Who is “evil”?


limkitsiang Who is “evil”? Selangor water protesters teargassed http://bit.ly/i7xVcz Najib kicks off BN campaign calls Pakatan ‘evil’ http://bit.ly/gHt9cZ

10 minutes ago via web

Selangor water protesters tear-gassed
The Malaysian Insider
UPDATED @ 05:17:44 PM
By Boo Su-Lyn

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 5 — Riot police fired tear gas and used water cannons on at least 1,000 protesters near the KL Railway Station as they marched to the Istana Negara today to rally against a potential bailout of Selangor water utility companies.

Hundreds of protestors sought refuge at the Railway Station to avoid the police action after they started their march from the National Mosque.

Riot police later turned the water cannons on those who had gone back to the National Mosque despite organisers announcing an end to the rally shortly before 3pm.

The rally ended about 4pm when Pakatan Rakyat leaders appealed to the crowd at the National Mosque to disperse under the watch of phalanxes of fully-armed riot police.

Kuala Lumpur deputy police chief Senior Asst Commissioner Datuk Amar Singh promises to release those detained earlier to ensure a swift dispersal. It is understood that nearly 50 have been detained with
most of them held at the Police Field Force facility in Cheras.

“It is our guarantee that they will all be freed. So please disperse yourself.” he told the crowd.

Several policemen had earlier charged at more than 1,000 protesters, some of whom ran to seek sanctuary at the mosque. The crowd has so far remained at the vicinity of the National Mosque after failing to break through police barricades, water cannons and teargas.

The action at the National Mosque began after police had allowed a group of protesters through to deliver a memorandum the Yang di-Pertuan Agong seeking support for Selangor’s takeover of the
state’s water industry.

According to witnesses, police used tear gas and water cannons on the crowd after allowing Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim and several state exco members to proceed to the Istana Negara.

“The MB and excos are inside the Istana gates. Submitting the memorandum. Or attempting to,” tweeted Khalid’s aide Tricia Yeoh.

In a statement issued this evening, the Selangor Mentri Besar’s office said Khalid handed the memorandum containing 250,000 signatures to Istana Negara public relations officer Khairi Abdul Rahman at 2.15pm.

The five-point memorandum asked among others that water rights to be handed back to the state.

Meanwhile, Kota Damansara assemblyman Dr Nasir Hashim was escorted by the police to Selangor’s water rally at the National Mosque, shortly after being detained earlier at the KL Sentral transport hub.

Apart from the Parti Sosialis Malaysia (PSM) chairman, two other PSM members who had been detained — Shah Alam councillor A. Sivarajan and party secretary-general S. Arulchelvam — were also escorted to the National Mosque, said Subang MP R. Sivarasa’s personal assistant, Peter Chong.

“The three were officially released and sent in a police car to the National Mosque,” Chong told The Malaysian Insider today.

The three had been held in the morning at the KL Sentral on their way to the Selangor water protest that began this morning at the National Mosque.

Witnesses said the trio were later re-arrested for being in the vicinity of the Istana Negara but police have yet to confirm.

The crowd later dispersed from the National Mosque after PAS central committee member and Kuala Selangor MP Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad pleaded with them.

“We guarantee that the last person standing will be freed. So we ask everyone to disperse,” he told the protesters, most of whom were clad in red.

More than 40 people at the rally were detained, said Chong.

“About 40 plus people were arrested. They are being taken to the Cheras police station,” Chong told The Malaysian Insider.

“Dr Nasir, Sivarajan, and Arulchelvam were rearrested, but they were just released again,” he added.

Earlier at the National Mosque at about 1.30 pm, Khalid called on the Sultan to support the Selangor government’s efforts to control the state’s water industry by upholding the Water Services Industry Act

“We humbly request the Tuanku to uphold the spirit and aim of the Water Services Industry Act 2006, which is to restructure the water services industry into one that is holistic and managed by the Selangor state government. We call upon Tuanku to remind the federal government of this,” he said in a speech at the National Mosque.

The Selangor mentri besar further accused Putrajaya of practising cronyism by backing the water concessionaires.

“It is the perception of the people that the federal government sides with the private sector, in this case a particular company, which is equivalent to cronyism,” said Khalid.

“The rakyat has to now pay high water rates and Malaysian taxpayers are forced to undertake the risk of Syabas’s business. We call upon the Tuanku to remind the federal government of their promise to end
cronyism,” he said.

Dr Dzulkefly told reporters later at the National Mosque that he would inform Parliament about the “excessive” police force used against the protestors, some of whom were women and children.

“It is excessive use of force,” said Dr Dzulkefly.

“It is unfortunate that the police used unwarranted force. We’ll raise this in Parliament,” he added.

Khalid’s administration is fighting for the rights over the water industry and promised to provide the first 20 cubic metres water for free and maintain 12 per cent increase in water tariff, compared to Syabas’ plans of a 25 per cent increase in 2012 and a 20 per cent increase in 2015.

Sources told The Malaysian Insider recently that Selangor water bondholders will urge Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak to intervene directly in the state’s water restructuring deadlock in an effort to safeguard their bonds from being further downgraded.

The Malaysian Insider understands that major bondholders — including CIMB Principal Asset Management, Hong Leong Investment Bank and Great Eastern Life — have drafted a joint letter to Najib asking the federal government to bail out Syabas with a soft loan worth some RM1 billion.

In the letter, the bondholders contend that further downgrades of debt ratings will put capital markets at risk and will seriously impede the government’s effort to promote its Capital Markets Masterplan.

Putrajaya bailed out Syabas once already last year when it gave a RM320.8 million soft loan to parent company Puncak Niaga Holdings Bhd (PNHB) in December to help settle its debts to water treatment

Selangor’s water players — Syabas, Puncak Niaga Sdn Bhd (PNSB), Syarikat Pengeluaran Air Sungai Selangor Sdn Bhd (Splash) and Konsortium ABASS — are at risk of debt payment default as water bonds
approach their maturity dates.

The debt service problem started when Syabas was barred from implementing a 37 per cent tariff hike agreed upon in January 2009, after the Selangor government claimed the sole water distributor had
not done enough to reduce leakages which cost the state millions.

This in turn led to payment problems between Syabas and water treatment concessionaires PNSB, Splash and Konsortium ABASS, who supply it with treated water.

Selangor water concessionaires are also already in technical default owing to the shortfall of money in the reserve account.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the reserve account, meant to hold at least six months’ worth of bond repayment money, is currently short by some RM50 million.

This shortfall may double in six months if the current water consolidation impasse remains unresolved.

The technical default triggered a downgrade of the debt issuances by Malaysian Rating Corp Bhd (MARC) and RAM Ratings Services Bhd on September 8, who warned of further multiple-notch downgrades in this quarter.

An industry source told The Malaysian Insider that bondholders suffered RM457 million in mark-to-market losses following the downgrade.

A statement by MARC at the time urged the federal and state governments to urgently interfere in the water industry’s restructuring negotiations to prevent a free fall of ratings in following months.

Najib kicks off BN campaign, calls Pakatan ‘evil’
The Malaysian Insider
UPDATED @ 02:43:38 PM 05-12-2010
By Clara Chooi

KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 5 — Datuk Seri Najib Razak appeared to kick off Barisan Nasional’s (BN) next election campaign today by delivering his hardest-hitting punches yet on his Pakatan Rakyat (PR) foes by calling them “anti-national” and “evil”, intensifying speculation that snap polls are around the corner.

While blaring the call to arms to Barisan Nasional (BN) component parties, the ruling coalition chairman thundered in a lengthy speech steeped in sarcasm that the opposition were merely “traders of dreams” while the ruling coalition were “merchants of realities”.

“Be wary all, beware all, they are very dangerous. They are willing to sell just about anything, including discrediting Malaysia’s name abroad.

“I would like to explain here that they are anti-national. We must fight them to the end and make sure that this country will not be destroyed by their evil activities,” he said in his opening speech at the BN convention in Wisma MCA here this morning.

For a good 20 minutes, the premier fired stinging attacks against the opposition pact, particularly against PKR, fully capitalising on the party’s fractious polls that were just concluded last month.

Dr Wan Azizah was mocked by Najib for calling Anwar “God-sent”.He also claimed that the party was attempting to imitate Umno, charging that this proved that they recognised the honesty of the ruling party’s struggles.

“We understand that perhaps they are following the saying in English that ‘imitation is the best form of flattery’,” he added.

The BN convention, themed “1 People, 1 Nation, 1 Vision”, the first for the ruling coalition since it suffered its worst-ever electoral defeat in Election 2008, runs from 9am to 5pm today and will feature debates on a variety of topics from 10 party component leaders.

Najib claimed that PKR’s integrity and credibility was doubted by its own members, pointing out that this was reflected in how members had rampaged to show their dissatisfaction and disappointment, rebelled, and caused commotions like throwing chairs during the party polls. He added that disgruntled members had even brought their complaints to court.

This was why, said Najib, it would be “strange” and “miraculous” if the results of the party’s direct elections had brought any “drastic changes” to the party, other than to pollute the people’s beliefs in the process.

“Additionally, as we know and as reported in the papers, many of their top party leaders themselves have abandoned PKR including their former deputy president, vice-president, secretary-general, youth chief, deputy youth chief, information chief, state chairman, division chairman, including from the Permatang Pauh division, former deputy chief minister, five assemblymen and five MPs,” he said.

He added with a smile that PKR should be more aptly described as “Parti Keluar Ramai-Ramai” (mass defection party) instead of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (People’s Justice Party).

Najib also took a direct swipe at PKR president Datuk Seri Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail for describing her husband, the party’s de facto leader Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, as “God-sent” and questioned the Muslim leader on which “hadith” had she based her declaration on.

“In recent days, PKR is looking too desperate in attempting to plead for the people’s sympathy to a point that its own president claimed that the de facto leader is ‘God-sent’.

“Oh yes, we understand the loyalty and awe felt by a wife towards her husband, oh, the ‘ke… he… ba… tan’ (greatness) of her husband,” he said, dragging out the word “greatness” with a smile and inviting thunderous applause from his audience in Dewan San Choon here.

“Is this some kind of new teaching or, more accurately, is this some kind of deviant teaching? Enough of these twisted dramas. I hope the people will not be so easily swayed with this nonsense.

“It is important to remember that it is not the people’s duty to bear the burdens of its leaders but vice-versa and that is the stark difference between BN and PR,” he said.

Najib also claimed that the opposition pact was not adequately represented by all racial communities in Malaysia but was dominated by one or two races.

Party members in the other minority races, he added, were merely “tokens” or for “cosmetic” purposes.

“More accurately, they are a pact of two families, with the third one merely a follower,” he said, describing the pact as one formed by parties sleeping on the same bed but sharing different dreams.

In yet another attack against PKR, Najib slammed the multi-racial party for accusing Umno of nepotism when the leaders in its top ranks comprised of the father, mother and daughter.

He was referring to how Anwar was PKR de facto leader; his wife Dr Wan Azizah, the party’s president; and daughter Nurul Izzah, the newly-elected vice-president.

“It is hilarious when they are brave enough to accuse us of practising nepotism. I would like to ask here, who are the real [practitioners] of nepotism? In the words of legal maxim — justice must not only be done, it must be seen to be done. Moreover, it must not only be proper, it must also be seen to be proper,” he said.

The other PR parties of DAP and PAS also did not escape Najib’s lengthy tirade this morning and the premier poked fun at the former party for being a “two-dynasty hegemony”.

DAP’s Kit Siang and Guan Eng was described as a “dynasty” by Najib.“It is a party ‘Anak Beranak Sdn Bhd’. With a two-dynasty hegemony, one powerful family and another without power but actually, all are merely ceremonial.

“Because in this party’s system, the secretary-general is more powerful than the chairman,” he said.

Najib’s invectives were aimed at the powerful father-and-son teams of DAP advisor Lim Kit Siang, his son secretary-general Lim Guan Eng, and DAP chairman Karpal Singh and his son, MP Gobind Singh.

Additionally, Najib pointed to the lack of non-Chinese representation in DAP despite the party’s continued claims of being multiracial.

“With that reasoning, they should uphold what they so sanctimoniously preach to others with righteous indignation,” he said.

As for PAS, Najib accused the Islamist party of failing its own ideologies by working closely with “big liars, forgers of documents and traitors to the country” in the other PR member parties.

“The aspiration to be a political leader is not unusual but the people should be wary of the consequences of such a struggle. The people must understand that these opposition parties are dishonest, are opportunists and full of hypocrisy.

“We know that they desperately want to take office in Putrajaya, they want to live in Seri Perdana (the prime minister’s official residence) and because of that, they are willing to do anything to grab power, and from time to time, will act barbaric and greedy. Malaysia and the world know about the September 16 incident that eventually turned into the greatest lie in the country’s political history,” he said.

Najib also cautioned BN parties against allowing certain parties to destroy what the government had so carefully built over the years, for the purpose of satisfying their personal greed and lust for power.

“For that reason, no matter what happens, we must defend Putrajaya, not because of our egos or narrow self-interests, but for the good of Malaysians on a whole,” he said.

The BN convention, themed “1 People, 1 Nation, 1 Vision”, the first for the ruling coalition since it suffered its worst-ever electoral defeat in Elections 2008, goes on from 9am to 5pm today and will feature debates on a variety of topics from party component leaders.

45 Replies to “Who is “evil”?”

  1. Kelantan Ruler has stripped TRH of 2 state awards – interesting

    NR getting garang, called PR anti-national n evil, PKR as ‘Parti Keluar Ramai-ramai’, n DAP as a party ‘Anak Beranak Sdn Bhd’ – creative n interesting

    MCA CSL praised PR as an example of inclusivity, pointing out dat in PR’s campaign materials during d last Galas by-election, d faces of all 3 component party leaders were displayed – interesting too

  2. It’s good for Malaysia if the PM calls for the GE as soon as possible. Just let the rakyat choose the government that they want.

    Judging from the current political scnenario the chances of PR capturing Putra Jaya is almost o.oo9%. The possibility of retaining the states held currently is at best 50-50.

    I hope my assessment is proven wrong, though.

  3. In a way Najib is right in most of his assessment of the PR. I hate to say this but Pakatan and particularly Anwar have been lackadaisical in managing the affairs of the parties. Anwar overriding purpose is to become the PM as soon as possible and to treat other more important issues like discipline, sacrifice and hard work as secondary.

    Wan Azizah’s rhetoric in calling Anwar as God’s gift to the people is a joke when everybody knows that Anwar’s neglect and hands-off attitude of the party’s crises have been instrumental in the poor perception of the party. When you want to implore God’s name on your side be sure that the party is super-efficient and clean to justify such privilege. If not you will only get scorn and glee from your adversaries.

    Wake up Pakatan, stop the rhetoric and get down on your knees and hands to earn the respect. You deserve the scorn that the devil incarnate is now heaping on you.

  4. Mr PM, I agree with you
    That PR is very dangerous
    But only to the BN crew
    And not to the populace

    PR is a much lesser evil
    To BN the bigger devil
    PR is not anti-national
    But anti-Barisan National

  5. ///“Oh yes, we understand the loyalty and awe felt by a wife towards her husband, oh, the ‘ke… he… ba… tan’ (greatness) of her husband,” he said, dragging out the word “greatness” with a smile and inviting thunderous applause from his audience in Dewan San Choon here.///

    How could a PM stoop so low as to indulge in personal attack on Dr Wan Azizah?

  6. Ampun tuanku,beribu ribu ampun lah pada gua.Tolong lah step in to do something as i panggil u tuanku mah.Or say something wat;we the rakyat depend and kautau to you as tuanku to justify the gila babi and tak betul punya polis.Ok tuanku?
    Telimah casih,thank you thank you ah.

  7. Malaysia is the only country in the world where cronies are promised ABSOLUTE PROFITS for business undertakings! Where on earth are business undertakings guarantee to make profits? Only in MALAYSIA – the BOLEHLAND!!!! Look at the PLUS concessionaire! When profits did not meet their expectation, the government has to TOP IT UP. Whose money was that?????

    I always thought businesses include an element of RISK but it looks like in Malaysia, such risk has been ELIMINATED by the BN government! Malaysia truly BOLEH (matilor)!

  8. Whether PKR is evil or not is not confirm yet but BN and especially, UMNOs are confirmed evil, practising racism and apartheid government policies since 1969. Yeah! evil and yet denying it and call others evil. UMNOs are the real evil.

  9. Y r UmnoB/BN/polis so scared of ppl having a peaceful gathering 2 deliver a memorandum 2 d Yang di-Pertuan Agong?
    Y use violent actions against ppl who went there in peace?
    By right, d polis should escort d ppl 2 d palace 2 deliver a memorandum 2 d Yang di-Pertuan Agong
    After all, ppl r voters n d real bosses
    Get it done with sweetly n quickly without any violence, n ppl can then disperse peacefully

  10. Only people from Barisan Neraka (BN), led by one Bapak Najis (BN) can call other people ‘evil’.

    They are, after all, people from the ‘hot place’, evil people with no conscience or principles, yet attempt to act like ‘saints’.

  11. While the mata-mata fired tear-gas and used water cannons to ‘attack’ the Rakyat on peaceful demonstration between The Istana and Mesjid Negara, those BN hypocrites were singing rhetorics of #1Malaysia# inside Wisma MCA, Jalan Ampang KL.

    Want to believe the bunch of conniving liars arhh? Let’s give one final push come GE-13 and send them all packing – CHANGE the government, we desperately need to!

  12. Who is ‘evil’?

    Of course it was the 10,000 peaceful demonstrators who are ‘evil’.

    They ‘forced’ the peace-loving, law-abiding, responsible, well-trained, police personnel to fire tear gas and water cannons in self-defence as they felt seriously threatened by the peaceful demonstrators who wanted to go meet their King.

    No controversial AG will ever file charges against the innocent policemen who were only defending themselves.

    And no kangaroo court in 1Malaysia will ever convict these responsible men in blue either. After all, they had to work overtime on a Sunday firing tear gas and water cannons which entitles them to double pay and hazard pay.

    Instead, the ‘evil’ demonstrators should all be put behind bars for their Sunday walkaton, or detained under the ISA ‘for their own protection’ in case they get hit by a Nice bus or a Komuter train.

  13. The objectives of PR’s demonstration were ostensibly to (a) protest against potential BN Govt’s bailout of Selangor crony water utility companies causing rakyat in general and Selangoreans in particular to pay high water rates, and also (b) to appeal to the King for support of Selangor state government’s takeover of the state’s water industry (which is supposed to be beneficial for the people since if the state govt reclaims the rights, it promises to provide the first 20 cubic metres water for free and maintain 12 per cent increase in water tariff every 3 years as compared to Syabas’ plans of a 20 per cent increase by 2015 (Under present privatisation agreement between Federal Govt, previous BN state Govt with Syabas, the latter is allowed to raise rates by 37% in 2008, 25% in 2011, 15% in 2014, and 10% every subsequent three years).

    PR is at vantage point to claim at the outset the high moral ground based on the common knowledge that many of the Privatisation projects launched since Tun Dr Mahathir’s administration were awarded to cronies, which are not efficiently run, requiring public purse in subsequent bailouts – what is often described as “Piratisation of profits/national (state) assets, socialization/nationalisation of losses”. Perwaja and PKFZ are such examples of things going bad though there are also other privatizations not so bad like (say) PLUS’s maintenance of highways better than under JKR, Maxis, Telekom and TNB.
    The privatization of water industry however seems to fall under former category. The Selangor’s privatised water players, being highly leveraged, appear not in good financial condition. They are alleged to pay high salaries to their executives, dividends to shareholders but have such little reserves that they’re skating on the edge of default whether of loans or debt securities (Bonds & commercial Notes).

    The underlying issues on water are however far more complex than just a simple issue of an opposition state government fighting for rakyat’s interest against an incumbent government’s well known penchant to support cronyism and bleed the public purse.

    Sure, like PKFZ, one of the questions raised in this water supply/tariff one is whether the govt should bail out, by swapping existing bonds (or in the case of PKFZ, irregular guarantees) with triple-A government-backed ones for the sake of the debt and financial markets and integrity of the Govt’s Capital Markets Masterplan, and if so how much money (in PKFZ, RM12 billion) is likely to be involved as a contingent liability to be taken from the Consolidated fund! The present issue, or political contest, if you will, over water is more complex than PKFZ because, if unresolved, it threatens the people of Klang Valley and Selangor to be without treated water – at a certain point of time.

    Behind the headlines and beneath the surface then, it may well be a story of a battle of political wills between BN and PR to show who is champion of the people with the next GE in view, and a contest of business interests and a fight to control funds (money from water supply) – one needs money for campaign and elections – in a situation where the State Govt controlled by the Opposition is fighting for funds that help build an electoral war chest (in Kelantan is more oil royalties) that the Federal Govt controlled by the ruling coalition is trying to stave off.

  14. Najib, if you are “jantan”, call for GE in December or announce the dates now so that everyone can prepare for the elections between Jan-March on equal footing. No cloak and daggers. No “altantuya-style ambush and wallop left, right, centre and blow-job.”

    We will then see who is evil.
    We will then see who the Rakyat wants.
    We will then see who has the last laugh.

    Cakap, cakap banyak tak guna-lah.
    Tunjuklah siapa jantan.

  15. You know, when we pray to our immortal God, we would say something like “forgive me for I have sinned” once thru out the prayer. Yet in some places which require the people to say beribu-ribu forgiveness and yet nothing….

    maybe beribu ribu juta rinngit forgiveness is more appropriate.

  16. It is difficult for a normal untainted brain to describe what is evil?…..perhaps, we should
    ask the “Great Pretender” Umno Boss for a
    precise definition….only a person with vast
    experiences will know. Over to you, Mr UMNO PM!

  17. Cakap, cakap banyak tak guna-lah.
    Tunjuklah siapa jantan :- Endangered Hornbill

    Nah! jib is no jantan!
    He’s far worst than a pondan.
    Otherwise, why would he wanted to “paint” his lip pink.
    From what I see, Big Fat Mamma is more jantan.
    All mixed up, man!

  18. /// Riot police fired tear gas and used water cannons on at least 1,000 protesters near the KL Railway Station as they marched to the Istana Negara today to rally against a potential bailout of Selangor water utility companies. ///

    What irony – protesting against the water companies and the riot squat are wasting water.

  19. Selangor MB Khalid said….water is God gift to Malaysians. Why should we make money distributing it to? And in Selangor…our water bill have reduced drastically..with nominal charges ..perhaps to pay for services without profit.
    He passionately love all Malaysians and want the Federal Govt to stop using water to suck up blood from poor folks.He has studied how UMNO B keep bailing out cronies..and looks like more bail out are needed…a clear sign that ill gotten money must go round and round…to benefit these UMNO B thieves and robbers.
    So many bail out by the billions done and all belong to UMNO B crooks..or his cronies.
    Regarding Najib’s so call most furious speech made….it is the sickening art to blame others for what they are…all over again. I will not pay attention….as all know what kind of a man he is..and quoting his famous word to Balan.. back to him….FRIVOLOUS.
    A man who claims he has 72% Malaysian support will never talk like that.
    He will keep quiet and let voters talk by declaring 13th GE fast.

  20. CORRUPTION IS AN INCOME POLICY OF bn; this is their pathway towards 2020 when ALL their members will achieve the developed status! The only way is to enslave the Raayat of the nation. To those who LOVED to become slaves, you can vote for BN and to all thinking Malaysians, you know what to do!!

  21. EVIL? Lets try:

    1) Murdering and blowing to bits a certain Mongolian lady who is allegedly pregnant just to avoid paying her share of the corrupted commission?

    2) Throwing a young man in the prime of his lfe out of the 14th floor? And then went on to smear his name when he could not defend himself by suggesting he was involved in corruption to pay for his wedding and worse of all, mysteriously bringing up purported suicide notes belatedly to suggest he committed suicide.

    3) Beat to death detainees in police lockups. Or shoot to death young men or boys hastily when they tried to run away because they are afraid of being detained by the police?

    4) Built grandiose projects costing billions but removing subsidies to the poor fishermen or farmers to fund these projects.

    5) Siphon off billions (submarine and PKFZ scandals) for cronies (and we know where the bulk of it ends up) while raising the price of petrol and sugar.

    6) Selective prosecution with suspiciously looking trumped up charges. Destroying the credibility of the judiciary.

    7) Shooting water cannons at the public who just wants to protect their interests in the face of rising cost caused by abuse and corruption?

    Nostradamus predicted there are possibly three Anti Christ. The first was probably Napolean, the second Hitler and the third could be amongst us already. In Malaysia, we already have all three. The first formulated race based policies that set the foundation for the destructive division of the people in this country. The second manipulated, abuse and twisted these policies for more than two decades while the third now is trying to destroy the country by evil deceit and lies.

  22. What Najib has done is publicly approved ANY MEANS to oppose PR – every dirty tricks, legal or illegal, moral or immoral. Its a recipe for things going out of control and tragedies and disaster. Its reckless, irresponsible, completely unaccountable to those that will suffer for what he has done. It is the height of prodigality.

    We will see very very bad things happening and its all goes back to him.

  23. Najib would of course call the PR led Selangor state govt “evil” for stirring Selangor water woes problem for political capital. He would, for example, say his administration is unfairly accused of cronyism, the reason being Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor Sdn Bhd (Syabas) (reportedly controlled by Rozali Ismail) was awarded privatised water concession during his predecessor (TDM)’s administration, and not Najib’s administration. In fact Najib would argue that he intends to mitigate rather than aggravate Selangorean’s water woes caused by so called unfair water concession agreemnt.

    Najib says:
    • the Khalid Ibrahim S’gor State Govt is legally bound as successors in title of previous Toyo’s State Govt that had inked along with Federal Govt the privatization/water concession agreement with Syabas entitling Syabas to claim 37% hike;
    • that Selangor State Govt now seeks to renege this obligation re-affirmed by it (after PR had taken over Selangor) in Jan 2009 by cooking excuses such as Syabas using inferior pipes from China & Indonesia, not maintaining these pipes thereby causing 40% of water produced to be lost through leakages, theft and other reasons – resulting which Syabas could not collect the money from Selangor consumers but yet had to pay to its sister water treatment three operators, namely its sister company Puncak Niaga (M) Sdn Bhd, Konsortium Abass Sdn Bhd and Splash;
    • for two years PR has taken over Selangor, how could Khalid not really know the situation and do nothing? After all the Selangor government’s investment arm Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd KDEB owns 30 per cent of main water treatment operator Syabas [while Puncak Niaga Holdings Bhd (“PNHB”) holds the balance 70%];
    • that Khalid’s game plan is for PR S’gor state govt to induce and “force” a reversal of the concession agreement and reclaim control of water and revenue from its supply by way of using legal objections to bar Syabas its right under Concession Agreement to hike water tariffs and by so doing causing it and Selangor’s water treatment players to risk default in their covenants (ie to maintain 6 months reserves about RM50 million) to their financing banks (in case of term loans) and bond holders [CIMB Principal Asset Management, Hong Leong Investment Bank and Great Eastern Life] and suffer debt payment default as water bonds approach their maturity dates, and that to avert such default, the 4 concessionaire water players, would be compelled to sell back to the S’gor State Govt at its price/valuation of RM5.71 billion!; that all these is done by PR state Govt without concern for the effect on our capital and bond markets, in particular the Govt’s Capital Markets Masterplan. (Bond holders have already suffered 457 mark-to-market losses due to down grade by rating agencies RAM and MARC due to S’gor State Govt’s actions of not allowing the 37% hike by Syabas per Concession agreement).

  24. It would be Federal Govt’s defence to say that it has no intention to allow th burdening of Selangor rakyat by higher tariffs allegedly enjoyed by another admin’s favoured concessionaire, the reason being it would cost Selangor’s votes, and BN intends to win back the richest state, and in any case does not have the money to splurge in unnecessary bail outs.
    That is why way before the present, Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd (“PAAB”) was formed on May 2006 by the Federal Government which aims to consolidate ownership of and responsibility for funding the water assets in entire Peninsular Malaysia and Labuan, in the process separating the roles of water operator and asset owner (the States per our constitution). Backed by Federal Govt, PAAB is able to tap funds at a cheaper rate of financing that even the State govts. And this will relieve the Federal Government of financial burden to manage water supply privatised to concessionairs in TDM’s time.

    PABB has also made an offer to acquire supply of water assets from the present concessionaires and PR State has come out to argue that such an offer foil its ongoing negotiations to acquire from these concessionaires. Also there’s a question what’s so cheap Khalid’s offer to maintain 12 per cent increase in water tariff every 3 years? Apart from PAAB, Gamuda Bhd on March 24th had also made an offer to the S’gor Government and the Federal Government to take over Selangor’s entire water-services industry with an investment of RM10.75bil (more than S’gor’s offer of RM5.71 billion in exchange for a 30-year concession to enable the recovery of its proposed investment – and for that Gamuda offered the smaller 9% upward revision in tariffs every three years that is more favourable to consumers than Khalid’s 12%!
    From Federal’s view strategic point, it wants to get control of water supply back from all the states through PAAB. Otherwise it has problems for states owned by Opposition. When Federal does it, the idea is that it would relieve rakyat’s burden exacted by existing concessionaires bequeathed from TDM’s time. Arguably Federal could provide better tariffs than even State because Federal has better credentials to raise financing via its sovereign triple “A” rating.

    It may be asked isn’t present Najib admin interested in rewarding its own cronies? It may of course but note this – not necessarily in the field of water supply.

    The reasons are: water is strategic resource; it is a fundamental human right endorsed by UN’s Human Rights Charter; water is not a good area to leave supplies with cronies because ownership per Federal Constitution of water resources vest with state government some of which are Opposition controlled with whom problems of the sorts (politicking for votes based on water issue) seen in Selangor will arise and be leveraged against incumbent govt. Water affects everyone rich or poor, Bn or PR supporters, and if on account of cronyism, people don’t get supply of this essential, the votes will be all against the govt! Pengurusan Aset Air Bhd or PAAB is a govt’s special purpose vehicle – not owned by cronies. Understandably, PAAB is treading cautiously, fully aware that all the acquisitions must be made on the right terms so as not to jeopardise the ultimate goal of providing affordable and – more importantly – more equitable water tariffs to the public.

  25. Well done umno. Keep the water cannon coming. The more the better. Create more news. Get the media in to cover the incident. Let the people see the sort of gobermen they supported, general election after general election. That is surely the way to go for otherwise pakatan would not get any coverage in the msm at all. I was caught in a two hour traffic jam yesterday and it was worth it. I dont mind the inconvenience. Only a small price to pay for political freedom and true democracy.

  26. DAP’s Tony Pua called on the federal government to stop hindering the Selangor government’s effort to buy over the water concessionaires and take over water management through either (a) an offer from PAAB or (b) a bail out of present concessionaires by soft loan of RM300+ million to tide over bond commitments and avert default – at rakyat’s expense. That’s one of the main objective of appealing to the King on Sunday protest.

    Federal is interested in (a) and not (b) unless last resort due to impasse with S’gor. In an interview with The MalaysianInsider Minister for Energy, Green technology and Water Peter Chin made it clear that (a) is Federal’s intention (not (b)) but PAAB will not be able to raise funds for the bond swap if Selangor MBm stands by his position that state water assets were worth RM10 98 billion and not RM1 billion as previously assessed! PAAB just cannot raise the kind of money from bonds.
    Even if PAAB does so it will be forced to sky rocket tariff adverse to rakyat’s interest.

    It appears that it’s the S’gor state govt that is preventing Federal’s PAAB from taking over water assets supply that S’gor itself wants to control. Cheaper tariffs claimed by PR don’t seem the real reason for there’s no suggestion that Federal PABB cannot supply yet cheaper. Using Syabas 37% hike is red herring as it is not an issue when Federal takes over! S’gor cleverly refuses to compromise on valuation ( RM10.98 Bil vs 1 B). It means federal PAAB cannot take control of these resources. It means that in order to protect our capital and bond markets, in particular the Najib’s Capital Markets Masterplan – as well as avert Selangor from being without treated water – Federal govt will be forced to opt for (b) to bail out Syabas & other water treatment concessionaires to the tune of over RM6 billion that offers more political fodder to shoot BN (after PKFZ’s RM12 billion) for being pro cronies (even though they are not exactly this administration’s cronies!). Federal cannot afford to lose confidence of bonds and capital markets because that’s bad for raising finance here, whether by govt or private corporations, and whether cronies or not cronies related! So it is forced to bail out making its position politically more untenable.
    The other option for Federal is to invoke section 114 of Water Services Industry Act (WSIA) to force water consolidation in terms favorable to Federal govt. Section 114 of WSIA allows minister to assume control concessionaire in interest of nation. When Federal nationalizes – it cannot be challenged in court, so provides WSIA. But the rub is this: it is the most extreme situation if it were invoked – for eg No water in Selangor! Its bad for Federal to be seen signing in the past concessionaire agreement, whether water electricity etc and next moment nationalize the companies.
    What Khalid is perceived forcing Federal to do is to face Hopson choice of either being condemned for (i) RM6.4 billion bailout or (ii) nationalization by invoking WSIA! Minister of Energy Water Peter Chin has made it clear to Khalid – S’gor can acquire lock stock of barrel from Syabas and concessionaires – “be my guest but do it fast, don’t talk. (Malaysian Insider Nov 4th report by Yow Hong Chieh). But S’gor appears delaying to wait for bond maturity in Dec 31st to force Bn into the Hopson’s choice. So how Najib won’t call PR evil for playing this arm twisting game???

  27. There are many complex issues not clear here.

    PR state Govt says it offers RM5.71 billion to take over water supply rights from concessionaires, which is sabotaged by Federal’s PAAB’s inference by another offer. The question is : does Khalid State Govt’s Coffer have RM5.71 billion? If not from where is Khalid going to raise this money – from the Bonds Market? Bond holders are weary for PR politicians are willing to scuttle bond obligations ostensibly to protect rakyat’s interest – not only in this water dal but PKFZ!

    Secondly, Tony Pua also claims that Selangor State Govt offer of “free water” in Selangor (up to certain amount) was funded almost entirely from profits from its “minority
    interests” in the water companies.

    Now is that true?

    The minority interests referred to must be the Selangor government’s investment arm Kumpulan Darul Ehsan Bhd or “KDEB” that owns 30 per cent of main water treatment operator Syabas [while Puncak Niaga Holdings Bhd (“PNHB”) holds the balance 70%].

    If Syabas is not really not making money how could it stream any meaningful dividend upwards to its shareholders 70% PNHB and 30% KDEB???

    If its making money how could its majority shareholder PNHB be facing default of bond just because S’gor jam 37% hike of water tariff? It is curious from where minority interests in water companies (KDEB) have profits to fund free water!

    What is critically not addressed is whether if Federal gets PAAB to take over from concessionaires from TDM’s time (which Selangor now jams it), S’gor is also jamming alternative Federal’s supply of water through PAAB at tariffs possibly cheaper than even what Selangor State Govt. could provide.

    Looks like the fight between BN & PR over control of water assets supply is not just a simple benchmark of Rakyat’s interest.
    It appears a fight by PR using its ownership of water resources to control the supply side and the profits inherent there to build up/add to electoral money there (whilst at same time not burdening Rakyat by too high a hike like Syabas’s 37%).

    His Highness Sultan Selangor has told all parties not to use water to politick. Its a vital resource. Without electricity one can use candle: without water – how?

  28. Syarikat Bekalan Air Selangor’s chief executive officer, Rozali Ismail (a former UMNO branch treasurer), earns some RM425,000 a MONTH + bonuses, while Syabas is in debt of RM2.9 billion

    No wonder some1 said: “If UMNO’s brand of Ketuanan means paying its GLC CEOs RM425,000 per month, then I also want!”

  29. And the MSM today tried to “cover up” the demonstration. China Press dared not publish the news in its National pages but instead published it only in the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur pages which means it will not be distributed to other states! See how clever BN is??????

  30. What is it that Rozali Ismail do that commands him a monthly salary of RM425K? Is it for him to make HUGE LOSSES and then come back and tell his boss to SQUEEZE THE RAKYAT’s neck just to even out losses?

    Any more vacancies in Syabas or Puncak Niaga ah? I also want to apply lah!!!!

  31. So long that BN is leading the country, Malaysians will continue to face such contracts imposed on them under ISA coverage. It started by the Super Ego, and every subsequent PM will want to prove himself better in building Mega-projects. The fun and return is in the construction not in the managing of them. Just the bloke who flew in truck prime movers when KN was monopolizing the industry. The same pattern and mind-set at EVERY LEVEL will follow suit; after all they have over half a century of hand-on experience to learn from. This hand-on experience can only stop, when the Raayat say so; so don’t regret for anither 6 years, Malaysians. Otherwise, the Malaysian version of slavery will continue to haunt your children and their children!!!

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