Ku Li delivers, what has Umno to offer?

Free Malaysia Today
05 Nov 2010

GUA MUSANG: Gua Musang MP Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah believes that loyalty has no expiry date so long as the candidate does not go back on his promises.

This was reflected in Galas when Barisan Nasional (BN) wrested the state seat from PAS by a bigger majority of 1,190 votes, nearly double the majority PAS won in the 2008 general election.

Leading the charge was Razaleigh, fondly known as Ku Li, who is no alien to the voters in Galas, which comes under his Gua Musang parliamentary seat.

He has proven to the BN, particularly Umno, that the party need not spent money to win votes, need not promise the stars and the moon to convince the people, and need not show its power by implementing projects.

Razaleigh showed that the only way to win over the hearts and minds of the voters is by being loyal and sincere to the people.

When he became the BN election director, he crafted a strategy that paid off: no new buildings, no new schools or projects, no resurfacing roads and repairing bridges, no handing out of cash.

He also made sure that no ministers came to officiate at functions as their convoy of flashy and expensive cars would put people off.

It was a also gentlemanly campaign: both rivals avoided “hitting below the belt” such as character assassinations and making derogatory comments.

Charm offensive

Razaleigh proved that a battle could be won without making any fuss, or hurting each other’s feelings.

He charmed the people with his warm and friendly personality but, most importantly, he showed that he had never lost the trust of the people whom he had loyally served the past 40 years as an MP.

There had been some minor bumps on the Galas road when former assemblyman Mohd Soufi Deraman and Wanita chief Wan Huzani Mohd Nor created some stir with their plan to boycott the election. But Razaleigh decided to lie low as he went about from house to house to strengthen ties and renew old contacts.

Voters in this remote constituency have known Razaleigh since 1971 and have stayed faithful to him through his ups and downs.

Even when he formed Semangat 46, a splinter party of Umno, the voters did not abandon him.

Yet again they rallied around his banner when they voted out PAS yesterday. The Chinese, Indians and the Orang Alsi delivered the votes without seeking any funds or gifts.

Such was the pulling power of Ku Li that even PAS speakers did not go out of the way to run him down. And Umno must surely be sitting up and taking notice of this old warrior who still has the gumption and fire in his belly to take up the cudgels for Umno.

In short, BN’s victory in Galas is Ku Li’s victory.

The prince has delivered Galas to BN. Now what has Umno to offer him?

9 Replies to “Ku Li delivers, what has Umno to offer?”

  1. I very am glad that PAS lost to Sauron UMNO at Galas.

    Padan muka!

    The Fellowship of the Ring is breaking up because Anwar Ibrahim is no Frodo. He is not Aragorn either. Many Pakatan Rakyat leaders are behaving more and more like Orcs.

    Pakatan Rakyat leaders should stop busying themselves with what UMNO’s Orcs are doing and start to work for the Rakyat!

  2. Not won bcos of TRH, but bcos voters fed up with PR, esp PKR – just look at the ongoing party election, no civility among candidates (who r supposed 2 b members of d same party) competing 4 a party post
    Imagine what will happen 2 d losers n winners after d party election – continue 2 slaughter each other, where got time lah 4 rakyat
    Eventually losers jump 2 BN, winners also jump 2 BN, reaping big fat $$$ in d process

  3. If Malaysia flounders. If its Judiciary goes down the drain. If the police become a law unto themselves. If corruption escalates. If FDI shuns this country. If this nation goes bankrupt…. DON’T BLAME BN.

    Blame those idiots who voted for BN for a handful of bills. Those who pawned their conscience and dignity.

    The Chinese and Indians who voted for BN in Batu Sapi and Galas, blame yourselves. Accept as a fact that you are pendatangs who have to be grateful to UMNO for your citizenship.

    Go on, vote for BN and be damned.

  4. Let’s call a spade a spade.

    I think Ku Li has been taken for a ride by UMNO.

    Soon it will be clear that purity cannot issue from brackish water (UMNO).

    Guess who will be the sucker?

  5. I am beginning to wonder if PKR is not another offshoot of UMNO with all d hullabaloo of recent days?

    Is there any hope for a new dawn in PKR?

    Or is it going to be the same old, same old, UMNO garbage?

  6. Ku Li delivers, what has Umno to offer?

    Offer what lah,Ku li old enough to expect much as umno itself is thinking more or less the same as Ku LI.Umno is going to hold KU Li’s nose like the bull to be the force to keep on moving like a gravvy train.Another one smart move(tactic) from umno.

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