Reminder to UMNO leaders and strategists that they have yet to accuse the DAP as being funded and directed by the Jews in their baseless onslaught on DAP during the three phases before, during and after UMNO General Assembly

UMNO leaders and strategists have launched a major publicity onslaught on the DAP in the three phases before, during and after the UMNO General Assembly last weekend, an offensive ala-Nazi “Big Lie” propaganda which is not only baseless, but downright vicious, vindictive and vengeful, lies such as:

1. That the 14th General Elections will be a contest between UMNO and DAP;

2. That the DAP is anti-Malay or anti-Islam.

3. The “nightmares” Malay will suffer if UMNO loses power in the next general elections.

But the UMNO “Big Lie” propaganda offensive against DAP is grounded on lies, as evident from the fact that the Prime Minister and UMNO President, Datuk Seri Najib Razak could not find a single instance in my 51 years in politics to show that I am anti-Malay and anti-Islam.

Imagine! 51 years in politics is equivalent to 612 months, 2,652 week, 18,615 days and the very “productive” UMNO leaders and strategists could not unearth a single instance to prove that I am anti-Malay and anti-Islam and yet they continue with their lies and canard that I am anti-Malay and anti-Islam!

As a perfectionist, I hate to see the UMNO propaganda offensive against DAP being run in so sloppy and sub-standard a manner, failing to use all the ammunition that they could muster against the DAP – although they are lies and falsehoods.

For instance, since the launch of the UMNO propaganda offensive against DAP starting with the ferocious but groundless attack by the Johore Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mohd Khaled Nordin against the DAP in the Johor State Assembly for more than a week, UMNO leaders and propagandists have yet to use one Big Lie against the DAP – that the DAP is funded and directed by Jews!

When will the UMNO leaders and strategists unleash this Jewish missile against the DAP in their vicious but baseless attacks on the DAP?

One of the UMNO leaders and strategists enlisted for the UMNO propangada offensive against the DAP is undoubtedly UMNO Supreme Council member and former Education deputy minister, Datuk Puad Zarkarshi, who showed his hand today when he criticized former Prime Minister, Tun Mahathir Mohamad’s praise for DAP saying that DAP’s using of Bahasa Malaysia in party song and convention speeches did not ensure it would protect Malays.

Lest it be forgotten, after being defeated in the Batu Pahat parliamentary constituency in the 2013 General Election, Puad operated as a roaming Samurai until he was appointed director-general of the Department of Special Affairs (JASA) in the Ministry of Communication and Multimedia – an unabashed propaganda arm of UMNO in the bowels of the government!

One of Puad’s assignments is to mislead Malaysians about the 1MDB global money-laundering scandal which has brought international ignominy and infamy for Malaysia as being regarded world-wide as a “global kleptocracy” – such as organizing so-called “veracity tours” to tell lies to Malaysian students overseas about Najib’s RM2.6 billion “donation” scandal.

Puad should explain whether he is responsible for the 20-page glossy, coloured, expensive but anonymous booklet entitled “1MDB PASCA LAPORAN AUDIT NEGARA DAN PAC – SAMAN DOJ MERAGUKAN” – with 19 Q & A on the largest kleptocratic lawsuit in the United States and the world on the international conspiracy over the multi-billion dollar 1MDB money-laundering scandal.

If so, Puad should state how much the booklet project cost, whether it came from public funds, and explain why he or the government dare not assume responsibility for the 1MDB booklet and had to distribute it at the UMNO General Assembly as if it is a shitty underground document that cannot stand the scrutiny of light?

Can Puad explain why the 1MDB scandal, which has stamped Malaysia as a “global kleptocracy”, was not raised and explained at the UMNO General Assembly, but was allowed to be the “elephant in the room” throughout the five days of UMNO, UMNO Youth, UMNO Wanita, UMNO Puteri Assemblies causing the Prime Minister and UMNO to lose all political credibility and moral authority?

Last week, world-wide reverberations of the 1MDB kleptocracy continued apace, with Singapore’s central bank imposing penalties on the local units of U.K.-based Standard Chartered (STAN.L) and private bank Coutts for money-laundering breaches related to Malaysia’s scandal-tainted 1MDB fund.

The penalties – of S$5.2 million ($3.65 million) and S$2.4 million, respectively – were the latest punitive measures taken by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) in its crackdown on 1MDB money-laundering, having ordered the closure earlier this year of the local units of Swiss banks BSI and Falcon.

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is also in the process of issuing a prohibition order against Tim Leissner, Goldman Sachs’ former Southeast Asia chairman because of the 1MDB scandal.

1MDB is the subject of money-laundering investigations in at least six countries, including Switzerland, Singapore and the United States.

The Wall Street Journal also reported that two of the five “relevant individuals” named in the US Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuits as key players in the 1MDB global money-laundering scandal, Khadem Abdulla Al Qubaisi, managing director of Abu Dhabi government wholly-owned International Petroleum Investment Company (IPIC) 2007-2015 and Chairman of IPIC subsidiary, Aabar Investments PJS (Aabar) 2012-2013 and Mohamed Ahmed Badawy Al-Husseiny (CEO of Aabar 2010-2015) are now sitting in Abu Dhabi jail under investigation for money-laundering, corruption and other possible offences.

The other three of the five “relevant individuals” named in the US lawsuits, Jho Low, Riza Shahriz Abdul Aziz (Najib’s stepson) and Eric Tan Kim Loong are more fortunate than Al-Qubaisi and Al-Husseiny, as the Malaysian authorities do not seem to be looking for them and allow them to be international fugitives.

The anonymous 1MDB booklet circulated at the UMNO General Assembly cast doubt that the person identified as “MALAYSIAN OFFICIAL 1” (MO1) mentioned 36 times in the DOJ lawsuits was the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Razak – although the Barisan Nasional Strategic Communications Director Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan had admitted in a BBC interview that MOI is none other than Najib.

Is the UMNO/Barisan Nasional Government back-tracking from Abdul Rahman’s admission that MOI is Najib?
It would be more useful and productive for Puad to clarify this question than to be an operative in the vicious but baseless UMNO propaganda offensive against the DAP.


3 Replies to “Reminder to UMNO leaders and strategists that they have yet to accuse the DAP as being funded and directed by the Jews in their baseless onslaught on DAP during the three phases before, during and after UMNO General Assembly”

  1. In Indonesia, hundreds of thousands came out to support a Chinese Indonesian from a lie and persecution by Islam abusing politician – the kind of nationhood, OUR FOUNDING FATHERS, started here which we had.

    Instead what we have is Islam politic abusing politicians who actually BELIEVE AND PERPETUATE THE LIE. We even have a Sabah politician, traditional anti-PAS state, advocating merger of UMNO-PAS. How far the prodigal sons have fallen.

    Tourism Minister Mohd Nazri is wrong, UMNO has turned fighting for Malay rights to mean being RACIST and UMNO enemy of DAP IS enemy of Chinese too..

  2. It is all about finding a scapegoat for one’s despicable and dishonorable deeds and actions; and it was Soros and the DAP.

    It is bad and despicable enough when You steal; it is evil when You forment hate.

    Be aware the accounting is not done yet.

    You will have to answer one way or another.

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