Withdraw sedition charge against Shuhaimi – first step to demonstrate Najib can learn from the lesson of Egyptian crisis

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has assured Malaysians that his administration will always put the interests of the people first, saying that the events of Egypt are a lesson for all.

He said in a democratic system “we must give priority to the people” who are empowered through globalization and ICT (information and communication technology).

Najib should show that his administration is capable of learning from the lesson of the Egyptian crisis by winding down and ending political repression in the country, starting with the withdrawal of the sedition charge against Selangor PKR Assemblyman for Sri Muda Shuhaimi Shafie, who is slated to be charged in the Shah Alam Sessions Court on Monday.

One important lesson for Najib from the Egyptian crisis is the top priority he must give to restore public confidence in the efficiency, independence, impartiality and professionalism of the key national institutions in the country, in particular Parliament, the judiciary, the public service in particular the Attorney-General’s Chambers, Police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission, the Election Commission etc.

For too long, the administration of justice whether judiciary or the the Attorney-General’s Chambers have suffered under a cloud that they are not independent or professional but have to do the political bidding of the powers-that-be, and the sedition charge against Shuhaimi is the latest reminder that the Attorney-General’s office has continued to serve the political interests of masters in Putrajaya rather than the larger and longer-term interests of Malaysians at large.

The Attorney-General had proven to be very quick on-the-draw to respond to police reports of sedition lodged against Pakatan Rakyat leaders – like the case of DAP National Chairman and MP for Bukit Glugor Karpal Singh who had been acquitted last June on the charge of allegedly uttering seditious words against the Sultan of Perak but still facing an appeal to the Court of Appeal by the AG’s Chambers – while ignoring heaps of police reports of sedition against Barisan Nasional personalities.

If the Najib administration is to learn from the lesson of the Egyptian crisis, there are many things it would have to do – but let it start with the tiny step of withdrawing the sedition charge against Shuhaimi on Monday to demonstrate that the Najib administration has the political will to walk the talk of learning the lesson from the Egyptian crisis!

5 Replies to “Withdraw sedition charge against Shuhaimi – first step to demonstrate Najib can learn from the lesson of Egyptian crisis”

  1. We never know. Let’s the people show up for the support of Suhaimi and it may be the beginning of another new round of reformasi call, after the Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen, Jordan,… events. The spirit of the boleh reformasi is now very high.

    Egyptian police cannot hit the protesters, but the boleh police can. They use the tear gas and water canon against the people. It seems like we are worst than Egypt. We really need a reformasi.

    Mahathir was around for 18 years, but much shorter than the dictators of North Africa and Middle-East Arab countries who have been in power for 30 plus years. These tribe leaders are like Taib Mahmud of Sarawak.

  2. Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has assured Malaysians that his administration will always put the interests of the people first, saying that the events of Egypt are a lesson for all.

    Talking “kok” again, eh…!!!
    You bargers knew very well that it won’t happen in Malaysia.
    You can outdo the Chinese god by potraying yourself as “Choy Sun Yeh”.
    You can outbeat the Indian god, Lord Murugan by having a giant size of your poster in Batu Caves during Thaipusum and you even can “beat” Jesus Christ by removing the cross during your visit to one church.
    You really made yourself a “1 Malaysia God”.
    Choy Sun Yeh, Lord Nutjib or Nutjib Cry, whatever you assume yourself to be, will never ever change your image ‘cos you’re doom for sure.
    Only way out for you is to seek Lucifer’s help by saying, “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours”.

  3. Sdr Lim, please don’t waste your time to ask them to learn anything. If there is anything to learn, they are getting more prepared to face any similar demonstration here. Previously when Malaysians rallied in support of the Palestinians, there were hardly any water cannon or arrest. Now, why are the authorities feeling so jumpy?

    If there is anything you can do, may I suggest that ALL PR MPs and State Assembly persons show up at the Shah Alam court on Monday to show your unwavering support for Shuhaimi. He should not be left alone to face the harassment, persecution and prosecution. All must show up, including CM, MBs and the state Excos. Turn this adversity into opportunity and galvanise the support of the people once again. If PR elected representatives show resoluteness, solidarity and tenacity, I am sure it will embolden other representatives to be more forthcoming and brave.

  4. I agree that BN has got terminal cancer and is therefore unteachable and incorrigible.

    Lesson: BN must be replaced and all focus should be spent on this message. No poit barking up a tree. Najib and his cronies must fall when the tree comes crashing down in the next GE.

  5. (Bernama) – LUMUT: The government has agreed to allocate RM6bil to build six second generation patrol vessels for the Royal Malaysian Navy, Defence Minister Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said Saturday.

    RM1billion for 1 patrol vessel…. why not use the RM6 billion and buy 1 aircraft carrier? The Americans would be so scared that they would withdraw from Afganistoon with 24 hours

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