The mornings after the 12th general election…

I had thought that the tempo would have lessened considerably after polling day on March 8 to allow for some rest and physical recovery, but it was the exact opposite – an even more hectic period since the results started flooding in on the same night of a political tsunami which saw the historic loss of the ruling coalition’s hitherto unbroken two-thirds parliamentary majority for 50 years, the loss of five state governments by the Barisan Nasional and the toppling of Ministers, Deputy Ministers and Parliamentary Secretaries.

I left Ipoh for Penang at about 10 pm without being able to wait for the official results of the Ipoh Timor parliamentary seat when results were clear that Barisan Nasional had lost power in Penang to a DAP-led coalition government.

When I arrived in Penang by car after midnight, I learnt that the political tsunami had also swept Barisan Nasional from power in Perak, Selangor, Kedah and Kelantan.

The next three days were dizzying days, rushing up and down again and again from one state to another, particularly in the three states of Perak, Penang and Selangor to deal with the aftermath of the political tsunami of March 8.

The high point was undoubtedly the swearing-in of Lim Guan Eng as the DAP Chief Minister of Penang yesterday. At the surprise birthday cake presented by Penang DAP on February 20, I had made a birthday wish that DAP under the leadership of Guan Eng could capture the Penang state government in the general election. I had told newsmen to ask me about what birthday wish I had made after the general election, and I revealed after Guan Eng’s swearing-in yesterday of my birthday wish which had come true.

I apologise that this blog was disrupted because of very heavy traffic on the night of polling day and is only restored last night.
I also apologise that because of the hectic pace of keeping up with the events post-March 8, I have not been able to do any updates on the many portentous events taking place in the country or to follow the huge volume of comments.

In a very quick and cursory check, after the restoration of the blog, various comments have been made about Guan Eng’s statement and announcements after he was sworn in as Penang Chief Minister.

I am trying to settle down, including updating this blog regularly.

Let us start with Guan Eng’s swearing-in statement and announcements, so that commentators will not have to depend just on media reports which may not give the full and proper picture.

This is Guan Eng’s statement after his swearing-in as Penang Chief Minister:

(Speech By New Penang Chief Minister, Bagan MP and State Assemblyman for Air Puteh And DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng In Komtar Building Upon His Swearing-In On 11.3.2008)

Penang DAP & PKR Coalition Government’s Agenda For Change To Re-establish Rule By The Rakyat

Three days ago, the people of Penang voted for change by giving DAP and PKR a clear mandate of a two-thirds majority to form a coalition government. Today, we present you the Agenda for Change – from this Government of the rakyat.

DAP and PKR’s coalition government’s Agenda for Change to re-establish rule by the rakyat will centre on the key areas of Economy, Governance and the Social Needs of the People.

This is a government that is based on democracy – the core of governance. This is a government that advocates and practices Integrity and Transparency. This is also a government that believes in equal opportunity and socio-economic justice.

PKR wakil rakyats led by their President YB WAN AZIZAH BINTI WAN ISMAIL and Penang PKR Chair YB Datuk ZAHRAIN MOHAMED HASHIM as well as DAP wakil rakyats are humbled by the strong mandate given by the people of Penang to us. We are committed to fulfilling our promises made in the last general elections. We shall work hard to try and not disappoint you. With the support of the Penang people, we are here to build a Dynamic Penang for All.


We want to foster a harmonious relationship between the federal and the state governments in all aspects, as it is our earnest endeavour to create a strong, dynamic economy for the benefits of the people of Penang. To this purpose I shall be seeking an appointment to meet with the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on listening and addressing the needs of the people of Penang expressed in the general elections on 8 March such as using Petronas proceeds to fully fund the construction cost of the Federal government’s 2nd Penang Bridge project.

We will adopt an investor-friendly policy and take active steps to attract local and foreign investments that create more high-paying jobs. Besides reviewing the incentive programmes to encourage the high-tech and manufacturing industries in upgrading themselves on the global value chain, we will also seek ways to assist the SMIs/SMEs to align themselves with the export markets in the region by using Penang as the base for their enterprises. We will hold dialogues and hear the inputs of investors and businesses to make Penang a competitive market economy.

More importantly, we will run the government administration free from the New Economic Policy (NEP) that breeds cronyism, corruption and systemic inefficiency. We will implement an open tender system for all government procurement and contracts. We will also practice transparency by uploading information of such tender bids in an internet portal to be set up in future for public access.

Instead, we strongly advocate a stakeholders’ economy for all – irrespective of race and religions – and based on the principle of shared prosperity in an equitable manner. We will encourage companies which undertake government contracts worth above RM10 million in Penang to contribute part of their profits for the benefits of the people.


Tourism has been a significant revenue generator for the state, and we want to see Penang re-capture its past glory as a major in-bound tourist destination for tourists from the local and the global markets. Health tourism that has now gained immense popularity in the region will be fully exploited as Penang could offer service packages that are similar, if not better, than those available outside the country. Tourism infrastructure will be enhanced and we will seek the views of the tourist industry on any regulatory obstruction that hampers the promotion of Penang as a major in-bound tourist attraction.

The state government of Penang will depend on Penang’s home grown talent to develop and prosper Penang to secure our place in the rapidly changing globalised world where skill and capital resources are of prime importance. Towards this objective, we will introduce various strategic steps to culminate in a “Brain Gain” effect where vast talents of the ‘Penang Diaspora’ now residing in all parts of the world, will either return to Penang, or network with the State Government’s initiatives from their adopted bases, to generate business opportunities.


The DAP-PKR Coalition Government is a government that is based on the tenets of democracy – the core of governance.

We shall attempt to restore Local Government elections in accordance to provisions under Article 113(4) of the Constitution. We will take the necessary steps to return the third vote of the Parliamentary Democracy by the end of our term. In the interim, we will review the current practice of only political appointees as representatives in the municipal councils. We shall exercise section 10(2) of the Local Government Act by appointing some professionals in their respective profession, commerce or industry and representatives from the Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO) as members of local government.

Strict measures will also be taken to ensure municipal councillors and council officials enhance the quality of public services. We will not compromise on the responsiveness in service delivery.

This state government will uphold the spirit of the Constitution to allow all people to enjoy basic human rights including freedom of religion and speech. We will direct our Members of Parliament, alongside other elected representatives, to initiate the enacting of a Freedom of Information Act to allow full access of available information that does not harm public interest.

Open Tender System For Government Procurement And Contracts

We subscribe to Integrity and Transparency in our governance. Government procurement will only be awarded through open tender, and priority will be given to Penang-incorporated contractors. An online portal will be set up to publish the list of qualified contractors, and the tendering process and relevant details, for public scrutiny.

Similarly, the Chief Minister, State EXCO members, Speaker and Deputy Speaker together with the respective heads of Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang and Majlis Perbandaran Seberang Jaya will be required to publicly declare their personal assets.


Scarcity of land for residential holdings has led to escalating costs and prices of housing. This government will seek ways to bring affordable housing to the Penang People besides enhancing the quality of life of the house owners.

Traffic congestion has become worse and a public transport that is still unreliable. We shall be seeking views and inputs to see how both problems can be resolved and commit ourselves to a significant improvement by the end of our term.

I will meet the president of the Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang (MPPP) and other relevant state agencies today to review the suitability of the entire Penang Global City Centre (PGCC) project that has aroused much concern among the Penang People.

I will also meet up with the relevant federal agencies today on how and whether it is possible to cancel the collection at the Sungai Nyior toll plaza that has triggered serious public complaints and unhappiness.

Waiver Of All Summonses Involving Hawker Licenses And Parking Fees Before March 11 2008

The Penang state government firmly believes in shared prosperity, and we have a heart for the lower income group who are burdened by the escalating cost of living. We have promised to take care of the poor and the lower income group of the society.

As a first step, I hereby announce that all compounds and summons for offences involving parking and hawker license issued by MPPP and MPSP before today, March 11, shall be waived.

However, we need to stress vehemently that it takes both the government and the People to realize the ideals for a Dynamic Penang. We must remember that the waiver for the arrears of offences for parking and hawker licences is just a one-time arrangement to help reduce the burdens faced the people, especially the poor.

On the other hand, there are larger-picture issues involved. In the past, Penang has earned recognition for the wrong reasons, including the notoriety as being “filthy”, and having a “chaotic traffic system”. As the Penang people have voted for change, we should also bid farewell to such stigmas and resolve to change our past habits. Let us each do our part to keep our traffic orderly, and to help our hawkers maintain a clean and healthy environment.

But more importantly, the new Penang state government is the Government of the People. We want the people of Penang to treat your government as your friend. And friends must work together and complement each other to make a Dynamic Penang a reality.


204 Replies to “The mornings after the 12th general election…”

  1. After 50 years of independence, we as citizens of this country shall be matured enough to form another coalition party namely BARISAN RAKYAT comprising mainly PKR, DAP and PAS to have check and balance in the Parliamentary, judiciary and government administration. This country needs a strong coalition party besides Barisan Nasional just like many other developed nations around the world in order to progress further.

    8 March 2008 marked an important day in the national history. Never before BN in its entire history beaten so badly except in 1969. Even with all the irregularities in the EC, people’s power has successed in bring down the corrupted, oppressive, manipulative force that has hindered the nation progress in the last 50 years.

    Let’s work together irrespective of race and religion for a better Malaysia so that our children’s children can continue to call this place home.

    Fellow Malaysians let us not to forget the 5 fundamental principles of RUKUN NEGARA written by our forefathers that has kept the country united since day one:-
    Kepercayaan Kepada Tuhan
    Kesetiaan Kepada Raja dan Negara
    Keluhuran Perlembagaan
    Kedaulatan Undang-undang
    Kesopanan dan Kesusilaan

    Every readers in this blog should recite and remember the 5 Fundamental Principle of Rukun Negara so that coalition of Barisan Rakyat can be built on a strong foundation. Let us not get carried away by the non important issues like whether Poh Kuan stepped down before election to who’s going to be the next MB of Perak and forget how important to form BR to counter BN in the coming days. This is for the sake of our’s children’s children.

    Let’s put all our differences, egos, self-serving attitude aside and help to build up a new coalition party call Barisan Rakyat.


  2. Uncle Kit,

    IMHO, appointing 2 Deput CM from different races is a good move.

    However, DAP should not make the mistake like BN whereby Indian related issues are passed to MIC and Chinese related issues are passed to MCA.

    In the context of DAP, Malay related issues should not be championed only by DCM1 and Indian related issues not only resolved by DCM2.

    All issues regarding race, religion and culture must be tackled TOGETHER to forge a true bangsa Malaysia.

  3. Uncle Kit ,

    Congrats, Congrats and milions of Congrats
    Your hardwork and patience had been paid off.
    Kudos for DAP and YB Guan Eng for appointing Prof Ramasamy as Deputy CM. Thank you very much behalf of my Indian brothers and sisters. Just carry on your promises and don’t ever let down the RAKYAT THE BOSS. Next I hope Perak(my homestate) and Selangor will follow suit by appointing an Indian in high position preferably as Deputy MB. Proove to those marginalized Indians whose 95% of votes went to Opposition all over the country.
    Teach BN how to show their care for Indians. Riding on Makkal Sakthi will elevate Opposition to even greater heights in next GE. My wish now is to see Opposition to rule Malaysia after next GE.

    Long Live DAP !! Long Live DAP !!

    Anand … very far away …

  4. “The state government of Penang will depend on Penang’s home grown talent to develop and prosper Penang to secure our place in the rapidly changing globalised world where skill and capital resources are of prime importance. Towards this objective, we will introduce various strategic steps to culminate in a “Brain Gain” effect where vast talents of the ‘Penang Diaspora’ now residing in all parts of the world, will either return to Penang, or network with the State Government’s initiatives from their adopted bases, to generate business opportunities.”

    I am waiting, it is always my wish to stay in Penang. Let me assure Guan Eng if solid progress were made in the next 12 months, many Malaysians abroad will go back. Many friends in entertainment and F&B industry has expressed interest and are zooming in at Penang since DAP took over. I can certainly play my part in selling the real estate in Penang to them.

  5. Malaysia has been given the great chance to finally shift the old paradigm of being an imperfect democracy. As an “adopted” child of this beautiful country, I wish to congraturate all members of the opposition parties….

  6. “On the other hand, there are larger-picture issues involved. In the past, Penang has earned recognition for the wrong reasons, including the notoriety as being “filthy”, and having a “chaotic traffic system”. As the Penang people have voted for change, we should also bid farewell to such stigmas and resolve to change our past habits. Let us each do our part to keep our traffic orderly, and to help our hawkers maintain a clean and healthy environment.”

    Please do it ASAP. Thank you.

  7. Uncle Kit Siang,

    It really was a sweet victory. I stayed on the mirror site of malaysiakini till 4 am when we were sure that BN had lost its 2/3rds majority.

    We shouted hugged and cheered when we heard each Minister fall.There definately is a God out there and he heard our Prayers .

    Its nice to know that all major races are represented in the Penang Government. I hope other states also follow suit.

    Be good leaders and set an example for the BN goons to follow.

    God Bless Malaysia

  8. please address our DAP rep as yang berkhimat, use the yang berhormat only in assembly house or parliment or in the official accasions. where is the unseen and unheard khir toyo ah? please be genttlemen. play your role as opposition .learn from the gerakan Koh Tsu Koon.

  9. YB

    In years to come, I can tell my boys that there was a time when the people of one nation – Malaysia rose up against BN on 8 March 2008. It was a pleasure meeting up with you and we hope that you will continue to play your role. Malaysia is not the same anymore. I am looking for more exciting changes for the better soon.

  10. Few years back I took a risk and tried marketing luxury residents in Penang to foreigners especially Indonesians and Singaporeans but the results were very poor. The Medan Indonesians prefer to buy in Singapore even though the price are 10 to 20 times higher in value because investment yield is promising and it is still the same now. I hope with DAP in charge, Penang will regains its reputation as Pearl of the Orient again.

  11. Congratulations! Uncle Kit

    I m not a DAP member but have voted DAP since attaining age 21. From unofficial news posted in various websites, it is disappointing to note that Teng Chang Khim may not be consider for Selangor deputy MB post if there is one created under the incoming coalition state government despite it being the clear wishes of majorities. The electronic media has sent a strong message on the selection of the said post and Teng garnered more than 82% of the polls as reported by merdekareview.

    Mahathir had succeeded to hold on to power for 22 years due to his ability and willingness to put aside personality differences for a larger objective to be driver of a smooth functioning vehicle. Hence, he survived for 22 years.

    DAP must learn to grow up as a man with substance and not continue as child who ever possessive of his/her toys and ego. If it failed to respond to the majority’s wishes, it destination wll be a disastrous one.

    I hope Uncle Kit will take this into consideration and make DAP a stronger party although sounds bitter.

    Good luck!

  12. YB Lim, a sincere thank you from the bottom of our heart for your 42 years of struggling in the national politics on behalf of all Malaysians. You have suffered a long way from the days in ISA detention camp to humiliation and name calling days in the Parliament. You have stand strong despise all the goodies offered to shut your mouth and tempted you to swing over to the other side.

    I have never been so proud to call myself MALAYSIAN again since the days of (Allahyaham) Sulaiman in the early 80’. Things have changed ever since the mid 80’ and TDM certainly have done huge damage to the mindset of the people(though he contributed to national development) and AAB suffered the blow as a result. Even with all the weakness in the administration, I’ll like to thank Abdullah too for allowing things to happen in the cyberspace. If TDM in AAB shoes believe Operasi Lalang II could have started mid last year and clam down many innocent and patriotic Malaysians.

    Again Big Thank You YB Lim, RPK and many more to allow this landslide victory. Just hope Barisan Rakyat will be strong and matured enough in 4 years time to replace BN as a ruling party, with the help of bloggers of course :).

  13. There is a urgent need for good source of alternative media for the alternative coalition. People are hungry for news from Penang/Kedah/Perak and Selangor nowadays to see the positive changes soon to take place. And not forgetting the battle of MP in the Parliament.

    Lets now challenge Nazri to speak up and say Penyangak again. Or Hishamudin to flash his dagger, just too bad Semi Value wont be there to say anything ( boy we miss this chance ).

    I still dont understand our Malaysian media still cannot understand the need of its audience.

    Well, BN still has a long way to go if it keeps with its ways.

  14. Congratulation!
    But you have unfinished job. We wish you the success.
    This reminded me about the people’s power when Marcos was thrown out of the Malacañang Palace to exile.

    Penang has already changed to better the moment power shifting occured. Kedah, Perak and selangor will also become better.

    It was a great job between you and Anwar. We are waiting for more to happen.

  15. “More importantly, we will run the government administration free from the New Economic Policy (NEP) that breeds cronyism, corruption and systemic inefficiency.”

    Yes. This policy breeds corruption. It has to be abolished. The Malays must understand no country in this world would practice such policy as to discriminate your other fellow Malaysians.

  16. uncle lim,

    from the bottom of my heart..congratulation to you and your team and PKR/PAS.

    Me and my family of 30 members has been your supporter since merdeka and finally the moment has arrived. This prove that perserverance is very important!

    AND take care your health because we need you for many many years to come…



  17. It looks like history is repeating itself, we are unable to free from racial trap. WE shouldn’t back to our formerself, feel secure only when one is represented by their own kind. Have a bold move heading to race blind policies and implementations and ultimately- meritocracy.

  18. Penang is now a truly multi-racial community, from the legislature to the people in the streets. This should have been the spirit for the whole of Malaysia right from Merdeka but due to mismanagement by BN, the people have been separated.

    Let Penang be a leader in taking on this spirit and spread it to other states. Keep up the good work!!!!

  19. I support ycchai62 that DAP ADUN in Selangor should wake up!!!! They have started to be arrogant in not naming Teng CK to be an Exco or for that matter the Deputy MB. His senority in the Selangor DUN is a fact and with his vast experience, Selangor will do well under BR.
    PLEASE…PLEASE…PLEASE….clear whatever differences and put all in the past and work as a team…..

    Datuk Ali Rustam seems to be not getting the message yet as his statement today that he will reconsider development for Malacca City….I am wondering why…oh…why Melaka voters dun vote for a new BR Govt.
    DAP, PKR & PAS have to work very hard to throw out this loudmouth in the next election. See what the 5 states voters have done and achieved? If we are brave and can do it…there is no reason Melaka & Negeri Sembilan cannot do it….
    Tumpang kan BN in Melaka & NS.

    Bravo to BR for giving us all such new hope.

  20. Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today announced that PKR’s Muhammad Fairuz Khairuddin and DAP’s P Ramasamy would be made the state’s deputy chief ministers 1 and 2 respectively. Guan Eng said the decision to pick the duo was to have a leadership to represent all communities in Penang.

    However, Kedah Mentri Besar and state PAS commissioner Azizan Abdul Razak did not include a DAP representative in the state exco list despite party vice-president Datuk Husam Musa saying otherwise.

    Kedah sole DAP representative Lee Guan Aik who won the Kota Darul Aman seat said his nomination was dropped because the state PKR objected. There are only one reason that can be observed: PKR do not want to give any of those Exco Seats agreed earlier between PKR-PAS to DAP and expect PAS to sacrifice one from their agreed allotment. PAS sees it the same way; so DAP got a big egg.

  21. YB, to stop any of the State Assembly man or lady from crossing to BN, it is better to implement and pass the law in the Dewan Negeri so that should there be any of party Hopper ,the vacant seat should go for By Election. Please Take note YB Lim especially the five states that r belonged to the opposition now.
    BN will do anything to sabotage !! is it possible YB, Please reply

  22. This GE Tsunami was a big surprise to most Malaysian.
    I believe that the impact are more to what we seen today as there are serious concern over BN internal power struggle.
    Most of their coalition parties in W. Mal suffered damaging defeats which shows that UMNO are sending their signal all over their camp.
    Looking a t most of the result, I strongly believe that UMNO have ‘back-stabbed’ their coalition parties to gain control over the government in full force.
    What’s new with most of their coalition parties ‘injured’ and ashamed by Malaysian, they ride on the wave and draw the dagger.
    Now, we will see more politic remarks …..

  23. “Yes. This policy breeds corruption. It has to be abolished. The Malays must understand no country in this world would practice such policy as to discriminate your other fellow Malaysians.” Devilmaster

    DAP has a chance in Penang to showcase what it means by Malaysian first. What I hope to see is that the Malays in Penang will be doing much much better than any other Malays in states control by BN.

  24. “Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng today announced that PKR’s Muhammad Fairuz Khairuddin and DAP’s P Ramasamy would be made the state’s deputy chief ministers 1 and 2 respectively. Guan Eng said the decision to pick the duo was to have a leadership to represent all communities in Penang.”

    Guan Eng should emphasize that the credentials of the two are more important than their race, this is no different from BN.

  25. YB Lim,

    Congratulations to you on your huge victory! My whole family was so happy on that night! DAP taking Penang is the epoch of it all! However, may I suggest Teng Chang Khim for the Deputy MB post? I think he’s very qualified to be.

    PS: I don’t live in Klang & I’m not one of Teng’s people.


  26. Congratulations for wrestling control of Penang and other states from BN control. The next 5 years will test DAP’s ability to co-run the state governments with PAS and PKR. There will be internal differences but I pray that all of you will remain strong to the higher goal of bringing a better and stronger governance to this nation that has ‘suffered’ under the BN government. Too much rape has taken place. Please make sure your coalition will grow stronger, for the people’s sake. Morning has broken ..

  27. While we understand that the Perak MB is still undecided between the three candidates proposed by each Opposition parties, there are rumors spread via SMS that the Regent of Perak His Raja Nazrin Shah has accepted DAP’s candidate Ngeh Koo Ham as the MB of Perak, with strong objection from the PAS.

  28. remove NEP is to cut the crony ties, to stop creating a small group of rich Malays (or Chinese and Indians who are tied to the Malay cronies) while majority of Malay remains very poor. This has to be properly educated to all Malaysians. Don’t mistaken this as against the Malays. Poor Malaysians, no matter the Chinese, Indians, Malays, Ibans/dayaks,.. should all be helped

  29. Congratulations to YB LKS and All in DAP!!

    BRAVO and we are very proud of what You and DAP
    have achieved. We are Hopeful and please do not let
    us down.

    We know DAP and All Opposition Parties can unite and
    do it all together… under the leadership of Anwar Ibrahim!!

    We all LOVE You and We Love DAP and Malaysia…!!!

  30. Congratulation and it is nice to see this blog is back again!

    We, the rakyat of Penang will alway support our new CHIEF MINISTER.

    In the process of developing Penang, Please DO NOT NEGLECT THE STREET HAWKERS & COFFEE SHOP OPERATORS. Just before the 8th of March, I have have visited many of this hawkers and they have SILENTLY SUPPORTED the Barisan Rakyat. Thay are so HAPPY WHEN WE FINALLY WON.

    Most of these hawker are NOT RICH, they only earned a descent income to survive, and lot of them still DO NOT HAVE A PROPER PLACE TO DO THEIR BUSINESS, that is why they keep on receiving summonses from the previous Govn.

    I sincerely hope that our NEW GOVERNMENT WILL LOOK INTO THEIR PLIGHT so that they can ply their trade with PEACE OF MIND.

    I, personally is not a hawker but wish for a better tomorrow for all MALAYSIAN.

  31. MR. lim kit siang – congratulations.
    MR. lim guan eng – congratulations to being appointed as the chief minister of penang.

    whatever it is, remember your promises to the raayat. this shows that the raayat can kick the corrupted and arrogant bn out of power and can equally kick the dap and partners out of power if this loose coalition have no guts to advocate BANGSA MALAYSIA.

    i called many times on your mobile and guan engs’s but i guess it TSUNAMISED. i managed to speak to sim tong hin and betty chew and they promised to relate to you.


    SELANGOR: TENG HAS DONE THE TOTAL DAMAGE TO BN, BY EXPOSING THE ZAKARIA ISTANA, but guan eng does not favour him. this is the same game of croynism preached by bn.

    as in malaysia today, i am glad ym raja petra turned down all offers, but remain watching your promises.

    IF IN THIS TSUNAMI, CHANGE IS NOT DONE, guan eng is another abdullah badawi in the making by compromising and being mr. nice to malays and chinese and indians. WE ARE MALAYSIANS. CHANGE THE MENTALITY OF KETUANAN MELAYU.

    we voted for dap, we responed to your call of funds and help. show us that BANGSA MALAYSIA IS A REALITY. why must a malay to look into malay affairs and indian to look into indian affiars and chinese into chinese affair, IF YOU ARE TRULY SINCERE TO ALL MALAYSIANS REGARDLESS OF RACE AND RELIGION.

    and by creating TWO deputy menteri besar posts and TWO deputy chief minister posts – it shows you lack courage to change.

    thank you

  32. Hello guys…

    Congrats again to BA for winning 4 new states and deny BN 2/3 majority.

    Hardly 1 week after the election, all of you keep arguing about the positions and appointments of the politicians in the respective states government.

    I am not a member of any political party – be it PKR, DAP, PAS or even UMNO (and I am a muslim malay in penang). I rejected BN and supported BA for obvious reasons. For the leaders, just work hard and be honest, and things will follow. No need to shout many things.

    Theoretically, BN are still in the lead coz that’s the fact based on their no. of seats won (even though I’m not a BN supporter). Please don’t be like Pak Lah, always in ‘denial’ state. Any party can claim they really represent the malaysian if they can really win majority seats.

  33. Congratulation to Sdr Kit Siang and all DAP MPs and Aduns. Walk the talk and show how different Barisan Rakyat Administration is going to be when compared to rotten BN.
    For Perak and Selangor State Assemblies, please appoint Malaysian Indians Adun for the position of 2nd Deputy MB.
    Please include M. Manoharan’s name as a potential candidate for the position.
    Long live DAP

  34. if we follow true democracy, a good leader can lead all races.
    it must be real messy in usa, that the president is white, vice president for black, vice president for hispanic, vice president for asians. THAN IF GUAN ENG TAKES SUCH A PATH, I SUGGEST A DEPUTY CHIEF MINISTER FROM THE ORANG ASLI TOO.

    BANGSA MALAYSIA IS PRIORITY. once we all acknowledged that we are malaysians, than whatever policies will benefit malaysians.

  35. Dear YB Kit,

    You and I have lived to see this day.

    All the 4 west-coast / west-Malaysian “thinking” and urban states
    have stopped tolerating the long protracted sufferings — Penang,
    Perak, Selangor, and FT Kuala Lumpur. They have thought clearly, and they have done what everyone felt it would never be possible to achieve.

    In the very heartland of Malaysia. Within the prime intelligentia of the country. At the most pivotal hub of power and wealth. They have all decided in one voice.

    For the first time, the city folks and the urbanised rural folks have now come to realise what democracy is really all about. And despite all the brainwashing and incessant lies, the well-organised and orchestrated campaigns and media onslaughts on our minds, none of these have worked.

    It matters not what you pump into the masses, for once they can rationalise and become way above the lies and the magic shows,
    nothing can stop the combined will of spontaneously and proactively pre-decided mass voting.

    Four different and differing masses of voters having had one similar wish, acted wilfully and decisively on just that one single wish.

    The doctrine of universal sufferage has finally been put to effective use in this country, ever since the clock struck midnight on 31st August, 1957.


    Our deep gratitude and tear-filled elation are simply overwhelming
    and inexpressable !

  36. Congratulations to LKS and LGE,

    It is hoped that Penang will spearhead the implementation of a policy based on meritocracy regardless of race,culture etc.It should emphasize fairness to all .Do away the culture of ‘who you know’ and practise ‘what you know’ policy.BN has practised this unfair policy for decades and has encouraged cronyism and corruption for decades.Anyway we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel.If America ,a predominantly white country can accept a black as its president,I think Malaysia can learn a lot from this scenario.

  37. Uncle Lim,

    Congrats! Am proud that I’d palyed a role in the GE12. We are now going down to grassroot explaining to the people of this new political era and what this mean to them. And we are preparing for the GE13 as well. Sound crazy? Definitely not as I work very closely with urban poor. My mission just started like yours.

    Whoever being nominated to the TOP post is irrelevant to me BUT how they perform in the next 4 years will be very closely watch and we will write a yearly report card of all YBs which will be handed over to the YBs’ boss – the RAKYAT!

    It is our wish that Barisan Rakyat will live up to our expectation and be the next ruling Government for a long long time.

    Take CARE, Uncle Lim. You are still needed by us.

  38. Let the leaderships of BA to discuss for the best of the current winning states. I believe to govern a state is much harder than just being an opposition. If they are better than BN, they will be supported by the people. If not, another tsunami will sweep BA out.

    As well said by YB LKS, if the people can kick BN out, the people can also kick BA (DAP/PKR/PAS) out. BN had ruled for 50 years. PAS has a track record or 18 years governing Kelantan and acceptable to the people of Kelantan. DAP and PKR have a BIG task to prove themselves. I believe in their leaderships. You have to believe too.

    The whole rakyat of malaysia are watching. BN will closely watching too. If BA can prove their worth (better than BN), I believe after PRU13, BA can form a FEDERAL GOVERNMENT. If not, just keep dreaming.

  39. Very happy to see Mr.Lim and Anwar’s great victory….it is of great importance and significant for many reasons – personally and for the country!

    May be, it is time for the old and great warriors to give way to the younger leaders to lead the ordinary people to a better future.

  40. I was moved after getting news, at around 8.00PM, on 8 March 2008, from Yahoo News Asia website that Penang was returned to the opposition. Though I am a KL-ite, I could not hide the joy that overwhelmed me. We the victims of NEP, after four decades of oppression and unfair treatment, finally see light at the end of the tunnel.

    I was further elated after knowing that Kedah, Perak and Selangor also fell into the hand of the opposition. It looks as if an “era of liberalization” has finally come upon Malaysia!

    I wish DAP, PKR and PAS would accommodate one another and put up a good show to prove to their opponent and rakyat that “strange bedfellows” can work together and will work together, and in fact, outperform their opponent in economic, social and political development.

    DAP, PKR, PAS, well done!

  41. Guan Eng is too much in a hurry. He’s got 5 years and he does not have to do everything immediately.

    He should set up his government first, meet and then make whatever decisions that are necessary. Do not make all kinds of decisions alone without consultations.

    First he flip flops. He announced that he might do away with the Deputy CM’s post. Now he appoints TWO Deputy CMs to represents the Malays and Indians. Sure, representation is necessary but there are other ways to do so via the Exco positions etc. It looks like he is trying to make populist decisions which I think is not necessary. And we are going to end up with another top heavy government a la BN, where “everyone is represented”.

    Second, the forgiving of summonses from traffic offences and hawker licences is in my opinion a BAD move. It lack accountability, transparancy and integrity. This decision was made by him alone without much thought or consultation. Another populist move which was unnecessary. What kind of signal are you trying to project? Will you now give amnesty to prisoners? Are you condoning more infringements by the populace?

    Third, the proposed removing of the NEP and special privileges is most untimely. Hey, Guan Eng, hold on. While we understand your reasons for wanting to do this, there is a much better way to announce this. And there is also the timing of making such announcements. You DONT want to do or say this on your own. Form your government, discuss this and then announce it. Its a sensitive issue and many already are unruffled by this and it has caused some uneasiness. You might not be able to fight a fire so early in your administration.

    In short, Guan Eng, cool it and slow down. Form your government first. Take stock of what you have before you bungle on. You DONT want to be seen as a dictator or a one man show. You must be a team player.

    Your arrogance is beginning to show. Also your lack of experience and finesse.

    Campaigning is over my friend. No more need for rhetorics or populist statements. Get real, man.


    So show it!!! Or you won’t last 100 days!!!

  42. Uncle Kit,
    Hidup Penang and Congratulations to you and all your team mates. Although I now live in the Klang Valley, I am still a Penangite in my heart. When in the past, I dont really look forward to trips back to my home state, I now feel proud even without going back home. This winds of change, the Great Typhoon and Great Tsunami is indeed a blessings from the Heavenly One to rejuvenate the lost land that we had. My hope now lies with the new team.
    God bless.

  43. I think some of us get carried away in thinking that DAP can work miracles so soon upon taking over.My God, the task ahead of them is herculean to say the least.If I have to make an analogy it would be like climbing a mountain range with two EVEREST PEAKS.To undo 50 years of damage by misrule with UMNO always at the back of you throwing spanners at the works is a task Guan Eng has that I believe is not at all enviable.Take an example he has in mind,to have an elected third level of government (municipality and town council) instead of an appointed one.Do you think he can count on the BN MPs to help in changing the CONSTITUTION (he needs 149 votes in Parliment).He wants the 2nd bridge to be funded by Petronas profits.You think Abdullah will agree?He needs funds to manage Penang and do you think the Federal Government will allocate funds to Penang to the amount given during Tsu Koon’s time? He wants to stamp corruptions in the police force in Penang.You think he will get help from the IGP..the IGP will probably give him a token gesture.
    Of course I am not saying he shouldn’t try,in fact he must pursue it relentlessly.All I am saying is his job is really really tough.It is not a piece of cake as some of us has given the impression here as well as in the previous posting

  44. Oh, by the way, as I said last night, DAP has been given the nod for the MB’s position in Perak and this has caused some unhappiness. Already some BA Assemblymen are thinking of crossing over to the BN.

    This means the BN could rule once again in Perak.

  45. YB,

    I propose BA (DAP/PAS/PKR) should set up measurement index in the internet, the Rakyat (Bloggers) can then measure their elected leader performance say quarterly or yearly e.g. Whether he or she is suitable for the MB position. We will not rule out the possibility BN will sabotage during these formation stage.

    We should have people polls to collect Rakyat reaction toward change e.g. Old summons waived. This can help YB the gauge the polarity of bloggers, whether they support the new change or not many are aware of it.

    Not sure whether liberalization of press and media should always be the top agendas because ppl are very eager to know what will happen next, only ppl wiv internet access will know but most of the news to elder ppl might be sabotage as they relied on current newspaper and media (which is proven bias during the election campaign before and after), to stop BN propoganda to attack Democracy e.g. Today they talk abt Opposition frenzy abt the Perak MB post, and i heard from rumour that the Sultan is in London (might not be true) there should put priority in reaching out to general public.

    Not sure i will live to see own Penang or BA press, radio or channel.

  46. First of all I would like to congratulate Uncle Kit and son for winning the elections. You can now stand up tall and be called “useless” opposition no more! How times have changed. I was hoping that the BN be denied 2/3 but never in my wildest dreams do I think that they can capture Penang, Perak, Kedah and Selangor as well. Well Uncle Kit this time DAP has been given a chance to showcase Penang as a place of governance par excellence. The abolishment of the NEP is a first step (By the way maybe I can apply for job in your government?) Yes showcase to east Malaysians how Penang can shine under your government. Good governance, accountability, transparency, freedom of information, local government elections etc. prove BN wrong! However a word of caution here not that you don’t know but just in case you forget, Abdullah might ask Penang to separate ala Tunku and LKY in the 60s. I don’t think that would happen with Pak Lah a Penangite. Looking at Singapore that won’t be too bad either. Uncle Kit we need help in the east. Like MCA a “dog” of UMNO the SUPP here which should represent Chinese is a “dog” of PBB. Judging from the last state elections in 2006 many seats are winnable. The bickering and fighting during the campaigning between DAP and PKR recently shows that something is not working in the leadership of the eastern states. We need the big guns from the west to help out. I hope to see some “ACTION” in the next Sarawak State Elections!

  47. Firstly YB Lim, I really hope you rest sufficiently.

    Secondly I am so proud that many supports we provided produced such amazing result. Was it Churchill that said, “Never so much been owed to so few”? On Sunday night I attended a function among some financial people and the central topic was Election Results. Next to me was a lady, maybe in her 50’s. She helped as a cook during the election. Another gentleman helped in providing bottled drinks. I told them my help was providing some cash and almost immediately a sort of camaraderie feeling existed.

    The sad thing about this election result is the stubbornness of BN administration. AAB saw nothing wrong about his administration. He insisted he had the majority and did not see this as a rejection of his administration. (In W Malaysia, BN 48% popular vote). Old Sam stayed on for the reason that there are still some people who liked him! DAP-PKR-PAS may have achieved remarkable results, but BN is still in power and the look of things is that status quo remains in AAB’s administration.

    What I read is that YB Guan Eng is on the right steps. Hopefully Tan Sri Khalid can form his team as soon as possible. The situation in Perak is unclear. Whatever is it, Anwar was right to say what had been achieved was indeed the “victory of the people.”

    (I am looking forward to witness the first parliament with 83 representatives on the opposite side!).

  48. Even for me as a malay in penang, I’m looking at the announcement of abolishing NEP by LGE in a positive manner. I’m looking forward to how LGE is implementing the system. As a bumi contractor in penang, I’m not benefited from NEP coz’ I didn’t joint corrupted UMNO. I lost many bumi-tenders to UMNO people just coz’ they have connections. To me NEP or whatever policies, if not being implemented truthfully, honestly and transparent, they won’t work.

    I’m excited to see how LGE plans to stop the riches (malays, chinese, indians) from robbing the opportunities from the poors (malay, chinese, indians). That’s what happening under BN.

    If I may ask those BA leaders, are they going to discriminate the areas held by BN?. Luckily I’m not in any of those areas. But to me, if that’s the reality, than BA is no different from BN.

  49. Lets give our new CM some break here; lets not follow from sentiments expressed in mainstream media. He has only expressed equality for all.

    NEP has disguissed all sort of cronyism in the pre-text of helping poor marginalised Malays. Lets accept that fact for once and move on.

    Sampai bila lagi orang nak cakap pasal NEP dan Ketuanan?

    Malaysians are excited about this new paradigm; we will be more respected worldwide not matter Malay, Chinese or Indian for making this historic change.

    Please also realise that Responsibility, Transparency, Integrity and Accountability are normal traits of good leadership in a democratic governance . It will be insult to us if we ask our leader to have these basic values.

    Malaysian wants steps taken to ensure that our next generation will benefit most from the changes we start making today

    Also remember that this is people chosen leadership; collectively. And if we decide to revert; it must collectively do it too. Otherwise we will break the people back to their racial division again.

  50. ahpek. you should read what sheriff singh wrote.

    we the voters and who have voted for dap and ba, are only requesting that kit siang and guan eng sets priority.

    i do not expect miracles overnight, and i am even prepared to give kit siang and especially guan eng two years to guage his promises. BUT – DONT BE TRIGGER HAPPY. AND DONT BE PANDERING.


  51. sheriff singh wake up dun act stupid in DAP blog.

    Do u know these Municipals summons are tender out by BN cronies, all these summonses, hawkers and parking outlaws received were paid mainly to cronies 1st before reaching to the government, when it reach there e.g. RM 100 collected the state only get RM 10 reported in state coffers. Pls do some research before you do the talk.

  52. “Please also realise that Responsibility, Transparency, Integrity and Accountability are normal traits of good leadership in a democratic governance . It will be insult to us if we ask our leader to have these basic values.”

    This exception goes to BN current leadership. They need to be given the classroom lecture of basic ABC’s of politics and good governance

    I can tell they are going to take a lot of time to understand why they lost!

  53. Sheriff Singh is right.

    Dear DAP, Guan Eng et al, and all other parties and individuals who have just taken over (or about to take) control of your new responsibilities …. STAND BACK FIRST !

    Stand back far enough to take stock of the pile of dirt before you.
    Ponder well … be large enough …. see and form big pictures in your mind alongside your bounceboards and your mentors….. before you plunge into the hundreds if not thousands of pieces of decaying debris infront of you.


    Never even get near to the kind of visions and pathways taken by them over the past three decades.

    Stand-back —> ponder —> bounce-around —> draft —> formulate —> stand-back —> finetune —> re-formulate —> check-out —> re-finetune —> announce —> implement.

  54. “i do not expect miracles overnight, and i am even prepared to give kit siang and especially guan eng two years to guage his promises. BUT – DONT BE TRIGGER HAPPY. AND DONT BE PANDERING.”

    2 years??? I only give one year. Penangites has give DAP an overwhelming mandate to carry out its reponsiblities, showing some positive signs is not enough, there must be solid progress. 1 year, no more no less. Remember, investors are watching and waiting, don’t let the money flow elsewhere.

  55. Dear YB,

    Heartiest Congratulations for the Great Success. Now I can proudly tell you that I’m the member of Sg Siput community, you know why…

    Thank to make an Indian as a Deputy CM in Penang. The position that an Indian can’t even dream about before this. We wish you for the continued success and let rule Penang, Selangor, Kedah, Perak & Kelantant forever.

  56. i agreed with sheriff singh. …….or you wont last 100 days.

    being populist is not governing. being populist is pandering.

    we voted against corruption.
    we voted against croynism.
    we voted Bangsa malayisa and all men/women are equal .

    this swing in votes is MORE I HATE BN, THAN I LOVE DAP.
    so guan eng, dont have a mini barisan nasional within your empire of penang.
    even the videoman of lingham was voted in.!!!!!!!!!!
    THIS IS A HATE BN GENERAL ELECTION. dont bask in glory and celebration , AND please remember one nation, one nationality.

  57. “sheriff singh Says: Guan Eng is too much in a hurry. He’s got 5 years and he does not have to do everything immediately.”

    I agree with SS but not the ‘5 years’. Calm down LGE. Dont’ talk too fast coz’ later you’ll choke yourself. You have a manifesto. Present to the people about your programme together with milestones. What are your plannings and what are to be achieved in certain period of times (6 mths, 1 yr, 2 yrs, 1 term). Then people will be more comfortable.

    People don’t want to be left in the dark and suddently after 5 years you’ll be labelled as a ‘sleeping’ or failed CM. Good manager will always require several excellent assistant managers.

  58. Congratulation to you Uncle Lim, Guan Eng, all DAP, PRK and PAS. I’ve been waiting for this moment for a very long time. It’s like my dream comes true. A breath of fresh air at last! Thanks to all the voters. You’ve worked hard and all of you deserve this and get ready to change for the better. By the way Uncle Lim, you need a rest and a holiday as well.

  59. Dig out the the sampah from the drain to make it works, repair the roads and pavements, clean and light up the streets, more friendly policeman on patrol, if IGP don’t corporate set up “rukun tetangga”. If Penang is clean and sfae it is naturally beautiful, when more tourist come to visit, more investors will come too. Oh! Hevay fine more those who litters on the public places.

  60. Sheriff Singh is not right.

    Why there is car park outlaw out there? becos the council did not do a good job in planning for more spaces to cater these ppl? why are they now blaming on the ppl and burden it? The state govt rather agreed to spend million to buy motorbike and hire those council ppl with uniform to write summon rather than build a better transportation system for Penangites so that ppl are convenient to do their daily routine. They failed to do so why still dare to collect summon now?

    Why hawkers are been punished, they are forced to cari makan illegally, u think is ez and cheap to obtain a license, duit kopi need to pay tat doesnt assure these poor hawkers get the license. The municipal build those hawker court at isolated place, ghost and mosquitoes oso dun have. There are many failed municipal project i can proof u by taking pictures, but state govt wasted so much money to build them yet they all failed.

    By the way, those summon collected normally only 1 or 10% really go back to govt, the rest all masuk pocket by the sub contractor.

  61. YES I agree that it is unwise to run headlong to tackle all the problems at once.
    CM needs to spend long hours studying the existing situation first unless it is of high priority.

    Cut down official appointments for the first month by half and observe before engaging the civil servants – they can make or break the admin. Don’t forget most of them have been under BN and mind-set change is important. Of course a few may be unredeemable and it may be prudent to let some of them resign within the next few weeks.

    Open tender system is good but not perfect and no need to make official announcement to remove NEP. In fact can use NEP but just adjust it based on needs and not race.

    Selangor files need to be secured before the cabinets are bare!

  62. Congratulation to DAP for the overwhelming success in the 12th General election with strong mandate from the people all over the country.

    When euphoria is over it is time to work.

    Do not ever squander away this golden opportunity to bring change, justice and fairness to all who had supported and to all the people in the country.

    Judgment will come in 5 years’ time or earlier. Make this mandate a sustainable one and not a flash in the pan.

    There are talks that there is squable in DAP in Selangor for the deputy MB post. That should not happen.

  63. I have full confidence in DAP administration of the Penang State government under the leadership of Lim Guan Eng. Penangites are lucky now that you have a new government and you will see a more efficient and well organized state from now on.

    For senior Kit, from now retaining the confidence of the people towards is more difficult but is achievable with good governance. Prove to BN that DAP-PKR coalition is better.

  64. As a Penangite I am proud to be part of history. I would like to implore YB Lim to return the shine of Penang in terms of nature. On Sunday I visited the turtle sanctuary in Pantai Kerachut and released baby turtles into the sea. What a beautiful sight. Who thought that in poluted Penang, we still have turtles coming to lay eggs here.

    We need to look after what little natural beauty we have left. Give nature a chance, it will come back to Penang. We do not need more fake palm trees or firework lampposts…please do not replace trees with more concrete. I hope we will see the changes slowly but surely.

  65. For any good project governance, you’ll need a good Master Implementation Programme (MIP). You cannot just build KLCC just by planning everything in your head. You need a proper ‘blueprint’ in order to do that. LGE defenitely needs that to govern penang for this term. Govern a state for a term if 100 times bigger than building KLCC.

    Rakyat is watching. All the BEST to BA leaders.

  66. But of course we needs efficient town council officers who carry out their works honestly. I also would like to suggest that price of cigarettes and tobacco to be raise above rm10, this will benefits all.

  67. the MAN OF STEEL is back! Uncle Kit, u’re the man and u brought so much of honour to the chinese, indians and some-malay! Good work and good job.

    But one thing for sure is that you guys should set up a committee to handle complains which may range from local housing & land issues and things like that. The BN in Selangor, Perak, Penang & Kedah are watching the DAP-PKR-PAS like vultures that may strike at any time. So, pls try to be extremely careful and do a better work for everyone to see.

    Uncle Kit, once again, watch your health. Take plenty of fluid and have plenty of rest. The whole country is counting on DAP-PKR-PAS to make things happen.

  68. My fellow Malaysians,

    Please look at the mirror and ask yourself – How much do I know about Politics?

    I am sure many are like me, know nuts about politics.

    We want change and we make it in five states and FT. Now we let the leaders of BA to solve who to appoint and how they want to run these states. Its not easy and if any of us are not happy that certain candidates are not appointed, keep it to ourselves. They have their reasons. What we want to see is that each and everyone of us are going to be happy when we see the actual transformations on the ground. That they keep to their election promises and work together as a team for the benefits of the Rakyat.

    umno is not going to take this happening quietly. There are pro-umno websites already warning the malays that they are in danger.

    So fellow Malaysians, lets stand united behind BA no matter what arrangements that they agree upon. We can monitor them to make sure that they do not deviate from their promises, that’s all we can do.

  69. Next, reducing the share of the black market by crack down on illegal booking gambling (legalize it or open a casino, if one not enough open 2 lah!), crack down on illegal drugs so that money can flow back to normal market.

  70. Just a reminder. Many people voted for DAP NOT BECAUSE we like the DAP but rather we disliked the BN more. In other words, there are also things we dislike about DAP. Personality & racial based, just to name a few.

    But now that you are in power, it’s time to show whether you are a great statesman or just good at talking only. Do the former and your place in Malaysian history is secured. Do the later and many of us will just as likely vote you out of office like we did to BN.

    But deep in my heart and in every right minded Malaysian, we sincerely hope and pray that you are the former and not the later. The ultimate dream would be a 2 party system and politic alone racial line be destined to the dustbin forever.

  71. Sarikei Son, just asking, what is the broadband service like in Sarikei?

    Secondly, how old are you, no need to answer if you don’t feel like it. I am asking because SUPP under Stephen Yong was a mighty party. It became tame when many businessmen, some from Sarikei and Sibu started to undermine SUPP. Your Dr Wong SK was undermined by a businessman who financed his downfall, but you agree that Dr Wong S K was miles and miles different from your present Dr. Chan.

    I can write more of the weaknesses of the Chinese and the Ibans (two major groups) in Sarawak but basically Sarawakians are complacent lot. For that reason the minority people (3%) controlled the Malays, Chinese Ibans, bidayuhs etc (97%). The point is do you need “west big guns”? It is the small “guns” that brought changes in the west. You can do it there – try using the broadband first. You have four years to do this.

  72. No need to worry about the underworld, if you crack down (reduce, you can’t catch all anyway but you must be able to control the size and gangsters must be kept to the minimum lah!) on them they not worry one! All commodity works the same way. When demands outstrip supply, higher margin.

  73. Dont’ worry a-malaysian. I’m a malay in penang and I don’t really feel in danger. I believe many malays who vote UMNO out will feel the same. If DAP/BA cannot perform better than GERAKAN/BN, then the sweet dream will turn to nightmare.

  74. Imagine what Bn and umno have done to our people.Their extreme divide and rule are getting into most of us here right now isn’t it.Some tends to talk about chinese candidate from this party and malay candidate from that party.Well…congrates to BN ruling us for such a long time(few decades or rather half a century)and thus making us believes and keep talking about different races. Isn’t this suppose to be an opportunity to call ourselves Malaysian once and for all? And congrates again to our main stream media for spinning things out of proportion.(Don’t you guys think about boycotting the media?I have anyway.Boycotting in great numbers ,we can force the media to report fairly and not spins all the time which is what they are doing daily.)They spin so much until most of us believes what were written on it. Let me give you an Example: In every articles written….the reporting can be 95% truth but the spin masters will write only the other 5%..let me repeat only 5%(which will be the most important section of the entire article) of lies and that will definately be enough to get the readers work up and gets agitated and making them believing in the entire 100% article.So…go and continue buying, reading and supporting the spins and get yourself brainwash.That is all BN needs to do and since they did badly the 12GE….they will be on overdrive to spin like hell and it is already working for most of us anyway.Don’t you think if we stop buying..we cuts off the flow of money into the media coffers and thus bruising them badly.In fact i believe by doing so we can force the truth out of every reporting since they can’t survive if stacks and piles of newspaper are not sold everyday. Lets boycott now and if it has to take 6 months from now then so be it..we need to start now!!.In great numbers we can bruise the media in a short period.

  75. a – malaysian ” please look at the mirror and ask yourself – how much do i know about politics.

    IF I KNOW NUTS ABOUT POLITICS. I WOULD NOT HAVE FUNDED DAP AND VOTED DAP AND PKR. and even offered to be their polling agent.

    if with this massive vote swing to the ba, and they still lacks the courage to CHANGE. it reads similar to abdullah badawi era of massive vote to bn in 2004, but aloof from the reality of the grassroots.

    if malaysians as you stated know nuts about politics , than we are surely fooled once again. i will not stand behind ba no matter what arrangement they agreed upon. YOU ARE DICTATING TO US. JUST AS BN WAS DICTATING TO US.

    didnt kit siang and guan eng allowed freedom of speech and agreed to disagreed. !

    at least theresa kok expressed concern.

  76. Syabas to DAP….I must say that the hard work and struggles especially uncle Kit have gone through for decades in DAP paid off and rewarded handsomely.

    I can feel how happy Uncle Kit feels witnessing his son Guan Eng being sworn in as the CM of Penang.

    My wish is hoping DAP will really work hard…fulfil promises made to the rakyat…do a good job to gain the trust from the people of Malaysia so that DAP can play a big role in helping the nation in many many years to come.

    Uncle Kit…you deserve all these and your proposal on the 50 years blueprint for Malaysia conference is amazing..this is what Malaysians wants.

    Syabas…once again.

  77. Uncle Lim…pls set things straight in Selangor & Perak.

    Selangor :
    There is no other better candidate than Teng for the Deputy MB and EXCO post.
    Others can wait. I am shocked that Ean Yang, Lau Weng San & Teresa are in the shortlist. Teresa is best for her Parliament work. Lau & Ean are too raw to be EXCO or for that matter to be Deputy MB for Ean!!! What an immature selection. Ronnie is well suited for the post but the best is still Teng.
    IF Uncle Lim & DSAI can bury and forget their past and work together for the GE, I see no reason why DAP cannot bury whatever past animosity they may have with Teng. We want a strong and good state govt. On other better choice than Teng….pls all….voice out your support for Teng.

    Perak : The best choice for MB is non other than PKR so we do not rock any dismay in Perak. This should have been settled right at the first place and the govt would have be sworn in by now.
    Don’t forget this is a shakey Govt in Perak and I won’t be surprise if this matter drags on….Bn will lur at least 3-5 BA ADUNs over to form their own Govt. Why is DAP so immature???? Uncle Lim…please set things right and the state govt have toget down to work immediately.

  78. A casino….to control illegal gambling? Personally I hope DAP will not encourage gambling. I am a muslim malay and I don’t gamble. And I hate to see chinese lost their hard earned money hoping to be rich thru gambling. I believe many chinese owed money from AhLong just from gambling habit and got into trouble. It’ll trigger to other bigger problems like broken homes and suicides. The only rich person will be the owner of the casino.

  79. TCK should be the DMB Selangor, the rakyat votes must be takes count, not only from the support of insiders of the party itself. appeal to Lim Guan Eng, please put the rakyat views above all. Thank you.

  80. Makkal Sakthi ! Vox Populi !

    – The BN machinery, no matter how much they throw into the works should not be able to surpass the progress made in opposition controlled states; given that the opposition does not retain a rusty corrupted machinery to clean before the wheels begin to move . . .

    Show the nation what you can do, give the people what we want – Uncle Kit, congratulations and all the best, your long and terrible struggle has at last come to fruition.

  81. DAP must learn to manage and to kick the people if they seek for help… AGAIN DONT BE EGO !!! VICTORY IS A FANTASY… DONT LET THE FANTASY BREAK JUST IN 1 TERM….. If it failed to respond to the PEOPLE’S DEMAND OR REQUEST, it destination wIll be a disastrous AND MISERABLE one…..



    SELANGOR: TENG HAS DONE THE TOTAL DAMAGE TO BN, BY EXPOSING THE ZAKARIA ISTANA, but guan eng does not favour him. this is the same game of croynism preached by bn.

    as in malaysia today, i am glad ym raja petra turned down all offers, but remain watching your promises.

    IF IN THIS TSUNAMI, CHANGE IS NOT DONE, guan eng is another abdullah badawi in the making by compromising and being mr. nice to malays and chinese and indians. WE ARE MALAYSIANS. CHANGE THE MENTALITY OF KETUANAN MELAYU.

    we voted for dap, we responed to your call of funds and help. show us that BANGSA MALAYSIA IS A REALITY. why must a malay to look into malay affairs and indian to look into indian affiars and chinese into chinese affair, IF YOU ARE TRULY SINCERE TO ALL MALAYSIANS REGARDLESS OF RACE AND RELIGION.

    and by creating TWO deputy menteri besar posts and TWO deputy chief minister posts – it shows you lack courage to change.

  82. if not for teng, zakaria deros istana and corrupt deeds and arrogance will not be exposed. but likewise now that guan eng is km of penang cum secretary of dap, he dislike teng for going against the party more than once.

    emperors alway love apple polishing. the whip is crack on teng.
    the true colour ?


    I think you misunderstood what I am trying to say.

    Sure you can have your freedom of speech and you may be very learned about politics.

    What I am saying here is that its better to leave all the appointments to the leaders as they know better.

    What we want, as for me who know nuts about politics is to ensure that they work closely together, rid of racism and keep their election promises.

    I am sorry if my post have in anyway offended you.

  84. “A casino….to control illegal gambling? Personally I hope DAP will not encourage gambling. I am a muslim malay and I don’t gamble. And I hate to see chinese lost their hard earned money hoping to be rich thru gambling.”

    Aiya… follow Singapore lah… discriminate against their own Singaporeans from going in to their own casino. :) We only wants the enormous benefits from tourism industry but we must take care of Penangites too. But come to think of it, if you don’t have legal casino, you will have illegal casino, and this is good haven for dirty cops, money money money! Tax should go to the state!

    One more thing, Penang must also have their own TV station, commercial one ok, not to spread DAP propaganda but can use it once in a while for right purposes.

  85. Congratulations and I hope that I will be able to congratulate you again in the next elections. Therefore, I hope that your party and partners would rule the states as promised and please stop the bickering among yourself as BN is waiting for BR to split and capitalise on it. The people who vote for you do not like to see DAP and partners ruling the states of Perak and Selangor only for 6 months.

  86. I am a chinese but we are in Malaysia and so must have respect for all races.
    Whats wrong in having PKR be MB?
    If UMNO can gv Gerakan CM post in 2004…why can DAP gv PKR?
    We have to be realistic as there are still many long ways to go to reach a stage where we don’t refer us to as Chinese, Malays or Indians.

  87. dawsheng, there was a gambling den in my area before the election. They are more or less sanctioned by the ADUN then. Gladly he was given the boot. He used to bail them out when caught. All ‘kow tim’ by him.
    Now that DAP and PKR are in control, this illegal gambling must be checked. Yes, no room for gamblers.

    DAP must be genuine in sharing power with Keadilan and MIC. Make sure that all races are wanted in Penang. The poor whether Malay, Chinese or Indians must be taken care of.

    I think Indians youth urgently need employment as I can see many loitering aimlessly in Prai. I do hope Prof Ramasamy can come to Prai to try find out what type of jobs are open to them .

  88. SAD……SAD….SAD…..VERY EGOISTIC OF DAP SELANGOR & PERAK… Can’t you people be mature and listen to voters voices?
    If you listen to us during polling campaign…please listen …
    Or are you people in DAP so blinded by the victories????
    We spend our money, time, effort to ensure victory for you but you have started to throw it away…
    We will know what to do in the next election………. Continue to hold on to your HIGH EGO!!!!!!

  89. a- malaysian.
    no need to apologise.

    i am sure we all meant well for the country. i am equally sure you are learned too.

    BUT , we are all Malaysians first. AND IN MALAYSIAN BEING FIRST. WHY DISCRIMINATE AGAINST A CHINESE MB? INDIAN MB? OR MALAY MB? the party that has the most votes lead.

    especiallly in Perak , GOD SENT STATE for the opposition. this is the test of BANGSA MALAYSIA.and if we can change perak, we can change Malaysia. IF BANGSA MALAYSIA ONLY WORKS IN PENANG, dont ask me to cast votes for dap or ba in other states PLEASE.

    a- malaysian.i know you love malaysia as much as we do. and i know you have access to kit. so please pass on the message.
    thank you.

  90. Reading all your comments made me realise we are expecting too much within such a short time – guys be patient lah. As I said , let YB Lim Kit Siang have a little rest first. He is already 70.

    In regards to Lim GE, hey, he is new. Just look at the latest nstp report about him attending MATTA meeting. It is shocking what had not been done by the previous administration.

    The MB Perak, let it be DAP or PAS or PKR, it might be a matter of pride to have DAP, but it does not matter if the new MB carries out the aspiration of the people. Deng Siow Peng said, “.. as long as the cat catches mouse.” Don’t accept rumours as truth.

    Once again, leave YB Lim KS for a while. He is not a superman travelling from Penang to Perak and then Selangor – by car some more!! Don’t ask him to solve this or that.

  91. I feel sad for Mr. Teng Chang Khim. After many years of hard work, from what I saw in unconfirmed reports, he will be left out for the post of Selangor Deputy MB. Don’t get me wrong if anyone think that I am a supporter of Mr Teng. I am a Johorean and not even a DAP member. I just feel that in line with DAP spirit, the best person deserve the post. He has exposed many of ex-Selangor Government wrongdoings including the famous case on the late Zakaria. Although Teresa is capable, I feel that she is more needed in Federal level. Who knows, by next election, Barisan Rakyat may be able to be the next government. I believe that’s the wish of many Malaysian who wants a more transparent government, free from corruption, cronyism and mismanagement. We hope for a good alternative government but in less than a week, we already heard PKR reject DAP as exco for Kedah. PAS reject DAP candidate as PErak MB, 4 DAP rep vying for Selangor Deputy MB, PAs not offered exco post in Penang etc etc….. Please tell me Barisan Rakyat is different from Barisan Nasional or else I will not vote in future general elections. Prove it! I give you one term

  92. “dawsheng, there was a gambling den in my area before the election. They are more or less sanctioned by the ADUN then. Gladly he was given the boot. He used to bail them out when caught. All ‘kow tim’ by him.” grace

    Yep, that’s how it works. Penangites finally realizes the danger of corrupt politicians and gave them the boot! Sure in the next 12 months BPR is going to be very busy.

  93. That’s the problem with malaysia – too many political parties. One day (in the future) we should follow western countries. UK – Labour & Conservative, US – Republicans & Democrats.

    BN is more matured in term of political experience than BA. Hope BA leaders (DAP/PKR/PAS) will not blow the chance that they have now.


    What is the objective of your post? This is a serious politcal blog and I hope you’ll be respectful to the owner, YB Lim Kit Siang. If you don’t respect him for his sacrifice to this nation, at least respect him for his age. Thank you.

  95. It’s time for DAP to repay ROCKET supporters !

    Let Teng Chang Kim become Deputy MB !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let Teng Chang Kim become Deputy MB !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let Teng Chang Kim become Deputy MB !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let Teng Chang Kim become Deputy MB !!!!!!!!!!!!

    Let Teng Chang Kim become Deputy MB !!!!!!!!!!!!

  96. That’s the difficulty normally facing by the leaders. In term of political maturity, I do envy BN. Their leaderships can works together. That’s why they survive for 50 yeras. Their problem is only ‘no good governance’.

    If BA blow up this chance and BN can reform and clean up their dirty tricks, they’ll be booted out.

  97. Sheesh, I can’t believe the suggestions given by some people on this blog. Do they even stop to think what they are saying? Raise prices of cigarettes and legalise gambling dens? HELLO? These are matters for the Federal govt. Even if they (the new state govts) want to do such things, they would have no locus standi for doing so.

  98. “dawsheng. casino n gambling. what about those prostitution den ?” ADAM YONG IBNI ABDULLAH

    First of all, I felt very honored to be ask this question, not that I am the expert in this field but I have been pondering about it as far as I can remember. You see, prostitution is the oldest profession, why exactly so I do not know but if it was traditionally the male who are prostitutes, I guess it would be simple, it is the most easy profession one can ever venture into without having academic knowledges or whatsoever.

    There was a time when being a prostitutes is respectable but at the same time being despise, nothing change much since including the reasons why prostitutions still exist. Can we stop women and men who wants to sell their body for a price? Very hard I say, today if I handsome and if some ladies or aunties want to pay me I will get laid straight away, of course for me to do so I got my price lah, young lady charge cheaper and old aunties charge higher I suppose!

    I think what is morally right to do here is that we stop people from exploiting young children, girls and boys from prostitution. In my opinion since we cannot legalize prostitution there are nothing much we can do about it, same as gambling.

  99. Just got sms saying that Ngeh is confirmed new MB of Perak…..well….good for DAP but if its really true?????…then I foresee that the DAP MB led govt will only last a couple of months before some ADUNs will jump ship to BN and thats the end of all the hard work done to win the govt.

    What a waste if that comes true….so lets wait and see how long Ngeh will be the MB of Perak….hahahaha…..a big EGOistic guy….

  100. “Sheesh, I can’t believe the suggestions given by some people on this blog. Do they even stop to think what they are saying? Raise prices of cigarettes and legalise gambling dens? HELLO? These are matters for the Federal govt. Even if they (the new state govts) want to do such things, they would have no locus standi for doing so.” mycroft

    You know what? you are right! I do not stop thinking!

  101. Ok on the subject of gambling…..anyone wanna bet on how long the perak Govt with Ngeh Koo Ham as MB will last? 1 month, 2 months or 3 months. (If the news of him being appointed MB is true)
    I am waiting very eagerly to see when the frogs start to jump to Bn and Tajol Rosli will move back to his bastion office…..

    Sayang…sangat sayang….cuma siok sendiri sekejap aje…(SSS)

  102. Dear Uncle Kit,

    A very big CONGRATULATIONS to you and all those who made this possible.

    I believe that the move to a truly Malaysian Malaysia will take time, and although I believe it meritocracy and in letting the best man or woman win, I also think that we are still a nation that is still in a state of transition. Given this, drastic moves like this may not be totally welcome by all quarters. In fact, it could undermine everything DAP has tried to achieve.

    Given this, I believe that one has to be fair to all groups who made this possible. It is for this reason that I applaud Guan Eng’s move to appoint to 2 Deputy Chief Ministers of a different races. That way no one group that helped make this unprecedented victory possible feels alienated, and feel that their efforts were a waste. Also, you don’t alienate the huge segment of the population who voted for BN. The last thing DAP needs is for BN to turn this into a race issue. Don’t give them the chance.

    Having said the above, I fully agree with tswerns post that “DAP should not make the mistake like BN whereby Indian related issues are passed to MIC and Chinese related issues are passed to MCA”. Each race must feel comfortable with each other, and this is going to take time to build up.

    As for a suitably qualified Orang Asli, why not? One of these days this may be possible.

    So it is wiser to be fair, than to make a rash decision. I hope that you can convince PAS & PKR to consider the same model for other states as well.

  103. Congratulations as per others. The big challenge may be rejecting all the cosy relationships and bribes that will be coming your way. I am sure the previous BN govt had entered into many relationships where the state govt won’t be able to function without the patronage of the other.

    No only that, I am very sure BN and UMNO are plotting your downfall at this very moment, maybe even do another ’69 on you. Sabotage is a big danger especially in Selangor.

    May you have the courage to resist these temptations and do a Singapore in Penang.

  104. Just read the breaking news on Malaysiakini. It is confirmed that Perak PAS secretary Mohamad Nizar Jamaludin was today confirmed as the new menteri besar of the state and the other two names submitted will be his deputies.

    I should think that under the circumstances, we should trust the judgements of Sultan Azlan Shah and the leadership of the three political parties involved. Let us move on and….

    Let the new Barisan Rakyat government get down to the business of bringing a new dawn to Malaysia. ;)

  105. First of all congratulations to LKS and all the DAP members who managed to wrest control of Peneng, Perak, and Selangor from B.N.
    However I feel very sad that there is no firm direction from the DAP leadership as to how Penang and Perak should have a coalition to accomodate all parties in the Barisan Rakyat and that must include PAS.If PAS is prepared to offer DAP lone representative in Kedah an Exco post why cant DAP do likewise for PAS in Penang?Election is not about winner take all and loser lose everything.In order for the Barisan Rakyat to succeed everyone must have a stake in the new govt.
    In Perak the DAP chairman seems not able to read the situation very well.The state constitution is very clear.Only a muslim can be a M.B unless the Sultan use his discretion under the waiver clause.But why put the Sultan in a very difficult situation?If he appoints a chinese this will antagonise the malays not forgetting the 28 B.N representative.If he by pass the chinese and appoint a malay the chinese will view the sultan as biase.Either way he will not win.The DAP chairman should show magnanmity by just submitting two malay candidates and abstain altogether.That should have been the honourable thing to do but what he displayed was a greed for power which would lead to the ruination of the coalition.

  106. I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Teng several times. I like him. He is a good man and a very good ADUN. I believe he will be a good choice for Deputy MB. BUT!! Even if he does not get it, as disappointing as it may be, I will still remain loyal to the Party.

  107. This is what the Star says:
    “PETALING JAYA: Pasir Panjang assemblyman from PAS, Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, has been appointed as Perak Mentri Besar.

    Mohammad Nizar is the state PAS secretary.

    Perak DAP chief Ngeh Koo Ham, who is the assemblyman for Setiawan, will be one of two Deputy Mentris Besar for the state.

    The second Deputy Mentri Besar has yet to be named.”

    I am thinking and thinking, but know not what I am thinking. Where are Jeffrey, Richard Teo, Undergrad2 and Wang (the Cambridge guy)? Limkamput is confused and need enlightenment!

  108. Richard Teo,

    PAS Kedah did not offer the exco post for the DAP sole representative. Husam Musa wanted the DAP representative to be included but PAS said PKR will have to sacrifice a seat for the DAP representative to be included in. PKR, on the other hand, had expected PAS to do the same. In the end, the exco post did not go to the DAP.

  109. I just don’t get it. Here you have a coalition that speaks volumes of elimination of racial politics and fairness. We have seen this happened in Penang where DAP won the most state seats and thus, MB was choosen from the party. This is the similar case in Selangor. But, for Perak, the MB is from PAS and they have the least representation in the state seats. Fairness and elimination of racial politics? I’m disappointed and so are many others I’m sure. The people would be very wary from now on…

  110. If in DAP, there is no room for some kind of difference in views and opinions, then I will have to regret for the support that my family had given it lately. Like Richard Teo said, if it is a case of winner takes all, then you are not much different from those BN bunch! In an election, you never get 100% of the support, chances are some50% of the actual available voters. Hence, your decision MUST reflect this, if you intend to stay more than one term! With the electronic devices, we could easily find out the most popular and capable man/woman to take the lead, i.e. if there is a deadlock among the council. Remember your continuity is the decision of the voters!

  111. Limkamput says:
    “I am thinking and thinking, but know not what I am thinking. Where are Jeffrey, Richard Teo, Undergrad2 and Wang (the Cambridge guy)? Limkamput is confused and need enlightenment!”

    If you need enlightenment just stop thinking! ;)

  112. Latest from NST online:-

    PM warns Lim over NEP’s exclusion in Penang
    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has warned Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng not to make statements that could stoke racial tensions.
    By Bernama
    I agree totally NEP (I was a victim) must be put away for good for the good of all races (My Malay friends are being regarded as social parasites by my foreign friends because of this NEP poison).
    But a good replacement program that will benefit all the poor irrespective of races must also be widely publicised before this BN people start instigating racial havoc.

    A system that will include how great effort will be put to help large numbers Malays graduates who can’t find employment.
    A system that also spells out clearly how a program will run to teach & train all under skilled Malays.
    Yes we must take good care of our Malay friends united together to compete effectively in the global market.

  113. I have confident in our new CM Lim Guat Eng. He will be a great leader cos I can see his strong will to stand for what is right from his past experience, especially the accusation in 1998.

    The DAP-PKR-PAS has united all the people and dragged the nation out from eating by the parasites. Thank God for his in-time help.

    The price of the thing hikes but the so called people representative can afford to change luxuriant imported car, build bungalow in australia, buy jet.. ( the media forgot to highlight the latter). We all know where the money comes from… Thus the parasites kept eating up the host. When the parasites are blissfully ignorant of the about, the host aint no fool! “You are out, parasites!” the host said .

  114. There is really no need to trumpet NEP demise for Penang or any other state.

    Just award tenders using open tender system and ensure a reasonable distribution of projects.

    The country needs a little time to digest the political upheavals and even the KL folks are in a quandry for Cabinet positions.

  115. Dont understand why some friends here feel disappointing with the appointment of PAS Nizar as MB of Perak? Please ask the people of Kelantan, how the state government treated them so far? You will be surprising that they are HAPPY with PAS bcos NO CRIME in Kelantan and is a safe and peace place to live.
    Of course, PAS will not implement its Islamic law in Perak.Furthermore, the appointment of MB is under Sultan’s decision which anyone of us not able to overwrite. That’s why please be mature. IT IS BEYOND OUR CONTROL.

  116. It is expected to be very difficult to clean up existing mess which had been created over a period of 20 years and to turnaround the economy in a short time frame. This is further exacerbated by the continuous drain of intellectuals to other countries causing difficulties to find suitable people to help run the government. Even if there’s many overseas graduates who have returned home, most may not have the experience and exposure to fully qualified to manage the current economic, social and political condition.

    Also, the Malaysian economy is not driven solely by local conditions, it is also driven by global conditions. The U.S. which is inching into a recession has as a result taken a toll over all major economies around the world. Needless to say, Malaysia is expected to bear the brunt as well. As an analyst, no one is able to foresee how deep the trough is going to be.

    Hence, the newly established state governments and the opposition parties have to face the challange of not just cleaning-up the existing mess or legacy of the current government, they have to overcome the pain-staking sessions in parliament to ensure BN cooperates, and rebuild the various economies in each state, enhance a harmonious social condition in the country and to face the impact of the global economic condition.

    It is difficult to pin point a definite time frame as we are dealing with dynamics. What if the world economy goes against you for 4 years, 6 years? The American Great Depression for instance. Building a nation is easy, rebuilding a mess left by your predecessor is difficult and time is required. Can the people of Malaysia give them the time and breathing space?

    Put yourself in their shoes and ask the question, what would I do, am I able to do it way better or faster to produce the same or better results and can I give the kind of sacrifice that Mr. Lim Kit Siang, Mr. Karpal Singh, Mr. Anwar Ibrahim and Mr. Lim Guan Eng had given in the past?

    There’s a lot of balancing act required and this is obvious in the appointment of exco members, deputies, etc. No doubt, everyone wants a change real bad. Being positive and some patience may be what everyone needs right now especially the newly elected. Otherwise, why bother voting for them in the first place? Have a wonderful day. Cheers.

  117. “I would like to ask the DAP which community has been made poorer because of the NEP” he said. “The (Penang) state government must not try to create an atmosphere which can cause racial tensions,” warned Abdullah, who is also head of Penang Umno.”

    Sheesh!!! Abdullah still don’t know which community has been poorer by NEP huh?

    Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, you are still sleeeping, have not you see poor Malays, Chinese and Indians all over Malaysia? You must be living in your Hadhari Palace for too long?

    With a statement like this, I think Abdullah is going to take Penang by force.

  118. Having a representation of all, we should….collectively…get down to solving problems for the people and stop focusing on a particular race.

    It’s high time we come together as Malaysians….BN have not achieve doing this for 50 years. Fundamentally the whole BN structure is all wrong…it still is…how can they claim to unite a multiracial country if they have Umno=malays, MCA=chinese and MIC=indians??? If they want to try make a good start, we would like to see a single party BN for all MALAYSIANS.

    Congratulations to the opposition.

  119. Millions of cheer to uncle Lim and Barisan Rakyat. Now is the time to show BN what we are capable of, not just making noises. Show BN the right way, the correct way and the righteous way. Not just peas brain ministers on a fat salary doing nothing except reaping their own benefits which ignoring the plight of the rakyat.

  120. Uncle Kit,

    Congrats & welcome back !

    Please tell the whole bunch of corrupted BN (incl. the sleepy AAB) stop threatening the Rakyat with the racial issues in the mainstream media everyday ! Our Malay Brothers and Sisters are that stupid like what they perceived !

    Importantly prove to them that we can perform better than the corrupted BN-led States without sweat especially the good-for-nothing UMNO waving keris Big Mouth !

  121. Limkamput Says:

    Enlightenment without thinking, hmmm, i don’t think so, lkt-56.

    Too much thinking make us confused and fail to to see the truth that really matters: We need to get down to the business of building a new dawn for our nation and we do it as one people! :d

  122. If Abdullah step down after the GE and Najib take over, I can assure you 4 or 5 years of stability. But now in the next one to twelve months, things are going to rock. Within UMNO, people want Abdullah to resign, within BN people also want Abdullah to resign, you know what, actually everybody wants Abdullah to resign but he refused to resign and that’s why Anwar can be the next Prime Minister. The possiblity of PKR joining the BN coalition is very real. Anything can happen if Abdullah refused to resign.

  123. Semi Value in a press conference said ” ….we ask the government for help, BUT it never come…”

    I guess that is the reason he refuse to accept the post of senator!….hahaha!

    So is Ong Ka Ti and his brother, Ong Ka Chuan. Are THEY ALL LOST CONFINDENT IN PAK LA’s LEADERSHIP??????????????? U GUESS!


    LOOK LIKE THEY ARE ABANDONING PAK LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  124. Dear all Perakians DAP supporter,

    It is a good thing that Ngeh Koo Ham is made a Deputy MB 1 instead of MB. Firstly, this would ensure stability in Barisan Rakyat as it will reduce the risk of ADUN jumping ship in say 1- 2 weeks time? (Remember Pairin Kitingan’s fate in the early 1990’s). Secondly, with 18 seats against 6 from PAS, Ngeh is in fact the de-facto leader of the Perak State Exco. So why worry? Thirdly, let’s focus on governing Perak for the next 20 years and not only one term (provided no ADUN crossing over). Forthly, Pasir Panjang is a Negeri State in Bruas Parliament, so Nizar and Ngeh must co-operate and both reports to each other.

    Fact is DAP and Barisan Rakyat needs the support of the Malays in GE 2012 and it is crucial that PAS has to be relevant, so that DAP can continue to share power and not just be a strong opposition.

    Nizar is NOT an Ulama. He is a Birmingham trained engineer and a successful businessman. The challenge ahead for Ngeh and his team in the next 4 years is to prove to the Kinta Valley supporters that they can clean up the mess left by the UMNO state government. Communication is VITAL. Of course, MCA will attack but I’m sure the Chinese Voters are not blind…(if Ngeh can prove his worth).

    God rejects the proud, but shows favour to the humble…

  125. Why o Why did DAP give over Perak to PAS. Didin’t anyone read in the star what Hadi Awang plans to accomplish in all states “PAS” rules (his comment not mine). The MB post in perak should go to PKR if DAP was not eligible. I am a muslim but in no way will i or can i support PAS. If Ipoh wants to got further and be developed, PAS isn’t the way to go. If not for DAP and PKR they wouldn’t even be able to even get a whiff of what its like to be in Ipoh. Wake up DAP/PKR, PAS is using u to get what it wants. We want to go forward not backward. PAS is the minority they should have been gentlemen and just shut up and kept out of it.

    Man what a waste, all the trouble, everyone should have just voted PAS. Am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO disillusioned by it all. What happened to bangsa Malaysia. If another race cant be MB.

    Make it up DAP, go for the land Exco’s post AND the Mayor’s post PLEASE hold on to Ipoh.

  126. js- i tell you why i feel disappointed about pas being the mb for perak.
    the number of seats obtained by dap is more than pas. period.
    why not than that the mb for kedah be from dap.

    i quote raja nazrin ” all malaysians have a place under the sun in malaysia” i guess it is raining now.

    next election, i abstain from voting. because this is MALAYSIA.

  127. No worry guys about warning by pak lah. I am a malay contractor in penang and I’m not really bother about NEP. It’s just a policy.

    I’m more concern on how YB LGE plans to stop the riches (malays, chinese & indians) from taking advantages / robbing the opportunities from the poors (malays, chinese & indians).

  128. I’m not a PKR or DAP or PAS supporters. Currently I’m BA supporters. I’m a malay living in penang. I DAP CM is not fair to malay, chinese or indians, I’ll join a rally to show my dissatisfaction to the DAP CM. If PAS MB is not fair to the malay or chinese or indians, please all rakyat in perak go rally against the PAS MB. Same goes to Selangor.

    Use people power. Don’t wait 5 years.

  129. For BA supporters, don’t waste energy on pak lah. The people have voted. Don’t deny that BN still secure simple majority. If BN still has confidence in him, let it be. If UMNO has no confidence in him, they will kick him out during UMNO assembly. If they keep him and still not performing, then BA will for the government in PRU13. Only if BA performs better than BN. IF BA fails, then I’ll vote another option if there’s any.

  130. – UMNO has nothing to be upset about. Unless, of course, they are playing the ‘opposition by default’ now.

    – The people have voted and the mandate has been given to do without the NEP.

    – I see nothing wrong with that.

  131. “In an immeidate reaction, Penang Umno secretary Datuk Azhar Ibrahim warned that if the new state government goes ahead with its plan to do away with the NEP’s practices, it will anger Malays in the state.” -NST

    – Why should Malays be angry when all DAP wants is ‘…a state administration free from cronyism, corruption and systematic inefficiency.’?

    – Unless UMNO implicitly hints that it actually condones, practices and encourages the aforesaid defects?

  132. wargamalaysia:

    – My point exactly.

    – Furthermore, should the policies that he propose discriminate and/or marginalize a particular group, the coalition partner PKR would definitely not agree to it.

  133. Before anyone starts displaying their ignorance further about the DAP giving Perak away to PAS, let me just say one thing that has already been said. The DAP DID NOT give anything away. Three names were given to the Sultan (or in this case the Regent) to decide upon and obviously he felt that the PAS candidate was the best choice. It is his perogative.

    So many of you were harping on and cheering about this Barisan Rakyat concept, and now you feel disappointed because a component party in this so-called Barisan Rakyat gets to be the MB? I personally don’t like the idea of PAS being in charge of a west coast state, but for the love of Frog, politics is all about compromise and giving and taking. You all talked about vote any Opposition. Vote Barisan Rakyat. So we did. Now let’s just live with it.

  134. Congrat to Barisan Rakyat on their big success in the 12th GE! Hoping that we are now on the first step towards a better Malaysia.
    As a non-partisan 55 years old Malaysian Chinese, I had contributed some donation to both DAP/PKR, printed my own ‘appeal to Malaysian voters’ (to vote for opposition) for distribution as newspaper inserts, and distributed them myself during Teresa Kok’s cheramah at OUG on 5th. March, sent not less than 800 sms during the campaign period, I wish to list down a few of my feelings:

    1. It is definitely a good move to appoint an Indian DCM in Penang. Though we fully agreed we shall all considered ourselves Malaysian and LGE is the CM for all races. However, the feeling of many commoners are different; they feel more secure with someone from their own race there. If LGE could prove himself a real CM for all races along the way, it may be a different situation later.

    2. DAP shall generously offer the Perak MB post to PKR/PAS at least for this term, with mutual understanding that it is a gesture of respect and goodwill to the Malays for this term and not to be viewed as will be a ‘tradition’ if they were to have another success in any future election of about the same quantum of seat and of course if the Sultan is prepared to grant them the exemption required). It will be a very ‘suffocating’ feeling for Malays who had supported the BR but see one more state is headed by a non-Malay CM (MB) overnight. Go slow DAP, one step at a time; don’t scare our Malay fellow countrymen away!

    3. Looking at the outstanding performance of TCK as ADUN of Selangor, his speech during the recent election campaign, seniority in DAP Selangor, and Teresa Kok’s representation in Seputeh and Kinrara, it will be a BIG MISTAKE if DAP insist to sideline him for the Deputy MB post in Selangor.

    Please hear your supporters’ voice!

  135. chiakchua is right. Barisan Rakyat now in control of 5 states, please don’t fight among each others about who should be MB or DMB from any particular parties. We have vote opposition regardless of parties, Pas, Dap or PKR. Now, just let them do the job.

  136. – I feel the Perak MB issue merely reflects how generous and sporting DAP really is.

    – By giving the MB position to PAS, it only shows that DAP greatly respects not just the Sultan’s final decision, but also the provisions under the Federal Constitution.

    – DAP is not just an ‘extreme-Chinese’ party as purported by UMNO but it is capable of working and sharing with other parties as well.

    – Well done!!

  137. Congratulations LKS. Met u and your wife a while back in Australia through a mutual friend. A lot of respect for your perseverance which finally paid off, was afraid you were going to give up the fight then. Makes one proud to be a Malaysian again. I hope that some understanding can be achieved through the coalition of BR. If the BR members cannot work among themselves, how can unity be achieved? Pls lead by example

  138. “waive all summonses involving hawker licences and parking offences ”


    What a disappointing decision. What kind of message is the new Penang CM giving to law-breakers, especially to those who parks inconsiderately and causing inconvenience to other fellow road-users, causing them time and money?

    We do sympathize that most hawkers make hard earnings, having to wake up even before the sun is up, to prepare for the day, having to work hard and long hours while earnings are usually little. However, waving all summonses involving hawker licenses do not address the root of any issue at all!

    While licenses fees are collected to bring income for the local council to run effectively, however, we must remember that licenses are required for proper control, check and balance. If not, some unscrupulous hawkers may not bother to ensure food handling cleanliness, setting up stalls at locations that may cause inconvenience to others etc.

    Look at the root of the problem. Would ways like setting up hawkers centres with proper facilities (clean toilets, water, proper drainage, garbage disposal system etc.) and renting them out affordably to deserving hawkers, be more effective?

    How about freeing all convicted rapist and cold blooded serial killers? Would that be a dead NO!? How about after having a proper rehabitation, strict parole enforcement or for the case of wrongful conviction, a proper, real chance of appeal?

  139. Dear YB LKS,

    Please accept a compromise, swallow the pride & accept the Perak Regent’s decision to appoint a PAS MB. Having a Deputy1 & Deputy2 from the Chinese & Indian community is a fair move. It may be PAS now but since the victory was a joint effort by DAP-PKR-PAS, this is whether is official or not, more or less has become BARISAN RAKYAT which is a coalition party. This is what gives DAP-PKR-PAS it’s strength in unity. This is what BN fears most. PAS would not be so naive to mess up Perak with all it’s religious ideologies. The Election is over, now it’s time to show BN what the Barisan Rakyat can do to improve Malaysia.

  140. The great evil of corruption, bad leadership and governance, religious fundamentalism and extremism, gross excesses and abuses and etc. destroying the country under BN is temporary contained…..but not significantly eliminated.

    A PAS MB of Perak and with their moderate and changing politics of religion to accomodate a multi religious country will spell an end to UMNO’s damaging influence.

  141. If it’s still not too late to wish LKS & gang, my heart-felt congratulations, I’ve been waiting for this historic day Mar 8th to happen for a long time, it finally did. And the next question will be can DAP coalition with PKR & PAS be workable..? Religion being a sensitive issue can make or break this fragile alliance very quickly,
    & with UMNO being the instigator, the path ahead is indeed very dangerous. First the mass media, can the state ‘gomen’ set-up their own media, for the past 2 days, the UMNO media have been twisting the facts regarding NEP to discord tension among the races, this is very dangerous. I can only see one reason why the UMNO-racist is doing this, to make the situation chaotic so that they can bring in the ISA & emergency rule where civil-liberty
    will be severly curbed. So can I suggest here immediate boycott of any mass-media which is found to me lop-sided in their reporting
    especially RTM1 & TV3. Use instead the Malaysiakini etc. Stop making any racial statements to the press & concentrate on
    economic progress from now on, to show DAP means business & is here to stay & if UMNO tries to play the Race-card again, make sure that they will catch fire & die, wipe-out (di Bersehkan) in the next election…..Amen thank you god for answering our prayers

  142. Dear Mr. Lim,

    I believe it’s time DAP and the coalitions to start working on problems face by peoples in Ipoh and the whole of Perak. I believe there are many places where infrastructures and facilities that need a review. And a serious review that is.

    Now that the coalitions are in power and have more say, I hope things can be improve by pressuring the Federal Govt to provide more fundings to improve infrastructures.

    Some areas includes:

    1. Advise schools to allow a visitor parking compound so that the parents would not jams road while waiting for their childrens.

    2. Alot of living estate roads need upgrading or regular maintenances. Some of the holes in some “garden”are not covered for months.

    3. Try to work on the traffic conditions during peak hours. Cars face frequent jam when entering CBD during peak hours.

    4. Lack of parking space in CBD are the main contribution to problems in 3.

    5. Lack of jobs opportunities to retain talent in Ipoh/Perak. I believe the ability to attract foreign investment into Ipoh or other parts of Perak will benefit Perakian as a whole. But we need to improve tremendously on the transport, communications and facilties to project Ipoh as a viable spot.

    I see great potential for Ipoh to be develop into a DR centre for big time MNCs. Eg..they can have good Disaster Recovery centre or Business Continuity Centre setup in Ipoh. That would create jobs and stimulate the economy.

    Lastly, a very late Congratulations on the coalition success. People have put good faith in the motivation for changes. I hope the coalitions can succeed.

  143. Congratulations for the unprecedented victory and Lim Guan Eng being made Penang’s Chief Minister. This is good news to everyone who voted for DAP. NEP is outdated and should be abolished. Might be wise to do it in stages quietly behind the scenes. And this afternoon, Penang UMNO staged an hour of demonstration in Komtar due to the announcement of the NEP issue. They are too emotional and fear the loss getting government projects in future.

    Finally the Chinese contractors and other races are able to participate in open tender system that is fair for everyone, and not reserved for the UMNOputra. Hopefully we can prosper like Singapore based on meritocracy. Thank you for your sacrifices.

  144. The statement by the new CM of Penang which states “…More importantly, we will run the government administration free from the New Economic Policy (NEP) that breeds cronyism, corruption and systemic inefficiency. We will implement an open tender system for all government procurement and contracts….” has brought a retort from PM AAB.

    That sentence could have been better stated as “ We will run the government administration free from the approach adopted by the central government that breeds cronyism, corruption and systemic inefficiency in the name of NEP. ….

    NEP is not in the Federal Constitution. It is the policy adopted by the BN government. The constitution does not demand succeeding government to follow policy of its deposed predecessor. The statement by PM AAB in response to LGE speech about marginalising Malays in Penang is seditious. It was giving signal for UMNO members to create problems. The effect of the statement by PM AAB brought about demonstration by UMNO members led by UMNO Division Chief of Bukit Mertajam. UMNO members thought it fit to protest against a policy statement of the elected government who declared that it would moved away from a policy pursued by the government voted out during the general election just a few days back. The placards carried by the UMNO members declaring their support for PM AAB contrasted distinctly with the posters in Putrajaya calling for PM AAB to resign his post as Prime Minister. One wonders whether the procession in Penang was meant to counter the protest of another UMNO groups calling for AAB’s resignation. Was the statement made by AAB calculated to engineer a support procession of his position against the call for his resignation. The timing seems perfect.

    Hindraf’s flower-girls were dispersed with chemical laced water cannons, but UMNO demonstrators were allowed to be at KOMTAR for more than an hour without arrest. Was it the different approach of different governments? Was it because of double standards of the Police Chief?

  145. YB LKS,

    Congratulations for the unprecedented victory. Let’s hope Penang will be like prosperous Singapore which is based on meritocracy where everyone gets equal opportunity to participate in open tender projects, getting a place in the university, etc. Wishing you all the best in governing Penang for the next 4-5 years.

    Yours sincerely,
    Diana Tan

  146. Dear LKS,
    Congrats and thank you for making this wish of the people to change for the better a reality. You deserve this long overdue chance to shape the future of our nation after the long struggle and sacrifices you have made. I have the greatest respect for your undying determination and incorruptible principles.
    Now that the people has rallied behind you and your coalition partners, here comes the real test. We know it is not going to be easy in view of the strong characters of the leaders of all 3 parties and more so when there are differences in ideologies. As such, the road ahead is expected to be bumpy compounded by the lack of experience.
    Having said that, I believe whatever difficulties faced can be overcome if all parties always place the welface of the rakyat as their priority. A give and take, middle of the road approach has to be adopted by all parties in order to be able to unite into one formidable opponent of BN (remember the DAP-PKR-PAS state governments still have to deal with the BN federal government). For this reason, the loose coalition, which came about because of one common enemy and, thank god, has been successful in securing 5 states and denying BN 2/3 majority, should be formalised into the Barisan Rakyat, which the coalition has already been referred as by all the voters who voted for it.
    Once the BR is officially launched with its objectives serving the interest, needs, aspirations and future of ALL the multi-racial and multi-religious rakyat of this nation, the Malays will have no fear of DAP nor Chinese of PAS. Only then, can BR be regarded as a credible alternative to BN.
    I wish to remember March 8 as indeed the birth of a truly united, harmonious and properous Malaysia. A great journey to a fulfilling destiny has just begun. Or is it not?

  147. Let the government of penang ,the government of the people lead the way for a really down to earth great malaysia.

    The greatest BN tool but the most useless tool, the media, where you get some of the most oppressed employees blackmailed to be stay employed or get the boot. Churning up anything the boss wish to say.
    Fellow malaysians save them.

    The GLC contracts department, playing with numbers and bias conditions of contract and churning a BN rojak and then under duress or else get the boot, had to recommend and award the job to preselected people.
    Save them too.

    All professionals in their own right doing unprofessional ways under ransom.

    No more playing with statistical reports, faking sampling data, collecting selected information, get paid and be interviewed, reporting true lies as in the media.

    Help change this too.

    Government of Penang , Government of the People ….Government in waiting of Malaysia.

  148. Loh! WELL SAID!!! GOOD ONE!

    “That sentence could have been better stated as “ We will run the government administration free from the approach adopted by the central government that breeds cronyism, corruption and systemic inefficiency in the name of NEP. ….”

    What is done is done! DAP. Just have to be more careful with your words now.

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