Top Singapore student again from Malaysia

CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ does it again
By Vimita Mohandas
10 January 2011

SINGAPORE: The 2010 GCE ‘O’ Level examination results were announced on Monday afternoon at the respective secondary schools of students who sat for the national exam last year.

The top student is CHIJ St. Nicholas Girls’ School’s Chia Pei Yun, who scored 10 A1s. This is the third year the school has produced a top student in the ‘O’ Level exam.

But the Malaysian, on a Ministry of Education-ASEAN scholarship, said her learning journey wasn’t exactly a walk in the park.

English and Literature were her toughest subjects.

“I started reasonably early and over the whole year I put in some consistent work for every test that we got. In the end, it paid off. (Trying) to keep a relaxed mindset helps,” said Chia.

The avid music lover has set her heart on going to a junior college and intends to do some humanitarian work in the future.

Two others from the school were also among the nation’s top students. They scored 9 A1s.

The school also saw a record 75.8 per cent of students obtaining distinctions for English Language – a 10.3 per cent increase as compared to last year.

Meanwhile, three students share the honour in the top Chinese student category. They are Teo Jing Ming (Catholic High School), Choo Hui Ting Felicia (Methodist Girls’ School) and Julia Shan-Wen Fung (Singapore Chinese Girls’ School), who each scored nine A1s and one A2.

The top Malay student is Victoria School’s Muhammad Amirul Haqim Ghazali, who scored nine A1s.

Following his two older siblings, he took Chinese as a second language.

While he admits it was difficult, he said it was sheer hard work and tenacity that earned him his distinction.

Another challenge – keeping his spirits up after his father’s illness last year.

“When my dad had a heart attack, it adversely affected me. It spurred me on to have an ambition to become a heart surgeon, not only to help my family but other people who are stricken with this illness,” he said.

Sharing the honour in the top Indian student category are Kashmira of Cedar Girls’ Secondary School, Leah Tom of Crescent Girls’ Schools and H Sharanya Pillai of Riverside Secondary School. The students each scored nine A1s.

In the top Eurasian student category is Neubronner Daniel Robert of St. Joseph’s Institution, who scored nine A1s.

A total of 37,655 students sat for the examination last year. Of whom, 99.8 per cent – or 37,598 – obtained at least one or more GCE ‘O’ Level passes to be awarded certificates.

81.2 per cent of those who sat for the exam scored at least five GCE ‘O’ Level passes. This is 0.1 per cent higher compared with the results in 2009.

Private candidates would be informed of their results by post. They can also check their results via the Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board website from 2pm Monday.


32 Replies to “Top Singapore student again from Malaysia”

  1. Congratulations to Ms CHIA PEI YUN for making your Parent Proud.

    Pei Yun had spent 2 years in Selangor’s Kuen Cheng High, a private secondary school which follows the S’pore Syllabus in Maths & some Science subjects, before going to S’pore.

    She said:’I felt most INSECURE about Literature & English. There were times when I felt very stressed, but I tried to keep a clear head because blind effort won’t get you anywhere.’

    btw about half of the 40 who scored 9 or more A1s are NON-S’poreans. They comes from Msia,China & India.

  2. Every Chinese parent is asking his/her children to get out of the country. Even MCA leaders are are subtly moving their children away.
    When they are defeated in the next GE, they too will flee. These self-serving MCA Chinese don’t care a damn about their community. They care for themselves.
    Finally all who will stay back here will be the grassroot MCA and Gerakan supporters who have no where to go. Their leaders will be laughing away in Singapore, Australia, Canada and UK. Some in Brazil with their ill-gotten gains.

  3. Top Malaysian Chinese student on Asean scholarship.
    If it is top Malay student….you will get UMNO B proposing this… proposing that…and don’t even be surprised…the father to be awarded a datukship…if he is not one yet.

  4. What? Singapore can produce only ONE 10 A1?

    Across the causeway, we have millions upon millions of 10A1s every year! They go on to university and end up not being able to understand the English Language and hence unemployable.

  5. hi guys…best orange is…”chiew chow kum”[cantonese}….and available by earliest 24th Dec.
    Best King’s mini oranges…buy the dearest quality.
    Remember to eat oranges with the fibers and not clean it up like Bodak Sigh.
    Fibers are where all the vitamins be…to help you berak with ease.

    1. I don’t think so, at least not immediately. There might be a bond to serve Singapore after her studies.

      By the end of the bond, there is a good chance that she will not return to Malaysia as Singapore could already be her ‘home’.

  6. Notice the trend?
    MACC raided Railway HQ for corruptions…and meanwhile…multi billion deal on nuclear power is being discussed.
    Had there be no MACC raid…and just announced the nuclear power deal…there will be bad news and no good news.
    This is the same art Mahathir did…stealing RM1.2 billion of our money.. to save his son. He first controlled the Sultans…saying protecting the people…great good news to the people….then steal from us…hoping all are not know…or he is so do as he liked.
    You can never miss the same pattern.
    And now Najib runs our of ideas…paid RM77 million of our money for one year service to APCO.. .to get the art of Jews…how to fool the people.
    Yes..”I Malaysia” ‘People First” are exactly what Barak promoted to win and became the Israel President briefly.
    Smart Najib..just add “Performance Now”…to the ‘People First” and he said those where his original ideas and slogans.
    From time to time…I still click to his Rajang Park speech in Sibu…and laugh at his unbelievable low class con job….that he failed …yet feeling no shame at all.

  7. Muhammad Amirul Haqim Ghazali: “it was sheer hard work and tenacity that earned him his distinction”

    It’s hard work NOT ketuanan umno, not NEP, not NEM, not perkosa not utusan meloya that will ensure success & survival.

    it’s hard work and hard work and hard work and hard work.

  8. The next question to ask for those who have great concern for brain drain will be, “Will Chia Pei Yun return to Malaysia after completing her studies?” by yhsiew

    Yes if PR rule.No if BN rule.However still the crucial point is after her graduation,it depends how the goverment of the day implement the policy.The change that we hope especially the goverment will guide her decision.

  9. UmnoB/BN say: What lah, little red dot, ONE 10 A1 @ O-level also made so much noise
    Lagi achieved by a si mata sempit student first educated in M’sia (M’sia’s schools good what)
    Cheeeaaaj, Sg can keep her lah, 1M’sia always produce lots of ‘100% A’ SPM candidates
    Many with 10, 12, or even 16 A1 – lots of highly talented students here lah

    UmnoB/BN say: we hv our own talented PKMM dep president Mohamed Fadzill Hassan, who can make an apology sounds/looks like not an apology, n get LGE into serious trouble
    Macam ini barulah talent dat UmnoB/BN want 2 hv n cultivate, promote

  10. It is always Malaysian at the top in ‘O’ levels because most of Singapore’s top are already placed in supposedly higher tier schools like Raffles, Hwa Chong, ACSI, NJC etc. These students do not need to take their ‘O’ levels because they are on another programme – ‘ The Integrated Programme or IP.

    In any case, some of Malaysia’s best go to other countries not only to Singapore at various stage of their schooling years. Another stage where there is a large efflux will be after the ‘O’ levels results are out. My niece who scored 14As most of which are A1s was readily accepted into one of Singapore’s top school when she could not get a State scholarship last year ( She eventually got some scholarship in Malaysia on appeal by politician). My own thinking is, except for medicine, there isn’t really much point staying behind in Malaysia. It is a dying country killed by UMNO and the many ignorant voters in the rural areas will continue to ensure that UMNO will remain in power for a long time more.

  11. Najib, nobody knows how many Malaysians are in the top 10% of the O Level.

    Singapore government is not telling.

    Ho, ho, ho, ho….Jib/Moohe..he..din, ho, ho, ho…
    see who is having the last laugh all the way to the top of the world economy….

    …whilst Malaysia under Jib/Din goes bankrupt!

  12. Hai monsterball,actually i’m learning from you guys and thru internet news recently.Just add and goreng some words with own opinions.That’s why i still need you guys’s wise and experience comments.

  13. yhsiew :
    The next question to ask for those who have great concern for brain drain will be, “Will Chia Pei Yun return to Malaysia after completing her studies?”

    Why should she? She will be lucky to find a job in Malaysia worthy of her abilities. If Malaysia can not appreciate talent, why waste pearls before swine?

    She should go.

    Out there at least, a Malaysian… and in some slight way Malaysia can continue to enjoy a shadow of her former greatness. Malaysian hands can be found in cut edge cancer research, in the engines of the A380, string theory in cosmology, Ferrari engine research, major international accounting firms, large chemical plant, the World bank and so on and so on.

    Outside Malaysia, we Malaysians shine. We cast an imagine of what Malaysia could have and should have been.

    So get out there. It ain’t easy. It won’t be simple. But she deserve to be all She can be. And for the time however long it maybe that she holds a Malaysian passport,she does a national service to maintain Malaysia’s image.

    Now if only Malaysian religious cleric and BN politicians could keep their mouths shut. Do they even realise how much damage they had done to the nations image and reputation. Or do they need wikileaks to tell them this open secret?

  14. to the ketuanan people, they will say, “go la to singapore. if u stay here, you will make us all look stupid. cepat-cepat go la. we just want cina bodoh like mca and india dunggu like mic. saya panggil dia orang SIT, dia orang duduk. hah! itu baru cina dan india yang kit mau. yang pandai-pandai itu boleh belah. tak perlu. kita ada duit minyak. boleh beli talent dari USA, UK, orang putih. emmm..kita sembah orang putih.”


    “Top” PK politician “creating” taskforce of residents association chairmen, state assemblypersons and government representatives to embark on acquisition talks with Sime on base of an illegal and invalid title obtained by bribery!!
    A Town Park failed to be provided by Sime for 30 years!!

    Is Malaysian “Top” politicians “created” at least 400,000 TOP Fools – the Subang Jayans? to pay to buy back a stolen piece of Public land?

    To create fools of those who has legal and moral obligations to Stop? SILENCE CONTRIBUTE TO ABETMENT!!

  16. k1980 :
    What? Singapore can produce only ONE 10 A1?
    Across the causeway, we have millions upon millions of 10A1s every year! They go on to university and end up not being able to understand the English Language and hence unemployable.

    That a good point and goes to show how low the standard of education is in Malaysia. Of course the UMNO “jaguh kampung” will think otherwise and say things like Dr Pornthip alma mater is unrecognized in Malaysia.

  17. yhsiew :
    The next question to ask for those who have great concern for brain drain will be, “Will Chia Pei Yun return to Malaysia after completing her studies?”

    God forbid! Hard working and brilliant students like these will not be appreciated in Malaysia and will always be living in the shadow of undeserving bumis. They are better off living in a country who appreciates them and rewards them well based on meritocracy and fairness.

  18. St Nicholas excepts you only if you have Mandarin…even the top Malay kid there had to end up learning Mandarin in Singapore

    For brilliant kids of any race/creed ….Better to send off to Ozzieland, Kiwiland or even the local Alice Smith or KTJ….but never ever to our local kampong schools..

    1. St Nicholas excepts you only if you have Mandarin… — raven77

      I don’t remember CHIJ St. Nicholas having that selection criterion. Could you have heard wrongly?

      The selection is based on Primary School Leaving Exam (PSLE) achievements and since it is one of the better secondary schools, only the top 12% or so of the student population qualifies.

      Then those foreign students who have government scholarships will be posted to the top schools a few months later.

      1. Oh before I forget, the grades are made to fit the normal distribution of the student population. So you only get an ‘A’ if you are from the x-percentile.

        And believe me the exam questions are not dumbed down.

  19. ChinNA :
    Oh before I forget, the grades are made to fit the normal distribution of the student population. So you only get an ‘A’ if you are from the x-percentile.

    As it should. A ‘C’ should be what most people get. Then and only then does an ‘A’ become something that is of value.

    Our system has be dumb down so much that 10A1 are now common…. 20A1 and above was required to ‘shine’. Although I believe the limit as of 2010 is 10 subjects

  20. Out of the top 35 Chinese ethnic students (incl Chia Pei Yun), 21 students (60%) are foreigners (mainly from Malaysia and China) and 14 (40%) are local Singaporean students. This show that their education system (mainly in English language with mother tongue as second language) is on level-playing fields. If you work hard, you can do well, including the Malays too.

    Malay student shines in Chinese language


  21. Msia govt logic,
    This show Msia had a higher education standard, we have so many 12A, 13A n so on, while poor Spore only got one 10A student,
    Msia govt policy is hurting future of Msia, It is too late now, Future is gloom for all average Msian

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