Lim Kit Siang

Final tranche of questions for Salleh after the Communications and Multimedia Minister admitted he is unable to answer the 35 questions directed at him

This is the final tranche of five questions for the Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak as he had admitted he is unable to answer the 35 questions directed at him in the past seven days.

This means however that Salleh is unable to reinstate his right to ask questions and to demand answers from others – having doubly forfeited such right when firstly, as Minister responsible for the portfolio of information, he failed to answer numerous questions about government scandals and failings; and secondly, failing to acquit himself when given a second chance to redeem himself when I put 35 questions to him.

Out of the 34 questions I have put to Salleh, 14 were about the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocratic money-laundering scandal and Malaysia’s international infamy and ignominy of having ascended to the exclusive club of “global kleptocracy”; three questions about Malaysia’s second international infamy and ignominy for being excluded from the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2015, regarded as the world’s school report, for data and sample bungling; four questions on the perfidy in UMNO and Barisan Nasional over Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act (Act 355); three questions about the abuses of power and repression against critics and the civil society and seven questions about UMNO’s exploitation of the extremist politics of race, religion, “Big Lies” and hatred to hang on to power in the forthcoming 14th General Election.

It speaks volumes that Salleh is unable to answer any of these important national questions.

I do not expect Salleh will be able to answer my final tranche of five questions which sum up my cross-examination of the Communications and Multimedia Ministker in the past week. The final tranche is as follows:

Question 36:

On this Christmas Day, the Sabah Council of Churches prayed for truth to prevail in Malaysia, referring specifically to the international multi-billion dollar 1MDB kleptocratic money-laundering scandal.

Will Salleh raise the Sabah Council of Churches prayer , the 1MDB and “global kleptocracy” issues at the last Cabinet meeting of the year on Wednesday, 28th December 2016 as the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s promise in his 2016 New Year Message that the 1MDB scandal had been resolved and was no more an issue had not been met. In actual fact, the 1MDB scandal is an even bigger international scandal today than 12 months ago.

Question 37:

The Sabah Council of Churches also prayed for truth to prevail on Hadi’s RUU 355 private member’s bill.

Will Salleh ask the Cabinet at its last meeting of the year on Wednesday to clarify without equivocation that if there is no Barisan Nasional consensus to support Hadi’s private member’s bill motion in the March meeting of Parliament, the Barisan Nasional Federal government will not take over the Hadi’s private member’s bill at any stage of the parliamentary process?

Question 38:

Will Salleh ask for the resignation of the Education Minister, Datuk Mahdzir Khalid for his inability to purge Malaysia’s international shame and infamy at being excluded from the PISA 2015 rankings for mathematic, science and reading for Malaysian students?

Question 39:

Whether Salleh would agree that it is precisely because the Prime Minister and the Cabinet Ministers had deviated from the five principles and objectives of Rukunegara that the country is now facing an unprecedented political, economic and nation-building confidence crisis, as the 1MDB and PISA scandals and the unprecedented plunge of the Malaysian ringgit would not have occurred if the government leadership had been faithful to the five principles and objectives of Rukunegara.

Question 40:

Whether Salleh would propose in the Cabinet that there should be an end to all the abuses of power leading to repressive and undemocratic actions against government critics and the civil society, such as selective police investigation and selective prosecution by the Attorney-General’s Chambers?