Tsu Koon’s first act – Khairy to decide who is the next Gerakan Penang CM

One shocker of the news today is the announcement by the Acting Gerakan President, Tan Sri Dr. Koh Tsu Koon to move to the federal level in the upcoming general election – not the contents of the announcement but circumstances and implications of the announcement.

Tsu Koon’s announcement came “a few hours after Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi mentioned that he (Abdullah) would decide for the Penang Chief Minister if the latter was unable to make up his mind whether to contest a state seat or go for a parliament seat”.

It highlights Koh’s utterly indecisive leadership – even more indecisive than Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi, which must be quite an “achievement” by itself.

Koh said he had submitted three names as his successor to the Prime Minister who indicated “he might need a few days to decide on who to choose as my successor”. (Bernama)

This is a most shocking display of impotence. Who should be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister should be the sole decision of the Gerakan leadership. Why has Tsu Koon surrendered this power and right of the Gerakan to decide who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister to the Umno President giving him the prerogative to choose from one of three names submitted by Koh?

It is open secret that submitting the decision to Abdullah is as good as submitting it to Khairy Jamualuddin, Abdullah’s son-in-law and the “power-behind-the-throne”.

Khairy Jamaluddin, the master of the power Putrajaya Fourth Storey, is already a very powerful man if not the most powerful man in Umno and Barisan Nasional.

For instance, everybody knows that Khairy is the de facto Mentri Besar of Terengganu and that Datuk Idris Jusoh is just a Mentri Besar in name only. It is Khairy who dispenses with the billions of ringgit of “wang ehsan” from the five per cent oil royalty from Petronas, which completely bypassed the Mentri Besar’s Office!

Now Khairy is accumulating even greater power as he will finally be deciding who is to be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister – as it is again public knowledge that Khairy virtually makes all the important decisions for rubber-stamping by the Prime Minister, from top civil service and judicial appointments, approval of mega contracts without tender, dispensing billions of ringgit of funds in Terengganu which completely overshadow the state government’s budget to the latest decision as to who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister from the three names submitted by Koh!

I do not think this is the best start for Penang to face the challenges of globalization after the 2008 general election!

(Speech (2) at the opening of the Canning (Ipoh Timur) election operation centre at Kampung Simee, Ipoh on Monday, 11th February 2008 at 11 am)


86 Replies to “Tsu Koon’s first act – Khairy to decide who is the next Gerakan Penang CM”

  1. This is a most shocking display of impotence. Who should be the next Gerakan Penang Chief Minister should be the sole decision of the Gerakan leadership. Why has Tsu Koon surrendered this power and right of the Gerakan to decide who should be the next Penang Gerakan Chief Minister to the Umno President giving him the prerogative to choose from one of three names submitted by Koh? — Kit
    This spells out so clearly to the whole nation that the other so call BN component parties are nothing but a group of running dogs! What is the difference of this choosing/fixing of a Penang Gerakan CM by UMNO from the judiciary & judges fixing saga as exposed by the infamous Lingam gate?

  2. When Hishamuddin, in his capacity as UMNO Youth chief, made his threat to kick Gerakan out of BN after Paranjothy, the Gerakan Deputy Youth Chief joined in the chorus of criticisms of Govt. policies marginalising Indians, KSK replied to the threat instead of his youth chief. This shows his insecurity and subservient attitude as he has equated himself to the level of the UMNO youth chief instead of seeing himself as being an equal with AAB.

    Lim Keng Yaik has done a grave injustice to Gerakan and the nation by pushing for KSK’s appointment as Gerakan chief instead of Kerk. Just like TDM picking a weak AAB for his own vested interest, Keng Yaik has done the same thing. Good strong leaders are necessary to maintain the check and balance in this multi racial country. By appointing a weak successor, LKY have encouraged the UMNO extremist to take advantage of the weakness and push harder for additional advantage within Penang and the coalition. In short, LKY have sold out Gerakan.

  3. yep! and he is a wimp too! (as a friend used to label him).

    imagine. first can’t make up is mind, had to wait for the PM to prod him, then after making up his mind, the names of his successor has to be submitted to the PM?

    yep! gerakan is indeed nothing but a running dog for UMNO!

  4. Have these Gerakan guys no shame, no dignity……better bury this party then face this type of humiliation…..MALU! MALU! MALU!……it is left to the people of Penang to put this horse to sleep….

  5. Pingback: mental jog
  6. GERAKAN = always move, not move forward, but move according to UMNO. No wonder From Opposition(1969) move to BN (1970s). In BN, Koh Tsu Koon moved from state to Parliament. A very good transport for UMNO or a good horse. Now Koh Tsu Koon send in 3 horses for Khairy to choose. We also can bet which horse that Khairy like?

    Khairy menunggang GERAKAN
    Tarik kiri pusing kiri
    Tarik kanan pusing kanan
    Tarik sikit sudah berhenti
    Pukul sikit sudah lari tak tentu arah

    It’s time for Penangites to MOVED GERAKAN out to the SEA.

  7. They have moved so many of BN voters into Northern region that they do not need PGRM to placed there anymore as compared to those days.
    With so many new township and placement of civil servants all over their targeted constitutions, Specky have to move on otherwise he too will be tsunami-ed by the surprises.
    TARR, EC chairman have updated so many names as Northern voters to ensure AAB still wins there.
    So, good effort seen here from Opposition, however, who control the rules wins here.

  8. It clearly shows that the BN component leaders depends solely on UMNO to decide everything they do within BN. Even to cough they will need the permission from UMNO. Although I’m a Malay myself but in the true Mlaysian spirit it really makes very very sad to know the non-malays are actually the puppets of UMNO and can’t even decide simple things on their own especially concerning party matters.

  9. How can Koh Tsu Koon be a leader of a party when he delegates his right or prerogative to another as to who should take over his CM’s post.
    We see the BN component parties as nothing but as boh-liao says – a puppet on a string.
    MCA is no better – always the yes-man come what may.
    MIC as well.
    A country run by a nobody or SIL of someone who should be leading the nation – sad for 27 million citizens.

  10. Gerakan is a mosquito party within BN. Penang electorate should not vote for a mosquito party which is neither here nor there. Worse, with the present leadership of Koh Tsu Koon who is neither here nor there and going nowhere.

    Vote for a bigger and stronger voice. Penang needs a change….just change it!

  11. UNcle Kit,

    I believe this is the first time you hv so boldly criticised KJ in your blog and I salute you for it!

    I shudder to think what will happen to Msia shld this guy comes into power.

    I just wish that I am friend of his.

  12. I maybe wrong but from the recent acts and decisions by KSK, he seems like a very shrewd person to me. If all the people in Penang feels like those in this forum, it would suit his purpose, that is to loose his seat in the GE whether Parliament or State. It would then give him an excuse to resign as the President of Gerakan and enjoy his retirement.

  13. The fact is that KTK is so hated in Penang, he will be another Lim Chong Eu. So he is packing his bags and coming to KL to be with Samy and the gang, not knowing that Samy’s term is short lived in KL and in Parliament as well.

    The time is right now, VOTE Gerakan out of Penang and KTK out of Penang for Good. We do not need lame CM’s, we need strong CM’s like Karpal & Co for Penang!

    DAP plse go all out to capture Penang!

  14. Like the rest of the BN components , Gerakan ,MCA , MIC , they are all there to split the Chinese and Indian votes .

    If all non-Malays are sound minded and vote only the Opposition parties , we will have at least 40% of the saying power in Parliment and not just the present 5 or 10%.

    Let all the non-Malays wake-up now , your rights as a Malaysian citizens have been taken away by Umno since 1970.

    Special rights given to Malays since 1970 is only for one race whether they are Rich or Poor.

    Why do we non-Malays have to be called non-bumis , where as we have contributed not less than any other races in Malaysia or perhaps more.

    Ask yourselves whether you want to be a second class citizen in Malaysia for the rest of your life and also your generations to come.

    Vote for the oppositions , afterall we have nothing to loose.

  15. This KTK had really disgraced all Penang ppl who support him, so Penang ppl , Time to kick BN, UMNO, MCA, MIC, n Gerakan out, These are expired goods and are very poisonous!
    If AAB is still in power,= Msia in hand of a young chicku! (32 yrs only), if in Naj.. hand, don’t forget this guy wan to bath his keris in Chi.. blood (said in 1987), BN had no capable leader now! (beside this BN is so very very corrupted), so Penang ppl , U hv no choice, but to vote out BN !

  16. # vincent Says:
    Today at 19: 04.03 (2 hours ago)

    Tsu Koon, you [deleted]

    I don’t know what you wrote there Vincent but I think I can agree with you.

  17. KTK u bring shame to Penangites ! i think he will feel more happy when most of the Penangites just become hawker and selling hokkien mee, roti canai, mat burger on the five foot way ! WTF ! 18 damn years, and we ppl in Penang are still bunking on kopitiam just to make a living ! what future do we hold for the children in this pathetic island ?

    I have only heard of those Multi National Factory downsizing or moving out from Penang, and u only know how to encourage those property developer to develop millionaire bungalow or apartment and keep on proclaiming the beauty of Penang, you are only selling your little land to those foreigner, how about those Penangites who barely can afford a RM150K apartment which is always full of never ending problems such as no parking, lousy management…

    All this KTK’s buddy is full of crap, old and useless. I wonder do they know what’s the meaning of “malu” ? they are all good at nothing except to wear songkok, cheongsam, sari during the festive season and showcase their butt in front of the newspaper.

    When u have stupid leader, u have stupid citizen, i’m stupid by BN !

  18. Politics to Gerakan is….

    Political struggle is a long-term process.

    We are in politics not because we want money, position, status or prestige but because we believe in our ideology and want to serve the people. To do so effectively, we of course need an organizational vehicle in the form of a political party.A political party, in turn should be a grouping of ideologically like-minded people who can work together as a team and slog to attain the political ideals they have set out to achieve.

    In struggle, there will be ups and downs but come what may, we should never waver or compromise or our commonly agreed principles. We must always stand firm and have unshakeable faith in our ideals. We must bring together wisdom and collective effort and subscribe to the principle of collective leadership with collective responsibility. Only then will a struggle succeed in the long-run.

    Some quarters seem to think that the success of failure of our struggle hinges on electoral performance in one term. This is not a correct view. The success of our struggle hinges on our commitment to win over the hearts and minds of all Malaysians to our cause and or readiness to work together at all times.

    There is no short-cut.

    There is only one way and this is the long, strenuous and sometimes turbulent path of struggle along which we shall encounter many obstacles, and even hazards. This is the road for the committed, not the waverers; for the strong-willed, not the weak-hearted; for the principled, not the opportunities. I am confident that most of us present to-day are ready for and already on this path of struggle that will, no doubt, be long and arduous but meaningful.

    That is why we are in politics. That is why we are in Gerakan.


  19. Let’s be at least thankful for small mercy that KTK is moving to federal. Penangites can soon be at least KTK-free.

    The Gerakan Party of today merits the immortal words of the late Dr Tun Ismail who first awarded them to the MCA – “mati ta’mahu, hidup pun segan”.

    Its raison d’être seems to be nothing more than as UMNO’s tool to keep the MCA at bay. The BN is a nest of vipers.

  20. Date : Jan 14, 2008

    Party wants Koh to continue leading state

    GEORGE TOWN: Gerakan wants its acting president, Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon, to continue leading Penang.

    Secretary-general Datuk Seri Chia Kwang Chye said the view of party adviser Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik that Koh should contest a state seat in the general election reflected the stand of the party.

    He said Koh was by far the most suitable Barisan Nasional candidate to helm the state.

    Koh has been the chief minister for four terms since 1990.

    “Our stand is very clear. We want Koh to continue leading Penang. I hope this will put to rest speculation about Koh moving to the federal level,” he said after flagging off the Fun Walk 2008 at the Pepper Estate here yesterday.

    Dr Lim was recently quoted as saying that despite what some critics said, Koh was still the right man to lead Penang.

    Chia, who is Bukit Bendera member of parliament, said he was prepared to contest a parliamentary seat again in the election. He criticised the DAP for saying one thing and doing another.

    “Their leaders have said that their main enemy is Umno and not Gerakan or MCA. If that is the case, why are they contesting against Gerakan and MCA candidates?”

  21. Gerakan can sell off Penang Free port status to UMNO; why not KTK prepared to sell off CM of Penang to UMNO; in exchange of a safe parliament seat for himself. If UMNO say the 3 candidates NOT qualify, then CM of Penang will go to UMNO lah

  22. In its official website, Gerakan declares “We are in politics not because we want money, position, status or prestige but because we believe in our ideology and want to serve the people.”

    “Our stand is very clear. We want Koh to continue leading Penang. I hope this will put to rest speculation about Koh moving to the federal level,” – Gerakan SG Chia Kwang Chye said on Jan 14, 2008

    But then…

    Breaking his silence on his political future, the Penang Chief Minister and Gerakan acting president said he met Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi on Saturday and informed him about this.

    “I sought his views and told him of my strategy. My preference is to move to a federal post for the benefit of the people.” – Gerakan President, Koh Tsu Koon said today on Feb 11, 2008

    It is a flip-flop…

    Chia, who is Bukit Bendera member of parliament, said he was prepared to contest a parliamentary seat again in the election. He criticised the DAP for saying one thing and doing another.

    What Ideology?

    If you still vote for Gerakan, what can I say?

  23. Even before the next election begins, whimpy CM KTK has again shown his true character of utter uselessness in standing up for Gerakan in decisive matters as important as the choice of Penang’s next Chief Minister.
    Good that it shows he is an truly unreliable and incompetent [deleted] to lead Penang any longer. Thank God for the Revelation.
    His ‘Small Boy’ image is still there for us all to see, even on his way to Federal for good. Penangites don’t need such ball less leader who only relies on calling APAK (Federal gomen) for every critical decision for Penang’s future [deleted]
    Voting now has never been stronger in conviction. Vote Wisely, Penangites.

  24. smeagroo, I hope you are not a sour grape. What does your last sentence mean? Given the chance of KJ’s frienhship,you appear to want to grap it without second thought! Now! Now! After all these talks, we could be classified as green-eyed monstors, not much different from THEM!! Some time, we seem to go off tangent real fast. I thought this forum should be better used to get the message of the opposition across to those who have been sitting on the fence as well as the younger set who takes GE as something which can be put aside. Get working at it ,man!!

  25. Dear Readers.

    I refer to the comment with regards to the right to choose the Chief Minister of Penang. Actually, Gerakan President does not have the right to choose The Chief Minister of Penang. The person who has the right to choose is the Prime Minister.

    The same goes for other states ruled by Barisan National. The right to choose for example, Menteri Besar of Kedah is the exclusive preserve of the Prime Minister. The problem with our politicians is that they are fond to make statements when they actually have no authority to do so.

    As for Mr Sec, what is it with you actually. The post of Chief Minister of penang cant be sold by Gerakan as simply Gerakan does not own it. And do give some respect to UMNO although I realize people like you cant stand it simply for being a malay political party. If it had really wanted the post, it would have gotten it long time ago. It is a matter of choice.

    As for claimed that UMNO decides everything for non Malay political parties, well at least UMNO still respect the right of non malays. With due respects to MCA, MIC, Gerakan, many of them will be wiped out in election if not for UMNO votes. As one malay leader said it, ” habislah orang Melayu kalau DAP memerintah”.

  26. It is obvious Chia Kwang Chye will be the ultimate winner and Koh the ultimate loser in Gerakan in the coming general election. Chia will win because he is cunning, Koh will lose because he is a loser anyway. That’s the future of Gerakan. I suggest Keng Yaik better watch out for his own ass and stop criticizing the opposition parties.

  27. Dear Shamshul,

    relaz lah brother, eventually Penang CM will be lead by UMNO one, we all know MCA, Gerakan, MIC are useless, only know how to please UMNO the almighty only mah … don’t worry, ok ? they always give respect to the big brother one

    this is malaysia mah, everybody no need to work that hard lah, take it easy, find the easy way out, after all we one big happy family, must share all the good and bad thing, no point working that hard while the rest just sit there and do nothing, right ? or else, not fair what, 40% of the ppl working hard while 60% just take it ez. Some more the pie will never be distribute evenly to those non-believer.

    Ops, we must learn how to appreciate this country loh, or else we will be chased out from this country loh … haha

    i love Malaysia !

    Lim Kit Siang & Lim Guan Eng – Be cool and fight till the end !

  28. Dear Lat Gao,

    It is not the matter of respecting the big brother that really riles the Malays. It is the attitude of putting the blame on UMNO simply because of its alliance with Gerakan and MCA that upset Malays.

    And who said no need to work hard. Did I say that? Did any of Malay leaders ask Malays to relax? As far as I know, all Malay leaders whom I met always ask malays to work “as if they are going to live for 1000 years”. That itself was said by none other than Prophet Muhammad.

    And nobody is chasing you out . It is as simple as that. Give some credit as this is the only country that allows vernacular sachools and extensive fund them despite many Chinese politicians from DAP never tire to scare the Chinese on fate of Chinese Schools.

    And for DAP, well what can I say about “father and Son Co”. You know, how other seniors leaders “made way” for the Crown Prince.

  29. Hi, to all Malaysians celebrating Chinese New Year, Kongxi Fa Cai, may 2008 be year of change.

    So it’s confirmed a vote for Gerakan, MCA or MIC is a vote for UMNO!

    And according to Shamsul, ” MCA, MIC, Gerakan, many of them will be wiped out in election if not for UMNO votes.”

    You guys at MCA, MiC and Gerakan, get it? Fortunately I’m not a member of any of those BN component parties otherwise I really don’t know where to hide my face. It’s time you vote in DAP and PKR to form the next government, it can’t get any worse than now! Just flee your sinking ships!

  30. I don’t think the non-Malays have any issues with the ordinary Malays.

    It’s those spineless umno scumbags on crutches that we simply cannot tolerate, has the nerve to call themselves the ‘biGGGGG brother’ and living on handouts while ‘small’ bro contribute all the taxes? How come they still feel so proud of themselves?

  31. In the year 2006….

    Do Not Blame Dr Koh If Penang Malays Are Backward, Says Dr Lim

    PUTRAJAYA, Aug 30 (Bernama) — Gerakan president Datuk Seri Dr Lim Keng Yaik Tuesday said that his deputy and Penang Chief Minister Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon should not be blamed if there are groups of backward Malays in the state.

    He said this was because some Malays residing in Penang chose not to accept modernisation and progress despite fair development undertaken by the existing administration.

    “I can say that Malays in Penang have better living standards compared with those residing in other states,” he said.

    Based on his observations since being at helm of the party for 26 years, Dr Lim said there were Malays who chose to maintain their traditional rural lifestyle.

    “So do not blame (Dr Koh) Tsu Koon if there are Malays in Penang who are backwards,” he told a special press conference called to announce details about Gerakan’s general assembly this Saturday.

    Dr Lim said this when asked to comment on claims by some Umno division leaders in the state that Malays there were marginalised and sidelined by the state’s administration.

    Monday, Bukit Mertajam Umno division chief Senator Datuk Musa Sheikh Fadzir had even demanded Dr Koh to relinquish his position as Penang Water Supply Corporation chairman, alleging that there existed favouritism in the management of the corporation.


  32. “Actually, Gerakan President does not have the right to choose The Chief Minister of Penang. The person who has the right to choose is the Prime Minister.” Shamshul Anuar

    Inaccurate. The leader of the political party that wins the GE in that state by convention becomes the Chief Minister. In the case of a coalition of political parties, then it is by agreement among the leaders of the component parties in the coalition. If there is no agreement, then some arm twisting might do the trick.

  33. “As one malay leader said it, ” habislah orang Melayu kalau DAP memerintah”.” Shamshul Anuar

    Simple arithmetics tells us that if all the Chinese were to vote for DAP and all the Malays were to vote for UMNO, it is clear which would emerge victorious. Nobody and not even the DAP, expects to be able to form a government and runs this predominantly Malay and Muslim Malaysia without Malay participation.

    That’s a non-issue.

  34. “If it had really wanted the post, it would have gotten it long time ago. It is a matter of choice.” Shamsul Anuar

    What Choice? Running amok and start killing people? Soak Keris in Chinese blood?

  35. And for DAP, well what can I say about “father and Son Co”. You know, how other seniors leaders “made way” for the Crown Prince.

    What’s your problem Shamsul? What has ‘father & Son Co’ to do with UMNO(you)? If DAP members have not spoken a word, who are you to object? This ‘father & Son’ team must be a great threat and giving you guys at UMNO, sleepless nights!

    Btw who are those ‘Crown Princes’ you are referrring to? DAP don’t need ‘crown princes’, they train, create able successors and reserves, not any pitbulls!

  36. With due respects to MCA, MIC, Gerakan, many of them will be wiped out in election if not for UMNO votes. – Shamsul Anuar

    Confirms what we non-Malays have been saying all this while about these those dogs. Even the Malays themselves feel those dogs are useless and need to be supported by UMNO. So, the equation now is that the non-Malays support the Malays financially and the Malays have to support those dogs politically. Those dogs are sucking the non-Malays by hiding under the sarongs of UMNO. UMNO is only tolerating those dogs to give a semblance that UMNO too respect the non-Malays.

    If UMNO indeed respect the non-Malays, then it should ditch those dogs and compromise with parties that are supported by the non-Malays. Get it Shamsul – those dogs do not represent non-Malay interest and aspirations. So, don’t tell me that UMNO by supporting those dogs respect the rights of the non-Malays.

  37. As we all Malaysian, I would respect you all Malaysian whether you are BN or Opposition. Mr. Shamsul Anuar, if you believe “habislah orang Melayu kalau DAP yang memerintah” does it mean “habislah orang Melayu kalau PAP yang memerintah”.

    Singapore is a very good example we can follow as it near to us. Do you think the Malays in Singapore left out or treated unfair by their Government? If Singapore Government unfair to the Malays, I’m sure there will be a street demostration just like HINDRAF to express their feelings. And one thing Singapore Government didn’t divide the citizens as Malay, Chinese and Indian, they all recoznized as Singaporean.

    DAP is a victim of the mainstream media which potrayed it as anti-Malay party. DAP fight for non-Malay because of the Government discrimination policies which unfair to them. DAP also fight for Malay because of Government injustice happened to them like the young girl in Rahim Tamby Chik scandal, Anwar Ibrahim freedom, the recent victim doctor jailed for 3 months, ISA, Government demolished squatters in Kampung Rimba Jaya and many more. Do you see any UMNO, MCA, MIC, GERAKAN and many more components party defend them?

    Regarding the Chief Minister post, I think it is up to the Chief Minister decision because it is State affair and nothing to do with Federal Government. I would like to know which 3 candidate will Nik Aziz Nik Mat summit to the Prime Minister IF he wants to step down. Any answer?

  38. “Btw who are those ‘Crown Princes’ you are referrring to? DAP don’t need ‘crown princes’, they train, create able successors and reserves, not any pitbulls!” Jong

    Wow!! Calm down! Is it that time of the month?

  39. Just read this:-

    Disamping itu kedudukan di Pulau Pinang masih samar-samar kerana terdapat perbalahan serta perpecahan sebegitu teruk di antara pimpinan MCA dan Gerakan serta MIC yang masih berebut untuk menambahkan lagi kuota kerusi kepada mereka.

    This could explain why our MSM focuses on opposition parties being unable to settle the seat allocations. Its purely a diversionary tactic!

  40. The malays in my area sure are riled. They are upset with the deceit from umno. They have said, they will know who to vote for this time. umno is just a political party with its members out to get the most for themselves.

    They will vote for the “government”. umno is basically businessmen attending parliament and state assemblies.

  41. I wonder where all the taxes comes from that funds some and only some of the vernacular schools partially? …and where do the funds come from to pay for huge mosques and salaries of the muslim clergy and syariah court officials? hmm….ya lah got to be grateful that the non-muslims pay taxes!

  42. Hey guys, the front for free and fair elections is calling for volunteers to help monitor the coming elections. They are targetting 10 persons per polling station. Training will be provided. Any takers? For those in Ipoh area, reply by today by contacting Ipoh City Watch!

  43. One thing I must Credit with these lackeys especially KTK in Gerakan is that they are so sure that they will retain their number of seats or getting more from the coming GE by proposing their next CM. I wonder what will happen when they loose all their seats or retaining one or two?

  44. GERAKAN,Grrrrak! Grrrak …ke…..luar!!!
    Chicken KTK to hold a Cabinet Post??????????????????
    Minister of what? Could be Minister of TELEPHONE and CABLES?? What can he offered to the state?Hmmm……
    Whether u are in the State or Federal level, bear in mind, KTK is still a NOBODY in UMNO’s eye.

  45. It is a sad case that we Malaysians still playing racial politics after 50 years of independence. I sincerely believe DAP and KeAdilan are not representing Chinese and Malay respectively, the two parties are of multi-racial base which I believe Malaysian will vote.

    So, lets try out the partnership of DAP and KeAdilan in this coming GE to form state government in Penang. I am sure Melayu will not be ‘habislah’ if DAP and KeAdilan form the state government. It is pointless to submit 3 names to PM at this time, submit only when you win.

  46. HB Lim Says:

    …Those dogs are sucking the non-Malays by hiding under the sarongs of UMNO. UMNO is only tolerating those dogs to give a semblance that UMNO too respect the non-Malays.
    – those dogs do not represent non-Malay interest and aspirations. So, don’t tell me that UMNO by supporting those dogs respect the rights of the non-Malays.

    Spot on HB Lim. Those dogs DO NOT represent the interest of the non-Malays.

    KJ was saying during the UMNO GA that UMNO gave way to MCA to compete in areas where the majority of the population is Malays because they respect the rights of the non-Malays.

    If UMNO throws some crumbs to the floor, it doesn’t mean that it is respecting the rights of others..it is merely a reward for being such a subservient lapdog. PERIOD

  47. To many lawyers out there,
    Is it true that the PM has the prerogative to choose the MBs or CMs of each state? What did the state constitutions say with regard to appointment of MBs and CMs? If every damn thing is the prerogative of PM, we may as well dissolve everything and let him rule alone. What about Kelantan, can PM choose a MB from BN since it is his prerogative?

  48. Usually 2 common reasons why a job hopper move from one company to another.

    (1) He/She is looking for higher salary and better prospect.
    A hot labour market starting year 2007, many employees are looking for opportunity to earn fast money by switching from a company to another.

    (2) He/She is not performing.
    He/She cannot perform in the current company, and hoping to have more chance to perform (or to rot another company)

  49. I am asking lawyers who know. So by implications: 1. Don’t assume you are a lawyer although you can imagine you are a wannabe (it is free unless you have paid up your contribution to DAP fund); 2. IF you are a lawyer, you are a half bake one who does not know any damn thing other than belittling others; 3. Who is this “us” and “we” here? Another muddled thinking process again? I know you like me, but please don’t stalk me la, you are too putrid and smelly.

  50. No point of arguing who the next CM of Penang would belongs to.
    We all know that nowadays,things are totally different from the past. In the past, it’s the PM who decides everything.
    Now, it’s the Umno Youth who’re in power. Things are out of control now for Malaysia. Their mouth is bigger than us and that’s for sure!!!

  51. Tsu Koon has done the least among all the Penang CMs. The drain outside his office has dead rats and cats floating in it, and he has not done anything about it for years. Penang stinks literally (Darul Sampah) and is a dengue hotbed. Ask any good doctor in Penang.

  52. because UMNO is so strong! So, keep good BN chinese candidates, keep good opposition candidates, don’t hope for Keadilan to fight UMNO. If they win they become the next UMNO. Then you regret. The person who had the power to bring KEADILAN to the people never act when in power. NOW, ‘shout’ for Keadilan??? use your wisdom. DONT simply vote…VOTE for good quality Wakil no matter what party. He represent you. You vote for a donkey to represent you?
    Be realistic with wisdom. Vote for someone that can work for Us!
    If you vote blindly without looking at the quality of the candidate, the n you are Blind.

  53. Dear Dark Horse,

    I beg to differ on your statement. The right to choose the Penang Chief Minister or any Menteri Besar rests on Pengerusi BN( should BN wins the election).

    Actually, it is a non issue here. I was merely correcting the myth that says Gerakan has the authority on this matter. As for a statement on Kelantan, PM has no aurthority to appoint athe Menteri Besar as PAS rules the state.

    As for Majulah Malaysia, rest assured that I am not playing to racial gallery here. And I am not comparing DAP with PAP. And to the Malays, actually DAP is not “victim of maimstream media”. This is how Malay perceives DAP. On countless ocassions, DAP played to the racial gallery. Remember the relocation of a Chinese School several years ago. And how Malays could not forget Seputeh MP, Theresa without checking her facts created an issue out of nothing . Finally, she was proven wrong besides causing diplomatic protest by Beijing.

    Need I say more when Kua, a member of DAP, wrote a book , putting the blame on UMNO with regards to May 13 incidents. As for Malays in Singapore, well correct me if my memory fails me. Was not Pm of Singapore several years ago said that malays cant be put in strategic defence system as their loyalty was in doubt “should a war take place”?.

    If not blatant discrimination, I do not know what is this.

  54. Dear Laksy,

    Rest assured, I never imply that friendship with non Malays to be taken lightly. And I never deny contribution by any Malaysians, be he is a Malay, Chinese, Bidayuh or whatever race.

    I am just saying what a Malay feels when he sees ridiculous statement like “Khairy to decide on Penang CM”. Malicious, I believe.

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