 2008 election verdict, want immediate answers, viz:”

    There’s only one test in my opinion, it applies to the opposition too and that’s the economy, the world market is crumbling, how are we going to cope? Abdullah’s cabinet cannot afford to make mistakes, so is the opposition and its state government.

  35. # ktteokt Says:
    ” Ng Yen Yen can now continue yaking her nonsense – how to tie down your husband’s heart by dressing sexily.”

    That stupid Ng Yen Yen is totally brainless and yet can be in the cabinet.

  36. BN Cabinet do not need someone with brains as T4 boys will do all the planning. They only need a good speakers or readers to convey their messages to the public.
    Sometimes, we just cannot believe what these speakers said or present as the texts are not their choice.

  37. Godfather,
    I simply don’t like the way you hold sway here. Don’t behave like a supremo and don’t think your blind support for DPP and your condemnation of BN will do any good because whatever we say here must be based on reasons and facts and not blind attachment to party. That is what communism and nazism did.

    If I can be accused of spamming, why didn’t you tell off that ladygovida first? She was the one who attacked me in every thread (using your posting) for nothing and yet when I retaliated, you asked both of us to get loss. Who do you think you are? I would expect you to tell her off instead of me.

    I have said that the ideology of PAS is totally uncompromisable with DAP’s. That is a fact and I think nobody can deny that. But I have not said anything with regard to both them working together for now? You have no right to ask me to quit DAP. Why don’t you ask Dr. Chen Man Hin to quit too because he too had expressed reservation on PAS Islamic state? At first I thought may be I will just let this pass, but then you became even more arrogant by asking me and ladygovida to take our arguments elsewhere. Come on, I don’t have to listen to you.

    I have every right to ask Sdr Lim to solicit the support of PKR and PAS to call for the release of those detained under the ISA because all of them have benefited from Hindraf movement. I must say many have benefited from the blood and sweat of Hindraf.

    I am no Lee WY. I support or debate with people based on issues. I have debated with him on many issues earlier. So please don’t be too presumptuous. Don’t too autocratic to the extent that others can not even raise caution on PAS’ ultimate objective or philosophy.

  38. Don’t quote me out of context, godfather. That is not fair. Read my whole posting. I have been fair with my criticism after the election because that is how I see our role here. If we are completely bias like you, you are only going to pamper and encourage the DPP people to behave exactly like those in BN.

  39. I hope all of you can stop quarelling and concentrate on the next step.

    As for me my new current battle-cry is –

    “Today 5, Tomorrow Malaysia!!!!!!!!”

    I hope all the Rakyat parties and bloggers will also adopt this slogan.

  40. I’m not Limkamput. Godfather, you need to check things out and try not to make wildly false accusations or/and speculations.

    If you search the archive in this blog dated back to several months ago, you’ll find that in many threads, Limkamput was very critical of me. At times, he even called me names.

  41. Pilihanraya is flogging a dead horse about Teng trying to get himself to get the Selangor Deputy MB post. Cukup lah – if he is suitable he will be chosen.
    Can I ask you one question ? Has Teng taken down his “gigantic” banner promoting himself for the post ?

    Cheers ! Keep cool,ok?

  42. To win the next election there is only ONE test:-

    How much are you seen helping the people irrespective of race & religion ( more points if seen bending backward to help people NOT of your own race & religion) and perceived so by the rakyat?

    Start with DPP fighting for the release of the hindraf 5. Try to win back public money lost from PKFZ (is it possible?) etc etc

    I propose DPP (BR?) coalition to develope quickly a comprehensive web site (audio, video podcast etc) to keep people at well informed – distribute information & receive feed backs etc etc.

    All the best to uncle Lim!

  43. Dear All,
    On the 9thMarch morning , we all greeted each other happily as a family although we have no ties. The reason we shared the same aspiration – a clean and well managed nation.We must never forget that. We need to provide constructive feedback to the 5 states in order for the new leaders to manage them as People’s State rather than Family & In-laws State. Failure which a much corrupted BN will be back. We must be carefully with our comments, hurting and splitting a group is easy. Doing the Opposite is tough.

  44. gofortruth , you said it right. As long as we have the utmost sincerity to serve the people irrespective of what they belong to, the end result will be good . What the 5 states need is 5-Star administrators. They who understand the people’s need rather than the Datos and Tan Sris. What we don’t want is BAs ( Buttering Administrators)

  45. Dear YB LKS

    Did I miss out…what about the ACA? ACA should be under Parliament, not PM-dept.

    PM AAB should copy YB LGE example all the way in Penang…not only declare assets. What about open-tenders, public accounts, etc? Make them all on-line. Every tax-paying Malaysian have the right to know what, where & how the Rakyat $ is spent. Bring out all the old skeleton from the closet. So many corruption case mentioned in the papers for publicity only. None, as I know, were convicted. False advertising I say.

    The new cabinet is just the same old clothes/underwear, just new furniture. As someone rightfully put it, you can change the pot but you can’t change the water. Just another bunch (maybe more) of different cronies…maybe give chance to those who didn’t get any crony-$ since 2004 coz it was “filtered” by the SIL & buddies.

    This is the problem with a corrupted-system. In the end, you can’t please anybody. In a non-corrupted system, there’s nobody to please but the nation (everybody).

    The declaration of asset, coming from a compulsive liar, is hard to believe. Question is, who is going to be able to find out if ALL assets were really declared? Surely, they have figured out how to hide “unwanted” assets to be known to the public…wife name, daugther name, son name, grandfather name, grandmother name, mistress name, gardener, driver, maids, son-in-law, outlaws, etc etc. The high profile & luxurious lifestyle of the BN is well known to urbanites. Asset declaration is just a pinch of the sugar to the public – cheap thrill. It’s not enough. There’s more juice to squeeze here.

    Eh, didn’t PM AAB said that those who didn’t win won’t be in the wardrobe? Minister wise. Zaid is exception lah. So, how come MMT was appointed? Britney Spears would have said “oops, he did it again”.

    Changing faces don’t equate to changing system. The system must be changed first. Then it will be regardless of face, old or new. All the faces aren’t new…there were all in BN all the while!!!

    Surprised our AP-Queen didn’t cry (no more AP to approve) this time? Instead, she was shocked – according to Malaysia Kini. Tak cukup ka, brapa tahun AP dapat (…commission, not corruption…love it the way DSAI said it)?

    The appointment of MMT (he is not even in Parliament right?) could be deliberate to give YB KI (CM Selangor) a hard time. We all know that YB MMT is buddy of YB KT.

    There is certainly more than being unhappy about YB IJ by the Agong, over at Terengganu. It’s definitely not mentionable in the papers…:-). Only the Agong knows. Also, is our AG seriously saying that an 11yr old can make sound decision? Quite surprise he went public without discussing with the Agong on this matter. The 11yr old is still the Regent & son of our Agong we are talking about. Why is the PM & Terengganu state excos so strongly against the wishes of the Agong? And they are putting pressure on an 11yr old since the Agong is officially not Sultan??? C’mon. This is obviously taking advantage over an 11yr old…another shameless BN act. BN has shown once again they have-a no-respect-a (Italian accent) for the Royals. In Perlis, in Perak, In Selangor…now Terengganu. Really shameful. I also couldn’t agree with Prof Bari more on his comments in Malaysia Kini regarding this issue.

  46. I agree with pilihanrayaexpert’s opinion that Teng CK is the obvious any only choice for Selangor Deputy MB if it ever be created later. Other wise, there will no meaning for Lim Kit Siang to comment on BN’s Cabinet or what so ever. Whats the difference between LKS and AAB if DAP continue to practice factionalism.

    DAP don’t belong to LKS & Son. Don’t you hear that! The Klang people have voice out loud and clear, and I m not surprise it is also the voice of Malaysia who love democracy and meritocracy.

    Just look at TCK, Teresa Kok, Ronnie Lau’s speech you can safely conclude who is the BIG fish and who is SMALL fish. Only those with bias thinking will say that Teresa and Ronnie are better than TCK. (Sorry, it is not at all my intention to run down on both of them. If i do offend them, i would humbly offer my apology.)

    I m aware and respect others who might think otherwise. But, i would like to challenge anyone who could name me another person within DAP who could fight a lone battle without party’s CEC support excluding Leong Ngah Ngah. It is ridiculous for DAP to alienate those not in the good book of LKS and Son.

    Even if this is not the right domain for me to wash all these dirty linens but i have little choice or better avenue to do the same.

    Lastly, allow me to extend my apology to LKS for the harsh comment as you have done a great service to Malaysian. For LGE, never try to side step TCK as he may be as intelligent as you if not better. You have shown you immaturity at the very 1st day as Penang CM.

  47. Mr. Lim, May I suggest both mr LimKamPut’s and so-call Godfather’s postings be deleted. Both of them seem to be having something personal which is not relevent to us.

    Just like two old aunties having a spat.

  48. Having two Indians in the cabinet would have reversed the waning support for Barisan Nasional among the Indian community, says PPP president M Kayveas.

    Why, Kayveas? Don’t you trust AAB, who declared himself to be the PM for all Malaysians, to look after Indians and all Malaysians? Why must you think along racial line?

    AAB’s new cabinet (or is it KJ’s cabinet?) – already Tengku Azlan Abu Bakar and Anifah Aman – both from Umno – had declined to accept their deputy minister positions.

    Furthermore, Radzi Sheikh Ahmad has quit his position as Umno secretary-general with immediate effect.

    After shock of the 08.3.08 tsunami? Good or bad news?

  49. Dear YB LKS

    No offence intended here. But look at a wider perspective. YB Teresa is already Kinrara-State & Seputeh-MP. We respect her ambitions but it could be too aggressive & would only open juicy tactics to the BN. Soon, there will another cartoon of YB Teresa hugging the Istana Kayangan from Carol Chew…maybe already drawn, just waiting for the chance.

    In what way women are not well represented now in Selangor politics? In what way YB Teresa is the only one that can show more representation of women into politics? That to me is quite a shallow perspective. If that’s the case, she may as well be given the entire positions in Selangor state. Just an example. Aren’t they not other women representatives under PKR-DAP-PAS? Not sure about PSM.

    I am not against anyone nor in favour of anyone. Let not your emotions blind your judgement. You get the drift?

    Also, it doesn’t matter who will be the Dep-CM of S’gor. What is important is that the Dep-CM is able to deliver, the right person for the job. Not just a “representation” purposes.

  50. I am not a member of any political party but supporter of Barisan Rakyat.

    I also do not know any of the contenders for DBM post.

    However, I feel that we should let the party lesdership decide because they know the inside story better than us here who are outside the party.

    I presume that apart from the personal attributes of the contenders, other aspects would have to be taken into account.

    That’s why I say ,”Que Sera Sera”.

  51. Dear YB LKS

    Another thought: Gerakan was opposition before. They got 4-seats now. DS LKY promised to keep mouth shut should all 18-DAP-Perak sign in favour of PAS-CM not so long ago. Maybe it’s time Gerakan join the BR as the 5th member…move out of BN. Why need 2 Chinese race-base parties in BN anyway? After all, what have they got to lose? Next GE, what beholds the fate of Gerakan? Do they have a President?

  52. Would like to repeat this post.

    Menang atau mati Says:

    Today at 16: 11.44 (1 hour ago)
    I hope all of you can stop quarelling and concentrate on the next step.

    As for me my new current battle-cry is –

    “Today 5, Tomorrow Malaysia!!!!!!!!”

    I hope all the Rakyat parties and bloggers will also adopt this slogan.

  53. Dear YB LKS: declaration of assets should also involve the ‘Shadow’ cabinet. This then can be said to be truly transparent. If the auditors are their cronies…buddies…relatives…apa beza?

  54. If a government needs the people to constantly ask and inflict pressure on them to tackle the most basic fundamental necessities of a nation which a government is given the responsibility for on behalf of the people, WHY does a country NEED a government?

  55. With all those faces in the line up, what I do know is that someone is trying to wreck off BN for good.
    The way I see his face, Pah Lah might be acting on behalf.
    Something’s fishy is going on there!!!

  56. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you and Lee Wang Yen are the same person based on your regurgitations of the same comment in several threads at the same time.” Godfather

    Huh? One likes to engage in intellectual masturbation and the other using this space to vent and rant against those he believes are trying to knock him off from the high pedestal he has put himself on in his role as the pseudo-intellectual “can’t think straight forever putting words in people’s mouths” resident gatekeeper – one speaking from the ivory tower of an institution on some foreign shores, and the other from the rooftop of a dilapidated attap house frequented by drug users and prostitutes.

  57. Mr. Lim’s proposed establishment of a “First World Parliament” is of upmost importance as it can allow for close monitoring of the activities of the ruling goverment and perhaps limit the widespread of corruption at federal level.

    A country with weak judiciary system creates chaos both domestically and internationally. A weak and a non-independent judiciary system have been contributing to the country’s rampant corruption activities and people’s “free-willy” corrupted behaviour.

  58. Mr. Lim says “…..Public inquiry into the RM4.6 billion Port Klang Free Zone (PKFZ) bailout scandal, the biggest financial scandal in the Abdullah administration which is even bigger than the first mega financial scandal of the 22-year Mahathir premiership – the RM2.5 billion Bumiputra Finance Malaysia (BMF) financial scandal.”

    Why not Public prosecution too?

  59. On the subject of Assets declaration by the ministers, can some one direct me to a blog or where ever that has compiled “ways & means” for people to hide their assets and how to effectively catch them (eg keep them under someone else name)?

    If they can easily “hide” their assets, then this declaration is just a meaningless show to fool ordinary rakyat.

  60. “If I didn’t know any better, I would think that you (limkamput) and Lee Wang Yen are the same person based on your regurgitations of the same comment in several threads at the same time.” Godfather

    Huh? One likes to engage in intellectual masturbation and the other using this space to vent and rant against those he believes are trying to knock him off from the high pedestal he has put himself on in his role as the pseudo-intellectual “can’t think straight forever putting words in people’s mouths” resident gatekeeper – one speaking from the ivory tower of an institution on some foreign shores, and the other from the rooftop of a dilapidated attap house frequented by drug users and prostitutes.

  61. I am heartened by the appointment of Zaid Ibrahim as minister in charge of law. He is definitely more forward looking and positive in reforming the judiciary than his predecessor, Nazri Aziz against whom Zaid engaged in public debate on 24 April 2007 hosted by the Malaysian Bar Council. Zaid holds promise to do something about the malaise. If Zaid could dare speak out against the ills when he was a mere UMNO foot soldier facing the risk of being denied ministerial positions, would he hold back now when he is “promoted” to senator and minister? He will likely be bolder with PM’s support. Judiciary is big issue because courts are arbiter of all big constitutional issues. We can’t afford a lameduck judiciary. Pak Lah has done right on this score. Yet, though apparently favoured by PM, Zaid was not even fielded in Kota Bharu as BN Candidate. Many must be against him for his outspokenness. This shows that there’s much factionalism within the ruling party with Pak Lah has to contend – to live up to rakyat’s expectations on one hand and fight right wing factions within his own party inimical to reforms on the other. Either of these could end his political tenure. Appointment of Muhammad Muhammad Taib may be some political horse trading to build a coalition against other factions out to oust him. He is juggling to politically survive. There is one promise he hasn’t kept that reflects well on him – the ultimatum on eve of election to non malays whether they wanted representation in government (by voting MCA/MIC) or have mere louder voice in Parliament. Well from election results, MCA and MIC nearly decimated with Opposition flooding Parliament but Pak Lah did not exclude non malay representation in government judging from the cabinet line up. If it were not for him being more lenient to public debate and criticism – and to many, not fulfilling his 2004 pledges and so called somnambulistic leadership style, the new dawn to Malaysian politics with paradigm shift of support for Opposition or rather against the BN would not have had the much needed catalyst so early in the 12th general elections. :)

  62. “Go take your medicine and come talk to me.” Godfather

    I think you meant “medications”. It is common knowledge that he tends to miss his medications and when he does he litters this blog with his ‘intellectual’ excrement

  63. “Go take your (limkamput) medicine and come talk to me.” Godfather

    I think you meant “medications”. It is common knowledge that he tends to miss his medications and when he does he litters this blog with his ‘intellectual’ excrement

  64. The “3-headed monster” still survived the current GE, AAB is still holding on to 3 ministerial posts. Are there no more suitable candidates for the other two posts? Or is AAB so “chicken” that he has to hold on to these two other posts apart from being PM?

  65. Saudara Lim Senior,

    [I call you Sdr not because I am a DAP member, but because of your long time support, promotion and advocacy of a Malaysian Malaysia.]

    I am pleased with your moderate blog. Do not consider yourself or DAP, or PKR, or PAS as the opposition… are the government in 5 out of 13 states. That is a lot. You have spoken wisely.

    YAB Pak Lah did well in many ways:

    1. Not appointing controversial figures eg his SIL, or RA
    2. Dropping some senior men.women, though they won.
    3. Kept a multiracial cabinet, though he could have dropped MIC, MCA, Gerakan
    4. Brought back some good chaps and some new faces.

    However, he must have been `forced’ to do the following Questionable appointments.
    1. Appointing ex-MB….MMTakaMike Tyson, a controversial figure.
    2. Used the Senator backdoor to bring in Minister, a few too many

    Let us give him a chance to explain and a chance to make this Cabinet work. Remember, Malaysians are NOT against BN….they only voted them out for this elections and only in 5 states.

    US and UK citizens do that all the time – swing from Democrats to Republicans and Conservative to Liberal.

    This may be the future trend of the country, now that we have turned 50.

    If PKR/PAS/DAP can truly be a UNITED Front….and if they do well ….excellently….in the five states granted to them by the electorate, then they will be a formidable team for the next elections, and a shadow cabinet is necessary, perhaps after mid April.

    Likewise, if BN sincerely pulls up its socks, recuperates and restores confidence in the public, then it may win again, even sweep over the trio, who may still not be in talking terms by 2013.

    Advice to BN is as follows:
    1. Don’t crush the five states ruled by The TRIO
    2. Be sincere is setting up a clean government
    3. Look after the Rakyat
    4. Revamp Judiciary, Police and Civil Service.
    5. Pak Lah must ensure control over whole country
    6. Lift the economy again.

    Advice to The TRIO
    1. Define the cooperation and understanding between each other
    2. Each party redefine its policy and position and ideology, to enable a more national-based party each….or continue as it is, but with a strong pact or understanding.
    3. Work hard for ALL races, and do not in any way neglect the Majority Malays, as much as you look after the poor, minority etc
    4.Support the government when good projects are on and speak positively when good things are done by government.
    5. Don’t crossover….anyone of the TRIO. You will be ostracised…and out by 2012….as a traitor.
    6. Serve the electorate well.

    If both sides do what they should be doing, the next elections will be truly exciting.

    But for now, please enforce a few no-nos…

    1. Don’t rub wrongly on religion/race issues. We are Malaysians! Any who attacks other races and religions are NOT Malaysians.
    2. Respect Royalty – they play a very important role and they are NOT politicians. They truly love the people, of all races.
    3. Don’t use underhand tactics in attacks against the federal government. YOU ARE THE GOVERNMENT too.
    4. Don’t breed corruption!!!
    5. Be sincere.

    Malaysian Malaysian

  66. After April 15 this can happen

    1) DSAI has the chance to contest for a seat
    2) Many BN MP’s are upset with the present cabinet line up.
    3) Better BN MP’s switch over now rather than wait 4 years later
    4) Can DSAI can be nominated as Senator?
    5) Each state government has the provision to nominate Senators.

    DSAI should do the APRIL CRASH on the BN government and take them out of office and replace with BR government.

  67. Lee Wang Yen:

    Your understanding of English is not very good, despite your presence in the UK. I started off with “If I didn’t know any better…”, which really means that I know you and Lim Kam Put are not one and the same. The only similarity as I pointed out is that the both of us like to repeat the same comment in various threads. I know you are in the UK, and Lim Kam Put is somewhere in Bolehland spewing his venom at anyone who dares to criticize his comments.

    I do thank you, however, for not repeating your anti-PAS comments here.

  68. Bapa-bapa Malaysia

    1. Tunku Abdul Rahman – Bapa Kemerdekaan
    2. Tun Abdul Razak – Bapa Pembangunan
    3. Tun Hussein Onn – Bapa Perpaduan
    4. Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad – Bapa Pemodenan
    5. Dato’ Seri Abdullah bin Haji Ahmad Badawi –
    “Bapa Mertua Khairy

  69. Jeffrey:

    We know have Zaid as the de facto law minister, and Nazri as the former de facto law minister. Nazri “the Mouth” is not going to keep quiet, so who should UMNO listen to on legal matters ?

    Zaid is also a sleeping (dormant) partner of the law firm that bears his name, and which handles mostly government contracts. I believe he gets a percentage of the annual revenues as royalties. How certain are we that this pecuniary arrangement will not cloud his judgement ?

    Imagine a den of thieves taking in a vocal critic – the tendency is to try to corrupt the critic from within, even if at the same time the critic thinks that he can reform the thieves from within !

  70. Latest news from NST

    Demonstrators want Khalid to comply with Sultan’s wishes
    By : Neville Spykerman

    Heavy rain dampened today a demonstration of a coalition of 12 Malay NGOs at Dataran Shah Alam.

    The demonstrators, who gathered at 4pm, wanted to demand Menteri Besar Tan Seri Khalid Ibrahim to comply with the wishes of the Sultan of Selangor, who does not want a deputy Menteri Besar. They disperse after 30 minutes.

    The group also , demanded that no non-Malay is selected for the position and to ensure a 60 per cent Malay representation in the new
    Selangor Exco line-up.

    The demonstrators, lead by Selangor Umno Youth head Abdul Shukur Idrus, also hit out at DAP adviser Lim Kit Siang for insulting the
    Malay Sultanate in Perak, when he advised 18 DAP assemblymen not to attend the swearing of the new Menteri Besar for Pas, recently.

    “This should not have happened because it is insulting to the Malays,” he said

  71. cchai62 Says:
    Today at 17: 14.09 (4 hours ago)
    “I agree with pilihanrayaexpert’s opinion that Teng CK is the obvious any only choice for Selangor Deputy MB if it ever be created later.”

    There have been continued postings that extol the virtues of Teng as ” the obvious and only choice ” for Deputy MB for Selangor. I have been following this matter very closely.

    I agree with :
    ” Menang atau mati Says:
    Today at 17: 39.17 (3 hours ago)
    I am not a member of any political party but supporter of Barisan Rakyat.

    I also do not know any of the contenders for DBM post.

    However, I feel that we should let the party lesdership decide because they know the inside story better than us here who are outside the party.

    I presume that apart from the personal attributes of the contenders, other aspects would have to be taken into account.

    That’s why I say ,”Que Sera Sera”. ”

    Well said !

    Anyone can inform me of the following :

    1) Did the UMNO assemblymen attend the Perak swearing in conducted by his Highness Raja Nazrin. I know that Tajol Rosli was there.

    2) Is Teng’s gigantic “banner” promoting himself for Deputy MB taken down already. Note that these postings always have subtle attacks on Kit and DAP. Contributing to division rather than unity ……….

    In 1969 I was a supporter of Pekemas and Dr Tan Chee Koon. Then I supported Gerakan under Lim Chong Eu until 1972 when he join BN. From then on all the way I am big time with DAP. Do you know I happen to chance upon a copy of the Straits Times 1969 dated May 13 some years ago when cleaning house and there was a statement Kit about the political sitiuation then. Believe it or not Kit’s writing style then is similar what it is now ! I kid you not.I was around when Kit won the Malacca seat and when he stood in Petaling Jaya ( yes , he was MP for PJ before) to wrest the seat back from a turncoat who jumped to MCA. When Kit and the rest were detained under Operation Lallang in 1987, we were defiant – I used to show support for Guan Eng, Patto and Karpal ( he had backache and passed out out blood in his urine during his stay in prison ) by pasting copies of the Rocket to my car back windows and drive slowly so that everyone could see.

    I care about the unity of DAP and Malaysia.

  72. Badawi is working with the ACA to produce a ‘form’ for all ministers and deputy ministers to declare their assets. Like all previous promises, this one is unlikely to be fulfilled, but we are not going to let him conveniently sweep it under the carpet.

  73. I am terribly disappointed when Pak Lah included “Mat Tyson” in his Cabinet. The shameless goon was a graduate of Malaya University and a teacher to boot. But failed miserably in his English when he was Mb of Selangor. When Lim Kit Siang conveyed the DAP CEC motion, “Mat Tyson” blasted LKS on national news about Respect for King. The importance of monarchy in the Malay psyche, etc…
    Then I recalled, wasn’t this SOB the one who ran away with a Selangor princess and denying through his lying mouth with his forked-tongue he never married her. Even when RPK challenged him to go to hell, he slinked into his den and licked his wounds. I do not have any respect for a skunk like him. Malu-lah. Pak Lah cannot afford to even drop a useless Information Chief . This speaks of the quality of people at Pak Lah’s disposal.
    I welcome Zaid Ibrahim, hopefully he stands for what he has written to bring light to the judiciary.

  74. Many dissatisfied Barisan MPs will defect to PKR-DAP-PAS, are these MPs good enough for BR to accept them?

    Remember that many of these BN MPs are greedy and corrupt in the first place! It is because they cannot get their share that make them dissatisfied with BN, think again DSAI if you want to accept them just to increase you chances of being the P.M. in the short term. They will bring their corrupt practice into BR in no time.

    The BR should prove to the Rakyat that they are capable of forming the next Federal Goverment by having good governance on the opposition states they rule now, and the Rakyat will response by hammering a final nail into the BN coffin in the next election, be patient.

  75. ///Nazri “the Mouth” is not going to keep quiet, so who should UMNO listen to on legal matters ?/// – Godfather.

    Maybe ex UMNO lawyer, Zaki?

    Zaid is not legal advisor to UMNO; neither is he, the government’s. The AG is govenment’s lawyer. Zaid is put by Pak Lah to revamp a judiciary discredited publicly by public disclosures on Lingam video clip. Zaid’s credential to do the job in these respect is based on his well known public criticisms of the judiciary’s shortcomings. I had heard him speak on such issues in public forums and even his arguments with Nazri in public debate on these issues. FYI, the Bar Council has publicly expressed support and hopes that he would help institute the judicial commission for appointment of judges. It is a position Zaid had expressed support for on public record. Many have read his writings in MSM – NST for example, which were views those within UMNO power circle dare not speak publicly. His appointment is vindication of what shortcomings he publicly criticized about his own party, and govt. Not heeding what he said inflicted heavy cost on BN in last election.

    ///Zaid is also a sleeping (dormant) partner of the law firm that bears his name, and which handles mostly government contracts///

    Yes I expect he and his law firm were beneficiary of UMNO/government – even years back – but how much he still enjoys it now, I don’t know. Most beneficiaries would not rock the boat by speaking against establishment. They would risk losing patronage. But Zaid did. He risked patronage he enjoyed, and was not even fielded as a parliamentary candidate. This is the test (risking patronage) whether he meant what he said. It would have spelled an end to his political career if Pak Lah had not appointed him senator and minister. To the question “how certain are we that this pecuniary arrangement will not cloud his judgement ?”, well if pecuniary arrangement is important enough to affect his judgment, he would not have spoken up. He enjoyed “pecuniary arrangement” way before he started to speak up against the establishment; he risked it for speaking up. Hat is the acid test of sincerity – risking pecuniary advantage and political position which one already had.

    “Imagine a den of thieves taking in a vocal critic – the tendency is to try to corrupt the critic from within, even if at the same time the critic thinks that he can reform the thieves from within !”.

    Who says thieves wanted him, a vocal critic? The already maneuvered him out of Kota Bharu parliamentary seat that he held!

    The critic (Zaid) of course cannot reform thieves. Thieves will be thieves. Anyone who comes to power is susceptible to steal, even Opposition. What the country – or any country – needs is 2 strong coalitions checking and balancing each other, like Labour /Conservative in UK or Democrat/Republican in US and hopefully BN/BR here.

    It would not stop the stealing. It will help make it less blatant. Methods to steal have to be more ‘refined’, rakyat not made angry by too excessive and glaring plundering. That’s all.

    Finally on Lim Kam Put’s question “ Can a right man doing a good job in a wrong party?” – yes it is possible if you meant Zaid.

    Now that’s not because the wrong party really like to be influenced by him to reform to do right thing for its own sake. It is because they want to stay in power to enjoy its perks. The last election shows that they would be booted out (next round) if they continued doing wrong.

    Now they want to learn from “right man doing a good job” how to do the “right thing”. Well not exactly right, it may still be wrong – this using of public office to make money – but in more refined less blatant ways, like what Lingam said, “looks like right, sounds like right but…….”. However before March 8th they were doing not only what “looked like wrong, sounded like wrong but was actually very obviously wrong as well”.

  76. Dear YB LKS:

    Again, we hear of UMNO-members making racist chants. How many more will there be? This has to stop. What is PM AAB doing about this? Where is his motto of “PM for all Malaysians”? Is this the sort of PM-for-all-Malaysians when members of UMNO go around making all these racist accusations? This is PROOF that UMNO is a racist-party & also against their own, if not in Umno.

    If PM AAB is not against the demonstrations, then he is allowing it – he is the supreme leader of Umno. That means, he is a racist since he is not taking disciplinary action towards these incalcitrants. Send them to the jungles of Borneo, they can demonstrate to the orang-utans – not that they (orang-utans) care.

    These UMNO-youths were living under the tempurung. What about the decisions on CM by the Raja Perlis & Terengganu royalty that BN-Umno did not agree with? Even when the Perak royalty already decided on the new CM, BN-Umno was still complaining…so who is being disrespectful here? I believe the Perak royalty had already accepted your apology…so, what are they demonstrating for? They just woke up? Or just did what they were told to do by KT or KJ throwing $$$ at them. The $$$ in the 1st place were raped from the tax-payers.

  77. The new cabinet lineup is a joke and will fall without a doubt. Instead of regaining reputation, it provides more opportunities for the Rakyat to condemn the government. Corrupt politicians are appointed, non elected officials are appointed through the back door, unfair allocation shows UMNO’s continued political haegamony over other political parties.

    It is a mistake to assume that government must necessarily last forever. The institution marks a certain stage of civilization — is natural to a particular phase of human development. It is not essential, but incidental.

    The deterioration of every government begins with the decay of the principles on which it was founded.

    No government, will long be respected without being truly respectable; nor be truly respectable, without possessing a certain portion of order and stability.

    Good news for BR …the time is coming soon to take over from BN.

  78. Err can Godfather, Limkamput, Lee Wang Yen & LadyGodiva please stop spamming this thread with your personal hatred for each other? To the moderator can pls step in and delete their comments..which are not relevant.

  79. Three cheers for Pak Lah!!

    The triumvirate of racist bigots from the ’80s to the present is now complete and collected under one roof. Remember Najib’s bloody threats to the non Malays in 1987? And who was there with him? None other than the ‘extra-cash- in-Aussie land’ man. With the Kerisman and SIL joining them from the present generation, Pak Lah has collected the complete set of UMNO putras who has made racial threats to the non Malays.

  80. The past week allowed Najib Mongolia (NM) to shuffle the assets. That’s also why OKT don’t want to be in wardrobe. Samy Tollue is more than happy – blessing in disguise for him – no need to declare anything. PM AAB is all in his son’s name. KTK also glad no need to declare anything. NM probably stowed it away in the UK by now. RA got too much to hide, not enough time for her to do so, so was dropped. MaMat Tyson already used up the Aussie Dollar for dear princess or English tuition – so got nothing left – & demanding for his fare share of crony-gravy-$ now before BR takeover. Is he an MP? It’s getting interesting. But I doubt the true declarations will ever be reported – who control the report or findings? This is just a another cheap-thrill to fool the Rakyat. Z-Ibrahim may be a bar council member or at least more level headed than the others in Umno…but he is surely also a beneficiary of NEP gravy-train. No different to KJ & IJ (Terengganu). All these make good soap opera.

  81. Godfather,

    I didn’t know that you were making a counterfactual conditional statement, for you didn’t use a correct form of that statement.

    A counterfactual conditional statement should have this form:
    ‘HAD I not known (or If I HAD not known) any better, I WOULD HAVE THOUGHT that ….WERE the same person’

  82. PM says:
    “Don’t embarrass the cabinet, don’t embarrass the people and don’t get involved with corruption. There is no compromise on that, reject corruption completely,” he stressed.”
    I like the part “don’t embarrass the people”, well, to make a start –

    1) Release the hindraf 5 IMMEDIATELY, if you have a case against them, charge them in court. You have already embarrassed all of us enough in front of the whole world for acting like a BIG BULLY.

    2) Sincerely get to the bottom of Lingkam gate. You have embarrassed all of us enough by treating all of us like stupid monkeys in the zoo.

    and many others…….

    Don’t just talk talk only like before!

  83. Negeri Sembilan Mb says all his state councilors need not declare their assets public as opposed to Bodowi’s requirement of all his ministers, deputy ministers etc.

    The question here is why must there be conflicting decisions? Either, it is an open challenge of the Negeri Sembilan MB to Bodowi (in the like of the revolt within UMNO) or there is dissatisfaction amongst the UMNO “stalwarts”. Or rather there is this disorganized UMNO-led government typical of its management policies.

    Much awaits what will happen from here. The decision in Negeri Sembilan brings about the notion that there are many things that could not surface; thus culminating in such a laughing stock situation. How would the foreigners see Malaysia, her politicians (only UMNO politicians) and the sincerity so expounded in the open eyes of every single human being on earth. Shameful..shameful and most of all what a jest court we have in our country.

  84. Coward, have some originality. Intellectual ‘diarrhoea’ is my description on you, so don’t commit plagiarism again. But of course to a spineless soul like you, you would not know it is wrong to steal from others.

  85. Abdullah Badawi tried to make the necessary changes to meet the demand made by the rakyat on March 8. By the choices he has just made, it shows he has not really heard the message that is being sent. Or, he has not actually identified the real causes of his defeat.

    Keeping Hishamuddin and Nazri shows he has not take cognizance of the damage these two individuals had done to his administration. Their arrogant, insensitive, bullying behaviour, and their threatening, abusive language alienated the Chinese and the Indians. The MCA, MIC, Gerakan and PPP have told him so.

    Why he chooses to bring an ‘old damaged baggage’, in Muhammad Muhammad Taib, back defies logic. Muhammad M. Taib, when interviewed, said he will work hard for the people and the nation, and not for himself. Abdullah can surely do better than this!

    Ahmad Zahid Hamidi is made a full minister in the PM’s dept. When he was in the previous administration, he, often played to the Malay gallery and used the Chinese as his punching bag. Hope he has changed or else Abdullah will find himself adding more weight to his already heavy baggage.

    To his credit, Abdullah has appointed a few fair-minded, decent and acceptable people this time. Hope Shahrir Samad and Zaid Ibrahim will not lose their fair sense and ideals now they are in power.

    If, the minuses outweigh the pluses, then this administration may alter the Malaysian political scenario once again.

  86. Looks like there are plenty of euphoria especially from the legal fraternity after the appointment of Zaid Ibrahim as Minister in charge of legal and judicial reforms. Honestly I would like to put a brake on all these euphoria and ecstasy. Only time can tell as I am not sure whether he is put there to reform or to be reformed. Judging from precedents, in UMNO more often than not those who enter the “kandang” get reformed rather than making reforms. The crack of the whip will make them shiver and loose their bearing. I have seen many of his predecessors, who sounded so promising but eventually became a lamb and just followed the flock. If anybody can remember, Shahidan was one of them, outspoken when he was an ordinary MP, especially as a chairman of the backbenchers club. So is Shahrir but got reformed in the “one eye Jack” case. I really respected him (Shahrir) at one time and thought that he can deliver some changes for the betterment of the rakyat, but I am not so correct. His statement that he refused a minister post sometime ago does not really convince me now judging from his euphoria and statements made after he was offered a Minister post. Normally a person who has the conviction to decline but later changed his/her mind to accept does not behave that way, especially he only made that statement less than 2 yrs ago.

    So let’s keep that euphoria under wrap first until we really see the transformation with our own eyes. Do not just get caught up on what he does or say outside. To be honest I had profound respect for Zaid Ibrahim and will continue with my respect until proven wrong. To this I hope he will lend credibility by making all the necessary arrangements so that there will be no conflict of interests with his Legal firm.

    Till then I wish him all the best in his appointment as a Minister and hope that he will fulfill what the people and the country desire most, a sound and fair judiciary system which is a must for any democratic country to move forward and to be well respected internationally.

  87. The so call ‘Reformed Cabinet’ is full of crap.

    To start with the Bohongwi already tell lies.

    Last week he says that those who lose will not be appointed to his cabinet.

    Now he announced that Shahrizat Jalil who lost to Nuzul be part of his cabinet.

    What a “reformed” way of telling lies…………

  88. This is one way of disguising the size of the cabinet – give an advisor’s title to someone who has just lost the election, and this advisor’s title is with full ministerial status i.e. with private secretary and perks, plus right to attend cabinet meetings.

    No need to award senatorships to those who can’t get in by the front door anymore – just go via the back door with the advisor’s title.

    This is symptomatic of UMNO – try to distort everything with flimsy tactics that even a monkey could see from afar. And Badawi looks at himself in the mirror and asks if he is the fairest of them all…..

  89. From the responses after the annoucement of the cabinet, its now quite clear what really were the consideration for the cabinet. Its not one simple agenda but really a balancing act of different agenda and interest which include some effort to move forward.

    Here is the basic problem – it never works. It may not fail miserably, but it does not work. Its basically a recipe for mediocrity.

    To be fair, the PM of BN does not have free reign over his cabinet. But then anyone who has held any position of authority even his own business knows that there are always many stakeholders in any group. The job of head of an organization at a time of challenges is to lead, to have a plan and execute and this cabinet neither is a good plan nor enabled to fully execute even a mediocre one.

    In the end, what does this mean? We are set up for more dissapointment – prolonging of suffering of unclear plan and agenda.

    His own words betray the PM – ‘people say he has a good policies and projects but fail to execute’ and ‘this cabinet will do better’. He does not have good policies nor projects. He has some bad policies and barely acceptable projects.

    Will this result in the toppling of Badawi? He will be forced to leave but not by any one single event or person. Just like the election, a combination of things will force him to resign. Too many people and too many forces are conspiring against him. Even with the advantage of his office and resources, he can’t beat all of them. The question is how much will it take to bring him down.

    The outlook is tough and depressing but its not entirely hopeless. High commodity prices, strong regional economies etc are in his favour. And the Malays are no longer the same – they want stability – they are not hostage to warlording as they used to be although it still is significant.

    But there are just too many forces against him and all it takes is just a singular big event to bring him down. Anwar is working on getting a group of Sabah and Sarawak defectors. Dr. M is organizing a revolt. The opposition is digging overtime to look for something to hang key BN figures. MCA and MIC is in turmoil. There are just too many things against him.

    He need to pull something out of the hat but it cannot be a mediocre idea like the ‘corridors’ – that can only prolong the crises and UMNO members will lose patient. No too many odds are stacked against him.

  90. Who are the “people” who tell him that he has good policies and projects, but that his failure is in the execution ? KJ and the 4th floor boys plus the spinmeister Kalimullah. These are the sycophants who tell Badawi that he is indeed the fairest of them all.

    As Bigjoe says above, Badawi is actually an emperor with no clothes. He has neither good policies nor good projects, and hence zero execution. Not the other way round. The irony is that Badawi’s daughter has a boutique in town called The Emperor’s New Clothes. I wonder if the materials are see-through.

  91. Now it is not just one for me and one for you in terms of sharing of largesse and spoils of power. It is also one declaration of asset to the PM, and the other (presumably a conformed copy) “to be made available for public viewing”. At least that is what we have been told. “I have asked the Anti-Corruption Agency to help prepare the relevant forms. When the forms are ready, we will need to discuss and understand what assets need to be included in the form”, PM said.

    I say (1) we include all assets including inheritance as well as those acquired prior to public office; (2) the assets declaration ought to disclose how and on basis of what transactions they were acquired and accumulated; (3) the declaration should not be just a “form” but a “Statutory Declaration” under the relevant Statutory Declaration Act signed before Commissioners for Oath.

    (1) is necessary but too general requirement of asset declaration short in details or qualified by too many exceptions facilitate misrepresentation, subterfuge and evasion of ill gotten assets not declared; (2) is important because what is the point of making declaration available for public viewing unless it contains sufficient details for public to assess and GIVE FEEDBACK on whether contents of declaration are true or otherwise??? And (3) is important because of assumption that no one will knowingly make a false statements in a Statutory Declaration that is available for public viewing – and hence may be contradicted by public showing evidence to the contrary – since making untrue statements in a formal Statutory Declaration is “perjury” ie lying under oath, a punishable office exposing the declarant to prospect of criminal prosecution.

    The challenge to Opposition is that PM will ask all MBs and Chief Minister in state govt including those appointed by Opposition parties to likewise make declaration of assets. For what is sauce for the goose ought to be sauce for the gander, so to speak.

  92. I am not comfortable with supporting Dr M’s initiative to topple Badawi. Dr M has an agenda, which is to support Najib, who is many many times worse off than Badawi and his relatives in terms of dipping their hands into the country’s till.

    Dr M is also the architect of all the ills that Bolehland faces today – corruption of the judiciary, the ACA, the AG’s Chambers and the Police. He should be remembered for putting the country in this precarious position, and we should distance ourselves from any perpetuation of his agenda.

  93. Jeffrey:

    As in previous attempts at mollifying public anger, this is an exercise that is doomed to fail from the start. It will take them years to figure out what is an appropriate form of declaration. Badawi will call it “democracy at work at forming a consensus”.

    Remember a long time ago, he promised that the government will issue booklets to the public to explain public disquiet over the crooked bridge scandal, and the AP scandal. Subsequently, nothing was done, and he thought that we had all forgotten about it. That’s his modus operandi – promise first and worry about the execution later. Good fodder for the Opposition though.

  94. If Abdullah Badawi tries to do good, he deserves support to that extent. He has to juggle competing imperatives, do good as well as politically survive because no political survival terminates all prospects of doing good whether for himself or the people. Bringing a ‘old damaged baggage’ (per Novice 101) back after dropping other ‘old damaged baggage’ is part of “juggling” process of building political alliance in defence against other warlords vying for power and seeking to oust him. We should understand that. Rome is not made in a day : so too UMNO cannot be re-made in the same quick time. The difference is that ‘old damaged baggage’ may try to re-make image by doing good or at least pretending so. Reason is because results of last general election show that if they don’t mean it the whole BN will and can be booted out in the next GE. Times are different compared to 2004 GE. Then the assumption was that you could talk without walking it. That assumption has been disproved by the 2008 general elections.

  95. Now why should we be wet blanket to predict “doomed to fail from the start”? If they evince genuine desire to reform, we should encourage, if they show insincerity, then we lambast…. See what develops, if it were that doomed. The same argument that was raised in earlier thread against so called “wet blankets” criticizing Barisan Rakyat prospects before they had chance to work due to DAP/PAS diametrically opposed agendas! We also need a reformed BN to counter check if fellas in Barisan Rakyat get power and become corrupt once they acquire power!

    Of course one can say BN is incorrigible, a different kettle of fish but really how different? They too want to stay relevant and in power and for that they have to re-invent and reform or else perish in next GE.

    In 2004 they could talk and not walk it because they had over 90% parliamentary seats. But what about now? It is different circumstances and dynamics at play. BN fellas are not even secure as Anwar scours the East Malaysian political landscape (with his war chest) to elicit cross overs : he needs only 30! As TDM said, they are nearly destroyed, if not already!

  96. RPK talked about small things please small minds.

    That saying can also be applied to PM’s policy of asset declaration that is required only twice per term, which is nothing more than just a small token gesture to please simple-minded people.

    In my case, because my salary exceeds certain limit, I am required to furnish personal details such as names of my spouse and children, my siblings, incomes that any of them derived from my employer, my debts and assets, and all consultancy work or services that my spouse and I did for clients in areas such as oil, utilities, IT, etc. I have to do that EVERY YEAR around tax time. If I were an elected official, I would have more details to submit, such as real estates, etc. You can see that our conflict-of-interest declaration is to make sure I don’t have more properties than I can afford, that I don’t channel business to my family members, that I don’t gamble and get into deep debts that may entice me to cheat/steal, that I don’t get favors by getting consultancy works or side incomes from companies that can benefit from my employer, etc.

    It is a pain to do that every year, but that is real accountability.

  97. ///Nazri “the Mouth” is not going to keep quiet, so who should UMNO listen to on legal matters ?/// – Godfather.

    Maybe ex UMNO lawyer, Zaki?

    Zaid is not legal advisor to UMNO; neither is he, the government’s. The AG is govenment’s lawyer. Zaid is put by Pak Lah to revamp a judiciary discredited publicly by public disclosures on Lingam video clip. Zaid’s credential to do the job in these respect is based on his well known public criticisms of the judiciary’s shortcomings. I had heard him speak on such issues in public forums and even his arguments with Nazri in public debate on these issues. FYI, the Bar Council has publicly expressed support and hopes that he would help institute the judicial commission for appointment of judges. It is a position Zaid had expressed support for on public record. Many have read his writings in MSM – NST for example, which were views those within UMNO power circle dare not speak publicly. His appointment is vindication of what shortcomings he publicly criticized about his own party, and govt. Not heeding what he said inflicted heavy cost on BN in last election.

  98. For benefit of readers who are not Malaysiakini’s subscribers this is what it reported on Mar 19 under title “Anwar says he’s moving toward forming new gov’t” – “Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim today said he was moving towards forming a newle “overnment after landmark elections, with the help of defectors from the ruling coalition. “I don’t know soon we can form the new government but we are moving in that direction,” the former deputy premier, who was sacked and jailed a decade ago, told AFP in an interview.

    Anwar said that coalition lawmakers from Sabah and Sarawak had contacted him to discuss switching sides. The power bloc there could unseat the government if it changed hands.

    “The MPs from there have come here to see me,” Anwar said, adding that he was in no hurry to become the next prime minister, but that the opposition would already be in power if the polls had been clean and fair.

    “I am maintaining that if there was no fraud in the election, we would have won. If we had two percent more votes we would have formed the new government,” he said.

  99. I am basing my “wet blanket” comment on the utterances of Badawi himself. His utterances lead me to believe that he (or rather his 4th floor boys) has yet to learn their lesson. How else could you explain their desire to play with fire by organising demonstrations that are racially charged ? By looking at the mirror and telling himself that he is the fairest of them all tells me that nothing is going to change, which may or may not be good for the average person. We could argue that it will be good for the Opposition at the next GE when BN becomes irrelevant, but then things could get ugly on the way there.

  100. I don’t see UMNO is doing anything to cure their situation yet, but it is becoming worst, personally I hope they will continue to fall.
    I’m looking forward in the first parliament Dewan Rakyat meeting, will there be live broadcast from the parliament on TV?

  101. AAB expects those in his new Cabinet to stay away from corruption. He also reminded his ministers to be well-behaved.

    True, true. Expects and reminded – if not, so what?

    AAB has kindly appointed a minister with Fedex-like experience so that any fellow minister and deputy minister can consult that guy on how to (1) reinvent and keep cash, (2) transport bags of cash around to different parts of the world and (3) get out by pretending to be dumb/stupid, if caught with bagful of cash.

    AAB has also kindly appointed a minister with keris-raising experience so that any fellow minister and deputy minister can consult that guy on how to raise a weapon in front of a blood-thirsty crowd while yelling and posing for the mass media.

    Anyway, ministers and deputy ministers don’t treat AAB seriously. AAB asked HH and Umno Youth to discipline Mukhriz M. HH said it’s not my problem, not Umno Youth problem, and no case. HH threw the case back to AAB for AAB to deal with MM.

    C’est la vie!

  102. Rain disperses protesters

    20 March, 2008

    SHAH ALAM: Heavy rain washed out a demonstration by about 1,000 people, from 12 Malay non-governmental organisations, at Dataran Shah Alam, yesterday. The demonstrators had gathered at 4pm to demand that Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim not appoint a deputy menteri besar, or if he did, to appoint a Malay.

    They also want Khalid to ensure that 60 per cent of the executive council is made up of Malay representatives.

    They dispersed when it started to rain half an hour later.
    © Copyright 2008 The New Straits Times Press (M) Berhad. All rights reserved.

    The truth about the typical racist umno…..
    Malaysia still in very sorry, sad and hopeless stage as race is still very important and above all factors in selection of a leader.
    Good leadership qualities, capability, intelligent, kindness, good and caring are not as important and come behind race.

    In Malaysia, any person who is / was seen or known to be a very corrupted person still qualified and eligible to be appointed as Minister or even Chief Minister if no one can prove or dare to prove against him.

  103. ——————————————————————————–

    Rain disperses protesters

    20 March, 2008

    SHAH ALAM: Heavy rain washed out a demonstration by about 1,000 people, from 12 Malay non-governmental organisations, at Dataran Shah Alam, yesterday. The demonstrators had gathered at 4pm to demand that Menteri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim not appoint a deputy menteri besar, or if he did, to appoint a Malay.

    They also want Khalid to ensure that 60 per cent of the executive council is made up of Malay representatives.

    They dispersed when it started to rain half an hour later.

    © Copyright 2008 The New Straits Times Press (M) Berhad. All rights reserved.

    GOD acted against those racist people.

    Thank you very much, GOD

    GOD bless GOD

  104. Wet Blanket man, what evidence have you got that PM and those 4th floor boys organised the racially charged demos? You are always too presumptious, including predicting the opposition will do better and BN would become irrelevant in next election. Even if you are die hard supporter, I think you still cannot make judgement purely based on your feeling. Read Jeffrey posting again, I think in the nutshell, what he said was that post march 8, the situation is different, there may be still some hope for BN to correct themselves although it may be quite daunting (to me).

  105. The appointment of the Mike Tyson really shows that ABB has got limited choice of candidates. I think he is as bad as Toyo if not worse. Just imagine what kind of wealth that that he may has after few terms in office of MB. If Zakaria has got his Istana, I leave it to you to imagine how rich Mike is and think where these wealth come from. Like some of you mentioned in this forum, let them mistake. Beside all the voices ABB is still sleeping. Let him be. I don’t think his political career will last till end of this year. For us it is a new beginning, don’t waste it. PEOPLE ARE WATCHING!!

  106. “Heavy rain washed out a demonstration by about 1,000 people, from 12 Malay non-governmental organisations, at Dataran Shah Alam, yesterday. ………… They dispersed when it started to rain half an hour later.”

    What la, a little bit of rain, dah hilang. Like that, how to tahan chemical-laced water shot from the water cannon of FRU?

    Looks like and sounds like demonstrators were paid to demonstrate, but of course, the fee did not include hardship allowance under the rain or singing in the rain.

  107. We know our dear PM is a sleeping PM but to choose Mike Tyson into his cabinet, with his sleepy-eyes Wide Open deserves an Oscar for stupidity. A guy caught red-handed with a briefcase full of corrupt money and to claim he could not read/understand English- a Minister now!? It will be interesting to see how much his current worth when he declares his assests. Or will there be any declaration at all? After all we heard this in 2004 didn’t we? Let us see if AAB keeps at least this promise this time around.

  108. I believe it is not the first time ministers are asked to declare their assets, to the PM at least. Maybe it is the first time a PM declared that the information would be made public.

    A senior police officer was said to be worth 27 million, and he had been charged for failing to make full and complete declaration of his assets. Whatever the outcome of the case, it is clear that the police oficers had used a certain format which was considered appropriate to make assets declaration by police personnel. That format should be applicable to ministers.

    AAB should not be taking one step forward, and two steps back. The AG office took two years on the IPCMC bill. ACA would take more than four years to prepare the declaration form. Maybe the statement on the declaration of assets was meant to appease those who were not included in his Cabinet.

    If AAB is sincere in his desire to monitor the enterpreneurship of his ministers outside their official functions, then he should just tell them to declare their assets, physical or financial, held anywhere on earth, and where relevant date of possession. Give them three months to report, and issue a publication on them, for sale.

  109. “Reform Cabinet” or achieve First World Cabinet status??

    Hold it. We must NOT have short memories and allow
    Muhammed Mohd Taib to be Cabinet Minister again…!!

    Don’t we remember his Corruption case as he was carrying
    ‘kick-back’ money in cash of Millions of Dollars in his briefcase
    when he was arrested in Australia for NOT declaring his huge
    sum of cash going around southern hemishere when he was
    then the Menteri Besar of Selangor some 10 years ago…??

    He told the Australian officer in charge that he did not
    understand English, because of that reason he did not declare
    his money!! What kind of lie he was telling as a MB of
    Selangor?? Where is his integrity and personality of trust-

    Can you imagine that the criminal becomes our Cabinet
    Minister again after the 12th GE!!!

    This is a Total Disgrace and Insult to our Intelligence as
    Malaysian citizens!!

    Why AAB selected him as Cabinet Minister I do not know??
    May be he is NAIVE and IGNORANT I supposed.

    Is Malaysia facing acute shortage of Clean and Capable
    Ministers to be pooled-in as Cabinet Minister??

    If this is really the case, then Malaysia WILL CERTAINLY
    NOT going to have Very Bright Future!! Simply because
    we can have A man of such personality to be our
    Cabinet Minister…!!

    AAB, It is so DISGUSTING to call it ‘The Reform Cabinet’!!
    It has since become another laughing stalk for everyone
    who understands Malaysia Politics…!!! Wake AAB. don’t
    sleep too long. It is no good for You!

  110. Pak Lah just dug his own grave
    with his new cabinet – BN MPs are not happy and the Rakyat also not happy.

    Lay back, relax and watch the show begin!!!!

    Its the beginning of the end!!!!!!

  111. Limkaput:

    You don’t even know what you are talking about. All you want to do is to conduct witchhunts against those who have pointed out the errors of your ways and your comments. Your understanding of English is obviously poor.

    1. Where did I say that PM organised the recent demos ? I inferred that the culprits were the 4th floor boys.

    2. Why do I think that the demos are organised by the 4th floor boys ? Do you know who Norza, Reezal, Shukur are ?

    If you don’t know these people, if you don’t know who pulls the strings in the PM’s office and who directs the PM’s policies, then you are not entitled to comment on such matters.

    Even if my comment above about the 4th floor boys were misplaced and based on “feel”, what right do you have to tell me that I cannot base my comments on my “feel” ?

    For your information, I am a lot closer to the pulse of this country (and UMNO) that you will ever have. You should really change your handle to Limkaput.

  112. Lim-Kaput:

    The strength and the weakness of the internet is that we can all hide behind our anonymity. We let others judge us by the validity – or lack thereof – of our comments. Some of us base our comments on what we read, some on our relationships with politicians from the ruling coalition, and some on our relationships with politicians from the “other” side. We listen to our sources and we make comments and predictions based on what we hear.

    If you hear differently, then you are entitled to say your peace, and we can have a civilised debate about it. We should not demand for evidence, nor call a person’s comment presumptious, particularly if that person has valid reasons for making that particular comment. More so if you don’t have similar sources of information from the the other person.

  113. It may be presumptious to assert that Badawi organised the recent demos against the new state governments in Perak, Penang and Selangor. However, it is very clear that these demos were led by the various state UMNO leaderships and Badawi as president of UMNO did not condemn them. Some readers have pointed out that Badawi’s statement on demos before the elections – “it is not in our culture” – totally contradicts his deafening silence on the recent demos. We can therefore infer that he condones the actions of his state chapters by not condemning them as he had done to Bersih and Hindraf previously, can we not ?

  114. This was what you wrote. Unless your English is so lousy that you don’t understand what you wrote, then it is a separate matter. To make a specific charge against PM of Malaysia is very different from the general accusations we normally made here. In fact you can be charged for inciting if you are not careful. And, one more thing, don’t be too cocky by saying you know people by mentioning some names. You know nothing about others who may know more than you.

    “I am basing my “wet blanket” comment on the utterances of Badawi himself. His utterances lead me to believe that he (or rather his 4th floor boys) has yet to learn their lesson. How else could you explain their desire to play with fire by organising demonstrations that are racially charged ? By looking at the mirror and telling himself that he is the fairest of them all tells me that nothing is going to change, which may or may not be good for the average person. We could argue that it will be good for the Opposition at the next GE when BN becomes irrelevant, but then things could get ugly on the way there.”

  115. BY the way have you heard opposition leaders making specific charge like you against the recent demos in Selangor, Perak and Penang. I wish i have more time but i have to earn a living in the next few days. I did not try to get even with you, seriously. I have been reading for postings for a long time, and so also i read Jeffrey’s. I just feel that many of your postings are already at the fringe of fanaticism.

  116. Wow…I could be charged for inciting….then I would need some pertinent advice from the lawyers writing in this blog.

    I know that trying to get even is in your blood based on your running feuds with a number of people in this blog who are either ignoring you or have left this blog out of despair. I will no longer respond to your taunts and comments. Kaput.

  117. “I wish i have more time but i have to earn a living in the next few days. ” limkaput

    You gotta give the guy a break once in a while, Godfather. Business as a small time pimp lately has not been too good and the guy has bills to pay. A temp job as a toilet cleaner is still a job.

  118. Pak Lah must have identified his shared capability. Being able to lie and thats why he fits in well in the rural areas and being appointed in the RURAL AND REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT MINISTRY is no coincident. He can make use of his skill to lie to the rural kampung folks. Where else can he fit as most of the urban and semi urban folks knows him too well of his great pull of with the Sultan of Selangor and the Australian government.

  119. The day M2M face RPK on open debate will be the day he is fit to be a leader. Until then, he should remain in a chicken coop!

    Of course no evidence on Najib. It was blown away with C4. Prosecution also not allowed to bring in more suspects since before trial, judge already rules only 3 suspects!!! What, is this a trial? Real kangaroo court.

  120. as far as i know, there is only one coward whom i am having running battles. He is just one coward using different IDs, most despicable i must say.

    you said soe chose to leave because of me. i think there is nothing much i can say. I must be really something, but i am not.

    I only criticise when i see lots of stupid nonsense being said and i see no wrong in doing that. This coward, for example, has never left me in peace, but do i care? No, i will confront him no matter what he said and if you choose to follow him by calling me names, you are welcome too. I never call you name yet, i only criticised your views which i believe i am entitled to. But didn’t you call me all sorts of nonsense like phobia, kaput etc. I only retaliate, remember. Try me.

  121. ya, ladygovida, you ought to work harder as one of my favourtie prostitutes. you are right, the business is bad, so the rate has come down. You need to entertain more to get the revenue in, simple business principle right – work up the volume to maintain the revenue, sigh….

  122. Hi there, let those guys do their works and comment. It is not easy to govern and people power or makkal sakti in 4 years time. After all mandate had been given…. do your job properly

  123. It’s the beginning of the end – of BN!!!!!

    Four years down the road at our 13th General Elections, Barisan Rakyat will be the new federal government of Malaysia.

    Of course ,it may be earlier if BN MPs defect one by one or in herds.

    Personally,I prefer Barisan Rakyat to do it in a general election.

    BN MPs who defect may contaminate the BR MPs with the money politics and corruption culture.

  124. Uncle Kit,

    Don’t ask others to reform if u yourself don’t change.

    Just look at the way u managing people within DAP. Its no difference with BN. Crony and blue eye boys/girls being picked for exco post where those not in good book overlooked/marginalsed. This has go on since 1970’s when i first started observing politics.

    Don’t treat DAP as LKS & Son Ltd. Though i respect u for your long struggle for democracy in Malaysia. However, i increasingly felt that u don’t have a BIG heart to succeed. Any disagreement with u will be shown to the exit door, thats what i notice.

    A leader can attain success and also lead to disaster. As u say, the people power can put u to power and similarly can also kick u out. Don’t be too selfish and contradict with what u preach.

  125. Don’t be too happy yet, there are still some internal fight as certain idolized DAP leader are not in the exco list. The situation is like Zhuge Liang know Guan Yu will let go of Cao Cao at Huarong Dao he still appointed him even with military creeds & condition, is better don’t take the risk.

    By the way, Khairy-Pak Lah don’t bother to release the ISA detainee. Nothing much will change if Khairy is in charge of the government. Look how Khairy can rig the votes.

    Postal vote are a cheat, a govt. servant will be able to vote twice! Because postal votes does not use Identity Card to identify themselves.

    Try it yourself go to
    Then key in the below ID, notice both individual are the same person but one is postal the other is individual, mean same person can vote twice, that’s why they are paying RM 200 and buses to cater for these ppl to vote for BN.

    and key in the following IC nos:-
    T715511 (Postal vote ID)
    670104075529 (Normal voter ID using IC)

    Not convinced? Try
    T719756 (Postal vote ID)
    750909035727 (Normal voter ID using IC)

    That’s how Khairy won Rembau

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