Stop and dismantle Umno political hegemony, deny Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority

(12th General Election Nomination Day statement by DAP Ipoh Timur parliamentary candidate Lim Kit Siang in Ipoh on Sunday, 24th February 2008)

This 12th general election, unlike the previous 11 general elections, is not just about the next five years but a vote about the first 50 years of Malaysian nationhood and the next 50 years!

To many Malaysians, this general election is the last hope for change and an acid test whether there is a future for the building of a democratic, competitive, multi-racial, multi-religious, secular and just nation which our forefathers pledged to build through the Merdeka “social contract”.

It will be the clincher in the decision-making of many Malaysians whether there is hope to build a democratic, just and competitive Malaysia or there will be a new exodus of braindrain of the best and brightest of Malaysians to other lands in despair at any possibility that all Malaysians, regardless of race or religion, can have an equal place under the Malaysia sun.

Most challenging of all, the March 8 general election offers a golden opportunity to halt and dismantle the four-decade Umno political hegemony which has become the greatest threat to democracy, international competitiveness and national unity in Malaysia.

Umno political hegemony has marginalized not only whole communities of ordinary Malaysians, but even the other Barisan Nasional component parties as illustrated by the ordeal of the Gerakan Wanita Chief, Datuk Tan Lian Hoe, being kicked around like a football Bukit Gantang, back to Gerakan’s Taiping seat, then to Lenggong and now Gerik.

The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has said that none of his cabinet ministers except for his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak were guaranteed a cabinet position even if they won in the general election – meaning that the top leaders of MCA, Gerakan, MIC for the first time in 51 years are not assured of a Cabinet position if elected.

This the latest twist in the Barisan Nasional ‘power-sharing” and proof of greater marginalization of the other Barisan Nasional component parties because of the unchecked rise of Umno political hegemony.

The challenge on March 8 is whether history can be made to check and dismantle the Umno political hegemony, which marginalized ordinary Malays, Indians, Chinese, Kadazan-Dusun-Muruts, Ibans and indigenous people, orang Asli, by depriving the Barisan Nasional of two-thirds majority.

If DAP, PKR and PAS can each secure 25 parliamentary seats, denying BN of 75 parliamentary seats, then the beginning of the end of the umno political hegemony threatening democracy, international competitiveness and national unity would have begun.


241 Replies to “Stop and dismantle Umno political hegemony, deny Barisan Nasional two-thirds majority”

  1. These component parties of BN, especially, MCA & Gerakan are just stooges. They will bend & stoop to get what individuals want if they are elected.

    There is nothing much to hope for by the public from the ‘wakil’ of these parties. They are doomed, fifties years of doing nothing after getting the mandate from the people.

  2. Not only a 2/3 in Parliment, but also deny BN 2/3 in states of Perak, Penang, try Selangor & Melaka too…

    Show the BN idealist what the rakyat actually feels over these years of their domination.

    Good luck DAP, good luck Opposition!

  3. Online Sin Chew reported that Ng Suee Lim (DAP) N.04 Sekinchan was disqualified due to wrong nomination date in the form. What a bad day for DAP!. Silly mistake is repeated again and again.

    [After initial scare, Swee Lin is in the contest to defend Sekinchan assembly seat. ]

  4. All true democratic-minded & loyal people

    The rhetorics have been expressed & explained to everyone. Now is the time to show those incompetent BN cheats who is their bosses. We the rakyat must vote wisely to deny them the power to continue bermaharaja-lela against the Constitution & to bleed the nation DRY.

    Let us demonstrate our awareness & wisdom that comes from the awareness. Throw them OUT together with the garbage. That is our divine duty as a citizen of this once great nation. No prizes for guessing what this once great nation will become if BN has their way!!!!

  5. it was in the 70 ties, when CAmbrige exams were being systematically phased out, and MCE came into place and successively so is the HSC exams replaced by the SPM and STPM.
    Why you may asked did the exams are being altered and changed?
    because you vote them to do that changed and now you blamed them.
    but worst yet many politicians dont even get through those tailored made hurdles.
    Imagine grade 3 from MCE being given places in form 6, thats is why our education system sucks, it is still sucking,
    because those same class of fools being preferentially entitled are successively positioned now into pengarah level and calling the all those blind shots.
    Shots that took our education level down for 20 generations and furthermore if these fools are not sacked.
    Stop the bleeding , cut the losses.

    vote wisely to make that change

  6. Why this time there are so many Independent nominated in hot seats out of a sudden???

    Lembah Pantai & Sg.Siput… Are they stooges placed by another party???

    Anyway all the best for Opposition & DAP!!! Just Change It!

  7. As the simple proverb says “Talk is cheap”, the ruling BN has been in power for donkey years & let’s just examine what was promised in the last election 2004 & study the report card now before deciding in this 2008 elections to wisely make the right decision
    1) Tackle corruption? Improve?, Fact: it has been worsen with corrupted politician & businessmen go scott free, becoz convicting them will “bring-down” others even higher up to the level of senior ministers. One cannot even count the no. of “Tutup Kes”s
    2) Religious freedom? with Islam Hadhari , it is even worst than ever before, apparently even if you are dead you cannot rest in peace, if someone proclaims u to be Muslim u can be dug-out & reburied, I mean even the Taliban don’t do that, so are we better
    off now, you tell me?
    3) Economic & job improvement? Fact- Look at International
    Economic reports, the facts & figures there, where are we in world ranking, somewhere at the bottom of the well.
    4) Education -graduates who cannot speak English properly, need I say more… Fragmented schol system resembling 3rd world country
    5) Press freedom – Yes we are ranked, as equals to Noth Korea, Zimbabwe,Myanmar, who are ruled by tyrants, say now that is what we have in common, our leaders thinks the same way, there is one & only news , the ‘Feel Good’ news, why report things that make the people ‘feel bad’?
    6) End to NEP? Fact- this policy will be there for another 100years
    so comfortable right? with ‘a golden spoon-fed for a life-time from birth to deathbed, why change & share with others
    7)Crime rate- skyrocketing? Why not enough police ahh to catch all the bad guys? Then how come peaceful demo, met with thousands of FRU & PDRM’s, where the manpowers come from?
    Must be sleeping in the barracks , what other explaination can that be?
    8)Total monopoly on big, medium & the only one left small business
    If the Chinese still chose MCA then get ready to face new laws requiring to concede small business such as distributoring building materials,franchising,convinient stores,etc.
    9)Public service, can only be described in one sentence, of the ‘government servant’? Looks more like they master, you the public, slave, just goto any ‘gomen’ office & want to get any thing done….wait long-long lah
    10) Vision for the future, recall 2020? Why no mention now, coz the Badak-wi admin jolly-well knows damn well we will not ever going to get there not in 2030,or 2050, or 3030 if there’s no change of how this counrty is run & mismanaged?

    These 10 essential components of 2004 M’sia report-card, how did we fare? 0.5/10 & yet they are people still support & vote for BN, I can only deduce that this pople have the same mentality as that
    of Chew Mei Fun PJ MP, if they(BN) lose how? After become like
    1969 where the UMNO ran riot & kill us, then we will lose our business, I want to tell u now, that u’re losing your business now even as we’re talking, very slowly but surely one fine day
    there will be no more business to fight over, when the country is ruined like the Phillipines, Marcos & Estrada ruin the country so much & corrupt people are so entrench in the political system, that it is unrepairable anymore. Despite all the effort current Arroyo admin, the damage is done irrepairable & thanks yor support to BN, we will go down the same exact path…..

  8. Hello everybody out there!

    All of us know how important this General Election is.It is about the future of Malaysia ,the future of our children and the future generations – about trying to make Malaysia a truly Malaysian Malaysia just like it was during the early independance days before it was turned upside down since some 30 days ago by Barisan Nasional.

    Let us put our money where our mouth is ,where our children’s future is.

    Can we expect others to fight for us when we ourselves shy away from sacrifices and commitments?

    We hide in safety while others go to the warfront???????????

    While instigating others to fight for a better tomorrow,we hide in the safety of our castles?????????????????????

    Can we expect them to succeed reasonably well if they have insufficient resources?

    Please go and donate some money, however small it may be ,to the opposition election fund.We all have a stake in the election outcome.

    DAP says – “Just change”

    I say – “Just do it” — Just donate lah!

    It is “Now or Never”

    If BN again wins 2/3,then it is “Game Over”

    Remember again – “IT’S NOW OR NEVER”



    “Victory or Death”

  9. And as usual, BN will hang on to Sabah and Sarawak parliamentary seats. Those seats in these 2 states with their low electorate will always be an insurance to BN to retain at least 51% of majority coupled with other strong BN areas in the Peninsular. Their next safe bet is Johor, which also had almost if not the same aspect as in Sabah/Sarawak.

    Something very seriously wrong with Election Commission.

  10. Dear Malaysian, after today and DON’T FORGET the most important day 8th March to go for voting as early with your clear and clean mind i.e. VOTE FOR DAP, VOTE FOR OPPOSITION. Malaysia Boleh………………..2/3 MAJORITY DENY…………………………

  11. Deny them the 2/3 majority, so the at least we can have bright and smart PMs’ who went tro the due process of education , not spoonfed becos to me they are outright MORONS , They do not even know everything , yes everything can be compared .There is nothing wrong if someone uses Singapore as comparison. they do not like that ,Singapore is Mother Theresa where corruption is concern, where else some of BN politicians are worse of than Idi Amin.

    And to say that comparison cannot be made between apple and grapes, Why not ? Boduwhi , we can compare apples Vs grapes , with science , We can compare the vitamins and minerals contents of both and similarly with 2 different countries so many parameters can be compared with.,
    Maybe he would have been happier if comparison of Malaysia were made between Malawi or Afganistan, then maybe we wud have come out tops.
    If things like meritobumi (unlike meritcracy)continues democracy in this country will become doomacracy and put the country even backwards, stay tuned.

  12. Hardly any election fever in Sabah.

    The local folk – both Chinese and Kadazandusunmurut just don’t care that much. Serve them right then when Project IC becomes terminal.

    BN posters and billboards dominate the whole Kota Kinabalu city.

    No opposition signs and symbols and anywhere.

    BN has won six parliament seats and two state seats UNOPPOSED.

    What a letdown….

  13. Yes deny the BN 2/3 majority.
    A vote for BN is a Vote for UMNO as the non umno component parties leaders are ineffective and ineffectual in doing their bit for their community. They have too much fear to stand up for their rights – timid, cowering under a rock.

  14. Fully agreed with you, this is exactly what I told my family members, relatives, friends and colleagues. We need to come out and vote this round and make the change, for ourselves, for our children, and future generations. If we are unable to change this round, then I would say the future of our children and grandchildren are gone!

    Although DAP don’t contest in my area but I had volunteer myself to help in Election campaigns by Barisan Rakyat, in Tony Pua’s area, in Fong Kui Lun’s area as well as my neighbour areas, for PAS and Keadilan candidates. My message to my family members, relatives, friends, colleagues, uncle and auntie that my met in Pasar or even on the streets is simple, DENY BN 2/3 majority!!! VOTE FOR BETTER MALAYSIA!!!

    If Australian, Taiwanese, Thais and Pakistanis can do it, I’m sure our Malaysian can do it too!



  15. if you vote MCA,Gerakan or MIC,PBS,you only create wealth for the leaders,if you cast PKR,DAP or even PAS,everyone is equal,this is the big difference!
    there was a business tycoon frm Sarawak,having a plc in PJ,dato seri-ship,billionaire,also,at the same time MP for a small constitution,do you think he was fighting for his business interests more or the rakyats’ more?you ask Bocorman,he will tell you!

  16. Some food for thought, Enjoy reading,
    After that if U still want to vote for BN, u ‘ll be digging yours and your family’s grave in your very homeland, this is not about Malay, Chinese , Indian or others, this is about the people on the top at the government looting the ordinary citizens, using racial politics to enrich themself, May God send them to Hell.

    By Din Merican

    Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi is truly beyond repair. This is someone
    who came into office in 2003 as result of Tun Dr.Mahathir Mohamad’s
    “folly”. He ran a convincing campaign and received a resounding
    mandate. After four years in power, he has proven himself and his
    administration to be incompetent and as a result the state of Malaysia
    is rotten. What a big letdown!

    Our country is now the butt of jokes at cocktail parties and in the
    pubs around Bangsar, not to mention across the OIC, the United States ,
    Europe, Japan and China and ASEAN. He lives in an insulated world.
    Except for himself, nobody believes a word he says anymore. Even his
    predecessor is actively working to ensure his political demise.

    Badawi is a man who has lost touch with reality. He has forgotten that
    in November last year he said at his own party’s convention with the
    regard to the BERSIH March to the King’s Palace, “saya pantang
    dicabar”. Instead of being cowed, 60,000 Malaysians, mostly Malays,
    defied him. He is that same UMNO leader who allowed Hishamuddin Tun
    Hussein Onn (at Khairy Jamaluddin’s behest, of course) to project the
    worst brand of Malay nationalism by condoning his keris kissing
    antics. Hishamuddin has stoked the fire of racist politics in the
    climate of mounting inter-ethnic and religious tensions.

    Badawi’s heavy handed actions against Indians who took part in the
    Hindraf rally and subsequent use of the ISA against five Indian
    leaders who are in Kamunting, Perak, galvanised the normally timid and
    compliant Indians into political activism which now threatens the MIC
    and Samy Velu’s political future. After acting tough, he has since
    backed down and suddenly he is talking about national unity and
    appeasing the Indians with imaginary programmes launched just in time
    for elections. Do you believe that this snake oil salesman?

    Badawi promises everything yet he accomplishes nothing. Here is a
    “leader” who acts not on the basis of firm convictions or set of well
    founded beliefs, but out of expediency and duplicity. His four year
    rule– he is now desperately pleading for another five to complete his
    mission– is a story of mismanagement of the economy, poor public
    service performance, rampant corruption, rising crime rate and
    unemployment, inflation, wasteful public expenditure and a humiliating
    judicial scandal. It will be a major catastrophe for the nation if
    voters are again deceived by Badawi’s promises.

    What of the man himself? If we can believe the New Straits Times
    (February 9, 2008) and The Star, we know that he has a rather inflated
    view of himself. He is quoted by both these pro UMNO-Barisan Nasional
    papers as saying: “I work very hard. I mean it and you know it. It is
    the will of God that I have become the Prime Minister and it is my
    responsibility to work and serve the people”. As if such boastful
    arrogance is not enough, he goes on to claim, “I have not benefited
    one sen from anyone for what I have done. Some people want to give me
    money, but I do not need it. The government takes good care of its
    Prime Minister.”

    Believe him? He is falling back on his image as Mr. Clean, a charade
    which got him votes in 2004 but is unlikely to prevail this year given
    the dismal record of his administration, the ailing economy and the
    Anwar factor which is never mentioned but talked about often within
    UMNO circles.

    Mr. Badawi hardly strikes us as a hard worker. His era will certainly
    be remembered as the Sleeping Prime Minister.

    But far worse than sleeping on the job is stealing from the purse. One
    really wonders how an UMNO leader swimming in a sea of corruption,
    cronyism and patronage who has done nothing to combat endemic
    corruption is really not on the take. As Minister of Finance, Mr.
    Badawi is directly responsible for the management of our nation’s tax
    revenues and it is therefore fair game for the people to ask him a few
    very important questions.
    Why, Mr. Badawi did you purchase an Airbus Corporate Jet costing RM
    200 million for your own personal use? How much taxpayers’ money did
    you spend refurbishing that luxury jet to suit your expensive tastes?
    The Royal Malaysian Air Force owns planes to fly VIPs and Royalty.
    Aren’t they good enough for you?
    Secondly, how much of taxpayer’s money did you spend on renovating the
    Official Residence of the Prime Minister after you took office in
    Third, on what basis did you, as Minister of Finance, award the RM25
    billion project to redevelop the Penang Turf Club land to Patrick Lim
    of Equine Capital, or the monorail project costing some RM3 billion to
    Scomi, a company controlled by your own son, Kamalludin Abdullah.
    Fourth, how much subsidy has been given to Rapid Kuala Lumpur to run a
    bus service? Who are the real owners of this company, which is also
    running Rapid Penang?
    And, fifth, why do you have to spend PETRONAS money to host the annual
    Monsoon Cup? More questions can be raised, but that is enough.

    You said some people want to give you money. Why did you not report
    this to the Anti-Corruption Agency so that action can be taken against
    them for attempting to bribe the Prime Minister?

    You have plenty to answer for. It does not surprise me that you are
    unable to deal with Zakaria Ideros, Khir Toyo and even your Deputy
    Prime Minister cum Minister of Defence for earning through his cronies
    a total of nearly RM1 billion as commissions from the purchase of two
    French made submarines and Russian fighter jets. You are also not able
    to explain what happened in the case of the RM 4.7 billion Port Kelang
    Free Trade Zone project where UMNO and MCA leaders are involved, inter
    alia, in a land acquisition scandal, raking in nearly RM1 billion in

    These are not mistakes at all, Mr Prime Minister. They are come under
    the category of “dereliction of duty” and the buck surely stops at
    your table as Minister of Finance and Prime Minister (as First Lord of
    the Treasury). The state of Malaysia is rotten under your stewardship.
    The voters should know that. Unfortunately, your Government controls
    the media and they barelly know the facts.

  17. …SPR telah memansuhkan bayaran tersebut tanpa memaklumkan kepada calon-calon PAS.

    >> “SPR berbuat demikian untuk membantu calon BN khususnya Umno Terengganu yang menghadapi masalah pemilihan calon,” katanya.

    >>> “Kami (PAS) hanya mendapat tahu pemansuhan bayaran tersebut kira-kira jam 5 pagi tadi,” katanya, dalam sidang media selepas proses penamaan calon di Pejabat Tanah dan Daerah Marang hari ini.

  18. Guys and gals.. i came across this just now. Phantom voters still at large



  19. Uncle Kit,before we fight the BN goons,please know the enemy.

    1) They are currently in power.
    So,they they will use ways and means to cheat,bluff and tipu.

    2) Never trust your enemy.

    3) The opposition parties must be seen to be strong and united to bring hope of change to the people.

    4) Have a contingency plan against cheatings and a possibility of the opposition parties forming the next government.

    5) All true Malaysians,please open the minds of your friends and relatives against the BN.
    They have destroyed the future of one generation.
    Please vote to safeguard the future of our next generation.

    6) Last but not the least.
    This Abdullah Badawi is taking us all to hell.

    Hell or Heaven ?

    The choice is ours.


  20. Congratulations to YB LKS and DAP for successfully nominating all of DAP’s candidates, now it is time to bring the voice of the Rakyat to the ruling BN Regime.
    Congratulations to PAS for winning Kijang DUN seat uncontested! Hopefully with a united Barisan Rakyat, we will win more States this time AND CREATE HISTORY…..BARISAN RAKYAT HISTORY,


  21. Extracts from Jed Yoong,

    Food for thoughts.

    <>… Husam said something about the BN calon not signing the nomination form.

    >If the BN calon is disqualified, then PAS will win a seat — not sure if it’s Husam’s seat.

    >> Same thing with Nik Aziz’s opponent in Pengkalan Pasir.
    But his press secretary said that the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that and Nik Aziz has to “lawan (fight)”.

    …SPR double standard ?

    …So obvious SPR dirty trick seen by all on 24-2-2008.

    >>To help & beg & remind BN calon “to sign later” unto the earlier blank nomination forms after nominations closed at 10am ?

    >>Pas Legal advisers should remember to file a ‘writ of motion’ in Election High court tomorrow to disqualify the 2 BN calons.

    “the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that ” should be punished under the Election ACT.

  22. Malaysians should fear voting for BN for the next 5 years. Please see

    for the following articles on why that is the case:

    1) An Appeal To All Malaysian Voters,

    2) A Further Appeal to Anyone Who Thinks BN Sucks, and

    3) Voting Out of Fear

    Now, vote for conscience and truth. Vote for accountability and professionalism. Vote for pluralism and liberties. Vote for change. Vote for DAP and the other opposition parties!

  23. Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ?

    >> at 5.15pm that the nomination paper of two other candidates – Danny Anthony Andipai of PKR and Saineh Usau, an independent – were rejected by Returning Officer Bubudan O.T. Majalu because they were submitted after 10am.

    >> However police reports have been lodged in Keningau by the rejected candidates claiming they were blocked from going to the nomination centre.

    >Another SPR double standard ? ” after a mistake was made by the returning officer at the nomination centre. “

  24. Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy” ?

    1) >> …the issue cropped up when an agent for PAS candidate, Dr Khairudin Abd Malik, noticed that Rafidah failed to sign one of the nomination forms.

    2)>>> “She signed on the forms that she submitted to me but she forgot to sign the form that was put on display during objection period,” he said on nomination day Sunday.

    >> To help & beg & remind BN calon “to sign later” unto the earlier blank nomination forms on display after nominations closed at 10am ?

    >>PAS “Legal advisers” should remember to file a ‘writ of motion’ in Election High court tomorrow to disqualify this Kuala Kangsar Datuk Seri Rafidah Aziz BN calon.

    “the SPR (Elections Commission) overruled that ” should be punished under the Election ACT.

    >>…SPR double standard ?

    …So obvious SPR dirty trick seen by all on 24-2-2008.

  25. once again, can we avoid the issue of religion in the election. We have ‘agreed’ on principal that prayers should be left to individuals and not ‘advertised publicly’. One must practise what one preaches. Let’s concentrate on election issues. Focus on 40% of All the seats at stack!!

  26. >>> There were also near misses for the BN camp, including BN election director and Menteri Besar-designate Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin when their candidates almost had their papers rejected due to technicalities.

    PAS Legal Advisers should file “election Writ’ to disqualify Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin BN.

    >> See technicalities in Sabah.

    Is this ‘Parliamentary Democracy’ ?

    >> at 5.15pm that the nomination paper of two other candidates – Danny Anthony Andipai of PKR and Saineh Usau, an independent – were rejected by Returning Officer Bubudan O.T. Majalu because they were submitted after 10am.

    >> However police reports have been lodged in Keningau by the rejected candidates claiming “they were blocked” from going to the nomination centre.

  27. “I have not benefited one sen from anyone for what I have done. Some people want to give me money, but I do not need it. The government takes good care of its Prime Minister.” Said AAB.

    Do you believe in what the father of all liars said? Mahathir had repeatedly and openly accused AAB of having developed a habit of lying.

    “I have not benefited one sen from anyone for what I have done.” – means “I have benefited more than one sen (probably in millions of RM) for what I have done.”

    “Some people want to give me money, but I do not need it.” – Oh, yeah? Any report to ACA?

    “The government takes good care of its Prime Minister.” – Sure. Besides the humongous residence and all sorts of perks that come with the PM post, our PM (being excessively greedy) wants more and more – like holding on to two other cabinet posts (the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Internal Security). Sleep on one job, not enough, given two more jobs to sleep on too. Buta gaji – truly the PM is well taken good care of by the government, which is none other than Umno!

    People, still want to vote for BN for another 5 more years of abuse?

  28. The Battle of the Bulge has begun!

    Bulge – ‘cos BN kaki are all bulging with loots from the nation.

    During this period (from now till 8.3.08), it’s best not to read local newspapers, not to listen to local radio stations, and not to watch local TV.

    All will be filled with shits and lies from BN, praising BN, belittling the opposition parties, scaring Malays (like losing Ketuanan Melayu and NEP) into voting for BN, and terrorizing non-Malays (like reminding them about May 13 1969, Malays running amok, PAS taking the country down the Islamic path and Hudud law) into voting for BN.

    Use the Internet for more reliable news and comments. In fact, we can get good news coverage from Singapore newspapers and their portals.

    Time to CHANGE – change the political scene first, then the education system, the mass media, etc.

    We can DO IT! We owe it to our children and our nation to change now.

    Another 5 more years of >2/3 majority rule by BN will bring irreparable damage to Malaysia!!

  29. In this battle, Malaysians overseas can help to change the future of Malaysia – for a better and fairer Malaysia, a country that you can be proud of.

    Malaysians who are working in Singapore and who are registered voters in the coming GE, please come back to your respective polling centres to vote on 8.3.08! Your votes matter! Every vote counts!

    Malaysians overseas: please contribute generously (through the Internet) to the opposition party, be it DAP, PKR, or PAS. Your currency is strong and even a small contribution from you will mean a lot to DAP, PKR, or PAS! Be proactive, pass the hat round and collect donations for DAP, PKR, or PAS!

    BN has enough of dirty money and does not need your contributions. Furthermore, BN is abusing the government machinery in their election campaign.

    The battle has begun! CHANGE – we must!

  30. Give DAP, PKR, and PAS candidates a chance. Elect them to be in our parliament and state assemblies.

    Vote for DAP, PKR, and PAS candidates in Penang! Elect them, not only to deny BN 2/3 majority in Penang, but to form the next government of Penang!!

    Give DAP, PKR, and PAS a chance to work together to rule Penang! What’s there to lose? Judge their performance. If not good, vote them out 5 years from now.

    Penang people should not be sentimental about voting for BN in order to have the only Chinese CM in Malaysia. What’s the use when we have a Chinese eunuch CM there? A eunuch and a puppet on a string CM – eternally kowtowing to Umnoputras and always on the beckoning of Umnoputras and their cronies (like KJ and Patrick Lim).

    In fact, by voting for DAP, PKR, and PAS, Penang people may still have their wish of a Chinese CM granted. However, honestly, it does not matter what ethnic group or gender the next CM of Penang is, as long as the next CM of Penang is a capable Malaysian that can bring long term benefits to every person in Penang!

    To CLHS alumni in Penang: please do not be sentimental and vote BN with the hope that Teng Hock Nan (a CLHS old boy) will succeed KTK (also a CLHS old boy) to be the next CM of Penang. There is nothing to be proud of them. Don’t ever harbour the thought that their appointments brought or will bring pride to CLHS. At most, they are just glorified Umno stooges. Please look at the larger picture and think of the future of the state and the nation, as well as the future of your children and all other children. Vote for DAP, PKR, and PAS candidates in Penang!

  31. The opposition have set themselves a realistic target. The big question mark will be whether enough Malaysians believe that denying BN that 2/3 majority is important enough. We’ll only know after March 8th.

  32. >>Since when SPR can legally allow payment of Deposit with a personal cheque ?

    PAS legal advisers must file ‘election writ’ to disqualify BN candidate.

    More technicalities..

    >>Mind you, in a number of other cases where the BN candidates were alleged to have balls-ed up with their registration forms, ‘twas only the ‘returning officers’ who saved them, in many cases not even providing any reason to the opposition why their objections were overruled and the BN candidates’ forms accepted. The Boleh-decisions ;-)

    In one case Malaysiakini reported that PAS candidate Dr Lo’ Lo’ Mohd Ghazali (for Titiwangsa) objected to the nomination of BN’s Aziz Jamaluddin Mohd Tahir on the ’suspicion’ that Aziz’ statutory declaration did not contain the required stamp duty payment.

    hahaha – EC chairman Abdul Rashid has been too clever by half.

    It seems Aziz Jamaluddin also contravened election laws when he allegedly “paid his deposit with a personal cheque”. Cek calon BN di sahkan Bolehwan lah! hahaha

    But the Election Commission officers – led by returning officer Che Yahya Che Soh – refused to allow the PAS team to go through Aziz’s nomination papers to verify the claims.

    Che Yahya said he received directions from his superiors to the effect neither candidate are allowed look through the other’s nomination papers. What he probably meant was PAS couldn’t look at BN’s papers to see if there were indeed errors, like no stamp duty being paid ;-)

    Very dodgy lah. But mind you, this is BN Boleh Land.

    >> Please at all costs traced what personal cheque nos. for ‘election Writ’ to disqualify BN candidate. Later replaced with a ‘backdated bank draft’ or by ‘Cash deposit’ with ‘backdated KEW38 resit’?

  33. Can we have a list of all the candidates from DAP? Also it would be better if the Barisan Rakyat came up with a full list of it’s candidates for the benefit of the voters.
    Thanks! Rakyat of Malaysia Vote for a Change! Not just deny 2/3 but hopefully to form a new government! Thailand’s people did it! Pakistan’s people did it! Why can’t we?




    8:00 PM 360 Special:Malaysia Decides-Nomination D
    Episode 1
    It’s deadline day, as a battle at the ballot box looms. Join Glenda Chong and her guests (Farish Noor, Ooi Kee Beng and Johan Saravanamuttu) for a special one-hour roundtable debate as political parties unveil their candidates to contest Malaysia’s general election on March 8.

  35. i don’t care whether Cina, Malay, Indian, Angmoh being a chief minister in Penang, if he/she is capable to lead Penang out of being a kopitiam state, he get the post !

    When that Gerakan Tut Kun become a chief minister, even a small fry from Bukit Mertajam BN dare to told him to step down, me as a Penangites feel so ashamed of that ! What a disgrace to Penangites, speak up and be a man, ok ?

    In that case, might as well DAP, PKR, PAS become chief minister, at least they still dare to fight back, not just being a “yes-man” !

    but that BN is evil, because they will throw money to you and make you jump boat to their site ! what a sinister act !

    when u have stupid leader, u have stupid rakyat !

    I’m stupid, ok !

  36. “Today announced among churches: Round the Clock Prayer by the Christian Federation of Malaysia from 1st to 7th of March.” oknyua

    I am a church going Christian. I do not think this is a good move i.e. to link any political party to any religious group or church. There should be a ‘movement’ (yes, a movement) involving people of the different faiths to come together to pray for a better Malaysia, for a more humanitarian Malaysia, if you will, a more caring leadership etc.

    Sounds like a bad advertisement by a group of Evangelical Christians??

  37. Azalina Othman has again emerged as the state’s first MP after she won her seat uncontested. Her opponent, from PKR, did not turn up.

    This stinks to high Heaven! Another ‘no-show’?? Probably paid off not to appear. It speaks poorly of PKR and its leadership.

  38. Pass on some direct messages to the rural voters, such as :
    – vote for change, you have nothing to lose
    – rising prices if BN receives a 2/3 majority
    – the poor state of affairs since the last election
    – not to worry about Chinese representation in the government. With less MCA and Gerakan representatives, BN can only do more to win back the lost votes

  39. YB LKS,

    The denial of 2/3 majority is of no consequence. Malaysia is not ruled by the Malaysian Constitution. The Malaysia as no public accountabilty no adminstrative law. The oppositon can cry and shout, even resort to tainted judical process, the Malay interest and dominance will prevail under any circumsatnces. What is the racial composition of the police force, the judicial officers, the ACA, the Ministries, etc etc. Does the opposition think they can nudge the Malay interests, to give way? I dont think so.

    When the consititution has been corrupted by the Sedition Act, the ISA and on and on, there is no procedural fairness nor natural justice, be it in body snatching or jailing of professional doctor. The Malay interest will prevail.

    As recently as a few days ago the son of the ACA director, a pilot, is pardoned scot free by Malaysian Airline system after he was convicted by the impartial criminal justice system in Australia for importing child porn, while a Indian pilot was dismissed for a minor offence some years ago.

    I am sorry to be pesimistic, but I am also a realist.

    Wish you the best of luck.

  40. To Undergrad2, UMNO has fully exploited the religion to their fullest advantage, so why can we as the oppressed use our religion to challenge the injustices. Do u realize that churches with stand-alone building are not allowed, they won’t even approve the building or land permit, this is no secret, is that freedom of worship? Even bibles in Malay language are not allowed into the country. So much so that when we are forced to build churches in existing shophouses… Even this is not allowed in Islamic City Shah Alam….Halo wake up la , my brother, where are u lately?
    Prayers alone cannot help you, God only help those who help themselves first. U can try to pray for equal rights & better M’sia
    & then vote BN, yes you can get what you wish, after you die & reach heavan….

  41. An 89-year-old grandmother stole , an independent candidate for the Kuala Terengganu parliamentary seat.

    Possibly the oldest candidate in the 12th general election, Maimun Yusuf .

    The divorced grandmother of seven said she had attempted to stand for elections four times previously, but didn’t qualify because of technicalities and a lack of documentation.

    >> “I want to right the wrongs and bring down the price of essentials,” she said in her thick Terengganu Malay accent.

    I believe she can be a better MP than the BN Umno MPs .

    She talk sense, straight to the point , from rakyat’s hearts.

    How about vote her into Parliament.

  42. “To Undergrad2, UMNO has fully exploited the religion to their fullest advantage, so why can we as the oppressed use our religion to challenge the injustices.”

    Here’s why. Religion is already a divisive issue. UMNO has exploited the religious issue to its advantage making Malays feel that the constitutional position of Islam which the Constitution is supposed to protect is under siege or under attack. For non-Muslims to play the ‘religious’ card in the manner suggested would mean playing right into the hands of religious bigots within UMNO. That would further alienate the Malays.

    The question is not why can’t we as Christians pick up the gauntlet as it is our right to do so. UMNO has done a good job at dividing us – Muslims, Christians, Buddhists and Hindus. The way to seek popular support which transcends race and politics is to appeal to Malaysians, all right thinking Malaysians that, however we worship God, we share a common purpose, that the future of Malaysia lies not in the divisiveness of race and faiths but in the unity of its purpose.

    It is true like you say, “Prayers alone cannot help” but since when has prayers been known to hurt – especially when it involves the coming together of Malaysians of different faiths to pray for a common future? A future guided by our core values of tolerance and understanding.

  43. I know YAB LKS u must be busy, but why is the list of all the DAP candidates still not available now, Its been hours since nomination is closed. The suspense is killing me. I’m sure many will agree with me to keep the momentum going to keep the public interest with the opposition’s plan especially DAP where we are counting to make the “Change”
    As I’m in S’por, I’ve watch programs where many political analyst from the ‘think-tank institute’ here, such as the very reputable Farish Noor, all coming to the same conclusion than the BN will sure win. I think they should so as not to destabilised the country. I mean what will the BN, I mean UMNO do if they lost, they will surely not sit quietly, & will create riots as they did in 1969. That part is ‘settled’. Deny BN 2/3 majority, we’re on the right path but how to do it, get the message accross?
    So DAP should now try to change the mindset of the business community especially who seem to think that voting MCA in means that their business is ‘secured’. This type of thinking is ‘flawed’
    This is crucial especially in PJ & Subang Yaya, we can see how toothless MCA can be in the recent ‘body-snatching’ case & where business licenses are restricted, done very discreetly, forced to “Ali-baba” …Again today Ong KT(should be Sot-ong) again hilited the importance why the public should vote MCA, if not then no Chinese representative in the ‘BN gomen’ Duh????
    Is that the only reason why the MCA is in gomen just as a reprentative(window-dressing) & nothing else? The 2nd point should be after 50years, why we still have different party to cater to different races UMNO-MCA-MIC-Gerakan-PBS-SUPP-whatever?
    different schools to cater different races, Different Universities/ Colleges for different races RMC,UTM,UTAR,WIP. Isn’t this divide-&-
    rule, which our history books blame on the British, looks like UMNO is no different, with this divisive policies, I don’t see how we can “bersatu-padu” so the 2nd crucial strategy is to kill “MCA & MIC” becoz they served no purpose at all except to assist the ruling gomen to further divide the people than ever before. Then the trick is to MAKE UMNO w/o 2/3 majority, work with DAP & while waiting for PKR to gain strength which one day hopefully
    will be voted into power. what can go wrong with such a intellectual man Anwar Ibrahim, a progressive Malay to lead the country to greater heights & eliminate the ‘culture of corruption’ Now if we can just put this plan into action & make it work…
    This is the only way, failing is not an option

  44. Would Malaysians going to the polls vote according to issues?

    – religion
    – corruption and abuse of power
    – racial discrimination
    – law and order
    – judiciary

    Or would they vote according to personalities i.e. it depends on the candidates standing in their respective constituencies rather than which political party they are standing for.

    The best strategy apparently for the opposition is to persuade them to vote according to issues, and hope that the hard core among BN supporters would vote according to personalities rather than along party lines.

  45. Good that DAP is placing more professional candidates this time round compared to some BN’s candidates who don’t even know how to fill up the nomination form correctly. LOL.

    That’s why we get some blur MPs in Parliment who makes silly & blur remarks.

    Compare the Malaysia Cabinet vs S’pore Cabinet from these links :

    Time to deny BN 2/3 & get more educated MPs to Parliment.

  46. Christian, Hindu n Buddhist, Does this bn govt allow u to build new church (stand alone bldg) or new temple as stated under constitution with reasonable time for approval??
    If no, then simple, just vote oppostion? You may pray hard, but, pls just vote for any oppostion for the sake of the country future n yr future!!

  47. We need honest and decent, secular minded moderate Malays who view religious bigots as having hijacked UMNO to come forward and vote for the opposition, not so much that they believe the opposition should or could form a viable government but to send a message to their leaders that power comes with responsibility. It is irresponsible for UMNO leaders to beat the drums of religious fanaticism just so that they could hold on to power.

  48. In Singapore, political parties contesting in the election are given TV time for party political broadcasts. I wonder if RTM is willing to give TV time to the Opposition to make their cases? Probably not, but you see, even in this respect BN fails in comparison to the PAP.

  49. Dear damianyeow,
    I do not like and share your line of thought.You say BN should win for fear of trouble.

    First ,fear never get us anywhere except to where we are now–ie backwards from the better early independance days to now until finally it will be so bad ,you and I will not longer be a factor anymore in the future unless we act now.

    It is “Now or Never”

    As i said before if BN gets 2/3 majority,then it is “Game Over” .

    Secondly,this is no more 1969, where the Malays had nothing to loose and everything to gain.

    This is 2008, where the rich Malays are so much more richer than the other races and have so much to loose if our nation and economy is rocked by racial disturbances.

    Even the ordinary Malays have much to loose if any similar incident to 1969 occurs.

    You think the Chinese are still in control of the economy?You must be crazy to believe that.

    So please do not plant feelings of fear into the minds of the voters,unintentionally or otherwise.

    Take it one step at a time.

    DAP says ,”Just Change”.

    I say,” Just do it” and it is “Now or Never”.

    Just vote opposition.If doing so can topple BN ,so be it.

    “Victory or Death”

    If the opposition does not win 2/3 this coming election,it will surely mean the death of Malaysia -This is one way to interpret my battle cry if you want to.

  50. ///The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has said that none of his cabinet ministers except for his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak were guaranteed a cabinet position even if they won in the general election.///

    PM AAB made a special mention that Najib will once again become a Cabinet minister, but all the others might not be. We know very well that words have lost their meaning coming out of the mouth of AAB. He said that the parliament would not be dissolved ‘tomorrow-13 Feb 2008′, but on 13 February 2008, he announced the dissolution of the Parliament. Either he did not understand what he said, or he lied.

    His statement above indicates that the Educaion minister, Kerisman may not be a Cabinet minister, but after the election, Kerisman would not only come back as minister, but also in the same ministry. Ministers other than Najib care not what AAB said when they know well that they were strong enough to know which ministry they want power. Najib might have told AAB that he was not sure who would turn up at the palace to seek nomination for the post of PM, since it had been said publicly that AAB was to be only a one-term PM. Well AAB’s statement allows for the interpretation that Najib could in fact become PM since he is guaranteed a place in the Cabinet.

    As for other BN component parties’ ministers-hopeful, they know no pride, and would be willing to be called any name so long as they stand a chance to get crumbs after selling off people of their communities. The souless integrity-defficient opportunists deserve to rot. But then we have sufficient voters who prefer to await death rather than to take a chance to avoid it. We live in an age where the majority rules, and many are willingly contributing to that majority and to be ruled like second class slaves.

    MCA and MIC know very well that when they practise racial politics, they will not be able to fight for the rights of the people of their communities when UMNO does not play fair, and when UMNO has the majority. MCA and MIC politicians certainly realise that the so-called power sharing claimed by UMNO was sharing of crumbs at the personal level, and the communities they represented are losing legitimate rights gradually over the years. It is stupity of MCA and MIC to make the same mistakes of engaging in racial politics when the BN formula ensure that the legitimate rights of non-Malays are gradually deprived of over the time. It is a sin that the small number of MCA politicians should make gains in racial politics at the expensse of the community. Instead of leading the communities to move away from race-based politics, MCA made Chinese community capitulate to UMNO so that they can gain wealth albeit leading an despicable life.

    Chinese cannot be so ignorant as to continue voting for MCA so that the racist policies of UMNO have the excuse that they had the support of the Chinese community. Instead of awaiting a slow and sure death, non-Malays should not vote for MCA and MIC. The more enlightened Malays are voting for opposition including PAS, so that UMNO cannot do what it pleases. Let us follow their example.

  51. All Msian, must realize, anti BN is NOT = anti Msia, or anti Malay, Likewise, anti UMNO is NOT = anti Malay or anti Msia.
    Msia can hv new govt ONLY IF,
    Malay not scare to vote for DAP, n Malay realize how corrupted is UMNO n NOT swayed by their talk that other races will bully them if they do not support UMNO,
    Non Malay (Non Muslim) not scare to vote for PAS n PKR.

  52. Pak Lah has been derelict in his duty and appears to be incompetent.

    Current events in Malaysia speak of a government that is out of control because of Pak Lah’s lack of leadership. Each time something of major public concern occurs, he hides behind the scene and lets his ministers or some other person manage the problem.

    A good leader will come out in the open and lead from the front not the back.

    It is not proper for the government to tell the Bar Council, the country’s best legal brains, what to do when its so-called law minister does not even understand the basic notion of natural justice.

    The Election Commission is another tool of the government when it is supposed to be fair and neutral. How can it claim to be an election commission when everyone knows that the electoral boundaries are so biased and skewed against democracy? Is it any wonder that the Barisan always wins the elections?

    The other crucial factor is the bureaucracy, those public servants who are under the people’s payroll.

    In Japan, for example, you see this separation of the bureaucrats and the politicians clearly. So no matter who forms the Japanese government, the bureaucracy is able to function effectively and smoothly and in fact there is even a joke that you don’t need the politicians to run the country in Japan.

    The government is so used to deceit and doublespeak that it is unable to think straight and that is why it is full of contradictions. Take for example, the shameful keris waving matter. Now they are coming out and saying that it will be a permanent part of their political culture.

    Western kings and princes have a ceremonial sword as part of their attire but we don’t see their politicians waving swords at their political meetings do we?

    But in Malaysia, reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazi youth groups, can do it and we know the outcome of such behaviour years later.

    The country spends untold sums of money on religion, building mosques at taxpayers expense, spending millions and millions on religious schools, yet corruption is so rampant and it affects every echelon of the economy. For years, every Malaysian knows that the traffic police are corrupt. Yet the government has not done anything to stop the corruption.

    Let us face it. Call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. The Malaysia government has been in power for too long and lost its moral compass. It is lost in the jungle of greed. The only thing worse than a corrupt government official is the people who support him.

    The non-malays know that Pak Lah and his cronies tell them one thing and another to their own people. They are masters of doublespeak and politicians are renowned for speaking with a forked-tongue.

    More and more malays now know that only a handful of cronies take the lion’s share of the nation’s wealth which is meant to be distributed among them more evenly. Mahathir duped them with his plan to establish a few super rich malay tycoons.

    The state of the nation is not healthy. Pak Lah’s administration has failed the moral test. He himself has failed the test that he established himself. Judged by his own standards and words, he has failed. Tell me the truth, work with me, yak, yak, yak, but what do we get? The opposite! And now that the Bar Council has told him the truth – he scolds them. Shish.

    Let us face the truth. Politicians are not royalty born to lead. They are given the chance to lead. Take away Pak Lah’s role and what is he? Look at the high and mighty Mahathir. Where is he now?

    The Malay Dilemma was a myth created by Mahathir to exploit the psyche of a victim’s complex innate in the malays of yesteryears. But cunning Mahathir made it out that the British and the Chinese put the malays at a disadvantage. And after 50 years of Umno rule, what have changed?

    Malaysians should not be stupid but angry that their country is being exploited by the people they elected to benefit them. It took a long time to get 5000 people to sign the petition to the King. It should have taken five minutes! Or five days.

    But if I announce a free porn video, be sure I will have 500000 people sign up. The young in Malaysia had better wake up and start to do something about their country, about their future.

    Don’t be fooled by the politicians who say the Chinese are the enemy, the Indians are the enemy, the Malays are the enemy. There is only one enemy. The one who is corrupt. Everyone else is your friend.

    Save Malaysia and take part in every activity that you can and vote out the corrupt politicians to make your country a better place.

    Remember your future is in your hands and don’t blame anyone if you suffer because you made the wrong choice. The last time many of us were fooled – but once bitten, twice shy.

  53. “anak sungeisiput Says:
    Yesterday at 21: 57.54

    YB LKS,

    The denial of 2/3 majority is of no consequence. Malaysia is not ruled by the Malaysian Constitution. The Malaysia as no public accountabilty no adminstrative law. The oppositon can cry and shout, even resort to tainted judical process, the Malay interest and dominance will prevail under any circumsatnces. What is the racial composition of the police force, the judicial officers, the ACA, the Ministries, etc etc. Does the opposition think they can nudge the Malay interests, to give way? I dont think so.

    When the consititution has been corrupted by the Sedition Act, the ISA and on and on, there is no procedural fairness nor natural justice, be it in body snatching or jailing of professional doctor. The Malay interest will prevail.

    As recently as a few days ago the son of the ACA director, a pilot, is pardoned scot free by Malaysian Airline system after he was convicted by the impartial criminal justice system in Australia for importing child porn, while a Indian pilot was dismissed for a minor offence some years ago.

    I am sorry to be pesimistic, but I am also a realist.

    Wish you the best of luck.”

    Not a realist but a loser, one who is prepared to give up even before trying.

    It is indeed difficult to bring about changes. However, please remember that all journeys begin with the first step. If we cannot
    achieve it this time, there is always the next time, that is, as long
    as we keep the spirit alive and do not give up.

  54. I was born and raised in Penang. I used to be proud of being a Penangite, not because we had the only Chinese CM but because we were a progressive people who once voted an opposition into power. I still remember the days prior to the 1990 GE when the streets in downtown Georgetown were packed with supporters flocking to ceramahs by LKS, Tengku Razaleigh, etc.

    Those days are gone. I no longer talk about my hometown ever since 1995, when the slump of the Penang opposition began.

    Having been a Penangite for nearly 30 years, I had first-hand experience of Penang’s days under a Chinese CM of the BN. I came from a poor Chinese family who did not own any dwelling unit on the island, then known for the highest house prices in the country, and also failed in multiple applications for a low-cost house/flat because of our racial origin. As a result, our family went without our own dwelling unit for decades and were eventually forced to leave the island and move to Selangor, my present place of residence. I believe all people, not only Chinese, of the lower classes have been marginalised in the state, which contributed to the half truth of last year’s clamour among the Penang UMNO people. In conclusion, it would be shortsighted and narrowminded for Penangites to cling on to a Chinese CM (of course, an UMNO CM would spell disaster for all Penangites!)

    Since someone here mentioned CLHS in their postings, I would like to share a little with you as a CLHS old boy. I still remember how CLHS students, old boys, and staff used to exalt former MCA No. 2 and minister Michael Chen, who unarguably was a great speaker, during my schooldays and how much they were proud of him. Now, the new darling is KTK and the next could be THN. In fact, there are many more CLHS alumni in the regime and CLHS people are proud of them all and sing praises of these people and themselves at CLHS celebrations. To me, these people are just stooges of UMNO hegemonists. In fact, they make me feel shameful and I am sick of this typical Chinese sectarianism and have stayed away from those celebrations (I believe I am not the only CLHS old boy who feels this way). I love CLHS but I love justice, human rights, and democracy more!

    In this GE, let’s hope for a resurrection of Penangites’ progressive tradition and a CLHS family that rise above sectarianism!

    p/s Having said the above, I still believe CLHS alumni’s votes, though numerous in number, do not matter so much as to decide who will be the next CM.

  55. BN media is trying to propagate a feel good thing through its adverts recently depicting all the previous PM and Pak Lah. Just feel bad that B A dont have a similar luxury.

    But dont worry guys; we will spread the word for you guys contesting.

    Just include a positive events that will come through from the dawn of 9/3/08, through your campaigns

    BN is trying to picture a negative things if we BA win this GE. Lets have their worst nightmare come through.

    Lets see Samy go amok on the street with his friends not accepting his defeat.

    And we will celebrate indoors knowing the BN samseng out there who will try to provoke us.

    Lets take the negative feeling about voting opposition out from us. Lets be brave Malaysians for once, for our children and generation to come.

    I am sure their will remember the revolution we trying to create for their betterment.


  56. But how to deny BN 2/3 majority when you DAP only contests 47 seats when you were supposed to contest 54?

    And what the heck is DAP and PKR killing each other in so many seats in Sabah and Sarawak?

    What the heck is going on? How do you win?

  57. “The opposition can cry and shout, even resort to tainted judicial process, the Malay interest and dominance will prevail under any circumstances..” kcb

    The issue is not and has never been Malay interest against non-Malay interest. That is a skewed and narrow view of what DAP stands for.

  58. “Not a realist but a loser, one who is prepared to give up even before trying.” kcb

    I’m not sure what your message is. But if it is meant for YB Kit remember what Edmund Burke wrote:

    “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”

  59. Can anyone here confirms Samy velly birthday??

    He has openly said that 8th March is his birthday. However he filled in 20th June as his DOB at nomination this morning.

    There will be only one truth:

    Either he publicly lied about his DOB


    He will get disqualified for filling in the wrong DOB

  60. YB , the people of Malaysia is easy.As long as we do things with our ‘ heart’ , the rakyat will know and feel it.Just tell everyone , every Opposition party to pledge a slogan..’ DENY BN 2/3 ‘ , ‘ Deny BN 2/3 for JUSTICE and for your voice to be heard in the PARLIMENT, focus on that point.. everyone will VOTE for the opposition. No need BIG PLANS , BIG VISION.. Becoz the OPPOSITION carries Voice of the Rakyat!!

    Keep it Simple… so that every folk will understand.

    The Opposition must work together in order to deny 2/3
    And the focus is plain simple this year around… Every opposition has to shout the Same Simple Slogan..

    Good Luck!

  61. [undergrad2 Says:

    Today at 01: 08.09 (17 minutes ago)
    “Not a realist but a loser, one who is prepared to give up even before trying.” kcb

    I’m not sure what your message is. But if it is meant for YB Kit remember what Edmund Burke wrote:

    “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”]

    This is exactly my point!
    Please go read the second last line within the quotation again!

  62. As a Malay, when I inform people that I will be voting for DAP or PSM, the Malays-Muslims thought I’m being treacherous; they said to me, the least you can do is vote Keadilan since it’s still considered as a Malay-based/dominant party despite it’s supposed to be multiracial. However, I felt disappointed that many ordinary Malay members of Keadilan are still brainwashed to support the Ketuanan Melayu-Islam ideology; an issue that is not being addressed properly by the top leaders including Anwar. As for the non-Malays, they seem surprised. This is because the Malaysian psyche is so entrenched in the racial, religious and ultra-nationhood manipulative divide.

    Thus the brilliant speech here by the long-time tireless activist Lim Kit Siang needs to be ponder at wisely and intelligently by all, especially the brainwashed Malays; across race, religion and ultra-nationhood (of defending one’s own civilization).

  63. undergrad2 Says: Yesterday at 22: 53.41
    PKR and PAS have to deliver enough Malay votes. Victory lies not in the Chinese votes. My 2-cents.

    I think we must do more than what you said. The non-Malays MUST to vote for PAS and PKR also. Otherwise, we will always end up with the Malays in Government and Non-Malays in opposition.

    We must split the Malays right in the middle just like the non-Malays were split in so many ways. Just look at BN, there is only ONE Malay dominant party (UMNO), but for the Non Malays we have Gerakan, MCA and SUPP for Chinese, MIC, PPP and Gerakan for Indians and of course the numerous Kadazan Dusun parties in Sabah. We should split the Malays by helping the PAS and PKR to become stronger. Only then we have the chance to be king maker. Don’t worry too much about PAS. Ask yourself; in what way is UMNO different from PAS? Both are Islam centric with UMNO being more corrupted than PAS.

  64. “He will get disqualified for filling in the wrong DOB” – Chong Zhemin

    This tambi is a special one. Never mind, just let him off bah. We want to beat him on the stage. We do not want a DQ or count-out win against him. We want to pin him 1-2-3 in front of all Sg Siput voters. Hope Dr D Jeyakumar (PKR) will be able to deliver that.

  65. BARISAN NEPOTISM is leading uncontested by 9-1. Why the opposition so careless to let BARISAN NEPOTISM won without any fight?

    What happens to PKR candidate who was supposed to fight Azalina?

    This is really sad. I have no hope in this election other than seeing the flag burner Kerismudin and Kera Jantan lost their contested seats. This is what I wanted to see the most.

    Before the Internet, I used to look at the MCA, Gerakan, and MIC leaders as respectable men who fought for our rights. Now, seeing them on TV or online, the first thing to come into my mind is that these people are traitors to the communities that they are supposed to represent.

    Looking at the young candidates from MCA, Gerakan, and MIC, I can’t understand why they would want to join these treacherous parties? Are they so ignorants? I don’t think so. In the past, that is before the Internet, they can be fogiven. But with the Internet, every wrong doings of the UMNO are exposed to the public to see. These people are supposed to be more educated than me. I am just a STPM holder. Don’t these youngsters know the feeling of being oppressed and discriminated by UMNO?

    I really can’t understand YOUNG MCA and MIC members. As a second class and third class Malaysian citizens, don’t they understand that the issues raised by DAP are legitimate issues? Why do they choose to support racist UMNO?

    If the BARISAN NEPOTISM aka BARISAN NINCOMPOOP still could win by a big majority like last election, then I don’t think there is a future for me here in Malaysia. I will migrate to Singapore. I think working in a factory there is better than trying to do a small business here or find a job here in Malaysia.

    I’ve been listening to speeches made by Anwar Ibrahim at YouTube and he looks promising and inspiring. I hope YB Lim Kit Siang will win big this time.

  66. Let Samy stand in Sg Siput.
    We really want to see how much the Indians still support him.

    We will know after polling day.

    If he loses,then lets see what he will say.
    Let see what sort of excuse he can give.
    He will probably accuse others of betrayal.

    “Victory or Death”.

  67. We need more fair-minded Malays like Noor Aza Othman to join the call for real equality and fairness, irregardless of religion or race, and vote with their conscience. Non-Malay people in this forum should understand that too, that racism in any form (including from non-Malays) is abhorrent to what we all want in Malaysia.

  68. To Boycottlocalpapers:

    Do not migrate and give up your citizenship.That will make UMNO very happy.

    If you have to ,just get a PR and work overseas.

    But come back everytime to vote when there is a GE.

    This is your country ,my country and the country of all fellow Malaysians be it Malay ,Chinese,Indians,Orang Asli,etc.

    Malaysia would not have got Independance from the British if all the major races did not support and asked for it.,

    Our forefathers supported independance,that’s why we got it.

    “Victory or Death”

  69. I am sure the Barang Naik Regime will pull out all the tricks in the bag to try ensure they continue to be in power. Only we Malaysians can pit our votes 100% against their trickery so that we may form a new clean just government.
    Malaysians, do the right thing! Vote BN and suffer for the next 50 years? Not me, my votes are for DAP(Dun Ayer Keroh) and PKR (Parlimen Bukit Katil)
    Good luck and Godspeed Barisan Rakyat!


  70. If the only alternative is either BN or PAS ,I will vote for PAS.

    PAS is religious but not rascist.What do you think of UMNO?

    PAS proposes separate queues for males and females in supermarkets,etc.What’s wrong with that?

    Won’t you have a shorter queue?More efficiency too!

    Or would you rather have your girlfriend,wife, sister or daughter jostle with men in a single crowded queue?I would not.

    I am told at one time PAS proposed to implement a policy of separating males and females in public swimming pools.What’s wrong with that?
    Do you want other men to oogle at your daughters or wife when they go swimming.Not for me.

    It is a small inconvenience to pay in exchange for a fair and clean government.

    “Victory or Death”

  71. Can DAP and PKR settle for 1-to-1 fight in Sabah? Candidates still can withdraw within 3 days after nomination.


    PKR contesting 58 seats

    Kota Kinabalu: Keadilan which failed to reach an agreement with the DAP on the question of seats in Sabah has decided to go for 58 of the 60 State seats in its quest to unseat the Barisan Nasional State government.

    It has chosen to leave two seats – Merotai and Sukau – to fellow opposition party, PAS. At parliamentary level, it will be fielding candidates in all 25 seats, setting the stage for a free-for-all with the DAP which, elsewhere in the country (except for Sarawak), has reached a seat compromise with the party to avoid splitting votes come polling day.

    Among the party’s candidates announced by State Keadilan chief, Haji Ansari Abdullah Saturday, were retired senior government servants and former BN assemblymen.

    Datuk Dr Hasbullah Taha, former State Education Department Director has been picked to contest in Silam against BN newcomer Salleh Kalbi (Umno) while former Kundasang PBS Assemblyman Karim Adam will take on PBS incumbent Dr Joachim Gunsalam in Kundasang.

    In the State seat of Sekong, former BN Assemblyman Datuk Nahalan Damsal will be contesting on a Keadilan ticket against Umno incumbent Datuk Samsudin Yahya.

    Veteran politician Haji Ramlee Dua, who served as an Assemblyman under the Berjaya government, will contest against Umno newcomer Ahmad Bujang in Sindumin.

    Former Sabah Development Bank General Manager, Mozes M Iking, is up against PBS President Datuk Seri Joseph Pairin Kitingan.

    Keadilan Vice-President, Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, despite being only recently discharged from hospital following a road mishap, is out to wrest the Keningau parliamentary seat from his older brother, Pairin.

    In Sri Tanjong, the party will be fielding former Kudat Assemblyman Datuk Kong Hong Ming against PBS incumbent Samson Chin Chee Tsu.

    Ansari, meanwhile, will be contesting in Tuaran against Datuk Wilfred Bumburing (Upko) and against Sulaman State incumbent Datuk Hajiji Noor.

    Likewise his deputy, Christina Liew, will also be vying for two seats – against PBS newcomer Chin Teck Min in Kota Kinabalu and against PBS incumbent Datuk Dr Yee Moh Chai for the Api-Apri State seat.

    Keadilan will be fielding Dr Edwin Bosie to contest against Tan Sri Bernard Dompok (Upko) for the Penampang parliamentary seat.

    The party was until Saturday locked in a tussle with the DAP on the issue of “overlapping” seats.

    Ansari said they had wanted to go on one-on-one with the BN but unfortunately the DAP “was more keen to deny the Barisan Nasional a two-third majority.”

    “Whereas for Keadilan, our objective is to offer the people the choice to form an alternative government,” he said.

    Keadilan, he said, felt the party and DAP should share the seats equally between Chinese-dominated areas and in mixed areas.

    Ansari said the party is confident of forming the next State government based on the general sentiments of the people who are largely unhappy with the present Sabah BN government.

    On the candidates, he said it is the best mix of old and new faces with women accounting for about 10 per cent. “We are happy with the choice of candidates because it is based on (general) consensus.” Sabah Keadilan would be launching its manifesto after Nomination Day (today).

    He said the venue would be decided later adding that it would be depend on whether Jeffrey would be able to travel back to the city from Keningau.

    Jeffrey is still unable to walk unaided after his four-wheel drive vehicle was involved in an accident recently while he was en route to the city.

    Ansari did not discount the possibility of the manifesto being launched in the interior.

  72. another term for pak lah….this time around our people of this country will be sucked dry.our leaders of today in the government are like barbarians …maybe worse.corruptions…acting worse than a street hooligan…indulging in immoral acts…twisting facts….wasting money money just for the sake of air muka…pledging stupid and illogical promises….and worse of all we hv a leader who cant make decisions.

  73. If you look at the line-up of UMNO, you get an idea of what Badawi has in mind for this country. He basically believes that all he has to do is bring in young better educated that passes screening test and that the party will be reformed. In other words, just pure faith that educated and better off young will NOT be corrupted and abuse power.

    All these young people may not be as obvious as their predecessor in chasing after ill-gotten wealth but their main goal in joining politics is to enrich themselves first and foremost. Instead of taking a 10% commision in buying submarine, they will be looking to take 51% of equity of company managed by someone else that gets to build the submarine whether building submarine makes sense or not.

    So fundamentally you still have a system of dependency that will last beyond 30 years as he has promised. Again broken promises.

    Fundamentally the PM think his ideas of what is promise is different than what the voters expect. But he thinks its all fine for voters to mislead voters and let them think there is more than what he is promising. He can always claim he never promise what they thought later.

    Broken promises. It started with Razak when he said there was not going to be quotas in NEP and it will end in 20 years.

  74. I was at the DAP ceramah last nite ( raja uda )
    indeed was very happy to see quite a crowd there and met some indian supporters who was very unhappy with the current
    ruling party , they wanted to vote them out ..i have been following
    the ceramahs organised by dap for a long time mostly in penang
    but this time it is very different ,from those ordinary laymen to
    executives most of them are voting opposition .i feel the winds

  75. If you look at the “new” UMNO line-up, we should be worried. Many gentler, genuine representatives of the people like Zaid Ibrahim and Astaman Abdul Aziz have had to make way for younger blood, most of whom are aligned to KJ who himself is running in Rembau. These are the new UMNO Youth blood which is a lot more extremist and unreasonable, and the other component parties of Barang Naik will not be able to hold back the tide of chauvinism.

    If the voters continue to support the Barang Naik coalition, then Bolehland truly deserves the pain for the foreseeable future.

  76. What is this………..??????

    I have been reading blogs, and all are calling to vote BN out. Calling to vote the for DAP, PKR and others.

    I am from Sabah, now how to vote..? The best is to stay at home.


  77. If Semi-brain value has filed in a wrong DOB then he shld be DQ. BUt hey, lets gv him a fight first. If he wins, then maybe the opposition can lodge a report against him.

    And why has PKR candidates suddenly “vanished”? No reason was gvn apart from they couldnt be located. Have they been C4? Or have they been gvn much $ to stay away from GE? These are traitors to the country. PKR pls look for these ppl and check their bank accts and whatever not. If they hv rcvd $ then both parties are equally guilty of a crime here. BN and the candidate.

    Go DIG IT!

  78. Real change is difficult to implement……..any change is only cosmetic.

    You cannot change a person mind after decades of narrow, shallow and damaging politics of race and religion.

    Thanks to our leader/s, the people do not trust each other.

  79. Serve the MCA,MIC or the Gerakan right if they don’t get any post in the cabinet, even if they win. Let them feel what betrayal is.

    I guess Khairy will soon be a vice president then.
    It really sucks!!!

  80. You can’t deny the Barisan of 2/3 because nobody knows the truth.
    Only a handful will know and only when they attend ceramahs by opposition. Maybe also to some who knows how to surf the net to seek truth. Others who are dumb, dumb will only rely on the newspaper or the electronic media. The media are the ones who are one sided and especially the TV3, they make me real sick!!!
    Only miracles could save the opposition.
    To those who are smart, get the hell out of Malaysia for the sake of our children and that’s for sure.

  81. Just found something interesting.

    Try google “Samy Vellu Birthday”

    The first result will be from wikipedia

    you will see

    Samy Vellu — Date of Birth: June 20, 1936

    When you click into the link you will see this

    Yang Berhormat Datuk Seri S. Samy Vellu, whose full name is Samy Vellu Sangalimuthu (Tamil: ???????? ?????????????) (born March 8, 1936), is the longest serving president of the Malaysian Indian Congress (MIC) . He has held the position since 1979, for 10 consecutive terms.

    So which is Samy vellu’s dob???Funny huh?

  82. 20/6/36 is the correct one; semi had the same day fixed with the previous Sultan of Selangor who’s birthday celebrated on the 8/3 every year. He fixed it so that he can enjoy a free holiday, must be.

    As far as indian astrology is concern; 8 is not a lucky no for those who believe in it.

    But semi is enjoying by the strength of his name. So the more u utter his name; the more positive vibration you are going to give him. Pls call him by any other name.

    Again its for those who believe in science of astrology and numerology.

  83. “Phantom voters still at large” – newkid

    Oddly enough, all of them have one thing in common, their ‘No Siri’ is 1.
    Also except for 2 of them, all are given ‘Saluran 1’

    Does it means that these votes are sneaked into the ballot box before the poll opened to the public. Given that it is possible for EC to work in cahoot with BN candidates, it is not a problem for them to cast the phantom voters without a trace of wrong doings.

    Maybe those who re familiar manning poll station before can give some lights here.

  84. “…most of whom are aligned to KJ who himself is running in Rembau.” Godfather.

    The new ones are ALL aligned to KJ because he expressly wants to be the PM before 40. The older ones are compromised candidates, compromised in the sense that he cannot rally guage their loyalty, yet these are the candidates that can win the votes.

    While that is totally expected, I really cannot reconciled the fact that KeAdilan, which is supposed to field candidates in Malay-majority with PAS, can’t deliver. As undergrad2 said, KeAdilan is in reality UMNO- splinter. Election is the acid-test and many are prone to change alignment midway.

    It is very sad indeed. They have been reluctant to give way to DAP candidates at specific constituencies. I just hope their performance is better on polling day.

  85. “So Husam is not accountable to anybody but Tok Guru and Tok Guru doesn’t understand what Husam is doing,” Khairy said.

    These statements are mirror image of the speaker. It must have being his self-reflective attitude of which his unconscious mind must have said it out loud.

    So, it could be read as: “Pak Lah had run the state for 4 long years but did not know what was going on as he ‘privately empowered everything to his son-in-law. His son-in-law id not accountable to anybody but the sleeping beauty and the sleeping beauty doesn’t understand what the toy boy is doing.

  86. “….The Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has said that none of his cabinet ministers except for his deputy Datuk Seri Najib Razak were guaranteed a cabinet position even if they won in the general election –…”

    Pak Lah just talk big only lah!! Just like his promises in the 2004 elections especially on the corruption and the IPCMC. He does not have the guts to do what he threatens. Just “tunjuk”. If really that was his intention, all he has to do is to drop them from the elections. The fact that almost the entire Cabinet is standing for reelection, including geriatrics that has overstayed their welcome, clearly shows he is not in control at all. He does not have the guts to get rid of them and he is passing the buck to the voters hoping they will do the dirty job for him. Mark my words. After the elections and the old guards are re-elected, he will put his tail between his legs and meekly reappoint them and spin some crap about needing their experiences, guiding the young, developing the corridors etc. etc.

  87. What a start to the GE,9-1 to BN without any votes cast yet prompting this remark ‘Why the opposition so careless to let Barisan Nepotism won without any fight?’ by BoycottLocalPapers.

    But are you sure it is carelessness or MONEY POLITICS ie the opposition candidates have been bought out!!

  88. A local political blog, Screenshots, edited by Jeff Ooi, reported that at a dinner on the eve of the Lunar New Year attended by Selangor Chief Minister Khir Toyo, a representative of the new owners of the Sun told staff that all criticism of Khir and his government had to stop, including instances of poor governance in Selangor State, the territory surrounding the Kuala Lumpur federal territory, and notably the suburbs of Petaling Jaya, Ampang Jaya and Subang Jaya.

    The Sun’s deputy news editor and columnist R Nadeswaran told Asia Sentinel in a telephone interview: “No one is going to boss me around,” adding that as far as he knows there has been no change in editorial policy. However, he acknowledged that in a meeting with Khir, “accusations were thrown around” but declined to elaborate. He also said he has no plans to leave the paper.

  89. Why I support the DAP party of the past?

    We have three opposition parties, that mean we have three Oppositions leaders each has it own mindset, political agenda, opinion and vision. I find it difficult to comprehend how this mechanism of three leaders works for the multi-racial sociality (people) to agreed to focus of matter of people concerns.

    Unfortunately, till today, the abv mechanism has not worked since then I cannot find an answers to abv it may not justify my vote for DAP party but
    the idea of Penang as opposition state, I vote of DAP but i’m not from Penang.

    Best of luck for your Penang campaign.

  90. According to Bernama, the Prime Minister, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, led the Barisan Nasional (BN) to a rousing start on the nomination day, Feb. 24.

    That rousing start, according to Bernama was the coalition winning seven parliamentary and two state seats when nominations closed.

    What Bernama didn’t do was to compare that with the 2004 nomination day when the BN won 17 parliamentary seats and 12 state assembly seats.

    Looks like Bernama [Banana] `syok sendiri` :)

  91. NotProudToBeMalaysian Says;

    “To those who are smart, get the hell out of Malaysia for the sake of our children and that’s for sure.”

    If you can and have to, so be it.But keep your Malaysian citizenship and come back to vote every GE.

    Our forefathers made huge sacrifices to make what Malaysia was.They help developed this country.

  92. SV is used to manipulations and he has no qualm manipulating things, even bloody obvious ones, to his advantage because he, like all BN politicians, believes that Malaysians are dumb and can be fooled all the time.

    So he has two birth dates – ‘cos he was a born again XXX (whatever you care to fill in).

  93. You want someone with leadership qualities? Take Chegubard. I’ve seen quite a bit of the 30-year PKR candidate and I am heartened. No millions in his bank account and he drives a Kelisa with no fancy numbers, unlike our friend KJ. A teacher in Rembau who lost his job because he wouldn’t hide his anger towards a small group of unscrupulous who are taking from country’s khazanah to enrich themselves.

  94. Pak Lah is on song again: la, la, la, la, la ……………
    7 parliamentary seats in the pocket already. Happy times will be here again, despite Mahathir’s plea to people not to vote for and re-elect incompetent and rude BN politicians.

  95. It seems that PSM’s ceramah in Sungai Siput was abruptly halted last night due to ‘disturbances’ and ‘obstacles’ from the police.

    During Sungai Siput Opposition candidate Dr Jeyakumar’s political speech, a group of ‘Light Strike Force’ approach the front stage and prevented him from continuing his intriguing talk.

  96. We all must try our best to understand BN way of ruling in Malaysia.
    With far too many money politics going around, they will do things to ensure of the 2/3 majority. Even looking at some of the Opposition candidates that failed to turn up during normination day or wrong filled forms, they have be influent by BN.
    Even after GE, still we can see some of the Opposition will ‘jumped over’

  97. Money politics is only played by BN.The BN candidate for Kelana Jaya gave out RM100 angpows plus hampers,food like rice to senior citizens and others.They can do it because they make easy money.The opposition is really fighting an uphill task in view of biased media and also money politics.Anyway the opposition must be united and fight out the battle.

  98. Vote for stability cries bn big banner.

    I Say:


    Without equality there can never be any stability.

    50 years is ENOUGH
    Vote For A Change
    Vote For Any Opposition
    Give Them A Chance To Change For A Better Malaysia
    Remember bn Is A Useless Grouping Of Self Serving, Corrupt, Dictator, Power Crazy, Racist, Kris waving, etc, etc type of parties.

  99. boh-liao Says:
    Pak Lah is on song again: la, la, la, la, la ……………

    Can anyone show me the youtube link on this? please…

  100. For Penang, it looks like there are 2 MIC candidates nominated to stand for State seats and none for Parliamentary seats. With 13 Parliamentary seats and 40 State seats up for grabs this means that Indians have 5 percent of state seats and 0% of Parliamentary seats. Overall average works out to 3.77 percent.

    I wonder whats the Indian population in Penang and in terms of percentage. Why is the bn sharing formula not put into practise in Penang?

    And is it also true that Gerakan are not fielding any Indian candidates as they claim not to have any qualified candidates. Ha ha. That should teach all the Indians who joined Gerakan. They are basically saying you are good for nothing!

  101. I cant understand why DAP is only contesting in 47 Parliamentary seats. Why such a low number? We were told all along that DAP would be fielding candidates in 60+ Parliamentary seats. What happened?

  102. And in KL Putrajaya and Labuan, not a single MIC candidate. All Gerakan, MCA and Umno candidates, not one of whom is Indian. So with 13 parliametary seats up for grabs, not a single Indian is represented. This is the bn spirit! Way to go!

  103. Hip Hip Hooray! malacca has One MIC candidate for a state seat with 6 Parliamentary and 28 state seats. Well done MIC! This is the future of the inidan community.1/28 = 3.6 percent. 1/34 = 2.9 percent.

    Lets follow the bn sharing policy. Sure to work if they tell you it will work!

  104. Not bad, Johor has 1 Parliamentary and 4 State seats where MIC has candidates. 1/26=3.85 percent for parliament. And 4/52= 7.7 percent.

    Its very interesting to see that in the bn sharing policy, 3 of the candidates vying for state seats are contesting in seats with only 2.06 to 3.86 percent Indian voters. Good sharing concept, or fear of the Indian backlash? Ha ha ….will be fun to see.

    But I hope Indians and others can see bn for what it really is. All rhetoric and no delivery.

  105. If we don’t deny BN 2/3 majority in the next parliament, we will lose a lot, a lot in the next 5 years!

    Many of the obviously cheating and unscrupulous BN politicians are still kept as BN candidates for the coming GE on 8 March 2008. They are all ready to suck more of our money after they get elected on 8.3.08.

    Furthermore, after the departure of one generation of cash-rich bloating BN politicians, we now have a new generation of insatiable relatives (son, daughter, daughter-in-law, son-in-law, etc.) all ready to join in the money-sucking game (a game they believe to be their rights from womb to tomb).

    Just look at the various economic corridors in place now. North, south, east, and west – these are corridors that will channel billions of RM from all directions into the pockets of Umnoputras and their bumiputra and non-bumiputra cronies.

    Time for all Malaysians to unite to vote FOR DAP/PKR/PAS candidates and vote OUT BN candidates!

  106. If you check the stats as provided in NST. Johor has 1231194 people. And adding by each parliamentary constiuency, the INdian population in the whole of Johor works out to only 84771 persons.

    Anyway, that works out to 6.9 percent of the states population. You can see how well the INdians are represented.

    By the way, the figures given for the Parliamentary seats of Ayer Hitam and Pontian dont make sense as they dont tally with the population in the state seats in that section .

  107. Negri 9 has 8 Parliamentary and 36 state seats. Population is 456,038. Indians nominated by bn is 1 for Parliament and 2 for State seats.

    There are supposedly 53658 indians in the state. i.e. Indians comprise 11.8 percent of N9 population, but has onlly has 3 reps.

    1/8 = 12.5 percent. 2/36= 5.6 percent. And overall 3/45 = 6.8 percent.

    Well done bn for sharing you very fair power sharing formula. And Semi Value, I hope you are paying attention and noting how the Indians have been shortchanged due to your own greed and ineptness.

    MIC and Semi Value have to go. Vote them out en-bloc!

  108. I have a small question. There have been so many listings of good things and the not so good thing of BN. Can someone enlighten the blog readers of some of the good things and contributions that DAP or other members of the opposition/ BA/ BR has done for the community? Pardon my ignorance, but i would really appreciate and like to know the actual and explicit contributions to the community. Not the “can do” and “will do” but rather what has been done and how it has help and improved the well-being of the community. I think it’s a good practice to share positive things. Anyone?

  109. Click on to the link I gave above. There are three more links within it. I’m pretty sure they are enough to give you a picture if Malaysia has progressed after 50 years of independence and where we are today, the corruption and the Judiciary rot that shame this nation, do we deserve it?

  110. Malaysianborn,
    If without the opposition, especially the DAP, would you know what is going on in the country? Would you know the abuse, the corruption and the mismanagement that are prevailing right now as we speak? The oppositions have not got the opportunity to govern this country, so certainly you can’t expect them do things in terms of development, building infrastructure or setting proper and effective regulatory framework. A political party must be in government first before they can have access to government coffer and decide on what and how to spend the money. The development that you see is not financed by BN’s money. It is money gathered from taxes and the nation’s resources like oil and gas. Please don’t be too harsh to opposition. Let DAP governs Penang for one term and we shall see. After all, the BN has governed Penang and this country for more than 50 years. It is time to try out and change. I don’t even care whether the change is for the worse because we are not happy with status quo.

  111. For things to change in this country, we need to revert the laws previously ammended by the mandate given to BN for the past 50 years. Denying them 2/3 majority only stops them wrong making more absurb laws and further plunging our nation into the abyss.

    What is needed is for the oppostion to obtain 2/3 majority to right the wrongs and undo the past mistakes – like removing the NEP. But in a country where the NEP protects more than half the population, it seems hardly possible.

    What we need is true blood Malay – successful, determined and proven under the opposition front who achieve success without any help of the government (direct or indirect) – someone who really believes that the NEP is actually the root of the problems of this country. Is there such a person in the opposition? –

    …..Someone that can tell the Malays and other Bumis that it is the NEP that have kept the majority of them far beyond what majority of the non bumis have achieved. It is because of the NEP, that the Chinese and Indians have slogged it out to be where they are today. And simply keeping it is NOT the solution. – Wisdom saying of “Give a man a fish, feed him for a day, Teach a man to fish, you feed him a lifetime.” If it comes from a Chinese or Indian, it is only deemed that he or she is jealous that they do not recieve equal treatment.

    …..Somebody who can tell the masses that while BN have given general peace and stability and growth in this country, it is still an underperforming government that could have been so much better given our pool of resources and positive advantages we have, – rather than agreeing to a group of hasbeens telling us that we should be grateful for what we have, and comparing ourselves with people worse off rather than aiming to equal or beat the benchmark set by developed countries.

    …..Somebody who have the charisma that all Malaysians would want to represent them in the international stage, where we can feel proud that this is my country’s greatest leader, rather than getting strange looks from foreigners and journalist when my ministers attends an interview, or the need to wake up the people around me when my PM speaks!

    …..Somebody that attracts and develop quality politician to represent the people (including opposition) that we can finally have a parliament that discuss real issues of the people, representative who dare to challenge parties decision when they may not be in the best interest of its people, rather that just agreeing to party’s wishes, and oppositions that can agree with ruling government when a good law is proposed.

    I pray that such a person comes out whether locally or from abroad to lend strength and conviction to the oppositions cause, and that is should he exist, may he not be caught by the ISA, or suffer anxiety attacks or depression upon seeing the true state of this nation….

    May this dream and aspiration starts with a minor victory – getting the 1/3 of the seats both parliament and state.

  112. Advice from Umno old guard on the upcoming elections: taken from Sarawak National Party Blog spot:-

    Pilihanraya ke-12: 8 March 2008

    Nasihat Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad kepada rakyat Malaysia supaya berfikir dengan penuh hikmah sebelum mengundi BN dalam PRU12.

    “Sekiranya calon itu hanya “tunggul kayu” dan rasuah “rakyat tidak sepatutnya mengundi mereka sekalipun mereka mewakili BN”.
    — Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

  113. DAP, May I have Penang DAP ceramah schedule? ANyone can help. Thanks

    [edit – please call DAP Penang HQ, 04-2288482. 25.2.08, DAP HQ, Jalan Talipon, Lim Guan Eng, Chow Kon Yeow, and candidates, 8pm]

  114. Pak Lah has been derelict in his duty and appears to be incompetent.

    Current events in Malaysia speak of a government that is out of control because of Pak Lah’s lack of leadership. Each time something of major public concern occurs, he hides behind the scene and lets his ministers or some other person manage the problem.

    A good leader will come out in the open and lead from the front not the back.

    It is not proper for the government to tell the Bar Council, the country’s best legal brains, what to do when its so-called law minister does not even understand the basic notion of natural justice.

    The Election Commission is another tool of the government when it is supposed to be fair and neutral. How can it claim to be an election commission when everyone knows that the electoral boundaries are so biased and skewed against democracy? Is it any wonder that the Barisan always wins the elections?

    The other crucial factor is the bureaucracy, those public servants who are under the people’s payroll.

    In Japan, for example, you see this separation of the bureaucrats and the politicians clearly. So no matter who forms the Japanese government, the bureaucracy is able to function effectively and smoothly and in fact there is even a joke that you don’t need the politicians to run the country in Japan.

    The government is so used to deceit and doublespeak that it is unable to think straight and that is why it is full of contradictions. Take for example, the shameful keris waving matter. Now they are coming out and saying that it will be a permanent part of their political culture.

    Western kings and princes have a ceremonial sword as part of their attire but we don’t see their politicians waving swords at their political meetings do we?

    But in Malaysia, reminiscent of Hitler’s Nazi youth groups, can do it and we know the outcome of such behaviour years later.

    The country spends untold sums of money on religion, building mosques at taxpayers expense, spending millions and millions on religious schools, yet corruption is so rampant and it affects every echelon of the economy. For years, every Malaysian knows that the traffic police are corrupt. Yet the government has not done anything to stop the corruption.

    Let us face it. Call an ace an ace and a spade a spade. The Malaysia government has been in power for too long and lost its moral compass. It is lost in the jungle of greed. The only thing worse than a corrupt government official is the people who support him.

    The non-malays know that Pak Lah and his cronies tell them one thing and another to their own people. They are masters of doublespeak and politicians are renowned for speaking with a forked-tongue.

    More and more malays now know that only a handful of cronies take the lion’s share of the nation’s wealth which is meant to be distributed among them more evenly. Mahathir duped them with his plan to establish a few super rich malay tycoons.

    The state of the nation is not healthy. Pak Lah’s administration has failed the moral test. He himself has failed the test that he established himself. Judged by his own standards and words, he has failed. Tell me the truth, work with me, yak, yak, yak, but what do we get? The opposite! And now that the Bar Council has told him the truth – he scolds them. Shish.

    Let us face the truth. Politicians are not royalty born to lead. They are given the chance to lead. Take away Pak Lah’s role and what is he? Look at the high and mighty Mahathir. Where is he now?

    The Malay Dilemma was a myth created by Mahathir to exploit the psyche of a victim’s complex innate in the malays of yesteryears. But cunning Mahathir made it out that the British and the Chinese put the malays at a disadvantage. And after 50 years of Umno rule, what have changed?

    Malaysians should not be stupid but angry that their country is being exploited by the people they elected to benefit them. It took a long time to get 5000 people to sign the petition to the King. It should have taken five minutes! Or five days.

    But if I announce a free porn video, be sure I will have 500000 people sign up. The young in Malaysia had better wake up and start to do something about their country, about their future.

    Don’t be fooled by the politicians who say the Chinese are the enemy, the Indians are the enemy, the Malays are the enemy. There is only one enemy. The one who is corrupt. Everyone else is your friend.

    Save Malaysia and take part in every activity that you can and vote out the corrupt politicians to make your country a better place.

    Remember your future is in your hands and don’t blame anyone if you suffer because you made the wrong choice. The last time many of us were fooled – but once bitten, twice shy. Do I need to say more?

  115. People should boldly vote for DAP/PKR/PAS candidates on 8.3.08.

    Don’t worry about the loss of longkang services in our area by BN MPs and state legislative assembly men/women. Win or lose, BN parliament and state candidates will continue to look after our longkang. That’s all they know what to do (jaga longkang, collecting titles like Dato, Datin, etc., and enriching themselves with corrupted money), because their mouths are sealed in the parliament and the various state legislative assemblies. It is as good as not having them in our parliament and the various state legislative assemblies. They will only act like those ‘see not, hear not, and speak not’ monkeys. In fact, female BN MPs dared not even speak out against the bocor BN MP to defend the dignity of females! How pathetic!

    Don’t worry, after losing on 8.3.08, BN parliament and state candidates will serve us better as opposition members, because they will not take us for granted and would like to impress us for our votes 5 years from now. Time to show BN parliament and state candidates “Who’s the boss”!

    So, people, this is a win-win situation. Vote for DAP/PKR/PAS candidates on 8.3.08 and get two groups of people working for us – two in one! Our DAP/PKR/PAS MPs and state legislative assembly men/women will be speaking out and keeping an eye on BN in the parliament and the various state legislative assemblies; while the losing BN parliament and state candidates, who are longkang specialists, will help us to look after our longkang, together with DAP/PKR/PAS MPs and state legislative assembly men/women.

  116. To, YB L K Siang,

    ….( First Point )…

    “Duti setem: Demi selamatkan BN, tindakan SPR dikecam”

    1) Did SPR acted “Ultra Vires” on 21-2-208 & 23-2-2008 ?

    Food for thought.. BARISAN RAKYAT.

    >Repeat as references – reflections by all Legal Advisers of “Barisan Rakyat “.

    …Re: Outrage over new stamp duty rule

    >..Isn’t duties exempted for statutory declaration made pursuant to 1st
    …Schedule Para 2(ix) of the Stamp Act?

    …Just my two sens.

    >> If above is correct, has SPR chairman & Secretary both acted ‘Ultra Vires’ by the issuance of the two dated letters below ?

    >> ‘…tiba-tiba SPR mengeluarkan surat yang didakwa bertarikh 23 Februari memansuhkan surat arahan itu yang dikeluarkan pada 21 Februari,”…

    What are the Legal remedies available for ” Barisan Rakyat” against SPR
    under ‘ Common Law ” for ‘vicarious liabilty’ to cause
    “confusion with malice intent” ?

    Stamp Act amended , but Election Act not ammended at all ?

    No Pari Pasi ?

    A Legal PARADOX ?

    ….(Second point),

    2) Was the amendment to the Constitution to extend the term of service by an additional year for EC chairman “duly Gazetted” for it to have legal effect ?

    Bila & Mana salinan Warta Kerjaaan di cetakkan?

    I am just curious ?

    Just my 6 sens.

  117. TV3 reporters tried to belittle Guan Eng asking him about alliance with PAS and what is DAP’s mission statement.

    In addition, how can BN advertise over the media their campaign? Isn’t that out of order? Election Commission sitting there doing nothing?

  118. MCA claims that because it is part of the government, it is able to ‘fight’ for the rights of Chinese in the country, and MIC for Indians and UMNO for Malays. If they have to fight, who then do they fight against? Can MCA and MIC fight UMNO when their ministers had to withdraw a memorandum addressed to the prime minister calling attention to a certain issues? When the people in the country are divided by race each being represented by a political party associated by race, it serves to prove that people of different races are not able to coexist in peace, without institutionalised arbitration. The history of Malaysia shows that people of different races were able to live in peace before political parties such as UMNO, MCA and MIC came into being. The formation of race-based political parties did the work of meeting the criterion of ‘racial harmony’ demanded by the British for Independence. Since then, and particularly after may 13, racial polarization grew from strength to strength. UMNO has won the racist battle to discriminate against non-Malays, in the name of fighting for Malays, whereas Chinese and Indians have been marginalised under the leadership of MCA and MIC which claimed to be champions for Chinese and Indians.

    Why do MCA and MIC continue playing race-based politics when it is clear that they could neither fight UMNO for the rights of non-Malays, nor appeal to UMNO to be fair to non-Malays? If the leaders of MCA and MIC believe that UMNO would slowly change its way from its racist past, then they are not realistic. Having made the mistake of not pulling out of the government after 1990 when NEP continued beyond 20 years, and having continued to provide the BN government the excuse that policies which discriminate against non-Malays have the support of the non-Malays communities because of their participation in the government, MCA and MIC leaders are sinners of the non-Malays communities.

    The simple logic outlined above could not have escaped the notice of the leaders in MCA and MIC, and yet they carry on with serving the interest of UMNO. Why then do MCA and MIC remain component members of BN government? The answer has to be that these so-called leaders do obtain gains at their personal level when the communities whose interest they claim to fight for are losing their rights. They are selling the interest of their communities for their own personal gains.

    The Chinese community may be aware that MCA has in fact been a liability to them. But they are still hoping against hope that there might emerge a leader who are worthy of the position of the party. The day will not come because nobody could change the mindset of UMNO when the current race-based political set up allows it to decide how it would choose to squeeze the non-Malays to the level approaching rebellion. To cut loss, we need to bury MCA and MIC.

    The non-Malays have a choice of either resigning to the fate that Malaysia is the land for making preparation for migration, or to reclaim the place as a country we can call home. For the latter, we have to initiate change. To change, we have to vote opposition parties so that MCA and MIC cannot be made use of by UMNO to justify its existence as a race-based party. UMNO would lose its moral right to represent Malays when MCA and MIC cease to exist as political parties. The leaders of these parties have vested interest. We have to show them the door. Make MCA and MIC lose all their seats so that they have no claim to any government position. Let UMNO show us how they would govern without MIC and MCA, and we shall make PAS and PKR replace UMNO comes the next general election.

  119. Dear Lim Kit siang,

    I refer to your remarks on Gerakan Wanita Chief being “tendang…” as she is moved from Lenggong to Gerik constituency. I fail to understand the rationale on the word “tendang’.

    At the very least, UMNO still has the courtesy to sacrifice one of Malay majority area for its Gerakan ally. Of course, the same magaminity cant be expected from DAP. Mr Lim, why dont you put any of your DAP Malay member in a Chinese majority area, say Batu Gajah or Ipoh timur. Let us see whether DAP is willing to make a sacrifice the way UMNO make.

    Mr Lim what is the common factors in constituents like Kulim, Lunas, Derga, Wangsa Maju and countless of other constituents. All of the above have Malay majority percentage but still UMNO is its humility allows non Malays to stand as its candidate, a rarity in this world.

    As for Mr Yuking’s statement, what is wrong by having rich Malays. Must Malays remain poor in order not to be accused as corrupt. Are you saying that all rich Malays are corrupt. Are you saying all Chinese businessman clean?

    By all mean, expose corruption but do not lump all Malay businessmen as corrupt. As for cronies, if there are any, then the figure must be in the millions. There is no denying that all Malays and all Malaysians benefit from this govt.

    Only those consumed with hatred will deny it. As for Mr Loh, well there is a saying “the truth hurts”. The truth is that UMNO itself can form a federal govt on its own . If it is nasty like DAP, It can simply exclude non Malays the way DAP exclude the interests of Malays in all of its agenda. Make no mistake about it. By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race.

    The choice is in your hand.

  120. “By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race.
    The choice is in your hand” – Shamshul

    – hahaha sounds so familiar and it comes every election the past 50 years! :D

    No wonder this country is in deep shit, rotten to the core. Talk is cheap but as always, nothing happens after a General Election. Our Mr Duplicity PM has not even honored his 2004 GE pledge yet he has the nerve to ask for another term? ‘makal sakti'(people’s power) will overwhelm them, the ‘winds of change’ has come and the time is NOW!

  121. shamshul anuar Says:

    Today at 22: 55.28 (58 minutes ago)

    “The truth is that UMNO itself can form a federal govt on its own . If it is nasty like DAP, It can simply exclude non Malays the way DAP exclude the interests of Malays in all of its agenda. Make no mistake about it. By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race.

    The choice is in your hand”

    En. Shamsul,

    We should be thankful to UMNO for all the body snatching;temples demolished;the threat making kris wielding minister;the banning of certain bibles;for telling the other component parties to leave BN if they do not like it and for my not being able to get into a local university.

    Yes, thank you,thank you,thank you very much!
    Do you want us to kiss UMNO’s foot?

    What a joke?

    The Umno of today is not the UMNO of Tengku Abdul Rahman or Tun Hussein Onn.The same goes for BN.

    If UMNO can form the Federal Government,then let them form it alone.If they want to oppress the other races,let them oppress;until one day the tiger is cornered against the wall.

    With so much of the nation’s funds and resources expended since NEP began,why are there still so many poor malays.

    I will tell you why if you do not know.

    Because the bulk of the funds have gone into the pockets of a small chosen band of Malays and because much have not been properly utilised but simply ,lavishedly wasted.

    You are right.The choice is in our hands.

    And I will tell you this -I will vote for PAS over UMNO or BN anytime,anywhere.

    I will also tell you why UMNO puts an MCA or Gerakan candidate in a Malay majority area in case you do not know.

    It is for window dressing – so that they can tell all and sundry they are so magnanimous.Thanks but no thanks please keep your seats,UMNO.

    What can MCA or Gerakan do in an UMNO dominated BN?

    “Victory or Defeat”

  122. Malaysianborn Says:

    Yesterday at 15: 06.40
    “I have a small question. There have been so many listings of good things and the not so good thing of BN. Can someone enlighten the blog readers of some of the good things and contributions that DAP or other members of the opposition/ BA/ BR has done for the community? Pardon my ignorance, but i would really appreciate and like to know the actual and explicit contributions to the community. Not the “can do” and “will do” but rather what has been done and how it has help and improved the well-being of the community. I think it’s a good practice to share positive things. Anyone?”

    Hello MalaysianBorn:

    You are on.

    For one we do not expect the opposition to draw up economic plans/corridors and implement them.

    They are not in power yet and are not holding the RAKYAT’S MONEY—in case you do not know the taxpayer’s money.BN is.

    The Barisan Rakyat have highlighted many abuses and misuse of the people’s resources by the BN government.

    That is their job.They have done exceedingly well.

    Without the RAKYAT’s money,they have done so well.

    Just imagine what they can do if they are in power!!!!!!

    “Victory or Death”

  123. To All,

    There are a lot of situations in the country where people feel are injustices, unfairness, abuse of power and blatant corruptions. People obviously feel very angry about it when such issues arosed, but do you actually have to rights to complain about it and get angry??

    If you have voted for the ruling government (BN), PLEASE DONT complain! You voted them into power, they are your choices. Why should you be complaining?

    If you didnt bother to register as voter to vote against injustices, PLEASE DONT complain! 4 years time for you to get registered, you didnt bother to do so? Too late to do so? 4 years time? Too late?

    Dont complain in current and future issues in the country if the people you have elected into offices did bad things. They are ultimately your choices, you choosed them. You voted them into power, you gave them the power for them to abuse, to corrupt and to rob from the country. Dont complain! You knew they were incompetent but still you voted them into power to run the country, you have LOST THE RIGHTS to complain. You knew they were corrupted and dirty but you didnt bother to register to vote them out? DONT complain!

    Make your vote count for the future of the country! Be a responsible citizen. Vote it right, Now! The power is back in your hands!

  124. Shamshul says: Make no mistake about it. By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race. The choice is in your hand.

    Yes. I am being honest and I am touching and searching my heart and I just can’t find any good in MCA. Because of MCA ever willing to sell their soul, that is why Malaysia today has become a third world nation with UMNO exercises full political, social, cultural and religious hegemony on others, promote mediocrity, inculcate incompetence and corruption. If only MCA can see what PAP saw when PAP was in Malaysia, today this country would have become a little Switzerland in Asia, with every race including the Malays self assured, confident and dynamic in facing the world. Yes, because of MCA colluding with UMNO, Malays today have become permanent aids recipients while many Chinese have to migrate to seek opportunity and excel elsewhere. Do you know if not for Malaysian Chinese in Singapore, Singapore today would have been nothing? Do you know that a vast majority of the specialists in Singapore hospitals are Malaysians or former Malaysians?

    Look, I think you have to tell your fellow country men that the time has come where all races must earn their own upkeep. The earlier you do it; the better is for your community. The system we have does not promote efficiency both among the Malays and the non Malays. Chinese from MCA and Gerakan and Indian from MIC are half-bake non Malays. The good ones will never be subservient to those who are less competent them. If UMNO genuinely want to see progress and development in this country, you have no choice but to work with more clever non Malays including those from the DAP. You have to face the cold hard fact. Malays alone (and even working with half bake Chinese and Indians) are just not good enough to bring prosperity and development to this country which is increasingly facing pressure and challenges from a rapidly globalising world. Wake up my friend; it is not that the Non Malays hate ketuanan Melayu. The race supremacy thing is simply not in sync with the modern world. As far as I know, no race in the world today claims to be more supreme than others. Even South Africa during apartheid has never claimed supremacy. They just set apart the white and the black. Ketuanan Melayu must go. Read my lips; go it must because it is a third world tribal mentality concept. Many Malays are now university professors, wearing three piece suits and driving BMWs and Mercz, but mentality wise, I am not too sure. You could one of those in this category, judging from the many postings you wrote earlier – a clever person caught in a third world mentality.

  125. ///Make no mistake about it. By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race.///– Shamsul Anuar

    That has been the argument of MCA and MIV leaders all along, to justify their position, and to threaten the non-Malays into voting them. That action could not even maintain the status quo of the pre-may 13 days. Since then, the position of non-Malays are getting regressively worse off by the day. When UMNO members begin to sing the same tune, Chinese and Indian Malaysians should realise now that they should have acted to banish MCA and MIC sooner.

    It is claimed that UMNO was charitable in allowing non-Malay BN candidates standing in Malay majority areas. When Chinese and Indians are treated as pendatang and lower class citizens by the current crop of UMNO leaders, negating equal and fair treatment for all Malayans as agreed to by the founding fathers of the three race-based parties, charity is not UMNO’s strong province. UMNO needed to allow non-Malay puppets in to be ‘elected’ in the Malay majority areas, just like they elected a log, to give the impression of ‘power-sharing’, that never did happen. That arrangement allows UMNO to decide unilaterally all government policies, after having kept opportunists among MCA and MIC ministers silence over the issues when their personal interests have been taken care of. That explains why non-Malay discriminating policies are said to have been agreed to by the component parties. The same applies to non-Malay based component parties in BN. Those non-race-based parties ran short of the sin of promoting race-based political parties.

    If UMNO decides to stop fielding MCA and MIC members in Malays majority areas, then it would have to accept that puppets in MCA and MIC would not be represented. They would then not be able to maintain the status quo of retaining 2/3 parliamentary seats with the existing Malay population, when there are two other major political parties dominated by Malays catering to the enlightened Malays. So UMNO was not charitable in allowing living-dead MCA and MIC candidates standing in safe seats, UMNO needed their body-count.

    It is claimed that UMNO would be able to govern without non-Malay political parties. UMNO has not embarked on this route not because it ever cared for the interests of non-Malays in the country. It is because the current political set up allowed UMNO to fool Malays into thinking that NEP and Ketuanan Melayu policies, at the expense of living a subsistence survival, is in their interest. Malays are brainwashed to believe that without UMNO they cannot survive. They therefore live in fear and they support UMNO policies which are against Islamic teaching. In effect, Malays compromise their religious believe just to allow UMN politicians to remain lazy; they do not have to earn their position based on results, and they are allowed to satisfy their greed to steal the country blind, and building dynasties in the process.

    When UMNO member who wanted to retain the status quo tries to influence non-Malays not to take a certain action, it says that we are on the right path. Let us bury MCA and MIC on 8 March, and UMNO days as racist will be numbered.

  126. Majority of non Malays do not need government assistance, handouts or welfare to make a living and contribute significantly to the country.

    The dependency mentality promoted by BN UMNO to get support and stay in power at all costs is most damaging to the country, let alone the rampant corruption, gross excesses and abuses, crime and etc..

  127. The fact that UMNO led BN would field non malay candidates in predominantly Malay majority area does not prove an iota the argument that UMNO politics is not comunal or race based in terms of Malay hegemony. [No more valid argument than to say the white American calvary in search and destroy missions against rebellious red Indians were not racist just because they had amongst their midst several red indian trackers to help them track and locate where other red indians were!]

    This is because the non Malay candidates fielded are those who obsequiously accept its communal hegemonistic policies in the first place contrary to their professed stance of fighting for the rights of their own community or else they won’t be chosen – and their selection is only but a cloak to showcase outwardly a comestic multiracial mantle draping over a super structure of instituitionalised communal policies already erected in place.

    Even after they were chosen – and given official positions – if they so much as show a whiff of misgivings about such hegemonistic policies, they would be taken to task as in the case (say) of Gerakan Youth vice chief S Paranjothy who countenanced threats of discipline or even dismissal just because he dared to speak publicly of his empathy for the frustration and anger of the 30,000 Indians who took part in the Hindraf demonstration to express their feelings of being “marginalized, oppressed and ignored”.

    For these reasons, Shamshul Anuar’s exhortation – “Make no mistake about it. By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race – is not cogent when the common perception from hard and bitter felt experience of generations that it is precisely because they have been supported over these 50 years that the communities whose interest these parties are supposed to represent have on the contrary been neglected and marginalized!

    Shamshul Anuar’s arguments will be valid only if the UMNO led BN is shown to have fielded non Malays the likes of (say) Lim Kit Siang or Fong Po Kuan critical of communal policies in majority Malay areas…rather than instead the kind of Non Malay politicians whose subservience are so well known that they dare not even contest in areas where their own race is a majority!

    Why UMNO led BN is not even fielding a Malay like Datuk Zaid Ibrahim – he has in fact been unceremoniously dropped – in a Malay majority area of Kota Bharu just because he is enlightened to speak of multiracial and multi-religious approach on many issues he thinks are right for the nation and its peoples.

    The fact that DAP does field Malays in even Malay majority areas much less Non malay majority areas is because few Malaysian Malays would join the DAP in the first place, and that is not because of DAP being not multiracial in ideology and approach. The entrenched negative perception of the DAP is in part due to the successful propaganda of the ruling coalition to paint the DAP as ideologically acting against Malaysian Malays’ interest when actually it professes an agenda of fighting for national interests.

  128. UMNO have uses religion and racism to control this country in order to gain wealth to themselves.
    UMNO have created most of the racism tension among
    Malaysian to keep national unity almost impossible.
    UMNO have allow their own people (to be seen) as gaining benefits from their governing policies.
    UMNO only helps those within their packs to gain wealth and keep those grassroots as workers.
    Non Malays should not even cry over all these events as most of them were given the survival lesson from young until the day they kicked the bucket.
    It’s the Malays that should be angry as they were made to be the ‘cow’ by UMNO in pretending to lift up their living standard without proper and sincere intention.
    Look at most of the urban Malays, their livinghood are mostly running in the RAT race and never enough to keep up with lifestyle.
    Those civil servants have to rely on their ‘incentives’ from 3rd parties to keep their family expenses within reach.
    So, Non Malays ..don’t cry for Malaysia as we never let her down all these while.
    Please go out and vote for a change on 08032008…
    It’s time to allow Malaysia to live on the way she supposed to be.
    It’s her rights.

  129. If UMNO could form government on its own, it would have done that long ago…..past and present PMs are fully awared that national interests are better protected in a multi racial and religious party.

    BN had lost its plot….more of the same will do enormous harm to the country.

  130. To all, a lot has been said in such a short time, a lot of malpractices and injustices has been uncovered over the last few months leading to this general elections such as VK Lingam issue, Sukhoi Jet and submarine issue, Kris wielding, gender bashing and racist remarks from BN MPs, police brutality against innocent children and women during Hindraf peaceful rallies and the list goes on. Why this happened? We voted BN in 2004 to give them 91% of the seats. What can we do to avert this situation? Give 100% votes to Barisan Rakyat! Irregardless DAP or PKR or PAS, just give your vote! Just Change it!
    The choice and power is in our hands, eventhough the BN regime has many many tricks up their sleeves to try deny our rights to a new and just government, we the voters must come out and vote for DAP, PKR and PAS!
    Sure now the BN is dishing out treats galore now with gusto, we must not be fooled by this trickery! It is our money anyway! BN maybe throw out 0.1% and later take back 500%(figuratively speaking)!
    Vote for a Change! We can make it this time round!


  131. Shamshul says: Make no mistake about it. By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race. The choice is in your hand.

    We do not need MCA, Gerakan and MIC in Malaysia cabinet government (as stated by a foreing newspaper) because:

    1. Majority of non Malay does not rely on government.

    2. MCA, Gerakan and MIC do not make decision in Malaysia cabinet government. So, whether they are in Barisan Nasional or not is not important.

    3. By supporting UMNO, you are just supporting them to grow rich and to support them continue to be corrupted.

    4. UMNO and Barison Nasional members are sucking Malaysia resources. When national resources are dry out, they would turn to the wealth of your children especially children of non Malay.

    5. Majority of Malaysian income taxes are paid by non Malay. I heard 80% of income tax were paid by Chinese and Indian and Chinese and Indian owned companies.

  132. Surely you don’t expect serial liars to keep their pledges?
    In the manifesto, Barisan said it would keep Chinese and Indian schools, extend use of Mandarin and Tamil at national schools and offer university scholarships for poor students, irrespective of race….
    The government will also step up inter-faith dialogue and ensure that developers set aside land for places of worships in their townships, it said.

  133. My gosh, my posting last night is STILL UNDER MODERATION!

    ” Jong Says: Your comment is awaiting moderation.
    Yesterday at 23: 32.20 ”

    This is ridiculous, where’s the moderator? Still in bed? Or having his brunch and coffee break? Comeon this is the eleventh hour of GE 2008, can’t be too complacent and time to waste!

  134. HJ Angus said this in his blog (in relation to DAP’s 8 point manifesto) : “An unfortunate choice of words as bonus implies a reward and it also contradicts the admission that the BN is going to win. No need to make a promise that you feel is not going to happen”.
    Link to Angus’s blog –

    What Angus said about “No need to make a promise that you feel is not going to happen” is, I think, a fair comment.

    Now the Barisan National (BN) promises prudence and accountability in its manifesto. The difficulty faced by BN is that these were the same promises made in 11th General Elections in 2004. These promises to many were hardly fulfilled. So the question is what is the reason to think the promises now made in 2008 will be better fulfilled than those in 2004. It is an issue of credibility.

    So how could the Opposition in general and the DAP in particular summon the moral ground to raise the issue of credibility in relation to BN if the Opposition in general and the DAP in particular themselves do not look into the question whether their own election campaign promises are credible?

    For example (I don’t know whether this is true or not) according to New Straits Times Front page Report of 26th February, the DAP’s manifesto promises among other things “a bonus of RM6,000-00 per family, if the party wins the election”, the bonus coming out from the RM70 billion profit of the national oil corporation Petronas……

    If “ the party wins the election” means and should be taken to mean if the DAP wins sufficient parliamentary and state seats to form the government. After all this is the DAP’s manifesto and not PKR’s or PAS’s – but if the DAP contests only 47 parliamentary and 102 state seats out of an aggregate 222 parliamentary seats and 505 state assembly seats in the 12th General Elections, how could it ever form the government (a condition necessary for it to direct Petronas to use RM70 billion profit to pay RM6,000-00 per family) even if due to some fortuitous circumstances, the DAP wins all the 47 parliamentary and 102 state seats?

    I think Angus’s point is don’t make extravagant promises that are based on non-existent foundation (ie. formation of government). This is a credibility issue – what’s the point of promising RM6,000-00 per family – why not raise it to RM60,000-00) – knowing fully well one will not form the government to account for that promise, when one does not even evince the remotest hope or miracle of that by contesting all parliamentary seats?

    Already the BN, which has still to explain why it has not fulfilled its 2004 promises, is alleging that Opposition parties make empty promises. So why give the BN ammunition to say that the DAP’s promises are empty and by so doing distract the rakyat from the BN’s own promises reneged in 2004 and making it account why its 2008 promises of prudence and accountability should be believed?

    When Angus said that it was a poor “choice of words as bonus implies a reward bonus”, it is obvious such a financial reward is no better than the standard tag line of the ruling coalition that, according to Tun Dr Mahathir, would use money to bribe the rakyat into voting its candidates.

    So why is Opposition playing the same game as that of the BN? Do you have as much money as them to say such things?

    What the Opposition stands for is to ask Malaysians to seek change of mindsets to make things like proper and transparent governance, accountability, Judicial independence, check and balance against abuse of power and corruption, social justice and an end to racial and extremist religious policies – all these intangible things – rather than Ringgit and Sens which it is very game the BN has been playing all along – and with considerable success – from its vantage position as incumbent in control over the state’s resources and wealth!

    So why play its game and let it turn around and say you’re making empty promises instead? I can’t fathom the rationale.

  135. shamshul anuar Says:

    Today at 22: 55.28 (58 minutes ago)

    “The truth is that UMNO itself can form a federal govt on its own . If it is nasty like DAP, It can simply exclude non Malays the way DAP exclude the interests of Malays in all of its agenda. Make no mistake about it. By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race.

    The choice is in your hand”

    Shamshul, you are right UMNO can form a federal govt on its own which I really hope it does.

    But you’re wrong to say that “By penalizing MCA, MIC, you are only penalizing your own race”.

    Given the current scenario and judging from the performance of MCA and MIC, their existence is more effective outside BN.

    Shamshul, make no mistake about it, go figure what sort of political landscape it will be like if MCA and MIC are in the opposition!

  136. Lets put an end to their lies and deceit. Their manifesto is not indicative of the their past work. Of course they will be prudent now…they have used all the countries wealth in the various scandals over the years. The country have been raped repeatedly because voters get sucked into their lies and misstatements.

    BN is basically run by one component party despite having almost 10 different parties. What power sharing? The other parties are just lap dogs waiting to be told what to do.

  137. Manisfestos are just ‘statements of intent’, carry no weight and no legal or moral binding. Meaning they serve no purposes.

    We can see how the country was run in the last terms, how the financial abuse was rampantly practised in the Auditor-General Reports as well as the news report.

    Absolute Power corrupts absolutely. That is what the 2/3 majority had been rampaging the country for the last 50 years.

  138. BN’s power sharing is now more like wealth sharing……everyone is for himself/herself by exploiting decades of bad leadership and governance of the country.

    Hard working Malaysians of all races deserve better than this.

  139. Two things:

    One, BN can put forward all the manifestos they want.

    Nobody will read it.

    Nobody trusts them anymore.

    They have lost all credibility.

    Do not waste your time reading it.

    One moment the X PM(Badawi) was saying -” I will definitely not dissolve parliament on the 13th.”

    Next moment Parliament is dissolved.

    You believe BN?You must have a very short memory and very naive..

    For the better or worse,we will give BARISAN RAKYAT a chance.

    Secondly,I do not agree that we have had bad leadership for the past 50 years.It is only for about 35 years.

    I have the highest respect for the leadership of Tengku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn unless someone can prove to me otherwise.

    “Victory or Death”

  140. “For example (I don’t know whether this is true or not) according to New Straits Times Front page Report of 26th February, the DAP’s manifesto promises among other things “a bonus of RM6,000-00 per family, if the party wins the election”, the bonus coming out from the RM70 billion profit of the national oil corporation Petronas…… Jeffrey

    “If DAP wins the election, each household gets RM6,000.00” the money coming out of the national oil corporation Petronas, proceeds from the sale of its LNG etc which belong to all Malaysians and are kept in offshore foreign currency accounts and used to finance huge capital losses of corporations related to UMNO etc has a populist appeal and one which ordinary working class Malaysians could identify with!

    For such pledges to have a nature of a bribe it depends on how the idea is being delivered to the people. What does the Election Offenses Act 1954 say about ‘bribe’?

    Having said that pledges that income tax for the poor working class Malaysians be reduced; or corporate taxes be increased among others make more sense and would not run foul of the Act.

  141. Shamshul,

    To paraphrase a little of what you said earlier, the choice is representation with the coalition framework provided by the national coalition or no representation at all. Malays can by themselves form the government and do need to depend on Chinese or Indian votes to do so. “The choice is yours”.

    You might want to add what you said earlier which is democracy is about the majority i.e. about numbers.

    I disagree. Democracy is not just about numbers.

  142. Shamshul,

    You are right not all Rich Malays are crooks. That’s generalizing.

    You said:

    There is no denying that all Malays and all Malaysians benefit from this govt.

    Please don’t generalize. All Malaysians?!

    I have achieved what I have today due to my own efforts unlike some others! Most of the Chinese, Indians & “Others” have achieved what they have through their own efforts!

    As for the MCA, MIC & Gerakan…they are the “Parti Kurang Relevan”!

    Just Change It!

  143. If you are honest in wanting to see the hold that BN has over power in Parliament controlled, then cast your vote for the Opposition – not PKR or DAP or PAS, and know that your vote is for democracy and not totalitarianism or benevolent authoritarianism.

  144. Shamsul speaks with wisdom…… He sees the logic behind a multiracial coalition government. Of course, he sees the Malay agenda in it.

    A recent case I experienced, when the ministry of finance issued a circular to all government ministries, department and agencies to procure a particular product without tender and by way of direct negotiation with a bumiputra manufacturer, justifying by stating “dasar kerajaan untuk membantu pengilang bumiputera berdaya maju” – with the company contacts fully advertised! Within quick implementation, hundreds of thousands of taxpayers money (my money inculded) was drained procuring products at ridiculous prices.

    How do we know this. A bumiputra tenderer who obtained a contract approach us for similar products to be made for him, where our price was half of this bumiputera manufacturer – and with the enforcement, he stand to lose tens of thousand by buying from them instead of us. A case of BUMI killing BUMI – that’s why many still poor. (Interesting point, how can buying from people at higher prices makes them berdaya maju?’

    Our complaint to the MCA fell on deaf ears – response, ZERO “…will of the government”. When DAP took up the case, with some noise made, the directive is later retracted. Kudos to DAP.

    So shamsul, by not voting MCA, am I penalizing my own race?People who say they look after our interest but in fact does nothing other than behaving like hyenas by taking the scraps leftover by the lions. And wHat is leftovers ? – Not enough to share with the rest.

    Support MCA? Thank you, but I think not.

  145. We wanna be true Malaysians ,not no more of bumi , non bumi shi t , so pls for God sake vote the Bangsat Nasional party out
    Deny them the2/3 majority , otherwise the next time around , Kerismuddin will become even bolder, he thinks he is Al-Capone, ala Mafioso ,
    He’ll even flash his pants infront of the Chinese and Indians whilst pointing his middle finger, he will say he is untouchable, and it’ll be too late, and the only thing we could do then will be changing his name to Dickamuddin. Let’s kick his and BN’s azz b4 all tht happens.Gud luck and long live DAP and Keadilan.

  146. Malaysianborn,

    Just based on the positions on various public issues that Datuk Zaid Ibrahim has articulated publicly in his speeches and writings, he ought to be attributed some respect that he rightfully has earned in the role of a national politician. He spoke and wrote what his lights guided him as right, heedless of consequences (which have since come to pass). His rise within UMNO was meteoric and his law firm gets patronage of big govt. jobs. What does he gain out of speaking genuinely against so many things that the administration had done wrong? Absolutely nothing : in fact he has everything to lose – and now his candidacy as well. Don’t forget when an Opposition leader speaks against govt. policies he has got nothing to lose but everything to gain from sections of rakyat fed up with the government but when an UMNO chieftain like Zaid, who has already gained much from being associated with UMNO, did so – and it was quite often he had been vocal in his criticisms (like his arguments against Nazri about the state of Judiciary – he has everything to lose and nothing to gain (in the material sense), unless he desires to join the Opposition, which of course he has not evinced any desire to do so. I have had hopes that he would ascend the UMNO structure and am very disappointed that UMNO dropped an exemplary politician from the line up for no better reason than the fact that Zaid is exemplary. What are they talking about getting quality people? They don’t know the meaning of quality.

  147. i have been deny of fair treatment since 70’s, i have to face carefully fabricated policies and malicious acts of prevention for 30 years but survive to have this forth days, malaysians like me have suffered, bear, belittled, trampled, insulted, offended, yelled at, asked to leave, fined, fool , directed around and around, blamed, forced to move, close shop, accused, alleged, things confiscated, and i reason to myself, is it because i worked harder, be what i am with my own ingenuity and my own resources, own things what i worked for, become who i am with no handout, no training scheme, no bank loan, no scholarship, no guarantor, no high ranking officer endorsement, no special shares issues
    I have to give up my apparent opportunities before me in the 70’s, which i dont even know i can reap them in those days, but taken away any way, somehow i survive and i thank those who sacrifice their time, and their family time for the deals and ordeal they went through.
    I salute you uncle lim and all those people like you, and i salute those who are enduring their time and their family time at this very moment of time.
    malaysians like me yearn not to have their children endure the same, because the globalised world is a different ball game.
    We need to change, a fast and a forward change.
    We must be realistic and embrace change and keep up with the world around us.

  148. one of PKR manifesto is to abolish NEP,more and more Malays are joining PKR,it shows that partially of them had a matured thoughts about Malaysia’s futures,bravo!Unlike the UMNO useless youths,senior elites,plus the parasite 13-component parties,still becoming ‘YESMEN’ like slaves of money politics!

  149. I learnt from our good old malaysian school that, If one wish to judge others then one should be ready to be reciprocally judged.

    all these years our elected MP of the ruling club, kept telling us, if you dont do what we have decided for you, you have to face the consequences.
    obediently we complied, because in most of our minds we just want to get the hell of what the hassle of going through the trouble if we dont and we all know are realistic about it ..bolehland delaying tactics can haggle you till kingdom comes.

    And these buggers got caught somehow, they get away scott free and the case closed before it ever started as if they have immunity.
    When a malaysian, hawk on the street, he get fined, things confiscated, and marked down.

    I am going to vote them out.

  150. Shamsul is right, Malays by themselves can form the GOMEN which they have been doing for the past 37 years [ I wouldn’t say 50 years] those MCA, GERAKAN, MIC , PPP and what have you? are all non-entity. That is why we have been going DOWN HILL all these years. If you are sincere to help the POOR MALAYS, don’t you think the revenue generated by Petronas and ALL the GLCs would have up-lifeted them after all these years. By the way can you add the amount of profits generated all these years? Ask your LEADERS what have they done with all those profits. Do you dare to enquire? By the way you stated your opinion, I am sure you do know, maybe part of the set-up too.

  151. Dear Menang atau Mati,

    No. You do not have to kiss UMNO”s foot. You just have to be truthful. That is all. The first step is to look at facts.

    As for PSM, nobody is denying your effort. But in sincerity, where do you get your education. Have you ever received education in govt school? Have you ever started a business due to an environment secured by the govt you hate? Have you not come across any Malaysian who receive scholarship from the govt that you see nothing good about?

    Have you not come across a multi millionaire who is able to achieve such a status due to conducive business environment made available by the govt that you condemn? Are you not aware that vernacular schools funded by the very govt you hate? Are you not aware that without fail election is held by the so called cruel govt?

    And “MCA Parti kurang Relevan”. Wow. This is new to me. But I am not so sure of it. Neither those tens of thousands of Malaysians who receive education from KTAR and UTAR.

    As for Evenmind, well there is a saying “Mannerism maketh a man”. Please do mind your mannerism. There is no need to mock another human being. Their parents give them beautiful names. Just present your view WITH MANNERISM of course.

  152. Dear Undergrad2,

    Yes. Democracy is not about numbers only. If that is the case, long time ago Malaysia would have been ruled by UMNO only.

    What I am trying to say is that by mocking and rejecting say MCA, the Chinese are actually voting Chinese politicians out from the govt. Hence, the sentence “the choice is in your hand”.

  153. Dear JIMM,

    I refer to your posting. I beg to differ. Contrary to what you wish to accep, actually no malays has ever denied contribution by UMNO. Despite its weaknesses, UMNO is perceived as has helped Malays and also Malaysians.

    So, actuaaly Malays generally are not angry at UMNO. Once a while they are upset at some individuals in UMNO. For example, many Malays are upset that PM took so much time before detaining Hindraf leaders after they made slanderous remark ;that is etnic cleansing.

  154. Dear Shamsul,

    I will give you this.You debate and exchange your views in a gentleman’s manner.

    First,from your statements are you implying the facilities that are available can only be provided by Barisan Nasional as the ruling government?

    Are you saying that if another party or Front form the government they will not be able to provide the same facilities if not even better?

    As tax paying citizens(and even non-tax paying citizens )it is our right to have these facilities provided and I go further to say it is our right to DEMAND such facilities.

    If they cannot provide such facilities,they shouldn’t be there at all.

    Having said that,it is not enough to provide such basic facilities;they must rule the country fairly and cleanly with the ultimate objective of creating a peaceful and prosperous nation particularly in a nation that is multi-racial in composition.

    Lets face the facts.There were more racial harmony in Malaysia (East or West) during its early days than now.

    When I was in Sabah,some 25 years ago, I was amazed at how much interaction and integration there was among the races.There was a high percentage of inter-marraige among the various races.They never looked at each other as of a particular race.It was common to find families that was represented by many races.

    After UMNO went to Sabah,the people are now talking about muslim,non-muslim, Bumi,non-Bumi,Malay,Kadazan,Chinese etc.

    Left on their own,they were evolving into a truly Malaysian society.

  155. “What I am trying to say is that by mocking and rejecting say MCA, the Chinese are actually voting Chinese politicians out from the govt. Hence, the sentence “the choice is in your hand”. Shamshul Anuar

    Speaking about choices being in one’s hand, it reminds me of the day I was in front of this urinal in the University of Malaya library. On the wall some innovative mind had been at work. On it were scribbled the words, “The future is in your hands. Take very good care of it”.

  156. Shamsul Anuar, Mannerism maketh my foot, this is pot calling the kettle black, tell the BN leaders first to be sensitive to issues, tell them to stop acting like Mafias and intimidate its own citizens, Kerismuddin , for whatever is gonna be called next is a threat to national unity, first he threatens and give goodies to the Chinese community , this is the way probably he’s trying to say sorry , who is he trying kid ? what a d i c k head?

  157. The ordinary Nons or langitputeras or whatever the admin in power is gonna call them next has always worked against the tide , and know what hardship is , not spoonfed, unlike the one who is trying to teach me about mannerism., the more hardship i endure in this ‘ beloved ‘ country the more i wud curse the gomen, so will the lot who is in the same shoes. Bumi / non bumi , my FOOT.

    For the lighter side of things , for the latest hits in Malaysia, log on to ( my ) ., its very entertaining.

  158. How could any reasonable leader/s not foresee the enormous harm and permanent and long term damage of the failed, exploited and grossly discriminative policies would had on a multi racial and religious country?

    Many innocent and non political people are made victims.

    Too much pride, arrogance and greed with no/little leadership of responsibility, accountability and competency.

  159. Shamshul,

    I am glad you brought the issue of Govt Schools up. Yes, you are right,I was educated in the Govt School. I did my Degree & Masters in a Local Govt University. Yes, the Govt. subsidises Education in Malaysia. However, don’t you think that is the Govt’s job?
    The reason why I studied locally was because my parents could not afford to send me Overseas. No big deal that’s life. However, many of my RICH (please take note of this) Malay Class mates were given full Scholarships to go Overseas (US, UK, Australia). Most (read: All) of them did not have to do the STPM (have you?). Those that studied locally got into University after Form 5, did “Matriculasi” & went on to do their Degrees. Do you know the difference between “Matriculasi” & STPM?
    Really, what I am saying is STOP this Race Politics! Largesse should be give based on NEED not Race! There are poor Malays, Indians, Chinese, Non-Malay Bumis & Others. They should be given Scholarships & help, etc.
    We as a Nation are divided now more than ever (Bible confiscating, Body-snatching, Non-Transperancey in Public Tenders, the continuing Islamization into our daily lives, Corruption, Sham of a Judiciary, Corrupted Police Force, just to name a few). The NEP has made the Malays (please note not all) dependant on the Govt. The Chinese & Indians (those that can afford it) migrate or worse still send their children away (the “Brain Drain” is ever real but the Govt denies it openly in Parliment!). Most of them really don’t want to go if they had a choice.
    How long can we survive the NEP? We need to look towards a Bangsa Malaysia. I look forward to the day when I can write “Malaysian” in a Malaysian Govt Form without having to state my race.
    By the way, Shamshul, you “debate” on a gentlemanly manner (unlike some others here who should know better). We all want a better future for Malaysia & Malaysians).
    Maybe by kicking out most of the MCA. MIC & Gerakan candidates we can make a point to the Govt!
    Just Change It!

  160. y MCA is always said “fighting very hard” for Chinese schools?, y Hishamuddin said to Dong Jong, :” u need to be sincere in talking abt chinese school with me, then i will assist.” i thought this is the basic job as Education Minister, y MCA need to fight hard, and Dong Jong need to be sincere? y bumi buying a million Ringgit property also need to be given discounts? y certain grp never need to fight for schools, mosque, etc?

  161. Dear PSM,

    Many thanks for your info. I meant no disrespect to Evermind or anybody. Surely, there is a better way in expressing our idea. No need to stood that low in order to make a point. Go criticize but spare the insult.

    I am happy with your academic( and for everybody) progress. So, there is something good that UMNO led govt has done. This is my point. Evermind condemned BN as if it had done nothing good.

    Contrary to what you said, NEP does not make Malays dependent on Govt. It just gives Malays better footing in economy. It enables the creation of a sizable Malay professionals.

    Malay leaders have been urging Malay to be independent. Many Malays are now involved in farming , albeit in non traditional way. Modern agriculture I must say. They may not be multi millionaie. but they earn 5 digit income per month. Of course, this is nothing as compared to Chinese but it is a good start.

    I myself am a self employed. I do not depend on govt for an income. And contrary to your perception, quite a number of my friends who are active in politics are doing small businesses but thriving businesses. They do not depend on handouts from UMNO. And UMNO leaders do not need to bribe them with projects in order to survive elections.

    And Malays also have grouses. But of course, LIM kit siamg is not bothered about their plights. I can safely say that Malays are sometimes discriminated in banks. I had seen some ugly episodes. It takes intervention from Bank Negara to rectify the discrimination.
    r plights.

    I am amused with your statement: stop on race based politics. It is known among Malays how DAP, despite trying to sound democratic is the worst player of racial politics. It persistently maintains a very anti malay stands. It played the racial cards on relocation of a Chinese school in Damansara seven years ago. For nothing, Western media portayed UMNO led as trying to destroy Chinese school.

    And It gladly agreed to the lies by Hindraf:etnic cleansing . Not to mention Kua 100% put the blame on UMNO on May 13 tragedy.

    As for the poor, yes every poor soul must be helped irregardless of race. Nobody can deny that Govt also help poor people from non Malay communities.

    If you feel any MCA or Gerakan politicians need to be voted out, it is up to you. But siding with losing team may not be pleasant.

  162. Shamshul,

    Thanks for your reply.
    looks like we will have differing opinions no matter what. We could go to & fro on & on but I doubt there will be an agreement.
    You say DAP plays Race Politics & I say BN is even worse.
    Can you see a pattern here? One way or the other Race comes into the picture. I work for a Multinational Company & yet the last few Malaysians I hired had to be Malays because we had to maintain the “Quota”. How do you think I felt? It was not hiring based on ability or experience, it was hiring based on Race.
    If what you say is true then, the Malays do not need the NEP anymore. Agreed? However, the poor in Malaysia no matter who, can benefit from preferential treatment.
    We need a Bangsa Malaysia (which the BN has categorically refuted) no more excuses from anyone. Can we agree on that then at least?

  163. “…but they earn 5 digit income per month. Of course, this is nothing as compared to Chinese but it is a good start.” Shamshul

    take note, i as chinese is no better than this 5 digit income per month. Not all chinese are rich. But for a 5 digit income earner, i don’t think they would need special treatment such as discounted properties.

    I have no problem on statement of “helping the poor – where malay happens to be majority” but no matter how, so long the policy is stated as “helping the bumi” then this is raced based govt/politics.

  164. Shamsul ,keeps harping on the statement made by Hindraf about ethnic cleansing,
    I suggest that he take a look at the meaning closely , look for it , and he will find that marginalization of the indian community by the Govt. is a form of ethnic cleansing, albeit on a subtle scale, just becos we have morons for Govt. leaders who do not understand and comprehand english, they even make a fool of themselves at the Al-jazeerah tv interview, and hose who think likewise must be MORONS too.,
    Ethnic claensing in not just about wiping or finishing of a certain race , for God sake. No wonder English language used in this ‘beloved ‘ country is in such a sorry state. I also suggest DAP leaders take a closer look inrto its meaning too, if they support the Govt. statement.
    And yes , I’m very vocal about my sentiment and i’d voice it in whatever way I want, becos its the way i was treated by the biased Govt . mechanism in this country . So if Mr, Shamsul thinks the NEP has benifitted the malays , good on him., In my opinion they have only benifitted the elite Malays and the few Chinese and Indians with good political connection, No value Samy is one example , and talk about , corruption , it is so endemic, it makes me want to puke. and the latest , subamarine purchase ( 500 million plus) commision is just one more example, i cud go on and on , its so sickening., and the culprit is the race based politics that is prescribed by the present defunct govt., Bumi / Non Bumi my AZZ.

  165. Shamsul ,keeps harping on the statement made by Hindraf about etnic cleansing,
    I suggest that he take a look at the meaning closely , look for it , and he will find that marginalization of the indian community by the Govt. is a form of etnic cleansing, albeit on a subtle scale, just becos we have morons for Govt. leaders who do not understand and comprehand english, they even make a fool of themselves at the Al-jazeerah tv interview, and those who think likewise must be MORONS too.,
    Etnic claensing in not just about wiping or finishing of a certain race , for God sake. No wonder English language used in this ‘beloved ‘ country is in such a sorry state. I also suggest DAP leaders take a closer look inrto its meaning too, if they support the Govt. statement.
    And yes , I’m very vocal about my sentiment and i’d voice it in whatever way I want, becos its the way i was treated by the biased Govt . mechanism in this country . So if Mr, Shamsul thinks the NEP has benifitted the malays , good on him., In my opinion they have only benifitted the elite Malays and the few Chinese and Indians with good political connection, No value Samy is one example , and talk about , corruption , it is so endemic, it makes me want to puke. and the latest , subamarine purchase ( 500 million plus) commision is just one more example, i cud go on and on , its so sickening., and the culprit is the race based politics that is prescribed by the present defunct govt., Bumi / Non Bumi my AZZ.

  166. This is for people like Shamsul and the likes

    ETNIC CLEANSING is the practice of eliminating, minimalizing, or marginalizing individuals with whose skin color, national origin, culture, language, or religion a nation-state disagrees.
    Nazi Germany: Before and during World War II Nazi Germany sought to “etnically cleanse” its country of Jews because Germany’s charismatic, megalomaniac dictator (Hitler) believed Jews were inferior to blond-haired, blue-eyed “native” Germans.

    Middle East: For many centuries — far longer than the U.S. has been in existence — and right up to the present, Middle Eastern nations have ruthlessly murdered and/or tortured those within their borders who have differing religions, races, skin colors, and ethnic origins. In 2003 these Middle Eastern countries continue to use torture, brutal murder, stoning, dismemberment, chemical agents, car bombings, and other means to “free” their countries of those with whom they disagree. These countries also hate the U.S. because we are so prosperous.

    United States: In 2003 the etnic cleansing of the United States takes a somewhat more subtle and less violent form, albeit just as insidious. In the U.S. today descendants of the original European settlers of the U.S. are routinely prohibited from getting jobs, promotions, contracts, and educational opportunities because they are European descendants, otherwise described as “white” or as “non-minority”!

    It is popular in the U.S. to bash, denigrate, and marginalize European-American settlers. So-called “affirmative action” programs have essentially defined the original European settlers as evil, malignant, racists who do NOT deserve equal treatment under the law without regard to skin color or ethnic origin (as promised by the U.S. Constitution). Under the terms of modern day “affirmative action” European-American citizens in the U.S. are to be reviled, denied jobs, and otherwise marginalized simply because they arrived in the U.S. from European countries instead of from “preferred countries” (presumably more deserving countries) such as African nations, Mexico, Middle Eastern nations, South American nations, and certain Pacific Island nations.

    Under this pretext, murder and violent crimes against U.S. citizens of European descent are classified as mere “crimes of violence” BUT murder and violent crimes against U.S. residents (citizens as well as non-citizens) who are descended from any non-European country, and/or who are dark complected, are classified as “hate crimes” which invokes federal law enforcement resources and overrides local and state law enforcement efforts

  167. Shamsul , if the Govt. has been giving the majority of the poor indians sufficient jobs in the public sector , the crime perpetuated by them will not be at the scale it is today.
    Just let me know how many of them are currently in the public sector. Statistics will reveal the truth of the matter

    , There is NO PLACE FOR RACE BASED POLITICS IN TODAYS WORLD, AND yes i would anytime help a malay who is in need, and anybody for that matter , we are all malaysians., FULL STOP.

  168. Dear Evenmind,

    That is better. I appreciate your tone now. It shows character. I am not belittling your actually when I caution readers about mannerism.

    It means we can discuss, exchange views in mature way. NO need to mock or insult personalities.

    And I agree. Help should be given to needy irregardless of races or religions. As much as Indians demand justice, they also must accord justices to other races. Perhaps you are not aware that I or Malay community can accept if anybody or even Hindraf make demands. What upset Malays isthe accusation on etnic cleansing.

    Facts do not lie. Majority of civil servants is Malay. However, there are Indians and Chinese too in this sector.

    However, there is no denying that Hindraf isa less than honest about the real situation. It purposely did not tell Indians that the demolition of a temple was done after Deepavali, not before.

    Of what good is Hindraf action when it declared war on Malays by saying that its enemy is UMNO.

  169. Shamsul,

    You in tak faham keh? Sudah berapa kali Evenmind menerangkan makna etnic cleansing. Lagi lagi tak faham. Beginikah pendidikan di malaysia di bawah Barisan?

    Baca lagi apa itu makna etnic cleansing. Lepas itu baru buka muka/buat komen. Memalukan sahaja.

  170. Shamsul,

    Why arent you able to understand? Evenmind has repreated explained the meaning of etnic clensing to you and yet you repreatedly dont seem to understand its meaning. Has the education in Malaysia come to this level under the administration of the present government?

    I suggest that you read the explaination again and then attempt to open your mouth/comment . I am getting tired of your repeated comments, like a spoilt record.

  171. Shamsul , you do not seem to understand English, you must be one who ‘ benifitted ‘ by NEP ., understand the meaning first b4 making comments . I’ve taken the trouble of posting the thorough meaning of “etnic cleansing ‘ becos the morons in ihe Govt are as imbercile as you are , and the Malays are following suit,
    For God sake . , what Hindraf meant by that statement was that they have been marginalized all this while and thier community is dire need of help , crime rate , poverty ,and other socio-economic need to be addressed and so on,
    Do your Maths ( if u good at it ) the indians comprises one of the least percentage of minority groups in Malaysia, but they form the majority of convicts today in lockups and jails in Malaysia, I do not even know why i am arguing with an imbercile like you.

    From now on you can write anything here, it will sound utterly of no significance to me. I’ve many Malay buddies who kn ow how corrupted the present govt. is , and know race base politics is just a ruse for the ones in power to amass lots more wealth for themselves Have a damn good day

  172. Dear Evenmind,

    They say a man who loses his wealth loses nothing but a man who loses his character loses everything.

    But of course, judging from coarse language that is your forte, it seems I cant expect much from you. Hmmn.. Let me make it simple for you. Hindraf lied about the demolition of a temple. It did not tell the truth about the issue. Why? It purposely wants to stir the feeling of Indians vs the govt( and Malays, UMNO).

    Perhaps, once a while you should advise Hindraf leaders to do some soul searching. Why not rectify weaknesses in the community. I mean no disrespect to Indians, but surely not everything is the fault of Govt.

    As for poverty, there are also poverty in other races. But they do not accused the govt of marginalizing them. If that is the rationale, Malays have more grudging as compared to Indians.

    And in they are marginalized, why the numbers of temples in Selangor itself is more than the mosques in the state.

    And yes. There are corruption. But painting the whole administration as corrupted is mind boggling.

  173. Shamsul, so now you have understood the meaning of etnic cleansing, and now its about the demolition of the temples i don’t give two hoods if demolition is carried b4 deepavali , on deepavali or after deepavali , a demolition is a demolition ,
    Just imagine if there was a mosque was demolished in M’sia, there wud be mayhem , incited probably by Najib or Kerismuddin or by the majority of the MORONS in UMNO, the moral of the story is its OK in M’sia to disrespect the non muslims , so its OK to demolish their temples and insult them , this is UMNO., not the majority of Malays , i’m talking about. By the way, who is stoping the adminstration to build more mosques and suraus, they can build them by thousands , i don’t mind, as though they have to ask permission.
    You agree there is corruption , and to paint the whole adminstration is corrupt is wrong , well for your education just go and check where Malaysia stand in the world corruption index, that would give you an idea where this adminstration stand , then again you might tell me they know not what they are talking about, such is your character, I research the facts thoroughly , unlike you., who just go blabbering , and jabbing without facts , I don’t blame you becos you are the product of NEP ,not meritocracy , pls get a life.

  174. ///Perhaps, once a while you should advise Hindraf leaders to do some soul searching. Why not rectify weaknesses in the community. I mean no disrespect to Indians, but surely not everything is the fault of Govt.///– Shamsul Anuar

    Yes, they cannot blame it on the government that they were born Indians. Had they been born Malays, their welfare would have been taken care of by government, and some would be made millionaires.

    Yes, Hindraf leaaders should do soul searching why had they waited until now to act. They should have acted earlier. Having said that, I think it is better late than never.

    They should have qualified the statement in saying that the government undertake non-violence form of ethnic cleansing. In fact without qualifying it everybody knows exactly what ‘ethnic cleansing’ meant. PM AAB though a graduate of Malay studies from University of Malaya, he graduated in early 1960s. It was true that Malays were given concession for admittance to MU in pre-1969 days when they met the minimum entry requirements, they graduated with proper passing grade. His command of the English language should have exceeded the old GCE level, and so he would have understood exactly what Hindraf meant by ‘ethnic cleansing’ .But because PM AAB could not refute the facts cited by Hindraf leaders, he chose to split hair on the use of words. It is true that ethnic cleansing had also been used to describe the violence form of actions the same words carry other meaning as well. PM AAB chose to attribute the word cleansing to a particular type of actions which did not happen in the country, and accused Hindraf of lying, but he refused to admit another form of ‘ethnic cleansing’ currently taking place in country. Of course when PM AAB said a deer is a horse, that would be a horse. He is all powerful, and he can get the Hindraf leaders under ISA for citing facts on what happen in the country.

    Internal Security Act is used against people who only described what happen in the country. The delegates at the UMNO general assembly who openly threatened to cause a repeat of May 13 met with applause as if that was UMNO policy. UMNO should have been charged under ISA, and the party outlawed for going against the law. But UMNO said that they should have acted against Hindraf 5 earlier, when there were no threat to national security even at the time of their arrest. UMNO regretted that they had not utilised the law against innocent persons with impunity, and that demonstrated how AAB government conducted selective persecution.

    If the Indian community had not been marginalised by UMNO government, they can very well live with whatever perceived weakness, as claimed. Despite the weakness, the Indian community had to bear the burden so that the community that had been officially declared as weak, and needed crutches, would received the assistances. In the name of assisting the weak, the powerful UMNO politicians get the lion share of government funds, give peanuts to ordinary Malays, and made non-Malays subsidize Malays and in the process make non-Malays permanent enemies of Malays.

  175. Dear Evenmind,

    Yes. A demolition is a demolition. But why it was demolished then? Why HIndraf is silent here? Did not Hindraf tell the Indians that the temple was in a private land? Did not Hindraf tell the Indians that a surau was also demolished.

    I told my Indians friends about the demolition of a surau. They stared at me. We did not know this, they said. Suddenly the anger abated. So, Evenmind, I already told you about a surau being demolished. You can see the reaction. That because fortunately none in Malay community stood that low in inciting the feeling.

    And Mr Loh, do remember that If UMNO could not care less about Indians, no Indian would have become State Assemblymen or Member of Parliaments. Sound petty. Go and visit other countries and you will see that race does play a big role. Let us get real here.

    As for ISA, it is useful to detain those who hide behind so called frredom of speech in order to flame racial feeling.

    As for facts, I can supply facts about percentage of Indian community in all constituents in Malaysia. Let us imagine how Indian politicians going to fare without the help of UMNO that you really hate so much or the Malay community.

    Let us imagine the fate of these politicians. Let us imagine the the voiceless Indians when they realize there is no Indian in Parliament. Me Evenmind tal as if UMNO is useless at all with no good deed done.

    As for Mr Chen Onn Soo, that is how Malays perceived Hindraf. Hindraf told the world that its enemy is UMNO. And the Malays took it that Hindraf is the threat to them.

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