27 Replies to “Lim Kit Siang in Kota Kinabalu”

  1. YB Kit,

    This picture of you holding a baby is a picture worth a thousand words. That picture alone is enough to win elections! Go hold a few hundred babies of all races, between now and Election Day. It wins over hearts, believe me and it does not cost anything. The expression on your face tells a thousands tales, how genuine you are i.e. the love you have for the country!

    Nominees for the current Presidential race in the U.S. do that all the time i.e. shake thousands of hands and kiss a few hundred babies – and they are still doing it!

  2. Will he be voting or will he be missing out?

    Can DAP do well in Sabah fighting the BN and other Opposition parties at the same time? Will it be all in vain? Musa Aman was smirking all the way.

  3. Come2Papa Says: don’t let ‘limkamput’ kiss your baby! he is likely to spread AIDS.

    You pervert, everybody knows you are trying to make a pass on Jenny and Jong. This is a political blog. If you are so desperate, please go elsewhere. It is obvious you have nothing to contribute. Don’t try to hide your deficiency and inadequacy by being destructive.
    I am so glad that there is not much discussion now on law and constitution. It would appear to me that you are just a one-dimensional man. Even that you are just a wannabe, so please don’t get carried away that you are a law expert. You are just a phua tang sai.

  4. # Come2Papa Says:
    Today at 03: 02.16 (2 hours ago)

    don’t let ‘limkamput’ kiss your baby! he is likely to spread AIDS.

    What a stupid and ignorant thing to say.

  5. “I remind myself that I am the PM for all Malaysians of all races and it is my duty to be fair to one and all. The Quran also says that one has to be honest, fair and have integrity”.

    Can you hear and smell the ugly mullah’s big fart at the same time?

  6. Congratulations on your ceramah in Sabah and hope that you will succeed in swaying part of the voters to vote for BR. Some loudmouths in BN have already said that with Sabah, Sarawak, Johor and two other states they will be able to form the government. So please do your best to prove them wrong.

  7. “Some loudmouths in BN have already said that with Sabah, Sarawak, Johor and two other states they will be able to form the government. ”

    This is very true. Thanks to the EC, even voters in West Malaysia have become marginalised. And they even created 2 extra seats in Sarawak to tip the balance.

    These two articles are based on the data given in the Star’s supplement on the candidates list.



  8. Uncle Kit, Im so touch to see you. Im so proud of you. This is the real Malaysian. We all races should be united and treated equal as Malaysian. We should be helping each.

    But BN SUPP UMNO has destroyed all these unity. These is all what they want to see that we all fight among each other so they can stay in power to vacuum the rakyat’s money.

    50 years is enough.


  9. Hey when BN is out of ideas they even resort to using Dato Siti NUrhaliza to campaign for them. What a shame. A BIG SHAME on SIti’s action. Maybe trying to protect her hubby’s rice bowl.

  10. dont be so sure that carrying babies of different ethnic back grounds will win you votes.

    the state Malaysia is in today, some people are made to believe that if a Kafor carries your baby it may not be good for the religion. Thats how narrow minded and racist we have become.

    And the sleeping beauty has not done anything about it. Now he has opened up some website where you can directly e mail him so that he can read your problems.

    But if he is always sleeping how will be read your problems ?

  11. I suggest that at each political rally Opposition leaders should lead the people shouting MALAYSIAN MALAYSIA. After all Malaysia belongs to all the Malaysians. But UMNO thinks otherwise. UMNO fanatics still perceive Malaysia belongs to Malay Malaysia.

    A shout of Malaysian Malaysia will make UMNO racists’ & fanatics’ blood pressure going up by 100%. Some may collapse and die instantly.


    VOTE DAP, DAP, DAP, DAP,………………….

  12. “I remind myself that I am the PM for all Malaysians of all races and it is my duty to be fair to one and all. The Quran also says that one has to be honest, fair and have integrity”.

    1. Unfortunately he doesn’t walk the talk; is BN fair to the Chinese, Indian, Kadazan, Dayak-Iban, and even to the poor Malays? Why do they need to give out so called ‘goodies’ to Chinese and Indian if they had been fair all this while? Why are poor Malays still poor, not because of Chinese and Indian ‘robbed’ their share but because UMNO is corrupted and they only have ‘stupid politicians’ managing the country; yet they still always question if Opposition can manage the country? Shame on them! They can’t even solve the higher education loan repayment problem; what a stupid thing! They better step down and let me take their place, guarantee to resolve the problem within 6 months with ‘money back guarantee’!
    2. Vote DAP/PKR/PAS! Tell OKT and KTK to shut up. Chinese do not need them to represent them in the cabinet, Pak Lah could do the job for us! Pak Lah is the PM for all Malysian! Or they should tell PM to shut up, don’t tell lie!

  13. Mr. Lim, 12 hours to election. I, one of the many M’sians openly support the oppositions in this election as a result of strong dissatisfaction with our current coalition government’s performance over the last 4 years. All the best to DAP and hope the oppositions stage an upset to win as many parlimentary seats as the rakyat allow. Please stay true to fight for what you believe we Malaysians expect from the government and not act just to be politically correct as how our coalition government has done over the last few years. We welcome you back !!!! (in advance)…. All the Best, Malaysia!!!

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