Lim Kit Siang

Second tranche of five questions for Salleh to answer before he can restore his right to demand answers from others

Yesterday, I said that the Minister for Communications and Multimedia, Datuk Seri Salleh Said Keruak has lost the right to ask questions and demand answers from others, when he as Minister which incorporated the Ministry of Information of the past, had failed to answer numerous questions about government scandals and failings.

I put to him the first tranche of five questions for him to answer to perform his Ministerial duty before he could start asking questions and demanding answers from others.

Today, I am putting forward to him the second tranche of five questions to answer in the process to restore his right to demand answers from others.

My second tranche of five questions are:

Question 6 –

In early October, the country was convulsed by reports of the rampant corruption in the Sabah Water Department, especially the revelation that 60 per cent of the RM3.3 billion earmarked by the federal government to improve water supply to residents, including those in remote areas in the Sabah State, had been “siphoned off” by corruption.

Would Salleh agree that the 60% corruption at the Sabah Water Department, for which no one has yet been charged in court for corruption, is proof that Malaysia is not serious about combating corruption, even less so with regard to grand corruption affecting top political and government leaders.

Can Salleh explain why China is catching “tigers” and Indonesia “crocodiles”, but Malaysia has not been able to catch a single “shark” at the national level in the war against grand corruption?

Question 7:

Former finance minister Tun Daim Zainuddin has called for a key planning unit, the Special Economic Committee, set up by the Prime Minister in August last year, to be replaced, saying it has failed.

Daim had suggested instead setting up an economy management squad to replace the Special Economics Committee, tasked to do immediate and medium-term planning to strengthen the country’s economic fundamentals, which should comprise professionals with high technical skills, efficient and dare to speak the truth, and enjoy the trust of the rakyat and investors.

Daim said, as of now, the level of confidence among the people towards the government was at an all-time low and that without their confidence and support, solving national issues would be difficult.

Daim referred to the 2016 Edelman Trust Barometer research findings which showed that the Malaysian general public’s trust towards the government was only at 39%, while for the educated public it was at 34%.

Daim said this “deficit” in trust stemmed from the lack of integrity and moral bravery among the leaders and elite, which escalated after the people felt that immediate action had not been taken against those involved in corruption and bribery.

Does Salleh agree, and if not, why not.

Question 8:

Does Salleh agree that the police and the Attorney-General should stop selective prosecution and discriminatory law enforcement?

The latest example is the persecution of cartoonist Zunar – whose real name is Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque – who had faced repeated arrests throughout this career over his cartoons that are critical of the government.

He is also facing nine charges under the Sedition Act 1948 since last year.

What type of a society the UMNO/BN government is building in Malaysia when, as said by prominent cartoonist Ujang, whose real name is Ibrahim Anon and known for his work in the popular cartoon magazine Gila-Gila and Ujang, cartoonists are regarded as more dangerous than robbers?

Would Salleh support the recent call by NGOs and the civil society that the government should stop its campaign “to discredit and demonise human rights activists and civil society organisations who have voiced criticisms and dissent against the government”, which had resulted in the arrest of Bersih Chairperson Maria Chin Abdullah under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012, the summoning of activists from Suaram, Lawyers for Liberty and Empower for investigations, the police raid and seizure of the offices of Bersih and Empower and the numerous news reports making allegations against various organisations in respect of the foreign funding, including the Malaysian Bar Council?

Recently, DAP MP for Segambut Lim Lip Eng against the son of former Inspector-General of Police, Abdul Rahman Mohd Hanif Omar for lodging false police reports in making baseless allegations that foreign funds were distributed to the fictitious “Red Bean Army” (RBA), purportedly controlled by DAP, but no police action had been taken!

Does Salleh agree that there had been too many cases of selective prosecution and selective police investigation which is a further cause of loss of confidence in the present government to uphold the rule of law impartially and professionally?

Question 9:

Does Salleh agree that based on the statements yesterday by two UMNO leaders, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department, Datuk Jamil Khir Bahrom and Deputy Minister for International Trade and Industry, there is a political conspiracy between UMNO and PAS not only against the various State Governments but also against the other 13 component parties in the Barisan Nasional to support PAS President, Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang’s private member’s bill to amend the Syariah Courts (Criminal Jurisdiction) Act (Act 355), and to explain the reason for such UMNO betrayal of the fundamental consensus principle with the other 13 Barisan Nasional component parties.

Question 10:

Does Salleh agree that the refusal of the Transport Minister, Datuk Liow Tiong Lai to support immediate expansion plans for Penang International Airport although it is bursting at its seams having reached 6.5 million air passenger traffic capacity in 2016 instead of in 2020, smacks of irresponsible Ministerial abuse of power to wreak petty vengeance against the DAP-led Penang State Government for MCA’s dismal “7/11” performance in the 13GE, and that the Cabinet should immediately allocate a supplementary vote for expansion of PIA to cater for 10 million passengers?