Chia Kwang Chye will be Khairy’s favourite choice as next Gerakan Penang CM

Deputy Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak has said that with the announcement by the Acting Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon to move to the federal level in the upcoming general election, the post of Penang Chief Minister will continue to be reserved for the Gerakan.

Yes, the post of Penang Chief Minister will continue to be reserved for the Gerakan, but for the first time for four decades, it will be Umno and not Gerakan which will decide who will be the Penang Gerakan Chief Minister!

This is because Tsu Koon has submitted three names as his successor to the Prime Minister and it is up to Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi to decide who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister!

The confession by the Gerakan Secretary-General Datuk Seri Chia Kwang Chye that he knew nothing about the three names submitted by Koh to Abdullah is most shocking.

Shouldn’t this be a decision or at least the consensus of the top Gerakan leadership instead of by one person who is the Acting Gerakan President?

Furthermore, did the Gerakan leadership take an earlier decision that Gerakan surrender to Abdullah its power and right to decide as to who should be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister or did Koh act unilaterally and unconstitutionally in violation of Gerakan party constitution?

Once Gerakan surrenders the right and power to decide who should be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister, this right and power is lost forever and never be regained – and the Gerakan Penang Chief Minister will just be an Umno appointee!

It is an open secret that once Koh surrenders the Gerakan power and right to decide who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister to Abdullah, it is in fact surrendering to Umno and Khairy Jamaluddin – Abdullah’s son-in-law and the real “power-behind-the-throne”.

Khairy Jamaluddin, the master of the powerful Putrajaya Fourth Storey, is already a very powerful man if not the most powerful man in Umno and Barisan Nasional.

For instance, everybody knows that Khairy is the de facto Mentri Besar of Terengganu and that Datuk Idris Jusoh is just a puppet and a `Mentri Besar in name only. It is Khairy who dispenses with the billions of ringgit of “wang ehsan” from the five per cent oil royalty for the state from Petronas, which completely bypassed the Mentri Besar’s Office!

Now Khairy is accumulating even greater power as he will finally be deciding who is to be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister – as it is again public knowledge that Khairy virtually makes all the important decisions which are announced by the Prime Minister, from top civil service and judicial appointments, approval of mega contracts without tender, dispensing billions of ringgit of funds in Terengganu which completely overshadow the state government’s budget to the latest decision as to who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister from the three names submitted by Koh!

In the guessing-game as to which one of the three names submitted by Koh will be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister, there is no doubt that it is Chia Kwang Chye who is the “hot favourite” as the choice of Khairy. The other two contenders Datuk Dr. Teng Hock Nan and Datuk Lee Kah Choon just don’t stand a chance at all!

As Deputy Information Minister, Chia has fully served UMNO interests instead of Malaysian interests in turning the RTM and the Information Department into shameless appendages of UMNO to spread Umno propaganda instead of being non-partisan in disseminating news and information as they are government departments funded by taxpayers irrespective of political beliefs and voter preference.

If Umno wants to use radio and television to spread its propaganda, it should set up a Radio and Television UMNO but it should never misuse government resources and facilities like the RTM for party propaganda.

Chia had been a loyal subordinate to the Information Minister, Datuk Zainuddin Maidin in the misuse and abuse of RTM not only for narrow Umno and Barisan Nasional political interests, but also to promote divisive and polarizing viewpoints and policies.

Two recent examples are:

• For the past two weeks, the nightly insertion into television news of the tendentious, unethical and distorted presentation of the 40,000-people peaceful gathering for the submission of the BERSIH petition for free, fair and clean election to the Yang di Pertuan Agong on Nov. 10 to vilify Opposition leaders; and

• The misrepresentation of the culture of the Malaysian Chinese on RTM Panorama programme on the second day of the Chinese New Year purporting to depict a typical Malaysian Chinese family preparing for Chinese New Year when it showed a Muslim Chinese family’s preparation for the occasion.

Why had Chia been so thunderously silent on these two episodes?
Bernama’s reporter had been very perceptive with the Sunday report that
Tsu Koon’s announcement that he has decided to move to the federal level came “a few hours after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mentioned that he (Abdullah) would decide for the Penang Chief Minister if the latter was unable to make up his mind whether to contest a state seat or go for a parliament seat”.

Koh has proved that he is even more indecisive than Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, which must have pleased the Prime Minister very much.

I regret that in his comments on Koh’s decision, Gerakan adviser Datuk Seri Dr. Lim Keng Yaik , like Chia Kwang Chye previously, continued his attack on the “Lim Kit Siang-Lim Guan Eng father-and-son” political dynasty in Penang.

A final decision has yet to be taken as to whether Guan Eng would be leading the DAP campaign in Penang in the next general election and I had said last week that it is my intention to defend the Ipoh Timur parliamentary seat.

However, since Keng Yaik and Chia Kwang Chye have been so perverse and persistent in wanting to make “Lim Kit Siang-Lim Guan Eng father-and-son” political dynasty in Penang into an issue, may be the best way to join issue with this political onslaught is in the Penang political arena itself. This warrants consideration.


33 Replies to “Chia Kwang Chye will be Khairy’s favourite choice as next Gerakan Penang CM”

  1. Malay, Chinese or Indian Penang CM is not important…….the system is working for the rich and well connected – politically and economically.

    Our country deperately needs a new start from decades of bad leadership and governance of the country.

  2. Yes, sotong.
    Who ever is the CM of Penang makes no difference to us, the poor and powerless.
    Koh Tsu Khoon is just like no CM at all in penang – simply toothless.

    Most of the voters in penang are not aware that they are nipulated by tycoons and businessmen to vote for BN. When Bn wins they get big contracts and plenty of lubangs.

  3. “However, since Keng Yaik and Chia Kwang Chye have been so perverse and persistent in wanting to make “Lim Kit Siang-Lim Guan Eng father-and-son” political dynasty in Penang into an issue, may be the best way to join issue with this political onslaught is in the Penang political arena itself. This warrants consideration.”

    Oh please Uncle Kit! You know you are not going to Penang just because Keng Yaik tickles you. You also know there’s another Lim Dynasty in Gerakan right? The Lim Leng Yaik-Lim Si Pin father-and-son politcal dynasty in Penang. It would be sad if the battle of the century be reduced to the battle of the Lims in Penang.

    Btw, this is what Lim Si Pin, 38, has to say about his entry in national politics ” It’s actually very natural for people born in a politically inclined family to have offspring following their forefathers.” Feb 12, 2008-The Straits Time, Singapore

    So? Pot calling the Kettle balck right? Uncle Kit, just ignore that smelly old fart Keng Yaik!

  4. Who Khairy recommend in BN is not important anymore, just remember that all you Chinese and Indians in Malaysia is catagorised as non-bumis , not born in Malaysia.

    You are being treated as 2nd or 3rd class citizens as Umno said so since 1970.

    Let me see BN or Umno abolish the special rights for just Malays before I will believe a single word they say.

    If you vote for Umno or any component party like Gerakan, MCA or MIC , you are actually voting for the Non-Malays’ traitor or voting yourselves to be a second class citizens for another 5 years to come.

    Ask yourselves why you have to pay 7% more when you buy a new house and why the Malays can buy at a 7% discount whether they are rich or poor.
    Why is there a 90% quota placement for Malays in our local universities where as there is only 10% for the Chinese and Indians.

    Umno is the one who implemented these rules without opposition.

    Can you continue to pretend that you are happy being treted as 2nd class citizens for the rest of your life.

    Let me imagine that I turned the table around and special rights are only given to the Chinese and Indians and do you think that the Malays are going to say that is O.K.!

    Let us not be cowards and stand up for our individual rights as a citizen. Let us say no to the quota system that only care for the Malays.

    Any special rights should be given to all Poor people in Malaysia that include the Malays , Chinese and Indains and not just the Malays and including those that are rich.

  5. It seem Khairy already get an obedient horse already. Thanks for Koh Tsu Koon bring in the horses. So now UMNO can ride on GERAKAN and act like a cowboy. The Chief Horse of Penang is Chia Kwang Chye. But I think Penangites need a Chief Minister with Power!

    Lim Guan Eng, Chief Minister with Power!

  6. Just vote for the DAP & PKR in Penang. Then we can put the UMNO’s Lapdogs (gerakan) out to pasture. And our dear PM will not have to waste his son-in-laws time in deciding which “stooge” they want as the next CM of Penang.
    It’s time for a change. The question is do the Penangites have the guts to doit?

  7. “This year no Gerakan CM because



    Ha Ha!! good one!!!

    Gerakan is another running dog party, so do not expect much from them.LKY with his saliva all of the place, still making comments. Thought he said he will shut up and go….maybe trying to help the son la. Ok ok.

    Vote for DAP and PKR in Penang!! teach Pak Lah and the UMNO arrogant fellows a lesson in life.

  8. .

    To be more exact it is the poodles!
    Poodles in the form of KTK, OKT,LKY,CKC,SV! All these pooldles are very cute. Nice to cuddle and will follow him everywhere. Whenever there is some breadcrumbs falling off K’s table, those poodles obediently licked up the crumbs

  9. Of course, CKC will keep mum over the two episodes mentioned above.

    In fact, CKC will say “Correct, correct, correct”.

    To prepare for his new appointment, CKC is rushing down to Pavilion, KL, to buy his new Emperor underwears, pants, and shirts from KJ and his wife. Must dress correctly mah!

  10. It has become so obvious now that Gerakan is UMNO’s puppet ever so ready toact according to the way the string is pulled by Khairy!
    So Penangites, please be aware that a :
    (a) a vote for Gerakan= a vote for UMNO= a vote for your marginalisation.

    (b) a vote for MCA= a vote for UMNO= a vote for your marginalisation.

    (c) a vote for MIC= a vote for UMNO= a vote for your marginalisation.

    (d) a vote for PPP=a vote for UMNO= a vote for marginalisation.

    In the past Penangites think it is cool to vote BN for state seats and DAP for Federal seats thinking that BN will provide better business opportunities and administration of Penang whilst DAP will protect their rights and interests in Parliment.Nothing can be further fron the truth.What an erroneous piece of thinking for these goons know nothing except to dig and dig and dig …… order to enrich themselves.They are all scumbags thro and thro.So stop that sort of thinking and get on with the task of wiping off Gerakan from the face of Malaysia together with the rest of UMNO’s lapdogs …..MCA,MIC,PPP….

  11. Those in Penang who have blindly voted BN in state constituencies for the last 8 general elections since 2004 thinking that Penang will remain in Gerakan’s hand, HAVE BEEN GIVEN A WAKE UP CALL.

    Their own Gerakan leader is at last showing their folly if they continue voting BN because the choice of CM is not Gerakan’s, it is UMNO’s (i.e Kera Hairy)

  12. Whoaa..senior and elder Chinese leader from Gerakan kowtowing to a young fart…the so called graduate from Oxford University???

    It taints the name of this revered university to have any association with this juvenile. It is more likely that he is from University of KL which is University of Kentot Lembu (i.e Ox-fart)

  13. To let all know, in Johor, (BN stronghold), Bumi are given up to 15% discount for buying houses, so Johorean, why keep voting for BN, your JB had the highest serious crime rate! Gomen no care for yr flood!
    Hope U, Johorean think properly, who to vote, the IDR is nothing, just a gimmick only, Bet IDR will fail!
    Penang ppl, choice is obvious, u, don’t wan JB crime rate, “15% discount”, etc, vote any opposition!

  14. I think Ipoh Timor or Barat will be DAP’s whether or not Uncle Lim contest there. I think Uncle Lim will serve DAP and the nation better to shift his weight and influence to Penang where the great battle lies. I hope that he will put in some strong candidates in the marginal areas like Gopeng and Sg Siput to wrestle control from the BN and improve their presence in Perak.

  15. Probably not a good idea for Uncle Lim and son to both fight in Penang – BN will be able to concentrate all their firepower there and maybe get of easier elsewhere. The opposition should as far as possible diffuse the strength of BN by engaging them across the nation, leaving them wrong footed and tripping over themselves.

  16. cheng on soo Says:
    ……..the IDR is nothing, just a gimmick only, Bet IDR will fail!
    I agreed with you.
    While Singapore is building their 1st.Casino;awaiting to reap billions of dollars, stupid government like Malaysia are building IDR to cater their needs and this create social problems.
    Can you imagine what would happen next when another financial crisis strikes again? More abandon projects, finger-pointing……

  17. Politic are like football.
    On the left side is the team called DAP comprises of 2 bumiputras( Malaysian Natives ) and 9 alamputras ( the universal one..).

    On the right side called themselves the BN;the Professionals consists of 7 UMNOs,2MCAs,1Gerakan and 1 MIC where there have all the facilities, resources and financial back-ups.

    During the game, the DAP’s die-hard mission is to score at least 1 goal.
    Whereas the BN need to score a minimum 3 goals.

    At the end of the game BN 3-DAP 1.

    Who do you think the crowds will be cheering?
    Who do you think will get booed?

  18. “If the Chinese want to make an easy living, they should ensure the Barisan Government is strong,” Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib told Nanyang Siang Pau.

    See the difference in perception. Most participants of this blog complained that BN is not fair to non-Malays, including Chinese. But Umnoputras believe that BN has been generous to non-Malays. What more do you want from BN, you greedy and complaining lot?

  19. The Malaysian Chinese must realize in the era of globalization there is no such thing as easy living. In fact, through out the history of our independance, Majority of Chinese has never led an easy life. We strive very hard for what we have today, but what we have today is nothing tomorrow because the country is going down under the BN regime. Unless, Malaysian Chinese can be proud of a few cronies Chinse businessman who is dirty rich because they conspired with the UMNO led government to cheat the rakyat. Unless Malaysian Chinese can be proud of Chinese gangsters, loan sharks, drug lords that peddles the streets with drugs and prostitues in broad day light. Unless Malaysian Chinese can be proud because they can always go to Singapore and earn Singapore dollars, what is there to look foward to Umno information chief Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib’s “easy living”? Buying our way through our business license by giving UMNO corruption?

  20. The illegal hardcore drug abuse such as meth, ketamine in Malaysian Chinese society is so rampant! What happen to MCA’s war against illegal drugs? Maybe MCA stop because they got some shares from their gangster members.

  21. Who ever become Penang CM must be a Malaysian first? Improve infrastructure, quality of life, harmony in coexistence and etc in Penang. Who is Khairy to call the shot? Penang voters is the king maker. Vote wisely and which party can give you all the best alternative. DAP , PKR or PAS might not be the best alternative

  22. In 1969, Penang threw the MCA out and replaced it with the then opposition one-nation party – Gerakan. Then, what happened? Gerakan sold out the Penangites and crawled into BN under the umno sarong. It never manage to crawl out eversince.

  23. Gerakan crawled under UMNO sarong, saw what’s underneath and too sh*t scared to even say what it is, now wants to be re-elected. Penangites must exorcise the devil that has been gripping Penang for the last 39 years. Boot them out. Bring on Tanjung III.

  24. Rocky Says:
    February 12th, 2008 at 17: 32.47

    “This year no Gerakan CM because



    Ha Ha!! good one!!!

    i waz rite afterall :)

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