Najib has achieved what all the five previous Prime Ministers have failed to do in getting Malaysia into the world’s top 20 nations – joining the club of global kleptocracy in short span of 5-6 years!

It should be a great start for the launching of the National Transformation 2050 (TN50) journey with the first town hall dialogue of the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak with 500 youths at the Tunku Chancellor in University of Malaya and telecast live to the nation.

But anybody following the TN50 launch-off live from their homes and offices would have realized that there is something missing in the air of the Prime Minister’s dialogue – detracting from the event’s authenticity, bona fides and relevance.

What was wrong and missing about the TN dialogue was brought to the fore when the Prime Minister in his ending remarks called on the youths to ensure that Malaysia get into the world’s top 20 nations.

But Najib had achieved what all the five previous Prime Ministers – Tunku Abdul Rahman, Tun Razak, Tun Hussein, Tun Mahathir and Tun Abdullah – have failed to do in getting Malaysia into the world’s top 20 nations. Joining the club of global kleptocracy in a short span of five to six years!

Not a single one of the selected 500 youth attendees dare to advert to this “phenomenal” national achievement – to shoot into the world’s top 20 nations if not “top 10” or even “top five” in global kleptocracy – and there was not a single question about accountability, integrity and good governance, whether about “tigers” in China and “crocodiles” in Indonesia being brought to justice while “ikan yus” swimming at large and freely in the South China Sea, not to mention the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocratic money-laundering scandal which is creating international waves and headlines almost every other day!

The artificial quality of the TN 50 launch-off became even more evident when it is reported that the Prime Minister studiously avoided the group of student activists led by Kesatuan Mahasaswa Malaysia chairperson Anis Syafiqah Md Yusof who wanted to deliver a personal message to him, but who were left holding up their protest placards as the Prime Minister’s official entourage of a fleet of cars left the Universiti Malaya campus.

What an ignominous instead of a glorious launch-off for the TN 50 journey – with the message that it is not an inclusive journey for all Malaysians, regardless of race, religion, region, politics, gender or age but only for a selected and captive audience!


3 Replies to “Najib has achieved what all the five previous Prime Ministers have failed to do in getting Malaysia into the world’s top 20 nations – joining the club of global kleptocracy in short span of 5-6 years!”

  1. Najib says he is not just interested in the next GE but preparing the next generation. But all he does is a series of govt programmes that is just ased Mahathirism 2.0.

    You do not change a generation by spending on large projects and mouthing consultant buzzwords. You change it with ideas, with principles that liberates people, their minds and energy. How is he doing it by feudal warlording and over spending on unprofitable projects? Can someone who messed up royally stealing billions of people’s money and selling out assets and projects to fix this own trouble know even competency much less “transformation”

    The real scary thing is Najib probably believes he is “transforming’ the next generation when he is in reality incompetent at it.

  2. The simple questions really is Can someone who messed up stealing billions and indulge his family and himself in excess luxuries knows what ” transformation” is?

    Can someone who recklessly show us down the path he does not believe in, the path of Hadi’s PAS, to stay in power, fix his mess and indulge his family excesses, even gave the right and mental capability to talk of “transformation”?

    Najib has changed nothing in his time as PM in reality. The continuous fall in current account, net trade and the exchange rate is condemning absolute proof.

    His fear mongering of DAP is many times worst than Mahathir extrapolation of Chinese investments. Hence only conclusions is Najib and UMNO is DISPOSABLE and should be because they are thieves and abuser of power and destroyer institutions and founding principles of the country.

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