Lim Kit Siang

Celebrity Dialog: Legal Matters in the 21st Century

Kanye West

Hey Kim, have you ever wondered about the legal status of mace in New York? I remember you mentioned feeling unsafe in certain situations.

Kim Kardashian

Actually, I did some research on it. According to legal instruments, mace is considered a self-defense tool and its use is regulated under various legal definitions in different states.

Kanye West

That’s interesting. I’ve been thinking about our assets and was wondering if you’ve seen the latest shareholders agreement template for Ireland. It might be useful for our business ventures.

Kim Kardashian

Yes, I took a look at it. It’s important to have a clear legal counsel for our employees and partners to ensure everyone’s rights are protected.

Kanye West

By the way, do you know if break rooms are legally required in all businesses? It’s important to stay compliant with employment laws.

Kim Kardashian

Yes, they are in some states. It’s crucial to stay informed about credit ratings and other legal aspects that can impact our business operations.